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What does the flagship smartphone mean. What does the word flagman actually mean? For a long time not obsolete

In the model range of any manufacturer, a special place belongs to flagships - devices combining all the best that one or another company can offer. We made for you a selection of top flagships at the beginning of 2018, in which the coolest and uncompromising smartphones on the market will be presented.

New Flags 2018

SAMSUNG - Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus

Little release has recently done so much noise as Galaxy S8 from Koreans from Samsung. This flagship was waiting for everything, as the public understood that the company would need to submit something non-standard and 100% successful to rehabilitate for failure with Note 7. And the expectations were justified.

S8 came out in two versions - standard and plus, they differ in the screen diagonal: 5.8 and 6.2 inches, respectively, as well as the volume of the battery. And it is that the screen is the main trump card of the smartphone, the "endless" Superamoled display with a resolution of Quad HD + takes almost the entire front part of the S8, and it looks very cool.

Other characteristics are not supplied: on board S8 there is an Exynos 8895 top processor, 64/4 GB of memory with support for cards up to 256 GB, Cameras on 12/8 (F / 1.7) MP and AKB on 3000/3500 mAh (depending on Modifications). By the totality of the qualities of S8, surpasses any other flagship on the market - this smartphone is really the best that you can now buy.

Samsung - Galaxy S8

LG G6.

LG G6 is made in the same concept as S8, outwardly, these smartphones are even a bit similar. The LG flagship was presented earlier, it was he who became the first device on the market with a display ratio of 18: 9.

Surely each of us, studying information about this or that mobile phone, I met the phrase "smartphone flagship". Lenovo K900, Apple iPhone. 6s and many other models are often called these terms. At the same time, ordinary users do not always understand what is different mobile phone From others what they should be expected by acquiring categories.

In this article we will tell, and analyze what it differs from simple devices. We also give examples of phones that can be definitely called "flagships", and explain why.

The concept of "flagship"

The term itself, who is devoted to the article, occurred from the phrase "Flagship Ship". So characterize one of the vessels that the command is carried out.

By analogy, this term transferred to the mobile market may relate to one - the most prestigious, productive, dear device. Thus, the developer company claims: "This phone is the flagship. It is more powerful, fast and convenient than everyone else. " Buyers, turn, can focus on such a model and make their choice either in favor of it, or the other, cheaper apparatus.

An overview of smartphones shows that the flagship is usually produced in the form of a unique technological solution and appears in the image of a novelty. Due to this, artificial demand is created on this device. Tools for promoting such a phone include a massive advertising campaign. How to find out what is a smartphone flagship in each specific line of devices, read further.

Criteria for evaluation

In fact, with the criteria for the search for the flagship model, everything is quite simple. Most often the price exhibited by the manufacturer can serve as a hint. After all, it is logical that the most advanced and powerful phone There will also be the most expensive.

In addition to the price, attention must be paid to the technical parameters. This concept includes indicators such as processor device performance, volume random access memory, the number of nuclei and their type), its term of work (this affects the battery capacity), operating system and a number of other options. All this is indicated in the description for each phone - and for these indicators you can confidently identify the best flagships Smartphones.

You can guess which model is flagship, and by the date of its release and presentation of the device. Of course, the most advanced, powerful and expensive phones are always new. The flagships of smartphones are constantly updated in order to diversify the range and, in addition, to stimulate additional sales. For example, it is not necessary to go far - look at Apple, which releases every six months on a new model, creating a real extension.

Who is cooler?

In fact, to compare the flagships of smartphones and say which one is steeper, difficult. But the thing is that almost any advanced phone is equipped with the highest-tech filling - a new processor, a colorful display, a strong battery and an advanced wear-resistant case. Due to this, each such device is the "best." Therefore, the difference between those of them, which is produced in one period of time (let's say, in the interval of 1-2 months) lies solely in the company that has developed it, and in its vision of the "ideal smartphone". In all other remaining almost all flagships are the same.


True, there is another point of view regarding this issue. Some market analysts mobile devices They argue that the very concept of which we speak the article does not exist. They explain what is a smartphone flagship, the fact that this is a marketing solution to "promote" one specific model in all sorts of ways. In fact, the phone is taken with strong characteristics and high-quality (according to developers) design and begins to actively advertise. For this, of course, it is called "flagship" to show: It is the best that the user can get.

If you look at this category of phones from this point of view, then really a review of flagships - smartphones, positioned as "the coolest" from its manufacturer.


In order for the user to understand more about the flagships, within the framework of the article we will spend short review Some are the most famous models. All of them are widely advertised in the media and various reviews, and some are not the first year earlier. Thus, the overview of the smartphones of this category will give us the opportunity to compare them and, perhaps, even choose the best.

Apple iPhone 6s.

Of course, let's start with the world famous iPhone. It is believed that this phone is the best in the world in all nominations, and it is an embodiment of just the most advanced technologies available to humanity.

But it is not. The device is definitely good, but he is "just a telephone." The device works on the A9 processor consisting of two cores. Despite their small number (as it may seem to users of Android gadgets), the phone shows simply miracles of performance. In addition to speed, it also makes it possible to enjoy the impeccable design (smooth forms, matte metal, graphic design iOS 9) and useful options like unlocking the screen using the Touch ID.

What's here to describe - iPhone is the most popular device, despite its high cost in relation to other phones. Obviously, no accident.

Sony Xperia Z3 + DS

Not only Apple has its cool phones. Here, for example, Sony. The flagship of smartphones in its ruler is Xperia Z3 + DS. Although the device is built on Android and does not have a logo- "apple" on back cover, its value is a little less than that of the iPhone. Ask why so?

Well, we will not speak about the design for a long time - and so it is clear that the device is represented in a beautiful, framed case of metal, which is pleasant to keep in hand. In addition, there is a powerful eight year processor (every 4 cores have a clock frequency of 1.5 GHz and 2 GHz). To hang, slow down or bug this device will definitely won't be sure!

Further, you can mention the complete waterproofing of the case - dropping your Sony in a puddle, you should not panic. Also here is a powerful 20 megapixel camera and a colorful Triluminos Display to view photos in the best quality.

Again, since this is the flagship, the price of it reaches 800 dollars.

LG G4.

Another interesting Android model was developed by LG. It is sold at the same price as the previous phone, and costs about 800 dollars. At the same time, the phone has its advantages, the most obvious of which is design. It can be seen that the developers tried well on creating a "phone successful" concept. In particular, the leather insertion on the rear panel looks interesting, and even feel pleasant to the touch.

In addition to it, you can specify a high-quality screen with a display with a density of 543 pixels per inch. This is a lot - the image quality on the device corresponds to the quality of the picture on the leaflets that you are distributed near the subway.

Model performance also at the level - 6 nuclei with a clock frequency of 1.6 GHz allow you not to worry about system requirementsBefore run another colorful game.

Even if you believe customer reviews, the phone has excellent body assembly, a high-performance chamber with a resolution of 16 megapixels and a laser autofocus function. Do not doubt that the gadget makes the best pictures that can only be submitted on the device of this class. Look at LG G4 - and you will understand


Of course, there is a flagship device and the Korean corporation "Samsung". We are talking about a presentation model which was held shortly before writing the article. What noteworthy B. phones samsung - So this is the positioning of each of the presented versions of the devices as the "best" in a particular class. For example, A7 is the best current in the category "Budget flagship-smartphones" (since it is only about 400 dollars).

There is also Galaxy S6 (he has already mentioned us at the very beginning of the article). This device will cost almost $ 1100, since it is even better than the same iPhone 6S. For example, a super amoled display is installed here with a 5.1-inch size with a high-quality picture, whose pixel density is 577 ppi.

Here is the heavy duty eight-core processor (4 kernels with a clock frequency of 1.5 GHz and 2.1 GHz). In addition, the developers paid special attention to the design of the device, materials from which the phone is made.

Finally, another flagship device from Koreans - SAMSUNG NOTE EDGE. It also has strong characteristics, but is represented in another class of gadgets - with a display of 5.6 inches (as well as A7, but more expensive).

In fact, the Korean giant tries to take all the niches at once, presenting phones in different classes. We can judge this at least by the number of devices manufactured by the company on a regular basis. Samsung has several dozen models that are constantly updated and replaced by other, more new. There is a constant rotation in which the flagships can be noticed.

Lenovo P90.

Not all "top" devices are offered at the highest possible price. There are, for example, the Chinese flagship of smartphones, which released Lenovo. This is the P90 model, at a price of $ 400. The device is equipped powerful cameras (13 and 5 megapixels), a quad-core processor from Intel, a colorful display operating on Full HD technology.

Together with the battery, the capacity of which is 4000 mAh, the phone offers the user exactly the set that is necessary to perform basic tasks. Both the functionality and the speed of the model makes it an indispensable assistant in any situation.

HTC One M9.

HTC also introduced its flagship recently - this is the one M9 model. It will cost the buyer more expensive than the phone presented earlier - $ 900. But the device has an even more powerful "heart" (4 kernels with a clock frequency of 2 GHz, and 4 with 1.5 GHz), a high-quality 20 megapixel camera, a memory card connector, a battery capacity of 2840 mAh. These technical parameters make the device very convenient and "cheer" in everyday use.

As for additional options, they can be attractive to them. metal housing (built according to the "Lial" principle), on the lens of the chamber, a magnetic sensor and another.

However, as for this flagship, there are not the most flattering reviews about it. There is a lot of comments that the device is heated, or that it is crookedly pasted glass lens. Of course, such defects should not be on best device model range.

Huawei Ascend Mate7.

There is a flagship and another Chinese manufacturer - Huawei. The company is engaged in the release of the Ascend Mate7 - business smartphone at a price of 550-600 dollars. The device, as well as those described above, is offered with an 8-nuclear processor capable of switching between nuclei during task execution. This ensures maximum speed.

As for additional options, it is available here, for example, the ability to remove the screen lock using a touch to the rear cover of the machine. The thing is that it has a special sensor that is installed correctly to read the data on the fingerprint of the user. A decent answer to the sensor on the Home button (like iPhone and Samsung).


In the article, we described some of the most common top-end models of devices presented in the market. As you can see, all of them have an advanced technical filling presented in the form powerful processor, high-quality cameras and displays, cutter battery. Also, that is characteristic, in the "flagships" make a bet for additional options. For example, it is a design of the device, its ergonomics, an interface, some functions that make everyday operations that we carry out with a smartphone is easier and more affordable.

In fact, from the usual device flagship differs only by the set of these most "additions" and, of course, the level of execution. If you need a phone for some more mundane purposes - communication and banal surfing on the network, then the "top" model is not necessary. And, on the contrary, if you want to get the best instance of those that are present in the manufacturer's lineup to work with the most productive and stylish device, take the "flagship" - you will not regret.

Flagship, flagship, husband. [Holland. vlagman] (military. Ma.). 1. Head of the squadron, commander of the squadron. The flagship raises its flag on the ship on which there is a constant location. 2. Seventh (Flagship 2 rank) and eighth (flagship 1 rank) ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

- (Gall. Vlagman, from him. Flagge flag, and mann husband). The head of the squadron or fleet, raising its flag on the vessel where it is located. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Flagship Gall. vlagman, from him. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

- (Admiral) The face of the highest boss, commander of the compound (brigade, squadron) of warships. The ship on which has the stay of F., raises the flag on the installed mast the flag and is called the flagship ... ...

Flagship - (Omsk, Russia) Hotel category: 3 star hotel Address: Frunze Street 80/18, Omsk, Russia ... Hotel catalog

Flagship - (Samara, Russia) Hotel category: 3 star hotel Address: Turgenev Alley 7, Samara, Russia ... Hotel catalog

flagship - Commander of the military ships (division, squadron). Abbreviated name of the flagship ship. The military rank of persons of the Supreme Command Makeup of the USSR Navy in 1935 1940. Before the introduction of the Admiral titles (flagship of the fleet of the 1st and 2nd rank, ... ... Marine Biographical Dictionary

- (Gall. vlagman) ..1) Commander of the fleet or commander of the junction of ships (squadrons, divisions) 2)] Abbreviated name of the flagship ship3) Military rank of persons of the highest superior composition in the USSR Navy in 1935 40 (flagship of the 1st and 2nd rank) before… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Flagship, a, husband. 1. Commander of a large compound of warships, squadron. 2. A large warship, on the rum is such a commander. 3. The largest or better ship of the fleet of this area, special flotilla, this type of courts. F ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Pitual, drummer, front, Stakhanovets, Lighthouse, Commander of Russian Synonyms. The flagship is Sushch., Number of synonyms: 10 Vodka (162) ... Synonym dictionary

flagship - flagship, a, m. Iron. About what l. institution in which a person works or learns; Often about university. Do you want? No, I fitted in the flagship ... Dictionary of Russian Argo

- (Flag Carrier) Enterprise, considered as a symbol of national security and / or national prestige. Often the government of countries are convinced that flagships, such as national airlines, should be maintained regardless of ... ... Economic Dictionary


  • Flagship in exile, David Weber. Captain Victoria Harrington, devoid of the ship and actually expelled from the Manticari, is forced to engage in politics on the remote planet Grayson. An innate sense of duty makes her ...
  • Flagship of the Russian Industry, I. F. Galiguzov, M. E. Churilin. Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant is one of the largest enterprises of the domestic industry. The construction of the plant began in January 1929, and in February 1932 he went first ...

Most smartphone manufacturers highlight the top devices in the product line, which are subject to hopes. Such devices are customary to refer to the flagships. The flagship is a smartphone that is distinguished by advanced functionality and exceeds other manufacturer models by equipping. The term moved from the sea fleet, where the flagship is called the most powerful vessel in the squadron, on board whose command is located.

The flagship is not necessarily combines all the best of the mobile world. If the manufacturer is engaged in the release of budget tubes (as many Chinese companies), the flagship may correspond to the middle class. This state of affairs can be observed, for example, in Philips or Fly. Their tops can compete with Samsung or LG "samsung or lg. However, these are full flagships on the background of the most massive inexpensive smartphones For 100-300 dollars.

In their advanced smartphones, manufacturers seek to embody all the achievements and new technologies ready for practical use. If the company has its own powerful research base, then the latest developments are going to move. Firms that use components from third-party developers do not have access to them. In this case, use the best details in free access. Processor suppliers are companies such as Qualcomm or MediaTek, the memory is bought from Samsung, Hynix or Elpida, ebbing displays is made from Sharp, Samsung, JDI or LG.

Flagship SAMSUNG series

Samsung is the main manufacturer of flagships in the world of smartphones. The topical devices of the company are as such not only in the model range of the manufacturer, but also in the market as a whole. This is possible due to the concentration of huge resources, the availability of its own units for the development and production of components, as well as large-scale financing.

In their flagships, Samsung establish the fastest operational and constant memory, newest processors Exynos Octa, Super AMOLED screens of ultra-high (2.5K) permissions and high-quality cameras. All these details of smartphones are made samsung on their own and are not available to other firms until it is "Torn Kush" from new products.

Series samsung flagships from Galaxy S (2010) to Galaxy S6 (2015)

Samsung's flagship is a ruler smartphones Galaxy S. Top lights belong to the series Galaxy Note.. It is in these smartphones that the main achievements are concentrated.

Apple flagships

Apple in terms of release flagship is characterized by an approach. Unlike the same Samsung, the company does not have its own production facilities. The supply of components carry out third-party contractors, they are engaged in assembly. As a result, the opportunity to put the most advanced details from Apple is not. Yes I. the lineup, on the background of competitors, it looks more modest. Therefore, there are no obvious flagships among the iPhone. Almost every iPhone (with the exception of models, positioned as budget, such as 5c or SE) can be called the flagship.

Without opportunities (and special desire) "In the forefront" to embody new technologies, Apple prefers to work on the quality of implementation. The company's policy is such that it is better thought out to introduce proven technology than experimenting with new and "catch" in it. Therefore, the iPhone is the flagship, despite the fact that "on paper" its characteristics can be attributed to the middle class.

Other smartphone flagships

LG produces smartphones-flagships in the G ru, where the advanced developments in the screens and cameras also embodies. Sony until 2016 promoted the Xperia Z series, which also installed best displays (up to 4k) and cameras (up to 22 mp) of own production. Now the flagship has become the Xperia X series.

Other companies do not have such a powerful manufacturing and research base, therefore are forced to apply third-party development. An exception is perhaps Huawei, which themselves make KIRIN processors. HTC until 2016 produced top smartphones in the One M series, but the last flagship of 2016 carries the name of HTC 10, without additional letters.

The most difficult with the definition of the flagships from the Chinese. If Xiaomi and Meizu have just just (MI and MX series, respectively), then Lenovo, ZTE, Huawei, OPPO do not produce special series in which only pronounced flagships. A wide range of model range does not remnably allocate the "most-most" smartphone of the company.

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Every year the phrase "flagship-smartphone" or "smartphone-flagship" is becoming more and more popular. Some users do not know what it means, so today will reveal the mystery.

Frankly, there is nothing to disclose here - the flagships are called top (read - the best and powerful) smartphones of the company. For example, at the time of writing the article by the top smartphones of Samsung, the Galaxy S10 (S10 +) and Galaxy Note 10+ model can be called. They are installed best screens, the best "iron", the best cameras, there is protection from water and dust, support fast and wireless charging, and in Galaxy Note 10+ there is even a stylus! In general, the best is the best, so these two smartphones are called flagship devices. Immediately both, some users ask? Yes, because it is essentially though different devicesBut both are flagship.



There are almost every company flagships, although Apple has been exception until recently. After all, essentially Apple released only one model iPhone.which was the flagship / single smartphone company. Then the light saw the 5C model, and after some time - SE. At the time of writing the article in the line, three main models: 11, 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max (the latter two differ from the diagonal of the screen, dimensions and capacity of the battery).

And one of the flagships Huawei is the model Mate 30 Pro:

Flagship devices, as a rule, change generation once a year, while smartphones can be changed both completely and only partially.