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Remove scratches from iPhone 6. How to remove scratches with iPhone housing

Many are interested in how to get rid of scratches on the iPhone building without unnecessary cash and time. For this, there are many primary ways, but we offer you the most efficient and affordable. But if you are afraid to damage your gadget, then it is still better to trust my iPhone professional. Buy a new building is not always possible, since the price of him often wants to wait for the best. In this m m we offer you several ways to remove damage with iPhone housing At home.

Several ways to remove scratches from iPhone housing yourself

In the first method, we use toothpaste or disk polyrolol. The composition includes elements that are able to remove small damage to the paint. To do this, use a small amount of paste or polyroli on damaged parts of the phone and wipe in smooth movements. Only special attention should be paid to such areas of the device as the holes of the connectors and the location of the housing. After all, if the paste gets into these places, the device will most likely require disassembly, which in turn will require a specialist intervention.

If damage to the housing is too large and the previous funds could not help you, then we offer a second way. For him we will need ordinary sandpaper. This method is similar to the previous one, but it must be used very carefully. In order not to harm the iPhone case even more, you need to use paper only with small grain and process the case is not pressed. You need to move smoothly and carefully. Before us is the task to polish the paint, and not delete it. But you will not suit this way if the paint is already missing in some parts of the phone. To remove this type of damage, we offer the following option to remove scratches from the iPhone housing.

Remove scratches from the iPhone case in the service center

This is a very difficult and long way, it is necessary to use it when the scratch depth has taken out the body or when there are no paint in some places. The basis of this method is a wet grinding. But in order for it to carry out some devices that do not always have home. As a result of this work, you will get a brilliant and smooth without paint on the case. But to hold such a procedure at home is very difficult, on this, before you begin to such work, think, do not spoil your phone even more. For such work, it is better to find the wizard or give preference to buying a new body.

Mechanical damage do not paint the device - if, of course, this is not a designer idea. But Apple devices are such a style exactly not to the face, so the question is how to get rid of scratches on iPhone 5, very relevant. This unit is constantly with the user, is often used, and therefore is in the zone of high risk.

The easiest way to get rid of scratches is to prevent their appearance. It is necessary to take care of the acquisition of a protective cover, bumper, a special film on the screen. However, these accessories, unfortunately, will not be able to guarantee the safety of the device.

If the scratches are deep, then do not do without wet grinding. Such cleaning is made only in specialized centers. The case will look like the iPhone you have taken only from the official presentation. The only drawback is Apple's logo will erase with all scratches.

On the iPhone case minor scratch and small scratches? Then you can try to take advantage of folk remedies.

Proven methods of folk craftsmen:

  • Polyrol
  • Sandpaper

Polyrol can be tried to find in computer stores - it is used to clean monitors and disks from pollution and scratches. But many users complain that the goods are deficient.

As a polyrolol, you can use a conventional toothpaste. It is enough just to squeeze a drop on the body and it is pretty to be lost with a soft napkin. Pasta is washed off after a few minutes with soap or dishwashing agents.

The main thing is that the paste or soap do not get into the connectors and other openings of the smartphone. Otherwise, you can forget about the warranty.

Remove scratch iPhone. 5 from the housing will help emery paper with fine graininess. This procedure will take more time than cleaning the toothpaste, and it requires considerable caution. If overlook, and erase protective layer, then no polyrolol will help. But minor scratches are removed, if you do everything right.

Another question is that small scratches are normal. If there were too much damage, and they are noticeable, perhaps it is time to think about changing the smartphone. New models iPhone. Release more often than old time to come to complete disrepair.

At first, after buying a new phone, we can not rejoice for its functions for a long time and admire the beautiful external species. But a week or month, scruptedness in relation to the new iphone disappears. Now, instead of blowing out the dust from him, we can throw it into a bag or pocket together with the keys, inadvertently damage to the tile, granite or asphalt.

Materials from which the American smartphone is made are different high qualitybut apply to him mechanical damage It is possible very easily. We will give several delight tips how to remove scratches from iPhone. Here is a list of funds that are suitable for attempts to save the screen of your smartphone:

  1. Tooth powder or toothpaste.
  2. Paste GOI.
  3. Powder for skin drinking.
  4. Baking soda.
  5. Grinding paper for polishing.
  6. Any vegetable oil.
  7. A piece of suede.
  8. Specialized tool for polishing the phone screens.
  9. Polyrol for car body.

Almost all of the above materials are in the house of each person. Let's try to figure out how they will help to remove the boring scratches from the screen of your favorite smartphone. Consider getting rid of them completely and will not work forever, you can only hide them.

Toothpaste or powder

This method is considered the most affordable and effective for iPhone users. Before starting the rescue operation, it is necessary to completely degrease the phone screen. You can do this with a cotton swab and a few alcohol droplets. If there is no alcohol, you can simply wipe the screen with a cotton disk. Toothpaste will need a little: the ball size with the pea. If you use dental powder, dug it with water in terms of 1: 2. Apply a paste on a mutilated screen and neat circular movements rub until complete drying. Shallow little scratches, indeed, become practically imperceptible, but you will not get rid of the major.

Paste GOI

This miraculous ointment is used to polish non-ferrous metals, glass, ceramics, furniture and jewelry coatings. Why then do not try with this pasta to remove scratches from the display of the phone? It is not so simple: on a piece of soft tissue (preferably flannel) apply a small amount of paste. Preferably, before using a rag, moisten in gasoline. On the phone screen there is a drop of a pair of droplets of the machine oil and proceed to polishing. This method Masks all small scratches, but the big continues to cut the eyes.

Soda Food or Powder for Drinking Skin (Children's Powder)
These two technologies are almost the same, so it makes no sense to talk about each separately. Soda, like the powder, is mixed with warm water in a 1: 2 ratio. There should be a thick creamy substance. We appline this cleaner onto your cotton disk or on a piece of soft tissue and smooth circular movements rub into scratches on the screen. Once the screen is driving, make the residues of the powder with a cloth.


The most stern method for getting rid of scratches on the display, to apply which not everyone will decide. Its essence is that the microcracks are not filled with any material, but simply erase from the screen. Paper is worth taking the most soft and gentle.

Vegetable oil

At least vegetable oils and possess therapeutic properties, the iPhone screen, they are not cured from the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the effect of this method will be more cosmetic. Two drops of any vegetable oil apply to the display of the smartphone and fast circular movements of them. The showing of the screen hides scratches for a while, but does not eliminate them.


Roots the display of the phone with a piece of suede, you will not be able to get rid of scratches. You simply eliminate fat from the display, which will give him more shine. This method is recognized as Apple's best-efficient product owners.

Special Telephone Screen Care

They are made specifically for polishing sensory displays and cope with their task, indeed, not bad. Small scratches after applying the gel practically disappear, as they are filled with special material, but large remains, but become less noticeable.

Automotive polyrolol

The method of using submitted means of motorists is recognized as one of the best for care not only by the body of cars, but also for touch display. You need to apply a thin layer a pasty, wait a couple of minutes and proceed to polishing with a soft cloth or a cotton disk. The result will surprise you: small scratches will practically disappear, and the major will become almost invisible. But after two weeks, the entire operation will need to repeat.

Better to take care of your smartphone from the first day of purchase and do not shake on protective films, and better even safety glass and case. Then it will not be necessary to experiment with various methods for restoring the integrity of the screen.

Lifehak №1: Toothpaste

Toothpaste will help polish not only the teeth, almost anyone besides gel. Toothpaste here acts as an abrasive and the number of all kinds of useful trace elements to us. So: I squeeze a little paste on the disk formed from the cotton, and starts to wipe the damaged screen, with the help of neat circular movements. After the procedure, the paste, of course, you need to remove (do not try to rinse with water!), Using a soft fabric or paper napkin. As in dentistry, the toothpaste will help only with relatively small and shallow scratches.

Lifehak №2 car cream

Scratches are not only the trouble of Apple products, therefore, in the automotive industry there are very good creams to remove such damage. Such creams, for example, include: 3m Scratch, Turtle Wax, Swirl Remover. These creams also use as a paste, but more carefully, trying to do not fall on the mucous membrane or damage to the skin. The contact of the car cream into the functional openings of the iPhone and iPad is also not desirable.

Lifehak number 3:Paste GOI

GIO is not some kind of exotic plant, but the abbreviation of the State Optical Institute. This paste is intended for polishing optics, jewelry and ceramic products, and it does not hurt the iPhone and iPad screens. At the same time, the GIO paste too gentle action has its drawbacks, it eliminates small damage, but does not cope where more serious polishing is needed.

Lifehak number 4 sandpaper and drill for grinding

This method is suitable or for people who love Estraim in everything or for citizens confident in their extreme accuracy. This technique will help to eliminate truly serious scratches, but it is better to use it for the rear panel of the gadget, and not for touch screens Apple. You have to choose the least abrasive version of the sandwich, act neatly. In the course of the case, look at your apple, finding out whether damage has caused damage.

Lifehak number 5 Food soda

Soda not only good tool For cleaning dishes, but also to polishing screens. An ordinary food soda needs to be mixed with water (proportion of 2x1) and stir until a thick paste is turned out. Then the mixture, just like with a toothpaste, you need to apply on your cotton disk and with the help of circular movements to treat the damaged surface. Then, with the help of a napkin or tissue, it should be cleaned from soda screen.

Lifehak № 6: baby powder

If a children's powder does not harm the tender skin of kids, then for screens iPad. And the iPhone it will also work. The powder is used exactly as soda: mixed with water before the formation of a homogeneous mass is applied to the robe and rubbing, then removed the mixture from the screen.

Smartphones constantly suffer from our negligence. Then we will put them in one pocket with the keys, then inadvertently dropped on the marble floor - as a result, after a month after the purchase, the body of your iPhone is dotted with minor scratches, the aesthetics of which is very doubtful. Of course, if you wish, it can be replaced, but you can save. For this, there are seven ways to polish your gadget.

* Before you start cleaning, turn off the phone, remove the battery and swipe the holes with a tape to prevent the water and other liquids in them.


The first miraculous substance is almost under your nose - in the bathroom. This is an ordinary toothpaste (pastes based on the gel are not suitable).

That's how it works:

  • Suggest a little toothpaste on your cotton disk.
  • Soft circular movements wipe the phone screen, until you make sure the scratches have disappeared.
  • Wipe your phone with a paper napkin or soft cloth, removing all traces of toothpaste.

Automotive scratch removal cream

Car creams such as Turtle Wax, 3M Scratch and Swirl Remover are designed to minimize or completely remove scratches. They are used according to the same scheme as described above, but there is one additional caution:

* Make sure the cream does not fall not only in the special holes of your phone, but also to you in your mouth, eyes or wounds on the skin.

Sandpaper and grinding drill

Only hardcore! The method is quite severe, but otherwise you can not get rid of annoying scratches and deep scratches. However, polishing the drill and emery paper screen is not recommended - this method is more suitable for use on your iPhone rear panel.

If you prefer sandpaper, choose the least abrasive option. Thrite the surface is very careful and with high periodicity check if it does not damage it such a grinding method. With the drill of the same system.

* If you are inactive and careless, do not use this method.

Baking soda

This means can also become very effective weapons in the fight against small scratches. This is how it works:

  • Mix the soda with water in the proportion of 2x1.
  • Stir up to the consistency of thick paste.
  • Apply a paste on a clean cotton disk and turn the scratched surface with circular movements.
  • When scratches disappear, wipe the surface with clean matter or napkin to remove all traces of the paste.

Baby powder

By adding water to children's powder, you can create a special paste, which effectively remove scratches from your iPhone.

The methodology is the same as in the case of food soda.

Vegetable oil

For very small and almost imperceptible scratches, the method is suitable using vegetable oil.

One drop of oil on the scratched surface can become an excellent cosmetic solution.

Egg, aluminum and potassium sulfate

A mixture of potassium sulfate, aluminum and egg squirrel will also help get rid of scratches. You will need a piece of microfiber, egg, aluminum foil and alum. Potassium sulfate can be purchased at the pharmacy.

  • Mix egg white and teaspoon of the alum. Heat up to 65 degrees Celsius in aluminum dishes.
  • Moisten the microfiber in the resulting solution.
  • Put the cloth on the aluminum foil and put into the oven, heated to 150 degrees. "Bake" until the fabric does not dry.
  • Put the cloth in cold water for 20-30 seconds.
  • Repeat all the actions described above three times, and then leave the tissue to dry for 48 hours.
  • Use the resulting fabric to wip the gadget.