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Restoration of the sticky bed of protective glass on the phone. How to stick a protective glass on the phone - step-by-step instructions and selection tips

Read 6 min. Views 80. Published on January 17, 2018.

After buying a new smartphone, the user seeks to maximize and protect the device from damage. In this case, additional accessories and protective elements come to revenue. Previously, the peak of popularity had protective films, allowing the screen from small mechanical damage. Today, everything is more likely to askhow to stick a protective glass on the phone, Because today it is precisely it leads on the issue of ensuring the integrity of the display.

The uninitiated users do not see a special difference between the familiar film and protective glass. It is the same flexible and elastic. Still, this is glass, and additionally tempered and especially durable, able to protect the screen from most possible damage. Accessory is great for people who often drop smartphones or afraid to scratch the screen. The coating greatly strengthens the screen and allows you to save the integrity of the display, even if the gadget falls down the down screen. If still the blow turned out to be very strong, the protective glass will not allow splinters that can be very dangerous.

Due to more substantial characteristics, the cost of such an accessory is significantly higher than, for example, films. At the same time, glass cannot be trimmed under the gadget, so you have to buy ready-made foods adapted under specific model. The question ofhow to stick a protective glass on the phone, interested users due to the fact that in the cabin it is worth extra moneybut with the process you can handle yourself.

The coating thickness ranges in the range of 0.18-0.33 mm. It can add weight to the device and make it somewhat more comprehensive, to this you need to be prepared.

Protective glass consists of several layers:

  • silicone substrate required for the maximum strong fixation of the accessory on the screen;
  • the next layer, holding back, fixes the shards of the glass and does not allow them to crumble in case of a serious impact;
  • protective layer responsible for the strength of the glass itself;
  • anti-glare layer - provides comfortable use of the gadget even in sunny weather;
  • the oleophobous layer is a coating, thanks to which the display does not remain prints.

The glass does not affect the sensitivity of the sensor, does not spoil the image, that is, it allows you to use a gadget with no less comfort. Thanks to all the advantages of such protection, it has become popular and fully justifies the expectations of the consumer.

How to stick a protective glass on the phone

how already mentioned abovestick protective glass on smartphone You can independently. To do this, it is enough to follow some recommendations.

Materials and tools

Despite the fact that the process is available, you should first prepare required toolnot to be distracted. In order to gently stick to the screen, you will need:

  • alcohol napkin, they can be bought in a pharmacy;
  • dry soft rag;
  • liquid for cleaning displays and TV screens, it can be bought or mixed alone, it will take water, alcohol and dishwashing agents;
  • dust collector or scotch (in order to attract dust);
  • protective glass itself.

In addition, plastic may be useful if there is no special spatula in a set with protection.

Preparation of workplace

In addition to the preparation of the tool, it is necessary to prepare and workplace. It is important that it is not dusty. It is best to carry out a procedure in the kitchen or in the bathroom. The smaller around the tissue material, the less dust that will definitely settle on the screen much faster than you expect.

The table on which work will be performed, you need to thoroughly wipe with napkins. Hands before the start of the process also need to be washed with soap to get rid of the accumulated fat. After everything is ready, you can proceed directly to the process.

Sticking algorithm

How to stick a protective glass on the phonenot everyone is notched, but subject to the recommendations that we describe next, there should be no difficulty.

So, the entire inventory is assembled, the workplace and the hands of the masters are prepared, go to the main stage.

  1. Prepare a gadget display. Remove the old coating, to do so carefully picker the edges and pull. Regardless of whether the factory film on the device or the purchase, it peers very easily.
  2. Clean the surface of the sensor with an alcohol napkin or cloth with a screens cleaner. It is important to carefully process the entire surface in order not to leave contaminants. The display must be gratened to the maximum gloss.
  3. If dust left on the surface, then it came to use a dust collector or scotch. The whole process is aimed at attracting dust particles with static electricity (and in no case glue the tape to the screen).
  4. Get out the screen from the packaging and remove all the protective films from it. We combine all the screen items with holes on the glass ( central button and speaker). Make sure the protection exactly agrees with the edges of the device and went smoothly. At the same time keep the glass needed by the edges in order not to stick it. If you doubt that you can cope, it is better to wear medical gloves.
  5. Secure the protection with your fingers on top of the display center. Then, with the help of a spatula or credit card, remove the residues of air, characteristic movements from the center to the edge. If small air droplets remained, it does not matter. He will come out in a few days himself. Therefore, it is not necessary to put it over to the display.

If all measures are met and recommendations are fulfilled, the user will receive a perfectly smooth coating without divorce and clouds. If the latter appeared, it means that the screen was poorly cleaned. To get rid of jambs, you can rejuvenate the glass and repeat the process.

This question follows from the previous problem. Is it possible to remove the glass and clean the screen or cross the protection from one gadget to another. If the surface of the protection is not worn, this approach is quite appropriate.

In this case, additional processing of the adhesive silicone layer is required. Use anti-alcohol for processing. It is necessary to carefully remove the glass, and wipe the adhesive side with a rag with a richly moistened liquid. Wait when the fluid strokes and gets dry and can be installed on the glass on the hole again, comparing the holes. The gluing process completely repeats the above.

It is worth noting thatstick protective glass on phone It is easier than to do the same manipulations with a film. It is denser and does not form unnecessary folds and waves. At the same time, remove the glass from the screen is more complicated, for this you can use a bank card, to push it under the glass and spend around the perimeter. The tab on the outside does not always help.

The installation process of the protective accessory is completely identical to all gadgets and is no different. The only difference will be that for different mobile devices will have to buy their glass adapted to its sizes and forms.

The glass needs to be glued in the bathroom, with hot water included, or in the kitchen with a boiling kettle, then there will be no dust in the air. In order to properly glue the glass, you need to close the door in the bathroom, five minutes to turn boiling water, so that the pair is more, wait until all the dust falls. With ferry it will happen quickly and efficiently. After five to ten minutes you can start.

Remove the factory film, it should be purely under it. If the phone has already been touched, we take a napkin from a set, or a lint-free cloth and alcohol, and thoroughly wipe the screen.

We prepare a special film (usually in the set it is a blue film with a sticky surface, passed on a card) or tape for collecting possible dust.

We define - where the glass is the top layer, where the lower, is usually indicated by special stickers. We pay attention to the hole under the conversational speaker, so as not to stick up the legs.

To apply the glass smoothly, on its front part, along the glass, in length, glue the scotch strip, with a margin to keep the glass over the phone for this tape and lower the screen.

We are convinced that there are no dust on the screen, if there is, we neatly "miss" by her sticky film or scotch. We take the glass, remove protective film, We try not to wave, not to catch dust from the air and inspect the contamination. If found, - film and scotch to help.

Keep the glass above the phone for tape and gently, aiming throughout the area, at the same time I lower the surface on the screen. We wipe the cloth, drive the air.

If, it turned out uneven or turned on, then on the corner of the glass, we use the nail and help with a scotch or suction cup. In no case is not flexing glass! It is dug without problems. We repeat the procedure again.

Do not wash the inner side of the glass with soap and touch it with your fingers. Also try the glass as small as possible.

How to cross the glass [edit]

First, carefully spare the glass and rinse with water on both sides. Without wiping, glue it on the phone, we bring out excess water from under the glass (carefully, because glass slides), we leave the phone to dry for 3-4 hours. Fingers squeeze the last drops.

How to put down the exhaust corners of the protective glass [edit]

Sugar cube is taken and dissolved in two - three teaspoons of hot water. We look so that under the reached corner there were no hair and sarnas. If you are, carefully we use the glass and remove them, for example, with the help of toothpicks. Next, you can again with a toothpick, drip a drop of sugar syrup under the corner of glass and press it. Then keep five minutes, kicking out the surplus, and then heating the corner with a household hairdryer, tightly pressing the glass for 15 to 20 seconds.

In total, you need to withstand the clock 12. The squeezed sugar mass is tormented to the check in all the cracks, you need to constantly push out an extra napkin. Syrup does not fall on the gland evenly and seeks to get into the drops. The glass easily slides along the syrup and strives to move as much more superfluous. Due to the weak adhesive of the syrup in the raw form, you need to press the glass for a long time.

Plywalk film on the phone

So, you have tormented for a long time - and about a miracle! Finally, the film was on the screen. And the cutouts all the joy fell into place, and there are almost no bubbles. But what is it? ... some kind of mystical way right in the center of the screen there was a big sarill. "Oh no!" - Think you and, not knowing how to cross the protective film on touchscreen phone, throw this idea and go for new Protection. And let it seems that the case is no longer a help, we will try to calm you and instruct the right way.

In order to remove dust from under the protective film with your own hands, you will need an ordinary tape. You should start with a sticker piece of tape to the edge of the film, to which the closest is the soyanka. With it, you raise the film. The second piece of scotch must be ready. As soon as the Syrinka turns out to be rejected from the screen, attach the tape to the adhesive side of the film. The garbage will move with one adhesive surface to another - and the film will be pure again. Just be careful - do not bring the randomly other sorties. Otherwise, the procedure will have to repeat.

And if you want to completely re-stick the protective film on the phone, then you should use another method. For these purposes, you will need an alcohol-containing solution. Wipe the device screen, and then the film itself on both sides. On the surfaces should not be sauer or dust. While they did not dry, attach the film on the screen and squeeze the liquid beyond the display, using a plastic card. It will only take to wait until the film is finally driving - and use the protected gadget.

Plywalk glass on the phone

A similar situation with protective glasses. Only to remove dust from under the center of the accessory, you will have to completely remove and re-cross the protective glass, and not to sprinkle a piece, as can be done with the film. In this case, you need to be attentive and all the time keep the glass with a sticky side down. Otherwise, dust can instantly settle on it - and then you will have to spend a lot of time on cleaning it.

And again to help us will come tape. Stick the glass with one hand, and the second attach a piece of tape to the sortie. After removing it, gently aiming the screen so that all the cutouts of the glass accurately get into the right places. After you make sure the accessory is lying correctly, you can let him go. If the dust fell somewhere from the edge, you can only partially raise the glass, and not to sprinkle it entirely.

That's the answer to the question: can it be placed the protective glass a second time. Yes, you can, if carefully. The main thing is that when uninstalling the glass you did not overdo and did not break it.

We recommend that you make an independent sticking of a protective accessory only if you are really confident in your abilities. If you definitely do not know, it will turn out or not, it is better to contact a specialist who will help you gently install glass or a film and not spend money on a new accessory, if suddenly the film was spoiled as a result of non-compliance with the blending procedures.

Device-protected devices, dear readers!

Anyone electronic devicewhich has a fairly wide screen, must be protected from exposure to external factors. The gluing of the protective glass on the smartphone is especially important, since over time the screen, the screen without it will be filtered from constant contact with the inside of the pocket. In addition, if you wear a phone in a bag or clutch, then from contact with other items that are there, the screen can get scratches, so in terms of gluing glass on the phone task also remains a priority. However, what can also be protected to avoid mechanical damage? For example, on the tablet, for the same reasons as described above.

How to glue a protective glass on iPhone?

In the case of Apple products, the algorithm for gluing protective glass is usually the same. Regardless of the model, whether you have iPhone 5, 5S or later models, such as 6, 6s and even iPhone 7 and SE, the sequence of actions is the same:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove the case from the iPhone and carefully for the edge to remove the old film / glass.
  2. You must have a pre-prepared spacious flat place with good lighting.

  3. Then, using a napkin, which are used to cleanse the monitor, or a cotton disk, moistened in any liquid with alcohol, should be wiped the DRIVER screen. Under good lighting, it will be clearly seen how this procedure cleared the surface, and then wipe with a rag of dryness. Do this, of course, need clean hands.
  4. Remove the film with the adhesive side of the glass and pigeon it under the screen dimensions. At the same time, it is strictly necessary to keep the edges in order to avoid the appearance of traces from the pads of the fingers.
  5. Then the glass must be omitted, and it sticks itself.

How to glue a protective glass on Xiaomi smartphone?

As you know, the mobile device market is now full of high-quality smartphones of Chinese production. And if you have acquired yourself, for example, the model "Redmi 4 x", then you need to protect the display from various external factors that can damage it, so that your phone serve you faithfully and the truth is your entire potential expiration date.

and gluing protective glass on smartphone Xiaomi. It is important to comply with accuracy, it is necessary to do it on a flat surface and be sure to follow the cleanliness of the hands.

How to glue a protective glass on H ONOR 6C?

At "X Onor 6 SI" on "X Onor 9", the flagships of Huawei producing mobile devicesThe sticking of the protective glass is made in the same way as on other models from this company. It is not necessary to be afraid to glue the glass, because in a similar algorithm, the main thing is to be deft and do everything quickly and correctly, necessarily under good lighting, which will give the opportunity to pay attention to all shortcomings in sticking, such as dust particles that could be potentially missed at the stage Display cleansing in front of direct sticking.

How to glue a protective glass on Meza?

Acquiring the smartphone model from Meza, for example, Mase M5, you need to protect your new purchase with protective glass. And not surprisingly, because the potential factors that lead to damage is usually extremely unpredictable, and protection in the form of such glass can level most of them. Glue glass must be carefully adhering to the algorithm, which in most cases is the same. It is important that the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe glass when sticking was an identical surface of the display so that the edges do not go beyond these boundaries. Having achieved this, work with glass labeling can be considered completed.

How to glue a protective glass on ZTE phone?

ZTE smartphones today occupy good position relative to other models in sales lists. Like other smartphones on the android platform, they also need to protect the display. And glue protection to the screen, it is necessary in the same way following the rules described above. In addition, glue is a similar glass on Lenovo, the algorithm remains the same - it is necessary to be attentive and pay attention to the maximum sterility when working with glass. In addition, even if there is a secure smartphone to the asphalt, it will suffer a glass that is easily replaced, but not a display, which will be replaced much more expensive.

How to glue the protective glass on the Samsung phone?

Samsung smartphone displays, for example, in such models such as J3 and A5 are also subject to mechanical damage, like any other. The algorithm is about the same as other phones. It is worth being very attentive when sticking, so that air bubbles do not hit the glass surface. Of course, they can be removed, but if you manage to glue the protective glass by the first time, you definitely facilitate your work. It is also important in the process to ensure that the insidious particles of dirt and dust do not fall at the time of sticking on the display, but if you did everything correctly, there should be no such problems.

How to re-glue the protective glass to the phone?

Did you have such that after gluing the glass, the separate steels did not even converge with the display? Of course, you can not pay attention to it, but after a while these unacted edges will play their role, and the glass is most likely falling off. That is why the question arises - is it possible to glue the old glass again? Of course, I do not want to buy a new glass because of your own mistake, so it's easier to glue already existing back. In this paper, first of all, needs accuracy. By rejoicing the glass, you need to keep it for the edges. The most difficult thing that may occur in this case are to glue the glass in place the second time. However, if you coped successfully with the dug, then there should be no problems 2 times.

How to glue the edges of the protective glass on the phone?

If the protective glass does not fit around the edges, do not rush to despair, because there is still a way out. If the angle or several angles when installing were not glued and now there are huge white spots of air, it is necessary to take a few drops of glycerol to the edge of the glass. It will fill all the air emptiness under the glass, and it will great in your place. Similarly, the emergence of a similar problem and should be solved. In addition, in the process, it is also possible to clear the display from the saidels, which could get under the glass in the process.

How to glue a protective glass on the phone if it was dug?

If after sticking the protection on the glass display suddenly neither with anyone took and dug out, then this problem needs to be solved. If you spare the glass and stick back, then nothing terrible will happen. The main thing before sticking it to the second time, make sure that there is no dirt and dust on the display, and it is better to wipe it with a cotton disk with alcohol again. This will protect the display from the re-appearance of such unpleasant things on it and relieve you from the need to re-cross the glass. Therefore, after all, it is better to re-clean in advance before gluing the peeling glass.

What to do if a protective glass was poorly glued?

If you, having decided not to bother, when buying a phone, the store employees at the same time ordered the glass of glasses sticking, and already at home, repeatedly printing the phone, suddenly found out that it was crooked on the display, then in no hurry to get upset. In this case, you can cross it yourself as it should be on the display. Taking advantage of advice from this article, you will definitely get to make it so that the screen is always protected and is not affected by various external factors that may affect its integrity. Therefore, you should not swear with store employees, because if you want something to be done well, then do it yourself!

How to glue a protective glass?

First of all, it is worth remembering that in this case it is extremely important to act neatly. This is the key to success, so it is necessary to act strongly and quickly, but at the same time not to push when sticking, otherwise you have to transfer that, of course, just as pretty simply, but takes a lot of time that you can spend something more interesting.

How to glue the protective glass on the phone? You can easily implement this operation Alone. For this you will need a little perseverance, flat well-lit surface and directly the protection you are going to glue. When sticking, it is necessary to act neatly.

The main function of the protective glass of the smartphone is to take a blow by protecting the touchscreen from damage. When this happens - it often comes in disrepair, covered with chips, cracks and other damage. The level of protection from this decreases significantly, in addition, the display is worse, and the smartphone loses its attractiveness. To change the coating for a new one - you need to first remove the broken protective glass from the phone. And here there are difficulties that will be discussed in the material.


It is necessary to take into account one important moment Before removing the old protective glass from the phone. Thanks to the perfect smooth surface touchscreenThe glass sticks to it very firmly. It usually keeps at the expense of glue (although it happens), but at the expense of electrostatic forces. Two flat surfaces are very firmly in contact, not allowing to remove the glass, just going on it with a nail. If you take the first head fabric (like a knife) - there is a risk of damageing the display of the smartphone and its body.

One silicone sucker is also not enough. If we stick to a strongly damaged glass - a vacuum is not formed inside it, and when applying strength it jumps. If the adhesion is good - the suction cup will not break, but another problem occurs. The sensor is fixed in the housing using double-sided adhesive tape or glue, the strength of which is lower than that of the touchscreen and protective glass. Having overdoing, you can disrupt the screen module completely by damping its plumes. Therefore, you need to act obviously and consistently.

How to remove the glass from the phone and stick new

Before how to remove a broken protective glass from the phone and replace it, you need to prepare and armed with a set of tools and means.

This will require:

  • mediator, blade or thin plastic card (better than 2 pieces);
  • silicone sucker - optional;
  • lint-free napkin;
  • wiper (desirable, alcohol-containing), alcohol, vodka, or perfume on alcohol (perfume, cologne) - To choose from;
  • medical gloves - optional.

Often, a new protective glass can be equipped with the necessary devices.

The dismantling procedure is extremely simple and takes a minute.

  • Before removing the protective glass from the phone, you need to wash your hands with soap and thoroughly dry, or just wear rubber gloves. It is necessary to prevent the appearance of fingerprints and divorces on the screen surface.
  • On a broken glass, you should find the most angle where there are no chips and other damage (or there is, but in the lowest quantity). There you need to clutch the suction cup, pressing it to the screen.
  • The angle to which the sucker is glued, you need to make a mediator, a shovel or suction cup, so that the edge of the glass be cleared. To do this, it takes at the same time slightly pull the sucker on yourself. It is important not to overdo it in order not to break the screen before the gap is formed between it and the glass! If the suction cups are not at hand - you can simply smoothly insert the mediator dealer in the resulting clearance.
  • As glass peeling, you should deepen the mediator / blade / card. If the screen is large - it is recommended to work at once with two instruments, promoting them in different directions.
  • The last touch is to pull the suction cup to yourself until the glass is completely separated. You can take on the edge of your fingers and do the same.

Any electronic device that has a fairly wide screen must be protected from exposure to external factors. The gluing of the protective glass on the smartphone is especially important, since over time the screen, the screen without it will be filtered from constant contact with the inside of the pocket. In addition, if you wear a phone in a bag or clutch, then from contact with other items that are there, the screen can get scratches, so in terms of gluing glass on the phone task also remains a priority. However, what can also be protected to avoid mechanical damage? For example, on the tablet, for the same reasons as described above.

How to glue a protective glass on iPhone

In the case of Apple products, the algorithm for gluing protective glass is usually the same. Regardless of the model, whether you have iPhone 5, 5S or later models, such as 6, 6s and even iPhone 7 and SE, the sequence of actions is the same:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove the case from the iPhone and carefully for the edge to remove the old film / glass.
  2. You must have a pre-prepared spacious flat place with good lighting.
  3. Then, using a napkin, which are used to cleanse the monitor, or a cotton disk, moistened in any liquid with alcohol, should be wiped the DRIVER screen. Under good lighting, it will be clearly seen how this procedure cleared the surface, and then wipe with a rag of dryness. Do this, of course, need clean hands.
  4. Remove the film with the adhesive side of the glass and pigeon it under the screen dimensions. At the same time, it is strictly necessary to keep the edges in order to avoid the appearance of traces from the pads of the fingers.
  5. Then the glass must be omitted, and it sticks itself.

How to glue a protective glass on Xiaomi smartphone

As you know, the mobile device market is now full of high-quality smartphones of Chinese production. And if you have purchased yourself, for example, model "Redmi. 4 x ", then you need to protect the display from various external factors that may damage it, so that your phone serve you faith and the truth is your entire potential shelf life. When sticking the protective glass on the Xiaomi smartphone, it is important to observe accuracy, it is necessary to do it on a flat surface and be sure to follow the cleanliness of the hands.

How to glue a protective glass on H ONOR 6C

On "X Onor 6 si" on "X Onor 9", Huawei flagships producing mobile devices, sticking the protective glass is also made in the same way as on other models from this company. It is not necessary to be afraid to glue the glass, because in a similar algorithm, the main thing is to be deft and do everything quickly and correctly, necessarily under good lighting, which will give the opportunity to pay attention to all shortcomings in sticking, such as dust particles that could be potentially missed at the stage Display cleansing in front of direct sticking.

How to glue a protective glass on Meza

Acquiring the smartphone model from Meza, for example, Mase M5, you need to protect your new purchase with protective glass. And not surprisingly, because the potential factors that lead to damage is usually extremely unpredictable, and protection in the form of such glass can level most of them. Glue glass must be carefully adhering to the algorithm, which in most cases is the same. It is important that the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe glass when sticking was an identical surface of the display so that the edges do not go beyond these boundaries. Having achieved this, work with glass labeling can be considered completed.

How to glue a protective glass on ZTE phone

ZTE smartphones today occupy good position relative to other models in sales lists. Like other smartphones on the android platform, they are exactly so they need to protect the display. And glue protection to the screen, it is necessary in the same way following the rules described above. In addition, glue is a similar glass on Lenovo, the algorithm remains the same - it is necessary to be attentive and pay attention to the maximum sterility when working with glass. In addition, even if there is a secure smartphone to the asphalt, it will suffer a glass that is easily replaced, but not a display, which will be replaced much more expensive.

How to glue a protective glass on the Samsung phone

Samsung smartphones displays, for example, in such models as J3 and A5 are also subject to mechanical damage, as well as any other. The algorithm is about the same as other phones. It is worth being very attentive when sticking, so that air bubbles do not hit the glass surface. Of course, they can be removed, but if you manage to glue the protective glass by the first time, you definitely facilitate your work. It is also important in the process to ensure that the insidious particles of dirt and dust do not fall at the time of sticking on the display, but if you did everything correctly, there should be no such problems.

How to re-glue the protective glass to the phone

Did you have such that after gluing the glass, the separate steels did not even converge with the display? Of course, you can not pay attention to it, but after a while these unacted edges will play their role, and the glass is most likely falling off. That is why the question arises - is it possible to glue the old glass again? Of course, I do not want to buy a new glass because of your own mistake, so it's easier to glue already existing back. In this paper, first of all, needs accuracy. By rejoicing the glass, you need to keep it for the edges. The most difficult thing that may occur in this case are to glue the glass in place the second time. However, if you coped successfully with the dug, then there should be no problems 2 times.

How to glue the edges of the protective glass on the phone

If the protective glass does not fit around the edges, do not rush to despair, because there is still a way out. If the angle or several angles when installing were not glued and now there are huge white spots of air, it is necessary to take a few drops of glycerol to the edge of the glass. It will fill all the air emptiness under the glass, and it will great in your place. Similarly, the emergence of a similar problem and should be solved. In addition, in the process, it is also possible to clear the display from the saidels, which could get under the glass in the process.

How to glue the protective glass on the phone if it was dug

If after sticking the protection on the glass display suddenly neither with anyone took and dug out, then this problem needs to be solved. If you spare the glass and stick back, then nothing terrible will happen. The main thing before sticking it to the second time, make sure that there is no dirt and dust on the display, and it is better to wipe it with a cotton disk with alcohol again. This will protect the display from the re-appearance of such unpleasant things on it and relieve you from the need to re-cross the glass. Therefore, after all, it is better to re-clean in advance before gluing the peeling glass.

What to do if the protective glass was blocked poorly

If you, having decided not to bother, when buying a phone, the store employees at the same time ordered the glass of glasses sticking, and already at home, repeatedly printing the phone, suddenly found out that it was crooked on the display, then in no hurry to get upset. In this case, you can cross it yourself as it should be on the display. Taking advantage of advice from this article, you will definitely get to make it so that the screen is always protected and is not affected by various external factors that may affect its integrity. Therefore, you should not swear with store employees, because if you want something to be done well, then do it yourself!

How to glue a protective glass

First of all, it is worth remembering that in this case it is extremely important to act neatly. This is the key to success, so it is necessary to act strongly and quickly, but at the same time not to push when sticking, otherwise you have to transfer that, of course, just as pretty simply, but takes a lot of time that you can spend something more interesting.

How to glue the protective glass on the phone? You can easily carry out this operation yourself. For this you need a little perseverance, flat well-lit surface and directly the protection you are going to glue. When sticking, it is necessary to act neatly.

Safety glass. What and why?

The main purpose of protective glasses is to protect the smartphone screen and reduce the likelihood of its damage. A good protective glass is a multilayer design that includes a polymer that protects against scratches and light shocks, and a thin layer of real tempered glass. In protective glasses Nillkin and Digi uses a high-quality layer of Japanese tempered glass ASAHI Glass.

The layer of tempered glass allows you to redistribute the impact pulse with a strong drop. It is the presence of this component that the "pautinka" is explained when protective glass is broken.
Use protective glass or not - to solve everyone.

But, given the cost of replacing the display and the complexity of finding original spare parts (in the case of iPhone), the purchase of protective glass becomes one of the very first steps to protect the smartphone.

What is 2.5D screen?

Smartphones with a slightly convex screens began to appear long ago, although it still seems to be that it was literally a couple of years ago.

This effect is achieved due to rounding the edges of the flat "2D" display in the z axis. This effect may be more or less extreme, depending on how curved edges are required. Even a small bend can be used that the edges of the glass be felt smoother, and greater bending will allow the device to look more stylish.

2.5D Glass is performed almost the same as flat glass panels, only with additional form giving, when it comes to cutting the glass to the desired size.

The advantages of 2.5D glass pure ergonomic and aesthetic.

2.5D screen and protective glass.

The screen with 2.5d is beautiful, comfortable and stylish. But, unfortunately, does not add the strength of the smartphone display and does not eliminate the need to use protective glass.

Unfortunately, there are a number of difficulties.

The specificity of rounded edges does not make it possible to make protective glass on the entire display and leaves the edge unprotected.

Many manufacturers of displays have a physical rounding begins on the visible part of the display. And although it is not visible, it is it that does not allow to glue the protective glass qualitatively.

As a result, if you stick the protective glass on this display, the edges of the glass will hang in the air and will not stick.

This specificity is not a marriage, what it is necessary to tell the final buyer before sticking glass!

Options solving the problem

There are only 4 basic solutions to the glasses of glasses on a 2.5D screen:

1. Many manufacturers make a smaller protective glass.
The advantage is that this glass is fully adjacent to the screen.
A notable minus is that the glass does not close the entire visible area of \u200b\u200bthe display.

2. The second solution is also very popular and can often be found in high-quality glasses. Glass is made as possible size up to a tangible rounding area. The main plus - the glass completely closes the display. It is convenient to use and when the screen is turned on, the non-ignite area is practically not noticeable. Minus - the edges of the glass are not sampled and when the screen is turned off, this effect is noticeable.

3. for Apple iPhone. Full Cover and Full Cover 3D protective glasses are manufactured, which have painted frames around the display. Glass glued on the entire screen. The protective frame perfectly repeats the shape of the smartphone and completely protects the screen.
In the South Contract catalog, this type is represented by models:
Digi Glass Screen (3D Silicone EDGE) for iPhone 6 / 6s,
Digi Glass Screen (Full Cover) for iPhone 7 and 7 Plus,
Nillkin Glass Screen (AP +) for iPhone 6 / 6S and 6 / 6S Plus, iPhone 7 and 7 Plus.

4. Unfortunately, manufacturers of protective glasses make this type of glass only for the iPhone. For many popular positions on Android, there is Full Cover glass, but made for another technology. Externally, it is very similar to Full Cover for the iPhone, but there is no adhesive layer on the visible part of the display.

The glass is glued only around the perimeter and rests on the edge. This negatively affects the responsiveness of the touch display. In addition, glass is very easily dug and dust falls under it. Due to the specific design and a large percentage of negative feedback from end users, this type of glass is missing in the assortment of the South Contract.

Replacing the protective glass can be a simple case, subject to a number of rules and use of a suitable tool, otherwise you will get a non-uniform coating with bubbles.

First you need to carefully remove the old glass. It is important to remember that the glass is attached to the screen not with glue, but by static. And all attempts to somehow pose it will end with scratches on the case and the display.

A special sucker can be like an assistant and your nightmare. With incorrectly using velcro, you can damage the sensor, loops and on-screen module. It is necessary to act smoothly and gently.

To install the glass you need to prepare:

  • plastic card or mediator - it is better to take 2 pieces;
  • suction cup of silicone (if changing the glass, you can do without it);
  • napkin or fabric without a pile;
  • alcohol wipers;
  • rubber medical gloves.

If there is all the above, the replacement of the protective glass will not take much time.

Phased work

Before working, you need to make sure that there are no dust, a pile and wool on the fingers, and it's better to just wear thin gloves.

Then install a special suction cup on the screen that is less damaged. It must be pressed and glued to the corner of the screen. Taking plastic card Or the mediator begin to gradually pull the velcro to himself, it needs to be done smoothly and gradually increasing strength. Once the glass begins to separate, use the map to detach it. When most of the glass can be separated by quick movement to tear it off.

How to glue protective glass on the phone

Poking a new glass

Before sticking a new glass, make sure that your fingerprints and dust remained on the screen. To do this, wipe the screen with a napkin and alcohol solution.

Next steps:

  • Hands in gloves take the protective glass by the edges.
  • The protective film must be removed as close as possible with the screen, so that the dust is stuck to the glass.
  • Protective glass Sample the screen so that all cutouts are in place.
  • Slowly lower the glass on the screen, attaching and at the same time smoothing from the center to the corners. Here you will help the napkin or plastic card.

If you still got dust or pile, open the glass to the "dirty" place, blew up too much or remove the glass and glue the glass into place.

Such simple manipulations will help you glue your own protective coating.

A source

How to stick glass on a smartphone?

Each owner of the smartphone understands that the screen is the weakest place in the phone. It is with the screen most often there are problems. If the phone drops, the likelihood that the screen will break or get a crack, approaching 100%. And anyone else or the phone drops, as this one thing, which a person enjoys constantly, can be said - from morning to evening.

See also: how to stick the film on the smartphone

To protect the screen of your favorite smartphone, intelligent people were invented by protective glass. It is sold in any salon or shop where you can buy a smartphone, and stands around 10-20 dollars.

How to stick a protective glass on the phone

It is much cheaper to order a protective glass in China.

You can stick it with your own hands, right at home, for which you need to accurately follow the instructions from the manufacturer. In general, for the first time, it is not necessary for the first time protective or armored houses, as it may seem right away. Properly glued protection on the screen will save your phone from many troubles.

How to label the glass without bubbles on the smartphone

To properly paste the second glass on the screen, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. The screen must be wiped with a special cloth, removing fingerprints, fat and other traces.
  2. With the help of air flow, before sticking, (you can use a medical pear) to blow all the dust.
  3. Degrease the screen with a special fluid, which manufacturers usually put into a box with Kalen, armored or other protective glass. Bubbles under glass - the result of poor cleaning.
  4. Printed with your own hands the second glass so that under it there is no dirt, no dust, nor air bubbles.

To independently glue the shockproof glass on your smartphone, you will also need scaces and tapes that make it easier for the work process.

We take purchased glass and look, from which side it has a sticker. Pulling for this sticker, we make removal of protection. But it is not necessary to shoot it at once, since there is a way with which the process of smooth blowing will be facilitated. For this we need scotch.

Sut off the three small pieces of scotch, we apply the glass to the phone, and on the one hand we glue the glass to the rear surface of the phone. The glass will be fixed with scotch all sides so that it can be opened like a door. And Scotch plays the role of the loop. So stick exactly glass is much easier.

Apply the protective glass and look, whether it is smoothly legally. If it is suitable in size, it must repeat the form of the screen.

If everything is smoothly, pull behind the sticker and remove the protection. If the protection is not removed, then you can, using a thin sheet of paper or nails, pushing protection and free overhead glass. Once again, we wipe the screen and close our book from the phone and shockproof glass. Easily pressing your finger to the center, and we admire how the second glass will make the screens without bubbles. If air bubbles arose under it (which should not be ideally), with the help of a soft cloth, you drive out to the edges and get rid of them. It is possible to stick the glass perfectly only if you act gently and slowly.

We remove the scotch, consider glue. Glazing or glass replacement is over.

How to cross the cracked overhead glass to a new

Plywalk glass, if it cracked, begins with the removal of old protective glass. How to remove it? Very simple. You will need a sheet of paper or plastic, and preferably thorough. He is trying to drive from the corner under the old protective glass (any, at least 3d, at least an ordinary armored). As soon as it turns out, you need to try to raise the glass up. Do not press too much, otherwise you can simply break the corner - glass, if already cracked, it will be extremely unreliable.

The old glass was removed, and before gluing a new one, it is necessary to re-clean the screen. Next, kylene glass sticks will be as described above. It is better to immediately stick the glass carefully than to overlap, so be careful.

How at home paste the protective glass on the smartphone, if not suitable size

If you ordered a second glass from China, there is a high probability that it is not suitable in size. If it is slightly less than necessary - nothing terrible, in principle, it will be performed. If the glass is a little more, it is worse, since there is a risk of turning off at the most inopportune moment. Yes, and use the smartphone with the protruding screen is inconvenient, so in this case it is better to replace the glass and stick again. You can access the old or broken glass yourself.

What are the windows that can be glued on the smartphone?

  1. 3D - such a protective glass not only protects the screen, but also makes it more pretty, rounding the corners. You can stick on your own or in the cabin.
  2. Bundleclo is strong enough, protects the screen from cracks when falling even on stones and tiles. Many manufacturers produce just such glasses. Buy and stick such a glass better immediately, especially if you often drop the phone.
  3. Tempered glass (or calene) has high strength, protects the screen from breaking.
  4. Shockproof is suitable for those who often drop the phone or has a habit of throwing it on the table. It is also easy to stick it as other types.
  5. Liquid - applied as a spray, provides oleophobic, hydrophobic and antibacterial coating. Saves from small cracks. Can be re-applied.

The first four species belong to the overhead and have a lot of similar. Before buying an overhead glass, you need to find out the exact dimensions of the screen of your smartphone. Liquid protection is suitable for any device. Even if you apply with the phone neatly, it is better to stick glass with an additional oleophobic coating.

What to do if the glass pastened to the smartphone is dug

If the extra glass, glued to the smartphone recently, is peeled, then it was most likely defective. It happens if you bought it from the Chinese manufacturer. Do nothing here, so you can only get rid of embossed goods And buy a new glass.

If the reason is not in the additional glass, then you can try to clean the screen again - after all, the second defense will be perfectly perfect if the fat, dust and dirt from the smartphone are fully removed.

Important: Glass screen (Gorilla), which is considered extremely strong, also needs additional defense. Therefore, even for such smartphones it is important to choose glass. In addition, you can pick up the rear window, to protect the case.