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Download audio from VK Safari. VKSAVER program for MacBook - work description

The most popular question has been made in the material title, which is often interested in our readers. A few months ago, I had to advise the users enough stupid alternatives, but now, thanks to the increase in the number of useful plug-ins for Safari, the situation has improved. We present to your attention plugin downloader for safari.

What is required from a decent plugin for such tasks? Immediateness and ease of use, of course. The first requirement is implemented wonderful - no left buttons on the toolbar plugin does not add, for which he has been thank you very much.

What about the second requirement judge yourself. After installing the plugin near each audio file next to the Play button will appear direct download button:

The developers managed to build a wonderful chip into the plugin. Click on the duration of the song and you will see file size in megabytes and its bitrate:

On the video viewing page, two additional links will appear instead of the buttons:

Now about how to put the plugin. File with extension .safariextz, In theory, should immediately open in Safari. But it often happens that attempts to run it will not lead to any noticeable results. To correct the problem, fully close Safari (CMD + Q) And only after that launch the plugin file.

VKMUSIC for Mac is a convenient small program to download video and audio files directly from the VKontakte pages.

Various versions of the program made it possible to work on the basis of various operating systems - Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, as well as Mac OS. No bulky windows and incomprehensible functionality - its work is noticeable only on the button near the media files.

Vkmusic on MacBook - download music and video even more convenient!

After installing the program on Mac OS X, the Save button will appear next to each audio and video record. By clicking on it, the user gets on separate page Downloads where the red button will be a red button "Download".

You can use any browser and do not have to change your habits. VKMUSIC is not demanding of computer power and version of the operating system.

The advantages of the program can be attributed to download a file of any format, fast loading, maintaining source quality, small weight application and free use.

Computer application on Mac OS

Desire download vKMusic program 4.36 will arise from those who conduct an active social life, as you can save unique audio and video of friends and have constant access. If the file suddenly be removed by the author or the VKontakte administration will always be able to open it from its own computer.

Application for Mac "Teaches" download files from social network. Now much easier to make your own phonotheks and video albums!

Excellent application with a beautiful interface for users of the operating room mAC systems OS, which is an excellent media player to listen to its audio recordings in contact with the possibility of multi-threaded tracking tracks to a computer. Allows you to find the desired tracks using the search and configure the program at your discretion.

Short description of the program

Manage playback and download in the program is quite easy. All buttons and trackbars are located in the most prominent place. Provides the user with an interface for listening to audio records similar to the original: Listed track can be added to the audio record of the profile, it may be random / direct playback, loading the selected track and much more.

The search bar allows you to find the necessary audio recordings through the search on VKontakte's audio recordings. And if you click on a small icon on the right side of the search form, you will get access to your audio recordings or recommendations.

Immediately after receiving the list of audio records, you will see the name and artist of the audio file, its duration, size in megabytes and bitrate.

Program guide

1. The opening button of the program settings (more about them in paragraphs 16-26).
2. An audio record search string sends a request by pressing the ENTER key. When sending an empty value, requests recommended audio recordings.
3. Switch to alternative queries: Search or recommendations and my music.

4. Playback control buttons.
5. Information about playing track and scroll strip.
6. Reproduction in direct / random order.
7. Download playing track.
8. Add a playing track to your audio recordings.
9. Volume controller.
10. searching results. By double clicking - playback / download (see paragraph 20). Sort by columns, playback buttons and downloads from each audio record.
11. Download panel. Current and completed download of audio files. Double clicking - opens a folder with a file in Finder. Selecting multiple rows using SHIFT / CMD.
12. Allocation / removal button from all files in downloads.
13. Start the file download.
14. Suspend the file download.
15. Delete dedicated files from downloads. If the download is completed, the file is not deleted.

16. The folder in which audio recordings will be downloaded. Default - standard folder "Downloads".
17. Limiting the search query. High value and bad Internet can lead to errors in obtaining sizes / bitrate of files. The maximum value is 300 - the restriction from the VK API.
18. Restriction of request for audio recordings of the current account. If you meet the problems with high value, reduce it to less space. The maximum value is 6000 - the restriction from the VK API.
19. Number of audio file loading streams.
20. Action for double clicks in search results. Enabled - Download the song, turned off - Play.
21. Save the download list after exiting the program.
22. Display the full path in the system to the downloaded file or only its name.
23. Automatically reproduce the following audio record when completing the current.
24. Fixing typos in a search query by means of If you search by searching on the site itself, VKontakte automatically corrects typos / not correct layout. The application has the ability to disable this option, because In special cases (for example, with the similarity of your request with the name of a popular artist), the search issues not exactly what is needed.
25. The current user of VKontakte, under which authorization passed.
26. Reset authorization. Removing the access rights to the audio recordings of the account and the ability to reboot under a different user.

VKSaver is free servicewhich helps users of the Internet quickly and free download music from VKontakte social network ( You just need to download this plugin from the official developer site here. Then, for a couple of clicks, the VKSaver plugin will be installed on your MacBook. Run it and click Next, do not forget to read the conditions. After the program is installed, follow the following instructions:

  • Run the program if the program is started correctly in the bottom corner will hang the "B" icon. If there is such a thing, go further;
  • Open the browser you use. It is important that the browser is marked as the main;
  • We go to your contact page, and then go to audio recordings;
  • Surely you noticed that there now, under each song, a new "download" icon appeared. After clicking on this icon you will be sent to the website VKSaver, where you will only need to click on the button "Download";
  • We recommend choosing a folder to download music from VK.

Audio recording, despite their scratched weight, have high quality. Modern technologies Sound encoding helped in this, with a small volume you get high-quality audio recording. This is especially true for McBook users, because on OS X memory devices less than on analogs with operating system Windows.

The new version allows you to download not only audio recordings, but also video. Now, near each video will be a similar button "Download". There is one feature here: in the standard video, there are in the lowest capacity (240, 320p). You need to download them in high quality For normal viewing on the computer. Most often, in each video, you can select the resolution in the lower left corner of the recording itself. Choose the highest resolution, and then click the "Download" button. We hope that you all happened. Enjoy listening and watching.