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The basic principles of SEO and how search engines work. What is indexing and how to improve it check if a separate page from indexing is not closed

I found another 16 new ways to speed up the site indexation.

The meaning of the acceleration of indexation is to attract search robots (spiders) to the site. The main thing is to know where these spiders are found 🙂.

1. Services of questions and answers

Recently, issues and responses are very popular. They enters a large number of visitors, the content is constantly updated, and search spiders there simply live.

The meaning is not to spam links to your site in each comment. It is better to make one meaningful comment than a few unreserved. Find a category on the subject of your site and read it for a while. Then find the question in which you are competent, and help a person who has defined a question and useful advice, When specifying a link to your site.

Over time, new services will appear, so from time to time, dial the request "Questions and Answers" in the search engine to find new ones.

In RuNet social networks for bloggers, while there are few, but they are perfectly indexed by search engines, and also put direct links to your site. Examine materials on these sites, and, if the subject of your site corresponds to topics published on these sites, publish 1-2 announcements of the most interesting materials on your site. Then, from time to time, you can add an announcements of your best articles in them.

It was still good service, but from recently it does not work.

3. Comments in popular blogs

Search spiders are often visited by popular blogs. Using the comment on such a blog, you can effectively attract a search spider to your site. At the same time, naturally, you need to write an explanatory comment. The link in the commentary text does not need to do - it will in many cases lead to the removal of the comment. Enough when adding a comment, specify the address of your site in the appropriate field. Name Write as a name, not a keyword.

How to find popular blogs? Very simple. Go to the Yandex blog rating, and you will find many popular blogs.

4. Posts and comments in popular communities

Communities differ from blogs in that they can be accepted and published their note. Communities can be comments as on ordinary blogs. In no case can not be spammed in the communities. You will quickly delete from it and close access.

Tens of thousands of participants participate in popular communities. In order to find the popular community, go to the Yandex community rating.

Most communities are on LiveJournal blogs LiveJournal, LiveInternet and In order to join the community, you must first register in these services. After that, you will get a blog at your disposal.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to publish a link to your site in the community. It is enough to write a few posts on your fresh free blog, and put in them 1 link to your site. Then publish a note or comment in the community without any links. Search spider will go through the link to your profile and indexes your free blog, and follows your site.

5. Order posts on the service blog

Another way to accelerate the site indexation is to order a paid post on blogs through the blogun service. There you will find many blogs on any subjects that are ready to write about your site posts in the following formats:

Blogs are very quickly indexed by search engines, so placing links to your site very effectively to speed up indexing.

Another important advantage of the blog, which I really like - you pay for the link to your site only once, and it remains at the entire body of the blog. For it, it is not necessary to pay monthly, as on other link exchanges.

🔥 By the way! I spend a paid course to promote English-speaking sites SEO Shaolin. If you are interested, you can apply on its website.

After you organized a blog on your site, go to the admin

Options - Writing - Update Services
(Settings-writing service updates)

and at the bottom you will find a list of ping services.

Then copy my list, and insert them into the window. Now, when publishing any post on your blog, all these services will receive a signal that you have a new material, and search spiders will soon visit your blog and site.

7. Add RSS feed from your site to RSS aggregators

RSS aggregators are sites that publish an announcements of materials from various sites using their RSS ribbons. RSS aggregators are well indexed by search engines largely due to the fact that they are a lot of constantly updating content, that is, the announcements from RSS ribbons.

You can add RSS feed your site for free in RSS aggregators. If your site has no RSS tape, then organize a blog. All blogs have RSS ribbon, so you can add it to RSS aggregators.

8. Load RSS feed your site through Feedburner

According to my observations, the link in the signature on the forum of optimizers helps search engines to index a new site for 1-4 days. The signature link in the English-speaking forum of webmasters DigitalPoint allows Google's robot to index your website for 15-45 minutes.

11. Add your news in StumbleUpon or Digg

With this method, you can attract Google's robot to your site in 5-30 minutes. But for this you need to make one interesting article in English and publish it on your site. Then register in the social networks of StumbleUpon and Digg and add your English-speaking page there.

You can read more about promoting sites using StumbleUpon in my article.

12. Create a blog on free blog services

Blogs on popular services are quite quickly indexed by search engines. It is enough to create a blog there and write a few articles or notes with links to your site. For additional acceleration of indexation, you can add friends or leave comments on popular blogs. Usually the robot comes to the site 1-5 days after creating a free blog.

Here is the list of the most popular blog services:

13. Publish Press Release

Press release is a great way to speed up the site indexation. Read more about press releases and how to use them to promote sites you can read in my article.

To accelerate indexing of English-speaking sites, you can use my fresh.

Posted - this is a form of advertising on blogs when the blogger puts a direct reference to the advertiser at the beginning or end of the post. Choose blogs that are often updated and have good attendance. Costs will be from 3 to several dozen dollars per link in posts.

Come on the blog you like, look for the "blog advertising" section and write the blogger. Most bloggers offer advertising on their blogs, so the problems find a suitable blog will not arise.

15. Write a guest post on a popular blog

Guest post is when you write an interesting and useful article on a certain topic and by agreement with a blogger send him your article, and he publishes it on his blog. At the same time, your authorship is indicated and the link to your site is set.

If you have professional knowledge in any field and you can write an interesting article, then this method is wonderful to speed up indexation. Write an article and send it to one or several bloggers with an indication that it is unique. Many bloggers willingly place your stuff if it fits their blog on topics, and you effectively speed up the indexation of your site.

16. Take an interview with a popular blogger

It would seem why to take an interview to accelerate the site indexation? The fact is that many bloggers like to give interviews, and in most cases they put a direct link to the page with an interview on your site. Search robots are often visited by popular blogs.

This method is not suitable for all sites, but if you have a young and interesting thematic site or blog, then this good way Not only to speed up the site indexation, but also get additional visitors to your site.

Read more about how to interview, you can read in my article.

In general, I can say that if you use the above methods of accelerating the site indexation, as well as methods from the article, then you are guaranteed to bring search robots to your site.

P.S. PostSgrantum Today is a stunning video in the continuation of the article on the real graffiti fans. I have not seen this yet:

(13 )

Site indexation - This is a process consisting in finding, collecting, processing and adding search robots of the web resource information to the search engine database.

Search index - This is a database search engines, designed to store all the information found by search robots on the sites that came under the indexation.

Explanation of the Terms "Site Indexing" and "Search Engine"

Under web resource indexing It is implied by visiting the bots of its Internet pages, the analysis of content contained in them and its addition to the database. This is done so that later users can find information on the key requests in key search engines.

Simply put, the user comes to the search engine, enters the search bar in the search bar, the request you need and receives a list from a variety of web pages indexed by search robots.

Indexing is a mandatory procedure in search engines. This creates a special specialized database, through which the results of issuing are formed.

Search index Any site depends directly from its content, external and internal links, image availability, graphs and other materials. Entering the query in the search bar, the Internet user appeals to the index. Then from it on the basis of the data is ranked search results, the list of pages that are lined up as the relevance decreases the request.

Imagine that the worldwide network is a big library. It must have a special catalog that makes the search essential materials Much easier. All books that are in the library belongs to their cipher. All ciphers are combined with themes, sections and other parameters.

When a person comes to the library and asks a book to a certain topic (makes a request), the librarian goes to the desired section, pulls out all the books corresponding to him, and picks up for the reader the most appropriate.

According to a similar principle, search engines work: the user makes a request, the search engine pulls all the relevant pages and gives the most relevant.

On a note. Under the curtain of the last century, the indexation was held on the principle of cataloging - bots were found on resources keywordsFrom which the database consisted. Nowadays, robots, in addition to key, take into account many other content parameters, including uniqueness, informativeness, literacy and much more. It is on this that modern indexation is based.

Every year, search algorithms become all perfect, the database is increasingly filled for more informationAt the same time, the search for users becomes much easier and more relevant.

How does Yandex and Google index sites?

The indexing is engaged in two types of robots:

  1. Basic. Learn the content contained on the pages of the Internet resource;
  2. Fast (fast). Analyze and index new materials that were added after the site is updated.

For the web resource to be indexed in the most popular search engines, the webmaster must be reported on its project:

  • Add site to indexation, independently filling out a special form of a search engine through services such as Google Webmaster, Yandex.Vebmaster, etc. This method of indexing is slowly, from two weeks and longer, because the project falls in the queue.
  • Send resource to indexing by placing links to other websites. This method It is most effective because the bots found in this way are considered useful, and index them much faster - no more than two weeks, and if lucky, then at all in 12 hours.

In most cases, new sites and pages are indexed in 1-2 weeks. Many noted that Google's search giant includes Internet resources to the index much faster, just a few days. This is due to the fact that it indexes pages not only with high-quality, but also poor material. But the ranking is extremely useful content.

Yandex passes a similar process slowly, but only informative and useful pages fall under indexation, and the debris is chipped immediately.

Indexing Internet sites takes place in 3 stages:

  1. The robot looks for a resource, studies the information contained in it.
  2. Adds found material to the database.
  3. After 1-2 weeks, the information that successfully passed the indexation falls into the issuance of the search engine.

How to check the indexation in Google and Yandex

Check if the site or the indexing page went to Yandex or Google, you can 3 ways:

  1. Using tools or For Yandex go to "site indexing", after which the "Pages in the search". For Google, click "Search Console". Next, select the "Google Index" section and search for the desired data in the status menu.
  2. Through plug-ins for a browser. The most popular today is RDS BAR.
  3. Inserting B. search string Team: Site:

How to make indexing faster?

Naturally, any webmaster wants robots as soon as possible to index their website, because it depends on how quickly the material contained in it will appear in the search for extradition, which will attract new visitors. In order for the indexation to be faster, it is worth following such recommendations:

  • Add project to search engine.
  • Constantly replenish the site new unique, informative and useful for target audience Content.
  • Place the project on reliable and high-speed hosting.
  • Create a convenient resource navigation, page access must be no more than 3 clicks from the main one.
  • Completely configure the Robots.txt file, namely: block the indexing of service pages and remove extra bans.
  • Check the number of keywords, eliminate errors in the source code.
  • Provide internal overflow (connect the page pages with each other by references).
  • Create a site map. You can even make the site map separately for robots and for visitors.
  • Place links to the articles of the portal in social networks.

How to close the resource from indexing?

There are cases when you need to close search engines access to project or separate pages, text parts or images. As a rule, site owners resort to such actions when they want to hide some information from public Access, hide sites in developing, technical or duplicate pages, etc. You can do it like this:

1. Using the Robots.txt file.
Create at the root of the site text Document robots.txt and register the rules for search engines that fold from two parts. The first (User-Agent) informs which search engine to take into account the commands, and the second (Disallow) prohibits the indexation of a certain material. To prohibit the indexation of the entire resource for robots of all search engines, you need to register the team:

User-Agent: * Disallow: /

2. By means of a meta tag.
This method is better suitable for banning the indexing of one page. Nofollow and Noindex tags make it possible to prohibit indexing a separate page or fragment of text to robots of all search engines. It is written in the code of a specific page you want to close by indexing.

The team on the prohibition of the indexation of the entire document:

Ban for a robot of a specific search engine:

The role of indexation when promoting the site

Without indexing, web resources would not appear in search engines. Regular updating of the site with high-quality content contributes to its frequent visit to the search bots, which leads to a faster indexation, high positions of the project in search results and traffic influx.

In addition to the quality of the content, search robots also take into account attendance and behavior of visitors on the site to assess its utility for further ranking. Therefore, indexation is one of the most important processes during SEO-promotion of Internet resources.

And in order for the information to be successfully entered into the search engine database, bots should make sure that the materials contained on the site are useful for visitors.

If we talk in general, the site indexing in search engines is to introduce pages of your site to the search engine database

Let's try to figure out and understand what the indexing is needed is what it affects how this process is carried out and how to check the site indexing in search engines.

How does the site indexing occurs?

First of all, the site indexation in search engines is an important component of the site promotion. From how quickly the site will be indexed, its appearance on search engine pages is depends. For indexing, there are special search "robots" that regularly enter the sites and analyze the data. And if the user is visible only visual and informative component of the site, the "robot" analyzes all of its HTML code. Therefore, when searching for the site, it should take into account the correct filling of all tags (tags , <description>, <H1>, <р> And so on), competent placement of the text on the page, overclocking, creating a site map, the presence of a microwave.</p> <p>Indexing can be carried out in several ways:</p> <ol><li>Create a site, fill it with content, fill the tags and wait for the search robot, which will automatically index each page and will make them into the database. For the speed of indexing, you can leave a link to the site on authoritative resources, then the robot, going through it, indexes pages. This may require certain costs, as on popular sites and portals, or it is forbidden to leave references to other resources, or this service is paid.</li> <li>You can independently fill out the form on the indexing of your resource in the search engine. In this case, the site will queue on indexing and after some time the robot will be sent to the address you specified. This process can delay, but it is free and does not require much effort. Here is the addresses for filling the forms:</li> </ol><ol><li>The third method is combined. This is the combination of the first and second method when the form is filled in the PS and references to your site on other resources are set.</li> <li>The fourth way is to do nothing and wait when search robots independently index the site pages. This is the longest way in time.</li> </ol><p>We should not forget that if the search robot visited your new site, not all pages will be indexed immediately. Follow the patience and wait, the robots will occasionally enter and index pages, as well as check them on changes and compliance with the requirements of search engines. As search engines are several (Google, Rambler, Yandex and so on), then the site indexing in different search engines will take <a href="">different time</a>. The correct configuration of the HTTP titles of pages can significantly affect the indexation, so this question should be approached from a professional point of view, and it is better to entrust the work of professionals. The site uses their methods to accelerate and check the site indexation in search engines, which distinguishes our company from others.</p> <h2>How to check the site indexing in Yandex and Google search engines</h2> <p>Checking the site indexing in search engines (including counting numbers of indexed pages) is carried out in several ways:</p> <ol><li>Request the name of your organization in the search engine and manually check each link on the first and second pages. Not very convenient, not very fast.</li> <li>Request in the search engine url of your site with <a href="">right operator</a> - Site. For example, check the site indexing in Yandex:</li> </ol><p>"There were 412 results" - it means, 412 pages of the Yandex site indexed.</p> <p>Please note that in Yandex there are two options for such operators:</p> <ul><li>the above-described Site: - When the search is made on all subdoms and the pages of the specified site;</li> <li>more accurate HOST: - When the search goes on the pages placed on this host, in this case the request will already look like this: Host: Site | Host: www.Syt.</li> </ul><p>The same as in Google:</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>"Results: approximately 416" - 416 pages are indexed.</p> <h2>How to prohibit the site to indexing?</h2> <p>You can apply to the site to indexing. This is done using the Robots.txt file, the contents of which are filled so:</p> <p>User-Agent: * - Directive to select a search engine, where * is all search engines; If you need to prohibit indexation from a single search engine, its name is prescribed on Latin (Google, Yandex, and so on);</p> <p>Disallow: / - Close the site from search engines.</p> <p>Recall, the file robots.txt must be in the root folder of the site.</p> <p><b>Site indexation -</b>this is the process of collecting information search engine information about the contents of your site. During indexation, search robots (spiders) scan and process <a href="">web Pages</a>, Images, video and other files available for scanning. In order for the search engine quickly indexed the site: Create a site map and add it to Google Search Console.</p> <h2>The site should be indexed to display in the search</h2> <p>Pages that have passed scan and processing are stored in the database. Such a base is called "Search index". It is in this database that the search engine is looking for results that respond to user requests.</p> <blockquote><p><b>It is important to understand:</b></p> <ul><li>If there are no pages in the search index - it is impossible to be found in the search engine.</li> <li>Indexing is needed to participate in the search.</li> <li>Each search engine has its own search index, its search bots.</li> <li>Search bot from Google is called GoogleBot.</li> <li>Setting the site indexation, this is the basic level of work on SEO.</li> </ul></blockquote> <i> </i><h2>How to check the indexing of the page?</h2> <p>Most <a href="">fast way</a> - Write a team in the search string <b>site: [page address]</b>. Such all indexed site pages. In order to view the date of the last page scan, write to the search string <b>cache: [Address page address].</b>if you <b>need to check the indexation of a particular page</b> Just copy its address and enter a request <b>site: [page address].</b>This method will work both in Google and in Yandex or Bing.</p> <blockquote><p><b><i>Tip:</i> </b> Compare the number of indexed pages with the real number of pages on the site. This will help you quickly appreciate whether your site has problems with indexing. For example: if on the site 100 products, 10 sections and 10 information pages (in sum 120), and in the index only 50 pages, this means that the search engine does not know about most of your site.</p> </blockquote> <h3>How to check the indexation of the entire site</h3> <p>To check the site indexing you need to perform 2 simple steps:</p> <img src='' height="95" width="197" loading=lazy loading=lazy><h3>Checking if a separate page from indexing is not closed</h3> <p>If you have a task, check the prohibition of a specific page. The easiest way to use tools for webmasters. Copy the address of the page you want to check and paste into the "Check URL on the resource" tool.</p> <p>As a result of the verification, you will receive information about indexing. Pay attention to the information about the prohibitions, the status of the page and the canonical address.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>How to add a new site to the search engine index?</h3> <p>Report a search engine about your site in a special <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">google tool</a> or yandex. Share your site in <a href="">social network</a> Or create a link on it from another, already indexed site.</p> <p><b>Learn more about the search engine work.</b></p> <p><span class="dMWWYsly_Wo"></span></p> <h2>What if the site is poorly indexed?</h2> <p>First of all, you need to check whether the site from indexing is closed. This can be done according to the instructions in this article slightly higher. Main ways to improve indexation:</p> <ul><li>Create a site map and download to the tools for webmasters.</li> <li>Update old pages.</li> <li>Remove empty pages.</li> <li>Put additional links to the site from third-party sites and social. Networks.</li> </ul><h2>How does the site indexing occurs</h2> <p>To solve problems, you need to understand the process of indexing. From a technical point of view, "site indexation" is more correct to consider as two separate process:</p> <ol><li>Scanning pages.</li> <li>Page processing.</li> </ol><h3>Stage 1: Scanning</h3> <p>Scanning or "bypass" pages is the main task that the search bot performs. Finding on <a href="">new page</a>, Bot gets from the page two data sets:</p> <ol><li>The content of the page itself, server information and service data. Namely: server response, <a href="">hTML code</a> Pages, files <i>cSS.</i> Styles, scripts, images.</li> <li>List of links that are on the page.</li> </ol><p>The resulting content is transmitted for further processing and saving to the database. Scanned links are also stored in a special list - "scan queue", for further processing.</p> <p>When the bot adds the indexing queue, which is already in the queue, this page takes a higher location in the list and is indexed faster. And this means that <b>first way to speed up scanning</b> Site - increase the number of links to the necessary pages.</p> <p>Creating a scan queue, Google Bot, like other search bots, exploring the Sitemap site and adds links to the link from this card. <b>Second way to improve indexation</b> - Create a site map sitemap.xml and report a search engine. Sitemap is the easiest way to send all pages in our domain indexing.</p> <h4>There are several ways to create a site map:</h4> <ul><li>Free online tool for sites up to 500 pages</li> <li>A program for scanning a site, with the possibility of creating Sitemap - Xenu Links.</li> <li>Application library to create Sitemap.</li> <li>The most popular plugin to create a site map for WordPress.</li> </ul><p>To google learned about your sitemap, you need to add a link to the site map in the Search Console tools or the Robots.txt file</p> <h4>Adding a site map in Search Console:</h4> <ol><li>Go to</li> <li>Add your site or select from the list.</li> <li>Go to the Scan section - Sitemap files.</li> <li>Select "Add <a href="">sitemap file</a>", Insert the link and add the site map.</li> </ol><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h4>Adding Sitemap to robots.txt:</h4> <ol><li>Go to the root directory of the site via FTP.</li> <li>Open the robots.txt file</li> <li>Add to the end of the file "Sitemap: [Site address] /Sitemap.xml" and save the file.</li> </ol><p><b>Third way to speed up indexation</b> - Report a search bot about the date <a href="">last change</a> pages. To get the date and time of changing the bots of the bots, use data from the LastMod server response header. Report the availability of changes on the page you can use the not modify response code.</p> <p>I hope you will no longer have a question: "What is the site indexing".</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </div> </div> </div> <aside class="col-lg-4 col-md-12 col-md-offset-4 col-lg-offset-0" id="right"> <div> </div> <br/> <div> </div> <br/> <div> </div> <br/> <div> </div> <br/> </aside> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup" id="share"> <div class="perfect-scroll" style="text-align: center"> <div style="margin-bottom: 20px"> <strong> Downloading will now begin ...</strong> <br> Do not forget to share the material. <br>in social networks with your <br> Colleagues</div> <div> <div class="ya-share2" data-services="vkontakte,facebook,odnoklassniki,moimir,gplus" data-counter=""></div> </div> </div> <div class="close-pop pull-right"> <svg width="10px" height="10px" viewBox="0 0 10 10"> <path fillrule="evenodd" d="M 6.41 5C 6.41 5 9.24 7.83 9.24 7.83 9.63 8.22 9.63 8.85 9.24 9.24 8.85 9.63 8.22 9.63 7.83 9.24 7.83 9.24 5 6.41 5 6.41 5 6.41 2.17 9.24 2.17 9.24 1.78 9.63 1.15 9.63 0.76 9.24 0.37 8.85 0.37 8.22 0.76 7.83 0.76 7.83 3.59 5 3.59 5 3.59 5 0.76 2.17 0.76 2.17 0.37 1.78 0.37 1.15 0.76 0.76 1.15 0.37 1.78 0.37 2.17 0.76 2.17 0.76 5 3.58 5 3.58 5 3.58 7.83 0.76 7.83 0.76 8.22 0.37 8.85 0.37 9.24 0.76 9.63 1.15 9.63 1.78 9.24 2.17 9.24 2.17 6.41 5 6.41 5Z"></path> </svg> </div> </div> <section id="views"> <div class="container"> </div> </section> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready( function () { $('.kursiv').readmore({ speed: 75, maxHeight: 84, heightMargin: 16, moreLink: '<a href="#"><span>Показать полностью</span>', lessLink: '<a href="#"><span>Скрыть</span></a>', } ); } ); </script> <style> div.kursiv { margin-bottom: 0; } #razrabotka { margin-top: 30px; } .readmore-js-toggle { font-style: italic; color: #999; display: inline; margin-right: 10px; font-size: 14px; cursor: pointer; border-bottom: 1px dotted #e6e6e6; } </style></section> <footer> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-16 col-sm-4 col-md-3"> <p>© 2021,, Internet. 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