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Famous flute players. The best flutists

Musical instrument: Flute

This surprisingly virtuoso instrument, with a light, airy, “fluttering” sound reminiscent of birdsong, belongs to the group of woodwinds. According to ancient Greek myths, his invention is the merit of the son of Hephaestus - Ardal. Perhaps no other tool has undergone such transformations and improvements. Initially, there were two varieties - transverse and longitudinal, but later, the first version replaced the longitudinal one and took its rightful place in the orchestra. These two species are very different from each other, not only externally, but also in the way of sound extraction.

Flute history and many interesting facts  read about this musical instrument on our page.


The sound of a flute reminds of magic. Amazingly beautiful sounds are born in the middle register - unusually clear, clean and transparent. Not without reason in the folklore and tales of many peoples, the flute occupies a special place, it is often endowed with mystical properties. The melodic sound of a flute in the hands of an experienced musician can not only give aesthetic pleasure, but also simply bewitch with its expressive and piercing music, which seems to fall right in our hearts. The soft and melodious sound of a flute can sweeten our ears, soften our hearts, and arouse the kindest and brightest feelings.

Flute or simple pipe, as a rule, becomes one of the very first musical instrumentsthat children may encounter, and even able to make it yourself from improvised items of a suitable shape.

It is worth saying a few words about the features of the sound of the flute.

The lower register is a little dull, but one cannot help but notice its softness, warmth and soulfulness, and the upper row of notes sounds piercing, with a sharp whistle.

The peculiarity of the flute acoustics is that when playing the “piano” the pitch is slightly reduced, and playing the “fort” increases the sound.

The nature of the pitch of sounds can be changed by adjusting the force of the air stream on the exhale, and, of course, using the mechanism of valves that close the holes on the instrument.

Flute range  takes the interval from the note "To" of the first to the note "To" of the fourth octave.


Interesting Facts

  • An example of the largest transverse flute is an instrument created by the Indian master Bharat Sin in Jamnagar in 2014. The length of this flute was 3.62 m. The national anthem was performed with her participation.
  • Flutes are made from more than hundreds of different materials, including bone, wood, metal, glass, there are flutes made of crystal, plastic, and others. There is even a chocolate flute on which you can play music.
  • The title of the most expensive flute according to the Forbes rating belongs to an instrument created by Powell in 1939. This platinum flute is now estimated at 600 thousand dollars.

  • The largest number of flutists in the ensemble of 3,742 participants gathered in Japan on July 31, 2011, at the solemn celebration of 400 years of Hirosaki Castle.
  • The fluteist's longest continuous performance lasted 25 hours 48 minutes and was reached by Katherine Brookes in Bedworth, UK, February 17–18, 2012. Katherine repeated several times the 6-hour program containing 92 different pieces, from classical to contemporary music.
  • The flute is the only orchestral instrument on which air is blown across the holes. And you should know that the flutist’s air consumption is much greater than any other wind instruments, including such a large one, like a tube.
  • The oldest flute was discovered in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 1998. A musical instrument made from the bones of a cave bear contains four holes. Paleontologists believe that this flute is 43,000 to 82,000 years old.
  • There are 30 varieties of flutes, which are released in almost fifty countries of the world.
  • Outstanding personalities played the flute. Leonardo Da Vinci, John II, Martin Luther, Emperor Nicholas I, Enrico Caruso, Woody Allen, M. Glinka, and many others.
  • It is known that at the court of the English king Henry the Eighth V a whole collection of flutes was assembled - 72 pieces.
  • US President S. Cleveland greatly appreciated his crystal flute with gold elements.
  • In Vietnam, in the mountain district of Yenthe, during the rebel peasant movement, the flute was used not only as a musical instrument, but also edged weapon. They were given alarms and at the same time killed enemies.
  • According to the researchers, practicing the flute positively affects the intellectual development of children, immunity, and has a preventive effect on respiratory diseases.
  • The main deity of Hinduism Krishna is depicted with a bamboo flute. It was said that Krishna created the world through the beautiful sound of a flute, which also preaches love and freedom.


A transverse flute is an elongated tube of cylindrical type having a system of valves that cover 16 holes. One end of it is closed, there is a hole on it where lips are applied to blow air. Modern types of flutes include a three-part structure: head, body and knee. Unlike other instruments of the wind type, a flute sound is formed due to the directed air flow to the edge of the labial plate. A huge role in the correct technique of the game belongs to the shape of the lips or "ear cushion". You can subtly change the sound of the instrument by changing the degree of tension and the shape of the lips.

The overall indicator of the pitch is changed by pushing the head out of the body of the instrument, the more the head is extended, the lower the sound.

Middle flute weight - 600 grams.

Modern concert big flute make up 67 cm longand the piccolo length is only about 32 cm.

Varieties of flute

The transverse flute, in addition to the main large concert, has three main varieties: piccolo flute, alto and bass.

The piccolo flute is among the winds the most sounding instrument. The structure is the same as that of a large flute, the difference lies in size - it is half the length of an ordinary one and sounds an octave higher. The sharpness of the piccolo flute easily overlaps the sound of the whole orchestra. In Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera production “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, she is given the theme of a squirrel cracking nuts. In Act 1 of Bizet's Carmen, piccolo paired up a company of boys’s choir, boldly stalking soldiers.

Alto flute. They remind you of an ordinary concert flute, but somewhat larger in size and with a different structure of the valve system. The range is from the "salt" of the small octave to the "re" of the third octave.

Bass Flute - ranging from the “si” of the big octave to the “fa” of the second octave

Mention should be made of much more rarely used samples - d "Amour, double bass, oktobasov and hyperbass.

Popular works:

I. Bach - Scherzo (Joke) from Suite for Flute and String Orchestra No. 2 (listen)

V.A. Mozart - Concert for flute and orchestra in G Major (listen)

J. Iber - Concert for flute and orchestra Allegro scherzando (listen)

Application and Repertoire

The expressive sound of the flute attracted the attention of the greatest composers.

A. Vivaldi wrote 13 concerts for flute and orchestra. I.S. Bach, who knows the technical capabilities well, composed a huge number of pieces with the flute, his sonatas are especially beautiful, and the sparkling “Joke” and the unusually touching “Siciliana” do not leave indifferent music lovers around the world to this day. The masterpieces of flute repertoires include works G.F. HandelK.V. Glitch I. Haydn, V.A. Mozart, L.V. Beethoven. Charming “Melody” - the most popular solo in the opera “ Orpheus and Eurydice"Demonstrated the sensual-expressive aspect of flutes. The flute received a significant place in the works of the solo instrument V.A. Mozart. A true understanding of the timbre and virtuosic possibilities was revealed by L. Beethoven in his own way, having introduced it into the symphony orchestra, an example is the overture to the opera Leonora.

The century of romanticism was also marked by the development of the performing skills of playing the flute. During this period, the repertoire of flute players was enriched with masterpieces of such masters as K.M. Weber F. Schubert, D. Rossini, G. Berlioz, C. Saint-Saens.

AT jazz  one of the first to use flutes was drummer and jazz band leader Chick Webb in the late 1930s. Frank Wess was among the first notable jazz flutists in the 1940s.

Jethro Tull is probably the most famous rock band regularly using the flute, played by band leader Ian Anderson. An alto flute can be heard in the Beatles song, "You" ve Got to Hide Your Love Away ", played by John Scott. Also in the song" Penny Lane ".

Game tricks

When playing the flute, a variety of techniques are used. Often, musicians use the double and triple staccato and a very effective frulato technique, which was first used in the symphony poem “Don Quixote” by R. Strauss. In the future, the ingenuity of flute performers had no boundaries:

Multiphonics - two or more sounds are simultaneously extracted.
Whistle tones - soft whistle.
Tangram sounds similar to clapping hands.
Jet whistle - jet whistle.

Knocking of valves, playing with a spike without sound, sounds are extracted at the same time as singing and a variety of other tricks.

The flute, with all its apparent simplicity, has not only a rich and glorious history, but also has a uniquely wide range of uses. This is possibly due to the fact that it belongs to one of the most ancient, if not the most ancient instruments, with the help of which our primitive ancestors tried to create music tens of thousands of years ago. Since the Stone Age, the flute begins to win the hearts of people, captivating us with its soulful and exciting sound, which is heard not only in the heart, but also in the most deeply hidden genes that we inherited from our distant ancestors. A modest wooden or bone flute, lovingly carved by a craftsman, is able to create a whole unique universe, filled with a continuous amazing sound that you want to listen to forever.

Video: listen to the flute

The noise and the hubbub subside in the hall when an ensemble with a flute appears on the main parties at the festival. In a company with a harp or cello, playful violin or solo, this instrument instantly tunes guests to a romantic mood. The arsenal of musicians presented in our catalog includes both classical works and folk compositions that will enliven the event with notes of ethnicity from Ireland.

Flutists at a holiday: how to choose?

The flute is far from the easiest musical instrument, although it seems that the sounds that are extracted from it are light, pleasant to the ear. To play the flute is not enough to have only musical talent. Have you ever thought that it is difficult to play this instrument even purely physically? And this is so. Those who know this always respectfully look at fragile performers who blow real musical masterpieces from this insidious “pipe”.

To choose a solo flute player or flute player ensemble for your event, see their profiles on this page. In the photographs you can find out in which costumes the performers are performing. Someone prefers classic evening dresses, and for some, national Irish sundresses are appropriate. You can look directly at the game of musicians in the "Video" section, where videos from performances are collected. Evaluate how complicated the pieces are and how relevant they will be at your event ..

The first flute as a first love - impressions from it will leave an imprint on all subsequent relationships with instruments. Fortunately, we can approach the choice of flute (here and below we will talk about transverse flutes) consciously, even if before that moment they had never held it in our hands.

Where to begin?

It is worth mentioning right away that buying an instrument should not be the first step in mastering a flute. Familiarity with the music world is best to start with the choice of a teacher. His advice will greatly facilitate the search and save time. The ideal option is to take the teacher with you to the store so that he can evaluate the selected model on the spot and demonstrate its advantages and disadvantages compared to other tools.


The common belief that the first instrument does not have to be expensive is not the best guide in choosing a flute. Cheap copies come to us from China. Unfortunately, their quality is quite consistent with the price. Due to the peculiarities of the assembly, such an instrument is difficult to handle: it is not easy to extract sounds from it, which can affect not only the desire to study, but also the student’s health (especially when it comes to the child).

The service life of Chinese flutes is short. As a rule, they live no longer than a year. It is unprofitable to repair such a tool, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to sell it even for half the initial price. The advantage of the Chinese flute is only in low cost, but its disadvantages are minimized by this advantage.

Flutes of Japanese, American and European manufacturers are more expensive (middle-class pupil’s instrument 30-40 thousand rubles), however, they serve 4-5 years. A used tool can be profitably sold (sometimes even for 60% of the initial cost). But the main thing is that it’s easier to learn on a good flute: it does not resist the musician, but becomes its continuation due to the mechanics worked out to the smallest detail, verified over the years of the composition of the metal alloy, silver coating.

Speaking of metal

Most student flute models are made from nickel silver - nickel, copper and zinc slept. The entire instrument or its individual elements are coated with silver. The nickel silver is highly resistant to aggressive influences: it is not susceptible to corrosion, durable and resilient - and is considered an excellent material for the student flute.

A lip plate or sponge (the part of the flute head that comes in direct contact with the performer's lips) is often made of more expensive metal. The same can be said about the riser (or solder) - the ring connecting the lips with the flute head. As a rule, metal with higher acoustic characteristics is used for its manufacture: if the sponge is made of nickel silver, the riser can be silver, if the sponge is made of silver, the riser is gold.

Cheaper tools are made of brass with a thin silver coating.

Fully silver flutes are more likely an option for an "advanced user", since they are more expensive, and it will be difficult to distinguish the nuances of sound in the initial stages.

Top manufacturers

The musical instruments market is full of offers. It is necessary to pay attention to the products of well-known companies that have managed to prove themselves. In addition to reviews and history, one of the important characteristics of such companies is the manufacture of flutes of various classes, from student to professional, from cheap to expensive.

Only a specialist can recommend a particular brand. The market situation is changing rapidly. Until recently, the products of the Japanese company Yamaha were universally respected, but today flutists note a decrease in the quality of the instrument of this company. The American brand Di Zhao and the Austrian Tomasi are now popular. It will be difficult to predict what the price-quality ratio of these companies will be in a year, therefore it is always worthwhile to turn to a teacher for a recommendation.

Used or new?

The first instrument in life is best acquired personally, and not through the Internet, and ideally come to the seller with a teacher or a familiar flutist. The latter is especially important if a used flute is purchased. A professional will be able to assess the degree of her "shabby", the correspondence of price and quality. It is important to remember that you cannot buy Chinese instruments from hand - they are guaranteed to be in poor condition.

Used flutes of well-known manufacturers with good care and careful attitude of the previous owners will last a single year. Such a tool can be a good start if there is not enough money for a “fresh” copy.

Of course, it is preferable to buy a new flute. As already mentioned, her service life — about 5 years — lasts as long as the initial training at a music school.

Structural features

Especially for teaching children, transverse flutes with a curved head are created: U-shaped or drop-shaped. Both design options make the instrument more compact, which makes it easy to play for small musicians whose hands are not yet long enough to handle a straight flute.

Another design feature often recommended for beginners is that the flute valves are not in line. On such instruments, two valves (salt and the one closest to it to the right) are offset relative to the location of the others. This design is recommended for all novice musicians, without exception, especially if the flute is equipped with valves with resonators (see below). The offset of the two valves facilitates the extraction of the note of salt and is therefore popular among flute players, although arranging the valves in a line is considered a more elegant solution.

Among student flutes you can find instruments with closed valves (solid valves, without resonators). In the first couple it is easier to learn from them. Some teachers recommend, however, immediately buy a flute with resonators, but complete with special plugs. If necessary, the valves can be closed, but from the first lessons the student will get used to the correct setting of hands.

What else can you pay attention to

When choosing the first tool, you should rely on the opinion of a specialist. The teacher will tell you what other design nuances are worth considering. So, for some flutes, when the “mi” valve is pressed, one of the “salt” valves is simultaneously activated. This design feature is called “Mi-mechanics” (mechanics are the part of the flute on which the valves and other mechanical elements are located), it facilitates the extraction of the “third” octave by “mi” and is most often installed on flutes with valves out of line.

The notes of the third octave are also made easier by Neo-Mechanics, a system in which the size of the second salt valve is slightly reduced. This design is usually installed on flutes with valves in line.

Another variant of mechanics - The Brögger System - a system in which flat springs are not used, which contribute to faster wear of the body of the flute and are used in the manufacture of most flutes.

When choosing an instrument, one may encounter such marks as “French system” or “German system”. They differ in two ways:

  • The position of the leg is sharp (pressed or not pressed). The most common system today is the French one: the G-sharp foot is not pressed, the flute has an additional valve that opens when it is pressed.
  • An arrangement of valves "s" and "b-flat". In the French system, the B-flat valve comes first, then the B-valve, in the German system the opposite.

It is quite difficult to choose a good tool on your own. When buying, you should seek the help of a professional - a teacher or a familiar flutist. A low-quality flute is able to discourage the desire to make music and even negatively affect health, therefore you do not need to chase a low price.

A large number of signs of alteration - sharps and flats, in the musical text cannot be taken into account, believing that this can create technical difficulties when playing an artistic piece of music on a flute of the Boehm system.
It should be known and taken into account that the keys containing flat emblems of alteration most favorably correspond to the peculiarities of flute fingering.
The technique of playing complex technical techniques when playing a piece for flute, taking into account the design features of this instrument, allows for the execution of jumps between the first and second octaves at the maximum tempo rate.
Also, using technology of blowing, that is, a stronger air supply to the instrument, with insignificant help of the valves, perform jumps playing the melodic line in the second octave and softly, imperceptibly, in terms of timbre coloring of the sound of the flute, proceed to the performance of the melody in the fourth octave. For this technique, it is necessary to learn how to adjust the lip tension corresponding to this jump. At the same time, you should be aware that the performance of the sounds of the fourth octave has a more complex fingering, requiring slightly to open the holes located above or below the sound required to extract. That is, it is necessary to use such a slight opening of the holes, as additional octave valves.
Such a technology for extracting sound on a transverse flute is similar to extracting sound on stringed instruments using the “flaglet” method, that is, lightly touching the string, which is in a state of vibration.
For the most accurate example, it is required to clarify that the main number of notes in the fourth octave, on the flute, is removed by pressing the valve dis (re-sharp) with the little finger of the right hand.
The technology of execution in the upper register provides a method for reproducing fluent passages sounding above the sound d (re) - the third octave. In this case, there are difficulties absent when playing in the first and second octaves. However, thanks to the valve mechanism of the Boehm flute, these difficulties can be especially ignored. The flute mechanics of this system have additional valves, the application of which provides for a whole set of fingering combinations, thanks to which you can find a way to implement melodic sequences that, at first glance, seem impossible. However, if you pay special attention to these difficulties of performance, during independent lessons on the flute, thanks to the stubbornness of the student, the problem will be eliminated by itself, by increasing the level of the musician’s performing technique.
The technique of playing the flute in the upper register of the instrument provides for quite a long work on mastering the performance technique in the upper register of the instrument, as well as acquiring the ability to perform octave jumps and jumps from one instrument register to another by changing the lip tension with the correct use of auxiliary fingering.
These recommendations should help the novice performer on the transverse flute correctly draw up a work plan in their daily lessons on the instrument. The young musician is obliged to determine for himself what professional aspects it is necessary first of all to pay his special attention. This is important for the youngest flute player to quickly learn how to play complex technical techniques while playing a flute piece.

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Beginners who are just about to master the flute have a lot of questions about choosing a tool and accessories for it, proper care, choosing the right educational institution and many others. But the most important question is what flute to buy a novice musicianso that the tool is not too expensive, but at the same time high quality? There are a lot of brands and models of classical longitudinal flutes, and their cost varies in a wide range, there are only a few dozen of them.

Many ask for advice from more experienced musicians or seek answers to their questions in special thematic forums. But, as a rule, it can be difficult for a beginner to navigate a host of different answers, especially if he never even held a flute in his hands. This is what our store staff advise novice flutists about choosing the right instrument.

In order for training, it is necessary, first of all, to consult with your future teacher. The choice of a tool is a purely individual matter, depending on the age of the student and his financial capabilities, and only an experienced teacher will be able to choose the right tool for you with the necessary options and convenient mechanics, focusing on your budget. After that, you can safely go to the store for a purchase. If your teacher does not have time to accompany you, and friends and acquaintances are far from music - this is not a reason to postpone the purchase. The consultants of the Music Store online music store will help you choose the instrument recommended by your teacher, demonstrate its sound and technical capabilities, check the mechanics in your presence, and give useful recommendations  flute care depending on what material it is made of.

The best flutes for beginners. Overview of popular budget brands and models.

Often, beginners have another question:which flute is better to buy: new or used?

Here, too, there can be no definite answer - it all depends on the brand and condition of the tool. Of course, branded instruments such as YAMAHA, Miyazawa, Trevor James do not lose their technical specifications, building and sound purity. But new options and even boo in good condition are quite expensive. Cross flutes of well-known American brands Armstrong, Gemeinhardtthey rarely buy, because their quality is not bad, but they are quite expensive and modern flute players and teachers are not satisfied with the sound extraction and mechanics of new models.

Therefore, many choose more budget brands. The most expensive flutes of the initial level of normal quality at the lowest price of the brandBrahner. The mechanics are modernly made and for the very beginning this is not a bad option. But given the cost, the quality is quite simple and these models do not last long. As a rule, a year can be lost. More as lucky. Better to choose is not much more expensive, but better in the quality of materials, assembly and sound budget models  grades Mercury (USA), Forest (USA). These models have been supplying for over 8 years. And every year and new delivery, the quality is better. Easy sound extraction, a decent tempo of sound, comfortable modern mechanics. These models serve without problems for at least 3-4 years. If children do not break or do not bend by negligence, as a rule they finish the music school. Even better in quality, sound and brand assembly Vibra (France). These models are practically not inferior to the Yamaha and Trevor James flutes of the entry-level budget line, but they cost several times less. They serve without breakdowns and problems of the order of 5-6 years. Many have more. And today, new models of this manufacturer are the best option for starting classes for both children and adult lovers.

At the same time, Conn-Selmer Prelude and Roy Benson models of the same cost and even more expensive are increasingly inferior in quality of materials, assembly and sound. Plus, quality problems often begin to arise after 2-3 years of play. Therefore, more and more every year flute educators advise flutes Mercury (USA), Forest (USA)  and even more Vibra (France), as the best option  to start classes.

Where to buy a flute?

What all the same, you decide. If possible, it is still better to purchase a relatively inexpensive student model of well-known brands. In this case, you can count on the correct sound extraction, over time adapting the instrument to the characteristics of your breathing apparatus and ear cushion. Such an instrument will last you five to six years, and if during this time you are seriously interested in playing the flute and decide to continue your studies at a music school or conservatory, then you can here, inmusic Store Music Store in Moscow on Belorusskaya, more expensive, professional, containing silver or other precious metals.

A few tips from professionals on choosing a flute For beginners who are just going to learn a flute, there are a lot of questions about choosing a tool and accessories for it, proper care, choosing the right educational institution and many others. But the main question is which flute to buy for a novice musician so that the instrument is not too expensive, but at the same time high quality? There are a lot of brands and models of classic longitudinal flutes, and their cost varies in a wide range; there are several dozen types of them in the Moscow Music Store online musical instrument store in Moscow alone.

Many ask for advice from more experienced musicians or seek answers to their questions in special thematic forums. But, as a rule, it is difficult for a beginner to navigate a host of various answers, especially if he never even held a flute in his hands. This is what our store staff advise novice flutists about choosing the right instrument.

To buy a flute for training, you must first consult with your future teacher. The choice of a tool is a purely individual matter, depending on the age of the student and his financial capabilities, and only an experienced teacher will be able to choose the right tool for you with the necessary options and convenient mechanics, focusing on your budget. After that, you can safely go to the store for a purchase. If your teacher does not have time to accompany you, and friends and acquaintances are far from music - this is not a reason to postpone the purchase. The consultants of the Music Store online music store will help you choose the instrument that your teacher recommended, demonstrate its sound and technical capabilities, check the mechanics in your presence, and give useful recommendations on how to care for the flute, depending on which what material is it made.

Often, beginners have another question: which flute is better to buy: new or used? Here, too, there can be no definite answer - it all depends on the brand and condition of the tool. Of course, such branded instruments as YAMAHA, BRAHNER, Mercury do not lose their technical characteristics, structure and sound purity with careful handling, but if possible, it is still better to purchase a relatively inexpensive student model of well-known brands. In this case, you can count on the correct sound extraction, over time adapting the instrument to the characteristics of your breathing apparatus and ear cushion. Such an instrument will last you five to six years, and if during this time you are seriously interested in playing the flute and decide to continue your studies at a music school or conservatory, then you can then, in the Music Store music store, buy a more expensive, professional flute containing silver or other precious metals.