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King root does not work. What can I do with root rights on Android? (best options)

Surely many have heard of the administrator's rights in phones and tablets based on Android OS, called root access. But far from everyone knows what they need and how to use them right. Moreover, trying to get administrator rights without the right knowledge can be fraught with problems. We suggest to understand what root rights are on Android, and also find out how to use them right.

Rut-access or how else is called, a superuser, can be obtained for any smartphone based on android. Routized devices have more opportunities for configuring personalization and managing system files / processes. IN as usual modeThe user works with a mobile phone on guest rights. You can watch videos, listen to music and engage in internet browser, which is enough for the majority. However, only with administrator rights, it is possible to drastically influence the OS processes, modify system files, etc.

Every medal has back side, Ruttle right here is no exception. On a row with the extension of the functionality, the user will lose the possibility of official firmware updates and branded chips from the manufacturer. This is one of possible causeswhy developers do not open the root access to their devices when buying.

Why are you needed?

As already mentioned above, administrator rights significantly expand the basic features of the user to work with the OS. To the most significant functions that appear in the rutted devices should be attributed:

  • The ability to freeze and make a backup of the current firmware on android smartphones and tablets.
  • Delete embedded advertising from applications installed in memory.
  • Delete system (initially built-in) call melodies and program.
  • Add to the application and melodies.
  • Extensive Personalization Setup Features: Changing application icons design, background.
  • Ability to edit.apk files, system programs.
  • Extending the battery life due to optimizing energy saving parameters.
  • The ability to increase speed and smoothness in operation, by disconnecting unnecessary system processes and tasks.
  • Acceleration and lowering clock operating frequency central processor And the video screen.
  • Creating your own versions of Android firmware.

This is just the vertex of iceberg, the main functions that are unlocked when receiving administrator rights. For each of them individually, you can select some more simpler, which can be useful for many users. If you still do not understand what administrator rights give the rights on Android, we recommend to watch the training video presented below.

How to use?

Without possessing the necessary knowledge, you will not be able to benefit from administrator rights on your mobile phone. To remove advertising, changing the properties of applications, etc., you will need a special application, for example SuperSU. There are also several different types of root rights on Android, differing by the time of action and functionality. Consider everything in order, and begin with preliminary training.

What to do before getting

Before getting the root right in Russian for your mobile phone, you may need to unlock the bootloader. Such an operation will be required for devices: Sony, LG, Huawei, HTC and some other popular brands. At the same time, you can not do without a computer and special brand programs. Performing an operation official method, Be also ready for the loss of all the data available in the memory.

Types of root-rights

Depending on the need, you can get different types of root access rights:

  • Full root. This is the most full view administrator rights. They are not randomly deleted or after restarting the phone. With their help, the user gets full access to system files and processes, as well as the ability to write to the SYSTEM section.
  • Shell root. Like a full root, this type of right is also not deleted after the reboot and opens up ample opportunities before the user. However, in this case, there is no possibility of recording and overwriting to the System section.
  • TEMPORARY ROOT. It is a temporary type of administrator's rights. Such root access flies immediately after rebooting the system.

How to check their availability?

Another frequently asked question by users: how to see if I received the administrator rights on the phone? On this score there are two options for checking:

  1. Need to open file managerFor example, ES explorer, and go to the / System / Xbin section. If there is a SU file in this directory, then the root rights are installed successfully.
  2. Download the Root Checker application, which is available in the playmarket, and already via it, check the availability of administrator rights on the phone.

For the methods of verification, see the educational video presented below.

Use on the example of the SuperSU utility

After you rotted your mobile phone, you need to put a special application, for example SuperSU. We will look at how to enjoy administrator rights on this utility, because it is available in playmark and convenient for use.

After you downloaded and installed SuperSu to the phone, the program begins to control and manage system processes requiring root access. Once any application addresses to this or that process, the screen is displayed on the screen. At the same time, you can also put a reminder of the recruitment through any convenient time. And to study the story of such appeals can be in the log specially created for this. It contains all requests from the time of the SuperSU, opposite which the status is displayed (obtained or not received), time and date.

The first tab of the SuperSU utility is assigned to the applications for which administrator rights are installed. They can be configured in more detail or remove from this list by turning the corresponding resolution. The last tab in the utility, which can be opened by side swipe on the screen, are settings. Here it is possible to establish such parameters:

  • Activate re-authentication to confirm access to administrator rights each time you update the applet.
  • Establish constant access to the default root rights for all programs on the phone.
  • Set the response time to auto-failure in providing root rights for the selected application.
  • Setting the entry parameters in the log.
  • Change the visualization, graphic background and interface language.
  • Activation of survival mode.
  • Use the utility as a system program.

A separate item has a modification of the user firmware, if the user is used.

Root is account The main administrator is a user with maximum rights. From under this record you can do with the phone a lot of interesting things that were previously prohibited by developers.

Rut-Ruth (from the English root - root) on Android allow you to change the firmware on your smartphone or tablet, install applications to the memory card, have unlimited access to Google Play Market. and much more.

There are three types of root rights:

Full Ruth- full and permanent rights, without restrictions;

Shell root. - permanent, but without access to the \\ System folder;

TEMPORARY ROOT. - Temporary, which disappear after rebooting.

It is worth noting that on some mobile devices (for example, HTC Desire) The manufacturer sets the NAND LOCK blocker. Because of it, it is impossible to get Full root - only Shell or Temporary.

So why do you need root android rights? We will give three main arguments.

Cause №1. Access to the system

Get root rights to android - it means to have complete control over the system - change and delete any files, delete standard applications, change system themes and images when loading the phone. In the way, the user will easily protect its mobile device from unauthorized access. Having full access, you can work with the communicator, even without loading Android itself.

Cause # 2. New features of smartphone

Getting "Ruth" for Android allows you to transfer applications from the phone's memory to a memory card, as well as transfer the browser cache there - the App2SD utility is perfectly cope with this.

Cause number 3. Privileges on Google Play

To have full access to applications in Play Google Market, also needed advanced (root) rights. Just because some applications you will not be able to download and install, being an ordinary "unwanted" user.

Ways to get "root" rights to android several. The most common is the installation of one of the UNIVERSAL AND ROOT, Z4ROOT or SuperoneClick type programs. However, before this, it is worth stopping the work of the antivirus, since it will define these programs as bad. We must warn you that after the "routine" may be lost guarantee for repairing a mobile device. At the same time, we do not recommend pursuing such an operation to inexperienced users, as even with a small violation of instructions, your smartphone can simply fail.

Many functions are blocked by Android developers due to the fact that they are able to destroy important data or open holes for malicious programs in defense. However, some programs are so useful that the sake of the sake of risk. With superuser's rights, you can replace almost all standard applications on third-party, more functional and convenient. In addition, Kingo Android Root will provide you with full access to the file system.

What is Kingo Android Root

Kingo. Android root. Designed to install the superuser's rights on the device. Actually, in addition, she can't do anything. The program is simple and convenient.

Root rights - exceptional access to the kernel and operating system files.

To configure root access, just press just one button, everything else will be done automatically. True, it is necessary to pre-make certain preparations.

How to get root rights on android

With PC

Please note that root access deprives you warranty service.. Let anything illegal in our actions, however, the superuser's rights create cutters in the security system of your device. Developers, of course, do not want to answer for it with their money. And more: do not forget to put the antivirus after the procedure, since the standard firewall will turn off.

  1. Download and install Kingo Android root on your computer.
  2. Install and run the program. Now forget about the computer for some time and take the phone.
  3. To begin with, turn on USB debugging. There is a parameter in the menu for developers.

    Not all the developer menu devices are open to users. Some manufacturers specifically hide it. Check if you have it. The item can be submitted by one of the sections of the "settings" or subsection in "special features". Suppose you have a hidden menu. To open it, go to the section "On System". Click on the "Assembly number" many times. A message appears that the developer mode is enabled or that the developer is registered.

  4. Now open "Settings" -\u003e Safety.
  5. Allow the installation of third-party applications by putting a tick in the corresponding paragraph.
  6. After that, connect the device to the computer via a USB cord. When all the drivers are installed, the Kingo program will offer you to proceed with the procedure. To do this, press the Large Orange button. After a few minutes everything will be ready.

How to install superuser rights to mobile android device - video

Without computer use

To get superuser rights without use personal computerDownload and install the Kingroot software on your mobile device. It is similar to Kingo, but receives rights directly from the smartphone. Click on the green button and wait a few minutes. Root will be obtained.

In the process there may be errors and any problems. The program will suggest you immediately fix it. In most cases, it helps.

Instructions for obtaining superuser rights - gallery

How to remove root access

If you want to remove the root, there are two ways. In addition, the process of uninstalling on devices is deserved separate attention. Samsung Galaxy (due to their special architecture and security system KNOX).


Since you have root access, you can use any file manager and "dig" in system files.

  1. Open the file manager and go to the / System / Bin directory. Delete the SU file.
  2. Now delete a similar file in the / System / XBIN folder /
  3. Finally, open / System / App / and delete SuperUser.apk
  4. Now restart the device and check the presence of the root using the Root Checker programs.

Using programs

If you did not set up a custom (modified) firmware, you can remove the root by the SuperSU program.

It's easy to work with her.

However, even this method will not help Samsung Galaxy due to a specific security system.

On the Samsung Galaxy device

Samsung has created its own special architecture, because of which many applications do not work as needed. In particular, this applies to all programs related to firmware and root. For example, to put new version Operating system (or custom firmware), you can only use the ODIN program. While all other devices support universal utilities.

It is interesting! Samsung has such a security environment called Samsung Knox. It protects data and blocks viruses access to internal system files. And she also ensures that users do not install castomous firmware and root rights to the device. There is a "knox counter", whose state can be viewed in oDIN program. This counter is initially zero. But if the user installed the third-party version of the operating system or "drew" the device, the counter increases by one. In this case in any service center You will be denied warranty service. Removing the root does not reset the counter.

Thus, in Samsung Galaxy it is impossible to simply delete the superuser rights, you need to reflash the device.

How to Delete Kingo Android Root Program

There is nothing complicated in this. The program is not installed on the mobile device, so it's just enough to clean the computer from all files.

Use CCleaner to uninstall entries in the Kingo Android Root Application Registry.

Install the root rights is easy, the programmers have collected applications that perform all actions automatically, the user remains only to press one button. It is not difficult at all and delete root access: it is enough to get rid of the files in the SYSTEM folder responsible for the superuser's rights. However, do not forget that root cancels the warranty on the device. So think well before breaking the rules for using a smartphone or tablet. Perhaps in your case the root-access is not needed at all.

If you appear the following contents when using the phone or delete any file: "Confirm access to the rights", "Need administrator's powers", "We need super user rights", "It is required to get root for correct work" And the like, it means that in the current settings of your android presentation on certain functions. For some, it seems not correct. After all, we all when we buy a phone, we want to become his full owners, decide which applications we need, and which no, what to download and remove it. But there is another side.

Android is very universal and flexible operating system, consisting of huge number Files, providing respectively many possibilities for its use. Not experiment you can accidentally delete some important elements., Considering them just useless. Thus, having damaged it, which may result in hanging or even worse to the failure of the entire gadget. That is why the developers have come up with all these permissions and permits for use, i.e. it is a kind of defense.

ROOT rights or super user rights (Super User) is a confirmation of access to the exercise of any action in the Android system.

That is, root rights are the rights that unlimited privileges give you with your device. If so it can be expressed, you become a full-fledged administrator. After receiving them, you can do anything from Android. Delete system applications. Freeze them, disconnect completely, suspend. You can remove a bunch of software that you absolutely not needed and was established by developers for personal purposes (they are also called). These system processes are constantly working and loaded your device can be said exactly half.

Often, when you choose the phone, you say that the built-in memory is 4GB. And as often happens, seeing what they dreamed about so much, do not even look at it and how it all works. Completely trust sellers, and we sing beautiful songs as this model conquered the whole world. But when they have already bought and started at least the smallest to understand what, we see that from our memory in 4GB, there is exactly half or that less. How did it happen, because you have not yet established anything else, but there is no longer any memory, but what will happen when you upload your favorite and necessary programs, or start playing games on Android. Your system will begin to slow down or even worse. The phone will constantly warm up, as the processor works on the full coil. And you can't do anything, since you have no privileges to manage your Android system, and for this you should become root user, that is, the superuser.

As soon as you get root rights to Android, then your whole warranty just flies! This is usually assigned in the warranty card. After that, you will not be able to software failure Contact the service where you will be replaced or will replace it under warranty.

I, as I bought the last device, exactly a day later put ROOT rights. In the case of which I can now easily flash the phone with the factory firmware and return it to the initial state. After all android system What is good that it will be able to manage even a very trouble-free user. Fortunately, there are a large variety of firmware programs.

Something we succeeded from the topic. And so proceed to get root rights on any device supporting the Android system.

We get root rights

Essential 2 methods of obtaining root rights.

  1. Using a computer (you need to connect the phone through the cable)
  2. Without a computer (just installing the desired application).

Remember that there is no single faithful way to get root rights. It all depends on the device model and android version. Older versions (up to 4.0) are easier to rout through a computer, more new, just install the desired application.

We will show getting Root rights on both examples. If you are owner android version 6.0+, you can safely go to the second method.

We get root rights through a computer

To do this, download special program. A lot of them - . Choose any. The principle itself does not differ dramatically. We will show on the example of SuperoneClick.

Preparation: last version. You must attend these programs on Windows - Net Framework. 2.4 and above and Java Platform. Without them, we will not work.

Also, the driver must be installed, usually they are on the disk in the box with your device, and can be installed from the device when you first connect to the computer or download from the manufacturer's website.

Be sure to turn off softwarewhich went to the device. These are applications that are needed to facilitate work with your Android (PS Suite and the like). Disable it not all, you must definitely close the process if the program hangs in the tray, then just click on the output. If there are no programs, we look at the Task Manager, turn off the process you need. Be careful! If you do not know which processes are responsible for, it is better not to touch anything. Or look at the Internet how to turn off the processes on the computer.

We receive rights:

  1. Be sure to turn off the memory card from our device, just pulling it out.
  2. Turn off all system protection on your computer (network screens, firewalls, antiviruses)
  3. Unpack the downloaded SuperoneClick archive on the hard drive and go to the folder.
  4. Turn on the device, go to the settings and put a tick debugging on USB (settings - for the developer - debugging by usb)
  5. Let me install applications not from the market (settings - applications or security - unknown sources (put a tick))

Connect your phone to a computer

  1. Again we go to the computer to the folder with the SuperoneClick.exe program. We launch it, look to the list of exploit selection stood psneuter.
  2. Click on the root button, waiting. In the process it will be proposed to install BusyBox - it is necessary to agree, because This is a set of UNIX utilities. command line. If you did everything right, you will see this inscription: your device (device name) is rooted.

Possible causes of failures:

The ruting process goes too long - reboot, read the article carefully, try another application.

The program does not start - you did not turn off the antivirus and it removed the desired exploits that sees like Trojans.

It is impossible to make root and all - if it does not work out the root, reboot again the computer and phone, we repeat the attempt.

If the process is hung on the inscription "Waiting for Device", then until the connection is to remove the USB DEBUGGING (USB debugging), and when Waiting For Device appears, put it back.

How did I find out the root of rights: after correct operation in the proposals menu new program Superuser (SuperUser or SuperSU)

We get the root right from the phone

On the one hand, it is the easiest. We just need to download the necessary program And launch it. It would seem that there is a difficult? And the fact that there is no one faithful program for this. What is suitable for samsung will not work on Xiaomi. Here is not a complete list of programs: Root Master, Baidu root., Poot, Iroot, etc. In our opinion, the most optimally familiar with several, and then establish them yourself. To do this, we will provide a whole playlist video examples.

Remove root rights

If you still decide to remove them, for example, in case of warranty access to the store, then there are several ways:

  1. Flash the factory firmware (as we wrote above)
  2. Install a special application for this. You can easily find them on request "Unroot".
  3. Run SuperSU and execute the following: go to "Settings" section, then find and select "Full Root Delete" and restart the device.

In conclusion Recall: no program can guarantee 100% of success in obtaining root rights. Any third-party interference in the system can harm your device. All actions you perform at your own risk.

And you managed to get root rights? We will be glad if you share your experience in the comments to the article.

Kingo root - convenient program To quickly get root rights on Android. Extended rights allow you to make any manipulation on the device and, at the same time, with improper handling may well undergo its danger, because The attackers also receive full access to the file system.

Now consider how using this program to configure your Android and get root.

1. Device setup

Note that after activation root rightsThe manufacturer's warranty becomes invalid.

Before starting the process, you must produce some actions in the device. Go to B. "Settings" - "Security" - "Unknown sources". Turn on the option.

Now turn on USB debugging. It is located in different directories. IN recent models Samsung, in LG, you need to go to "Settings" - "On Device"Click 7 times in the field "BUILD NUMBER". After that, get a notice that you have become a developer. Now press the arrow back and get back in "Settings". You must have a new item "Developer Options" or "For the developer", Crossing in which you will see the right field . Activate it.

This method was considered on the example of the Nexus 5 phone from LG. In some models from other manufacturers, the name of the items described above may differ slightly, in some devices "Developer Options"active by default.

The preliminary settings are over, now go to the program itself.

2. Running the program and installation of drivers

Important: An unforeseen failure in the process of obtaining root rights can lead to a device breakdown. All the following instructions are you performing at your own risk. Neither we nor the developers of Kingo Root are not responsible for the consequences.

Open Kingo Root, and connect the device with uSB cable. Will begin automatic search And installing drivers for Android. If the process is successful, then in the main window of the program Buden displayed icon "Root".

3. The process of obtaining rights

Click on it and wait for the completion of the operation. All information about the process will be reflected in the only program window. At the end stage, a button will appear "FINISH"What says that the operation has passed successfully. After rebooting a smartphone or tablet that will automatically occur, root rights will be active.

Here, with the help of small manipulations, you can get advanced access to your device and enjoy its features fully.