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Surveillance methods. How to spy on people using a cell phone

Own counterintelligence [Practical guide] Zemlyanov Valery Mikhailovich

Basic rules of surveillance

Basic rules of surveillance

In order to learn to notice surveillance, you need to know its basic rules:

- study the object of observation and its habits;

- study the likely location of the object;

- to be invisible against the background of the surrounding environment;

- be ready to get away from surveillance;

- show enterprise and readiness for unexpected situations.

The study of the object's previous activities, combined with interviewing neighbors and friends under plausible pretexts, prepares agents for surveillance. They study newspaper files, firm newsletters, and other sources of information. They identify the movable and immovable property of the person involved, write down the brands and numbers of cars, enlarge photographs to study details, make films to determine habits, gait patterns, manner of dress and other features of the object.

Preliminary information should include: address, storage locations for various things, vehicles of the company and the person involved. It is necessary to establish routes to work and home and stops along the way, for example, shops, places of recreation, clubs, homes of friends and relatives.

Before starting surveillance, the agent must study the situation. Ideally, he needs to familiarize himself with the situation in all places where the object of observation may appear. Acquaintance with the area should take place at the moment when it is known that the person involved is in another place. Agents often stock up on maps and floor plans.

Agents rarely worry about being tracked down. A much greater danger is the police and suspicious people who can be found in any office or in the neighborhood. They take pride in the fact that they always know everything before others. They are sometimes called gossips and they terrify all agents, both private and government.

The agent should not be conspicuous, which is facilitated by the choice of image (clothing, hairstyle, accessories, car brand) and culture of behavior. The use of transport in the monitoring process simplifies the task. The advent of vans with mirrored windows on sale has made life much easier for agents - now they can comfortably rest in a warm (or, on the contrary, cooled by air conditioner) van, observing, photographing, controlling work technical devices... Another convenience is the head restraints on the car seats, because of which the agent's head is not visible.

Observation from a long distance is often preferred, since in this case the maximum distance is established between the object and the agent. Observation from a short distance is quickly detected. It is usually resorted to by an inexperienced novice, or by the police if they want to intimidate the offender. Surveillance rules require an agent to immediately stop surveillance as soon as he suspects that the person involved has noticed the surveillance.

Since the agent may find himself in the most unexpected conditions, it is necessary to have a set of clothes in order to change his appearance. For example, a helper can lead you to a sports field. A person in a business suit will be very noticeable there, so you should have a sports jersey and a cap in stock. The agent needs to have food and water with him, spare film and cassette, change for the machine, blanket, etc. Bedding, insect spray, and a portable toilet may be helpful. Sometimes you may need a wig and makeup in addition to a spare set of clothing. Tracking vehicles should be equipped with front and rear light switching devices to change the lighting pattern at night. An agent with a good imagination can think of many more useful things. For example, empty fruit baskets or a few fishing rods in the back of a sedan will transform a surveillance car into a family car. It's a good idea to use baby clothes for camouflage, such as diapers.

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Methods for detecting self-surveillance and avoiding surveillance

Identification of a search

The agent must constantly monitor for possible surveillance of himself.

An integral part of surveillance is usually the conduct of a search of the suspect's apartment by the appropriate authorities. To determine whether the door was opened in his absence, the agent sets before leaving (after closing the door) "controls" - various inconspicuous marks: sticks the hair with one end to the door, and the other to the casing; inserts a match into the gap between the door and the door frame. And if later it turns out that the hair is peeled off (the match is on the floor), then it means that someone has visited the apartment. Another way of control is memorizing, before each departure, the relative position of objects in the room. To facilitate memorization, objects are installed each time in a certain (the same) order, and before leaving, they look at them from the same point in the room. Let's say the room was left as shown in fig. 254, and upon arrival it looks like in Fig. 255. Some changes are visible: a- the floor lamp is shifted to the right; b- fruits on the table are located to the left; v- books on the upper (second from left) shelf are not tilted, but vertically; G- the bottle on the table is shifted to the right. Thus, the fact of the search is obvious.

In the event of an upcoming long absence (departure), in order to avoid the possible forgetting of the detailed arrangement of objects in the room, they can be photographed, and upon arrival, the picture can be compared with the real picture.

Rice. 254.

Rice. 255.

Identification of outdoor surveillance

Enemy counterintelligence usually sets a so-called tail for the suspect - constant surveillance. The agent's task is to detect the tail in time and avoid it (or take any other actions that were provided for in this case).

Eye contact with the same person more than twice can be a sign of surveillance. To check his suspicions, the agent can use various techniques, some of which are set out below and the results of which confirm surveillance.

… An agent who has left the house enters the store and from the inside looks through the window glass at the car that was previously parked not far from his house, and then turned out to be driving in the same direction the agent was following. The car stops in front of.

... The agent suddenly stops and pretends to look at the shop window. In the reflection of the display glass, he sees that a man walking on the opposite side stopped under the cover of a tree.

…V rainy weather the agent, covered with an umbrella, stops and stands for a very long time, pretending to be examining a shop window. The person walking on the opposite side also stops and begins to examine the shop window on his side of the street, and, despite the pouring rain and the absence of an umbrella, he does not go further and does not enter the store.

... A female agent walks into a women's hat shop and pretends to try on a hat in front of a mirror. In the mirror, she sees that the man whom she had noticed earlier came after her, but he shows little interest in the assortment of the women's store.

... Leaving the store, the woman returns to it; the person who followed her comes back too…. The agent stops in front of a store closed for a break and pretends to wait for it to open. A couple of lovers who followed him nearby pass by, stop, hug, return and slowly starts to walk back and forth.

... The agent pulls out any insignificant piece of paper from his pocket, pretends to read it carefully and then throws (“drops”) onto the sidewalk. The man walking behind picks it up.

... The agent gets into a subway car (or other form of public transport) and then exits, pretending to sit in the wrong direction. The previously noticed person jumps out after him.

Surveillance is often carried out from a car, both the driving and the walking agent. When spying from a car, special services use interchangeable numbers so that the same number is not conspicuous. In some countries, such a number can be inserted into a special frame to quickly change it. On closer inspection, this border is usually noticeable.

The special services use several cars, of different brands and colors, some of which move along parallel streets and are connected to surveillance using radio communications. The presence of surveillance can be detected: by suddenly changing the direction of movement or speed; sharply rearranging from row to row; stopping unexpectedly, slightly driving away from the parking lot; drive through a red light; showing a turn and waiting for the same signal from the intended tail; turn the other way, watching the pursuer in the mirror. If this is a "tail", then he will be forced to repeat all these dangerous maneuvers.

Avoiding observation

First, consider avoiding surveillance when an agent moves around without a car. One of the rules that an agent should be guided by is: do not get into the first taxi that turns up, land at least in the second, or even better, skip the second, but sit in the third.

When an agent, when moving on foot, feels being watched, he can try to break away from observation, using routine techniques based on changing the rhythm, direction and type of movement, creating certain barriers behind him, and lulling the vigilance of the “tail”.

Depending on the situation, the agent may use some of the following tail-avoidance techniques:

1. Long looping in crowded places (metro, train stations).

2. The use of walkways, apartments or courtyards and other "back" passages.

3. Frequent change of modes of transport.

4. Transitions in the metro from one line to another.

5. Application of "labyrinth" routes.

6. Unexpected acceleration after turning a corner with the intention of overshooting significantly further than would be expected at normal driving speed.

7. Leaving moving vehicles.

8. Entering and exiting public transport at the last moment when the doors are closed.

An important point in avoiding the "tail" is the agent's ability to quickly change his appearance: clothes, shoes, headwear, gait, face. As for the latter, then, in principle, it can be made up until completely unrecognizable, but for this

it takes too much time, which, of course, does not exist when avoiding persecution. However, there are others quick ways face changes, some of which will be discussed later.

As for the rest, for this case, the agent (both man and woman) has a special wardrobe: clothes that change color when they are turned inside out, with detachable hem and sleeves (making the clothes shorter and changing their appearance) or (vice versa) releasing (turning away) genders and sleeves (making clothes longer); shoes from which the top is removed - a cover and it changes color and style; roll-out bags and packages; false glasses; an umbrella that fits in a pocket. The pictures show part of such a wardrobe: a hat that changes color and style when turned inside out; coat, when turning out and unfastening the sleeves and the floor, turning into a jacket with a different color; changing skirt; coat jacket; changing shoes; changing (transformable) jacket. A quick change in appearance can be carried out when entering, for example, into an entrance. You can go to a store that sells clothes, where you can transform in a fitting room. A female agent to break away from the male “tail” can enter the ladies' toilet and leave unrecognizable, leaving the spy in complete bewilderment.

When the agent travels by car, the escape option can be, for example, creating the impression of the accompanying people moving in a direction well known to them from past trips and unexpectedly leaving the intended route. In general, the success of an agent's departure from counterintelligence vehicles depends on the agent's knowledge of local roads, on his ability to drive a car, and, finally, on the car itself (to what extent it will be adapted for such a situation). The first two points are achieved by practice driving on the terrain. As for the agent's car itself, although outwardly they should not differ much from those used in a given country, internally it must be equipped (re-equipped) appropriately, that is, be powerful enough (high-speed) and ensure the agent's safety in different situations.

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Today on the Internet you can find many of the most different programs for tracking the phone, which run on the Android platform. But are they effective? That is the question. The main advantage of all programs is that they are easy and simple to install on mobile phone... You can track your phone using your computer via email, where all the information from the phone goes. Also, all applications work only in hidden mode, and it will be very difficult to find them on mobile. Let's take a look at five of the most popular spyware programs that can be found on the Internet:

  1. VkurSe;
  2. Cell Phone Spy PRO +;
  3. Talklog;
  4. TrackView;
  5. FlexiSpy;


Let's start with the Talklog app. The program has the following features:

  • call log. You will receive a complete report on all calls to your e-mail;
  • audio recording telephone conversations... Each conversation can be recorded and then stored on the server;
  • receive SMS messages. You can intercept all messages from your phone;
  • location of the phone;
  • web browser. You can receive history from an internet browser;
  • applications. Talklog can also keep track of and monitor applications on the phone;
  • audio control. The program allows you to turn on the microphone on your phone.

This is the whole list of possibilities « programs "for spying on the phone Talklog. Not enough, isn't it?

Cell Phone Spy PRO

The Cell Phone Spy PRO + program is mainly aimed at catching a loved one in adultery. Works in much the same way as all other spyware programs. But it is worth noting that the effectiveness of this program may be at risk, because during its launch it requires entering a password and thus it can be easily removed from a mobile phone. Despite this, Cell Phone Spy PRO + will detect the location of the phone, its calls and messages.


TrackView spy program is able to track the location of a mobile phone, view messages and listen to calls, listen to ambient sound, and watch a picture from a camera. This program perfect for spying on a child's phone. The only drawback is that the application's functionality is small, so if you need a program with wide functionality, then it's best for you to install another mobile spy.


Stands out among the first three described programs for tracking your phone FlexiSpy. This application has many more features than the first three. All data will go to your Personal Area on the site. In addition to all the known possibilities of any mobile spy FlexiSpy can also crack screen lock passwords, passwords electronic boxes and applications. In addition, you will receive notifications when the owner of the phone has visited restricted places. But it is worth noting that none of the above mobile spy guarantees the safety of information from third parties.

VkurSe service

The VkurSe service not only guarantees the safety of all transmitted data from third parties, but also has a huge list of features. Such as:

Just look at the entire list of program features. None of the " prog "for spying on the phone... That is why the majority of users choose VkurSe mobile spy. The program was created not only for tracking and finding the location of the phone, but first of all, this is one of the ways parental control, as well as protecting your phone from theft, increasing employee productivity, locating your device when lost, and much more. See for yourself by downloading the VkurSe phone tracking application.

With our service you will always be aware of everything that happens with the mobile phone and its owner!

Today, 99% of people on Earth carry their personal leash with a collar in their pocket - this is their favorite smartphone. Not every person thinks that a mobile phone or an advanced smartphone is not only a means of communication, but also a device that allows you to determine the location of its owner. Why is phone tracking useful?

Why do this

Calculate where the owner of the phone is through the device itself - this function is useful for parents whose children are just starting to move around the city on their own, for example, go to school and go home after school lessons. So you can find out if the child got to the lessons, and where he was after graduation. If possible, it is worth connecting the phone tracking service to the devices of elderly parents, especially if there is a possibility that a person may suddenly feel unwell, or forget his address of residence and the way home.

The function is also useful in any extreme situations, for example, when a person is in an area where a natural disaster is raging, riots or military operations take place.

Probably the most common reason why men and women want to connect the tracking function to their other half's mobile device is jealousy and distrust of their partner. In this way, a jealous person or a jealous person arranges surveillance and checks on the spouse.

Search service from mobile operators

Tracking the location of a mobile phone - the very idea of ​​surveillance does not seem entirely ethical, but it does not always have exactly negative, spy connotations. For example, if a subscriber himself wants to activate the function in his phone, it is provided by four main operators on the territory of the Russian Federation:

  • Beeline;
  • MTS;
  • "Megaphone;
  • "Tele 2".

Operator services have specific name, activation procedure and cost according to the tariff plan. When connected, a subscriber's phone receives an SMS message with a request to activate the tracking function. The owner of the phone must agree to this request.


In order to activate the service of tracking the location of a mobile device, you need to send an SMS with the letter "L" to number 684. The function is activated once, that is, for one request. Each activation requires confirmation of the subscriber's consent. Another way is an open call to the number 068 499 24. The cost of the surveillance function is from 2.5 to 5 rubles. It works during a call between phones.

Tariff service "Beeline-Coordinates" is a constantly working tracking service, to which you can connect up to 5 subscribers at once, of course, with their consent. You can activate it free of charge in a communication salon or on your own.

To activate, you need to send an empty SMS to 4770, or call 0665. The service is controlled by sending commands to 4770. To request permission to track the location of the subscriber, you need to send to specified number SMS with the name and number of the subscriber. Further, the desired subscriber receives a request to obtain his consent. If he answers “Yes”, the message with his coordinates goes to the seeking subscriber. After such confirmation, all subsequent sending of the location request does not require the consent of the desired subscriber. Possible determination error - from 250 meters to a kilometer.


The operator provides a service for determining the location of the phone and its user, which is called "Supervised child". Parents successfully use it to keep their child under control. To activate the number 7788, you need to send the word "mom" or "dad", and in the first two weeks the service works free of charge. Further, its cost is 50 rubles per month.

In response to the request, a message is received with a unique code that is assigned to identify the family. Next, you need to use it to connect the second parent and the child himself. To register from the child's phone, you need to send a message to 7788 with the following content: CHILD<ИМЯ> <КОД СЕМЬИ>... The service is also managed by sending messages to the number 7788. For example, to receive information about the whereabouts of a child, you need to send an SMS with the text WHERE<ИМЯ>... In response, you will receive a message with approximate coordinates, as well as with a link, by clicking on which you can see the location on the map.

For large companies, a corporate communication package is offered, used to track a large group of people (employees), to control logistics routes, freight and passenger traffic.


This operator provides its users with several tariff plans for tracking mobile phones.

"Beacon" is convenient for parents who are worried about their child and want to know exactly where their child is at a given moment. The service can be activated only for subscribers with tariff plans"Smeshariki", "Ring-Ding" or "", that is, it is for children's tariffs. For Mayachk to work, MMS services must be configured on the mobile device, and the account must have a positive balance.

There are several ways to activate the service:

  • by sending SMS;
  • via USSD command.

In the first case, it is necessary to send an SMS to number 1410 with the following text: ADD ХХХХХХХХХХХ (subscriber's phone number, which starts with the corresponding code, for example, with +, +7, 7, 8).

Connection via USSD-command is as follows: the combination * 141 * XXXXXXXXXXX is entered on the phone. Next, you need to press the call button. You can connect another follower in the same way by entering the number of the other follower.

By dialing the code * 141 # on his own phone and pressing the call button, the parent will receive an MMS message with a fragment of the map showing the child's location.

The service called "Radar" allows you to monitor subscribers not only within the network, but also those who are connected to "MTS", "Beeline" and "Tele2". "Radar" is activated after installing and configuring the geographic tracking area. To activate, you need to log in to the site, and set the monitoring parameters in the corresponding tab. Data on the movements of the tracked object is stored on the site for 90 days.

The service, which can be used without the knowledge of the subscriber, works through mobile app, and you can also use it online, on the operator's website in the "Locator" tab. It should be noted that connecting a mobile device to the service still requires confirmation from the subscriber, but you do not need to obtain consent every time you request a location.

"Navigator" from "Megafon" is activated through the site, or through a mobile application.

"Tele 2"

The operator provides a service called "Geopoisk". Capable of tracking a mobile phone with any technical characteristics, from modern smartphones to push-button rarities. The looking subscriber receives information either through SMS messages or through the application interface. To activate, you need to send a USSD request * 119 * 01 #, use the command * 199 * phone number # to connect the desired number. Through the USSD-menu * 119 # and the "Find" function, you can get information about the position of the subscriber. When sending a request for location determination, the desired subscriber will receive a corresponding request. If the subscriber does not respond to the request with consent, it will be impossible to obtain information about his location.

Search via satellite

Knowing how to locate the position of your phone via satellite can help you find your lost or stolen device. There are several search options using satellite communication capabilities:

  • by IMEI number;
  • via GPS and special direction finder programs.

To calculate the phone via IMEI, you first need to find out this code - a sequence of 16 or 17 digits assigned to the phone as unique identificator... The information is stored in the phone's memory, in addition, it is indicated in the warranty card and on the phone battery.

The code is assigned to the device when assembled at the factory. Theoretically, it can be changed by flashing the phone, although modern manufacturers put protection against flashing and changing the IMEI code in order to protect phone owners from theft. It is easy to find out the phone code - for this you need to press the key combination * # 06 # and the call button.

You can use this information to search for a phone by satellite only through an appeal to law enforcement agencies with a statement about theft or loss. Police officers will be asked to show a coupon, a purchase receipt, a phone box. If the phone is brought into the country legally, police officers will scan the location of the device.

IPhone owners know that when buying a phone, you need to register in the iCloud system and activate the search service in the menu. To track your smartphone, log into your iCloud account, enter Apple password ID, click "Search my iPhone", and then navigate the map that opens.

A similar function works on phones with an operating room Android system... For Android, the algorithm is as follows: you need to open the "Device Manager", enter account Google discover your device online.

Device Manager is a function that allows you to find your phone and get information about its location. You can even use it to make remote call on your smartphone, or delete information from it.

To use the smartphone, it must be synchronized with the owner's Google account. To enable the function, you need to enter the "Settings" section, go to "Security", select the "Device Administrators" subsection. Opposite the name "Device Manager" must be checked. Then you need to click the "Activate" button.

The search for a lost or stolen smartphone occurs through the site When you first visit the site, you will need to agree to the Device Manager terms to use the location information.

After that, if the lost device is connected to the Internet, it can be found on the website by cellular networks, Wi-Fi or GPS.

Windows Phone offers online search through the site of the same name.

Another way to search through satellite communications- visiting the Glonass website, the Monitoring section. It can be used by the owners of smartphones-communicators. To track a device, you need to register in the system, indicate the mobile number, SIM card of the desired device, full name and address.

Services and programs

All tracking applications and programs that allow you to find a phone over the Internet on sites, or using your own mobile, are official or so-called spyware. In the first case, the sought number receives a notification that someone is interested in its coordinates. In the second, programs are installed on a mobile device without the knowledge of the owner, do not send him any notifications, and do not find themselves in any way. Such surveillance is illegal and can lead to administrative or criminal liability for the tracker.

Sygic Family Locator - the program tracks the location of subscribers registered in it by phone number, and reports on the battery level. Works on Android and iPhone, however, for owners of Apple gadgets it is paid. In addition, Sygic Family has messenger functions. Other legal services are “Supervised child”, “Radar”, “Locator” described above.

Find your phone

To find your phone number, you can use the following services:

  • service PLNET, also known as;
  • Apps Friend Locator, Family Tracker, Locator from - they can be downloaded from Play Market to your Android phone;
  • for iPhone: Find My iPhone or Tracker Plus.

Check your mobile's surveillance

There are several tricks to find out if a specific mobile device... By dialing the code * # 21 #, you can determine whether the forwarding of calls, SMS and other information is enabled. Such functions can be connected by jealous spouses, or parents who control and protect their children. Sometimes the victims of surveillance are elderly people who can give their phone to a fraudster, for example, so that he can make a call from him. Inconsistent redirection threatens that strangers gain access to the circle of contacts, personal data, the daily routine of the victim, and sometimes even to her financial resources.

You can find out where calls and SMS are forwarded when the phone is unavailable using the code * # 62 #. To reset all types of call forwarding, you need to dial the code ## 002 #.

If the Netmonitor utility is installed on the phone, special codes make it possible to track the location of the phone, and find out if there is surveillance on the device:

for iPhone: * 3001 # 12345 # *, and for Android: * # * # 4636 # * # * or * # * # 197328640 # * # *.

In the Netmonitor program, you need to go to the UMTS Cell Environment tab, then to UMTS RR info, fix all the Cell ID values. These numbers indicate the numbers of base stations that are located nearby. By default, the mobile phone connects to the base with the strongest signal.

Returning to the main menu, you need to select the MM info tab, then Serving PLMN. The Local Area Code values ​​are displayed here. Using two categories of values, using a regular site under the fourth tab in the menu on the left, you can identify the location of the base station to which the phone is connected. If such a base is a mobile station such as a minibus or KamAZ, this should alert. Operators usually do not use mobile bases, except in areas where there is no coverage from stationary towers - in this way they can track and listen to calls.

Ethical side of the issue

If we are talking about an adult and capable person, any surveillance of him without his consent is unacceptable. So, for example, connecting the location determination service to the mobile of a child or elderly parents in order to protect them from troubles and come to the rescue if necessary is a completely justified move. As for installing spyware without the knowledge of the subscriber, which jealous husbands and wives usually do, is a direct step towards completely ruining relations with a person. After all, who would like trying to put an adult on a leash?

Services and programs for tracking a mobile phone can be legal helpers when you lose your phone or to monitor minor children. If location tracking is a spyware, in some cases, their installation and use in general can lead to administrative or criminal liability. It is necessary to use such means of calculating the location of a mobile phone wisely and carefully.

Spying on your wife through your phone is one of the most simple ways private espionage. It is quite effective and at the same time maximum conflict-free. You will save money because spyware is installed on a mobile, and you don't need to involve a private detective to spy on the infidel. You can track your wife's phone activity without leaving your home.

It should not be ruled out that those who wish not to be convicted of treason will masterfully hide their tracks. For example, if you just take and check your spouse's phone number, it may not contain unknown contacts, SMS and other incriminating correspondence.

It is better to check the activity of the subscriber in secret from him. This operation is called mobile espionage and is becoming more popular every year. By installing a special spy application on your wife's smartphone, you can constantly track her calls, correspondence and location.

When should you use the service?

Men use the services of a mobile spy in the following cases:

  • there are good reasons to believe that the wife has a lover;
  • she put a password on her mobile;
  • does not answer calls in your presence, is careful in his statements;
  • she constantly has urgent matters that she does not talk about.

Is it possible to “bloodlessly” check what it is changing? Will this help to reveal all suspicions about her? Is it possible to prevent treason in this way? Our answer is yes. It is not shameful to follow your wife through the phone, because it is calmer, and besides, you are always on the alert. In which case you will be ready for an unpleasant turn of events in your life together.

Which program should you use?

If you click on the link below, you will have access to a special online online tracking service. The spy application must be activated on the wife's smartphone without her notification. Software designed for Android devices.

Fast and easy installation does not require special knowledge and effort. A separate profile with limited access is created on a special site. Only you will have a password to the account, where information about all the subscriber's activity is stored:

  • detailing of calls: number, duration, incoming or outgoing, audio recording;
  • correspondence: SMS, MMS, mobile chat, data exchange;
  • saving and deleting files, including selfies taken by his wife.

What is the result?

You get round the clock remote access to his wife's mobile. At any time and anywhere through your own smartphone, you can conduct constant monitoring in real time.

Before you follow your wife's phone, you must understand exactly that you have stopped trusting your beloved. The service described above provides each user with free monitoring for 12 hours.

Mobile spyware is effective method quickly collect the necessary evidence of the spouse's betrayal. Data collection is carried out in a hidden mode without the knowledge of the owner. You will always be aware of where your spouse is spending time and with whom.