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Recover login apple id. Forgot App Store password: how to recover it? What to do in unusual situations

Good time! Just great amount questions are received both by e-mail and in comments to articles on the topic of a forgotten (lost, changed by someone, etc.) e-mail iCloud and password to it. To be more precise, this is about, but the essence of the matter does not change. In order to somehow systematize all this information, it was decided to write this article. So, if you do not remember (do not know) the password or Email to which your (or "someone else's") iPhone or iPad is registered, and you really want to activate it, then this instruction is for you!

A bit of history. With the release of the operating system iOS 7, Apple introduced additional protection for all device owners from theft, loss, etc. Now no person can access the phone, as well as the data that is on it, if he does not know the Apple ID and password from it.

Whatever action you take:

  • (full reset settings).
  • Upgrading (upgrading or downgrading) the firmware.
  • Entering into DFU mode and the subsequent attempt to flash.
  • Parsing into small parts and replacing certain parts of the phone.

NOTHING will help! Do not trust people who promise to "hack" it for money (most often not small!). Remember - it is impossible to delete an Apple ID without a password. iPhone or iPad are rigidly bound to the registration data and can only be unlinked:

  • The direct owner of the device who owns this information.
  • Apple employee.

Speaking of bindings, they come in two flavors:

So, we have the first scenario and there is no question of any loss mode, but you just forgot your iCloud password (Apple ID) and the phone (tablet) was locked after updating the firmware or resetting the settings to the factory settings.

What to do? How do I clear the activation message? There are two ways:

  1. We go to the recovery page and try to do something there: indicate the mail to which the Apple ID is registered, enter an additional e-mail address, we answer security questions. If you know at least something, then the chances of unlocking your iPhone increase!
  2. For those who do not remember anything at all. We write (or better call) Apple support - here is the link to the contact page. We describe your situation as accurately and in detail as possible. Remember, there are people sitting there and more often than not stupid! Most likely, after a short conversation, you will be asked to prove the fact that the device belongs and has always belonged to you. How? Provide a photo of the box (of course, not just packaging, but the place where the serial number is indicated), serial number the gadget itself, plus a purchase document (receipts). If everything is in order and Apple employees believe you, the iCloud Lock will be removed.

However, it may also happen that this does not happen. Why? The fact is that just a huge number of people began to forge purchase documents and thus deceive the company. I do not presume to judge whether this is good or bad, but the fact is that the number of unlocked devices using this method has decreased and each new application already initially causes distrust.

This means that such a situation may happen - the iPhone or iPad really belongs to you, you provided all the documents, and Activation Lock Apple employees refuse. How to be? Write to the English-language support (the last subtitle will help you figure out how to do this) and tell them the whole story about how you forgot your iCloud password and want to unlock it.

If they do not help, then, unfortunately, nothing remains like:

  • Hand over the device for spare parts.
  • Put on the shelf until better times.

Such is the slightly sad ending of the article, but I think that in your case everything will be "ok" and the blocking will be removed for you.

P.S. By the way, they say that those who "like" this article, the chances of it increase! Worth trying!

What to do if you forgot and want to recover Apple id password for your account? If you're having trouble signing in to iCloud, iTunes, or the App Store, these tips will help.

IPhone and Mac users must enter their Apple ID information frequently - when purchasing an iTunes app or music. By using iCloud email or other services. When you update your OS, you don't think you will forget your passwords, but it happens. If you do not find a solution in this article, see another similar one. What to do if you forgot your iCloud, iTunes or App Store password?

You may have made a mistake when Apple forced us to switch to New Password... You chose to recover your Apple ID password, which was too difficult to remember. (How to bypass the password on ios 11?) Whatever the reason, forgetting the password for your Apple ID account can be a serious problem. Therefore, we are going to explain how to recover Apple id password.

We're getting started: Your password might not work because it was locked by Apple for security reasons. Perhaps because an attempt was made to hack it. How to bypass ios 11 password lock?

One easy option is to simply reset your Apple ID password. Here's how to do it:

  1. Go to the Apple ID webpage and click Forgot Apple ID or iCloud password».
  2. Enter the email address you use with your Apple ID and click Proceed". (If you can't remember which email address you are using, we'll cover that below.)
  3. You will also need to enter text to prove that you are not a robot. (Hint: if you can't read the text, just keep tapping until you can.)
  4. The next step will depend on the type of security you've set up for your Apple account. If you installed two-step authentication or two-factor authentication, this will be associated with receiving information through another device. We explain the difference between 2-Step Verification and 2-Step Verification below.
  5. If you have not configured any of these additional security levels. In this case, receiving e-mail or answering some security questions.

We'll consider different ways recover Apple id password in more detail below.

How do I answer Apple id questions?

When setting up new iPad, iPhone or Mac, or when creating an Apple ID. You were prompted to enter answers to some safety questions: the name of the road where you grew up, or perhaps the name of a favorite teacher. How to stop Autoplay videos in App Store?

If you choose to answer your security questions, these are the steps you need to go through:

  1. Start by entering your date of birth.
  2. Then Apple will ask you two questions. Enter the correct answers and you will be taken to the page " Reset the password».
  3. Now enter your new password recovery Apple id twice (so Apple can confirm that you typed it correctly). Your password must be 8 or more characters, upper and lower case letters, and at least one number. It also cannot contain the same character three times in a row (and any spaces). You are not allowed to reuse the password that you used last year.

What if I forgot my Apple id questions? You can change questions by going to ...

Remember, it is not the answers themselves that are important, but the way you wrote them: watch out for errors or abbreviations (for example, Avenue becomes Ave). They should be written exactly as they were during setup.

You can change questions and / or answers by going to, but you will need to sign in with your Apple ID and iCloud password. It may not be helpful for anyone reading this article. IPhone 8 music, how to download free without iTunes?

However, even if you've forgotten the answers to your security questions, you can still request a link to change your Apple ID password. Sent to the alternate email address that you registered with your account.

How to recover Apple id password by sending an email to reset the password?

Instead of answering security questions, you can instead choose an alternate, apple id mail (email address.) A password reset will be sent to a second email address associated with your Apple ID - possibly a work letter. All common iOS 11 bugs and how to fix them!

Make sure you have access to email before choosing this option. Luckily, you will get a hint as to which email address Apple is using because you will be shown a portion of the address.

  1. On the screen " Password reset"At select" Receive email " and press " Proceed».
  2. An email will be sent to the second email address associated with your account, with the header “ How to recover Apple id password».
  3. Click the link " Reset now"In the letter.
  4. The email will be sent from and will contain a warning if you did not ask to change your password.

How to bypass Apple with two-factor authentication?

Apple two-factor authentication is an additional layer of security that Apple has been promoting since the release of iOS 10 and macOS Sierra... IPhone 8 what to do if there is no network?

Basically, if you've set up two-factor authentication. And also entered your Apple ID password, you will need to enter a code that Apple will send to your iPhone or Mac.

If you've set up two-factor authentication and want to change your Apple id password recovery, you still need to go to and click “ Forgot Apple ID or password».

  1. The Apple ID page prompts you to enter your email address (and symbols to prove you're not a robot). You will then be prompted for a number mobile phone associated with two-factor authentication.
  2. Once you enter correct number... You will see a prompt allowing you to reset your password from another device or from a trusted phone number. Obviously, you need to make sure you have access to them.
  3. If you decide to reset it from another device, you will receive a warning - in our case, the warning was sent to MacBook Pro... Which we used and was given a link to System settings> iCloud and the ability to reset iCloud password.

    Reset by phone number:

  4. If you choose to reset it from a trusted phone number. You will see a warning that a reset is required to restore your account to recover your Apple id password from the Internet. If you have access to a device with iOS 10 or macOS Sierra or later, you can use it to reset your password. If so, you should cancel and select the " reboot it from another device"According to step 3. Otherwise, select" Start account recovery».
  5. A WARNING... It may take several days or more to regain access to your account. Therefore, we do not recommend using this step unless it is the last option! If you go through this step, Apple will send you a text message after your account is ready to be restored. You will then need to enter the verification code sent by Apple to regain access to your account.

What if apple 2-step verification is enabled?

Two-step verification is more old system security that Apple introduced a few years ago. After there was a lot of negative reviews about iCloud security (celebrities had iCloud accounts hacked. Which meant private photos were leaked online). Siri not working? Try these fixes to fix the problem.

Apple users who were concerned about security at the time could set up two-step verification for their Apple ID. If applicable, you have been sent a 14-character recovery key that Apple recommended that you print and store in a safe place. Where can I find the iCloud app on ios 10?

If you are using 2FA (and that might be best because older devices do not support 2FA). Every time you want to sign in to iCloud, you need to enter your Apple ID and password. Also a verification code that will be sent to one of your devices. Flash on call iPhone 8, how to turn it off or on?

If you do not have a verification code and recover your Apple id password, you will be locked out of your account. If this happens, you must use your 14 character recovery key to gain access.

With two-step verification, recovering Apple id password depends on whether you know the recovery key. If you don't, you won't be able to recover your account. Even Apple can't reset your Apple ID password if you don't have this recovery key ... so don't lose it! Apps for downloading music to iPhone.

If you have this form of security and do not know where your recovery key is. You can get a new one by going to your Apple ID, signing in with your password and email address, and choosing Replace Lost Key. How to Record Screen Videos in iOS 11 on iPhone and iPad?

What if I forgot my Apple ID? You just need to find ...

Along with your iCloud password, you will need to enter your Apple ID. Which is usually the email address that you associate with the account. (forgot mail from Apple id)

It might be less likely, but if you don't often log into Apple services and buy things from Apple. You may forget which email address is associated with your Apple ID. Fortunately, there is quick way find out what email address you need. You just need to find a device that is already subscribed to your Apple ID. How to install a ringtone on iPhone 8, without a computer and with a computer?

On iPad or iPhone:

  1. Open " Settings» « iTunes & App Store". You should see your Apple ID at the top if you're signed in.
  2. Alternatively, go to " Settings»And tap your name at the top of the page. If you're signed in, you'll see an email associated with your Apple ID under your name.
  3. You can also see the email address under " Settings» « Posts» « Send and receive"; FaceTime Settings or Mail Settings.

On Mac or PC:

  1. Go to System Preferences, iCloud. Again, you should see your Apple ID if you're signed in.
  2. If you're not signed in, you can find the email at Mail> Preferences> Accounts.
  3. Alternatively, if you've used them on a Mac, you can find information in FaceTime (go to FaceTime> Preferences) or Messages (Messages> Preferences, then Accounts).
  4. Another way to find your Apple ID is to open iTunes and check previous purchases. In iTunes, find your purchase, right-click and select “ Get information", then " File". You can see the email address next to your name.

What if nothing helped restore Apple id?

If, after using these methods, you cannot find your Apple ID, you will need to visit the Apple ID page at Below for Apple ID and iCloud password click “ Forgot Apple ID or password». Backup copy for iPhones 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, how to create a copy in iCloud and iTunes?

Enter your first name, last name and email address. If you enter a wrong email address, you can try again with a different one. Until the email address is recognized. However, it is not completely reliable: we entered an email address that we know is associated with our Apple ID, and we came across a No Apple ID Found message. Hope you have better luck than us. ITunes failed to connect with iPhone, iPad. Eliminate the error!

After you have changed your Apple id password. You need to update it in iCloud settings on whatever Apple devices you own. If you have questions, write them in the comments. Also, if it helped you become (how to recover Apple id password?) Share it with your friends.

Apple ID is becoming more and more valuable every year. New iPhones or iPads are linked to the account, apps and content are purchased.

Before the advent of the Touch ID scanner in Apple technology, we remembered our tricky passwords by heart. Now, not everyone can remember the code.

What you can't do without your Apple ID password

  • you do not download an application from the App Store or content from iTunes (if Touch ID authorization is disabled);
  • you won't download a Mac app or game from the Mac App Store;
  • you won't be logged into iCloud;
  • can't activate iPhone or iPad after restore or reset.

re: Store warns:

You shouldn't store your password in an accessible place, for example, in your notes or in a photo on your iPhone. If an attacker gains access to an unlocked phone, in a minute it will be unlinked from the Apple ID.

Store passwords in code-locked or Touch ID-locked apps like 1Password or VKarman.

How to recover your password

This can be done in three ways:

  • By email.
  • By answering security questions.
  • Through two-step authorization.

By email

Most affordable way password recovery is fine if you can check your e-mail.

2. Reset the password.

3. Receive a message by e-mail and press Further.

4. The primary or secondary (if it was specified during registration) email address will receive an email with a link to reset your password.

Answers to security questions

Quite a difficult recovery method. Many users, when registering an Apple ID, indicate random questions and give equally random answers. But, if you remember exactly what you indicated during registration, then you can safely answer the questions.

2. Enter the Apple ID login (email, which was indicated during registration) and select the item Reset the password.

3. Choosing a recovery method Answer security questions and press Further.

4. We indicate our date of birth, entered during registration and press the button Further.

5. We are answering security questions, after which Apple ID password reset will become available.

Through 2-Step Verification

The simplest and convenient way password recovery is available only to those who have previously activated this function. How to do it,.

2. Enter the Apple ID login (email, which was indicated during registration) and select the item Reset the password.

3. Choosing a recovery method Using two-step verification.

4. We enter the recovery key and select the trusted device to which the confirmation code should be sent.

5. Enter the confirmation code that will come via SMS or iMessage.

6. Enter a new password and press the button Reset the password.

Thanks to re: Store for the capacious and comprehensive instructions!

We wish your memory did not let you down and you had to reset your password only as a last resort.

To say that the iPhone has become an integral part of business and personal life for many people is an understatement. But where would we be with our iPhones, if not the App Store? After all, it is he, being a paid and free apps, is the main supplier to our gadget of everything that is in it for business, home, family, health, education, development, travel, sports, etc. Today, the store's assortment exceeds 1.5 million applications and is constantly expanding.

In order to use all the variety of features of the App Store, you must have your own account - Apple ID. In addition to directly purchasing and downloading applications, this identifier will allow you to manage all your purchases, save the programs you are interested in for the time being, as well as use other Apple resources: iTunes Store, iBooks Store or iCloud. And for this you will not need to register again in these applications.

And perhaps most importantly, having an Apple account will help you find your iPhone if you lose it.

Of course, your personal account must be protected by a password that you come up with and will keep secret to the very strict. But this sounds good in theory, in fact, all the time we often forget the most important information... And we can easily forget our Apple account password. You will learn how to recover your password in the App Store by reading this article.

Forgot App Store password: what to do?

Don't panic - the password can always be reset and re-registered.

To do this, you need to do the following steps:

  • Answers to security questions... This identification method can be used only if you have not forgotten which questions you entered as control questions when registering your account, and which answers you indicated as correct.
  • Email Authentication... When you created your Apple account, you provided your email address. Use this method, and a link to reset your password will come to this address - you just need to open the letter and follow it.
  • Two-step verification... If you've set up two-step verification for your account, you must know the 14-digit recovery key and trusted device that you specified when setting up this feature. Having all this data, you will be able to successfully pass identification, and then reset your password.

Let's consider in detail each of the above methods.

How to recover a password in Appstore by answering security questions

  1. So, choose the option "Answer to security questions" and press "Next".
  2. After that, enter your date of birth and click "Next" again.
  3. Be sure to answer the security questions correctly (the answers must match the ones you provided when you signed up for your Apple account).
  4. Now come up with a new password, enter it and boldly click "Reset Password".

How to disable password in the App Store by authenticating by e-mail

How to reset AppStore password after 2-step verification

The next time you sign in to the App Store or another Apple resource, enter this new password. Just try not to forget it, otherwise you will have to go through the password reset procedure again.

How to change the password in Appstore

You have the opportunity to change your password, in case the current one no longer suits you, or you have a persecution mania there are suspicions that someone will use your account without your knowledge. This requires:

Important! When coming up with a new password, be sure to adhere to the following rules:

  • The new password must be at least 8 characters long, it must contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter, as well as at least one number.
  • You cannot repeat the same character three times in a row in a password.
  • Space cannot be used.
  • Old passwords will not work either.

It is better, of course, not to lose your passwords, but if suddenly something happens, save this article to your bookmarks, and also search on gg other useful articles and news about the gadgets of the iconic Apple company.

Do you know the situation when after or your iPhone asks for the password to the Apple ID, but you completely forgot it? Or maybe you bought a "second-hand" iPad that was blocked by the seller's Apple ID, which you forgot, or you deliberately did not log out of your account and now you cannot activate your device? Today we are going to show you how to reset your Apple ID password.

Apple ID password requirements

  • Must be 8 or more characters long.
  • Must contain uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Must contain at least one digit.

Remembering such a password is not easy, and it is not surprising that many people often forget it.

It's impossible without an Apple ID password

  • Buy or download for free and, iPad and iPod Touch (iOS) in the App Store.
  • Buy or, Movies and TV Shows from the iTunes Store and Apple Music.
  • Buy or download free and Mac (OS X) games from the Mac App Store.
  • Buy or download for free electronic books and magazines in the iBook Store.
  • Enter . Apple ID password and iCloud password are the same thing.
  • Disable on iPhone, iPad and Mac.

There are 2 ways to reset your Apple ID password:

  1. By .
  2. By answering.

This can be done on any smartphone, tablet or computer from any operating system(Android, Windows 10, Linux), iPhone and iPad with iOS and Mac with OS X.

How to Reset Apple ID Password by Email on iPhone and iPad

Make sure that the email "Reset Apple ID Password" came from Apple, that is, from the address [email protected] If such a message came from a different address not associated with the domain, in any case do not follow the links in the message and do not enter your Apple ID - this is a phishing attack and your account is being tried, for example, to.

Apple's original "Reset Apple ID Password" has the following content:

“Hello, your name and surname!

You recently requested to reset your Apple ID password. Follow the link below to continue.

If you did not submit this request, it is likely that another user mistakenly entered your email address and your account is still protected. If you believe that unauthorized persons have gained access to your account, immediately change your password on the Apple ID account page

Service Apple support»

If of this message not in Inbox neither in standby nor in main mailbox, check the Spam folder and the Spam filter settings in your mail service. It is recommended to disable the latter at the time of password reset (possibly, but not in all mail services). To ensure that the message does not fall under the spam filter, add the address [email protected] to contacts.

How to reset Apple ID password by answering security questions on iPhone and iPad

The same can be done on a computer, though a little more complicated.

How to reset Apple ID password on Mac

For instructions on how to reset your Apple ID password in OS X:

Save time, do the same, but faster and easier:

How to reset Apple ID password on an Android smartphone, tablet, or Windows or Linux computer

The procedure is the same as on a Mac computer:

Exceptional case

Maybe you:

  • You do not have access to your main e-mail or it is blocked.
  • Don't remember your date of birth.
  • Don't remember the answers to security questions.
  • Your Apple ID does not have a backup email connected or has not been verified in your Apple ID settings. Hence, you will not be able to reset security questions.

In this case standard ways You won't be able to reset your Apple ID password, the last one remains - contact Apple Support.

Submit a receipt for the purchase of an official iPhone, iPad or Mac computer that used your Apple ID, and you will be given your account ID and password.

As you can see, you can reset your Apple ID password yourself in 99.9% of cases. If you have any difficulties, questions or additions, write in the comments, we will certainly help you.