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Program for making passes with a photo. \\ "Designer of Documents \\" - Print program on plastic cards

Theater is a means of emotionally aesthetic education of children in children's garden. Theatrical activity allows you to form the experience of social skills of behavior due to the fact that each fairy tale or literary work for preschool children always have a moral orientation (kindness, courage, friendship, etc.). Thanks to the theater, the child will know the world not only by the mind, but also with a heart and expresses his own attitude to good and evil.
Theatrical activity helps the child to overcome timidity, uncertainty, shyness. The theater in kindergarten will teach the child to see beautiful in life and in humans, rushes the desire to carry beautiful and kind to life. Thus, the theater helps the child to evolve comprehensively.
In our group room, a place for theatrical corner is assigned. The theatrical corner is equipped with industrial production benefits, but we do something with our own hands.

Old disks - once seemed almost magical. To some extent, they remain magic, but quite in a different sense - now you need to make attention and a little skill to turn into a variety of elements of the desktop doll theater.

A child from two years old can retell a fairy tale or part of the dialogue known to him. He is very involved in the game and causes his interest, at the same time develops his speech of the hero of the fairy tale. The child himself speaks for the bunny, for the bug, behind the mouse.

This material can be used in group work and in individual work with children on the development of speech, the formation of interest in theatrical activity of preschoolers. Children perform in the role of narrator and as a viewer.

Theater, like a magician, wizard,
His wand Magic spending
And here is a child, modest and shy,
Today suddenly plays the king.

The puppet theater plays a big role in the formation of the child's personality. It delivers many joy, attracts its brightness, painfulness, dynamics, affects viewers. He early begins to attract the attention of children and pays great opportunities for their comprehensive development.

The puppet theater has a whole complex of funds: artistic images and articles, registration, word and music - all this together, due to the figurative-specific thinking of the child, helps the child easier, brighter and more correctly understand the content of the literary work, affects the development of his artistic taste. The doll playing on the stage lives for a child is not conditionally, it is a reality, the fairy tale.

Unlike television gears and animated films, it is realistic in three-dimensional space and materially noticeable, it is present nearby, it can be touched.

Preschoolers are very impressionable and quickly eliminated by emotional effects. They are actively involved, respond to questions asked by dolls, willingly fulfill their instructions.

The value of the puppet theater was emphasized and studied in studies of T. N. Karamannko, Yu. G. Karamannko, A. P. Usova, D. V. Mengeritsky, U. A. Karamzina.

Emotionally experienced performance helps determine the attitude of children to what is happening, to acting persons and their actions, it is a desire to imitate positive heroes and be unlike negative.

Puppet Theater has existed a lot. The ancient peoples believed that in the sky, on earth, under Earth, various gods, evil and good spirits, supernatural creatures live in the water. To pray to them, people made images of large and small dolls of stone, clay, bone or wood. They were dancing around such dolls, they wore them onto stretchers, drove them on the chariots, the backs of the elephants, satisfied cunning devices to open the eyes, nodding heads, ocked teeth in dolls. Gradually, such spectacles more and more began to resemble theatrical performances. For thousands of years in all countries of the world, the legends of the gods, demons, Gayns, Angels were played with the help of dolls, and human flats were risen: nonsense, greed, cowardice, cruelty. In Russia in the XVII. The most popular puppet theater was Parsley Theater. Petrushka is a beloved hero from the crochets who have given an idea for the audience. It is a remote brand and bully, in any situation that retained a sense of humor and optimism. In the XVIII century Parsley appeared in Russia - glovety doll, which was ruled by a stray puppeteer.

The dolls theater, the form of theatrical ideas, in which dolls (voluminous and flat) act in motion actors-docks are most often hidden from the spectators of Shirma. Many forms of ideas are determined by differences in the types of dolls, their control systems: puppets (dolls on threads), so-called riding dolls (gloves), cohesive dolls, mechanical, etc. Sometimes dolls replaces the conditional subject (cube, ball, wand, etc.), Metaphorically depicting a living being. Dolls are from several centimeters to double human growth.

There are several classifications of games in a puppet theater for preschool children.

For example, teachers L.V. Kutsakova, S.I. Merzlyakov consider:

Desktop puppet theater: flat (cardboard figures, tight paper, plywood), stitched (from pieces of fabric, fur, skin, foam rubber), knitted (crochet or on spokes from various types of yarn so that they hold the shape, they are put on plastic bottles or children's bow), stucco (from clay by the type of Dymkovsky toys), wooden carved (according to the type of the Bogorodsk toys), foam, boxes, natural material, cone, papier-mâché, and also at the heart of the desktop doll can be a cylinder, cube, pyramid .

    stand theater (flannelugaph, shadow, magnetic stand, booth);

    theater on hand (finger, pictures on hand, math, glove, shadow theater);

    puppet Theater (from Paper-Masha, Foambone, Foam Plant, Fabric, Fur Patterns, Movement With Vagi - Cross, to which a doll is attached using the threads;

    theater dolls with live hand. These dolls have bright, expressive opportunities, can perform actions that are unknown by the dolls of other systems. They consist of a head, a freely hanging raincoat, in whose cuffs a child inserts his hands.

    codest dolls (the basis of such a doll is the wooden rod on which the doll is attached. Gapit is the "spine" of dolls. It is installed shoulder frame. The hands of the dolls are driven by means of canes attached to the tassels of the dolls.

    dolls system "People-dolls". The child puts on the suit: a huge head - a mask, big palms, hefty shoes and turns into a living doll. Head, palm, shoes, made from the foam rubber and are tight with a cloth. People dolls have bright scenic opportunities. Managing such dolls delivers great joy to children.

G.V. Genes so classifies the types of theaters for preschoolers: cardboard; magnetic; desktop; five fingers; masks; hand shadows; "living shadows"; finger shadow; Book-theater; Theater dolls for one performer.

For the organization of theatrical activities of teachers of our pre-school institution, toys and dolls manufactured by industry (desktop theaters, babo) use toys and dolls. But the greatest educational value has toys made by the children themselves, which develops visual skills, manual skills, creative abilities. Toys for the desktop theater of paper, foam rubber cardboard, boxes, wire, natural material, etc. Next, we offer you theaters made by the hands of teachers and children.

For junior preschoolers 3-4 years old, the most affordable view of the theater is a puppet theater. The game with dolls has an indirect and imperceptible comprehensive medical and educational impact and helps to find a sense of success in the area in which the child feels the most vulnerable. The game with a doll provides children with the possibility of full disclosure of individual features. In the game - the words of the child should revive the dolls and give them a mood, character. Playing with dolls, the child opens his centered feelings not only verbally, but also the expression of the face, gesturing.

Dolls of socks

It is at this age that interest in theatrical games, folding in the process of viewing small puppet performances, which show teachers, taking the maintenance of the child to the child, poems or fairy tales as a basis. In order to maintain interest in theatrical activity, we use different types of puppet theater. For example:

Knitted Finger Theater "Kolobok"

Theater spoons "Three Bear"

By 4-5 years there is a gradual transition of a child from the theatrical setting of an adult to independent gaming activities. Children master different types of desktop theater: soft toys, knitted theater, cone theater, folk toy theater and plane figures. As well as teachers: theater on disks, theater on clothespins.

Theater on the disks "Kolobok to the new way"

Theater on the clothespins "under the mushroom"

In senone preschool age Children are freed from complexes and are actively involved in theatrical games. The skills of cubes acquired by children in three years allow you to combine several types of theatrical dolls of various systems in one theatrical game.

Theater from Pomponov "Zayushkina Hut"

Theater from Sponges "Pink"

In the preparatory group, theatrical games are characterized by more multifaceted characteristics of the heroes, difficult for the formulation of misanessen, they have the most complex in the doll management. Children causes great interest to manufacture dolls, masks, scenery, posters and other attributes.

Making masks to the fairy tale "Fox and a rooster"

Production of Bar-Relief Theater "Kolobok"

Cocking with children-preschoolers Theater, we set a goal - to make the life of our pupils of interesting and meaningful, fill it with vivid impressions, interesting things, the joy of creativity.


1. Karamannko T.N., Karamannko Yu.G. Puppet Theater - preschoolers. M.: Enlightenment, 1982.

2.Sopina N.F. Playing a puppet theater. M.: Arcta, 1999.

3. Tarasenko S. Funny crafts with crochet and knitting needles. M.: Enlightenment, 1992.

If you are the owner of the enterprise or works in a large organization, where there is or planning to implement throughput, can download "Make Skip 2.9". Such a program will solve the question of the independent manufacture of skips and badges, will help in establishing the bandwidth. This will significantly save funds, besides, you can at your discretion edit all the data. The program also has the ability to support the database of employees and vehicles of the company. With such a card file at any time, you can easily replace all the pass or make badges for the conference.

What else can I use the program "MAKE POST 2.9":

The program has a report generator that provides simplicity of creating templates. Using the interpreter, you can process data, create color design and other elements of skipping. After editing is completed, all samples are saved to the database.

The program contains a scanner, reading bar codes, and the ability to create a log log. Opening the database and scanning the barcode, you will receive information about the employee. The application easily works in conjunction with TWAIN drivers. All fields can be called as convenient.

Voted for the program: 46 average rating: 2173914,3
Published in the program collection: 07/17/2010

Operating system: Windows ALL.
Size program (distribution): 1610 Kb.
License type: Freeware.

The program is designed to monitor visitors and (or) issuance of one-time passes in the organization in which the system is practiced both a pre-order of passages and simpler systems, regardless of the availability of automation on the passage of the enterprise (organization). The program takes into account the peculiarities of the work of various organizations from the profile, from state Structures to small enterprises. The program implements a fairly convenient search engine, filtering, sorting. If desired, an additional output in Excel followed by filtration, sorting and printing. Thus, you will navigate who and for what questions I visited your organization. One of the advantages of the program is in its small size and unification when working, both with desktop databases and SQL server. Visit the site and read the widest spectrum of its use. Wishing to be offered the local version is absolutely free. The program developers are very good by the opinion of users, so that any of your wishes or recommendations will be carefully listened.

For those who want to work with the video, there is a version where the image is implemented from the image from the camcorder or file and place it in the database. The image is saved in JPEG formatThe number and size of images is not regulated by the program.

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1610 Kb.

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