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New alternative programs for the upbringing and training of children of preschool age. Characteristics of alternative training programs and upbringing in Dow

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The program "Rainbow". This is the first innovative program Preschool Education, which received the recommendation of the Ministry of Education. Developed by employees of the laboratory of pre-school education Institute of General Education under the leadership of T. N. Doronova. Designed to work with children from two to seven years and covers all areas of children's life. According to its goals and tasks, this program is not significantly different from the traditional. The main values \u200b\u200bof the landmarks, as well as traditional, considers the protection and strengthening of children's health, creating conditions for a full and timely mental development, ensuring a happy childhood to every child. However, in determining the specific tasks of mental development, this program is significantly different from the traditional. The theoretical basis of this program is the concept of A. N. Leontiev, where the main categories of psyche analysis are activities, consciousness and identity. For each age defined specific tasks Development of activities, consciousness and identity of the preschooler. Here, firstly, the same teacher works with children since younger and before their release from kindergartenIt ensures strong individual contacts and psychological comfort in the group. Secondly, each group of kindergarten form their special traditions, among which, for example, regular gifts to all children (ribbons, postcards, sweets), focus on respect for the personal property of each child (personal toys of a child brought from home should not Select neither as an educator or other children), the daily tale of the educator about the achievements of each child. In addition, traditional weekly ("Morning Joyful Meetings" are held - on Mondays; "Sweet Evening" - on Wednesdays, etc.) and monthly events (holidays for children with parents). An important tradition of the kindergarten is the solemn resettlement of children from one group to another - the "Festival of Novoseli", in which all children take the most active participation. Third, the possibility of choice both for the educator and for each child. In kindergarten day mode, there is free time, when the educator and children have the opportunity to choose their own classes. When choosing the content of classes, the interests and preferences of children are taken into account. Considering the tradition of the group, the educator can independently choose the forms of activity of children, the content of musical and literary works, entertainment activities aimed at psycho-emotional discharge of children, etc. Fourth, the Rainbow program allows you to satisfy the need for a child in free motor and gaming activity . The program proposes to abandon the mandatory frontal classes and minimize those forms of children's activities that require a long stay in a fixed state. All this provides children with the opportunity to joyfully and happily "live" the pre-school period of childhood. The program "Development". This program Developed in the Research Institute of Pre-school Education of the APN of the USSR under the leadership of L. A. Hungarian and O. M. Dyachenko. The program is aimed at developing preschool children of mental and artistic abilities. Training was built on the principle of progressive movement from one age to another and designed for four years (from three to seven years). The central task in the younger group (three to four years) is the development of sensory abilities (the absorption of sensory standards and actions with them) and the simplest forms of symbolization. The program of the middle group (four to five years) is aimed at the development of mental and artistic abilities using visual modeling (plans, images, graphic models). In the senior group (five to six years), simulated relationships are expanding and summarized, new, purely conditional forms of modeling are introduced. IN preparatory group (six to seven years) There is an interiorization (from Lat. Interior - internal) modeling actions, i.e. their translation into the inner plan. The organization of work in all age groups provides for classes with children in small subgroups of eight - ten people. While one subgroup performs the tasks of the educator, the rest of the children under the supervision of the assistant caregiver are engaged in games or independent activities. The Development program is directed mainly for educational training. It does not contain any recommendations regarding the organization of children outside of classes. An option "Development" is a gifted child program, intended for educational work with gifted children of the sixth and seventh year of life (for two years). The program "Golden Key". This program was developed under the leadership of G. Kravtsov and E. E. Kravtsova. The theoretical basis of this program is the well-known position of the concept of L. S. Vygotsky on the unity of affect and intelligence. The essence of this provisions is that the emotional-willed and cognitive development of the child cannot be carried out isolated: these two lines of children's development are interdepended and should be organic unity. The authors rightly emphasize that in preschool age, intellectual development is subject to the development of the emotional sphere: it is emotional attractiveness that the emotional saturation of the material provides better assimilation and cognitive development of children. Thus, the task of education is to saturate the life of children with a variety of exciting events (of course positive). There is an organization of the life of children by the type of big family. Children of different ages live together in such a children's center (from three to ten years), parents are freely connected to the life of the children's center. The content of education is organized in four main directions: orientation in space; time orientation; Ability to act S. different materials; Development of reflexive abilities. Throughout the preschool age (from three to seven years), each of the four directions alternately becomes the predominant. There are practically no traditional training classes in the "golden key". The program "Kindergarten is a joy house."This comprehensive program Created in the Perm State Pedagogical Institute. Its authors N. A. Krylova and the teacher Novator from St. Petersburg V. T. Ivanova. The specifics of this program is that the educators received for the first time new form Labor organization is a scenario plan. The authors offer detailed description "Society" of the educator and children, propose their methods of working with a whole group, with small subgroups and with each pupil individually. The authors constantly emphasize one correct idea: "You can not teach anything to anything! You can only learn yourself! " This means that every child should be the subject of upbringing and learning. And you can become a subject only in independent activities when you choose the goal, funds, ways of activity and appreciate its result. To form independence, subjectivity of children, the authors offer an extremely interesting visual model of the structure of any activity. She is always and all "at hand". This is the palm, or rather five fingers, each of which symbolizes one of the components of the activity structure. Mysinets means the goal of activities (what we want to do); Unnamed finger - material or object (from what we will do); Medium - means of activity (what should be done); The index finger symbolizes the method and procedure (as it should be done in order) and, finally, the thumb, raised up, means the result achieved, its assessment (what happened). Children quickly master such a visual model and willingly use it in different types of their activities. The content of the program is divided into three ages: younger, medium and senior preschool age. The program for each period is framed in four books (the full set of the program includes 12 books). They discusses the features of the development of children of each age, the peculiarity of the pedagogical process in different age groups. The central part of the program is the script for the entire school year painted by day. It describes in detail the organization of the day, classes in various methods, as well as the free activities of children. The program is equipped with numerous applications (lists of benefits, games and toys, textbooks in literature, etc.). The program "Childhood". This program was developed by the staff of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy State Pedagogical University. Herzen in St. Petersburg. Work began under the leadership of the doctor of pedagogical sciences V. I. Loginovoy. The head and scientific editor of the program is the head. Departments T. I. Babayev. "Childhood" is a program with a pronounced humanistic orientation. The content of the program is conventionally combined around the four main blocks: "Cognition", "Humane Relationship", "Creation", "Healthy Lifestyle". The program consists of three parts combined into one book, each of which is dedicated to a separate period of preschool childhood - the youngest, middle and older. All three parts of the program contain sections covering different sides of the upbringing (mental, moral, aesthetic, etc.) and various activities. These sections are similar to the sections of a typical Russian program. Innovative moments of the "Childhood" program are related to the restructuring and updating of knowledge and ideas about the world around. The content of these knowledge is devoid of the didacticity and ideology, which is characteristic of the traditional program. All attention is focused on man. A person is represented as a creator of the objective world, as an integral part and at the same time, the "keeper" of nature, as a carrier of moral and moral behavior, etc. Knowledge and ideas about the world closely associated with their own activities of children. The program "origins". This program was developed by the scientific team of the Center "Preschool Childhood". A. V. Zaporozhets by order of the Moscow Department of Education as a basic program for the development of a preschooler. The purposes of their program, the authors consider the versatile development of the child; formation of universal, including creative, abilities; Ensuring for all children equal launch development; Strengthening their health. The theoretical basis of the program is the fundamental provisions of the classics of domestic psychology - L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonina, A. V. Zaporozhets. The content of the program is built by the age principle. Program "Commonwealth". This program was developed by the Soros Preschool Project team at the US Georgtown University Development Center. Executive Director of the Program - Doctor of Sciences Pamela Coglin. In Russia, the National Program Coordinator is the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences G. P. Kozlov. The main goal of the program is to prepare a child for life in a rapidly changing world, to form a sustainable desire and ability to learn and change yourself. As a value reference, the education of the following abilities is distinguished: to be able to critically think and exercise their own choice; Take those or other new life situations and to be the initiator of the change; put and solve problems; be creative and resourceful; develop imagination, be able to figure out; Take care of people, country, environment. One of the main areas of work on education is the full participation of the family in the life of a kindergarten. Personnel of kindergarten recognizes the major role of the family as the first teacher of the child. The program contains a description of various forms of parents in the education and education of children: visits to kindergarten, conversations about the child, meetings, seminars with specialists, consultation, exchange of experience, one-time business orders, classes and games with children in the group, equipment manufacturing, holidays , excursions, etc. One of the important directions in the work of every educator is to visit the family of the child. It is customary to do twice a year, as a rule, at the beginning and end of the year. The general management of the program is carried out as follows. In each group containing up to 25 children, one educator and two assistant should work. As it is possible, the posts of assistants can perform parents. Professional assistant position - attitude to the tutor as a leader. The assistant can contact the educator for help must inform him about his plans, take his instructions and control. In addition, the educator provides support for another person - the program coordinator, which is responsible for the participation of parents in the life of a kindergarten. This new full-time position is considered key to this program. The coordinator's function includes selection and recording of children, selection of assistants, establishing relations with public authorities, etc.

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Suggestuse alternative software search service

Suggestuse is a Russian-language alternative software search service for a computer, a mobile phone or tablet. The main idea is that the search is made by the applications that you want to replace. Although the resource and Russian-language, descriptions of most software products presented in the search results are shown on english language. For most well-known applications, the search results are quite satisfactory, but in some cases they are far from those that can be obtained on AlternativeTo.

LinuxAppFinder alternative software search service

The LinuxAppFinder service is designed to search for programs that are an alternative to Windows and Mac OS. The search result is a list of software products in alphabetical order, without taking into account the rating. To facilitate the search, you can choose the program category on the left side of the page ( Categories.). The resource is convenient for novice users of Linux, which are quite uncomplicated by the list of programs and links to download them for specific purposes, when the exact name of the program is unknown. For example, choosing a category Backup & Rcovery. You can view the list and short description programs for reserve copy and data recovery.

Of course, the services for finding alternative programs are much larger, and those that were discussed above are only the most characteristic representatives, each with their advantages and disadvantages.

Alternative programs

Of course, one "ICQ" the livestock of Internet pagers is not limited - today there are more than a dozen similar programs. As a rule, "pagers" are not compatible with each other - each of them has its own sphere of interest and the base of users. We will not disassemble all programs in this book - because most of them simply did not fit in Russia ... But some worth telling more.

... With the calculation of the true lady, she entered the arena almost the last - slowly, with dignity, giving time to other competitors to show all their strengths and weaknesses ... And in the end it turned out to be ... Well, if not on the first line in "Tabel about ranks" , then in the "first triple" - for sure.

It would seem that there is nothing to pour - all the "trump cards" have long been distributed ... The accurate compactness - choose & RQ or QIP, for greater functionality go to the ICQ ICQ ... and still your "Joker" creators Miranda ( Found in the deel. And not one, it seems ...

Miranda successfully played on the main weakness - the thirst for choice. While all the other clients limit users with only a certain fixed set of functions (believing that the users themselves know their needs and aspirations), Miranda gives us the opportunity to independently complete the Arsenal of your chat client.

It is just done: by installing the "basic" program, you can teach it to new focus at any time using plug-ins. And they are on homepage Miranda you will find almost two hundred! Further dealing: you want - hang out your "lady" with a variety of gadgets (by informants, "skins", individual sets of sounds, support for new protocols, etc.), you want - leave with standard ascetic equipment. Of course, in this case, Miss Miranda will look in sparrows ... But in terms of functionality, everything will be fine.

The program allows you to import the ICQ, MSN and AIM database (naturally, there are special plugins to work in these networks), file transfer, a convenient message archive, has a small size (less than megabytes in the base version), high speed, there is no advertising .

But the ability of Miranda to show users in the contact list, which are in the "invisible" mode - the thing is exclusive and very useful. Immediately it is clear that some of your interlocutors are really missing in the network, and who is hiding from you in the shade. In general, Miranda is one of the most informative customers: she can even show what your interlocutor uses the Internet pager.

No less interesting and the ability of the program not only with the "big" Internet, but with a small "lokalka" - therefore, users of home networks may well communicate with each other through its mediation, not spending money precious external traffic. Including - and voice (though, for this, again, it will be necessary to establish a special plug-in). Finally, with Miranda, you can even send records to blogs - for example, to the superpowered "Live Journal" (Live Journal), play online games and communicate chats using the IRC protocol.

If you prefer to create your own "assembly" from scratch, then your choice is the standard Miranda set, downloaded from the official website:

Additions-plugins you can find here in special section by the address:

However, to assemble your "pager" on their own, not all - painstaking this work, time requires and even at least minimal knowledge that you actually want to get in the end. If you mess you lazy, then it is much easier to download one of the ready-made "assemblies" miranda - sets in which, in addition base programincluded the best plugins and additions. To begin with, I advise you to stay at one of the following assemblies:

Like any java program for a mobile phone, the JIMM installation kit consists of two files, with JAR and JAD extensions. To install it, it is enough to click on one of the files right-click in the Explorer (usually recommended to start with JAD) and select the command Send? Bluetooth device.

He forget to make sure that the program went to the mobile phone, because by Bluetooth to your computer, several devices can be connected immediately!

After confirming the installation of the program (your mobile phone is requested), you can go to your phone's software folder and run Jimm. Settings a lot will need: your uin and password to it. The main thing is that the phone is properly configured to work with GPRS - and problems often arise. For example, WAP-GPRS is configured on your phone, but not the Internet GPRS (and these are completely different things). If, even after you upheted all the phone settings, the program will refuse to work, you can visit the section Settings. Try in section Net replace the text address of the server ( One of the following IP addresses:

Instead of standard port (5910) you can put 4000 or 5201. Do not forget to save the settings after the change!

Well, if the war with Jimm still turned out to be unsuccessful, try another ICQ client - for example, Bombus (

[email protected].

Back in the postal section, we mentioned the program instant messages [email protected], which in Russia today is the main competitor "ICQ".


No, you do not connect to the ICQ network with its help: the "ICQ" protocol is closed and access to it can only be provided by the program developers (which they do not do for obvious reasons). And what about Miranda or QIP, they are with a contact list of ICQ can work without interference! Alas, they do it not entirely legally, even if ICQ owners are looking at their pranks through their fingers.

Mail.Ru initially went on another way, creating his own network that this moment Combines at least a million people! Actually, almost every Russian user network already has a box on Mail.Ru - and therefore there is a direct reason to take advantage of the services of the agent, the gift that he does not replace "ICQ", but only complements it.

But if the agent was created only for messaging between Mail.Ru users, there would be no special intention from it - there is no such "pocket" programs in the world! However, if it is good to dig in the Case agent, you can find a lot of interesting and even exclusive "addicts".

Let us leave the possibility of voice and calls to stationary phones at low rates: though it is useful, but standard. The transfer of files, the library of emoticons and others will not surprise anyone too. But the ability to send SMS to any mobile numberAnd at the same time, notice! - Absolutely free on the road is clearly not lying. Cell phones You can add your friends to the contact list along with the addresses of other users

Another interesting "chip": the agent is constantly in touch with your mailbox, and when you come new mail - notifies this sound signal and the image of a flashing conversion in the corner. Once this focus was trained and ICQ, however, according to the requirements of users, this feature was removed: many were afraid to trust their postal password standard Program. The agent is another matter, he can be trusted (within reasonable limits, of course).

There is a program and inevitable online games, so you can safely play with your correspondent at the other end of the world ... Well, let not in World of Warcraft or Counter Strike., and in ordinary checkers chess ... and this is sometimes great asks life. And the agent can be painted in different colors - amazing, but, according to the developers, this simple leakage turned out to be interesting to users hardly more than the above-mentioned sending SMS.

And of course with the help agent you can get fast access To all your personal partitions on Mail.Ru - mail, blogs, photos and video devices, mailing and chat. True, I would like the case with one links not limited: why would the authors of the program do not teach it, say, write messages to the blog? Although the developers are unlikely to leave the agent in its current state: the network fashion is good and capricious, and not too small the agent clients. It is necessary to throw new goodies from time to time ...

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