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A program for removing empty folders from media. How to find and delete empty folders on your computer

Empty folders on your computer can be safely deleted. They do not represent any special harm. They do not take up disk space, do not affect the operation of the PC. Rather, there is a sense of disorder and confusion here. Most often they appear after uninstalling applications. Not all uninstallers do their job well, and for some of them you have to manually wipe up the remaining "garbage". I usually use CCleaner, Uninstall Tool, or Revo Uninstaller. They are doing their job more or less well. Usually, I do the deletion of empty folders after searching for duplicate photos or files. It is more convenient and faster to search this way in my opinion. But you can do without the "opening ceremony" and go to the task at once.

How to find and delete empty folders

For such purposes, I resort to a utility. It is easy to find and download on the Internet, and there is no particular difficulty in installing it.

After launch, the application's working window will open. The English-language interface should not scare you, in principle, everything is intuitive.

First of all, as shown in the picture above, go to the "Settings" tab, where we are interested in 3 points - I also noted them above.

  • Moving first to the "Trash";
  • Do not destroy file types. (if the folder contains only * .tmp, then it will be considered empty);
  • Directories to be ignored during scanning.

The last two points can be added manually.

Then go to the "Scan" tab, where we click on "Scan folders". The scanning process begins.

Upon completion of the search empty folders will be marked in red. Those that will not be deleted in the future are highlighted in gray, since they contain any files.

We just have to click on the "Delete folders" button to complete the procedure.

I think we all love order and at least try to stick to it. During intensive work, a lot of empty folders are collected on the computer, which, well, we do not need in any way. Does the new folder (3) sound familiar? And again empty. I have an infinite number of such folders and somehow it is very long and difficult to produce it manually, since it is hard to find out where these folders are located and I somehow got tired of it all and I found excellent program, which solves this issue in seconds. With this utility, you can quickly deleting empty folders on your computer.

Remove Empty Directories - on your computer. This utility will automatically find empty folders on your computer and then you will have to, just perform actions with these folders. The program is very easy to use.

We launch the program. In the Scan tab, select the location where to scan for empty folders. What is very convenient, we can immediately perform analysis on the entire computer or on any disk or in any folder.

And so we chose the folder where to look for our empty directories and click “Scan again”.

After that, if empty folders are found, they will be displayed in the window in the form of a tree. The folders that will be deleted are shown in red, and the parents of the folders that will not be affected are shown in black, just below it is written how many empty folders were found. Double click mouse, you can open the folder in explorer and check if it is actually empty.

The statuses of the folders are displayed on the right. After you have checked, you can safely delete your empty folders, for this you need to click “Deleted folders” and we will start.

After the folders have been deleted, the status of deleting your folders will be displayed. Green jackdaws mean that our empty folders have been successfully removed from our computer.

After that, you can view the folder deletion log. By clicking “Show Log” it will be written there which folders were deleted.

Also in the settings, we can configure how to delete folders, to the trash, or delete for good, the ability to display a message. You can also add folders that will be ignored when scanning the system. RED can be integrated into context menu conductor.

RED on English language, but I assure you everything is clear there. Now your computer will have many fewer unnecessary folders.

Good day, dear friends, acquaintances and other personalities. Today we will find out how delete empty folders from a computer based.

The fact is that in the course of using a computer, a lot of all sorts of empty folders are created (they are created both by the system itself and by the user). Actually, as you understood, this article will focus on the program that searches for and removes empty folders on the disk.

To be honest, I was quite surprised when I saw that she had found order. 6000 empty folders on only one disk with the system :)

As a rule, these folders are created by itself in the course of any installations, caching, etc., and are created, of course, they are initially complete, and then the files from them (say, after installing something) are deleted, but the folders themselves remain hanging dead cargo.

Not to say that this is bad, tk. the weight of these folders is 0 bytes, but still, purely theoretically, for file system it will be better if there are fewer folders in the file table. Yes, and you, if anything, do not have to poke around in folders where there is nothing :)

In general, to the point.

How and how to delete empty folders from Windows

For our purposes, the Remove Empty Directories program is perfect. I must say that she is quite capricious in terms of work, she kicks here, then there, but in general, you can make friends with her :)

I could not find a human working analogue, in any case. Earlier, I remember, I used SBMAV Disk Cleaner for similar needs, but it switched to paid rails, and other cleaners hard disk work in terms of finding and removing empty directories not so efficiently.

You can take the program, for example, from here.
The installation is extremely simple, and I will not dwell on it.
There is no support for the Russian language, but it is not needed there - everything is already intuitive.

IMPORTANT ! The program requires an installed one for the program to work.

After installation, launch the program, select the disk for scanning with the "Browse .." button and click on Scan Folders.

After waiting for the end of the scan, we happily press on Delete Folders and enjoy the result. Look like that's it :)

It remains to do the same with all disks in the system.


I don’t know how much more useful it is, but it doesn’t harm - it’s a fact. Usually never. If necessary, Windows itself will recreate the necessary folders, if it needs them.

One way or another, for me personally, it was convenient first of all because I stopped bumping into empty folders, traveling through the insides of the system. And it used to happen, you walk with your mouse along a huge path in a guide - tyr tyr tyrk - and it’s empty! :) It's a shame, the right word.

If you have any questions, additions, wishes, then, as always, I will be glad to answer them in the comments to this article.

Today I will tell you how to find and delete empty folders on your computer. I don't know about you, but when I urgently need to put something in a folder (for example, unused documents or already watched films), I just create a folder, without renaming it in any way, throw everything in a heap and put it off until better times. After the documents are no longer needed, I try to delete them, but I forget to delete the folders.

And even after uninstalling the programs, there are many empty folders, which, although they do not take up much space, but the eyes are pretty callous. And so, I decided to find all empty folders on the computer and delete them permanently!

For this, I downloaded the program Remove Empty Directories which was created just for these purposes.

After downloading and installing the program, run it, we will figure out what it can do and how to work with it correctly.

First, go to the program settings tab, in it you need to pay attention to 3 important blocks:

1. Removal method. By default, delete to trash is selected.

2. Files to be ignored. Those. if the folder contains only files with the * .tmp extension, the folder will be considered empty.

3. The names of directories to be ignored.

I think everything is clear with this and there should be no questions. Let's move on.

Now open the first tab again “ Scan"And press the button" Scan again”To scan the entire computer. If you want to check only a certain directory (for example, the desktop), then press the button “ Browse”And specify the path to the desktop. For example, the result of scanning my desktop

As you can see, I found two empty folders on my desktop, as evidenced by their highlighting in red. Folders that are not empty (they will not be deleted) are highlighted in gray.

I press " Delete folders”And wait for the folders to be deleted

Ready! Now you can clean your computer from empty folders yourself! Check your computer periodically and clean it of empty folders, I do this together with

How do I find and delete empty folders on my computer?

Today we will look at how to find and delete empty folders on your computer. I don't know about you, but when I urgently need to put something in a folder (for example, unused documents or already watched films), I just create a folder, without renaming it in any way, throw everything in a heap and put it off until better times. After the documents are no longer needed, I try to delete them, but I forget to delete the folders.

And even after uninstalling the programs, there are many empty folders, which, although they do not take up much space, but the eyes are pretty callous. And so, I decided to find all empty folders on the computer and delete them permanently!

For this, I downloaded the program Remove Empty Directories which was created just for these purposes.

After downloading and installing the program, run it, we will figure out what it can do and how to work with it correctly.

First, go to the program settings tab, in it you need to pay attention to 3 important blocks:

1. Removal method. By default, delete to trash is selected.

2. Files to be ignored. Those. if the folder contains only files with the * .tmp extension, the folder will be considered empty.

3. The names of directories to be ignored.

I think everything is clear with this and there should be no questions. Let's move on.

Now open the first tab again “ Scan"And press the button" Scan again”To scan the entire computer. If you want to check only a certain directory (for example, the desktop), then press the button “ Browse”And specify the path to the desktop. For example, the result of scanning my desktop

As you can see, I found two empty folders on my desktop, as evidenced by their highlighting in red. Folders that are not empty (they will not be deleted) are highlighted in gray.

I press " Delete folders”And wait for the folders to be deleted

Ready! Now you can clean your computer from empty folders yourself! Check your computer periodically and clean it of empty folders, often they do this together with