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Change the language in qq. QQ: register and establish security questions

Surely for the inhabitants of shops, the concept is familiar. For those who do not know, I will say that QQ is a kind of Chinese ICQ or MSN, but it means much more for the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. One has only to mention that you also use this Chinese miracle, and in the eyes of the interlocutor, your rating rises by an order of magnitude!

There is just one hitch: for some users, getting a number becomes a whole problem, because despite the presence of an English-speaking software(messaging client - international version), registration of the number on the site is still in Chinese. You can, of course, ask a Chinese friend (Chinese woman) to register a number for you, but if you do it yourself, you will get a number of advantages: a password and login, only you yourself know the answers to secret questions, independence from anyone (if you wanted to - made yourself more one), etc.

To write this article, I was prompted by many requests for help from friends, beginning Sinologists. Why not teach how to fish, if possible.

He finished the lyrical digression. Now to the main thing. Let's start from the very beginning. We will use the standard Internet Explorer to avoid possible problems with sending data.

After that, we find ourselves on the registration page, where we find the button (立即 申请 - register now):

A choice opens before us: use the number as a login - QQ号码 (the number, just like in ICQ, is generated automatically, but at the previous stage on the right side of the page you can see the button "去 选 号码" - choose the number. Of course, not free. Of course, in Chinese com), or use a box Email as a login. In fact, the second sentence ( Email帐号 - use e-mail as login) practically does not differ from the first, since during registration, the QQ number is still assigned to the e-mail address, allowing the user to use both e-mail and QQ number as a login. If you chose the first option, you can subsequently assign the number you have chosen to the received number. e-mail address... Therefore, there is no significant difference in the choice. In the article I will analyze only the first option.

So, after clicking on QQ 号码, we find ourselves in this form:

In the network name, enter any set of characters in Latin or hieroglyphs. We indicate the date of birth (as in all similar cases, the date is used to then get you happy birthday, as well as to calculate your age and show it in detail), gender, password. Password from 6 to 16 characters, case sensitive; if it consists only of numbers, the password must be at least 9 characters long. We confirm the password, choose the place of residence. The first list contains a country (中国 - China, 俄罗斯 - Russia, 乌克兰 - Ukraine, 白俄罗斯 - Belarus, etc.) and a city (莫斯科 - Moscow, 圣彼得堡 - Peter, 基辅 - Kiev, etc.). In the case of China, you should also specify the province: country, province, city. In other words, if not fundamentally, you can choose all this at random. Confirmation code - enter what is in the picture (I have it NUNEP). After filling in the fields, click 确定 ... And voila:

The number that is red is your number. Write it down for yourself somewhere, so as not to forget. You can increase the degree of protection of your number from theft by intruders (optional).

By clicking 立即获取保护, we get into a small window in which we select the second option: secret questions.

There are 3 questions in the new window:

In the drop-down list of questions, select the one you need and answer it. Answers must be more than 3 characters in Latin or more than 2 in hieroglyphs. Romanov is also not worth writing. The heading of the list is titled: 请 选择 密 保 问题 (Please select a security question). By the way, it's a shame that there is no way to ask your question and the answer to it.

Knowing the translation of these questions and comparing the numbers, you can choose the question that interests you:

  1. Please select a security question
  2. Mom's surname and first name
  3. Spouse's birthday
  4. Your student (work) number
  5. Mom's birthday
  6. Name of the head of the group at the university
  7. Father's surname and first name
  8. The name of the headman at the school
  9. Father's birthday
  10. Surname and name of the marriage companion
  11. Junior Head Name
  12. The name of the best childhood friend
  13. Dorm cellmate name
  14. The name of the person who made the biggest impression on you

In the empty fields 答案, you should enter the answers to the questions. Remember them.

Tencent's messenger is the # 1 most popular messenger in China. However, this does not mean at all that the program is not used in the CIS countries. Let's consider how to register in QQ on a Russian phone.

The main difficulties

At first glance, it may seem that there should be no problems during registration. But many users from Russia come across them, which proves the opposite. Of the main difficulties, it is worth highlighting:

  • SMS with a code does not come;
  • The code came, but it is wrong;
  • There is no country "Russia" on the PC version.

Everywhere, everything converges to a key mistake - users are using a non-international version of the site, enter the code of a country that is not in the list of available ones, or enter incorrect data.

How to register on the phone

The QQ International app has an official website. The easiest way to find the right mobile messenger with an international version is through it.

First of all, you need to open the site - The main thing is not to confuse it with qq com, as a page with a completely different topic will open.

If it opened in Chinese, in the upper right corner, click on the unknown characters and select English. This section is circled in the image below.

Change the language of the site

Scrolling down the site, the user will see all the benefits of the messenger.


Clicking on the "Download" icon will open a window in which there will be a QR code and two buttons - for downloading to Android or IOS. There is also a Windows app, it's in the Windows Store.

If you open the site with mobile device, we press the button from our OS and the phone will open the application store. This is what QQ looks like in the Play Market:

Messenger for Android

Click on the "install" button and wait for the download to finish.

Registration via app

After the first opening, the messenger will offer to log into your account. The default should be English, but if this is not it, you can change the language by clicking on the button in the upper right corner. The program is available in English, German, French, Spanish, and several types of Chinese.

Entering a phone number

In the lower right corner, select Sign Up. Here you need to enter the number mobile phone with country code. The default will be +86 (Chinese code). Click on it and look for international code country. For quick search it is recommended to use a magnifying glass and enter the country name in English.

Enter the number and wait for the SMS code. We confirm the number, after which you need to choose your nickname. After entering a nickname, it sometimes gives an error in Chinese. In translation, it means "Registration error, please send your phone number later."

Explanation of the error, solution

This error appears when not one SMS with a code is received on the same Russian phone, but two. Because of this, a failure occurs, and although the user passes to the next stage, he will hang on it.

Re-registration will not help in any way, as an error will appear. She will indicate that the number is already linked to the QQ account, but it does not have a password. In this case, you should wait a few hours and try to re-register. If the same error, we wait 24 hours, or enter another phone number.

QQ account number

After you have entered a nickname, a series of numbers will appear in the next window that you need to remember or write down. This is the QQ account ID. We click on the Get started button, and registration is considered complete.

Add password

When you log into your account, you will be prompted to add a password at the top of the screen. Do not neglect this, as it will help you not to lose access to the QQ account.

To do this, click on the notification and enter the password. It must be between 6 and 16 characters long. For a password that consists of numbers only, you need at least 9 characters. Save, click on "Continue" and "Finish".

Setting up a profile

At the top, the messenger has three sections. The one with a compass-like icon is responsible for various settings. Go to it and select "Profile". Here the user can change his avatar, profile background, change his name, gender, and enter the date of birth.


QQ International is a comfortable messenger for communication. The registration process does not take long if you do not make mistakes. The most common mistake is getting the confirmation code twice. In order not to run into it, you need to wait for the arrival of the first message, and do not click on "send again" if less than five minutes have passed after sending.

From time to time I receive requests from friends to tell me how to register in the Chinese messenger QQ.
Some programs provide their own interface for registration, but this was not our case. In addition, registration alone is not difficult. The most difficult thing for a person who does not know Chinese, is the installation of secret questions, relieving him of intrusive reminders in the messenger.

So, let's begin.


Follow the link and fill out the registration form:

At the end, we get the number.

Nothing complicated.
Now we log in to the messenger (it is recommended to use the original QQ client due to the fact that the Chinese [do we go to QQ to communicate with them?] Are accustomed to using its chips that are not displayed in other clients). We receive messages from ourselves. Follow the link in this letter.

Setting security questions

After clicking on the link, enter the number with the password and see the following picture:

We select the first item. In the next window, we need to select other options from the dropdown lists, because standard values- something like "Choose a security question option." Here's what happened in my case:

To the first question, the error written on the right means that we need to enter> = 6 digits.
For the second and third questions, the error says that it is necessary to enter> 7 Latin letters.
Probably they have some other way of perceiving numbers, because the numbers visible between the hieroglyphs are not at all like "6" and "7" :-)
The right button is Forward. Left - "Back".
Move on:

Sly Chinese captcha :-) Now the secret questions are presented in the form of pictures and mixed. We answer them again.
If everything is OK, the questions are set and we receive confirmation of this on the next page, on which to exit the protection setting mode, press the left button.

Now you will no longer be bothered by the QQ bot on the topic of account insecurity and you can calmly communicate with the Chinese, who themselves stick to you when they see “Russia” in the profile :-)

UPD. Thanks to alexsx06 for the tip - the bot no longer knocks and does not offer to go through the terrible quest to protect the account :-) But maybe someone will face all the horror of Chinese molds and this article will help him =)