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Uninstalling Internet Explorer 11 from the registry. We restore the original version of the browser

To date, the main software For access to the Internet are browsers. The most popular are Opera, Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.. However, Microsoft offers the Windows operating systems such a browser as Internet Explorer.. In fact, each of the above browsers have great amount Advisions before embedded in Windows, but it will not be about differences, but on how to remove this software from the system. Any of the proposed removal options can be applied regardless of which Internet Explorer version is installed.

Disconnection method Explorer

The procedure is performed in the following sequence.

  1. It should be understood that the described removal process is actually only a shutdown procedure, but it will not go anywhere from the system. If you need urgent Internet access, for example, if the main browser has failed, you can return the performance to the disabled application.

Internet Explorer removal method

As indicated in the previous paragraph, delete fully Internet Explorer will not work, but it is possible to clean additional space By deleting a newer version. After the procedure described below, it will still need to turn off the component using the algorithm above, but at the same time on system disk Increase the amount of free space.

For implementation this method Enough to go to the deletion section of updates, the path to which can be seen in the screenshot.

  1. Restarting the computer after completing the removal procedure, the user will see a message about the completion and that the starting version has been restored, which was in the assembly when installing the operating system. These are usually versions from 7 to 10, because The newest today is 11.

Now the main task is to disable the automatic update procedure. this element Systems.

To date, the most popular browsers in the world are clearly not a merit of Microsoft. Therefore, we will leave it the right to produce excellent operating systems, and we will use more familiar opera browsers, Chrome or Mozilla. The instructions described in the article are enough to produce all actions on their own. The main thing is to closely monitor the fact that it stands out in the section with disabling system components and updates, since the error can cost the device not correctly.

For complete removal Internet Explorer, most often you can use three ways.

Remove shortcuts

The first is very simple - we remove shortcuts from the desktop. We are looking for a program icon on the desktop and click on it right Mouse button.

Choose from the proposed options " delete».

Also enter the taskbar, causing right Mouse button option.

Turn off the ecpleer

The second option is full disconnection browser.

Open Panel "Start"

Then activate « »

We are looking for among applications - " Programs and components».

Here we find all installed programs for right side, and by left options. Let's stop the selection of on Enabling and shutdown windows components

We have appeared before us, choose " Internet Explorer»

We remove the mark, after which a warning window will appear for confirmation Smmm actions " yes».

Fast deletion

The third, almost the same way, but with a faster entrance to list of components.

From the above it is clear that it is impossible to delete the embedded program, but it is quite realistic to disable. If the browser is needed again, you have the opportunity get him back, not forgetting to install the default, the newly running browser. According to users, there are often problems when working with an Internet or computer - long loads, due to several launched browsers.

By installing or removing the software, always restart the computer or laptop!

We restore the original version of the browser

Does not suit Internet Explorer 11 version browser? We will proceed to delete the update on the Windows 7 operating system, because With each computer restarting will be recovered former version . Run the menu Start. A frame with two columns opens (we need the right). We choose where it is written " control Panel" If you have a list of pictures, it looks like this:

The next step - stop the choice on the line with the inscription " removing program"Start the utility to manage the system. Before us will be displayed installed programsbut we need updates, so we are clay on the left side view installed updates».

It will start loading all system improvements, but it is necessary to find exactly our, which we want delete.

Finding, make a choice since the beginning of the left, and after the right mouse button and the word will appear " delete».

When you click, the computer will ask you, did you change my mind? Tightly press yes».

All is ready!

To updates no longer arrive, make such a procedure:

Open Start, go to " control Panel"And open the column" programs and components" Here we need to find " windows Updates Center"On the left side of the window that has opened, after which there will be a search for available updates. Here we need to note " optional updates", Finding a string with the inscription Internet Explorer.. The right mouse button is chosen from the proposed actions. " hide updates" In the dialog box, we choose: " yes».

Removal on Windows 8, 10

Elimination of an unnecessary browser with Windows 8 and 10 is similar. With the only difference, in the control panel you can get faster - choosing a gear on the opening panel on the right. The rest of the process is repeated:

  • Open " control Panel"Where we find" removing program»
  • Run " enable and disable components"And remove the checkbox from the observer
  • After that, confirm your action and reboot System

Hello everyone, dear blog readers. When installing any operating system, a basic set of integrated programs is automatically installed. As you know with Windows, installed internet Explorer is a slow and unstable working browser. Because I often ask a question how to remove Internet Explorer in Windows 7?

I once had a situation when I tried to update this browser, but nothing worked. Therefore, it was decided, first to remove it, and then set it again. After these manipulations, everything went well - was installed a new version of this browser.

What you need to know

With the advent of "shumbers", colorful and individually customizable browsers, IE naturally became unclaimed. However, before deciding to delete it, it is worth considering that this browser is set by default along with Windows, it does not only serve it, but also for download, for example, another browser or any other program, after reinstalling Windows.

Tip: If you just do not want to use the built-in browser, you do not need to delete it, because you can install another browser to work on the Internet.

There is also a situation where the computer has a program that works only with this browser. Before removal, you need to think if you have such programs? This can be explained by the fact that when the program is being developed, the developers check its performance first with the IE browser, because it is on all PCs.

If when updating internet browser Explorer You cannot establish a new version or browser functionality is violated when updating, then output from this position, just remove Internet Explorer.

The usual way to delete through the "Control Panel" and the "Install and Delete Programs" menu will not pass. In this menu, you will not even see the standard components of the OS, they do not even recognize extraneous-cleaners.

To figure out how to delete Internet Explorer from a computer, you need to do everything according to the instructions that I wrote below.


To do this, go to "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Programs and Components". In the opened windows we find the menu on the left and click "View installed updates".

After that, you need to wait a bit, about 30 seconds. In the list of installed updates are looking for "Windows Internet Explorer";

After selecting the object with the left mouse button, you should raise the eyes higher and find "Delete" in the horizontal menu. Press the "Delete" button and wait for the program to delete.

After removing the browser, reboot the PC, so that the adjusted adjustments entered into force. The reboot should ask Windows after uninstalling Internet Explorer.

How to disable Internet Explorer

Above, I told how to delete Internet Explorer. But it can also be disabled it in Windows 7. To disable Internet Explorer, you must go to the "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Programs and Components". In the left menu, click "Enable or Disable Windows Components".

In the opened window, we find "Internet Explorer".

Many users are interested in whether to remove Internet Explorer. You can uninstall IE, and for each operating system this process is slightly different.

Specialists I. experienced users They advise not to delete the browser. If he does not like it, it is better not to use and take the labels from the desktop. In principle, nothing terrible from removing Internet Explorer will not happen, but it is worth taking care of installing a new browser before IE uninstallation.

Removing IE 11 in Windows 7

Uninnet Explorer 11 from "Seven" takes place in several steps. First of all, you need to go to the "Start" and select the "Control Panel". Then you need to go to the "Programs and Components" tab. To do this, in the View field, you must install the "Icons" item.

After that, in the list installed applications You must find Internet Explorer, select it, click PCM and click "Delete". Then pops up the window to confirm uninstallation. At the end of the process, you must restart the PC.

After rebooting you need to hide the update so that the browser is independently installed. To do this, go to "Start", then to the "Control Panel", and then the Windows Update Center. Here you need to search for available updates.

At the end of the search, click on "optional updates". In the list that appears, you want to find Internet Explorer 11, click on the PCM on it and select "Hide Update". After that, you must click OK.

Due to these manipulations, the browser will remain in the operating system, but in the version below.

Full removal

To fully uninstall Internet Explorer 11, you must first carry out the manipulations described above, and only after that we are taken to final removal of the browser. If the computer is installed below 11, then you can immediately begin to uninstall.

Initially, you need to go to "Start" and select "Control Panel". Then you need to go to the "Programs and Components" section and select "View installed updates" item. In the list that appears, you must find Internet Explorer, select it and click PKM, and then "Delete".

After uninstalling and rebooting the PC, it is necessary to carry out the actions described above. It is required to disable updates so that they are not elsewhere. In general, it turns out that the uninstalling of the browser from the computer consists in removing available versions from the last to the first.

Removing IE in Windows 8 and 10

Deleting in the latest version of Windows is much easier than in the "seven". You need to go to "Start", then in the "Control Panel". Here you should choose "Programs and Components". Next you need to click on "Enable or disable Windows Components".

Then you should find in the Internet Explorer 11 list and remove the checkbox from it. After that, a warning will appear on the screen, that the disconnection can affect other components of the computer. Here you need to confirm deletion.

After that, the browser uninstall process will begin. Then you should restart the computer and all the shortcuts, as well as the browser itself will disappear from the operating system.

All associations will disappear for hTML files and other formats. In the Windows operating system 8, all components that need to connect to the Internet will work correctly. Windows 7 will also work normally.

I think that it is not worth introducing anyone to the Internet Explorer browser. If you came to the opinion that the default browser from Microsoft you do not need anymore and you are going to remove Internet Explorer, then I'm a disadvantage: Internet Explorer, being part of the operating room windows systemsis not deleted. Internet Explorer is an integral part, a component of the Windows operating system. And this means that Internet Explorer is impossible. But if you have imparted to remove IE for some reason, such as such:

you can easily turn it off. It should be noted that IE is not part, but the component of the operating system, and, like all other components, can be either disconnected or on. Thus, we can achieve the visual removal of Internet Explorer browser. Of course, some basic components are not subject to both interference.

How to remove Microsoft Internet Explorer?

And if more precisely, how to disable Internet Explorer? Enable or disable Windows components occurs in the window Enable and disable Windows components Control panels. To get to it, you need to go along the way:

  1. Control Panel.
  2. Programs and components.
  3. Enabling and disable Windows components.

You can also use to get to this point faster. In the window that opens, you will see a list of available components, some of which are installed, and some are not installed. Tick \u200b\u200bin front of the item Internet Explorer. It suggests that this component is set to the system. To remove IE, you need to take a tick and press the button. OK.

Most likely you will be warful that the introduction of such changes may adversely affect the computer's performance, because Internet Explorer functionality is used by some other windows tools. After you agree with this, you need to wait for the end of the "Delete" process "Internet Explorer, after which you restart the computer to make changes.

How to update Internet Explorer?

Also in this article I would like to tell you how to update the Internet Explorer browser version in the Windows operating system. And for this, it is enough for us to know what has already been mentioned above: Internet Explorer is the component of the Windows operating system, which means that the browser is updated in the same way as the entire operating system is through Centre Windows updates . From here it follows that if your computer is configured to automatic receipt Updates, which is greatly recommended, the Internet Explorer browser will be updated automatically.

How to remove the latest version of Internet Explorer?

Also in some users of old operating systems There may be desire to return old version Internet Explorer browser, after it is updated. Well, I did not like the new version, give me the old one. In this case, you need to go through the windows:

  1. Control Panel.
  2. Programs and components.
  3. View installed updates.

In the last window, you need to find an unlike service pack of updates for Internet Explorer, highlight it and click on the button. Delete. After that, it is also desirable to restart the computer.

How to enable or disable Windows components

This method you can add both components such as Hyper-V from the system, Telnet server from the system, windows player Media and other common components depending on their needs. So, if you need, you can activate Hyper-V. And if you use a third-party video player, you can disable Windows Media Player.