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Game program guess the melody for kids. Guess the melody script for kids

Scenario of an extracurricular activity

A game - "Guess the melody"

Target: Creation of conditions for the active involvement of children in the art of music through the entertaining game "Guess the melody".


    to form an emotional and aesthetic perception of the surrounding world through music;

    foster love and interest in vocal works of various musical styles;

    develop an ear for music, musical memory and sensitivity, creative imagination;

    to expand the knowledge of students about the history of the Motherland, its singing culture through the study of children's songs, vocal works, modern pop songs;

    foster and instill love and respect for human heritage and respect for singing traditions.

    Organizing time. Impromptu conversation.

Good afternoon to everyone who came to our game "Guess the melody" today!

I can't live a day without music!

She is in me. She is around me.

And in the singing of birds, and in the noise of cities

In the silence of herbs and in a rainbow of colors,

And in the glow of blossoming over the earth ...

She is my companion everywhere and forever.

Music ... here it is, just turn on the radio, TV, tape recorder, music Center, and someone will go to a disco. Who likes what more.

Get involved in great art, have fun and have fun.

Now let me introduce you to the participants. I wish the teams a successful game, the spectators and fans a good mood. So, let's start the game "Guess the melody"!

Qualifying round
Presenter 2. Dear guys, now the words from the songs that you heard in the cartoons will be offered to your attention. The task is simple: you need to name the hero and the name of the cartoon in which this song is sung.

1. “And I increasingly notice
That somehow someone replaced me.
I don't dream about the seas -
The nature replaced the TV set for me ”(Matroskin's song from the m / f“ Prostokvashino ”).
2. "Spooning the snow,
The night is coming big
Why are you, silly, not sleeping?
Your neighbors are sleeping -
White bears,
Sleep soon, too, baby. " (Lullaby of the Bear from the film "Umka")
3. “I was once strange
A nameless toy
To which in the store
Nobody will fit. (Cheburashka's song m / f "Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile").
4. - Tell me, Snow Maiden,
Where have you been?
Tell me, honey
How are you?
- I ran after you,
Father Frost,
I spilled a lot
Bitter tears. (Song of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus from the movie "Well, wait!").
5. "You can't fly far on an old piece of iron,
You can't swim far on an old piece of iron.
It's good to sit in the dark
And turn the pieces of iron
Your whole life will change as soon as you pick it up
The same pin code
Pin!" (Song of the Smesharikov from the movie "Smeshariki").
Spare options
6. "Stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh, play it, play it!
Sing ditties, grandma Yozhka,
Sing, don't talk! " (Song of Babok Ezhek from the film "Flying Ship").
7. “If long, long, long,
If you walk the path for a long time,
If long down the path
Stomp ride and run
Now, perhaps, then of course,
Then probably, right, right,
It is possible, it is possible, it is possible,
You can come to Africa "(Little Red Riding Hood's Song m / f" Little Red Riding Hood ").

Participants who answered the questions correctly are invited to the stage.
Host 1. Let us welcome music connoisseurs.
(introduction of participants)
Participant # 1 ...
Participant # 2 ...
Participant # 3 ...
Participant # 4 ...
Participant # 5 ...
Host 2. Congratulations, you have become participants in the "Guess the melody" show. And you will be judged by the jury. Let me introduce you to a strict but fair jury that will judge the participants in our show.
(presentation by jury members)
Host 1. It's time to start our show. The jury is ready to work, the participants are on site, we are starting.

So we begin. First tour.
Presenter 1. Before you is a scoreboard with four categories of music, in each category there are four melodies. Melodies are marked with notes. Each note has its own price - from 5 to 30 points. You select a note, then a melody without words sounds. Participants need to be the first to remember what kind of melody it is, raise their number and answer. If the answer is correct, the cost of the "note" is credited to the participant's scoreboard, who has the right to choose the next category. If the player makes a mistake, he is "fined" - he misses one (two) melodies and is out of the game. The melodies are played for 20 seconds, in which case the “note” remains unplayed. Not all categories and notes can be played in the first round. After the first round, the participant with the least points is eliminated.
Presenter 2. The right to name and open the first note is given to the participant under No. 1 (the participant chooses a melody, it sounds, and the one who first raises his number guesses. If the participant guesses, the next move will remain for him).

School years

1. Twice, two, four

2. We love you, your relatives.

3. Our mom.

4. First grader.

1. Friendship is strong

1. If you went out with a friend

2. A true friend ("A strong friendship will not break ...")

3. Walking together is fun

4. Song of friends ("There is nothing better in the world ...")

2. Multi-remotes

1. The song of the lion cub ("I lie in the sun ...")

2. Smile from the movie "Little Raccoon"

3. Song of Crocodile Gena from the movie "Cheburashka"

4. Clouds. (Tryam, hello)

In the animal world

1.Black cat.

2. The dog is gone.

3. Three white knights.

4. Forest deer ("Autumn on a rainy gray day ...")

Host 1. The first round ends with this magnificent melody. Let's see the results. The word of the jury.
As it was said, according to the rules of our show, the participant with the lowest number of points leaves us. Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to …… ..and say “thank you”.

Second round
Host 2. In the second round they play with us… and…. The tour will take place in the form of an auction. You will bargain with each other for the right to name the melody after my prompting. The game will go up to three points. The participant with the number ... with the most points starts the game. The countdown goes from 15 to 7 notes, that is, you say “I will guess this melody from 15 notes, and the second participant either gives you the right to guess the melody, or says fewer notes from which he will guess the melody.

1. A song about a profession whose representatives want to get enough sleep and know how to keep the secrets of the king ("Song of the Guard" from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians")
2. A song about a representative of an insect order similar to a vegetable ("A grasshopper was sitting in the grass" from the cartoon "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends")

3. A song about two cheerful representatives of the grandmother's courtyard ("Two cheerful geese")

4. Part of the naval uniform (The children's song "White capless cap, striped collar ...")

5. Action of compassion for an inanimate object ("The little Christmas tree is cold in winter, we took the Christmas tree home from the forest")

6. A song about the love of an elderly man ("Once upon a time there was a gray goat with my grandmother")

7. A song about the knowledge gained at school ("What is taught at school")

Presenter 1. We give the floor to the jury. The third round came to an end, unfortunately, for one of the participants it turned out to be the last. We say goodbye to .... we are glad that you were at the game and showed a high musical level.

Super game.
And now it's a super game. We congratulate the participant on reaching the final. You need to guess 7 tunes in 3 minutes. At the signal of the jury, we start.
(a game)
You have proven yourself today that you are a true connoisseur of music. Congratulations on winning our show. This thunderous applause sounds to you.
You may not have passed the super game, but you are a finalist and you are the winner of the game “Guess the melody. You are rightfully considered a connoisseur of music.

We invite all the participants of the game to the stage. Thank you for your attention. See you soon!
(awarding the winner, presenting prizes and certificates to the participants)


Target: To consolidate the ability to give a musical answer to a musical question, to seek from children ease, freedom and naturalness in "performing", the ability to use all their musical experience.

Awaken interest in events held in kindergarten, cause a joyful mood from joint leisure.
1. Expand knowledge of children's, folk, modern songs and melodies.
2. To develop an ear for music, musical memory.
3. Reveal musical preferences and intellectual abilities of adults and children in the framework of an entertaining musical game.
Equipment: music center, laptop, speakers, jury table, two bells,

Prize box
Hall decoration:balls, flowers, notes with tasks on the board, postcards with the image of the headdresses of the heroes of fairy tales, images of the instruments of the symphony orchestra
Location: music hall.

Entertainment program progress:

Children enter the hall, stand in a semicircle

Leading : Good afternoon! And a good hour! I greet all of you!

I welcome all of you to the Guess the Melody entertainment program and

I invite all of you to take an active part in it, as the winners

A wonderful surprise awaits. Which one then? You will learn about this at the end of our


Child: Without music, Without music You can not live in any way.
Don't dance without music Neither polka nor hopak.

Child : And you will not circle in the dance, and you will not pass the march,
And you won't sing a funny song on a holiday.

Child: So let the music enter us again sooner today,
And everyone plays and sings with the music!

The song “You can't live in the world without music, without a song!

To the music of the song “Long live the surprise! »Composer Entin Yu, lyrics. Minkova M., Surprise runs into the hall, (she has a box in her hands) .

Surprise: Meet, and here I am, a funny Surprise! Hello guys! (Curtsy).

By the way, do you like to receive gifts? Children's answer.

Surprise: I also love to give everyone, everyone gifts! And in me, in this beautiful box

The main prize of the game program, and it will go to the winners. So

Take an active part and you won't regret it!

Leading: And now, I want to introduce you, dear Surprise, our participants, the team

Guys "Do-mi-solki" and a team of parents and guests"Fidgets" and our

Dear jury.

Surprise (shows the box to the guys): Guys, please look at this

A box, what's written here?

Children read: YES-ROCK!

Surprise: And now, as a warm-up, the task for the team "Do-mi-solki" - remember

Please, a song that starts with a "P" sound. (Children answer).

And let the team "Fidgets" remember the songs that begin with the sound

"Oh" ... etc.

Surprise: Well done, guys and adults! We have coped with this task!

And now the first competition is the “Guess the melody” competition.

Children remove from the staff the note on which the task is written. Give to the presenter who reads the assignment:

1. Who ate the green grasshopper? (Frog) .

Songs are performed in 1 verse.

2. In which song can you repeat the multiplication table? (Two by two is four) .

3. What was born in the winter in the forest? (Herringbone).

4. What happens once a year? (Birthday) .

5. What did Little Raccoon see in the pond? (Smile.)

6. In which carriage can you get to the sky? (In blue).

7. Who didn’t go through anything and who wasn’t asked anything? (Antoshka).

8. Who sang the song lying in the sun? (Lion cub and Turtle).

9. In which song can you learn about a verb and a dash? (What is taught in school).

10. Who can do everything? Argue in bass, swim with brass, chop wood? (Dad can.)

11. To whom was the Mammoth sailing on his white ship? (To Mom) .

12. On which island, where are coconuts and bananas, is it easy and simple to live? (Chunga-changa, wonder island)

13. If you walk along the path, along the path, stomping, running, driving for a long time, where can you come? (To Africa).

14. Who enters the house with a kind fairy tale? Who is everyone familiar with from childhood? Who is recognized everywhere? Tell me what is his name? (Boo-ra-ti-no).

15. With whom did the cheerful geese live? (At the granny's).

16. What will not be unstuck, will not break from rains and blizzards? (Friendship) .

Surprise: Well, since you are such musical connoisseurs, then you will cope with this task.

The captain of the team for which the answer is ready rings the bell. Only in this

In case the answer will be defended.


1) Musician, head of a symphony orchestra? (conductor)
2) Composing music while performing it? (improvisation)
3) A word that unites polka, waltz, mazurka, tango? (dance)
4) A person who composes music? (composer)
5) A piece of music with a clear rhythm that accompanies vigorous walking?
6) A theatrical performance consisting of dancing and pantomime to music? (ballet)
7) A dance that smoothly swirling couples dance? (waltz)
8) Is a thin wooden cane with a stretched horsehair band used to produce sound on stringed instruments? (bow)
9) An ensemble of four performers? (quartet)
10) A flower that has a musical name? (bell)

Surprise: For us to stretch, there is a sure way,

Let's go back a little to childhood,

We will perform a merry dance -

Let's fill in the musical pause.

"Good mood"

Surprise: Well, I think the rhythmic movements, unpretentious music set you up for

Work. I ask you to pull yourself together, as you now have to think and guess

Melodies that will now sound. So: sit down more comfortably, listen.

The conditions of the answer remain the same - the answer that was sounded is accepted.

After the bell rings

Soundtracks of melodies sound.
“Russian planks. melodies "
-Month shines
-Ah, you canopy
"Animal Melodies"
-Dance of ducklings
-Lion Cub and Turtle Song
-Two happy geese
-Song Crocodile Gena
-Blue carriage
-Song of the guard
"Hits from modern cartoons"

Surprise: I have a magic bag, from which the participants take turns taking out a card with a picture of a fairy-tale character's headdress. Then a fragment from the song sounds. We must guess which hero will be in front of us.




Winnie the Pooh,


Crocodile Gena,


Snow Maiden,




Surprise: Music has friends, It's you and it's me!

But music will not work without musical instruments!

Children perform "Waltz-Joke" by D. Shostakovich

Captains competition

(Name the instruments. By the ringing of the bell)

Surprise: We are fulfilling the task. Let's guess the tools!

Riddles about musical instruments.

Bells, triangles, metallophone, tambourine, bells.

Surprise : Well done! The riddles were all guessed.

We saw the orchestra performed by the "Do-mi-solki" team. Now it's turn

Orchestra of the team "Fidgets".

Parents wear cards on their chests depicting the instruments of the symphony orchestra. They are seated in accordance with the location of the orchestra. The captain is the conductor. To the accompaniment of the phonogram, the participants must depict playing their instrument exactly during its sounding to the phonogram.

Surprise: And it so happens that the words in the songs are confused so that the songs turn out completely

Other. So, almost a musical pause -

game "shifters"

For example, “A fly was flying in the sky”, and the real song “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”.

Participants guess the "encrypted" lyrics of the songs:

"55 rams" - "33 cows",

"I am a bun, I am a bun!" - "I am the Water One, I am the Water One!"

"If you go and run quickly along the highway" - "If you take a long walk along the road",

"A bush was born in the field" - "A Christmas tree was born in the forest",

"Oh, the watchman is staying up late!" - "Oh, the guards get up early!"

"Two funny turkeys lived with grandpa" - "Two funny geese lived with grandpa",

"Blue Panama" - "Little Red Riding Hood",

"The green train is running, rolling over" - "The blue car is running, swinging."

Leading: And now, the floor is given to the jury!

Surprise: (addressing the winners) Congratulations, you are the winners of our game -

And the prize is yours! Distribution of prizes, teams are awarded with certificates.

Presenter: Our game has come to an end. And this is what happens

All is well that ends well!

The traditional Russian way of having fun: singing your favorite songs in chorus with an accordion (or without it) is still popular, especially among the older generation, but new musical entertainments, games and competitions are added, which bring variety, warmth and enthusiasm to the entertainment programs of the holidays.

The most favorite musical entertainments at the holiday are: karaoke, various songs-rework, music quizzes, song re-songs with tasks or the performance of the text of a famous song in a different style: rap ,folk, musical, etc. If a music company is going to, then the whole script can be conceived as a show, let the guests demonstrate their talents all evening - for example, "Become a Star" (you can watch it).

Music games and contests from our selection are very diverse: absolutely new and loved for a long time, lyrical and funny, drinking and play.

1. Musical game "Noise decorators".

(to download - click the file)

6. Musical warm-up.

Remember the KVN “Warm-up” competition, and arrange the same improvisation at the holiday, just not from jokes, but from songs. Teams should exchange questions and answers from songs, i.e. one team recalls an interrogative line from the songs, the other an affirmative one that fits the meaning. Then they switch roles. For example, the question: "Why are you standing, swaying, thin rowan?", The answer: "I'm drunk, I won't get home!" Or: "Where are you, Marusya, who are you walking with?" - "... I'm on the sleepers, again on the sleepers going home out of habit."

You can play until your fantasy runs out.

7. Musical compliments.

In the program of any holiday, and especially a corporate one, you can include musical exchange compliments between the male and female halves of the hall. It is very simple to do this: the women's team recalls flattering lines from songs about men, and men, on the contrary, sing excerpts from songs that can be regarded as compliments to the ladies. And in turn, they begin to exchange these musical compliments.

As an example of praise to the gentlemen, the presenter can recite the following lines from A. Sviridova's song:

“How good! You can trust a man!

How good! And don't think about anything! "

As a songful curtsy towards the beautiful ladies - a verse from the hit of Y. Antonov:

“Attention, men! There is no reason to laugh!

Today, in every business, women match us,

And we, of our own free will, teach others roles,

The team that gives more musical compliments within ten minutes wins, although there is no need to count, let friendship win.

This stream of singing compliments can be directed in one direction, for example, on the women's holiday on March 8, arrange a musical congratulation - a medley, which will consist of excerpts of compliment songs.

8. Song encyclopedia.

For this song rehash, you can divide the hall into several teams (depending on the number of guests) and prepare cards in advance with the intended themes of the songs: animals, birds, plants, travel, love, and so on. Each team draws three to five cards. Five to seven minutes are given for reflection.

Then, by drawing lots of themes, each team presents their musical illustrations, for example, the theme "Stones": "Give me a moonstone", "He has a granite stone in his chest", "I can do everything, I can do everything - my heart is not a stone." Singing as one line from a song, as well as a whole verse or chorus is allowed. The main thing is to correspond to the meaning of the assignment.

For each in the topic, the given answer is a point. The winners are determined by the amount of points earned.

9. "Orchestra of virtual instruments".

From the guests (10 - 15 people) we create an Orchestra of Virtual Instruments - everyone draws a card with a written instrument, all of them, of course, are different. Participants should portray the playing of the instruments very expressively, so that it is clear who is playing the music.

Then the presenter explains that he will be a conductor, but also a drummer. However, the lead conductor will always "switch" to any other instrument, and the player whose instrument is this moment depicts the presenter, must immediately stop his movements.

In this way, those “musicians” who “missed” the new movement of the presenter gradually drop out of the playing of the virtual orchestra. The most attentive player wins.

10. Musical alphabet.

Carry out any children's party in an interesting style allows script "Guess the melody" for children... This plan will not only unite children, but also help them quickly find a solution, even if they only have to guess the melodies, but it is a great workout for the child's brain.

Scenario "Guess the melody" for children - the beginning

Presenter's words:

Guys, you were invited to the game "Guess the melody", all of you have seen it on TV many times, but only adults play there, and we will play with you.

For the game, we need to choose three participants.

To do this, we will conduct a qualifying round with you - who will type large quantity answers, he will get the right to play.
And the audience will not be bored either. If the participant of the game does not guess the melody, then the viewer is given the right to answer for his player.

Qualifying round
Seven sisters are very friendly,
Every song is very necessary.
You can't compose music
If you don't invite them. (Notes)

They beat each other with them,
And they sing in response
And they shine like two pennies -
Musical ... (cymbals)

Round, sonorous, familiar to everyone,
All rulers are with us at school.
We always knock on it,
Loud sound is not nonsense.
The tool is not given to us in vain,
To knock on ... (drum)

He writes music for us
The melodies are playing
He will put his poems on a waltz.
Who composes the songs? (Composer)

Five rulers - home for notes,
The note lives here in everyone.
People in the world of different countries
The name of the ruler ... ("stave")
They eat soup at lunch,
By the evening they will "talk"
Wooden girls
Musical sisters.
Play and you a little
On beautiful bright ... (spoons)

If the text is combined with a melody
And then do it together
What you will hear is of course
It's called easily and simply - ... (song)

The string is ringing, she sings,
And everyone can hear her song.
Six strings play whatever
And that instrument is always fashionable.
He will never get old.
We call that instrument ... (guitar)

We call the instrument a piano
I can hardly play it.
Louder, quieter, louder, quieter
Everyone will hear my game.
I hit the keys zealously
My instrument is ... (piano)

Three strings, plays loudly
That instrument is a "cocked hat".
Find out soon
What is this? (Balalaika)

We join hands together
We will stand around - this is necessary.
Let's dance, and now -
Spun ... (round dance)

The instrument plays cheerfully.
He has furs, keyboards.
If he plays even a little,
Everyone recognizes the instrument - ... (accordion)

One verse sang beautifully,
I started to sing simple ... (chorus)

We sing together
And we are not melodious ...
When there are four of us, it will turn out ... (quartet)

A team of musicians that play together
And they play music together.
Sometimes it is string and wind,
Variety, folk and any other. (Orchestra)

Let's sing a song all together
A song will sound throughout the school.
Foldable, harmonious and friendly.
You guys need to sing together.
The corridor is full of songs -
Ours is trying so hard ... (chorus)

Ι tour
The first participant chooses a category and any note. On the back side notes, the number of points is given, if the melody is guessed, then the point is taken into account. If the participants find it difficult to answer, the audience helps them, you can sing the songs one verse at a time.

ΙΙ tour
Again, participants select categories.

ΙΙΙ tour:

2 players with the highest number of points in the first two rounds enter the third round.
Players bargain starting from 7 notes. A melody sounds after the prompt. Guesses the one to whom the bargaining has ceded.

1 ♪ -This will make everything light and cheerful, so the fluffy little animal claims in its song. (Little Raccoon "Smile").
2 ♪ - About a lonely tree offended by people. (There was a birch in the field)
3 ♪ - A song about a charming cute insect (Kind beetle)
4 ♪ - An optimistic song in which the hero promises to survive all the troubles (Song of the cat Leopold)
5 ♪ ˗ A song about one of the spring months spent in an interesting and favorite place for children in the city (Winged Swing).
Of the two players, the one with the most points remains.

ΙV tour:
Super game
in 1.5 minutes guess 5 melodies (5 points for each guessed one)

1 ♪ - Little Red Riding Hood's Song
2 ♪ - Sailor dance
3 ♪ - There was a birch in the field
4 ♪ - Tired toys are sleeping
5 ♪ - Beautiful far away

You can end with the words "The game is short, but the music is eternal." song "Beautiful is far away"