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What is the difference between a viral infection and a bacterial one. Bacteria and viruses - the basic principles of treatment Comparative characteristics of viruses and bacteria

Preparing for your biology exam? Bedridden with the flu and wondering what kinds of microorganisms have made you so sick? While bacteria and viruses can make you sick in similar ways, in fact they are very different organisms with a wide range of distinguishing qualities. Exploring these differences can help you stay on top of any treatments you are taking, and give you a better understanding of the complex biology that is going on in you all the time. You will be able to learn how to describe the differences between bacteria and viruses not only by learning the basics about them, but also by examining them through a microscope and discovering more information about their composition and function.


Part 1

Exploring the Difference

    Explore the main differences. There are major differences between bacteria and viruses in size, origin, and effect on the body.

    • Viruses are the smallest and most elementary form of life; they are 10 to 100 times smaller than bacteria.
    • Bacteria are intercellular organisms (that is, they live between cells), while viruses are intracellular organisms, which implies that they enter the host cell and live inside it. Viruses alter the genetic material of a host cell from its normal function to producing the virus itself.
    • Some bacteria are good, but all viruses are bad.
    • Antibiotics cannot kill viruses, but they can kill most bacteria, with the exception of most gram-negative bacteria.
  1. Know the differences in reproduction. Viruses must have a living host in order to reproduce, such as a plant or animal. While most bacteria can grow on non-living surfaces.

    • Bacteria have all the "structures" (cell organelles) necessary for their growth and reproduction and, as a rule, do not reproduce sexually.
    • At the same time, viruses usually carry information - for example, DNA or RNA, packed into a protein and / or membrane envelope. They need the structure of a host cell in order to reproduce. The "legs" of the virus attach to the surface of the cell and the genetic material contained in the virus is injected into the cell. Differently placed viruses do not actually "live", but are, in essence, information (DNA or RNA) and float around until they encounter a suitable host.
  2. Determine if the microbe has a beneficial effect on our body. While it may seem difficult to understand, many, many tiny microorganisms live within (but separate from) our body. In fact, in terms of pure cell counts, most people account for roughly 90% of microbial life and only 10% of human cells. Many bacteria coexist peacefully with our organs; some even perform very important tasks, such as producing vitamins, recycling waste, and generating oxygen.

    Check if the body meets the criteria for life. While there is no precise, formal definition of what life is made of, scientists agree that bacteria are undoubtedly alive. On the other hand, viruses seem to be on the brink between life and death. For example, viruses have some characteristics of life, such as genetic material, evolve over time as a result of natural selection, and they have the ability to reproduce by making multiple copies of themselves. However, viruses do not have a cellular structure or their own metabolism; they need a host cell to reproduce. At the same time, viruses are mostly inanimate. Consider the following:

    Know the bacterial and viral causes of common diseases. If you are suffering from a disease and you know what it is, finding out if you are currently suffering from bacteria or viruses can be as simple as looking for information about your disease. Common diseases caused by bacteria and viruses include:

  3. Biological differences between bacteria and viruses
    Organism The size Structure Breeding method Treatment Alive?
    Bacteria Large (about 1000 nanometers) One cell: peptidoglycan / polysaccharide wall; cell membrane; ribosomes; free floating DNA / RNA Not sexually. Copies DNA and multiplies by cell division (splitting). Antibiotics; antibacterial agents for external sterilization Yes
    Viruses Small (20-400 nanometers) Cell-free: simple protein structure; without walls and shell; no ribosomes, DNA / RNA embedded in the protein coat Hijacks a host cell, forcing it to make copies of viral DNA / RNA; new viruses leave the host cell. Treatment is unknown. Vaccination can prevent disease; symptoms are treatable. Unknown; does not meet traditional living standards.

    Part 2

    Analyzing microscopic features

      Look for the presence of a cell. Structurally, bacteria are more complex than viruses. The bacteria are known as unicellular... This means that each bacterium consists of only one cell. At the same time, the human body contains many trillions of cells.

      We check the size of the organism. One of the most quick ways to distinguish bacteria from viruses is to compare their sizes. In almost 100% of cases, bacteria are larger than viruses. In essence, the biggest viruses exactly as big as the smallest bacteria.

      Checking for ribosomes (and no other organelles.) Although bacteria have cells, they are not complex. Bacteria do not have a nucleus and organelles, with the exception of ribosomes.

      Observation of the reproductive cycle of the body. Bacteria and viruses are unlike most animals. They do not need to have sexual intercourse or exchange genetic information with other organisms of the same type in order to reproduce. However, it cannot be said that bacteria and viruses have the same reproductive strategies.

All people, and especially parents of young children, simply have to know the symptoms of a viral and bacterial infection, because each case of infection of the body implies a certain method of treatment. And what is effective in one case can seriously harm in another. For example, bacteria die under the influence of antibiotics, while a viral infection can only be defeated with antiviral drugs. First, let's try to figure out how, in fact, viruses differ from bacteria, and only after that we will understand how to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one.

What are viruses and bacteria


Even from school, we all know perfectly well that bacteria are single-celled organisms with the simplest structure, which can be easily seen through a microscope. Hundreds of different bacteria live in the human body, many of them are even quite friendly, for example, they help to digest food. Nevertheless, bacteria can seriously annoy the human body, especially if the immune system is significantly weakened. A bacterial infection, the symptoms of which are easy to distinguish from a viral one, is divided into several types:

  • With a round shape - those same staphylococci.
  • With an extended shape - rod-shaped.
  • Other forms are less common, but no less dangerous.


Viruses are much smaller compared to bacteria, but both can greatly harm human health. But the effect of these infections will be slightly different from each other. So how do you know if a viral or bacterial infection is storming this time?

What is the difference?

How to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one? At first glance, these two species are very similar and it is quite difficult to distinguish between them. Until now, many people confuse ARVI, which is caused by viruses, with ARI, where the bacterial flora is involved. First of all, it is necessary for the attending physician to understand the diagnosis in order to prescribe the correct treatment. Some doctors manage to prescribe antibiotics to everyone without really understanding what exactly affects the body, thereby destroying an already weak immune system. If you are trying to figure out on your own how to distinguish a bacterial infection from a viral one, you can take a complete blood count, but the first thing you should pay attention to are the symptoms accompanying the disease.

Symptoms of infections

The main signs viral infection:

  • Surprise - this is how the disease begins. Out of the blue, it literally knocks you off your feet. Yesterday you were absolutely healthy, but today you cannot get out of bed. There is no strength even for the most ordinary things.
  • Aches all over the body - it seems that all bones ache at once, and this condition is accompanied by an increased body temperature.
  • The defeat of the ENT organs - stuffy nose, sore throat (perspiration, difficulty swallowing).
  • Endless snot - usually transparent, profuse nasal discharge, not accompanied by sneezing, unpleasant pain is present.
  • Loose stools, vomiting, skin rashes are mainly observed in children.

Bacterial infection, the symptoms are as follows:

  • Purulent or greenish discharge from the nose.
  • Increased body temperature, about 38-40 degrees, which can last a week and is accompanied by chills and sweating.
  • Fatigue, apathy, and lack of appetite are observed.
  • Severe headaches may be present, migraine worsens.
  • Since one of the organs is affected, it is he who is the concentration of all pains and unpleasant sensations, for example, with a sore throat, a sore throat, with salmonella - a stomach ache, a person vomits, a stool is disturbed.

Diagnostics: how to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one by a blood test

In order to understand what kind of infection struck you this time, you do not have to be a doctor; it is enough to carefully study the answers of the general blood test, to which almost all doctors refer patients to patients. The fact is that, depending on the nature of the infection, corresponding changes occur in the composition of the blood, and a clinical blood test will help to determine what exactly is the provocateur this time. A viral or bacterial infection manifests itself in different ways. It is enough to learn how to correctly decipher the indicators, and you can safely proceed to further treatment.

If the infection is viral: transcript of the analysis

In general, all transcripts and, of course, further treatment should be carried out by the attending physician. In no case should you self-medicate, but nevertheless, being overly vigilant also does not hurt. Any person should have a minimum understanding of the nature of their illness, understand that there is a bacterial and viral infection, what is the difference. At least in order to control the effectiveness of therapy, after all, doctors are people too, and sometimes they can make mistakes. So, what does the response of a blood test of a patient suffering from a viral infection look like:

  1. Leukocytes are almost always below normal or normal. An increase in leukocytes during viral infection is extremely unlikely.
  2. Lymphocytes are usually above normal, however, the same as monocytes.
  3. Neutrophils - there is a significant decrease below normal.
  4. ESR - there may be ambiguous indicators: the norm or a slight decrease.

Even if all the analysis indicators directly indicate the viral nature of the disease, one should not rush to conclusions, the symptomatology of the disease should also be taken into account. With viral etiology, the incubation period lasts on average up to five days.

Analysis indicators for bacterial infection

When infected with a bacterial infection, the indicators may differ slightly, but in general the picture remains unchanged and has the following specific features:

  1. Leukocytes are normal, but most often they are elevated.
  2. Neutrophils are normal or elevated.
  3. Lymphocytes are lowered.
  4. ESR - increased.
  5. And also the presence of metamyelocytes and myelocytes is noted.

The incubation period of a bacterial infection is somewhat longer than a viral one, about two weeks. In any case, even with absolute indicators, when a clinical blood test clearly indicates a viral or bacterial infection affects the body, one should not blindly rely on the results. Sometimes a bacterial infection is activated after a viral infection. Therefore, it is better to leave the prerogative to find out the true etiology to the doctor.

How to treat diseases of various etiologies

Now that we have figured out how to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial infection, it's time to discuss the methods of treatment in specific case... It should be remembered that viruses torment a person on average for 2-4 days, then every day it becomes easier for the patient, a bacterial infection can linger for 15-20 days and still not give up. Viral contamination accompanied by general malaise and a sharp increase in temperature, while the bacterial acts locally, for example, only the throat. Therefore, in any case, you should not neglect bed rest. Treating any infection involves primarily rest and relaxation. In addition, during the manifestation of the first signs, the following measures must be taken:

  • plentiful drinking - helps to remove toxins and decay products from the body, which will certainly be in case of bacterial infection;
  • medications - depending on the etiology, these can be antiviral drugs or antibiotics;
  • topical medications - these can be nasal sprays, throat sprays, cough syrup, etc.;
  • inhalations - can be quite effective, only it is forbidden to do them if the patient has a fever or purulent discharge from the nose;
  • folk remedies - it is not contraindicated to use this method of therapy during bacterial and viral therapy, but it is advisable to first agree with the attending physician.

When children are infected with viral infections

Unfortunately, children get sick much more often than adults. This is due to weak immunity, an immature body, plus everything in kindergartens and schools easily transmit infections to each other by airborne droplets.

Many parents, at the slightest suspicion of ARVI in a baby, use a proven method of treatment, which seemed to have helped the last time, and thereby harm the little body more than help.

How to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one, we have already talked about the methods of treatment above. But how do viruses affect the delicate child's body?

Viral infection in children: symptoms and treatment

Depending on the specific pathogen, the symptoms may vary slightly, but the picture is generally the same:

  • a sharp increase in temperature up to 38-40 degrees;
  • deterioration in appetite;
  • congestion and profuse nasal discharge;
  • cough;
  • rapid breathing;
  • sleep disturbance or, conversely, constant drowsiness;
  • convulsions.

How many days the virus will storm in a particular case depends on the body's defenses and immunity. On average, this lasts from 4 days to two weeks.

Usually viral diseases in children are treated at home. They are sent to the hospital if there is a severe course of the disease, complications, as well as babies under the age of 1 year of life. But in any case, no matter how familiar the child's regular sniffles are, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician.

How to behave as parents during a child's illness

Now that we have figured out how a viral infection manifests itself in children, we also examined the symptoms and treatment, it would not hurt to repeat the basic rules that should be followed during therapy:

  1. Children are fidgets and keeping them in bed is not easy, however, you should adhere to bed rest, at least until the temperature returns to normal.
  2. You need to feed a sick child with light food, broths, vegetables and fruits. Do not forget to drink clean warm water more often.
  3. You need to bring down the temperature after 38 degrees. At high temperatures, antipyretic drugs for children are used.
  4. Children's antiviral drugs, such as "Anaferon", "Interferon", can be given from the first days of illness.
  5. If the cough does not stop for several days, it is time to start giving your child sweet cough syrups that thin and remove phlegm.
  6. Redness and sore throat can cause high fever. In this case, rinsing and processing with various decoctions and solutions will come to the rescue.

List of viral diseases that are most common in our country

We all know viruses of groups A, B, C from childhood, these are the very colds and SARS.

Rubella - affects the respiratory tract, cervical lymph nodes, eyes and skin. More common in children.

Mumps - small children usually get it. When infected, damage to the respiratory tract, salivary glands is observed. Men subsequently develop infertility.

Measles - spread by airborne droplets. Children are more often affected.

Yellow fever - vectors are mosquitoes and small insects.

Prevention and improvement of the body

In order not to puzzle over how to determine whether a viral or bacterial infection in a particular case does not allow living a full life, it is enough just not to get sick. Or to minimize the risks of infection. And for this, first of all, you need good immunity. Therefore, do not forget to use personal hygiene products, constantly wash your hands with soap and water, temper your body, eat right, do not neglect vaccinations, and use gauze bandages in public places.

Viruses and bacteria constantly surround people, but not all of them pose a threat to humans. In addition, the mucous membrane of the human respiratory tract is not sterile; various viruses and bacteria are always present on it - useful, harmful and those that, under certain conditions, can cause disease. Viruses are the most common reason colds, although there are situations where the respiratory infection is initially caused by bacteria. In addition, in conditions where the body is weakened by a viral infection, bacteria can become active and cause various complications of the common cold (otitis media, sinusitis, bronchitis).

Viruses are the smallest living non-cellular organisms in nature. The main difference between viruses and other microorganisms is that they can reproduce only in living cells; viruses do not multiply outside the cells. Having multiplied in one cell, viruses like an avalanche attack other healthy cells and continue their reproduction in them.

The virus can enter the human body through inhaled air (airborne droplets, as in most cases of colds and flu), through the gastrointestinal tract (for example, with dirty water), or directly into the bloodstream (through injections or blood transfusions).

It is viruses that cause most of the colds (ARVI - acute respiratory viral infection, ARI 1), as well as influenza. Antiviral drugs are often used in these situations.


Bacteria, unlike viruses, are already a real cell and can multiply on their own. Certain bacteria make up the normal microflora of the intestines, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and some other organs. Such bacteria are considered beneficial, they play an important role in the formation and maintenance of the immune system, digestion, and the fight against other dangerous microorganisms.

Harmful bacteria can infect the human body, causing infectious diseases. Bacteria can cause various complications of colds and flu, such as sinusitis, bronchitis, otitis media, pneumonia, etc.

In the treatment of bacterial infections, the use of antibiotics is justified. But the body's main defender against viruses and bacteria is immunity. Often, unfortunately, the body's immune forces may not be enough to protect a person from the dangerous complications of colds and flu. However, there are ways to keep your immune system active to fight off pathogens such as viruses and bacteria.

In particular, Broncho-Munal ® helps to increase immunity to fight an existing cold, as well as prevent its new episode 2. Unlike antiviral agents, Broncho-Munal ® helps to fight both viruses and bacteria.
Broncho-Munal ® promotes recovery and reduces the risk of complications by three times 2, 3.

1 ARI - acute respiratory disease.

2 Instructions for medical use of Broncho-Munal ®.

3 Jara-Perez J.V. et al. // Clinical Therapeutics, 2000. Vol. 22. P. 748–759./ Jara-Perez J.V. // Clinical therapy, 2000, volume 22, pp. 748-759.

The risk of complications in the form of otitis media, compared with the absence of immunostimulating therapy.

Double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study in parallel groups, 200 girls 6-13 years old. 2 groups: placebo group and OM-85 group, received placebo and OM-85 for 10 days a month for 3 consecutive months. The participants were followed up for 6 months, including the days of taking the drug. Over the entire study period, patients of the OM-85 group had 143 ARI cases (135 ARI of the upper respiratory tract and 8 cases of otitis media) and the placebo group had 299 ARI cases (273 ARI of the upper respiratory tract, 1 ARI of the lower respiratory tract and 25 cases of otitis media) ... In the main group, 50% of the participants suffered no more than 1 case of ARI, while in the placebo group - 3 cases. The main group also showed better results in terms of the median duration of illness, the median number of days missed from school due to illness, and the median number of antibiotic courses. All differences were statistically significant (p˂0.001).

The most common infectious agents in the human body are viruses and bacterial cells. What is the difference between viruses and bacteria?

Viruses are the most primitive form of life. They differ in that they have no cellular structure. Because of this, disputes arise about whether such a creature as a virus belongs to living nature.

Bacteria are organisms that are made up of a single cell. In structure, it is more primitive than the cell of multicellular organisms. Since, it does not have a formalized core.

Bacteria are typically 0.0005-0.003 mm in length. The average size of the virus is no more than 0.0003 mm. Among the representatives of both groups of living organisms, both large and small microbes can be found. There are bacteria that can be detected with the naked eye. Thiomargarita can be a representative of this phenomenon. In nature, it lives on the seabed, its dimensions are about 0.75 mm. Even if you don't have a microscope, you can still see this bacterium.

Distinctive features of the structure

The simplest virus is a DNA or RNA-containing molecule. DNA or RNA is surrounded by protein molecules. A more complex virus is characterized by the fact that it has an interesting property. He has an additional cell wall, as well as some enzymatic activity.

The bacteria are just a normal cell. The fact that they do not have a kernel does not in any way affect the functions. The information recorded on DNA is stored in the cytoplasm in the form of a glomerulus. There is also a cell membrane, on the surface of which there may be microvilli, capsules, flagella. Bacteria also contain RNA.


Bacteria differ in that they have their own metabolic mechanism. Viral pathogens, on the other hand, have a small amount of enzyme substances, they are not characterized by a metabolism (they do not have their own).

Breeding function

The virus can only infect cells, into which it can invade through cellular receptors. Inside the target cell, it breaks down into two main components: protein shells and nucleic acid. Protein membranes have the ability to attach to the cell membrane. From the moment they attach to it, all the processes of the “victim” are controlled by viral genetic information contained in the DNA. Using the reserves of the cell, the virus forces it to produce new viral proteins. The next stage is the formation of new pathogens from the produced proteins and nucleic acids. As a result, the cell is destroyed.

Bacteria differ in reproduction by division. The bacterium cannot break down into its constituents and then collect back.

Thus, the main differences between viruses and bacteria are as follows:

  1. Viral pathogens are organisms of living nature of the precellular type, and bacteria are distinguished by the fact that they are unicellular microorganisms.
  2. Viruses reproduce exclusively inside living cells, while bacteria divide on their own.
  3. Viral pathogens are characterized by the fact that they contain only one nucleic acid. Bacteria differ in that they contain RNA, DNA, cell membrane and ribosomes, which viruses do not.

Differences in infectious diseases depending on the pathogen

An infection caused by a virus differs in that the onset of the disease is sudden, acute, which on average takes 1-2 days, followed by the manifestation of a detailed clinical picture. The signs that distinguish this infection include:

  • 1-2 days of prodromal period (the period between the incubation period and the height of the disease);
  • pronounced manifestations of intoxication syndrome;
  • discharge of a mucous or watery character;
  • there is no local lesion.

The most common manifestations of a viral disease in humans are: high temperature (fever), chills, headache, sore throat, cough, general weakness.

A bacterial infection differs in that the disease develops for a long time and slowly. Signs of a bacterial infection in humans are:

  • slow development of pathology;
  • lack of pronounced intoxication syndrome;
  • the presence of a local lesion;
  • the presence of purulent discharge (yellow-green or yellow).

A bacterial infection can develop primarily, or it can join a viral one. For example, the development of primary pneumonia with influenza is typical for 1-2 days of the development of the disease. In this case, a dry cough is characteristic, and on the third day the disease is characterized by the fact that a large amount of sputum of a bloody nature appears. The addition of bacterial pneumonia occurs on the 6th day and is characterized by the fact that a purulent sputum separation appears.

Commentary 51 to the note "Differences between viral and bacterial infections"

    Thank you very much for such a detailed answer. 😉

    Usually the virus attacks first, and then the bacterial infection joins. The virus is sharpening me now ... 😥 ARVI is called ...

    There is an opinion that a bacterial infection can be recognized by the speed of the course of the disease - if the temperature lasts for more than 37 days for several days, and then rises, it is a virus. If there is a sharp rise in temperature at once, often because of this with convulsions, it means that there was initially a bacterial infection. It is interesting to know how reliable this is.

    Temperature is too nonspecific symptom. For example, a high temperature up to 39-40 ° can be with kidney cancer. Therefore, in the general case, viral and bacterial infections cannot be distinguished by temperature.

    Nevertheless, I do not exclude that for specific nosological forms, according to temperature and its dynamics, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the alleged causative agent.

    my daughter (she is 2.6 years old) had a temperature of 38.4 and a red neck for 3 days. The doctor diagnosed pharyngitis. Yesterday I gave her inhalations, today is the fourth day, a runny nose and a wet cough began. I don’t understand that we had a bacterial infection or a virus first?

    This is some kind of infection, but it is impossible to say clearly about the pathogen. Presumably viral.

    Good day!
    I have a cold once or twice a year. or how to call it correctly: there is no temperature, for several years after the tonsils were removed, on the contrary, it is low, and does not rise above 36.4. The throat begins to ache a little, then turns into a dry cough. I drink antibiotics and bromhexine, after a few days it disappears. Since antibiotics help, then apparently a bacterial infection. This is true?

    Confused by the lack of temperature, they say this means that the body is not fighting infection.

    The temperature during infection, when anti-inflammatory drugs are not taken, is absent in 2 cases:
    1) the infection is not severe, and the body is able to cope with it without fever.
    2) the immune system is severely depressed (for example, by treating a tumor).

    The effectiveness of antibiotics does not mean anything yet, because colds go away without them. Antibiotics should be taken according to indications, not at will.

    Thank you, very informative and interesting. And what do you advise if the temperature of 37 with a tail lasts for several weeks and there are no symptoms, only weakness. Where to start searching for a diagnosis? Complete blood count is normal. 😥

    Temperature from 37.0 to 37.9 is called subfebrile... If it were higher than 38 degrees, such a state would be called “ fever of unknown origin". This is a large, separate topic for establishing the cause of such a fever. Look for information on the internet.


    Tell me please, but now I definitely have a bacterial infection, since the snot and cough are green, and the doctor had it, he said the same ... He attributed antibiotics, is it worth taking them at all? Or can you limit yourself to those drops in the nose and ears that the doctor attributed to antibiotics?

    And I also wanted to ask, is the bacterial infection somehow transmitted to other family members? Thanks.

    Accept. You shouldn't joke with a cough, and a runny nose can easily be complicated by sinusitis (and it has its own complications). Moreover, for trifles, you would hardly go to the doctor.

    It is transmitted, but, as a rule, not everyone gets sick.

    Thank you very much! It’s not that I don’t trust my doctor, I just wanted to hear the opinion of an independent specialist.
    Yes, you are 100% right, I go to the doctor when it's already really bad ...
    And thank you for your quick reply and for the article, which is very useful and informative.

    Hello! please tell me how can I be cured?

    for a year after the removal of the cyst in the maxillary sinus, I continue to suffer from colds. The diagnosis according to the analyzes is chronic tonsillitis, staphylococcus, streptococcus and cytomegalovirus were also found, the tamograph showed inflammation in the mucous membranes ... After a slight hypothermia, the inflammatory process immediately begins in the frontal sinuses. Help, because doctors are already powerless !!! Now I drip my nose with miramistin, and then with staphylococcal bacteriophage, but so far without changes ...

    Try drugs that stimulate local immunity in chronic tonsillitis (imudon) and sinusitis (IRS-19).

    Hello! My daughter is 9 months old, the temperature is 39 for two days, I thought my teeth were coming, the doctor looked at her throat, it was red, but there was no pus, but he prescribed an antibiotic. Is it a bacterial infection? There are no other symptoms, only leukocytes in the urine are still increased. Can't it be related to the throat? Thanks!

    The throat can be red and sore from both viral and bacterial infections. Given the risk of streptococcal sore throat, age and high fever, an antibiotic is indispensable. Streptococcus, in principle, is able to give complications to the kidneys, but not immediately. So now there is probably no connection between leukocytes in urine and throat.

    You advise IRS, an excellent drug, I used it, but in Belarus (in Minsk) it is not available in pharmacies, they say it is not available. It's a pity. I get colds 4-5 times a year, on sick days for 2 weeks "with a tail" - then laryngitis, then pharyngitis, then tonsillitis, then ARVI. With endless nasal congestion (chr.vazomot. Rhinitis), thanks to information from the Internet, she coped almost completely WITHOUT MEDICINES, even a section. The doctor recommended an operation. But almost constantly - colorless mucus, dry and deep cough at night, "hanging" a lump in the larynx. Is it a viral infection? I am treated with all sorts of rinses, rinses of the nose, inhalations of crack-oil, I take propolis, herbal infusions, Vitrum, lozenges. All - with varying degrees of success, but I would like to be healthy! 😉 May try interferon or smth. other, as an immunomodulator, what do you think?

    IRS has not been sold in Belarus since last year. It seems like they did not renew the registration, it is a complicated procedure. But you can buy in neighboring countries.

    As for dry and deep cough, it is necessary to be examined and establish the cause. Maybe irritating environmental factors, infection, allergies, autoimmune inflammation, a tumor, finally.

    Interferon is effective against viruses, but it is produced by the body itself during infection.

    Hello. I have chronic tonsillitis in my life. Yesterday my throat sharply hurt, I looked, and one tonsil was covered with pus and hurts, there is no temperature, there is weakness, headache in the morning. I smear with chlorophyllipt, rinse. question: on the Internet everywhere it is written that it is necessary to treat with antibiotics, or maybe I can do without them? it is just that after antibiotics it takes a very long time to restore the microflora. and if antibiotics are obligatory, which ones?

    Chronic tonsillitis treatment:

    1) Immunostimulating therapy: Imudon (preferred), IRS-19.

    2) Physiotherapy with laser and ultrasound on the Tonsillor apparatus (in the clinic).

    3) Regarding antibiotics and problems with flora, it is better to consult an ENT doctor. For hemolytic streptococcus, drugs of the penicillin group are usually used.

    4) Also read here:

    I take drastic measures: I squeeze the lemon juice onto cotton wool wrapped on a stick, and with a volitional movement with vomiting urge (but not vomiting) I rub the tonsils. As a rule, the cork "pops out" in the morning. And then - rinsing, rinsing with lugol. And I also take propolis tincture (1 teaspoon per gram of 20 water) inside (almost like 100 g of alcohol - :), I try to drink a lot and be sure to take vitamins. And antibiotics, after all, are also different, it is necessary to select individually and always with the consultation of a doctor. Recover!

    So how, after all, doctors determine a viral infection or bacterial. after all, does the result of treatment depend on this? In my medical questionnaire it is written everywhere ARVI or ARVI from chr. tonsillitis and antibiotics are prescribed everywhere.

    Is it correct to prescribe only antibiotics (without antiviral or immunostimulants) for a viral infection with an attached bacterial?

    Julia, usually "by eye". In case of viral infection, it is advisable to prescribe antiviral drugs. Although, if not prescribed, the infection will clear up naturally. Maybe just a little later.

    I will say more. Antibiotics are not needed for every bacterial infection. Often they even harm. Read: site / science /

    In the west, with ARVI, the patient is driven to the laboratory, where he pays for tests in cash or with insurance, which are not and will not be in our country. Analyzes are expensive. We have some of them in private laboratories. Estimated cost USD 200-300.

    And so by eye. There are criteria for suspecting a bacterial infection. They proceed from the principle of less - an antibiotic is a lesser evil than untreated streptococcal sore throat. Bacterial infection is very rare. Often, antibiotics are prescribed where needed and not needed.

    A one-year-old child had a temperature of 38.8-39 for 2 days - a viral infection. on the 3rd day it fell to 37.5, and on the 4th day it jumped to 39.5. They called a doctor, who immediately prescribed antibiotics, saying that with these symptoms it was no longer a virus, but a bacterial infection. Does such a jump in temperature indicate a bacterial infection? In addition to fever, there was snot with a cough, but from the very onset of the disease.

    Yes, such a sudden and sharp rise in temperature may indicate the addition of a bacterial infection.

    Do I need to take a general blood test to reliably confirm a bacterial infection?

    A general blood test does NOT give reliable confirmation, only indirect. In immunology, an increase in the titer (concentration) of antibodies to the alleged pathogen by a factor of 4 or more is considered to be an accurate confirmation of infection. 2 blood samples are taken - at the height of the disease and after recovery (not earlier than 2 weeks after the first sample). Unfortunately, this method can reliably identify the pathogen too late.

    Please tell me whether it makes sense to use interferon-containing or immunomodulatory drugs in any case? They probably won't do any harm. After all, while the diagnosis has not been established, and judging by the comments, it may be set incorrectly, immunomodulators can play a big role. And yet, pardon the stupid question, interferon fights viruses, of course, but the immunomodulatory action does not imply an increase in the activity of the immune system as a whole? Logically, the stronger the immunity, the more toothy the bacteria should be, shouldn't it?

    does it make sense to use interferon-containing or immunomodulatory drugs in any case?

    I think no. The body can cope on its own.

    immunomodulatory action does not imply an increase in the activity of the immune system as a whole?

    Usually it assumes, because everything is interconnected there.

    Logically, the stronger the immunity, the more toothy the bacteria should be.

    No. Bacteria have their own lives. But if the immunity is weak, they have more opportunities for reproduction and development.

    I honestly don't know. There are research results on the Internet about the effectiveness of amixin for influenza and herpes, but they cannot be considered ideal in terms of evidence. Therefore, if amiksin helps you personally and there are no contraindications, then you can take it.

    For flu and colds, antiviral treatment should be applied in the first 48 hours after the onset of the disease, later it ceases to be effective.

    For influenza, oseltamivir (tamiflu) and zanamivir (relenza), as well as rimantadine, have proven efficacy (and often side effects). For other forms of the common cold, ribavirin and interferon inducers can be effective (since there is insufficient evidence in clinical trials): arbidol, amiksin, amizon, groprinosin. More about viruses and treatments: website / info / 729

    For other viral infections (HIV, viral hepatitis, etc.), various antiviral drugs are used in long courses (several weeks and months).

    Hello, what can you say about Bioparox? I did not see a word about him, because this is a drug for the treatment of acute respiratory infections of any etiology !!!

    Bioparox- a topical (inhalation) aerosol that contains the antibiotic fusafungin (fusafungin). Antibiotics do not work on viruses, so bioparox is useless with ARVI.

    Fyuzafunzhin is not absorbed and acts on mucous membranes only superficially, therefore, with deep bacterial processes of the respiratory tract (such as pneumonia) it is ineffective. It cannot be used for a long time (more than 10 days) because of the risk of developing dysbiosis on the mucous membranes.

    Let me disagree a little with you. There is no pneumonia in the indications of Bioparox, but if we consider, for example, with acute respiratory infections of viral etiology ... Bioparox has a double mechanism of action, in addition to antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action! Based on your article " Viruses are compounds of protein and nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) that can reproduce only in the affected cell". Accordingly, we will remove the inflammation - the virus will have nowhere to multiply. Those. bioparox has not a direct effect on the virus, but an indirect one. Nevertheless, it is precisely the double mechanism of action that we act on the main links.

    Yes, Bioparox has an anti-inflammatory effect by reducing the amount of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a; it is one of the substances that stimulates inflammation) and suppressing the synthesis of free radicals by macrophages. However, you don't understand enough about the nature of the inflammatory response. ANY inflammation occurs as a result of tissue damage by any factors (viruses, bacteria, trauma, high or low temperature, oxygen starvation, etc.). Tissue damage is primary, and inflammation is secondary. If we suppress inflammation with anti-inflammatory hormones (glucocorticoids), we create ideal conditions for the spread of viruses and bacteria throughout the body, because the inflammatory response prevents the infection from progressing further. The patient's condition will worsen.

    Still, Bioparox cannot be used for any acute respiratory infections, since its antibacterial activity can lead to dysbiosis and the formation of resistant forms of bacteria. It is much safer to use, for example, a herbal preparation such as Sinupret, which loosens mucus, reduces inflammation, restores protective properties and reduces edema of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, promotes the outflow of exudate from the paranasal sinuses, has immunomodulatory and antiviral activity and is not a direct antibacterial agent.

    P.S. It is possible and necessary to suppress pathological (autoimmune, allergic) and excessive inflammation. In other cases, suppressing the inflammatory response can be dangerous.

    I was wondering why viral diseases go away on their own, and bacterial diseases need to be "treated"?

    Viruses can develop only inside the affected cell, while bacteria multiply on their own and therefore do more harm. But this is theory.

    Bacterial infections are also not treated by all (meaning antibiotics), but only if:
    1) the patient's immune system is weakened or underdeveloped;
    2) the infection is life-threatening (meningitis, pneumonia, etc.) or a purulent complication has occurred (paratonsillar abscess, etc.);
    3) there is a risk of serious long-term complications (for example, rheumatism or post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis).

    Hello! A week ago, I felt severe discomfort, I decided that the flu was developing, I drank it according to the Amiksin scheme, a day later the doctor prescribed a lot of blood tests to me, donated blood during the period of severe exacerbation of the disease (flu symptoms), all results are normal, only CRP is very high 53. Tell me about how can this say, and could contraception and Amiksin's use affect such an indicator?

    C-reactive protein is an indicator of inflammation that occurs with any tissue damage or death, so an increase in CRP levels with a cold (i.e., viral or bacterial infection) is completely normal.

    Taking oral contraceptives and a number of other conditions (diabetes mellitus, uremia, hypertension, increased or low physical activity, sleep disturbances, chronic fatigue, alcoholism, depression, hormone replacement therapy, the third trimester of pregnancy, aging) can also lead to an increase in the level of C-reactive squirrel. More details:

    Amiksin is a stimulant of the formation of interferon (a natural regulator of the antiviral defense of the immune system), so I admit that it can have some effect on the level of C-reactive protein.

    Taking amiksin does not affect the C-reactive protein in any way, it only impairs the functioning of the liver, kidneys and damages the retina. Naturally, it does not help from a viral infection either.

    Did you naturally save money on the flu shot?