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All well-known viruses. Viral infections - symptoms, treatment

They lived on our planet long before us ... Viruses are very different - some of them lead to a banal influena, others. Here we will talk about the latter. What viruses are today considered?

1 virus Ebola

I shut down the whole globe, reminding people that in some cases medicine also spreads his hands. Appeared in Africa and threatening the pace moved to Europe and America. Given the globalization and lack of borders and customs for viruses, the probability remains that this killing hemorrhagic fever will also be in our territory. There are many paths and distribution methods, the most repetitive - infection from a sick person through his blood.

2 rabies virus

Framing is characterized by the fact that it can affect both people and animals, in particular dogs, cats, wild animals (wolf, fox, hedgehog), less often birds. The virus penetrates into the blood and provokes a severe damage to the nervous system; Mandatory treatment of rabies vaccine. After the appearance of symptoms in humans, the disease is incurable.

3 human immunodic virus

The immunodeficiency virus - the plague of the XXI century, causes AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), in which the work of the whole organism is undermined, and the most. From the moment of registration of the first case (the beginning of the 90s of the XX Century), more than 25 million people died from AIDS. There is no vaccine from him, and now the search for HIV vaccine is one of the extremely relevant issues.

4 Natural Sharp Virus

It is called Variola and has 2 varieties: minor - leads to death in 1-3% of cases - and Major - a fatal outcome, according to some reports, comes in 90% of cases (wow "Major" ...). Despite the fact that cases of smallpox are mentioned in the ancient Egyptian papyrus of Amenophis I, written in 4 thousand years before AD, but the reason for this terrible disease, depriving people, if not life, was able to establish only at the beginning of the twentieth century. And only in the 70s, humanity was able to "doubt" a natural smallpox virus.

5 influenza virus

It has three genus a, b and c and strains H1, H2, H3, as well as N1 and N2. Infection occurs with airborne droplets, so often develops into a pandemic. An example of this can be the Spanish flu, from which more than 50 million people died, as well as the bird flu recently walked in our land, which managed to neutralize. Despite the huge amount of drugs, the most reliable means of preventing the disease is the vaccination. All age categories are susceptible to the influenza, so stay away from sneezing and coughing fellow citizens.

6 Hepatitis V virus (HBV)

Causes hepatitis type B is the most common infectious disease of the liver in the world. In 20-30% of cases leads to cirrhosis and liver cancer, can also grow into a chronic form. In some parts of Asia, 10% of the population are carriers of chronic hepatitis of group V.

7 Hepatitis C virus (HCV)

Causes the hardest form of hepatitis. Hepatitis C is called a "affectionate killer": it proceeds asymptomatic (most infected people feel great for many years), in 70-80% of cases flowing into a chronic form. There is no treatment or vaccine from him.

8 Flaviviridae virus

It causes a yellow fever - an acute viral disease that can be infected from the bite of mosquito in the tropics and subtropics of Africa and South America. It is called "yellow" because of the jaundice developing in many patients. This disease in half cases ends with death. From the 80s. Xx in. The frequency of the incidence of yellow fever began to increase again, and the causes of the mass: a decrease in immunity of people, climate change, urbanization, and even cutting down of forests.

9 Arboviruses Flaviviridae

Cause such a disease like a dengue fever. Your second name is a dilated fever - this disease received for its symptoms: pain in the spine and joints, especially knee. Accompanied also with chills, elevated body temperature, nausea, redness of the face and eyes, rash. It has 2 forms of the disease, with more severe - hemorrhagic - death occurs in 50% of cases.

10 Rotavirus

Causes the so-called rotavirus gastroenteritis, or "gastric flu" - an acute intestinal infection. The main danger lies in strong dehydration of the body. Modern medicine has learned to cope with this disease, but in countries where there is no adequate medical treatmentRotavirus is a serious danger: he takes 61,000 lives every year.
Scary? And yet there is already a precedent of human cure from the Ebola virus, and work on vaccine against HIV does not stand still.

A person is as much as possible in different colds in the autumn and spring period. Viral infectious diseases are a type of disease that causes an infection that penetrates a weakened organism. They can be spoiled in acute form or sluggish, but treatment must be carried out in both cases, so as not to aggravate the situation, avoid dangerous complications. A person on average sicks from 2 to 3 times in colds with colds, but the development of the disease always receives due to viral DNA.

Types of viruses

Call symptoms of pathology can different types Bacteria that differ at the location of localization, development rates, featured. Human viruses have a special classification, conditionally they are divided into rapid and slow. The second option is very dangerous in that the symptoms are very weak and detect the problem immediately does not work. It gives her time to multiply, strengthen. Among the main types of viruses, the following groups allocate:

  1. Ortortiksovirus- All influenza viruses.
  2. Adenoviruses and rhinoviruses. Provocate ORVI - acute respiratory viral infection that affects the respiratory system. Symptoms are very similar to the flu, can cause complications (bronchitis, pneumonia)
  3. Herpessvirus - Herpes viruses that can live asymptomatic in the body for a long time, activate immediately after weakening immunity.
  4. Meningitis. It provokes its meningococcal infection, the lesion of the mucosa of the brain occurs, the liquor is powered by a virus (spinal fluid).
  5. Encephalitis - strikes the shell of the brain, provokes irreversible violations in the work of the central nervous system.
  6. Parvoviruswhich is the causative agent of polio. Very dangerous disease, can cause cramps, the inflammation of the spinal cord, paralysis.
  7. Picornavirus- The causative agents of viral hepatitis.
  8. Ortortiksovirus- The cause of vapotites, measles, paragrippa.
  9. Rotavirus- the cause of enteritis, intestinal flu, gastroenteritis become the cause of enterita.
  10. Rabdigs- Fearless pathogens.
  11. Panvirusi- Cause of human papillomatosis.
  12. Retroviruses- AIDS causative agents, first developing HIV, and then AIDS.

List of human virus diseases

Medicine is known a huge amount of infectious viruses and infections that are capable of provoking different diseases in the human body. The following will be given only the basic groups of diseases with which there is a possibility to face:

  1. One of the most voluminous groups of viral diseases - Influenza (A, B, C), different types Colds that cause an inflammatory process in the body, high temperature, general weakness and throat pain. Therapy is carried out with the help of common agents, antivirus drugs, prescribed antibacterial medicines, if necessary.

    Comprehensive tools help eliminate unpleasant influenza and ARVI symptoms, maintain performance, but often contain phenylephrine in its composition - a substance that increases blood pressure, which gives a feeling of cheerfulness, but may cause side effects from the cardiovascular system. Therefore, in some cases, it is better to choose a drug without components of this kind, for example, antigrippin from the natur product that helps to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of influenza and ORVI, without provoking the pressure increase.

    There are contraindications. It is necessary to consult with a specialist.

  2. Rubella. Common children's pathology is less common in adults. Symptoms include the defeat of the shells of the respiratory tract, leather. Eye, lymph nodes. Transmitted by the virus drip path, is always accompanied by high temperature, skin rashes.
  3. Piggy.Dangerous viral disease affecting the respiratory tract is strongly suffering from salivary glands. It is rarely found in adult men, there is a defeat of the seeds with this virus.
  4. Measles - Often meet in children, affects skin disease, respiratory tract, intestines. Transmitted by air-droplet, the pathogen is paramixirus.
  5. Poliomyelitis (children's paralysis). Pathology is striking the respiratory tract, intestines, then penetrates blood. Next occurs the damage to motor neurons, which leads to paralysis. Transmitted by a virus drip path, sometimes a child can become infected through feces. In some cases, insects protrude carriers.
  6. Syphilis. This disease is transmitted by sexually, it affects the genitals. Then affects the eyes, internal organs and joints, heart, liver. Antibacterial agents use for treatment, but it is very important to determine the presence of pathology at once, because it can not cause symptoms for a long time.
  7. Tiff. It is rare, characterized by rash on the skin, damage to blood vessels, which leads to the formation of thrombov.
  8. Pharyngitis.The disease provokes a virus that penetrates with dust into the human body. Cold air, streptococci, staphylococcis can provoke the development of pathology. Accompanied by a viral disease increase of temperature, cough, sore throat.
  9. Angina- Common viral pathology, which has several subspecies: catarrhal, follicular, lacunar, phlegmonous.
  10. Whooping cough. This viral disease is characterized by the defeat of the upper respiratory tract, the larynx swelling is formed, strong cough attacks are observed.

The most rare viral diseases of the person

Most viral pathologies are infectious diseases that are transmitted by sexual, air-drip. There are a number of diseases that are extremely rare:

  1. Tulara'yia. Pathology in their symptoms strongly resembles the plague. There is an infection after penetration into the body of Francisella Tularensis is an infectious wand. As a rule, it gets along with air or when the mosquito bite. The disease is transmitted and from a sick person.
  2. Cholera. Very rarely in modern medical practice there is a given disease. The cholera vibrio virus, which enters the body through dirty water, infected with food, causes symptoms of pathology. The last outbreak of pathology was recorded in 2010 on Haiti, the disease claimed the lives of more than 4500 people.
  3. Creitzfeldt-Jacob's disease. Very dangerous pathology, which is transmitted through the meat of infected animals. The causative agent is considered to be a special protein that begins to actively destroy the cells of the body after penetration. The cunningness of pathology lies in the absence of symptoms, the person begins a personality disorder, strong irritation appears, dementia. To cure the disease is impossible and the person dies during the year.

Symptoms of virus

The symptoms are not always manifested immediately, some types of viral diseases can flow for a long time without explicit signs, which becomes a problem with further treatment. Each infectious disease passes the following steps:

  • incubation period;
  • premonitory;
  • the height of pathology;
  • recovery.

The duration of the first stage always depends on the specific type of the virus and can last from 2-3 hours, to six months. The symptoms will differ depending on the developing disease, but, as a rule, the general symptoms of viral pathologies include the following manifestations:

  • soreness, muscle weakness;
  • small chills;
  • resistant body temperature;
  • sensitivity of skin when touched;
  • cough, sore throat, tear;
  • violations of the function of some organs;
  • increase lymph nodes.

Temperature for viral infection

This is one of the main reactions organism on the penetration of any pathogen. The temperature is a protective mechanism that activates all other immunity functions to combat viruses. Most of the diseases occur with a high temperature of the body temperature. To viral pathologies that provoke this symptom include:

  • flu;
  • ORVI;
  • ticky encephalitis;
  • children's diseases: chickenpox, infectious vapotitis, rubella, cortex;
  • polio;
  • infectious mononucleosis.

Often there are cases of developing diseases whose temperatures does not grow. The main symptoms are watery compartments with a runny nose, a hole in the throat. The lack of temperature is due to the insufficient activity of the virus or immunity strong, so it does not fully use everything possible methods Fighting infection. If the growth went, then the high indicators are held, as a rule, about 5 days.


Most viruses provoke the development of sharp respiratory pathologies. There are some difficulties in order to identify the diseases that were caused by bacteria, because the treatment diagram in this case will be very different. There are more than 20 0 discrimination of viruses that cause ARVI, but their main symptoms are similar. The primary features include the following manifestations:

  • rhinitis (runny nose), cough with transparent mucus;
  • low temperature (up to 37, 5 degrees) or fever;
  • general weakness, headaches, bad appetite.

How to distinguish a cold from the virus

There is a difference between these two concepts. The cold occurs during a long stay in the cold, a strong overcooling of the body, which leads to the weakening of immunity and the appearance of the inflammatory process. This is not the name of the disease, but only the cause of other pathologies. Viral pathology often becomes a consequence of colds, because the body lacks protective forces to resist the pathogen.

Diagnosis of viruses

When contacting the doctor, he must have a visual inspection and collect anamnesis. Usually. Viral diseases are accompanied by a temperature, a cough, a runny nose, but after 3-4 days a person feels improved. Specialists can determine the type of disease or based on seasonal outbreaks of diseases, for example, the flu epidemiic often begin in winter, and in the fall - ORVI. The definition of the exact type of virus will be required with specific treatment (HIV, syphilis, etc.). This uses a virological study.

This method in medicine is the "gold standard", which is carried out in a special laboratory. As a rule, such methods are used during epidemic outbreaks of viral infectious ailments. Methods of immunodiagnosis (immunoindication, serodiagnosis) were widespread for the diagnosis of pathogens. They are implemented through a variety of immunity reactions:

  • immunoenimen analysis (IFA);
  • radioisotope immune analysis (RIA);
  • the braking reaction of hemagglutination;
  • complement binding reaction;
  • immunofluorescence reaction.

Treatment of viral diseases

The course of therapy is depending on the type of pathogens. For example, if you need to treat ARVI, children's viral pathology (vapotitis, rubella, measles, etc.), then all medicines are used to eliminate symptoms. Under the compliance with the bed mode, the nutritional mode itself copes with the disease. Treatment of viruses is carried out in cases if they deliver a tangible person's discomfort. Apply for example:

  • antipyretic means, if the temperature is above 37.5 degrees;
  • to remove the nasal edema use vesseloring drops;
  • in rare cases, antibiotics (if a bacterial infection has joined);
  • NSAIDs that are anesthetized and lowered the temperature, for example, aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen.

Doctors during treatment are recommended to drink more fluid to deal with body intoxication, moderate meals, bed mode and humidity room not lower than 50%, where the patient is located. Influenza therapy is no different, but the doctor must necessarily observe the patient, because this disease can cause severe consequences. One of them is pneumonia that can lead to edema of lungs and death.

If such complications began, the treatment should be carried out in the hospital with the use of special medicines (zanamivir, oseltamivir). When digging by the human papilloma virus, the therapy consists in supporting immunity in a tone, surgical removal of warts, kondil. In cases of severe viral pathologies. For example, HIV requires a course of antiretroviral drugs. It is impossible to fix it completely, but you can keep controlled and prevent the dissemination of the disease.

When infected with herpes genital organs, it is necessary to take special drugs, the maximum efficiency is confirmed in the first 48 hours. If you use the means later, their drug action is significantly reduced and the course of treatment can last from several weeks to several months. Herpes on the lips need to be treated with local means (ointment, gels), but even without them the wound heals during the week.

Antiviral drugs

In medicine, there is a certain number of medicines of this group, which have proven its effectiveness and are constantly applied. The whole list of drugs are conditionally divided into two types:

  1. Medicines stimulating human immunity.
  2. Tools that attack the detected virus are direct effects.

The first group refers to the means of a wide range of action, but their use leads to serious complications. One example of such drugs is interferons and the most popular interferon Alpha-2B. It is prescribed for therapy with chronic forms of hepatitis B, previously prescribed during hepatitis C. Patients were seriously transferred such therapy, which led to side effects from the CNS, the cardiovascular system. In some cases, pyrogenic properties are manifested - cause heat.

The second type of PPD medicines has greater efficacy, is easier to suffer patients. Among the relevant drugs are distinguished by the following options for treatment:

  1. Herpes- Acyclovir. It helps to overcome the symptoms of the disease, but does not kill it completely.
  2. Flu- Inhibitors of neuraminidase influenza (zanamivir, oseltamivir). Previous drugs (adamantans) in modern pulp strains have developed sustainability, and they are not effective. Title of drugs: Relay, Inhavirin, Tamiflu.
  3. Hepatitis. For group viruses, interferons are used with ribavirin. For hepatitis C use new generation - SimePrevir. Its effectiveness reaches 80-91% of the resistant virological response.
  4. HIV. It is impossible to fully cure it, antiretroviral medicines provide a persistent effect, cause remission and a person cannot infect others. Therapy continues all life.


Preventive measures can be somewhat different depending on the type of virus. For example, to prevent hepatitis or HIV infection, it is necessary to be protected during sexual contacts. Severe two main directions for the prevention of viral diseases:

  1. Specific. It is carried out to generate a specific immunity in a person with vaccination. A person is introduced a weakened strain of the virus so that the body has developed an antibody to it. This will help protect you from sick cute, influenza, polio, hepatitis (liver disease). Most diseases of human life can be prevented using vaccines.
  2. Nonspecific. Strengthening human immune protection, healthy lifestyle, physical exertion and normal nutrition. A person must comply with the rules of hygiene, which will protect it from intestinal infections, to be protected during sexual contacts to prevent HIV infection.


Viruses are able to cause a wide variety of diseases depending on the type of infection and characteristics of infected fabrics. What are the viruses in humans? Their huge set, and throughout their lives, people somehow contact with most infection pathogens. The diseases caused by them vary from relatively easily portable to deathly. Most often in the world there are viruses leading to a cold, influenza and hepatitis.

Viruses and colds

The usual cold (so in everyday life, such as influenza, ORVI, Larygitis, Faringitis) remains one of the most common human ailments. Only in the United States every year is registered about a billion events. A virus infection of the mucous membrane of the nasal moves leads to a rhino and tear, inflammation of the throat and sneezing. The course of the disease continues from one to two weeks. According to statistics, more than 200 of the well-known strains can lead to a cold. What types of viruses are the most frequent causative agents of ORVI? These are various rhinoviruses, adenovirus, coronavirus, coking virus, echovyrus, enterovirus, oltomiksovirus, paramixirus and

Influenza virus

Influenza cause three types of microorganisms. Types A and B lead to seasonal infections, characteristic of a period starting with late autumn and ending early in spring. Infection type C virus is less typical and most often causes a disease in a light form. The most common influenza symptoms include body pain, temperature rise, fatigue feeling, headache, throat inflammation, dry cough and nasal congestion. Influenza vaccinations are a means of protection against viral infection Types A and B.

Intestinal viruses

What viruses are in the digestive system and what are their characteristic signs? Microorganisms of this type penetrate the tissue of the stomach and intestines, causing viral gastroenteritis. Conventional symptoms include pain in the abdominal cavity, colic, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. For young children, including babies, the cause of gastroenteritis often serves rotavirus. Such an infection is manifested in the form of increasing body temperature, vomiting and water diarrhea. Norovirus no less common pathogen of infectious diseases affecting both children and adults. However, young patients almost always prevail such a sign of illness, as diarrhea, while adults are more characteristic of the incessant vomiting. Among other famous intestinal viruses can be called adenovirus strains, Sapovirus and Astrovirus.

Hepatitis Viruses

The causative agents of the infection of this species amazed the liver, initiating inflammatory processes. Science is known five different viruses leading to hepatitis; They received names based on the letters of the Latin alphabet from A to E. If you are interested in which hepatitis viruses in developed countries are, then, according to statistical research, the types of A, B and C are dominated in states with developed infrastructure and medicine. Hepatitis A virus penetrates In the body when digesting food or water contaminated by feces. He calls one brief episode of hepatitis. Strains type B may cause acute or chronic liver infection. Microorganisms are found in blood and seed. To the most frequent cases of hepatitis B infection include sexual acts, joint use of the same syringes in the use of narcotic substances, transferring infection from mother to the child during pregnancy and childbirth. The type C virus is propagated by contact with the blood of the patient. Reusable use of syringes with different people in the use of drugs is the most common way to transmit infection. Hepatitis C, as a rule, acquires a chronic form, but adequate treatment in many cases makes it easier to facilitate the course of the disease.

Other viruses

What are the viruses in a person in addition to the above? If printed full list titles, you will have to publish several volume volumes. Moreover: every year scientists open up new types, unknown persons. Some strains are very rare, but are of great danger due to their potential mortality. This, for example, Ebola viruses or rabies. Other microorganisms are sufficiently common and are the root cause. huge number Diseases. Those interested in which kinds of viruses are from a person, it is enough to open any popular medical directory. Thus, a visual example of the common type of infections are herpesviruses that cause simple (bubble) herpes on the lips, herpes of genital organs, infectious mononucleosis, wind oil, slimming listeless and many other ailments. The human papilloma virus causes not only the appearance of ordinary warts on the skin, but also the development of cervical cancer.

What viruses are people in recent times? Infectilation of the latest types - HIV, acute respiratory syndrome (atypical pneumonia) and Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (coronavirus Mers) - remain a serious problem, since today there is no truly effective treatment for these diseases.


The diagnosis of viral infection is mainly based on a primary medical examination and analysis of the history of the disease. For example, such a disease, like influenza, is fairly easy to recognize, and most people are familiar with its manifestations. Detection of some other infections, however, may require additional diagnostic studies.

Variants of diagnostic research for viral infection

Since the answer to the question of what viruses are in humans, it implies thousands of answers, sometimes it is not enough to simply examine the patient and explore its history of the disease. In such cases, doctors prescribe one or more of the following studies:

  • blood tests for checking for antibodies to viruses or to detect directly antigens;
  • cultivation of blood components, bodily liquids and other materials poached from the affected area;
  • spinal puncture for analyzing cerebrospinal fluid;
  • technique of polymerase chain reaction to create numerous copies of viral genetic material for faster and accurate virus identification;
  • magnetic resonance tomography to detect the inflammatory process in the temporal shares of the brain.


What are the viruses in humans? The list is incredibly extensive, but the symptoms of many infections can be systematized in order to compile a single list. So, signs of infection with a virus may include:

  • increasing body temperature;
  • muscle pain;
  • cough;
  • sneezing;
  • runny nose;
  • chills;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • skin rash;
  • feeling of weakness.

Heavier symptoms are manifested as follows:

  • neck rigidity;
  • dehydration;
  • convulsions;
  • paralysis of the limbs;
  • loss of orientation in space;
  • back pain;
  • loss of sensitivity;
  • disorders of the bladder and intestines;
  • sleepiness that can go to whom or death.

Infection: viral or bacterial?

What are the viruses in humans? The names are unlikely to say something by a non-specialist, but the infections of viral and bacterial type should be distinguished.

Infections of both types are the causes of deterioration of well-being and the development of various diseases. However, there is a difference between them. A viral infection, as its name says, begins with the impact on the body of the virus - the smallest intracellular agent, which has a smaller size than bacterium. In addition, it is in a protective shell, which means it is more difficult to destroy it. The virus penetrates the living cell and embeds its genome into its genetic apparatus. Such pathogens of infections are non-glacial particles and need foreign cells for breeding. If you are interested in what viruses are, the names you will find in this article are likely to indicate you on the main sections of infection infection. This nose, throat and upper respiratory tract. Virus strains can cause both an ordinary cold and AIDS.

To initiate a bacterial infection, pathogenic bacterium should be accessed inside the body through contaminated water, cuts on the skin or contact with an infected person or contaminated objects. One of the fundamental differences between the two types of infections is that bacteria can penetrate the body through contact with inanimate objects, including door handles and surfaces of tables, and no viruses. Another difference serves nature is a cell and is multiplied with division, while the virus dies without a host - carrier. Most often, bacteria penetrate the body through the respiratory tract or the gastrointestinal tract. Some bacterial infections Inflas (as, for example, acute pharyngitis - streptococcal inflammation of the throat).

Cause of viral infection

The question of what viruses are in humans, it is especially acute because the cells of the human body are susceptible to them. When applied by viral particles, the immune system is trying to destroy the source of the danger and bring alien strains from the body.

\u003e\u003e Viral diseases of a person

Viruses are the smallest forms of life, which consist of a nucleic acid molecule, a genetic information carrier, surrounded by a protective sheath of proteins.

It is important to note that a living organism can be infected with several viruses at once. In such cases, genetic interaction between viruses and the appearance of a new recombinant form of the virus is possible. For example, explain the occurrence of pandemic strains of influenza virus, which are formed in the body of pigs infected simultaneously with the human and bird shape of the influenza virus.

Clinical aspects of human viral diseases
Viruses play an important role in human life, as they can cause diseases of varying severity.

Upon epidemiological characteristics, viral diseases are divided into anthroponous, that is, those with which only a person is sick (for example, polio) and zooanthroponous - which are transmitted from animals to a person (for example rabies).

The main routes of transmission of viral infection are:

  1. The food path in which the virus enters the human body with contaminated food and water (viral hepatitis A, E, etc.)
  2. Parenteral (or through blood), in which virus It comes directly into the blood or inner medium of a person. It is mainly due to the manipulation of infected surgical instruments or syringes, with unprotected sex contact, as well as the transplacentar from the mother to the child. In this way, fragile viruses are transmitted, rapidly destroying in the environment (hepatitis B virus, HIV, rabies virus, etc.).
  3. The respiratory path for which the air-drip transmission mechanism is peculiar in which the virus enters the human body along with inhaled air, which contains sputum particles and mucus thrown by a sick person or animals. This is the most dangerous transfer path, since the virus with air can be transferred to considerable distances and cause whole epidemics. This is transmitted influenza viruses, paragrippa, pigs, wind sieves, etc.

Most viruses have a certain affinity for one or another organ. For example, hepatitis viruses multiply mainly in liver cells. By type of target organs that are affected in a course of one or another disease, the following types of viral diseases are distinguished: intestinal, respiratory (respiratory), affecting the central and peripheral nervous system, internal organs, skin and mucous membranes, vessels, immune system, etc.

By type of clinical development, we distinguish sharp and chronic viral infections. The most commonly encouraged by sharp viral diseases that proceed with pronounced symptoms of local (damage to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, damage to the liver tissues, the defeat of various brain areas) and a general nature - an increase in body temperature, weakness, pain in the joints and muscles, change the composition of blood and PR. Acute viral infection, as a rule, ends with complete recovery of the body. In some cases, the sharp form of the disease goes into chronic. Chronic viral infections proceed with an erased clinical picture and sometimes may not be noticed by the patients themselves. Chronic infections are difficult to treat and can proceed for a long time, leading to significant morphological and functional changes in internal organs (for example, chronic hepatitis B can lead to cirrhosis of the liver).

A separate type of viral infection is a latent infection, which is characterized by a long presence of a virus in the body and the complete absence of symptoms of the disease. Under the influence of internal and external factors (supercooling, decrease in immunity), latent infection can be activated and move to osty.

At the location of the localization of viral infection, the local and generalized (general) viral infections are distinguished. With local viral infections, the virus is multiplied at the site of its penetration into the body (for example, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract) and does not penetrate into the inner medium of the body. This form of the disease is characterized by a short incubation period (time from the moment of penetration of the virus to the body before the appearance of symptoms of the disease) and weak post-infectious immunity.

In generalized viral infections, the primary reproduction of the virus on the site of its penetration into the body is replaced by the stage of virus penetration into the blood (stage of virus), with a current of which it is distributed to various organs where the secondary damage causes. For such infections, a long incubation period is characteristic of such infections, and the immunity remaining after the suffering disease, as a rule, protects the body from re-infecting the same virus for a long time.

Antiviral immunity
Penetration and reproduction in the human body of viruses causes an answer from the immune system. The antiviral immune response consists of two components: humoral and cells.

Gumoral immunity Indirectric antibodies are mediated by the cells of the immune system in response to the presence in the virus body. In the first days of viral infection, immunoglobulins (antibodies) of the IGM class are produced. In the following days, IGM secretion stops and the IGG type antibodies that have greater specificity and activity come to replace them. Also produced by IGA type antibodies, which are allocated to the surface of the mucous membranes and carry out local protection against viruses. The determination of specific antibodies is an important diagnostic test that allows you to determine with great accuracy to determine the presence of one or another viral infection and estimate the state of post-infectious immunity.

Cell immunity It is carried out by T-lymphocytes and macrophages that regulate the release of antibodies and destroy the cells infected with the virus, thereby preventing its reproduction. After transferred viral infection, the cells of the immune system remain in the blood of a person, "remembering" the virus. With repeated penetration into the body of the same virus, these cells quickly recognize it and launch a powerful immune response - in this and consists of a long post-infection immunity.

However, the immune response of the body brings only a positive effect. Thus, with viral hepatitis B, excessive destruction of liver cells occurs just under the influence of activated T-lymphocytes, while the reproduction of the virus itself does not destroy the liver cells.

For HIV infection, the infection has a deep suppression of the body's immune system. This is because one of the purpose of the virus is the lymphocytes of T-ponsomers, the destruction of which leads to the complete suppression of the body's resistance.

The role of viruses in the emergence of non-revational diseases
As mentioned above, the reproduction of the virus in the body leads to the development of a virus disease. However, the negative impact of viruses on the human body is not exhausted. In some cases, viruses are the cause of diseases of a completely different nature.

On the this moment It is reliably known that man's papille virus causes cervical cancer. This is due to the fact that the virus penetrates in the epithelium virus activates the genes responsible for cancer rebirth of normal cells.

In the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes, an important role is given to a viral infection as a possible factor of damaging endocrine cells of the pancreas.

A number of pregnancy pathologies and fetal malformations are associated with various viral infections during pregnancy.


The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

The Anna Kournikova virus received such a name for no accident - recipients thought they were loading photographs of sexual tennis players. The financial damage from the virus was not the most significant, but the virus became very popular in mass culture, in particular it is mentioned in one of the episodes of the series of 2002 friends.

2. Sasser (2004)

In April 2004, Microsoft has released a patch for system Service LSAss (local security system authentication server). A little later, a German teenager launched a Sasser worm that exploited this vulnerability on not updated machines. Numerous variations of Sasser appeared in the networks of airlines, transport companies and medical facilities, causing damage to $ 18 billion.

3. Melissa (1999)

Named in honor of the strippers from Florida, the Melissa virus was designed to distribute by sending a malicious code 50 to the first contacts in the Microsoft Outlook address book of the victim. The attack was so successful that the virus infected 20 percent of computers around the world and damaged $ 80 million.

The Creator of the Virus David Smith (David L.Smith) was arrested by the FBI, spent 20 months in prison and paid $ 5,000 finished.

While the majority of malicious programs of our list caused Zeus (Aka Zbot) in initially a tool used by a criminal grouping.

Troyan used phishing and keyloging techniques for theft of bank accounts for victims. The malware successfully kidnapped $ 70 million from victims.

5. Storm Trojan (2007)

Storm Trojan has become one of the fastest spreading threats, because three days after its release in January 2007, it reached an 8 percent level of computers from all over the world.

Troyan created a massive botnet from 1 to 10 million computers, and due to its code change architecture every 10 minutes, Storm Trojan turned out to be very resistant malicious.

Worm iloveyou (a letter of happiness) masked under text file From the fan.

In fact, the love letter was a serious danger: in May 2000, the threat spread to 10 percent connected to the network of computers, forcing the CIA to disable its servers to prevent further distribution. Damage is estimated at $ 15 billion.

7. SIRCAM (2001)

Like many early malicious scripts, Sircam used social engineering methods to force users to open an investment email.

The worm used random microsoft files Office on the sacrifice computer infected them and sent them malicious code Contacts of the address book. According to the study of University of Florida, Sircam caused 3 billion dollars of damage.

8. Nimda (2001)

The Nimda worm released after attacks on September 11, 2001, many attributed a connection with Al-Qaeda, but it never has been proven, and even the Attorney General John Eshkroft denied any connection with the terrorist organization.

The threat spread across several vectors and led to the fall of banking networks, networks of federal courts and other computer networks. Nimda cleaning costs exceeded $ 500 million in the first few days.

Having occupied only 376 bytes, SQL SLAMMER worm contained a large number of destruction in a compact shell. The worm turned off the Internet, Call Center for Emergency Services, 12,000 Bank of America ATMs and disconnected most of the South Korea from the Internet. The worm was also able to disable access to the global web at the NPP in Ohio.

10. Michaelagelo (1992)

The Michaelagelo virus has spread to a relatively small number of computers and caused a small real damage. However, the concept of the virus involving the "blowing computer" on March 6, 1992 caused a massive hysteria among users who repeated every year at this date.

11. Code Red (2001)

The Code Red worm, named after one of the varieties of the Mountain Dew beverage, infected the third set of Microsoft IIS web servers after the exit.

He was able to break the performance of the website, replacing main page message "HaccED by chinese!" Damage from Code Red worldwide is estimated at billions of dollars.

12. Cryptolocker (2014)

On computers infected with Cryptolocker, important files were encrypted and redempted. Users who paid hackers more than $ 300 million in Bitcoins got access to encryption key, the rest lost access to the files forever.

Trojan Sobig.f infected more than 2 million computers in 2003, paralyzing Air Canada airline and triggering a slowdown in computer networks around the world. This malware has led to 37.1 billion cleaning costs, which is one of the most expensive recovery campaigns for all time.

14. Skulls.a (2004)

Skulls.a (2004) is a mobile Trojan, which infected Nokia 7610 and other devices on Symbos. The malicious program was intended to change all the icons on infected smartphones on the funny Roger icon and disconnect all the functions of the smartphone, except for making and receiving calls.

According to F-Secure Skulls.a, caused insignificant damage, but Troyan was cunning.

15. Stuxnet (2009)

Stuxnet is one of the most famous viruses created for cyber war. Created as part of the joint efforts of Israel and the United States, Stuxnet was aimed at the uranium enrichment systems in Iran.

Infected computers managed centrifuges to their physical destruction, and reported to the operator that all operations pass in normal mode.

In April 2004, MyDoom was named by the TechRepublic portal "The worst infection for all the time", for which there are quite reasonable reasons. The worm has increased the download time of pages by 50 percent, blocked with infected computers access to anti-virus sites and started the attack on Microsoft's computer giant, causing maintenance failures.

MYDOOM cleaning campaign cost 40 billion dollars.

17. Netsky (2004)

Netsky's worm, created by the same teenager who developed Sasser, walked around the world with an email attachment. The P-version of Netsky was the most common worm in the world two years after launching in February 2004.

18. Conficker (2008)

Worm Conficker (also known as DOWNUP, DOWNADUP, KIDO) was first discovered in 2008 and was designed to disable antivirus programs on infected computers and locks automatic updateswhich could delete the threat.

Conficker quickly spread through numerous networks, including the defense ministry networks of Great Britain, France and Germany, causing 9 billion damage.

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