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Backup implementation. Backup system

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Lecture No. 15. Backup

Duration: 2 hours (90 min.)

· Backup execution.

· Backup tracking.

· Backup scheduling.

You can back up using Enterprise Manager, T-SQL commands or the Create Database Backup Wizard Database Backup Wizard. In many cases, the easiest to use Create Database Backup Wizard, but Enterprise Manager is also easy to use. On the other hand, T-SQL commands can be placed in SQL scripts that can be repeated repeated. You should use the method that best meets your requirements.

The backup operations themselves can be directed to the physical device or logical device. The physical device is a component of the equipment, such as a ribbon or disk device. The operating system assigns the names to physical devices, and you must use these names to access these devices. Since these predetermined names are difficult to remember, you may need to create for an alias physical device (user-defined alternative name). Such an alias is called a logical device. This logical device exists only within the SQL Server, and it can only be used for backup to SQL Server to refer to it as a backup logic device. If you want to back up data to a logical device, then you must create this device in advance. Before moving to backup methods, we will look at how the backup logical device is created. We will use for examples of this section a logical backup device. (For information about adding to the system of physical devices, contact your system administrator.)

To create a backup device using T-SQL, use the SP_ADDUMPDEVICE stored procedure. It has the following syntax:

sP_ADDUMPDEVICE Type Support, Logical_Im, Physical

The value of the device type can be Disk for disk device, TAPE for a ribbon device or Pipe to connect third-party software to the backup system. The logical parameter_ima is the name you assign this device; This name is used to refer to the device in the BACKUP and Restore operators. The physical_name parameter is the name assigned to the system or file system.

By creating one or more backup devices, you can back up.

To back up ENTERPRISE Manager, follow these steps.

1. Call the SQL Server Backup utility using one of the following methods.

· Expand the server folder in the left pane of Enterprise Manager and then open the Management folder. Right-click on the backup and select Backup A Database from the context menu (database backup).

· Open the server folder on the left pane of Enterprise Manager, right-click on Database, specify the All Tasks item in the context menu and then select Backup Database.

· Expand the server folder on the left pane of Enterprise Manager and then click Databases folder. In the right pane, right-click on the database, specify the All tasks item in the context menu and then select Backup Database.

The SQL Server Backup dialog box appears (see Figure 16.1).

Figure 16.1 - General tab SQL Server Backup dialog box

2. In the Database drop-down list of the upper section of this dialog box, select the database for which you want to back up. (If you used the third method in step 1, the name of the corresponding database will already be selected.) The backup name is automatically formed based on the database name, although you can override this automatic name by entering the name of the backup in the Name text field. You can also enter a backup description in the DESRIPTION text box. This description may be important for you when restoring the database. For example, if you create this backup directly before removing any table, it makes sense to include this fact in the description. If backing is running before downloading new data, enable this information to your description.

3. In the Backup section of this dialog box, you must specify the backup type. Available selection buttons will vary depending on the database you selected. For example, by default for the NorthWind database, the Truncate Log On Checkpoint parameter is set. (Truncation of transaction log when creating a control point). In this case, the TRANSAction Log and File and FileGroup selection buttons are not available for the backup program. The Backup section contains the following selection buttons.

· Database - Complete (Database - Full). Full backup database, i.e. All data of the corresponding database.

· Database - Differential (Database - Difference). Different database backup, i.e. All data that has changed since the previous backup.

· Transaction log (transaction log). Backup transaction logs; This also shows the truncation of the transaction log.

· File and FileGroup (File and File Group). Backing up one file or file group; You must specify this file or file group.

You can choose only one of these types of backups. To complete the database backup and backup of the transaction log, you must run this backup program twice.

4. In the DESTINATION section, you must select the type of device for a backup - TAPE (TAPE) or DISK (disk). By clicking on the Add button, you can add logical or physical backup devices. The Select Backup Destination dialog box appears (backup location) (see Figure 16.2).

Figure 16.2 - Select Backup Destination dialog box

In this dialog box, you can specify the file name or select a backup device from the Backup Device drop-down list. Click on the OK button to return to the GENERAL tab of the SQL Server Backup dialog box. In the example in Figure 16.1, two devices are presented in the Backup to list. To delete any device, select this device and click on the Remove button. To view the contents of the device, click on the Contents button. If a specific backup device has already been used earlier, the following backup information will appear.

· Name. The name selected by those who launched backup.

· Server. The name of the server on which backups were performed.

· Database. The name of the database for which backup was returned.

· Type. Backup Type (Complete, Differential, Transaction Log, FILEGROUP, FILE)

· Date. Date and backup time.

· Expiration (termination period). The end time specified for the backup.

· Size. The overall size of the backup set.

· Description. Description set for backup.

Recall that on one backup device, you can create several backup copies (which is often used in practice).

5. In the Overwrite section of the SQL Server Backup dialog box, you can choose between overwriting the media (Overwrite selection button, such as a tape or disk, and adding to previous data (Append ... button). But if you use ribbons and alternate them, you need to delete previous information. Although you can overwrite this information by clicking on the Overwrite Existing Media selection button in this dialog box, you should instead to take the rule to erase information before backup. Thus, you guarantee yourself from random overwriting of a ribbon or disk device.

6. In the Schedule section, you can specify a schedule to start backup at a specific time. Creating backups on a schedule is especially useful for backing up transaction log, which can be performed regularly to avoid transaction log overflow. To set a backup schedule, select the Schedule checkbox and then click on the View button (...) so that the Edit Schedule dialog box appears (see Figure 16.3).

7. Enter the schedule name in the NAME text box. Schedule names allow you to create multiple schedules, for example, a separate schedule for each backup.

Figure 16.3 - Edit Schedule dialog box (Edit Schedule)

In the Schedule Type section, you can select one of the following timetables (in the order of the selection buttons): automatically when you start the SQL Server Agent when the CPU does not occupy, run backup once or repeated it. If you have a single start of backup, you use the ON DATE pop-up calendar (date) to select the backup date and the AT Time field (time) field.

To set a schedule for a periodically recurring backup, click on the Recurring selection button and click on the Change button.

The Edit Recurring Job Schedule dialog box appears (edit the schedule of repeating tasks) (see Figure 16.4). This dialog box provides you with a variety of flexible schedule creating. Using the option Daily (daily), Weekly (weekly) or monthly (monthly), you can specify the frequency and validity period of the corresponding task.

8. Click the OK button to return to the Edit Schedule dialog box, click another OK button to return to the SQL Server Backup dialog box, and then click on the Options tab (see Figure 16.5). In this tab, you can specify whether to check the backup media at the end of the backup, as well as specify the need and method of setting the label (header) of the backup media. The following describes the parameters of this tab.

Figure 16.4 - Edit Recurring Job Schedule dialog box (edit timetable tasks schedule)

Figure 16.5 - Options tab SQL Server Backup dialog box

· Verify Backup Upon Completion (Check backup upon completion). Causes a backup media check for readability. Only the integrity of the copy is checked; This process does not verify that the backup contains the relevant data.

· Eject Tape After Backup (remove the ribbon from the device after a backup - only for ribbon devices). Extract tape from the device upon completion of backup. This check box is useful to use if several applications or users access tape devices. This allows you to save your ribbon from rewriting by another user.

· Remove Inactive Entries from Transaction Log (Delete Inactive Records from Transaction Log - only to back up transaction logs). Truncation of transaction log after backup.

· Check Media Set Name and Backup Set Expiration (check the name of the carrier set and the expiration date of the backup set). Does this media need to be checked and not overwritten if the end of the storage period has not occurred.

· Backup Set Will Expire (Storing the backup set expires - only for ribbon devices). Allows you to set the expiration date for the storage of this media.

· INITIALIZE AND LABEL MEDIA (initialize and mark media - only for ribbon devices). Allows you to set a label for this media.

9. At the end of setting the parameters, click on the OK button to go to the configured backup.

The use of T-SQL statements to back up the database may be at first a little more complicated than using Enterprise Manager. But if you feel about administrators who prefer to automate operations using scripts, this method will be more convenient for you. In addition, the T-SQL BACKUP operator gives a slightly more feature than the backup program in Enterprise Manager. In this section, we will look at the syntax and parameters of the BACKUP operator. In fact, there are two backup operators; The choice of the operator used depends on the type of backup that you need to perform. These are the following operators:

· Backup Database. Used to back up the entire database or file or file group.

· Backup log. Used to back up transaction log.

Since these two operators provide mostly alone and the same opportunities, we will consider them together.

The Backup operator for full database backup has the following syntax:

For this operator, only the database name and the name of the backup device are mandatory parameters.

The operator for backing up a file or file group has the following syntax:

Backup Database_Base_name

file name or_group_name [, ... n]

To the device supervant_coping

[WITH Optional Parameters]

For this operator, only the name of the database name, the file name or the name of the file group and the name of the backup device are mandatory. You can specify several file names or file name names separated by commas.

The transaction log to back up the transaction log has the following syntax:

Backup Log_name_Data

([WITH \\ No_log | truncate_only)])

| (To Reservoir_Koping)

[WITH Optional Parameters]

For this operator, only the name of the database and the parameter with no_log or with truncate_only are mandatory parameters or the name of the backup device. You can then add any parameters you need. NO_LOG and TRUNCATE ONLY parameters are synonyms; Both indicate the truncation of the log without creating its backup. If you use any of these parameters in your Backup log statement, in the event of a system failure, you will not be able to play the database to the state in which it was at the time of failure, since the log entries will not be saved. The use of these parameters is not recommended; Use them at their own discretion.

In all three indicated backup commands, the database_name represents the database for which a backup will be created. Erequent_coping device is the name of the logic backup or the name of the physical device. If the physical device is specified, the device name must precede the text Disk \u003d, TAPE \u003d or PIPE \u003d (depending on the type of device). You can specify one device or a set of separated devices.

Table 16.1 contains a list additional parametersYou can use in the backup statement. If any parameter is available for backup only a database or only transaction logs, this exception is negotiated.

Table 16.1 - Optional Operator Parameters Backup

Parameter Description
Blocksize. This parameter indicates the size of the physical block in bytes
Description. This parameter specifies the backup text description. It is useful to use it to search for the desired backup, with which recovery will be performed.
Differential This parameter specifies the difference backup. It can only be used if there is a full backup database
EXPIREDATE \u003d Date RetainDays \u003d Days The EXPIREDATE parameter specifies the date when the duration of this backup set is expired (and when it can be overwritten).
Retaindays. Indicates the number of days corresponding to the duration of this backup set
Password \u003d Password Password allows you to set a password for a backup, which improves the security of the backup itself
Format | Noformat. The Format parameter indicates that the media header must be overwritten, thereby making the invalid initial data on this carrier. The Noformat parameter indicates that the media header should not be overwritten
Init | Noinit. The init parameter indicates that the backup set must be in the first file on this media, and the media header remains unchanged, but all data on this carrier is overwritten; In other words, Init indicates overwriting all, Thu. On ribbon. The Noinit parameter indicates that this backup set is added to the contents of the carrier. If you re-use tapes, you need to use this parameter
MediaDescription \u003d Text This text field sets a description of the carrier set.
Medianame \u003d name_name Indicates the name of the carrier
MediaPassword \u003d Password With this parameter you can specify a password for a set of media
Name \u003d Reserve_nabin_name_nabin_ This parameter allows you to set the name of the backup set.
Noskip | Skip. The NOSKIP parameter indicates that before overwriting backup sets on this media, the dates of the corresponding backup sets will be checked. SKIP parameter disables checking this date.
No_truncate. This parameter prohibits the truncation of the transaction log after creating a backup. Used only to back up transaction log
NounLoad | Unload The NounLoad parameter indicates that after the backup is complete, the media will not be unloaded from the device (for example, the tape will not be removed). The UNLOAD parameter indicates that at the end of the backup, the media will be unloaded
Restart. This parameter specifies SQL Server the need to restart the backup, which was interrupted
STATS [\u003d percent] This parameter indicates the output of the message after performing a specific backup percentage. It is useful to use it if you like to follow the progress of operations

Track the fact that you are set - adding a backup to existing media data or rewriting media data, as described above; The option you choose affects the amount of data that can be placed on the tape. When backing up data to the already used ribbon device without erasing this tape (or forbidden overwriting) you may not have enough space on the tape. In addition mode, the backup program will use only the space remaining free to the end of the tape.

The article conducted an overview of the most popular Systems backup and data recovery both around the world and in Russia. The products of the main manufacturers of backup and data recovery systems are considered, data on their main features and differences are given. Special emphasis is placed on the products presented on russian market.


Working with any data is always associated with the potential possibility of their loss. Data may be lost as a result of various factors: human errors (as users, so network administrators), physical theft, as a result of destructive actions of malware, breakdowns of storage devices. If personal data were lost (for example, archive with photos), the damage is subjective and will be expressed in the negative emotions of the user. And, in the event of the loss of official information, the damage can manifest itself in the economic sphere - in financial losses, the loss of competitive advantages, breakdowns or non-fulfillment of contracts and even the ruin of the organization.

To protect against loss of information, backup and data recovery systems are used (Backup & Recovery). The backup and data recovery system is a software or software and hardware complex for creating copies of data with a specific frequency for their subsequent recovery. In addition to protecting from data loss, the backup system also allows you to ensure the continuity of employees' continuity through the rapid restoration of the operating system (if it is an image) or data recovery on another computer.

How do backup and data recovery systems work

Creating a copy of the data is a fairly simple process, but the real needs of users are often very diverse and complex. For example, many users want to be able to make backup copies from an arbitrary point or save very large amounts of data. For enterprises, the problem is the problem of managing a large number of data, their storage and rapid recovery. To solve each class of tasks and there are various backup and data recovery systems.

The main dividing lines between the various data backup and data recovery systems are used on the areas of their use - for personal needs, in small companies and "home offices" (SMB / SOHO / ROBO) or in medium (Enterprise) and large companies (LARGE Enterprise). Depending on this, the price of data backup and data recovery systems used, the types of storage types, platform types provided by functions, etc. Consider some of these criteria.

One of the main differences for backup and data recovery systems is the type of storage media. For storage of backups, tape, optical discs (CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, etc.), "Hard" discs (HDD) can be used. solid-state discs (SSD), network storages. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, data storage on ribbons only at first glance seems to be an anachronism. Modern ribbon devices are sufficient cheap and ensure long-lasting data storage. But now the recovery of data from such carriers can be very long. Therefore, they are more suitable for data archiving. "Hard" discs allow you to draw backups and recovery fast enough, but they have a high price and at most long time.

An alternative to "hard" disks is the use of "cloud" storage facilities in which the type of storage systems is hidden from users. Of course, as "iron" there are any discs in them, but the problem of the safety of the disks falls to the service provider. What is the price? Providing additional safety guarantees requires greater money For the content of the "cloud" infrastructure (data duplication, "hot" disk replacement, RAID arrays can be supported. However, the efficiency of using disk space may be higher, because The cloud can enjoy multiple customers and its use will use higher than that of the backup and data recovery system installed directly in the company. As a result, the effectiveness of a system is difficult to calculate a priori, so in each particular situation, the economic calculation should be preceded by a system of storage.

Another difference is the type of platforms used. The backup and data recovery system can be implemented as software, software and hardware complex or in the form of services (Software-AS-A-service). Software is cheaper and requires individual storage systems. Therefore, such systems are suitable for personal use and small companies. For large companies, such systems can be used in conjunction with special data warehouses. For medium and large enterprises, the backup and recovery systems are more suitable, made in the form of software and hardware complexes (PBBA, PURPOSE-Built Backup Appliance). These devices are divided into two categories:

  1. PBBA Target Systems (targetsystems). These complexes are creating only as a target backup device. Such a solution requires the use of additional software for automation, control and consolidation of backup, which, in turn, should be posted on additional server equipment with the deployed operating system to integrate all listed components. Such devices include EMC Data Domain, HP Storeonce, etc.
  2. PBBA INTEGRATED SYSTEMS (integrated systems). itfully completed solutions that do not require additional components for full-fledged work. These include servers, disk arrays and software for backup. Such systems have large integration between equipment and software and may include additional tools for working with the network (for example, load balancing). Such solutions do not require additional investments in the infrastructure, have smaller deployment and integration costs, and is also easier to accompany and administer. Such devices include EMC Avamar, Symantec Appliance BE + NBU, etc.

Currently, a number of companies provide the use of backups as a service. In this case, the storage is most often located in the "cloud" and all control of such a storage exercises a service provider, the user only fills and restores the data.

Backup and data recovery systems differ in the functions they provide. Conditional can be allocated "basic" and "extended" functions. The basic functions can be attributed to the schedule, compression and backup encryption. Additional features are more diverse:

  1. Duplication allows simultaneous copying to several sources, which increases the reliability of data storage.
  2. Demouplication allows you to analyze and compress duplicate data. As a result, the load on the data channels and the location for data storage is reduced.
  3. Creating system images. Periodic copying of not only data, but also the image images allows you to quickly restore the employee's workplace even in case of damage to the operating system or personal computer, which ensures the continuity of its operation.
  4. Load balancing. Allows you to optimize the load into multiple repositories for the fastest execution of operations with backups.
  5. Software compatibility (operating systems and DBMS). Allows you to create "cast" files and databases that may vary during the backup process, for their correct complete transmission and recovery.
  6. Various tools for remote administration. This is a fairly diverse set of functions that allow you to automate the work of the administrator. These may include remote installation of agents on user computers, checking created archives, manual or automatic confluence of backups, etc.
  7. Working with virtual devices.
  8. Work with "cloud" repositories.
  9. Data recovery algorithms. When data loss, various algorithms are used to increase the data recovery rate, allowing you to restore only the necessary data, exclude duplication during recovery, etc.

World market backup and data recovery systems

The number of backup and data recovery systems in the world is sufficiently limited. The magic square from Gartner indicates that companies like Commvault, EMC, IBM and SYMANTEC occupy the first market seats.

Picture 1."Magic Square"Gartner. for backup systems and data recovery

In 2013, IDC analytical company released a detailed report (Worldwide Quarterly Purpose Built Backup Appliance Tracker) about the market for specialized backup devices (PBBA, PURPOSE Built Backup Appliance). According to him, the revenue of companies in this segment for the second quarter of 2013 amounted to $ 720.2 million, which is 7.3% more than a year ago.

Table 1. Revenues of manufacturers in specialized backup devices (in millions of dollars)


Q2 2012.

2 quarter 2013.

Volume of sales

Market share

Volume of sales

Market share

From the given table, it can be seen that more than half of the market occupies EMC (62.6%). At the second position is Symantec (12.4%), the third place is occupied by IBM with a market share of 7.3%. The fourth and fifth place is occupied by HP (5.3%) and Quantum (2.5%), all other companies occupy less than 2% on the market and in the amount amount to 10% of the market. From notable trends, it is possible to indicate a decrease in the market share of IBM by 40.4% and an increase in the share of Symantec by 71.3%.

The leaders in this category almost completely coincide with the market leaders for backing up and restoring data as a whole, which indicates that it is precisely the specialized devices for backups in many ways form companies revenue. The only major difference is COMMVAULT, which produces predominantly software products and positions them as unified backup and archiving system.

Russian market backup and data recovery systems

The Russian market presents the main world players for the backup and data recovery market players who promote their solutions through regional partners. EMC, IBM, HP, Symantec, Dell, NetApp, Ca Technologies are presented on the market. , which most are focused on large companies. Commvault is represented in the Russian market in a smaller volume, mainly its decision proposes a CROC company. The solutions of Russian manufacturers of Acronis and Paragon Software Group are also popular. Their solutions are particularly relevant in connection with the policy of saving many companies that begin to pay special attention to the indicators of "price / quality". To protect only virtual systems, the decisions of the Russian company Veeam Software are used, but we will consider them within the framework of the following specialized article.

Companies various levels There are quite a lot in the Russian market, so we will look at the largest and / or popular of them. At the same time, they will focus on corporate solutions, since they are mainly and determine the market in this market segment.


The main system of EMC is EMC Avamar. This is a comprehensive software and hardware solution for backing up and recovering data that allows you to work both real and virtual devices. The deduplication function of the variable length segments is maintained, which is performed on the client device. Optimization of data transmission is performed when working with different types of networks. Recovery is made in one step. In EMC Avamar, working with a specific software type (for example, Oracle databases) and virtual devices can be configured.

To optimize data management uses additional EMC Data Protection Adviso software. It automates monitoring and analysis of backups, provides administrator alerts when various events occur and allows you to create backup work reports.

Backup and data recovery systems are "flexible" and can be scaled due to an increase in disk space. EMC Avamar can also be integrated with EMC Data Domain storage systems. These systems are represented by a large range of products from small devices (DD160, DD620) capable of storing several terabytes, to very large storages (DD990) to several petabytes.


In the field of backup IBM is represented by the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager product. This software product that is engaged in creating backup copies and storage devices. IBM Tivoli Storage Manager is compatible with a large number of different data storage systems. It provides work in local (LAN), global (WAN) networks and developing current data storage networks (SAN).

Tivoli Storage Manager includes tools for remote administration from any point of the network or via the Internet. The administrator can automate the various stages of the backup and data recovery system by creating a storage policies. A set of policies configured by the administrator allows not only to carry out regular operations, but also respond to the emergence of various unplanned situations. Due to the use of the hierarchical storage system in the Tivoli Storage Manager system, various types of storage devices (for example, tapes and "hard" discs) can be used.

Tivoli Storage Manager allows you to optimize the stored data through their compression, consolidation and use of the "incremental" copying. For corporate software (databases, email) Additional customers are used that optimize work with a specific type of application.


Symantec provides two products for backing up and recovering data - this is Symantec Backup EXE and Symantec NetBackup, which are designed to work in medium and large networks. Application data includes the entire set of functions needed to backup (deduplication, automatic target replication, migration between computers, work with physical and virtual devices, work in a heterogeneous environment, etc.). These products can work with different storage systems.

Separately, it is worth mentioning additional technologies for working with virtual machines. Symantec V-Ray virtualization technology combines virtual and physical backup copies and gives users a single access to all backups, including VMware, Hyper-V and physical devices, allowing you to quickly restore virtual machines, applications, databases, files, folders, and even Separate application elements. Built-in Bare Metal Recovery technology allows you to restore data on equipment other than the original, and includes a backup function to a virtual machine (B2V) and converts to a virtual machine (P2V), giving users the ability to restore the refused systems in VMware or Hyper-V surroundings .

For ease of operation with Symantec backup and data recovery systems also released Symantec Backup Exec 3600 software and hardware devices, Symantec NetBackup 5230. One of the advantages of their use is the minimum time to deploy them in the enterprise. It is argued that the administrator will need 20-30 minutes so that the devices began to work and fully fulfill their functions.


Commvault offers a data management system made in the form of software and built according to the modular principle. Modules provide archiving, protection, backup and data management. A single management console is used to work with data.

The backup functions in Commvault Simpana include deduplication, creation of system images, backup automation, centralized backup management, creating reports, providing self-access users to backups, use policies for hierarchical data storage, load balancing, etc. Commvault Simpana provides in-depth integration into virtual infrastructure for advanced data management tools for Microsoft Hyper-V platforms, VMware VCenter and VMware VCloud Director.

Commvault supports the majority of available operating systems and applications (in particular, Oracle, Microsoft, PostgreSQL and MySQL, Documentum, SAP) in order to create backup copies during applications with minimal load on them.


HP is a large set of different solutions on the market. The HP Data Protector software is designed to provide automatic backup and data recovery, as well as centralized management of relevant policies and processes. It supports most of the well-known platforms and applications and allows you to perform the following functions:

  • data deduplication in accordance with HP Storeonce Federated Deduplication technology both on the clients (Backup Server) or on the data storage systems (Target base);
  • backup and restore virtual environments, including protection both entirely virtual machines and individual data inside them;
  • integration with the functionality of the hardware disk arrays (snapshots) to back up with zero downtime Zero Downtime Backup and instantaneous information recovery Instant Recovery (IR);
  • the ability to restore individual backup items (for example, a separate file from a virtual machine backup).

For storage of backups, a line of disk libraries with HPStoreonce deduplication is used. The solution is based on the HP PROLIANT GEN8 server platform, the models have a container from 8TB to 2.2PB (up to 35PB, taking into account deduplication) and support the backup speed to 139tb / hour. It can simultaneously operate in VTL (Virtual Tape Library), emulating tape drives, and act as file storage with CFS / NFS access.


Recently, Dell has increased the portfolio of backup and recovery solutions through the acquisition of Quest Software and APPASSURE. For large enterprises and Dell companies offers NetVault's solution to organize backup of the entire infrastructure, and for small and medium-sized businesses, a simpler application of APPASURE. To back up virtual machines, the Vranger application is used. Russian Dell Division Developers are also specialized Dell Software solutions for Granular Recovery AD and ExChange, as well as the unique automated Active Directory Recovery technology with data loss.

For example, consider the Dell PowerVault DL and DR series devices (relevant models - DL4000 and Dell DR4100). Devices allow you to perform the following functions:

  • optimization and simplification of backup operations, which allows you to get rid of associated downtime;
  • built-in end-to-end deduplication and data compression at the block level in combination with the optimization of backup sizes, which allows you to save space for backup and reduce the need for replication in the global network;
  • point recovery with the ability to create snapshots every five minutes;
  • working with virtual machines.

Devices can work running software from other manufacturers, such as EMC or Symantec.


Quantum supplies backup and storage systems. SUPERLOADER; SCALAR I40, I80, I500, I6000) and disk (DXI V1000, 4000, 6500, 6700, 8500) and backup devices for Quantum VMPRO 4000 virtual machines are supplied.

Devices are characterized by the volumes of storage used and support most of the additional functions found from the corporate level backup systems. To optimize the copy, the original quantum deduplication algorithms are used. For centralized management and monitoring, STORAGECARE VISION software is used.


NetApp data backup and data recovery systems allow you to work with both tape and disk arrays. SnapProtect is software for integrated backup control on discs and tape drives for NetApp FAS systems. It allows you to perform snapshots and data replication, due to which the time to work with backup copies is significantly reduced. SnapProtect also allows you to control the creation and recovery of copies using a single control console.

NetApp SnapVault is a software solution for quickly performing backup from disk to disk and protect data at block level. Allows you to reduce backup creation times due to incremental copying at the level of data blocks. Provides quick data recovery due to a large number of parameters and recovery points.

Ca Technologies.

CA TEHNOLOGIES Software CA ArcServe Backup offers CA ArcServe Backup software . It allows you to perform quite large volume of functions:

  • duplication data to reduce the volumes of storages used;
  • backup support when working with virtual machines running VMware, Microsoft Hyper-V ™ and Citrix® XenServer;
  • support for backup in the cloud for quick data transfer between physically remote objects;
  • using instant snapster-based backup (ArcServe D2D) in conjunction with traditional file backup (CA ArcServe Backup). This uses a general backup directory to speed up and simplify the recovery process;
  • the ability to centrally manage the processes of copying and restoring data from a single console.

To implement specialized tasks used additional modules (CA ArcServe Central Reporting, CA ArcServe Replication, CA ArcServe High Availability) Expanding CA ArcServe Backup functionality.


Acronis provides a range of software for organizing backup and data recovery. For home use, the Acronis True Image application is intended for small enterprises using Acronis Backup & Recovery Server for Windows, and for large enterprises - for Windows.

The most functional is the corporate product Acronis Backup & Recovery Advanced Server, which allows you to perform a large number of functions:

  • file backup and backup based image. You can create the image of the entire disk with the operating system for subsequent recovery to the same or similar computer;
  • duplication of backup copies to several storage (for example, local and network);
  • search in storage and selective file recovery;
  • deduplication (separate module) allows you to copy repeating data. And search for copies is made not only on the computer specific user, and all network users;
  • the ability to restore workstations and servers on equipment different from which a backup has been made, or a virtual machine (separate module);
  • administration features (remote installation, the ability to include computers before backup, the ability to execute commands before and after copying; Determination of the load on the disk and network in the copy process, etc.);
  • centralized management of backup copies;
  • use the storage in the "cloud" (separate module).

The presence of such a set of functions enables the products of Acronis to be a real competitor to products of world leaders in this field. The feature provided allows Acronis products to claim all market segments.


Another Russian company issuing a backup and data recovery system. In her portfolio, a number of products for backup and maintenance hard disksParagon Hard Disk Manager 12 Suite, Professional, Business, Premium Editions (for personal users and SMB); Paragon Protect and Restore 3 (for large companies); Drive Backup 11 Workstation; Drive Backup 11 Server, etc. For the spring of 2014, the release of Paragon Hard Disk Manager 14 is announced on the Russian market, which is already sold in the West.

Using these products, you can organize a full-featured process backup and data recovery process. For quick migration or system recovery, the system images are used after failure. Moreover, they can also be put on computers whose hardware differs from the source computer. A variety of copying schemes are implemented - incremental and differentiated, allowing to reduce the amounts of data from copied. Granular data recovery and a powerful filter set that allows you to configure automatic recovery data. Supported work with both real and virtual devices. However, there is no full-fledged deduplication. Centralized backup management is possible after installing an additional Paragon Remote Management application.

Most Paragon products are designed for personal users and small and medium-sized companies. However, the latest products of the company, such as Hard Disk Manager 12 Premium, go beyond the SMB scope and provides additional tools for working in large companies.

The listed solutions are not fully limited to the market for backup systems and data recovery in Russia. There are less common products, such as Handy Backup Server Network (Novosoft) or Bakbone Netvault. However, their representation on the Russian market is small or not amenable to an accurate assessment, so they did not fall into the list of solutions under consideration.

Our review did not include free systems for backing up and recovering data, because, without having data on sales volumes difficult to assess their presence in the market. Of the most popular free software For backups on the Russian market, we note the CloneZilla application. It allows you to create images of a system or copy of data on a local or remote computer. Corporate version of CloneZilla Server allows you to control backups to local network Companies.


The backup and data recovery systems are a necessary element of the safety of any jobs - both personal and corporate. Today's level of this class solution allows you to make backup process rapid and user-friendly. Attention is also paid not only to the speed of creating backup copies, but also the speed of their recovery. When using specialized algorithms, the data recovery time is significantly reduced. The algorithms used for this can significantly reduce the data recovery time. The systems presented in the market are constantly developing and include new technologies for working with data. So many systems suggest the ability to store data in the cloud, use virtual machines, allow you to work with new types of protocols and data storage devices. This indicates the mutual interest of manufacturers and consumers of this class of decisions. It is worth noting that in the future the backup and recovery system will be increasingly integrated with backup storage solutions and solutions for organizing joint access and remote work with data in the cloud.

The market for backup systems and data recovery system is quite ripe. At the global level, a set of leaders in the art has long been a long time, which the year from the year they seek to maintain a high level of their decisions. These are companies EMC, Commvault, Symantec, IBM, HP, Quantum, NetApp, Ca Technologies. The Russian market presents the products of all these leaders. The specifics of the market is the presence of Russian players - Acronis and Paragon, whose products occupy their niches and are in demand in the market.

In our future publications, we plan to consider the cloud backup and data recovery market.

Backup Effective only when it is performed regularly. If the data is often changed, copying should also be frequent. Therefore, many prefer to enjoy special software to automate this process, rather than copying data manually.

Any computer is at risk of breakage. hardware And many other hazards that may entail the loss of important data. In business, this has particularly difficult consequences, since the loss of business data entails huge losses and loss of customers.

The key point in the backup tools is the data recovery. Indeed, what is the use of backup if you can't restore it? Therefore, choosing a backup program, you must make sure that you can use it easily restore the desired data.

Backup program for windows

Handy Backup - reliable program To back up and restore data for Windows computers, known for its simple and user-friendly interface and huge number functions. To create a copy or restore data, you just need to create a new "task" (using a step-by-step mastery of tasks). Handy Backup helps you back up the following data:

  • Files and folders

Handy Backup can restore both the backup copy and separate files and folders.

  • Popular utilities and applications

The program can perform automatic search and backup of many popular applications, including Outlook, Skype, Adobe Photoshop, etc.

  • Disk image

Handy Backup can create an accurate copy of the HDD, including the operating system, boot records and other information. You can copy and restore both a fully hard drive and separate sections.

You can create a special bootable recovery disk using the Handy Backup Disaster Recovery utility from which you can run the operating system in case of failure, and restore the system, settings and all data.

  • Support for all versions of Windows systems

The program implements the possibility of working in different versions Windows, including, you can back up and restore Windows 8.

  • Database

The program can copy ODBC compatible databases, and also has special plugins to accurately copy dB2, Oracle, MS SQL, MYSQL, etc..

  • MS Exchange and mail data

The application is capable of backing up and restoring MS Exchange Server data, without stopping the server. And also create an automatic mail backup from Yandex.pox servers, Mail, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, etc.

Press center

Backup and restore

The basic task solved by any data storage and processing center is to provide an agreement on the service level between the IT unit and business. The key point in providing business requirements is a guarantee of data security, so the inalienable infrastructure block of the storage subsystem of any properly organized data center is the backup and data recovery system.

Association of manufacturers and consumers of SNIA storage products (Storage Networking Industry Association) so defines backup operations:

  • Backup (English Backup Copy) - data stored on non-volatile media, usually remotely intended for recovery, if the original copy of the data is lost or unavailable.
  • Backup (English Backup) is the process of creating backup copies.

All data backup systems can be divided into three types according to the copy method used: it can be acknowledgment, block or copying data at the application level.

Block backup system (Eng. Image-Level or Block-Level Backup) runs directly with the media, ignoring the file structure, and saving all the contents completely - the operating system, working data, settings, etc. The advantage of performing this type of backup is high speed. However, usually, when performing copying operations, you need to pause applications so that the copy is holistic (eng. Consistent).

When performing backup operations on the file level (eng. File-Level or File-based Backup) uses a file system. In this case, a relatively simple task is to restore some specific files. In general, the backup operations last longer, an additional boot of the operating system occurs, and the problem of access to open files appears.

Backup can be made at the application level (APPLICATION-LEVEL Backup). Copy and recovery operations are manufactured by using the API Software Software Software Software (Eng. Application Programming Interface). A backup is a set of files and possibly other objects defined by the application itself, which together are displaying the state of the application at some point in time. With this method of backup, the problem of compatibility between different versions of applications and backup systems that implement the corresponding interface may occur.

The backup system is a service center subsystem and has the following features:

  • The backup process is not critical to solving IP tasks, i.e. The backup system fails to reduce the availability of critical information services.
  • The load on the computing means that the backup process creates is not useful in terms of providing IP information services.

When building a backup system, it is necessary:

      Put in the abbreviated "Backup window". The requirement of round-the-clock (24x7) operations of the information services reduces the available time interval of the application stop, which is necessary to perform the backup operation ("Backup Window").
    • Reduce backup data traffic in a common corporate computer network.

Backup methods.

Lan Backup.
Before the storage networks (Storage Area Network - SAN) appears to reduce backup traffic, a highlighted backup network was used to reduce the backup network, as well as a multi-level structure that includes multiple copy servers. Allocation of the copy server and the location of it in the "closer" network to productive servers processing the largest volumes of information allows you to localize backup traffic between the copy server and productive servers and reduce the load on the total LAN.

With the advent of SAN, it was possible to transmit backup traffic not through the LAN, but directly from servers to storage devices (usually it is tape libraries) connected to SAN. This method was called "LAN-Free Backup". When using this method, the client server simultaneously with other tasks, performs the functions of copying a reserved data server to access it via San storage devices. At the same time, the referral schedule is assigned to the backup management server by issuing through the LAN (using the TCP / IP protocol) of the control effects and monitoring the task execution of copy servers. Thus, the task of reducing backup data to the LAN is solved.

But the "LAN-Free Backup" method does not solve the backup window "window". Moreover, this method creates an additional load on server-clients, imposing additional functions of copying data servers to them. Some applications allow you to backup without termination of your work (online backup), it is implemented in many transactional applications and using special backup software options such as copying tools. open files. However, the use of such technologies does not reduce the load on productive servers, which for large amounts of data (terabytes or more) can increase the solution time of the main tasks above the allowable threshold.

Serverless Backup.
I would have an ideal backup scheme when the client server data is copied through the SAN storage network to the storage device by any third-party device (received the name "Data Mover"), without using the computing resources of the client server and without interrupting it. Such a backup method was called "Serverless Backup". The "Data Mover" role can perform as a server allocated for this purpose connected to the same disk array as a productive server and a special device - router.

CDP (Continious Data Protector)
According to the definition of SNIA, the continuous data protection (CDP) is a constant tracking of data changes, and saving them in independent from the source data storage that allows recovery at any time in the past. CDP systems can be implemented at block level, files or applications and ensure small granularity of object restoration at any time until a single recording operation. According to this definition, all CDP solutions have the following properties:

  • Changes are constantly monitored and recorded
  • All changes are stored on a separate logical device.
  • RPO (recovery point) - arbitrary and should not be defined in advance.

Examples of implementation.

In this article, consider the data backup methods for small and medium-sized businesses.

A typical question with which customers are referred to: ensuring the safety of the "1C" system database, about 1 GB and the customer base in MS Access, about 300 MB. The information is important to all and lose more than a day of work - it is not desirable. The budget allocated by the IT unit does not exceed 100,000 rubles.

It is necessary to understand the requirements of the customer - what amount of information is required to reserve, how long it is required to store backups, whether the remote storage is required (offline) backups.

If the customer needs to be stored data for the next few days and the cost of the solution must be minimal, then the most simple and easy solution will be a small network data storage (NAS - Network Attached Storage). These devices are available in various manufacturers of equipment, have from 2 to 12 disks and provide access to the main access protocols: CIFS, NFS, HTTP, ISCSI. The structural scheme of the solution is shown in Figure 1.

Fig.1 NAS Storage.

The cost of this decision is from 15,000 to 70,000 rubles, depending on the volume of storage.

The main drawbacks of this solution is the impossibility of scaling with the growth of storage volumes and the need to control the success of backup.

For automation of backup procedures, special software is used, which controls the process of creating backup copies and recovery procedure, and also allows you to work with different data carriers, including with tape devices.

To create backups, backup policies are created, which regulate "what, where and when". What data where and with which frequency should be saved. Additional centralized backup capabilities allow you to restore individual letters and database tables without the need to restore the entire amount of data. Recording backup copies on ribbon media allows you to organize remote storage of backup copies and the safety of important data in the case of a disaster. The use of ribbon media for storing archive copies allows you to read the data 50 years after their recording.

The cost of such a solution begins from 50,000 rubles and includes a server for storing backup copies and backup.

Analytical company Gartner once again conducted a study of the data backup solutions for enterprises. Specialists analyzed the conditions for the development of the referral direction, current products, techniques and solutions for the preservation and recovery of data of physical and virtual servers, applications, etc. The main representatives of the market were evaluated in many criteria. The leadership in the Gartner analytics industry gave to such companies: Commvault, Symantec, EMC and IBM. Dell, Acronis, Asigra, Falconstor and others were allocated as niche players on the market.

Also, analysts companies emphasized the main features of the specified providers of backup solutions, their strengths and weaknesses. Here is some of them.

Symantec backup solutions

Symantec has recently continues to expand the introduction of integrated backup tools; A greater variety of features appeared (for example, NetBackup Accelerator for quick backup and Instant Recovery for VMware virtual machines).

Strengths Symantec:

  • can be used by major enterprises, offering various data protection tools for a wide range of operating systems and applications;
  • netBackup functions are the main distinguishing features of the product (Accelerator for prompt backup and OpenStorage technology to create backup copies of disk devices, which makes it possible to better control backup devices);
  • integrated NetBackup tools have pricing characteristics favorable for users, easy to use and manage, have good performance improvements.

Experts warn: According to some reviews, the company's support service is not at the highest level, although there is a gradual improvement in recent years.

Acronis backup solutions

Provides solutions for small and medium businesses or individual enterprise units. Several options for backup services and remote storage data based on cloud technologies are provided. Copies can be recorded in 5 different storage facilities, including Acronis Cloud or via FTP / SFTP in a private cloud. Special technologies enable full or selective data recovery with Exchange, Microsoft SQL Server and SharePoint support, as well as other Microsoft services, VSS-compatible programs and databases. To accelerate backup processes, deduplication and compression on the source side are combined with post-processing (indexing, cataloging) on \u200b\u200bthe side of the end object.

Strengths of Acronis: Flexible licensing model, convenient interfaceSupport for any type of migration (V2V, V2P, P2V and P2P), support 6 different types hypervisors regardless of the acquired version, etc.

Experts warn: Acronis may not be very suitable for large companies, and supporting network data warehouses (NAS) is limited by CIFS / NFS protocols.

Reserve Resolutions from Veeam

Veeam has long been recognized by users leader in the backup of virtual machines. In this area, many competitors benefit from the provision of special features (for example, Veeam Explorer and Snapshot Hunter), simplicity and reliability of use. In the last release, such important functions have been added to: integrated encryption, improved backup control, support for EMC Data Domain Boost, NetApp Snapshot, Snapmirror, SnapVault and others.


  • Veeam Backup & Replication is a reliable and multifunctional solution to protect these virtual media;
  • Veeam offers some of the easiest to use and inexpensive backup products at the enterprise level;
  • It has many positive user reviews from the experience of using different functions.

Experts warn:

  • Supports only VMWare and Hyper-V, therefore, the backup for other hypervisors or physical servers is not offered;
  • VEEAM's own deduplication has a rather low coefficient, requiring more space for storing backups;
  • Since Veeam offers a U-AIR function, then separate recovery support for solutions such as Domino, MySQL and Oracle is not available.

COMMVAULT backup solutions

Commvault is able to meet a wide range of users' needs with its unified data platform, which includes comprehensive backup, archiving, reporting, analytics and data search capabilities. Over the past year, Vendor launches 4 solution packages, including products aimed at backup and recovery for virtual machines.

Strengths Commvault:

  • unified Administrative Console and Reporting / Analytics Mechanism for All Backups (Date Center, Remote Office, SAAS applications or PCs), Archiving, Synchronization and File Transfer, Search and Data Warning Functions;
  • target solutions packages, a multifaceted SIMPANA license system and others.

All this makes it suitable for backup data of enterprises of various levels: from niche companies to large corporations.

Experts warn: The purchase price and further support can be quite high.

Summing up the study of the backup service market, Gartner specialists celebrated several major trends that can be observed today in the industry:

  1. Many companies continue to actively rebuild their backup system, in order to find the most modern solutions for processing new data types, storage models and increasing workloads, as well as solve the task of accelerating backup and recovery processes.
  2. The main directions for searching for improvement methods are the use of disk solutions, including: backup directly to the disk and additionally in the cloud, snapshots of arrays and replication implementation, server virtualization for backup, as well as technology to the maximum efficient data deduplication.
  3. Wendor tend to develop many different backup solutions, trying to satisfy different user requests from the security object: Personal computers, servers, deleted offices, virtual machines, various applications and database, etc.).
  4. Many companies seek to reduce the cost of ownership of their products and implement new solutions that would be as simple as possible.