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How to earn serious money. How to make a lot of money quickly and real without investments or with minimal investments? Is it possible to earn big money on affiliate programs

I always loved to listen to the advice of successful people. Well, agree, who else can you tell you how to make more money, except for the person who has already earned them?

How to increase income with the help of thought? Answer in this video

Lesson number 2.

When at the beginning of the 90s, a modest scientist, I started a business, I very hard followed the condition of Western social psychology: "Drive in the neck of even the most intelligent employee, if he decomposes with pessimism and unbelief in success of the team." Then I just followed fashion to the West, and did not understand - why am I doing this?

Now I know for sure what's the point here. If there was a very sensible hunter in that ancient tribe, who would doubt the sand drawing, the tribe would not get a real deer and died of hunger. With faith, you can not joke: placebo (that is, the external material attributes of faith) can be whatever, even in the sand, at least on silk banners, even on the tree icons - but faith itself drives the case, and drives exactly so much as strong.

If you do not believe in the success of the company - it is better not to start it at all! - everywhere they advise novice entrepreneurs. You probably think that this is a metaphor? What business success is only indirectly dependent on faith in it? No, it is the most right way.

My conclusion:

You need to believe in what you are doing, that this will lead you to the goal. It is necessary to believe that the goal is reaches and it is real.

And do not forget to get rid of all those who pull you down and do not believe in your goals. At least minimize communication and do not tell them about their plans. Surround yourself with people who believe in you.

Lesson number 3.

The world is dependent on our ideas about him. The more spiritually sophisticated nature sees for himself in the world of obstacles, the more they are (according to her order!) It arises.

For example, if in front of the refined intelligent to put the problem: "Start trade" - then he will come up with thousands of reasons for failure in advance: and conspiracy on the market, and the power of wholesale suppliers, and racket, and unstable oversized power, and many more factors. But we often see how the neighbor of this intellectual, who studied at school for underdeveloped children (even it happens!) Suddenly discovers trade and successfully leads it, because, because of his stupidity and undeveloping imagination does not think about the upcoming difficulties.

We are glad to look at the "fool": they say, does not see the cackan, now it cares! It passes - and the cappana does not turn out to be in place. We go to the next - and get into the "long-awaited" cancan. What is the matter? We just live in different worlds.

My conclusion:

The main reason why we cannot achieve some goal is that we think too much why she, this goal, may not be fulfilled. Is not it? Track your thoughts.

Lesson number 4.

"Never talk for people" no "until they told you him" - a wise and very practical saying. Often, the person is so simpically, imagines the alleged refusal in his request, so distinctly and in the roles playing in the imagination and the scene of his failure, that it is not necessary to find out anything: he himself asked himself and answered himself, please died in him itself - what is more ?

But often we met with situations when such a person still overcame himself and decided to find a real result.

It is not surprised at all when the result is exactly its developed imagination. It would seem that he simply correctly calculated the world - but someone else suddenly seeks completely different results with the same starting indicator as our skeptics.

My conclusion:

Only you decide what you will see "around the corner." If you believe in success, then turning it over it, and if you believe in failure, you cannot avoid it.

Lesson number 5.

I imagine the Universe as an apparatus to illustrate our ideas about it. We briefly enter the Maya ("Maya" - an universal illusion) and exist here in the world that we consider it necessary to create for yourself. It would seem - a fairy tale, the kingdom of dreams!

But the danger is that our consciousness can simulate and evil, and hell on Earth. In vain to blame the universe in this - she only fulfilled our application. You need to blame yourself - therefore, the great teachers of mankind and insisted on the personal transformation of a man, realizing that with old views on the universe it is useless to build a new world.

My conclusion:

The reality of fuel to our thoughts and ideas about it. Only we decide that we see in the surrounding world - good or bad.

Lesson number 6.

The will to master the money with us, in Jewish families, are brought up from early childhood. It is in the method of "Volpinism" (willpower, strength of thought - a note of the blog of the blog) the secret of Jewish fabulous wealth.

Then, of course, "conspiracy", and "supercondiscience of the Jews" will be indispens here, but the basis of the Jewish faith in Godbragurance. "God will give us all the riches of the world!" - told Jews from century to century. The wealth gave them, of course, not God (creative, thinking, righteous - the prettier of the universe), and the Universe (Maya, the illusion of material). God, I think, grief, look at the affairs of my miniments. But the universe gives everyone in faith, not by righteousness. It is much clearer to say than, the Gospels: "It will be you for your faith."

My conclusion:

By faith, you will be given to you. Think what you believe now? Will you be rich or not?

P.S. And if you are interested to know how I pulled my first desired amount with the help of thought, come to

Hello! Today you will learn how to make money newcomer at home and not only.

In this article I will give a lot different ways Earn money. All the following methods are workers, verified by me personally.

Resale products on bulletin boards

This way of making money really works, because many people do not know the real cost of goods or simply sell cheap to get rid of a particular product.

Many collectors are similarly looking for unique goods and are ready to offer good money for them. You will not believe, but the things that have been settled in the grandmother can benefit someone else, and thereby get rid of the rubble and bring good profits. Soberly appreciate the old things in our storeroom and you will certainly earn money on selling them. Perhaps somewhere in the covers lies the first Soviet camera, the machine is a zinger, a tablecloth with a unique embroidery or player for plates.

Some photo studios, as well as theaters and even handmaders are looking for goods in a similar way and with pleasure to buy interesting rugs.

Avito you can find a lot of things that sell at a low price. You just need to buy them and sell more expensive, but the price difference is your earnings!

I will give an example from my life, because I'm talking about proven methods.

Once, I accidentally saw how much moose horns are, the average price was 5000 r. Then I found a horns to Avito for 3000 r., I bought them and after 4-5 days I bought them for 5,000 on the same Avito. I just did better photo and description. Net profit 2000 p. in 5 days. I agree that there is little, but if this is fully done, you can sell more.

Also, I tried to buy McBooks in Moscow from Avito, but to sell in my city, because in our city ads there are little more expensive, and in Moscow there are many and prices cheaper;) Conclusion is simple - you can make money!

Shipping and payment:

  • In your city, you can sell it through a personal meeting. To other cities of orders to send by agreement. But most often Russian Post. Transportation costs most often takes on the buyer. But again, how to agree.
  • Payment can be received or by transferring money on the bank card or on the electronic wallet.

Sale of goods from abroad

Also an excellent option that I did and continue to do, but more officially and largely. Now there are opportunities to buy goods from Taobao, Aliexpress, 1688 etc.

There is almost everything is cheaper. You can just buy there and sell on the same bulletin boards in your city. With eBay and Aliexpress, you can order absolutely in any city and any country, therefore this species Earning is available to everyone! I tried to sell a lot of goods, but now I am doing bags from China, but it will be next.

My acquaintances sell Covers for phones, other acquaintances sell unusual gifts and interior items, others sell iPhones and other Apple technique. So try and you;)

Provision of services

Everything we can easily with you and these skills can be easily sold. If you know foreign languages, then you can train others. Or, for example, you know how to repair the plumbing, so why not do it for money.

Today, more and more girls prefer to work with a flexible schedule. What could be better as not to regulate your working day. In the service sector, it is not bad to earn at the hairdresser's art and visible. Having passed special courses, more and more of my acquaintances earn a manicure, depilation, hairstyles and makers, preparing girls to important events (weddings, anniversaries, graduation, etc.). Provide your services is an excellent way to earn money quickly.

How to make money on it? Easily! Just begin to declare everything about your services, make your site, place an ad where you can and everything will go uphill;) Although what I tell ...

For those who are interested in this topic, I wrote an article on how to start. Read it, everything is stepdown there! I also provided sites development services, on setup contextual advertising and much more.

How to make money on the site or blog

Make money on the Internet easily, the main thing to decide with your niche: your site, blog, online store, sale of goods from one-page etc. But about everything in more detail.

This is one of my favorite activities and for me it is not only earnings, but also a favorite hobby. This blog site on which you are now, I am pleased to lead and write articles for you, this is really my hobby. Also, I had and there are blogs to make money, on which I earn money on advertising, on affiliate programs etc.

The blog from the site is characterized by the fact that it is most often tied to the personality of the author, his worldview and life position. It is worth noting that it is such blogs that are greater popularity. But ne. last place In their promotion takes SEO-optimization. Read more about this in the section "Business Promotion".

Blog - This is an information website, where you write interesting and useful articles on the people of interest. If your articles are well written, search engines show them in the search results, thereby give you visitors. But you can also independently promote your blog.

When you have a lot of readers on the blog, you can easily make money from advertising, from affiliate programs or with references and paid articles. This is a working way to make money online.

Additional part-time

If you work or learn and your schedule allows you to make an additional part-time job, do not miss this opportunity. I, too, when was a schoolboy and a student, and also worked to make money.

You can sit with children or work in a store on loading and unloading work with payment at the end of the day, and you can perform work in your main area of \u200b\u200bactivity. Roughly speaking to "shut up", but do not steal, but to impact, serve any customers yourself, and not in the company in which you officially work. There are also many options by courier and all sorts of handy posts.

  • If you are a student of the faculty foreign languages, then your knowledge is quite enough to give extra lessons to schoolchildren. A modern approach to learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bthrough Skype lessons is an excellent opportunity to gain a group of students not only in their city, but also in other localities.

You can pack your knowledge in training course And thus sell it, getting good money with it. If your information collected will help someone, it will quickly split among potential customers.

  • As an additional earnings for successful people, during the financial recession, it is possible to organize the sale of seasonal goods: "non-freezers" in the autumn-spring or colors, on the eve of the spring holidays, as well as living and artificial trees in a couple of weeks before the new year.
  • If you inherit from Granual got an apartment, then in order to earn money on its repair, you can, at first, to rent it for rent or monthly.
  • If you live in a resort area, then organize business for tourists. Tents with souvenirs and goods of local origin (honey, fish, sweets) will allow you to decently and really make money during the influx of tourists.
  • And if you are the owner of a gorgeous premium class car, then why not offer your services to newlyweds for their maintenance in a significant day before the registry office or the banquet hall.

Obtaining dividends or interest on deposits also applies to additional earnings. But for the beginning, they require some investments.

Open your online store

After I started selling sales from China, I soon opened my online store. Thus, the second point of this article can legalize and make a full-fledged business. The online store is a fairly profitable business, quickly pays off, requires small starting attachments and quite simple in the organization. In general, you can make a lot of money! At the start, you can work one or with my wife, as I did. When the turnover is increased, you can think about hiring staff (call center, driver, loader).

Now everyone is very actively buying on the Internet, besides, you can test a niche on any goods, after purchasing a small batch and selling it to Avito (para. 1).

I already wrote an article about how. You can sell in the online store almost anything!

Sell \u200b\u200bgoods from one-page sites

Through sales through Landing Page You will be able to earn a lot of money than with an online store. All the essence of earnings is that you analyze the demand, choose the goods for sale, test it for sale, create a single-page ( landing Page) And sell throughout Russia. This type of business is now in Trend!


In the continuation of sales in online stores and on announcements boards, it is worth saying that you can make various products with your own hands and sell. There is such a project "Fair of Masters", where they sell similar goods and buy them very well.

You can also sell your homemade in the online store, on social networks and on bulletin boards. Many people like something unusual and this topic It works very well. Therefore, if you know how to make something or at all are a master for all hands, then this is your kind of money!

How to make money on freelancing

How can not earn

Well, now I will tell about the ways you will never earn.

Be careful! If you are looking for on the Internet, ways to make money, then you often come across advertising some fast earnings Money, such as pyramids, MLM, rapid enrichment schemes and so on. Do not believe it! In many of them, you are asked to attach some money, then invite friends and acquaintances and for each earned. To a greater degree, these are deceivers, in some cases you will sell delusional goods at high prices (in MLM often do it), the pyramids are collapsed and you will stay without money with your familiar.

All sorts of sites offering gold trafficking are also working, but all this is a lie and there is not from gold earnings, as well as from invited people. In general, where you ask for the entry to pay money somewhere, then invite people, then most often it is a scam. Just remember one ... There is no rapid enrichment schemes, they simply do not have everything, it's a hoax!

It is impossible to earn risks to your health.. This includes earnings on blood delivery, cropped hair and other absurdity and experiments that can offer you for money. All this is not worth it. Money you get small, but the consequences can be the most different.

Earnings on computer Games . If you are a schoolboy or a slacker, then of course you can try to earn on it. But it is important to understand that you can spend a lot of time on it, and the result does not achieve.


Perhaps I listed far from all ways to make money, but I listed what I was really sure and checked on myself, what was worn out in a difficult moment, except for Hand Maid. But what else is important, I warned you about all sorts of fraudsters in the last paragraph.

Turn on brains! Quickly and just make money. Only your email will help you! Therefore, we turn on fantasy and forward! At one time, the sellers of "sea air" and "therapeutic" dirt were decent on tourists. Good rapid - good money!

It's never too late to learn! If your career came to a dead end, you feel hopelessness, then maybe it's time to change your life to change dramatically?! Get additional education Or go through the advanced training courses, study something new, fortunately, today it is easy to do, even without leaving home through online learning.

Saving. Sometimes to earn enough just to reduce your expenses. Have you tried to count your expenses for the month? I advise you to do it and you will be terrible how much you spend on unnecessary things.

What now remains you? Try yourself in everything that is only possible! The main thing is not to sit on the spot, but constantly move forward and do, do, do, then everything will succeed! Think wider, risk, create your business, test the niches, in general, move, and do not sit on the spot;)

Waiting for you additions, objections and questions in the comments! Thanks for attention!

In the life of each person there may be a situation when money is urgently needed. At the same time, the amount of the amount, as well as the time to which it needs to be collected may vary. Someone needs 500 thousand rubles to give duty within a week, and someone is enough to find 50,000 rubles to go on vacation next month. In our selection you will find recommendations on how to quickly find money depending on the complexity of your situation.

How much and when?

To understand how and where you can urgently find money, you need to first decide on the size of the required amount and timing. For clarity, we use the following matrix:

Deciding in which square you are, you can think about the options for solving the issue.

A big amount, very urgent

(from 100 thousand in a few days, weeks)

Such serious issues include, for example, the need to give great debt or need money for operation. How to quickly get money in these cases?

Option number 1. Take a loan

When you urgently need a large amount, a bank loan can be output from the situation.

The advantages are that you can immediately get the entire required amount, as well as choose from a large list of banks the most optimal conditions for making a loan and its subsequent payment.

Minus - accrued interest, because of which you have to give more money than you take into debt. In addition, banks may refuse a loan with poor credit history or due to the lack of stable official work.

  • Try to take a loan in the bank where you get salary or in a large state or foreign bank. So you can count on lower interest and minimize risks.
  • Choosing how from the proposals of banks to use, compare the effective bet (nominal bet plus the various Commissions of the Bank), as well as the amount of overpayment.
  • Take a loan better for a long time, without fear of overpayment. In this case, the monthly payment will be less. And fully pay a loan? You can at the moment when you have money. Just choose the option with the possibility of early repayment.

A variation of a loan is credit cards. Their plus is that many have an interest-free grace period. But in most cases, it is impossible to remove money on the map, only pay for the purchase.

Excellent output from position can serve installments. You pay them in the store, and the debt gives equal parts within a few months. The most important condition for you is no overpayment and service commissions. Cards are completely free.

There are 2 such proposals on the market free maps installments:

Another type of loan is a loan from a private investor. Terms of such an agreement may be more flexible than in banks.

  • The issuance of a loan must be documented in the form of a contract or receipt in the presence of a notary. It is important to register all the details of the agreement to avoid problems.
  • When paying the borrower should always be taken from the investor a receipt for receiving funds, otherwise he may later "forget" about them.

Option number 2. Take friends or acquaintances

This method is preferable than a loan, since it does not imply interest.

If you do not have a friend who can borrow the whole amount of the whole, you can take in several familiar parts. However, it is necessary to remember that debts can spoil relationships if it is not possible to give them on time.

Option number 3. Sell a car or real estate

If the situation is quite complicated, and other ways are not suitable, you can urgently put up for sale something from the property: car, cottage or apartment. It is important to take into account that when urgent sale, the price will be below the market value. You can use the services of agencies, or try to sell yourself, through the free bulletin boards on the Internet and social networks, hang out paper ads in the city, as well as through the "Sarafan Radio". To attract attention very important nice photos - Pick up the most successful angles.

  1. Guidance of order in the apartment and masking flaws. The purchase decision is made subconsciously in the first 20 seconds, according to real estate agents and psychologists. Therefore, it is necessary to create a favorable impression. Not only in the apartment should be pure and cozy, but also in the entrance, as well as in the surrounding territories.
  2. When showing the apartment, it is recommended to maximize the space and remove personal items: photos, souvenirs, drawings and even shoes at the entrance. In this way potential buyer It will be able to feel the owner and rather will take a positive decision.
  3. Psychologists have proven that the positive impact on buyers have pleasant aromas of freshly caught coffee and baking.

Option number 4. To seek help

(if you need money for operation)

In the event that you or your loved ones need an urgent operation or expensive treatment, you can seek help in charity funds. To do this, you will need to collect a package of documents confirming the need for an operation, as well as its value. You can also ask for help in social networks where people can help even help you. But you will need to specify a bank account and it is also desirable to provide confirmation in order to convince the audience that it is not a fraud.

The average amount is very urgent

(20-50 thousand in a few days, weeks)

If you are very urgently needed a amount within 20-50 thousand rubles, then besides the above methods, the following options can help you:

Option number 5. Microlim

Take money right now, will help the microloave. This is a loan for not a very large amount (about 30 thousand rubles) for a period of about a month. You can give it for a couple of hours. In order to get a quick loan, only passports are usually enough. However, it is necessary to remember about high interest and large fines for overdue payments. There are quite many companies offering microlos on the market, it is better to spend some time to choose the best option for you.

  • You should not take microloans for buying clothes, gadgets or rest.
  • Make payouts on time, otherwise you will be accrued to large interest.
  • Take a loan exactly at the amount you need. Do not take more, no matter how profitable it seems. Each extra ruble will turn into extra debt.
  • If you can't pay a monthly fee, pay at least interest. The amount of debt will not become smaller, but it will help to avoid delay.

Option number 6. Sell unnecessary

Good way to get money for free, is the sale of old things. Even if you think that you have nothing to sell, it is worth thinking about this option. Perhaps you have unnecessary clothes and technique in good condition. On the Internet is full free boards Ads through which you can sell your belongings. Also for this purpose, you can use the services of commission stores or go to the flea market.

  • Make a discount of 15-20%. And to attract attention to your product, use the words "Sale!" or "Discount!". It is important to indicate that the discount is limited in time.
  • The key to successful sale is good photos of the goods.
  • In his ad, you need to describe your goods as much as possible, as well as the conditions for its transfer (pickup, shipment, etc.).

Option number 7. Lombard

If you do not want to sell your belongings, they can be laid in Lombard. Later you can buy them back. But you need to understand that not all kinds of property Lombard agrees to accept. You can lay your jewels, digital or household appliances. However, you should not count on large amounts. Usually things are estimated at half of their cost, and even less you get on your hands.

A big amount, not very urgent

(from 100 thousand in a few months and more)

If there is time to assemble the necessary amount, you can choose more favorable terms of the loan or selling your property. In addition, you can use a couple more additional ways:

Option number 8. Rent an apartment

Leasing apartment for rent, even temporary, can bring good income. There are several ways:

  • If you have the opportunity to live in relatives or friends for several months, at this time you can rent your own apartment. Perhaps you have a cottage - then in the summer you can live on it, or lease the Dacha itself.
  • If you do not have a temporary accommodation for housing, and your apartment is in a prestigious "road" area or a good repair in it, you can rent it, and rent an apartment cheaper yourself.
  • Also for rent you can handle one of the rooms in your apartment - for example, a student.

Option number 9. To rent a car

Even though, in our time, the car has been not luxury for a long time, there are situations in which people are ready to rent a car. For example, when they temporarily remained without their own vehicles, or came on vacation to another city. Also rented cars use and taxi services. Renting your car for several months, you can get a good income, especially if your premium or business class machine. It is very important to conclude a rental agreement, it will relieve you from material risks.

  • Be sure to inside your car, because Unforeseen situations can always happen. Insurance is needed in the case of the car of the car.
  • It is important to consider in the contract all the conditions for you, including who reimburses the damage in the event of an accident.
  • Be sure to write down the passport details and the phone of a person who is reserved your car.

The average amount is not very urgent

(20-50 thousand in a few months and more)

When you need to assemble the amount of up to 50 thousand in a few months, for example, on vacation, you can use one or more of the proposed options or earn it.

Option number 10. Earn yourself

To receive you need to additional income, not necessarily change the job. It is enough to think about what you know how to do well:


There is a very large range of works that can be performed without concluding a contract, as well as on a remote basis: Accounting, Design, Marketing, IT, copywrites, website promotion and social networks. There are stock exchanges offering a simple part-time job that each can perform with a computer with an Internet access.

You can work through the stock exchange, which helps to avoid risks, and you can search for customers directly. And plus and minus Freilance is that there is no fixed payment, you yourself decide how much you will work and, accordingly, earn.

You can perform many orders at low prices or search for well-paid work. To do this, ask yourself: what skills and skills do I possess? What area ask my advice?


This option is also based on your skills. Only in this case you do not create something yourself, but learn others.

It is necessary to understand that you know how to do well, and hold a master class or training. An exemplary lesson matrix you can always find on the Internet. For the event, it is not necessary to rent a premises. We can pursue webinars without leaving the house, this is enough a computer with an Internet access.

Prices fluctuate very much. You can set the price below, but collect more participants. Or put the price above and teach fewer. You need to take the topic in which you are really well understanding, structuring the material and actively advertise the uniqueness of your studies on social networks or on specialized sites.


Another option to receive income from your skills. If you have studied at school and at the university, you are quite capable of mastering the profession of the tutor, especially in our time there are a lot of reference literature on training for classes, including on the Internet.

Great demand for preparing for exams in the Russian language and literature. In addition, the study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bis always popular, and among the adult population. In addition to school items, you can deal with clients with music or vocals if you have the necessary skills.


Work on stock markets, for example, MICEX. it good opportunity For additional income. However, in order to earn money in financial markets, at least elementary financial skills are needed. Obtaining income will be associated with its own investments.

Profit on the market can be obtained in several ways:

  1. Purchase of shares paying dividends.
  2. , To obtain permanent coupon income.
  3. Investments in stocks, in order to further increase their future.


If you are a creative person, you can create something with your own hands and sell it. Knitting or crochet, pies and gingerbread houses, soap at home. For Hand Maid can be prescribed good priceBut it is necessary to spend money on materials, and also well advertise yourself, first of all with the help of social networks: Instagram, VKontakte, Facebook, etc.

Organization of joint shopping

You can conclude contracts with wholesale bases and for the purchase price to purchase goods for their customers. For intermediary services, it is possible to receive from 10% to 30% of the cost of goods. Here the most difficult thing is to develop a client base.

Part-time job

Find additional work with hourly payment: distribution of flyers and advertising booklets, conducting social surveys, nanny services, cleaning, work in a taxi, furniture assembly, work animator, etc. Ads can be found on job search sites in special sections.

Collection of waste paper, wood, scrap metal

We will not earn a lot on this, but as one of the sources of additional income within a few months it is quite suitable. You can organize the collection of waste paper where it is very much, for example, in universities - to agree that on certain days you will be taken out the waste paper. Employees will get rid of excess paper, and you get your fee.

Become a donor

The opportunity to get money free is donation. The easiest way is. Payments are small, within 500 rubles + lunch. But this is an additional income. You can donate blood 1 time in two months. Plasma is accepted every month. Payment is the same. Additionally, 2 paid quenches are given, which by the way can be added to vacation.

An option that is not suitable for everyone is. Here the remuneration can reach 200 thousand per year and above.

Earnings on the Internet

To help you sites reviews, comments and polls. Income can be received by leaving reviews and comments on specialized sites, passing, as well as from referral programs - for attracting new subscribers. Payment for reviews depends on the number of views, and also increases with raising rank on the site.


Most the best way Answer to the question "Where to quickly take money?" - Own financial airbag - accumulation designed for "black day". They can be a key to stability and confidence in tomorrow.

Financial literacy specialists recommend creating a financial airbag in an amount equal to at least three-month family incomes, gradually laying a fixed part of its income. It is these savings that should help cope with temporary financial difficulties.

It is no secret that the actual unemployment rate in recent years is constantly growing. Personnel reductions are held at large enterprises, and small firms often turn out to be on the verge of liquidation. Employees left without work are forced to search how to make money newcomer in 2019.

So, consider 10 ways, with which the newcomer can make money. They will suit those who are looking for part-time and as well as basic work. It is very convenient - having a free schedule, you can work anywhere. Moreover, you do not need to go anywhere in cold and rain.

Fast earnings on the Internet: Yes, or not?

In order not to become a victim of scammers, you need to remember one thing - there is no such method that will bring a new money in a short time.The Internet in terms of work is no different from reality - here too, you need to work a lot to achieve the result.

Needle must try to choose such methods of earnings that do not require preliminary investments. If this person does not succeed, he will lose only his time, but it will gain experience and understand that this type of work is unacceptable for him.

How to choose a suitable way to make a way for a particular person?

Despite the abundance of fraudsters, there are many real ways Work. But how to do right choice? What to navigate in this case? Everything is very simple:

  • The occupation that will be elected should bring a person a pleasure . If it works through force, soon it will have to quit everything. At the same time, the result will be achieved minimal.
  • Work must be performed qualitatively . This turns out not immediately and not everyone. Newbie for professional skills will have to spend some time. Attach all your efforts. And even after that there is no guarantee that everything will turn out. Street singers, for example, a lot, most of them sing very well, but professionally execute their repertoire not so many people.
  • The result of the work must have demand in the market . For example, if a person loves to relax most of all in life, lying on the sofa, it is unlikely that this "skill" will come in handy in a professional sense. The vacancies "Sofa Liegehogok" in the world does not exist, which means there are no demand for them.
  • Need to become a professional in his business . It is just a key to achieving success. If he really loves his job, nothing will stop him, and long-term workouts will definitely bring the result.

Method 1. Earnings on freelance stock exchanges

One of the most reliable ways tested by thousands of people. It is suitable if a person has a computer-related skills:

  1. excellent programming knowledge;
  2. the ability to build sites;
  3. designer experience;
  4. literacy, the ability to write texts, collect information;
  5. skills of work in some programs (for example, for editing video, photo);
  6. knowledge of various languages.

In addition, if there is a desire to try yourself in one of these areas, and there is no one of the listed skills, almost every person can learn. There are many free video lessons and entire courses, thanks to which many people began to work on the Internet.

What is freelance trading?

These are sites where people offer their services, and those in need of such services are looking for a person who is able to fulfill the work proposed to him.

Conditionally, all stock exchanges can be divided by their orientation for:

  • copywriters;
  • programmers;
  • lawyers and accountants;
  • designers;
  • translators;
  • photographers;
  • engineers;
  • students;
  • webmasters.

The following stock exchanges are most popular:

Method 7. Renting your property

It is necessary to look at more carefully for your property. Perhaps there is an unused real estate property - a garage, apartment, room, equipment, etc. In some cases, such property brings only losses, because it has to pay property tax. Then it makes sense to choose this type of earnings as passive income. It practically never depends on the work of the owner. Its only his work is a search for a suitable person who agrees to take property for rent.

People with this type of earnings receive income in the form of dividends, interest, rent. It is worth noting that the property must be expensive. You can rent a computer, bike and even furniture. Things that cost more than one wage are good in demand.

Method 8. Earnings on

If in 2016-2017 such words as "mining", "cryptocolivota", "Bitcoin" seemed to many of us something unusual and incomprehensible, now almost everyone knows what it is. In addition, it is known that in 2019 the cryptocurrency became much more expensive, and the earnings with the help of it overturned other types of profits. Good video cards have become in deficiency, the cost has increased significantly. In short, you can consider the following options for earning using cryptocurrency:

  1. Trade on the stock exchange. It is on these exchanges and the basic exchanges cryptocurrencies occur. Due to the price difference, many people managed to nourish themselves a fortune.
  2. Surfing sites. All that is required of the person who has chosen such work is to view sites within 1 minute, it gets about 80 Satoshi for it. If the Bitcoin rate is growing, it turns out a very profitable lesson.
  3. Mining - Mining cryptocurrencies using a computer. Moreover, the better his video card, the more profit he will be able to bring.
  4. Cranes - Capping Decryption. If a person does this every 5 minutes, he gets 200 Satoshi, if another hour - 10 Satoshi.

Method 9. Work on the social network

Another very popular way of earning in 2019. Moreover, what large quantity There is a person subscribers to the account, the more they pay for the tasks. Any newcomer will easily cope with this work.

Sites on which you can get a task are as follows:

  • Vktarget is one of the biggest resources issuing a task for social networks. Payment on average about 20-50 kopecks per task.
  • Qcomment - here you can get around the ruble, tasks are always a lot, but the output of money every 7 days.
  • Forumok - the most generous site, offers about 2 rubles for the task. But on the day it turns out only 15 tasks due to their small number.

Note! For this type of activity, you should not use personal accounts. It is better to rebuild and make other pages. Then in the case of a ban, they will not be sorry to lose.

Method 10. Working with iOS and Android applications

In 2019, a newcomer can just make enough to earn with mobile applications. This also does not require any special knowledge. The smartphone is now almost everyone, ranging from children and ending with grandparents.

In the conditions of a constant competitive struggle of two giants - IOS and Android, the developers of all sorts of applications will also not be dreamed. They create and offer their applications to use.

But often such companies have difficulties - they can test the operation of their application only on a very limited number of smartphones. To have a clear picture of the work of your product, they need a lot of people who try all functions in test mode and detect (if available) possible mistakes. Only then will be improved until perfect. For these developers and pay money.

In addition, they are ready to pay for each downloading of their program. This is especially true when it comes to games.

Where to find deals on work?

Offers can be found on the following resources:

  1. AppsCoins - profit will quickly come directly to the account mobile phonethat is very convenient. For each download, a limit of 7 rubles is installed, the affiliate will bring 10% passive profits.
  2. AppTools - pays one download in the amount of up to 10 rubles, 2 rubles are estimated, and passive earnings from the affiliate is 10%.
  3. GoAppCash is easy to register, a large selection of tasks is provided, a quick output, the minimum amount to the output is missing.

This way of earning is unlikely to allow you to get rich very much, but you can start your career in the network.


Work on the network will suit by self-organization of people who can painfully fulfill their tasks. It is known that in life it is very difficult to get a job with retirees and young people without work experience. The network provides such an opportunity. It will work here every person from 5 to 105 years, external data also have no importance - there would be a desire. Here the main thing is not to be lazy and not afraid possible difficulties, constantly learn and improve. Only then will turn out to achieve a solid result.

Earnings - an exciting topic that interests many people around the world. But to get it, people do not have enough knowledge or experience. We have already received this experience and transformed it into knowledge. And now we will tell you how even the newcomer will be able to make money.

So cook leaflets, handles or open the Word: useful information There will be a lot.

Is it possible to make money online? Are there for this site? And how much do you need to invest in order to achieve at least the smallest level of income?

You are not the first who ask this question. And far from the last, be sure. With the development of the worldwide network develop rumors about earnings on the Internet. Someone says that it is very simple, and others - that it is almost impossible.

Both of these groups are right and wrong at the same time. Because on the Internet there are dozens of ways to earn, and they all differ according to the requirements for your skills. And by income, of course. But do not hurry back to the search page. For these ways, fraudsters are often masked, and be very careful.

Below we will tell you how to make money on the Internet without investments, and do it in general terms. We do not recommend any specific

1. View advertising for money

So site owners are ready to pay users part of the earned amount for simple clicks on advertising. Therefore, it also appears to receive money for watching advertising. This is a winning situation for everyone. Because for simple clicks you get money and you, and creators of sites.

Such a way of earning is called surfing. There are different variations: watching rollers in Yutubeub, the transition by links to search engines Or sending letters. You can try to watch advertising for money on sites, like:

  • Wmmail;
  • Wmzona.

2. Passage of paid polls

Many large companies Play people for being involved in a public opinion study. The passage of paid surveys is a useful marketing tool, and smart businessmen are constantly enjoyed.

But why would you pay for it, you ask. And with the fact that it saves them large amounts of money. Always cheaper to involve a survey participants directly and give them a small percentage than to spend large sums on intermediaries.

The only problem is: they appear quite rarely. And to ensure decent existence with their help will not work. But the passage of paid surveys is an excellent non-wing part-time job.

And be careful: a lot of FraudstersSo always check the services with polls several times. Never Do not pay interest from the amount or "insurance"!

3. Earnings in photos

Do not be afraid, no one makes you create masterpieces and prepare for exhibitions. After all, people are ready to pay even for the most simple images. That is why earnings in photos are available to everyone.

All that is required of you is to take a photo, register on the stock site, and lay it out. Then customers will be able to find it in the search and buy rights to use if it is suitable for their purposes.

The largest stock site on this moment - It is shutterstock. It is there that the earnings in the photos will be the most effective.

4. Earn on applications

This principle works just like surfing on the Internet. Only he stepped a little forward, and uses applications as a source of income. But to make money on applications is not more difficult than watching the video on the Internet.

The instruction is as follows:

  1. Download the application that allows you to earn (they are easy to find in Google);
  2. Open a list of tasks you want to execute. Or applications that will also have to download.
  3. Conditions.
  4. Get money.

Tasks do not require any preparation. This is usually viewing advertising, downloading other applications, achieving a certain level in a mobile game. Etc.

Therefore, to make money on applications anyone who has a telephone and free hour per day.

5. Sell things on Avito

It is unlikely that people remained who did not hear about the largest online market of Russia. But to sell things on Avito is easier than to go to the store around the corner. Well, for this, at least do not leave the house.

At the same time, dozens of categories are available for sale: ranging from clothes and ending with apartments. Prices are exhibiting yourself, talking about all organizational issues - too.

This is the perfect option if you can make something with your own hands. And considering that lately it becomes only more popular, sell things on Avito - the optimal choice for earnings.

How to make money on the site or blog

Throwing out the methods of earnings that practically do not require efforts, talk about more serious options. But before thinking how to make money on the site or blog, decide on your expectations.

Because this type of activity is a full job. It will have to spend time, strength and energy. And most likely it will be not so simple.

But the result, if you do everything right, save you from further problems with finance. And that it certainly happened, we will tell you exactly how to make money on the site or blog.

1. Earn on a personal site

To make money on a personal site, it is not necessary to be a programmer. There are no secret knowledge, pitfalls and other disgusts.

And the creation of the site is free. For this there are constructors, like WordPress. Forces require only promotion of the site, and passing a certain threshold, everything should go like oil.

Money in this case comes from advertising. Moreover, advertising is automatically selected by Google or Yandex systems - depending on your choice. All that is required of you is to insert the code on the page. With such conditions, you could even make money on a personal site.

2. Earn on a personal blog

Earn on your personal blog even easier than on the site. And although the difference between them is insignificant, opportunities for receiving money from a blog more.

The blog is still easily created on WordPress, it is also used by Google and Yandex advertising. But with the blog you have the possibility of advertising integrations and partner materials.

Or, as an option, you can register on sites selling links and become donors to promote other sites in search results. The most famous link aggregators is:

  • GoGetLinks.
  • Miralinks.

And many others. But it is with these to make money on a personal blog will be the easiest.

How to make money on freelancing

It is not necessary to work in the office in the era of the Internet. It was also difficult to find customers before walking through the moon. But now you can make money on Freilan in two clicks.

But the way depends on your skills. Because the work on the freelanse is a job anyway.

Freilance (From English. Freelance) is the view performed on the Internet without a service agreement.

Usually these are small tasks comparable to the day on the day when working in the office. But a large number of customers allows freelancers to get a good remuneration. Well, or add a flexible schedule to this and work from the house, and it will be perfect for earnings.

Freelance career can be started on these sites:

  • On this, of course, earning options do not end. But you are simply impossible to crawl them into one article. Therefore, subscribe to our newsletter to always receive useful information on time.

    And write in the comments on what other ways to earn you would like to know.