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Some of the most famous and unknown clones. Some of the most famous and unknown clones of Star Wars Commander Cody


Action Figures "Star Wars"
Action figures in LEGO sets - have long been not rare, they have already appeared earlier in series such as, for example, "Bionicle", "Hero Factory", "Ben 10", "Legends of the Chima", "Knights Kingdom" and "Superheroes ".
But nobody expected figures on the legendary iconic saga "Star Wars" for some reason, even the fans of the series ... That is why the official announcement of the exit of the line of action figures of favorite characters from Star Wars has made so much noise!
Models unequivocally succeeded, because the fans literally "attacked" on them from the very first days of sales, and so far the Internet is filled only positive reviews About the first six figures (Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, General Grivus, Obi-Van Cenobi, Jan Fett and Clone Commander Kody).
And the network has spread information about the exit of another 6-figures within the framework of the Star Warrior series in 2016.

Brief biography character
Clone Commander Cody is the leader of the 7th landing corps, an experienced strategist and prudent soldiers. Commander Cody perfectly addressed various weapons, flawlessly led the combat units and found a common language with his subordinates without any problems.
Initially, Cody is the usual clone of the multi-million large army of the republic, but due to its extraordinary abilities, attracts the attention of their leaders and thereby towers over other clones.
Over time, once open and pure cody soul becomes very embittered and cynical. The Clone Wars had a special influence on the commander, because the new order coming after them, brought large and not the best changes to his life.
During his career, Cody took part in many famous operations, the most bright of which are the battle on Christophsis, the battle on the aunt, the battle on the Luna Rishi, the liberation of the rhotot, the battle on the felucia, the battle of Jeonozis, as well as the battle of Utapau.
After the order of 66, the Kody Commander joined the rows of the assault corps of the Empire.

Externally, the Codi was practically not different from the usual clones of their generation, with the exception of a sunscreen visor, a modified filter in a helmet, reinforced shoe and improved jet wreck with antenna.

Composition of set
The composition of the 75108 Lego set includes a Cody Clone-Commander Action Figure, a Bluster Rifle with Two Handles and Illustrated step-by-step instruction Assembly.

The packaging of the set is a vertically elongated box of dense cardboard, on the front side of which the Cody's team is depicted, standing on the battlefield during a fierce battle.
On the back side The boxes are shown the scale of the figure in the assembled form (23.5 cm), all product products are presented, as well as additional images of the Cody Commander Action Figure.

Description of the Cody Clone Commander Figure
All Lego Action Figures are collected according to a single scheme: First, you will build a skeleton with numerous hinge compounds that give Figure mobility (by the way, the commander of the code of their whole 14), and then "decorate" the basis of various shields and details that make up the body of the character.
So, the figure of a clone-commander Cody these details deserve all sorts of praise, especially the details with exclusive prints that imitate threads on the torso and the left hip, which gives the armored look.
In addition, it is impossible not to note protective scrolls, orange shouting and helmet with a sunscreen visor, a visor and a respirator. The head of the helmet is one single detail. The head can turn to the sides and rise back, but unfortunately, devoid of mobility down.
The back of the figure attacks the jet sample with an antenna gray.
Cody's clone-command is armed with a heavy blaster rifle with two handles. The rifle is firmly inserted into the brush of the shape, and tight hinges support it without giving down.

Action Figure Commander Cody certainly deserves attention not only to the fans of the Star Wars series, but also all lovers of the Ekshn-figures of LEGO. Only open parts of the "skeleton" can be the only minus model, which are visible from behind (for example, the feet of the figure are completely unborn behind with no shields, only a gray-black skeleton). But at the same time the creators perfectly worked on the front side of the figure, which deserves the highest praise from the tips of the stop to the top of the helmet!

Davijaan \\ "ODD score \\"

Title: Commander Clone
PRICE OF SERVICE: Kloni's seventh team squadron received his callsign ODD score during the passage of the Alpha-17 training program.
During the final months of clonic wars, ODD score flew on the star destroyer of the Venator-class \\ "intervention \\" During the battle for the Boz of Piti, with the help of Anakina Skywalker successfully broke through the blockade of separatists in the orbit of the planet.
ODD score was the leader of the 7th link during the second battle for Coruscant, where he and his pilots took off from the star destroyer \\ "Ro-Ti-Mundi \\" to help Master Jedi Kenobi. Although many of the pilots were killed in deadly fights with three-fighter droids and droids fighters, the ODD score mission was successful, knocking out enough time for Obi-Vana Kenobi to achieve \\ "invisible Dlanni \\".
A few days later, he served again with General Kenobi in the battle for Utapau. However, the final result was the alleged death of Jedi, with whom he struggled in numerous cases. His fate after this campaign remains unknown ... CC-1004 \\ »Gri
Title: Marshal Commander
Service Office: The 9th Storm Corps Commander Gri CC-1004 enjoyed respect among other races. Automated basic program Learning clones provided every soldier the basic knowledge of many races, which inhabited the republic. But 1004 was so interested in studying other races that it referred to the attention of the Kaminoans. Usually, such a healthy interest would be considered a deviation from the norm of the fighter behavior. But by the time the unique signs of CC-1004 were discovered, the Kaminoans launched a special training program for the commanders of the divisions. ARC units veteran, Alpha-17 was the leader special Program Training clones. Ties with the unusual interest of the commander of the Ground to other species, Alpha created an individual training program for him. CC-1004 got his own margin for his greed to knowledge. Cognition in races of 1004th did not limit themselves with the library on the fireily. Grie wore a special armor, which allowed him to be better mixed with the vegetable nature of the jungle. CC-1119 \\ "UPP \\"
Service Office: The 501th Legion Vader \\ "I began to some extent to some extent to get used to the Commander UPP \\" - Lord Darth Vader Commander CC-1119 Upo, was the Commander, headed and held with the 501th Legion, the entire clonic war. Salva CC-1119 falls on the last days of the war and on the first days of the formation of the empire.
When the 501th arrived at Coruscant, together with the Shurrapets of the Commander Tira, the appohood began to get used to living outside the hostilities and differentiate citizens whom he swore to defend.
At that time, the number of fronts grew on the tightened war. Appares saw his brothers clones go to the farthest corners of the galaxy, helping to conduct siege on distant strokes.
In recent weeks of the Clonic War, when an unexpected attack of the forces of General Grievous for Coruscant occurred, Commanders of UPP and TIR engaged in the protection of the capital, not allowing the rods of the Grievous to take the most important Senatsky district.
A few days later, the 501th under the command of the UPP received an order to follow the Jedi Temple and to assist Lord Vader. The order said about the suppression of the Jedi Uprising \\ ". The soldiers of Apppo fulfilled the task brilliantly, destroying all the Jedi in the temple for one hour. During the attack in a closed temple, Senator Bale organ was unsuccessful, noticing, noticing a fire in the temple. The order, this Commander UPP, clearly read that no one had to get into the temple and leave him. As soon as the organ returned to his car, Padavan Jedi Zet Jucast attacked the patrol. A seriously wounded appo and several fighters began to shoot, and only Sergeant Fox was able to stop Padawan. Appo spending a few weeks in Bakt Camera, returned to his 501th legion.
The 501th Legion, under the command of Darth Vader, performed the task of becoming an imperial new order. The enemies of the empire nicknamed the 501th \\ "First Legion Waider \\". One of the first missions of CC-1119 after the storming of the Jedi Temple was the mission in which they had to support Lord Vader, destroying the Commandos clone band did not fulfill the \\ "order 66 \\".
Shortly after that, the appohood died on the planet Cashiak, when the 501th landed on the planet in search of the Masters-Jedi Roana Shreina who hid there.
After the death committee of the UPP, Commander Bow accepted the command of the 501th legion \\ "Bow \\"
Service Office: 501st Legion Waider Commander Bow Officer, Commander of the 501th Legion Darta Vader, after the death of the Commander Apparers on Cashiak.
Bow and his platoon saved Lord Vader, when the Dark Lord underestimated the Jedi team of renegades on the Kessel who lured him into a trap, creating false information that Obi-vanobi would be among them. Although Vader destroyed Personally five Jedi from eight. The soldiers brought the apostate to tangible damage, transferring the attention of the remaining Jedi from the wounded Lord on themselves. It is assumed that Commander Bow and then served in the 501st, guarding a new order. \\ »Keller \\»
Title: Commander Clone
Service Office: A special division of snow assault clones at the initial stage of the Opija in the distant borders, General Khurrara and Commander Keller were sent to the Cold Planet Toula fight against the forces of the invasion of separatists in the area. When Keller received \\ "Order 66 \\" personally from the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Keller with his soldiers advanced to his commander Jedi. But when Kai Khurra and the young Padanan Noir could slip away from the clones soldiers and penetrate the station Itaku, Commander Clone made the search for fugitives his main task. KK-7567 Rex
KK-7567 "Rex" - a clone-captain of the Great Army of the Republic. During the clone war, Rex commanded the Rotary Torrent of the 501th Legion. Deputy Anakina Skywalker, Captain Rex was an excellent image of a clone officer. Volnodomz, Rex allowed himself to express the opinion about the officers (in particular about the jadyach commander) rank above. Phase I Rex's armor was covered by the 501th Legion of Okraskaya. As a supplement to armor, Rex wore a kama, a mustache, so-called. \\ "Jag's eye and a missile satisfaction (if necessary). The favorite weapon of Rex was blaster pistols DS-17, although it also used standard blaster rifles. CC-4477 \\ "Tira \\"
Title: Commander Clone (Clone Commander)
Service Office: Elite Shock Troopers of Coruscant (Elite Shock Troopers of Coruscant) Unlike the rest of the units that have passed, the coumeno training course (Kamino) existed two, which were an exception, these were shocker marked by the Red Tag and the 501th Legion marked in blue. Well protected and secretive training served their training base. The Galactic Republic had to use significant forces that would have moved to Coruscant to Coruscant (Coruscant) with the Coruscant (Coruscant). Commander TIR led the shielder of the Supreme Chancellor of Palpatine during clonic wars. Since the war intensified, the soldiers of Tira gave work on the protection of the capital, the planet Coruscant.
Together with the head of republican intelligence, Armand Isard Isard (Armand Isard), they founded the management of state security to centralize and simplify the protection of the coruscant from the invasion of the enemy. Part of the Tira, always felt that the republic would never be able to create reliable protection planets. Later in the times of clonic wars, they patrolled the city streets, and Coruscant citizens knew that by order of any of the clones marked with red, they should have been identified.
The worst nightmares of the Tira were justified when General Grievous (General Grievous) went on an offensive on the capital in the early hours of the morning. The soldiers of the Tira, having connected with the 501th Legion of the APPO Commander, made every effort to resist the Confederation forces and did not give them to penetrate the Senate area. While they led urban battle with Drocements, they were powerless from stopping the abduction of the Supreme Chancellor by General Grievous.
The execution of the \\ "Order of the 66 \\" Legion on stripping the Temple of the Jedi led to the end of clonic wars. After the epic battle between the emperor Palpatin and the master of iodine, the emperor ordered the Tir and his fighters, to search all the corners of the Senate in search of a tiny jady.
Since the republic has become an empire, the troops of Tira changed their status on the awesome guard of Coruscant. CC-2224 \\ "Cody \\"
Title: Marshal Commander
Service Office: 7 The Asian Corps Commander Cody was the leader of the 7 landing corps, but most often he personally led to the battle battalion. He was a competent and loyal officer.
The former first only one of the millions of clones created for the Great Army of the Old Republic, the SS-2224 subsequently showed talent for independent thinking, which could not attract the attention of the Kaminoans. As a result, he began to advance in the rank and raised among the other his fellows.
As the commander of the whole building, Cody must have been accompanied by General-Jedat in his battles. It is worth noting that the Commander was glad to find out that his commander would be the famous Keniji-Jedi Kenobi knight. However, during the battle for Jenozis, the SS-2224 was forced to manage his people alone, as Kenobi was engaged in the persecution of the count of the Duk.
After a few months of participation in the war clones, the CC-2224 was brought to the service in the experimental shelf, headed by ARC clone Alpha-17. The task of this regiment was to increase the independence and commander's qualities of senior officers' clones.
CC-2224 took the name of Cody and began to improve his armor in the image and likeness of Arc clones. As a result, he had a small jet quit,
Annex antenna of communication, a visor, a pair of antennas on a helmet, enlarged shouting and a small tool in the hatching bandage on the right forearm.
From the handful of officers who have been trained by Alfa-17, a special division was formed - the seventh team. There were best, from the best, whose task was to accompany the Jedi in their tasks. Cody and his companion pilot ODD score were appointed commander. Their deputy, Major Georir, replaced them during the absence. CC-5052 \\ "Bly \\"
Title: Marshal Commander
Service Place: 327th Star Corps \\ "We are resting only when our mission is fulfilled, our last mission has not yet been completed \\" - SS-5052
5052 was created on the firewood. Like all the soldiers clones, Blya looked like Django Fetta. Clone of the second generation of the commander, Blya studied Alpha-17, who also gave him his designation.
Six months after the battle for Jonozis, Blya fought in the battle for New Colassis while General-Jedi coordinated the battle with orbit, 5052 successfully led to the battle of his fighters in the ground battle against the Mandalor Group. The losses of his troops amounted to forty percent, but caused the complete retreat of mandalors. The end of the clone war: \\ "Commander Bly, what will you do when this war will end? \\ "
\\ »All that will be ordered to me, of course \\" - Ayla Sever and CC-5052
After Saleuki, Bly and Secreter were ordered, to penetrate the confederation base on Felucia and capture Shu Mei, the state of the leader of the commercial guild. The entire Armed Star Corps was transported to the peluation on board the Star Destroyer Venator - a class "fearless".
Secura and Blya improved their friendly communications, and discussed the advantages of independence and consistency of actions. Blue questioned the need for such a large number of troops to capture only one person. Further, he objected the second when she found out that the capital was attacked and ordered to quickly unfold and go to the protection of the coruscant, thereby showing his independence. Commander Clon insisted that, while they believed Shu Mei Peszka, and the attack on Coruscant distracting maneuver, the mission was their primary goal. According to their arrival on the feeluation, with the help of Ecía Padavana, they freed the Barriss OFFI, and the probe, two Jedi captured from the prison structure of Nigows.
When the team reached the alleged location of Shu Mei, they found that the separatists escaped a few days before their arrival. Their main mission fell away, Blya ordered that his entire Legion would take into battle with the confederation of the confederation on the feluca.
During patrols through the fungal jungle, Feluca, Commander Blya received \\ "Order 66 \\" from the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Despite its growing independence and friendship with his commander, Blya was unable to disobey the order and shot the general of the second in the back. The rest of his detachment then continued to shoot her corpse. At the Imperial Service: \\ You have unfinished missions in your record, Commander. [...] Would you like to reduce their number on one, soldier? \\ "- Darth Vader to CC-5052.
Bly remained in the service in the newly formed galactic empire, and during her early years, was sent to Yatisk with a member of the star corps by Lieutenant Gail. During overclocking, the anti-Petersburg meeting, Blya and Haail received an order from Darth Vader, he asked them to find themselves alive on the felucos. Blya became for the execution of the order, knowing that success guarantees a reduction in one of the unfulfilled missions in its list. CT-55 / 11-9009 Jag
The title: Commander Clone His name was probably taken from screaming and hawks, which on Mandalorsk sounds like Ga'i'igalar.
In the battle for Jeonozis, Commander Jag was the commander of the 127th link of assault ships.
However, Jag was disgraced later and lowered in office before the captain after the tragic retreat at the end of the battle for the craniation. Fortunately for Gajalar, he was picked up by General Jedi Kun, who put Captain Jag as a test pilot for the new ARC-170 fighter.
When Captain Jag received \\ "Order 66 \\" from the Supreme Chancellor, he opened fire in his fighter ARC-170, opened fire on the Delta-7 fighter, General Po Kuna next to Kato Neumody during the second battle for Kato Neumody, despite his feelings for Jedi . Ponds.
"Droids started bombing. Several villages in our sector were destroyed, sir, "- Commander Ponds Mais Windu.
After the leader of the technosthosu and the representative of the Council of Separatist Wat Tambor committed an invasion of the Planet Riligue and enslaved Twishers; Jedi-General Mais Windows and Commander Ponds led the operation to free the planet. When the assault ships of the class "acclamp" approached the city of Nabat, installed on the surface of proton guns of droids opened fire on them. Ponds reported Windows that the guns pierce their ships. Windu sent Jedi Obi-Vana Kenobi to destroy the guns so that the transport could land the city. After that, the ships left the lesion zone to avoid further damage. Kenobi detachment fulfilled its mission, and the transports finally could land. Ground troops have moved towards the metropolitan city of Lesse.
The column of Tanks at the AT-TE, headed by Windows and Ponds, fell into an ambush on a narrow mountain road. Republican troops were trapped when the droid tanks were hampered by the first walkway. Windows and Ponds headed the attack of several AT-RT. Despite the fact that their offensive was crowned with success, this ambush cost big losses. Republicans needed additional forces to successfully complete the operation. CT-65 / 91-6210 \\ "Devis \\"
Title: Commander Clone
Service Place: Battalion K Like all soldiers, the first generation clones The life of Davis began on the firewood.
Initially, it was created as a regular clone of soldiers and was sent to war in one of the groups of clones.
During the battle for Jeonozis, the battalion in which Davis served was covered with fire columns deadly OG-9 droids of spiders. Davis risked her life when he stayed to cover the wounded, since the rest of his division retreat. During the three hellish hours, Davis solely defended his wounded soldiers in a small artillery crater. And only when the evacuation team arrived, Davis got a medal for the valor, as well as further orders for the new hero of the republic.
During the battle for Altir V, General Jedi Davis was killed by enemy fire, leaving Davis to collect on pieces of assault parts. Not only did Davis coped, so he went with a fluttering sign on the enemy. By combining the remaining soldiers for victory, they destroyed an enemy ion gun.
Noticing in the behavior of Davis initiative, and the courage Commander Blya appointed him to be responsible for one of his legions. Also, Davis was allowed to put on a special shoulder and punishment.
During the Opad, Davis was under the command of Jedi Biisa, and was sent to dig separatists from Orto's planet. A week later, Davis got \\ "Order 66 \\" through an encrypted channel from the Chancellor of Palpatine personally. According to the orders, all the Jedi were declared enemies and were to be destroyed, including Jedi Biis, CT-65 personally shot it, after that he went on to prepare the battle. CC-8826 \\ »Neo \\»
Neoo was marked with red labels on his armor and the Arc team belt on his chest armor. His helmet was the same as the clones of Assassins.
Neuo was created on the fireily, like his brothers and became one of the specialists trained in the training program for the clones of the commander, the creator of which is ARC Clean Alpha-17. His individualistic features, were encouraged by the extraordinary learning methods of Alpha, manifested themselves
Almost painful form.
Over time, his individuality developed, he became cold and concise, even for a clone soldier. This did not cause the love of his brothers to him, but surprisingly Neuo supported close relationships with the same cold as a lecture to the commander of Bakara, who studied the reconnaissance tact with him, as they studied together in proper use Barc spedrers.
Neoo was sent under the command of OPPP RENCISS and worked on one side along with the Fae commanders and Blam at the siege of Saleuki.
After the operation, which lasted, five months, Neuo remained on the planet with its intelligence groups to patrol the territory in case of detection of remnants of separatist forces or soldiers of Morgukai. During the patrols of Plains Saleuki, along with General - Jedi, Olli, Neoo received \\ "Order 66 \\" from Emperor Palpatine. He and his soldiers on the spedors opened fire to Jedi, and Speer Olli exploded, absorbing her on fire.
Further fate Neoo unknown ... CC-1138 \\ »Bakara \\»
Title: Marshal Commander
Service Office: 21 New Corps From Early years This clone showed a tendency to aggressive tactics than caused simultaneously both satisfaction and fears of their creators. Upon reaching the capabile age, the CC-1138 received a new building into command, which was part of the army of the external sector. To his great regret, this unit did not take part in the battle for Jenozis.
After months, the battles and the battles of the SS-1138 were withdrawn from the front and used in a special program headed by ARC-clone Alpha-17. The task was simple - to reveal the ability of an independent commander and tactical genius embedded in each of the clones. Since the CC-1138 progressed during the program, he, like many of his colleagues, took the name of the bakhar. After completing participation in the bakara program received additional education From one of the coaches of the Mandaloort of the Court Davina, who arrived for training the army of clones. Perhaps, therefore, the CC-1138 took into armament of some good, but not the most prominent tactical Mandalorian techniques, which brought him to his genetic father, Dzhango Fetta and at the same time gave away from the rest of the brothers. Although a friend of Bakara was still, cold as ice Commander Neoo.
Having finished learning, the bakara returned to his corps, and its independence quickly spread among the highest commander of the new building. Since the war has progressed, then General Jedi Ki-Adi-Mundi was sent to him. Together, they transformed the 21st in the galactic marines in the elite, a quick response special group capable of instant deployment and combat actions in any corner of the galaxy. The soldiers were trained in the opening of the battle in the open space and on the ground at zero temperatures. Fighters of the hull were among the first tests of equipment and combat equipment in the field.
During the battle for the new Bornles, the galactic paratroopers used prototypes of combat costumes when the combat system of costumes failed, the soldiers used the mechanical muscles of costumes to keep a hand-to-hand combat with droids, they stuck the costume manipulators and ruptured droids on the part.
These events were well documented and contributed to the creation of a fierce reputation of galactic marines, and another story, the Bakar's Commander especially loved to rebuild.
The marines fought in hundreds of worlds - from dirty bosis of the Bosis of Child and Aergonar to the snow peaks Rushn Vara and Mijeto.
After months, the battles side-side, bakara and ki-adi-mundi developed a feeling of restrained respect for each other.
When they were sent to Mijeto, then not a big specialist of 501 legion joined Morpecam. Ki-Adi Mundi took them with distrust, because this unit was outside his competence. Although the clones from the 501rds said that their task is to destroy the military factory on the planet, their real task was the super-secret operation of Hammertong (the code name of the operation, the purpose of which was a unique Mighetsky crystal, which was subsequently useful when creating a ZS-1 superlaser). Bakara managed to convince Jedi that the fighters of the 501th just had to help them in battle.
The position in the battle was heavy, but in the midst of the battle of the bakhar received \\ "Order 66 \\" through the encrypted channel personally from the Palpatine Chancellor itself. According to \\ "Order 66 \\" all the Jedi, including Ki-Adi-Mundi, were declared the enemies of the republic. Clones could not not fulfill the order - it was laid in them when creating. When Ki-Ady-Mundi rushed into an attack, deciding the story of soldiers behind him, bakara and his soldiers shot him from his back. Fa
Title: Commander Clone
Service Place: The Great Army of the Republic \\ "You know, I do not like clones - and the Fai is even less \\" - Queenlan
Commander Fae was created and trained on the planet Kamino. He was among the first hundreds of clones that were chosen by Alpha-17 to pass through his training program, if you believe the observations, then Fai often had disagreements with the Jedi Mentors.
Since the Clonic War reached his final, Fae was chosen by the commander of one of the three elite battalions, the other two were under the leadership of Neoo and Bad Commanders. They were collected for the battle at Saleuk, where separatist forces built a base for cloning Magrukai warriors. The main forces of the republic were under the leadership of the generals of OPPO Rancisis and Queenlan East. While the battle against Margukai was raging, large republican combat ships from the orbit dispelled the factory for cloning in dust. Their victory in the battle at Saleuk was overshadowed by the death of General Ranxis from the hands of the Dark Jedi Sory Bulk.
After his success at Saleuki, the Commander Fae was given under the leadership of Jedi Quinlan Ere, and they were sent to the cashiology as part of the elite parts under the command of Master-Jedi Yoda, and Marshal Commander of the 41th Elite Legion, Gr.
When the forces of separatists moved to the city of Kashiro, Fae, Gri and Jedi were already waiting for their appearance. When the battle for the city reached its apogee, the Commanders of the Grey and Fae received \\ "Order 66 \\".
Acting without hesitation, Fae and his people moved against the Jedi Luminary Anduuli and Queenlan East before they managed to understand what was going on. However, it was also unexpectedly turned out for the Grey Commander, as he was beheaded when he tried to kill the master of Yoda. With the death of Grey, the hardest burden of protection of protection on casciars, as well as tracking the surviving Jedi Palo on the shoulders of the Fai Commander.
The search for a fugitive eight, who miraculously managed to survive, led to the Faja and his fighters from the troops of Bheji in the depth of the jungle of Cashiak, where he met his fate at the end of the Laser Mike Quinlan Ere. Private Svitche
Private Switch. The switch is also \\ "softly \\" struck his fellow teachers in the technique. And they attached to the Cody after the battle of Yume-9. He uses courage and anger in battle. His favorite phrase: \\ "Here it is necessary to be friends with Sir's appliances." Commander Fox.
Commander Fox. Fox and Ponds are similar to each other as two drops of water, because they are brothers with him. Fox is an excellent fighter and always serves to different senators. It is very rarely found with Ponds and therefore we almost do not see them together. \\ "Salag \\"
\\ "SAGA \\". On the first task, he was bad or mentioned. But then he understood everything. The rules helped him conquer respect among clones and even in Sergeant. After the 1st task, he was attached to Sergeant Kano. And then followed him all the time . Sergeant Bumer.
Sergeant Boomer. Bummer Gets Captain Rex and is devoted to him. He is endowed with a sense of humor and loves Sabotaja. He drives a detachment that most often fights in the jungle. Bummy loves the tactics of Masovoy defeat. And the main thing he will never tell one word if you can say ten words. Sergeant Kano.
The sergeant has already tested soldiers and a very led by General Keith Fisto. On 69 tasks, he got a detachment \\ "beauties \\" who just entered into battle. He likes to go across and this tactic has always surprised him by the general. Ordo Skirata
\\ "Severate pity for soldiers. Nobody uses us. And a clear vision of the goal is the power. \\ "
? Ordo Skirata Bardana Jouysik Zol-11, known as the Ordo Skirata, was an elite intelligence team of the Great Army of the Republic at the time of the clone war, conflict between the Galactic Republic and the confonsement of independent systems. ORDO was one of the surviving elite speakers of class zero, Klonom Dzhango Fetta, the Mandalorian hunter for heads, known for its reputation as the best in the Galaxy. He and his counterparts were rejected by the Kaminoans and were to be destroyed because of their unpredictability and not obedience to orders. But they were saved by the Mandalorian instructor, Sergeant Cal Skirata, hired by Django Fett. Skirata intervened and saved small zeros, and later he began to train them himself, teaching them the traditions and culture of Mandalorian. Skirata called the boy Ordo, in honor of the famous Mandalor, the rank of Ordo. During the war of clones, Ordo participated in a variety of successful operations against separatists. During one of the missions, he met and later married Besny Vennen, an employee of the Treasury Department of the Republic, working secretly in the center of Logistics Var. Throughout his debt, ORDO and his brothers secretly looking for a way to stop the process of accelerated growth. They secretly stole all data from all well-known cloning organizations and companies, even stolen to Sai and Ovolt Quille Uten to understand the data and find a medicine. After the Supreme Chancellor Palpatin issued an order 66, the order to kill all the Jedi, the Ordo deserted from Var and flew to Mandalor with his family. Zero-11, more known as ORDO, was one of the first clones created by the Kaminoans as a prototype for the Great Army of the Republic. Ordo and his brothers were clones of the Mandalorian hunter for the heads of Django Fetta, who was considered the best in the Galaxy. From the twelve clones survived the incubation period only six. They passed initial training and physical simulators, and showed a high level. But the psychological test claimed that they are unguarded and not predictable to participate in the battle, which forced the Kamino quality control to assign them a class zero. When they were almost two years old, the clones were represented by the Kaminoan scientists in front of Fett and Calle Skirata, one of the hired Mandallarians in Fett, for training clone-commanders. Django and Cal were informed Obuena, about the "deviation" of zeros, to which Cal expressed his discontent about the murder of children and began to demand to give him a learning. During the dispute, Brother Ordo, Merl, snatched Cala's little blaster from the boot and threw his Ordo. Grabbing Blaster, Ordo, directed him to Obu, but did not shoot him. Skirata still managed to persuade the Ordo to give Blaster, and Fett agreed with the Kaminoan about the "adoption" of zeros of the Skirata. Later, Skirata personally began to train children. By order of Cal, zeros were isolated from other clones throughout their workouts. Clones only saw zeros around the city of Tiphill, when those steam equipment or sabotized systems. Darman, a member of the Omega squad, remembered that the zeros studied every centimeter of the city of Tailor. Sometimes, not a modified clone of Django Fetta, Bob Fett, was angry at zeros and said that his father would beat Cal then when he wants. But the Ordo took the action, the junk head of the beans in the toilet. \\ »Ord` Ordo? Caprice again, yes? Come here…\\"
? Cal Skirata is trying to reassure Ordo and zeros after ten years of study on the firewood, ORDO and zeros were deployed as elite commondes in the battle on geonosis. This battle began the beginning of the main conflict between the Confederation of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic - known as the clone war. After the battle, since no one could manage zeros, they were sentenced to freeze in stasis chambers. Zeros were frowning frost, like ERK class alpha, which were frozen to the battle for the fireily. They expressed their discontent, closing in the barracks of the SE brigade of the SO brigade, thus starting an armed siege. Despite the fact that they were six of them were able to keep the detachments of special forces and the power of the KSB (the coruscant security service). General Iri Kamas refused to destroy all the barracks to neutralize six zeros. In return, he sent Cal, so that he calmed his "children." Cal agreed, but with no condition. First, he asked him to be returned to Var, as well as forced Kamaha to promise that no disciplinary measures would be applied to zeros. Pruges Skirata
Attention spoilers (for those who have not yet read the books series Republican Commandos) Pruges Skirata, previously known as Zero-5 or H-5 was one of the six Elite Class-Commando Class Zero, created for service in the ranks of the Great Army of the Republic as a lieutenant. Thanks to genetic intervention, Pruges, as well as his brothers, had a stronger muscles, photographic memory and according to intelligence data, at least 35% higher level of intelligence than other clones.
When he and his brothers were 2 years old, Cal Skirata saved them from the destruction of the Kaminoan scientist. After that, Pruges obeyed only Cal Skiratu. After the battle for Geonosis, Pruges and his brothers were decided to freeze, because they did not listen to anyone except Skirata. Cal saved them from frost and zeros became an intelligence agents who served in the team of special operations under the command of General Jedi Arligan Zeya, as well as in the "Personal Army Skirata \\", finding the foundation of the Kaminoan scientist for cloning to Sai to stop the aging process. Pruges specialized in the sabotage factory for the production of droids. After he became an intelligence agent, he spent the first year of war in the mission to sabota the main factory in the production of droids throughout the galaxy. Pruges visited 49 different planets and possibly interrogated and killed the main metallurgists of the separatists, which gave him answers to vital issues on the metallurgical structures of droids. Instead of blowing factories, Pruges developed its own method, which could not be discovered by separatist quality control. I called this method by the "patented Pruge elimination method." Pruges wore Specialized armor ERK with Stealth coating, which DROIDS could not find, which helped without much difficulty to penetrate the factory unnoticed. He opened the main computer and changed the composition of the alloy, adding 5% of the carwanium into it. On the battlefield, the droids were out of order when hit from any weapon. Its sabotage missions were so successful that the number of dead droids clones on the battlefield increased from 1:20 to 1:50 for the first year of the clone War.
After 460 days after the Battle of Geonosis, he trained Klono-Commando RK-3222, according to the nickname Atin, on the alante, its sabotage method. Together they penetrated the droids factory on Olanhet, who had a great strategic value and hacked the main computer. Attens later returned to the coruscant and taught the Omega detachment with a new sabotage method while Pruges continued to work. In addition, Pruges later joined his brothers in searching to Sai.
At the end of the wars of the clones, Pruges moved to live to Cala Skirate in Kirimarut on Mandalor.
\\ "Pruges \\" means \\ "shadow \\" on Mando`a. He freely speaks on Mando`a, because Cal Skirata taught this language of all ERK class zero, as well as culture.
Pruges hated when clones called him \\ "sir \\" or \\ "lieutenant \\" because he was firmly sure that all clones brothers, even Erk class alpha, who were always conflicted with scratch. Atina has the impression that Pruges are somewhat older than its Ordo brothers and formes.img1 | /_pu/1/40049862.jpg || img2 | /_pu/1/14998972.jpg || img3 | / _pu / 1/25909819. jpg || img4 | /_pu/1/89228073.jpg || img5 | /_pu/1/21626732.jpg || other_3 | 1299399039 || other_7 | [Email Protected]

A set of a young artist with an easel is a plate of plastic, inside which there are 176 accessories. With their help, you can draw both in liquid and dry techniques. Such a gift will certainly have to do with students of art schools and children who have abilities or love for drawing.

Set for fine art with an easel consisting of 176 items

Children's set Young artist is an excellent option for a child who is just learning to draw. Among the 176 items there are pencils of various species, paints, markers. This set allows you to try in practice various drawing styles without unnecessary financial costs.

The kit includes objects for drawing. high Quality. Storage in the suitcase avoids the loss of important components of the set. Moreover, the child will be accustomed to order, folding all attributes in place. But most an important point Is the ability to develop the ability to work.

What is good such a gift

· A set of a young artist allows you to reveal your talents for both children and adults;

· It contributes to perpetuity, helps to develop abstract thinking and imagination;

· The kit includes 176 items, among which there is everything you need, including additional accessories like scissors;

· Built-in easel allows you to draw, not departing from the case;

· The suitcase is mobile and convenient for storage;

· Attractive cost.

Opening the case, we recommend remembering the location of items in it. This will allow you to pack all the places in the future. It is convenient to use cells to use small children - they are designed to be accompanied on small fingers.

ATTENTION Beware of fakes!

This set is a popular product, so many online stores use it and sell not quality goods.

First, often exposing photos of the original set in the end deliver a product, which even externally differs completely from the position posted on the site. Secondly, many know more familiar with such a problem when pencils, crayons or paint are bought and when they are used immediately it becomes clear that they are low-quality (unpleasant smell, quickly break and dry out).

Unfortunately, when buying such a creative set, you can encounter the same problem. As a rule, such options are sold much cheaper than quality product. And the low price, if you can say so, the only plus of such proposals. Be careful in your choice.