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How to make a purchase with aliexpress. How to buy on Aliexpress for beginners: registration, detailed step-by-step instructions

Making purchases over the Internet is very convenient, especially when you are a busy person and you have no time to run around the shops in search of the necessary thing. In addition, online shopping is still a great opportunity to save money on purchases. Among the many online stores, a special place is occupied by a huge online hypermarket, which presents various products from the world's best brands. However, for a person who first visited the site of this online store, it will be quite difficult to understand how to make an order on Aliexpress... In this article, we will tell you in detail how to arrange it for the first time.

It is on its basis that we will write in this article step-by-step instructions for placing the first order on Aliexpress.

When the main page of the site opens in front of you, the first thing you should pay attention to is registration. If you are just a guest of an online store and are not going to buy anything here, then you do not need to register, but if you want to make purchases, you still have to log in, otherwise you simply cannot order anything.

How to register on Aliexpress?

In the upper right corner of the main page of the online store there is a special "Login / Register" tab.

By clicking "Register", you will be redirected to the next page of the site, through which the authorization process will take place. Please note that some of the questions that you will need to answer in the questionnaire are written in English language... So that you understand what to answer, in the screenshots we have made a translation of these questions for you. So, when the registration window opens in front of you, you will be asked to go through it in two ways:

If you have a Facebook page, then log in through it. It is very convenient and, moreover, saves time several times. A window will open on the screen to confirm the registration, you will need to click the "OK" button.

Then the site will automatically go to the main page of the online store, but only in the registration tab, your name will already be displayed. Please note that it will be written exactly the same as on your Facebook profile.

Although it is necessary to note some negative nuances that may arise if you register through social network... Unfortunately, today there are more and more cases of hacking of accounts in social networks. If this happens to your account, then you will automatically lose access not only to it, but also to your personal account on Aliexpress.

If you only have an address Email(e-mail), then you need to use the second method of registration on the site. How to fill in an email address on Aliexpress? Just enter it in the appropriate line, if you don't have it either, then start it using Yandex, Google, Rambler, or any other services.

Below e-mail you enter your personal data - name (in full form) and surname exclusively in Latin letters. Then the system will ask you for a password, which you will need to come up with yourself. It must be at least six characters long. You can use any letters and numbers, but in order to avoid hacks, for your own safety, come up with strong passwords that do not consist of your name or date of birth. This password must be confirmed by entering it one more time in the appropriate field.

After that, you will need to enter a captcha - a special cipher that confirms that not a robot, but a living person is working on the site. It is usually displayed as four Latin letters. You just need to duplicate them in a specially designated place. If it is poorly displayed or you cannot make out a symbol, which often happens, you can click on the "Update code" button and a new combination of characters will appear in front of you.

Thus, if you are an experienced buyer of goods over the Internet, then it will be easy for you to understand the basic principles of placing an order for Aliexpress when you visit its website for the first time. Indeed, in fact, the scheme of this process is the same as in many other online trading platforms. If you don’t have much experience in online shopping, then we will summarize all of the above in this article. So, the first purchase is not done like this:

  1. You register;
  2. Look for the desired product and add it to your shopping cart;
  3. Transfer money for an order on Aliexpress;
  4. The online hypermarket verifies your payment;
  5. The seller sends you your order;
  6. Across certain time you receive your parcel at the post office, which you indicate during registration.

Video "How to place an order on Aliexpress"?

Detailed step-by-step instruction by ordering goods from the Aliexpress website, where you will learn how to register, add an address, how to search for goods and pay for purchases.

Step-by-step instructions for ordering goods from Aliexpress

Step 1 Registration, if you have already been registered before, then proceed to the next item.

How to register on AliExpress

In this step-by-step instruction, you will learn how to properly register for aliexpress in 2019.

If you are already registered, you can proceed to the next step of the guide.

The first stage of registration for aliexpress has been completed.

Step 2. Specifying the delivery address.

How to fill in the delivery address correctly

  1. On the aliexpress website, go to the section My Aliexpress... To do this, hover the mouse over your profile and select "My Aliexpress" from the drop-down menu. Or you can follow this link and you will be taken to the section for editing the address.

  2. After going to "My Aliexpress", go from the left menu to the section Delivery addresses... You can also get to this section from this link.

  3. We proceed to filling in the delivery address.
    What language should I fill in my shipping address on Aliexpress?
    All information is filled in English letters, that is, transliteration.

    For convenience, you can use the service for translating text into transliteration, for example:

    An example of the correct filling of the delivery address:

    More details:

    • Receiver name- You need to enter the full name without abbreviations (for example: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich)
    • Country / Region - You will need to select your country or region from the drop-down list. For example, if you are from Russia, then indicate "Russian Federation", and if from Ukraine - "Ukraine".
    • Street, house, flat- Write the name of your street in transliteration and a house number separated by a space, then, separated by a hyphen, indicate the apartment / room number. For example, if you live at the address - Lenina street, house 66, apartment number 228, then indicate like this "Lenina 66-228".
    • Territory / Province / Region- Select a region from the drop-down list. For example, for residents of Moscow - Moscow, for residents of Komi - Komi respublic. For residents of the Republic of Crimea - select Other.
    • Town- Write the name of your city or settlement transliteration. Example for residents Crimea, indicate Krim.
    • Postcode- Please provide the postal code of your post office. You can find out the index number on the official website of the Russian Post, you will need to enter your address. An example of a postal code for residents of one of the Moscow branch 101001.
    • Mobile phone- Enter your phone number. By the specified number phone, they will be able to contact you, for example, to clarify the time when you can meet the courier or report any delays in delivery.
  4. After filling in all the data, click the "Save" button.

Done, now we have correctly filled out the delivery address for aliexpress.

How to buy on AliExpress

(NOTE: If you decide to just add an item to your cart and continue shopping, repeat steps 1 through 4 to add more items. To place an order, click Cart in the main menu at the top of the screen, then click Buy All .)

How to pay for an order

How to get a purchase from Aliexpress.

First, we are waiting for the seller from Aliexpress to process, pack and ship our order.

From this moment the Delivery Time counts down, that is, 15-50 days. By tracking, you can track the status of the parcel. It first hits China Mail and will be tracked at This means that the seller actually sent our package. Then it takes a long time before it gets to Russia and starts being tracked on Russian parcel tracking sites.

Please note the delivery time for purchases from Aliexpress. A week before the end of the term, Aliexpress will begin to inform you that they say confirm the receipt of the parcel or open a dispute. If you ignore such letters and do not confirm receipt, or do not ask the seller to extend the period, or do not open a dispute, the parcel after the end of the delivery period will be considered received AUTOMATICALLY! Therefore, indicate a real email when registering and check your mail.

PLEASE NOTE: After the shipment of the goods, you will receive a letter saying that the package has been sent. The letter will contain several links. One of the links leads to confirmation of receipt of the goods. DO NOT click on it. Be careful. Sellers on Aliexpress use different ways delivery, many beginners do not understand how it all happens.

Aliexpress is a marketplace for individual sellers to sell products. They separately have nothing to do with Aliexpress. Agreements are made between you and the seller, and Aliexpress acts as an intermediary. He keeps the money in confirmation of your purchase. A dispute should be opened in the following cases: you have not received the goods, and the protection period expires. The main thing is to open a dispute By the end of the protection period. you received the wrong product that you ordered you received a defective product does not confirm receipt of the product until you carefully check the quality and functionality of the product received !!!

If after reading the article you still have questions, then register first, click the buttons, look at the products, and when you have any questions - come back!

Shopping on Aliexpress is made by visitors from all over the world, including Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Crimea, etc. Since the online store is Chinese, many visitors have problems with placing an order for Aliexpress, which is associated with the difficulties of translating into Russian and other difficulties.

For those who are just getting acquainted with the advantages of online shopping, we have prepared instructions on how to correctly place an order on Aliexpress step by step.

Registration on Aliexpress

1. The first order on the Aliexpress website begins with registration. We go to the main page of the online store and in the upper right corner we find a window with the words "Login / Register".

2. Click on the word "Registration". The data entry field opens automatically. It is necessary to indicate:
a. E-mail address. Enter only a valid e-mail! It receives confirmation of payment for orders, information about shipment, etc.
b. Name and surname. They are entered only in Latin letters!
c. Account login password. Think carefully about this point. Make the password difficult! Use at least one uppercase letter, numbers, and other valid characters. This is necessary to protect your account from hacking.

3. If the data is entered correctly, you will see a corresponding notification. A few seconds after that, the site will automatically return to the home page. You don't need to confirm your registration!

Selecting an item and adding to the cart

1. Now the most interesting thing is the choice of purchases. If you do not know the exact name of the model or want to see the entire range, use the large catalog on the left. Products are divided into categories. Just pick the right ones!

2. If you are looking for something specific, use search bar... Just enter the exact name of the product, for example "cover for Lumia 625" and hit the red search icon.

3. We get the first search result. Due to the peculiarities of translation from Chinese into Russian, the selection may contain not quite suitable products.

4. We fix it with filters.
a. Price. We indicate an acceptable price range.
b. Free shipping. Choose it if you want to save money. However, not all products can be delivered free of charge!
c. Only by the piece. Check this box to avoid accidentally ordering a bulk order.
d. Rating stars. We sort by user rating. The more stars, the better the product.
Additionally, sort the list by price or by seller rating. The cheapest products from trusted suppliers will be at the top of the list.

5. Choose the product you like and go to its card. Photos give a more vivid picture of the product. We choose color, size, quantity and other available parameters. The card also indicates the approximate delivery time (usually comes faster) and the method of sending. There is also a link to product reviews.

Placing an order and entering a postal address

1. If the product is suitable, add it to the cart or click "buy now". Use the shopping cart if you are buying more than one item. So you can place them in one order.

2. If you are buying a single item, click Buy Now. The order field will immediately appear in front of you. Please provide your shipping address first. Use only Latin letters to fill in the fields! Be careful when ordering to Moscow and St. Petersburg. The fields "State / Province / Region" and "City" are filled in the same way!
The address you specified is automatically saved. You do not need to enter it on subsequent purchases.

3. Check the details of the order: delivery time, cost, package contents, etc. If there are coupons available, it's time to activate them. They are bought on special sites or received as a gift from Aliexpress when making a certain number of purchases. When everything is checked and entered, click on "place an order".

Payment for the order

1. Automatically go to the payment window. Choosing a way to transfer funds. The site offers several options:
- Payment by bank cards VISA or MasterCard
- WebMoney– QIWI Wallet
- Yandex money
- Payment from account mobile phone
- Cash payment
We have chosen the simplest one - payment by credit card.

2. Enter the required data and click "pay now". The map can be linked to the site. Then the next time you purchase, you will not need to enter its details.

3. If everything went well, a payment confirmation window will appear. And a confirmation of the payment will be sent to your mail.

4. It's almost done! The order will be processed for some time. You can check its status in your personal account in the "My orders" section. The status "payment is being verified" means that the seller has not yet reviewed the application and has not sent the goods.

Order cancellation

If you decide that you still do not need this product, cancel the order. Click on the appropriate button, indicate the reason for the refusal and click "Submit". The order will be canceled.

Waiting and tracking parcels from Aliexpress

1. If the item is still needed, please be patient. After a while (less than a day) in the "Order status" section, information about the order status will appear (in stock, preparing for shipment, shipped).

2. Track your parcel. Its path is shown schematically on the site. As soon as the parcel is recalculated to the Russian border, track it by the identification number on the Russian Post website.

Buyer protection on Aliexpress

While waiting for your order, study the page. There is a clause "extend buyer protection" here. For 60 days, the buyer is protected by the unspoken consumer law. That is, he can complain to the seller about a long delivery, about a lack of delivery, about receiving a low-quality or damaged product. As long as the protection is in effect, the seller is obliged to return the money or exchange the goods for a new one.

Receiving a parcel by mail

1. As soon as the item reaches your post office, you will receive an e-mail. Wait for a notification from the mail or go there yourself. To receive a parcel without postal notification, you need a passport and order number.

2. At home, carefully unpack the box. If it looks suspiciously small, dented, its integrity is violated, shoot the process with photos and videos. This way you can prove to the seller that the order arrived damaged.

What to do if your package is damaged

Have a complaint about the product? We write to the seller. In your personal account on the website, in the orders section, click the "open dispute" button. Here you can complain to the seller, provide photos and videos of the inappropriate product. As a rule, sellers respond quickly and always try to help.

Confirmation of an order

After everything is settled, we select "confirm receipt of goods". This ensures that you agree with the status and content of the order and have no complaints. If at the time of clicking you still have Buyer Protection in effect, it will be automatically deactivated.

To ensure that your purchases are always successful, be sure to study detailed descriptions products, reviews and user ratings. One more important rule- pay attention to the dimensional grid. By following these simple rules, you will enjoy a good shopping experience.

AliExpress is the largest Chinese marketplace that sells various goods for European countries. Today this site is extremely popular in Russia, as here you can buy various items at very low prices.

However, despite the popularity of the site, many users still do not know how to place an order on Aliexpress.

Before making a purchase, you need to log in to the site and fill out the delivery address information. It is important to indicate the real address of residence, since it is to this address that the ordered parcels will arrive!

How to place an order on Aliexpress, a detailed algorithm:

  1. First you need to go to Personal Area on the site. After that, go to the "My Orders" section.
  2. In the window that opens, find the "Delivery addresses" tab and click on it. On the page that opens, you must specify the exact delivery address. Moreover, you can specify several addresses at once if you want to order something for your friends. After filling in the information about the place of residence, you can proceed to checkout.
  3. To buy the necessary products, just click the "Buy" button, which is located next to the product icon. After that, the order registration window will open.
  4. Select the delivery address you need here.
  5. After that, you need to make a payment for the purchased products. To do this, choose a method that is convenient for you and follow the instructions.
  6. After payment, the order will be sent for processing, during which the seller will pack your purchase and send it to the postal service. After processing, the goods will be sent to the specified address.

It is also important to understand how to confirm receipt of an order for Aliexpress. This action will allow the seller to receive money for the item. Don't forget yet.

How do I get a discount on my first purchase?

AliExpress - offers every new user the opportunity to use a coupon for their first purchase. The size of this coupon is - 4 dollars... You can use it to pay up to 90% of the cost of the first purchase.

You can read below how to place an order for Aliexpress for Russia using bonuses. These actions will help you save money while shopping.

The process of getting a coupon for your first purchase:

  1. Go to the official website of the AliExpress marketplace. On home page site, you will see a window offering you a coupon for $ 4. Press the button "Get" and you will be sent to the registration page.
  2. After registering on the site, you will need to go to the specified email address. An email will be sent there with the activation of the coupon. By clicking on the link in the letter, the coupon will be activated, after which it can be used.
  3. In order to use a coupon, you must put a tick in the "Apply coupon" item when placing an order. After that, a window will open in which all available coupons will be indicated.

Every user should understand how to place an order on Aliexpress using coupons. In the future, discounts can be won or received for points.

Placing an order for Aliexpress is gradual. Before you receive the shipped parcel, it will go through two stages: processing and finding the goods in transit.

Processing process:

  1. Immediately after completing the payment, the purchase goes into processing mode. During this process, the seller must pack the item to be sold and send it to the postal service.
  2. The processing time directly depends on the seller. On average, a transaction is processed within two to three days, but in some cases, processing can take up to 30 days.
  3. Also, sometimes there are such cases that the seller does not have time to send the parcel at all on time. In this case, the money paid for the goods will be returned to the buyer. To avoid such a problem, contact the seller and find out about the reason for the delay, since due to workload, some sellers may simply not notice the order. Also, if necessary, the buyer can extend the processing time.

  1. As soon as the seller sends the parcel to the post office, the processing process ends and the parcel is sent to the specified address.
  2. The delivery time of the ordered goods depends on the choice of the postal service. So, free postal services usually deliver goods within 30-50 days and paid services deliver in 2-3 weeks.
  3. While the package is in transit, the buyer can track its path. To do this, you need to go to your personal account and go to the "My Orders" tab. Having selected the required order, click the "Track" button. The window that opens will provide information about the location in this moment your parcel.

Receiving an order from Aliexpress:

  1. As soon as the parcel is delivered to the post office at your place of residence, you will receive a notification, after which you can pick it up at any time.
  2. In some cases, the alert may arrive several weeks after delivery or may not arrive at all. So, it is recommended to track the parcel yourself. As soon as you see that the product has been delivered to the post office, you can come for it without waiting for a notification.

The user places the first order for Aliexpress with caution, but with the subsequent purchase, the actions become confident.

What to do if the order for Aliexpress has not been sent,

Processing time and order protection for Aliexpress:

How to confirm an order on Aliexpress? After the buyer has received the ordered goods, he needs to confirm the completion of the transaction. To do this, you must press the button to confirm the transaction, which is located in the "My orders" section.

What if I confirmed receipt of the order by accident?

Accidental confirmation of an order for Aliexpress should not cause panic. The situation can develop as follows:

  • the seller will be honest and the buyer will still receive his goods at the specified time;
  • the product will not reach the buyer for any reason. This may happen through the fault of the seller, or the package will simply get lost on the way.

If the transaction is confirmed, and the package has not reached the buyer, then he will not be able to return the money spent. Since immediately after the transaction is confirmed, the money goes to the seller's account, and the site administration will not be able to return it. However, if the buyer immediately contacts customer support, there is a chance that the money will be refunded.

If you understand how to correctly place an order for Aliexpress, then there will be no problems. Parcel tracking and Buyer Protection make it easier for a Russian buyer and a Chinese seller to cooperate.

Video “How to place an order for aliexpress? How to fill in the delivery address of a parcel with aliexpress? ":

It is very popular with domestic buyers. Despite all the stereotypes that have developed, goods from China serve for a long time, and do not lag behind expensive branded items in quality.

The only and main difference between Aliexpress is the low price of goods and the simple procedure for making a deal. All that is required is just a basic knowledge of a computer and the availability of one of the payment tools for the purchase.

How to register on Aliexpress

Register on AliExpress is not a prerequisite for those who wish to buy on Aliexpress. But, it is much more convenient for registered users to work with the system. Sometimes, such a procedure is completely necessary. Since, for a full-fledged registration, you only need to enter an e-mail address (e-mail), the passage of such a procedure is desirable and simple.

After clicking on the "Register" button, you will be redirected to a page with a special form, in which you must fill in all required fields... It is worth paying attention to the fact that all fields must be filled in in the Latin alphabet. If you go to the site with the purpose of purchasing single goods, then in the Which best describes you field, you must select the End Consumer position. The choice of this parameter corresponds to the fact that you will not buy goods at the wholesale price in large quantities.

After filling in all the fields, you must pass a mandatory check for belonging to living people - enter a captcha. Then you just have to click on the Create My Account button. After this procedure, you will receive an email with an account confirmation link on mailbox... All you have to do is click on the verification button, and you will be able to buy goods on Aliexpress 2019 as a registered user.

The recommended, but not mandatory process is to fill in the delivery address in your profile, after going through the full procedure for confirming and verifying your account. Registered users have some advantages in the store:

  • Users are given the opportunity to communicate with the seller before completing the transaction. This is very convenient when you need to get a discount, gift, or additional information about the product.
  • There is no need to enter the delivery address in the appropriate field every time, you only have to do it once, after which everything will be filled in automatically.
  • Aliexpress has a rating system. Active buyers with a fairly high rating receive more discounts from sellers, and their attitude becomes much better and more agreeable.
  • The Aliexpress Store Reward Program is also a huge benefit. Only registered and verified users can take part in it.

How to order goods on Aliexpress

In order to order a product on Aliexpress, you must click on the button that says "Buy now" or "Add to cart". The choice between these options will depend on your preference. The button for adding to the cart allows you to continue shopping and pay for all goods together, but you can also pay for purchases right away by clicking on the "Buy now" button.

Before clicking on one of the buttons, you will need to select from the provided product characteristics (color, model, size, and other indicators), and also indicate how many units of the product you plan to purchase. Some products may change their price depending on the selected characteristics.

After clicking on the button to make a purchase, you will be redirected to the form in which the order will be placed. In the order form, the user is given the opportunity to double-check the selected characteristics, as well as indicate a specific delivery address. In addition, you can choose a method of receiving a purchase, activate a discount coupon, and leave a comment with wishes for the seller.

Available by default standard method delivery, which does not provide users with the ability to track their purchase, the original name is ordinary. Cheap purchases do not require such an option, but for expensive items it is better to choose delivery with the provision of a track number, the original name of which is registered. This delivery method will add 1.5-2 dollars to the price, but the user will be able to fully track all the movements of the parcel and be completely calm.

Payment methods on AlieExpress

After clicking on the checkout button, the user is redirected to the screen for choosing a payment method and completing this process. You need to select one of the provided, which will be available for the country in which you are located.

  1. Bank card(VISA, MasterCard)- provides for the use of a debit or credit card. This method is the most popular due to its transparency and simplicity.
  2. QIWI Wallet is a very common electronic wallet that can be easily replenished using terminals. He is the best option for users who do not wish to use the cards.
  3. WebMoney or "Yandex.Money"- some of the most popular systems electronic payments. It is a convenient option for those who receive funds directly from them.

Payment for purchases by card is the most popular method used by most of the system's users. Don't worry about the safety and security of your personal data - Aliexpress is a very reliable store with an impeccable reputation! Convenience and reliability lies in the fact that all funds are sent through a secure protocol, and remain in the store's account, reaching the seller only after confirmation of receipt of the goods.

To make payments, you can use any Visa and MasterCard cards that support payments through global network... Users are given the opportunity to make payments in the national currency of Russia - rubles or dollars. Residents of other countries will not be able to pay for the purchase without forced conversion of funds into dollars at the internal rate of the system.

How to track a parcel with Aliexpress 2019

After purchasing goods on AlieExpress, a huge number of users are wondering how to track their purchase or order. For tracking postal items from a Chinese store, users need to log in to the site by entering a password and login.

After authorization, you need to go to the "My Orders" section and select the parcel whose location you want to track. After that, you need to click on the "View data" link that appears. After clicking, a block will open in which you can copy the track number.

This number must be entered in the tracking form on one of the most popular services:

How to open a dispute if the product has not arrived

A dispute is an opportunity to resolve a conflict with a seller in a dispute with a product. Aliexpress is a marketplace that enables the sale of goods to various sellers. it individual entrepreneurs that have nothing to do with the site. Aliexpress is an intermediary holding funds until the buyer confirms receipt of the goods and confirmation of the transaction.

A dispute must be opened in one of the following cases:

  • Your Buyer Protection Time is coming to an end and you still haven't received your package. The main thing is to open a dispute before the end of the buyer's protection period.
  • The buyer received the wrong product at all, which he ordered.
  • The buyer receives a defective product.

You should not confirm the receipt of the parcel until you are finally sure of the completeness of the package and the operability of the order. After confirming the receipt of the goods, the buyer can no longer use the protection of Aliexpress, and open a dispute.

All discussions must be carried out with the seller directly in the dispute opening interface, so as not to resort to arbitration.

In no case should you agree to a refund via PayPal, which will be directed to one of your credit or debit cards. All transactions must be made within the Alieexress service in order to remain under its protection.

If the seller refuses to dispute you, but, in your opinion, the truth is on the other side, and there is irrefutable evidence of your rightness, then the administration of the site can be involved in resolving the dispute. This function is called Claim dispute. The Aliexpress administration makes the final decision on whether to confirm or cancel the dispute.

A special advantage of the platform is the availability huge amount providing an opportunity to save on their purchases in the store Chinese goods Aliexpress.