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Skype android how to create a conference. How to create a video conference in Skype

It is also remarkable in that it allows you to make group video calls - a function that is not available for some similar "dialers" and, of course, for standard mobile calls.

This can be useful, for example, during a discussion of a group project, when it is difficult to explain something through correspondence. Then it will be possible to create a so-called Conference for all project participants. Currently, up to 25 people from all over the world can be added to the general call. Of course, the call will be absolutely free, but do not forget that the traffic load will increase almost in direct proportion, so subscribers with a "weak" Internet may experience certain problems.

How to make a conference on Skype? There are two ways:

  1. creation of a conference "from scratch";
  2. adding participants to the call.

We create a conference "from scratch"

The easiest way to start a new conference is to select the required participants from the contact list on the left by pressing the left key on each one in turn, while holding down the key<Ctrl>. Then you need to click on the right mouse button and in the opened context menu select " Start teleconference».

Even before the start of the call, you can select one subscriber, and then, in the upper right part, press the on-screen button with the person and "plus" sign. A list of available contacts will open, marking which, and you can make a group call in the future.

You can also select in the main menu of the program " Contacts» — « Create new group ". In a new window, you will need to mark the participants who will participate in the call. After creating a group and its settings, click on the image with a handset or video camera in the blue circle.

Adding new members

If the call is already in progress, but it is not a group call, that is, only two are involved in the conversation, this call can always be turned into a conference. To do this, you need, for example, to click on the plus sign in the video window. A list of contacts will appear, from which you will need to mark the necessary ones. You can select the item " Conversations» — « Add people"- and mark the ones you need from the list.

You can add to the video conference and subscribers with mobile or conventional landline phones. Naturally, they will not be visible, but voice communication is possible. In this case, the calls will be paid by the creator of the conference.

Skype is one of the most popular applications for communication between Internet users. The program allows you to exchange text messages, as well as make audio and video calls. Skype appeared in 2003 and has gained great popularity among private ones and. Versions of the application exist for desktop computers, mobile phones, set-top boxes and even most modern TVs... Ease of use has made it the most popular means of voice communication over the Internet.

First of all, they use Skype for using the World Wide Web, which can significantly reduce the cost of a call. In addition, the company offers to use a variety of additional services, among which there are both paid and free. For users, calls to landline and mobile phones worldwide, connection phone numbers, sending SMS and other services. Development today allows you to communicate with several users from different parts of the world at once. What is a conference in connection with several subscribers at once? We will try to answer these and related questions in this article.

Skype conference. What is it?

Skype is very popular with business people who often have to discuss business issues with several clients or partners at once. Besides, common man It is also convenient to talk to two or three friends or relatives at once. This is exactly the problem that the Skype conference solves. We will analyze how to create it a little later, but now let's see how this function appeared in the application.

The history of the appearance of conferences in Skype

Initially, the program was conceived as an analogue of the ICQ type instant messengers popular during this period with the ability to make calls. Therefore, there was no conference on Skype. The developers of the application thought about how to create it a little later, when they realized that people want to discuss many issues in groups. At that time, the Internet speed of most users was rather limited, and it was decided to shift the functions of supporting group communication to the company's servers. This is how skypecasts were born. However, they did not last long, and their format was different from the one offered by the conference on Skype. How to create an alternative to group communication between a large group of people in the company - they did not come up with, and after passing under the control of Microsoft, apparently, they completely forgot. In the program itself, it remains possible to make group calls. A little later, users received the implementation of video conferencing.

Skype conference: how to set up?

Before you start creating a call or video conference with a group, you need to make sure of the technical capabilities. The peculiarities of the implementation of the protocols used in the program are such that the main load will occur on the equipment and channel of the organizer. You will have to take care of a good speed of the Internet connection and sufficient or other device on which the application is installed, for example, for this reason, a conference in Skype on an iPad cannot be organized in video mode.

On almost any platform, you can set up a group call with just a few taps. The easiest option is to simply call one of your contacts, and then select the "Invite to join conference" option for the others, or use the "Add to conference" icon. If you have to make calls to the same group of people quite often, it will be more convenient to save it in your contacts list.


Does a conference call with 100 contacts at once have a lot of restrictions? Unfortunately, no one can answer this question, since the maximum number of participants in a group call is limited. A maximum of 25 people can be added to a voice conference. Communication with several subscribers via video communication is now included in free kit Skype, but you can connect a maximum of 10 people. Also, you cannot use this function for more than 100 hours per month, 10 hours per day, or 4 hours at a time. A number of platforms do not support video conferencing at all, or they can work in a more limited mode, allowing you to communicate simultaneously with no more than five people.

Imagine that you are sitting surrounded by your favorite friends. Everyone communicates, remembers different stories, laughs, shares their impressions. Everyone feels the joy of communication, and it seems that the conversation could go on forever, but the clock is already showing late hour, it's time to part with your beloved company, and often you really don't want to! After arriving home, the unforgettable moments of the evening scroll over and over again in my head. Plans are underway for next weekend, when there will be another meeting with friends.

Conferences in Skype make it possible to communicate both with your beloved friends and with any other person in any region of the Earth. This program is very useful for communicating with colleagues, for work and to facilitate the tasks performed. Colleagues located geographically far away will easily contact you and discuss future work plans. The most important thing is to learn how to make a conference on Skype.

Organization of conferences

At times, it becomes necessary to communicate with several interlocutors, so that each hears the other and can deliver his own speech. To do this, you need to run a program called Skype. After that, the people with whom the conversation will be conducted are determined. On the left side of the program window, you can see a list of contacts, friends or colleagues. Several participants are selected from among them. Gotta hold Ctrl key and click on the selected participants from the list. Then click on the "Conference" button. A line will appear at the bottom of the window where it will be written who was invited to the conversation. At the top, respectively, the nicknames and avatars of the already added participants will be displayed. Now, after you have selected the participants, you can release the button and start chatting. As you can see, the instructions on how to make a conference in Skype are very simple.

What can you do in such a conference?

By uniting users, you can write in the chat located at the very bottom of the window. Printed messages will be sent simultaneously to all contacts added to the conference. Any number of contacts that you want to see in the conversation can use the chat. Communication via calls is the second option.

Other ways to communicate

In addition, there is also an option how to make a conference in Skype with feedback... Each participant will be able to hear the other and speak up. For this there is hotkey For more information, see the "Call to Group" section. Do not forget that communication in will be convenient with a small number of people - no more than 10. If the desire or circumstances require more people, it is better to use special software.

There is another method of that. After clicking the "Add" button, which is located under your avatar, you need to execute the "Create group conversation" command. In a new window that will appear on the top right, you need to drag with the mouse all the contacts selected for communication, and then click the "Call to group" button. Speaking about how to make a conference in Skype on iPad, it is worth noting that any special settings not required.

Adding new users

To add new users to an existing conversation, press the "+" button located on the toolbar in the group conversation window, and select new participants using the new window. To understand who's in this moment says you need to keep track of user avatars in the conference call window. The avatar of the active contact currently speaking will be surrounded by a halo or blinking.

How to make a conference in Skype for a collegiate conversation with the presenter

If there is a need to discuss serious issues in a collegial community, then a certain organization and a leading person at the conference is required. This is all so that the interlocutor does not interrupt the other person and everyone has the opportunity to listen to others. The presenter is in charge of this. The organizer creates the conference itself, invites people and at the end of the speech of one passes the word to the next. Thereby business conferences pass more efficiently.

To follow the instructions on how to make a conference of this type in Skype, you need to select a presenter and send all the participants in the conversation in advance. e-mail... To eliminate unnecessary noise (children's screaming, extraneous conversations, the sound of pressing the keys), confusing the speaker, you need to turn off the microphones for participants who are not speaking at the moment. To do this, press the microphone button below the participant's photo. This rule will have a very positive effect on the overall discipline and cohesion of the entire team. If you need to figure out how to make a conference in Skype on iPhone, you should consider the settings for mobile devices.

Skype is a good tool for organizing conference calls, also known as group calls. Its popularity is primarily due to its free nature and the ability to connect up to 25 participants to the conversation. Therefore, it is worthwhile to understand in more detail the question of how to create a conference in Skype.

Conference calling features

All participants must be in the chat administrator's contact list. Therefore, to begin with, you should make sure that each person is on your friend list before initiating a call.

If a user wishes to add someone who is not a Skype user or someone who is not currently online to the group, they can be added using an established call through a cell phone or landline. In this case, payment is made using the conference initiator's Skype credits.

Before making a conference, you need to check:

  • communication, quality of internet connection;
  • whether the latest version of the program is installed;
  • whether the sound and the operation of other devices necessary for the call (microphone, headset, speakers) are correctly configured.

How to create a chat on a PC?

Skype conference via Personal Computer is created like this:

  1. Open the program and enter account.
  2. On the toolbar, select the "Contacts" item. In the list that appears, select the "Create group" tab, or use the key combination Ctrl + N.

To change the name of the group, you need to open the item "Empty group" and enter the desired name. In the same window, you can add an avatar, change custom settings, configure the receipt of notifications, automatically allow new members to be added to the group via Skype.

To add new members, you need to click on the person's image in the upper right corner, a list of your contacts will drop out. By checking the boxes next to the desired interlocutors, you will add them to your conversation. Only the administrator can add new members, that is, the person who was entrusted with organizing this group. At the same time, as much as he wishes. But no more than 25 people can join the conference, including the moderator. It should be noted that the maximum number of participants makes voice chats not very high quality.

Features for devices with the Android operating system

If your Android mobile device is connected to high-speed Internet or Wi-Fi, you may also have access to a conference in Skype.

Often the owners of such gadgets ask themselves the question: "Why can't I add to the created chat?" If we are talking about video, then the Android OS cannot yet offer its users such a service as a teleconference.

Another reason why the conference cannot be connected is that not all people participating in the conference entered the chat from their mobile devices.

To add a new user to the dialogue, you need to press the plus sign during the conversation and select a specific subscriber.

As far as text messaging is concerned, there are no quantitative restrictions. You can add or remove any friend from your address book.

Thus, Skype remains the most popular program for maintaining communication between people anywhere in the world. If the chats do not work for any reason, you should first check whether you are connected to the group, the network, and whether the application itself has been updated.

Skype is a popular chat software used by millions of users around the world. The program interface is intuitive, but sometimes difficulties arise when creating video conferencing.

How to create a Skype conference on a PC

First, open the program and click on contacts in the menu on the top panel. In the list that appears, select "Create group". You can also create a new group by pressing Ctrl + N.

The whole group has been created. To change the name of the conference, you need to click "Empty group" at the top of the screen. The profile settings window will pop up. Click "Empty Group" again and change the name. Also in this window, you can change the avatar and set custom settings: whether or not to receive notifications about new messages, whether to allow new members to watch the story and who is allowed to join the group.

To add new members, you need to click on the person's image in the upper right corner, a list of your contacts will drop out. By checking the boxes next to the desired interlocutors, you will add them to your conversation. Only the administrator can add new members, that is, the person who created this group.

Also, when talking face-to-face, you can click on the plus sign and add another interlocutor to the current conversation. Of course, IP telephony for small businesses is often ordered, which has more advantages, but sometimes Skype can also be used.

How to create a conference on devices with the Android operating system

The Skype mobile application allows you to be always in touch. To use it, you need high-speed Internet, and better wifi... Unfortunately, at this time, Skype for android OS does not support the video function for conferences, you can communicate only by voice communication.

Another limitation is that all users must go to Skype with mobile device... To add a new user to the dialogue, you need to press the plus sign during the conversation and select the desired person.

Also user mobile version can be invited to an already created conference (no matter where it was created).

There are no restrictions for text messaging. You need to click on the message icon in the lower right corner and select as many interlocutors as you like from your address book.

How to create a Skype conference on iPhone

To make group calls from iPhone, you need the version How to create a conference in Skype on different devices and operating systems.

Skype is a popular video calling software. You can use it to make calls to all corners of the world. Also, the number of participants in the conversation is unlimited, but in most cases, conversations take place between two people. For a larger number of interlocutors, you need to create a conference.

How to create a conference on iPad

Currently, the Skype version for iPad does not support the function of starting a conference. You will not be able to create groups and add interlocutors to the conversation.

You can communicate with three or more interlocutors in text chat, or by invitation to the conference. When you are invited to a conference, you will receive a call notification as usual. You just need to press accept the call and you can chat in a conversation.