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How to restore access to a classmate profile after being blocked on suspicion of hacking? Restoring the profile using the phone number specified in the profile.

How to close a profile on Odnoklassniki for free - in this article we will take a closer look at this issue and you will learn how to do this and whether it is possible.

How can you close a page on Odnoklassniki forever and for free?

The "Close Profile" function allows you to completely block any access to your page by all users. However, you will have to pay for this opportunity. There is no other possibility in the social network. To activate this function, you need to go to the settings and select the item of the same name. After activation, no one will be able to watch your photos and videos, write to you in private messages, comment on posts and put classes. Simply put, users won't see anything other than your avatar. It is impossible to create a private profile on Odnoklassniki for free. But you can use the publicity settings to bring your page even a little closer to a completely closed profile.

How to close a page on Odnoklassniki from strangers for free: instructions

Do closed page as follows:

  • go to the social networking site;
  • log in to the main screen using your username and password;
  • now open the menu by clicking the "More" button;
  • in the menu that opens, click on the "Settings" item;

  • on the new screen on the left side, select the "Publicity" tab;

  • there are three columns here: “only me”, “from everyone”, “only friends”. Depending on the checkbox in one of the columns, a certain group of people gets access to your profile;

  • After setting your privacy as you like, click the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen.

to install initial settings, you need to go to this tab again and click on the "Reset settings" button. All publicity parameters will return to the position in which they are found by default during registration.

Now you know how to close your Odnoklassniki profile from strangers for free. Of course, the described method does not allow you to completely restrict access to the profile, but this is the only option that does not require payment.

Close profile for free

In such cases, there is no need to panic. As a rule, the administration of the social network informs about its decision to close the profile by e-mail or SMS on the phone and explains the reason, and also describes the algorithm for your actions to restore access. If you did not receive messages, carefully examine your mail, including your Spam folder, you probably just did not notice the message. To open, enter the Odnoklassniki website and write a letter to the support service describing your situation.

When creating your account, you filled out a special registration form, where you indicated your contact information. If a phone number was provided, it will take a few minutes to open your profile. A new one-time password from your page will be sent to the phone number indicated on the site, so that you can enter your account and change the data.

If the phone number was not specified, you will have to fill out the form provided to restore your profile. Try to fill in the proposed fields very carefully and not allow discrepancies with the data that you specified during registration, otherwise you may be prompted to unblock your account. After filling out the form, send an application for consideration to technical support by clicking on the appropriate button. In case of a positive decision, a new password from your page will be sent to your e-mail.

How to change profile settings

If your profile is no one, but you need to change the publicity settings, you need to select the "Change settings" function on your page, then go to the "Publicity settings" tab, go to the "Privacy" section and select the desired parameter.

How do I log into another user's private profile?

In order to view a private profile, you must ask to be friends with this person. If your application is approved, you will have access to all the materials of this person, including his personal photos, albums, list of friends and other closed Information, which a person wants to share only with friends. Similarly, you can get into a closed community. You can send an application to the group administrator or join it at the invitation of a member. In the latter case, it will be possible to get acquainted with the group in advance without becoming a member of it. To do this, you can follow the link in the invitation. As you can see, there are quite a few legal and simple ways to open a private profile in

Social network Odnoklassniki provides users with great amount opportunities. On the site you can chat with your friends (you can read about how to add videos to messages), make new acquaintances, post your photos. Odnoklassniki also provide such an opportunity as publicity settings in order to hide their personal information from users who are not in the friends list. However, some people turn on this option by accident and then do not know how to open a profile in Odnoklassniki.

I myself once long ago closed all the information on the page from prying eyes and after quite a long time could not figure out how to get everything back. Therefore, I decided to write an article about this, detailing each step in detail.


In order to open your account on Odnoklassniki and make personal data available to all users, you will need:

Important! You can open your age, your applications, the communities you follow, your marital status and personal photos to all users. You can also allow users to comment on photos or write private messages using the appropriate settings (read how to prevent some users from doing the same).

For a better understanding of the publicity settings and opening your profile there, you can watch a video on this topic.

Via phone

If you do not have the opportunity to use full version site, then you should find out how to open a profile on Odnoklassniki via phone. In order to do this you need to:

Important! In the event that you have used paid service"", You can also open the page through the publicity settings by changing some parameter. However, it should be remembered that you will have to pay again for reconnecting the service.

This is where I want to end the article. I hope that this article was useful for you and you found the answer to the question of how to open a profile in classmates for friends or for all users. Separately, I want to note that if you need to be easily found by your colleagues, classmates or acquaintances, you should always keep your profile open so that they can get acquainted with your personal information and write a message. If, on the contrary, you do not need to be found on a social network, access to the page can only be opened for your friends.

There can be two reasons for blocking a profile.
1. Your profile has been blocked due to your violation of the rules for using the Odnoklassniki resource. In this case, your profile is completely lost and will not be restored.
2. It is possible that your profile has been hacked. In this case, access to it will be restored. You will need to change the access password and adhere to the following rules:
Make sure that in address bar notifications arriving in your mail about new ratings or messages, the words (or ua) were present.
Update in a timely manner antivirus program on your computer.

How to restore access to a classmate profile after being blocked on suspicion of hacking?

There are three methods to restore access to a profile:
Use the phone number specified in your profile.
Use the address specified in the profile Email.
Confirm your phone number.
You can use any of your choice.

Restoring the profile using the phone number specified in the profile.

You will learn that it became possible to unblock your profile when, after your attempt to log into Odnoklassniki using your password and username, you will receive an offer to restore your profile. If you have chosen the recovery method using the phone number specified in the profile, then after three to five minutes you will receive an SMS message to this number. It will contain a code to unlock the block and change the password. New Password use with further access to Odnoklassniki.

Restoring a profile in classmates using e-mail.

If your number is blocked due to hacking, access to it will be impossible for some time.
You will learn that it became possible to unblock your profile when, after your attempt to log into Odnoklassniki using your password and username, you will receive an offer to restore your profile. If you have chosen the recovery method using the e-mail registered in the profile, then indicate its address. After three to five minutes, you will receive an e-mail message containing a sequence of steps to change your password. Use the new password for further access to Odnoklassniki.

Password recovery for classmates ru by confirming the phone number.

If your number is blocked due to hacking, access to it will be impossible for some time.
You will learn that it became possible to unblock your profile when, after your attempt to log into Odnoklassniki using your password and username, you will receive an offer to restore your profile. If you have chosen the recovery method by confirming your phone number, you need to provide your phone number and then confirm it. After three to five minutes you will receive an SMS message to your specified number. It will contain a code to unlock the block and change the password. Use the new password for further access to Odnoklassniki.

I am trying to recover the password via the phone, but the SMS message with the code does not come. What can be wrong?

The message with the code will be sent only to the phone number that you specified during registration and is contained in your profile, or to the phone number you confirmed (if you have chosen this method).
If the phone number is correct, try to get the code again, following all the steps in sequence.

I am trying to recover my password using e-mail, but the letter with the code does not come. What can be wrong?

Check in your mailbox spam. Perhaps the letter was filtered there by mistake.
If the letter was not there either, repeat the request again.
It is better if in your profile, along with your email address, it will be indicated and contact number phone. This will make it easier for you to remove the block from the profile.

A user with this phone number is already registered.

When registering on Odnoklassniki and filling out a profile, you indicate your phone number. This number will be considered as belonging to your profile even if the profile itself is deleted. For another three months, the phone cannot be included in the information data of another Odnoklassniki user.
A new profile using the old phone number will not be activated. In such cases, you must use a different phone number.

The code sent to the phone / email is invalid.

If you have requested a code to unlock the block and change the password, you need to apply it.
The fact is that the code is active only for a few hours, then its validity period will expire and it will not be valid. In this case, the code request will have to be repeated.

What happens to user profiles on classmates who have passed away?

The Odnoklassniki administration can delete such profiles at the request of relatives.
In order to do this, the request must contain the following data of the deceased: last name, first name, country, city and age. The data must match those indicated in the user profile.

The administration does not take any action related to the change appearance pages of such a user and does not disclose information regarding the user's correspondence, his contacts and other confidential data.

My classmates ru profile is "blocked for violating the site's rules of use." What does it mean?

With the help of such a message that you saw when you made an attempt to go to Odnoklassniki, the Site Administration informs that you have violated the Resource Regulations. At the bottom of the page with right side contains the link "Regulations". By clicking on the specified link, you can familiarize yourself with this document.

What is ID (your unique identifier on Odnoklassniki) and why is it useful to know it?

If you go to your page on Odnoklassniki, then activate changing the settings, which is located under the main user profile photo, then you will see the ID as part of the settings. This is the identification number of your profile on Odnoklassniki.
This number needs to be written down, known and kept.
In the future, if your profile is hacked, the Service technical support resource by this parameter will quickly restore access.

After creating a page in Odnoklassniki, the settings you have made allow any network user to view your personal photos, leave comments, rate ratings, and make entries in the forum. I like someone else's interest in personal page not every person. How to make a page in Odnoklassniki accessible only for? The social network offers two ways to restrict access to the page - publicity and private profile.


Setting up publicity is a way to restrict access to a profile by several set parameters. And it's absolutely free. Follow the instructions below:

  • In the main menu, click on the inscription "More" (1);
  • In the drop-down list, select "Settings" (2);
  • A small menu will appear on the left;
  • Select the subsection "Publicity";
  • Two sections will open - "Who can see" and "Allow";

  • When finished changing the settings, scroll down the page;
  • Click on the "Save" icon.

This option for limiting the possibilities of visitors has drawbacks, so a second method was created in OK.

REFERENCE. You can enter the menu for changing settings in another way. Just click on the small image in the upper right corner (1). In the menu that appears, find the line "Change settings" (2) and repeat the instructions, starting from 3.

Closed profile

This method allows you to configure access rights to publications: for unauthorized users, access to the page will be closed, only friends will be able to write messages, comment and rate photos. Service closed profile is paid. To connect, you need to do:

  • Find a short menu under your main profile photo;
  • Select the item "Closed profile";

  • In the pop-up window, click on the icon with the same caption;

  • Check out the advantages of this type of restriction in a new pop-up window;
  • Purchase the service by clicking on the "Buy" icon.

REFERENCE. If there is a shortage of funds on the account, replenish it. Anyone can do it in a convenient way... The most profitable is the transfer of money through a bank card.

IMPORTANT. By purchasing this service, you can get its action for an unlimited period. The cost of the service at the time of December 2017 is 100 OK.

Thanks to simple actions that will take a couple of minutes, you can restrict access to your personal page by strangers by two different ways by making it so that they only enter the profile

Save it to yourself!