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How to format the hard disk in various ways. In most cases, it is resorted to it.

Sometimes there are situations when you need to clean hDD, that is, format it. C, D, E or any other. But in most cases on a logical disk with Windows installed. She will not clear just like that. The remaining complete cleaning is simply.

There are three types of formatting:
  • We do not have any relationship to low-level. After all, it is produced at the plant for the manufacture of configuration using special equipment. IN service center, not to mention home conditions, it will not work.
  • The second formatting method involves dividing the logical carrier into several smaller sizes. That is, instead of one we get two or more disks. Conduct such manipulation only when installing the OS.
  • Third view is high-level formatting. It is divided into two subspecies. In the case of rapid formatting, the files remain in their places, only the file table is updated, and the OS sees the disc empty. It is very convenient when we do not want to fully lose the data or formatting by mistake. With full formatting, all information is erased without a return, in addition, the system checks the device for good condition. If troubleshooting is detected, the data record will not be made.
There are four ways to implement high-level formatting: cleaning the partition windows tools, Through the command line, when installing the operating system, using the system utility.

When formatting OS tools, no extraneous scripts and programs are required. I will go to "My Computer", clasper on the desired disk With the right mouse button and select the "Formatting" item. IN open window With formatting parameters, select the cluster size or file system. But in practice only the Tom label is installed. If you take a tick in the "Fast" field, cleaning will take much longer. After clicking "Start". On the this stage A warning to delete all data will appear, so you need to click "Cancel" if you have not made a copy. If information is saved - clay "OK". At the end of formatting, a message will be released where we click "OK". You can close the window with the parameters - the disk is cleaned.

Another formatting option is performed using the command line. Open "Start" - "Run". Alternatively, we click the combination of "Win" + "R". In a new window, we enter "CMD" and clay "OK". The command line will start, in which you prescribe "Format F", where F is the name of the disc. After the OS, you will require confirmation of the action: y - yes, n - no. Please note that it will not pop up a warning to delete data. In addition, the default formatting will be performed, namely, complete. To spend fast, enter "Format F: / Q". At the end, it will be possible to set the volume label. Just clay "ENTER".

If you want to format the disk, making the installation of Windows, you will need a flash drive or installation disk. We start loading the OS from the physical media, carry out similar actions as if windows installation. When it is possible to select the installation partition, click "Customize Disk". Options will open: "Delete Tom", "Create Tom". You will also see the link "Format Tom". Click "format", choose which section to clean, including one can designate the one where the OS was placed. In this case, fast formatting will be performed. If you do not need to install Windows, you should close the window so that the process is interrupted.

WINDOWS OS Windows 7 can use the mounted system utility. It is enough to go along the path "Start" - "Control Panel", then "System and Security", then "Administration". After press "Creating and formatting sections hard disk" In this menu it is convenient to view which discs and their breakdown are connected to your PC. In it by clicking right key to the desired section and select "Formatting".

Thus, from this article you learned how the hard disk formatting process in Windows is being passed. There is nothing complicated in this, as you can see, fasten your knowledge of the thematic video.

Despite the fact that experts do not recommend engaging in laptops independent repair, occasionally such a need yet appears. Virus action or damage file System Forced to engage in unscheduled treatment of the computer. At the same time, it is often necessary to format a laptop disk.


1. Earlier, transfer all expensive data from a laptop to another computer. Later formatting they will be lost.

2. Preferring a CD or DVD to build an operating system or an easily bootable LiveCD drive, which are allowed to load from the CD-ROM into account of the hard disk of the computer. Record the image on a clean CD on a tiny speed. Check if it is read by a laptop drive. As an alternative for the same purpose is allowed to pre-create blood flash drive.

3. Turn on the laptop and change the download sequence if necessary. In a stationary computer, a similar action is carried out via BIOS, on laptops - by pressing the corresponding F1..11 command key when turned on. The first boot device will prefer the CD-ROM or USB. Connect the loading USB flash drive or insert a CD. Restart the laptop.

4. Later, the definition of the corresponding device will start loading the interface from removable media. You have before your eyes graphic shell. In it, you can easily find access to laptop discs, which will now be able to easily format. If you allow software filling boot disk, for formatting and other operations with hard drives is allowed to use specialized programs with advanced functionality and a comfortable interface, let's say Acronis DISK. Director, the one is often found on the LiveCD disks. They are allowed, say, split the disk into several logical, or, on the contrary, combine them.

5. For reverse installation Operating system on a clean formatted disc Do not forget that drivers for some devices, say, video cards, permissible, have to be searched and installed separately, from the fact that in the distance not all the finished packs of programs are suitable for laptops.

Formatting hard disks It is commonly produced when it is necessary to fully clear all the information stored on them. Formatting all disks - a good method to get rid of viruses and from files, "clouded".


1. Before formatting is welcome to make backups Main files and folders. To do this, they must be copied to every portable information carrier (flash card, CD, portable rude disk, etc.).

2. Later you need to go to the "My Computer" directory and prefer the disk, the one you need to format.

3. By right-clicking on the disk name, call a list of action. It needs to prefer the line "format ...".

4. The "Format" dialog box appears. In the top line displays information about the disk capacity. The initial file system of the disk is further shown. Allowed to set a different file system to which the disk is formatted. After that, there is a string "cluster size". The cluster is the smallest size on the disk for storing one file. The cluster size is set by the mechanical system, but also there is a chance to change it at its discretion. Below the "cluster size" is the line "Tom label" - this is the name of the disk, which is also allowed to change to its (traditionally the name is specified by the manufacturer).

5. Before formatting is allowed to prefer the formatting method. In the format window, 2 energetic formatting methods are traditionally represented on laptops: - rapid (content cleaning). With this formatting method, only the file system tables are cleared, the physical data remains; - apply compression. It allows you to compress the files on the hard disk during the formatting process.

6. When all the necessary parameters are specified, you must click on the "Start" button. A warning window appears that formatting will destroy all files on the selected disk. To start the formatting process, click the "OK" button, for cancellation - the "Cancel" button.

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Helpful advice
It is worth remembering that the frequent formatting of the hard disk causes it damage, as a result, the disk can come into disrepair.

When using a computer, various settings may appear. One of them is the formatting of the hard disk, which is carried out through the BIOS. Many believe that this process unthinkable, but it is not. In order to format a rude disk through bIOS system, it is necessary to do certain operations.

You will need

  • Personal Computer


1. Formatting via BIOS is carried out with a floppy disk. Take and paste it into the drive. Open the "Control Panel" through the "Start", and select the option "Install and delete Programs and windows components" The window opens. Click on the "Boot disk" tab and click the "Make" button. The instruction on the screen appears on. The disk is not difficult, primitive follow each items. After that, turn off the entire computer. Insert the boot diskette into the drive and turn on the computer. If in the Bios itself it is loaded from the hard disk, or from a CD, and not from an elastic disk, then install the boot from the elastic disk.

2. To do this, at the beginning of the download when you turn on, press the "DEL" button. Later inputs in the BIOS, detect the item in the Advanced Bios Features menu and log in to it. In paragraph "First Boot Device.»With the PGDN key, set the" floppy "value. Close the menu with the "ESC" key. Press "F10" to exit BIOS. Make sure the output together with the preservation of the modified parameters with the "Enter" key. Now when you turn on the computer, if the diskette is loaded in the drive, the computer will start loading not from the hard disk, but from a floppy disk.

3. The menu will appear on the screen. With the cursor keys, select "No. 2. START COMPUTER WITH CD-ROM SUPPORT". To confirm the download, press "ENTER". Wait for a couple of seconds. When the download is ends, the "A: \\ ^" command line will flash at the bottom of the screen. Dial on the keyboard: The "Format C:" command, and click again to ENTER. Later, how a warning appears to remove all files when formatting, press "ENTER" again.

4. There may be another option. If the disk is at all the newest, then the message will appear later: "The harsh discs on the computer are not found." Then type the "fdisk" command on the keyboard and press ENTER. The process of splitting the disk on the sector will begin. Make boot section MS DOS. Later reboot Make formatting. Later, this HDD is ready to work, namely to install the operating system. If a floppy diskette is a boot disc, then repeat the input to the BIOS, the one is described above. In the "First Boot Device" line, insert the value "CD-ROM". Later downloads, follow each messages that will appear on the screen. Select either NTFS or FAT32. NTFS is more new file system.

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Formatting hard disk It is the process of giving it a specific storage design of information or file system. At the same time, every information from hard disk erased.


1. Go to My Computer and right-click on a logical disk, the one is going to format. In the menu context that appears, select "Format ...". The settings window opens with the "Format and letter" disk)».

2. In the "Format ..." settings window, you may prefer the file system in which you will be stored information on this logical disk. Select File nTFS systemIf you have the need to work with huge files (4 GB and higher), but at the same time consider that this file system will be recognized only by operating systems based on the NT kernel. If you don't have such a need, you absolutely use FAT file system or FAT32.

3. Specify the name is logical disk In the Tom label field, select the desired formatting methods below: "rapid", "apply compression", later, click on the button "Start".

4. If for some reason formatting is logical disk It is impossible to produce, then install a hard utility on the computer disk mi. One of the most famous utilities in this way is Acronis Disk Director.

5. Run the program and select in it manual mode Work. In the list of local disks, the one that occupies the large part of the program window, highlight the logical disk with the mouse, the one is going to format.

6. Click on the disk with the right mouse button and in the appeared context menu Select "Format".

7. At the top of the program window, there is a toolbar, it activates a pictogram depicting a racing flag with a black and white checkered color. Click on it with the left mouse button, in order to fulfill all the intended tasks. In our case, it is only formatting. The reboot of the computer will not need - the program will fulfill everything rapidly.

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When on a pure rude disk 1st time sets operating system, it, as usual, is divided into several sections. In this case, only the system partition is formatted. Later, the full OS installation when you try to open other hard disk sections, a notification appears that the disc is unformatted. Accordingly, access to it you can not be able. In order, the Winchester was fully ready for work, it is necessary to format sections.

You will need

  • - computer with Windows OS;
  • - Norton PartitionMagic 8.0 program.


1. Pure hard formatting process disk And it is necessary in order to assign the file system to the section, from what it will not work without it. The formatting process itself is a little different from the standard one. Unless it is necessary to strictly prefer the file system.

2. Open My Computer. Right-click on the hard section disk but. Further in the context menu, select "Format". A dialog box appears in which it is allowed to set the formatting parameters of the hard partition disk but. Press an arrow icon near the file system.

3. Now you should prefer the file system, under the control of which will work rude disk . If you have a Windows XP operating system or an earlier version, you will be available FAT32 or NTFS file systems. It is recommended to prefer the 2nd option, because this file system is the most optimal today. For owners of the Windows 7 operating system, only NTFS will be available.

4. Next to check the parameter "Rapid cleaning, smoothing". Later, click "Start". After a few seconds, the hard section disk And it will be formatted, and you will be able to open it. Now this section is entirely ready for work. So you need to format full all partitions of hard disk A (besides systemic, definitely).

5. There are cases when an oversight appears during the formatting process. Norton PartitionMagic 8.0 will help correct such a harness. Download it and install on your computer. Program you can install in any case, systemic tea disk will be available.

6. Run Norton PartitionMagic 8.0. Later launch you will see that in the program window there is a list of all partitions of hard disk but. Click on the Right Mouse section. Further in the context menu, select "Format". Press an arrow icon near the section Type "parameter and select the file system. Click OK. The section will formatted.

When formatting, all data from the section is deleted.

The command line is a powerful tool for managing the Windows operating system. With its help, you can make almost everything that is usually done with graphic interface. In this material, we will tell about how to format a hard disk or flash drive with command line.

Step number 1. Run a command line.

If you want or via the command line, then first you need to run this command line. At the same time, otherwise you will not be able to use the formatting command.

You can run the command prompt with administrator rights in several ways. The easiest option is to use the search in the Start menu. To do this, open the "Start" menu, enter the "CMD" command search, then right-click on the command line and select the option "Start from the administrator name".

If you use the Windows 8 or Windows 10 operating system, then you may not even use the search. Just click the Windows + X key combination and in the Open "Command Line (Administrator)" item appeared.

After that, a warning from monitoring accounts will appear. In order to continue clicking on the "Yes" button.

As a result, you must open a command line with administrator rights. For administrator rights, the Administrator will specify the inscription in the command line header.

Step No. 2. Perform a command to format a hard disk or flash drive.

After the command line with the administrator rights is running, you can proceed to formatting. For formatting through the command line, the "Format" command is used. In order to obtain all the information about this command, enter "Format /?".

In order to format a hard disk or flash drive, along with the Command "Format" you need to use the correct parameters. At a minimum you must specify the drive letter you want to format. For example, here "Format D:". In this case, standard parameters will be used for formatting.

Please note that before formatting a hard disk or flash drive you will be asked to enter the volume label (disk name). You need to enter the current Tom Tag, and not the one you want to get after formatting. You will also need to confirm the formatting of entering the letter Y (from English YES).

The new Tom label can be set after the formatting is completed. If you do not need a new mark, you can simply press ENTER and the system will use for of this disk Standard Tom Tag.

By adding other parameters to the "Format D:" command, you can more finely control formatting. For example, adding "/ FS: FAT32" you can format the disk into the FAT32 file system. And the "/ Q" parameter allows you to quickly format a hard disk or flash drive. As mentioned above, to obtain information about all possible parameters of the "Format" command, you need to execute "Format /?".

Without a doubt, modern users of computers are much more advanced in terms of technology than a dozen years ago. Much has already become familiar. People constantly install some programs, games and updates. With all this, the system hits a huge number as useful softwareand garbage. Users greedily download music and films that occupy all the place on local disks. Therefore, sooner or later, before each user, the question arises on how to format the computer and free the place.


For considerable users, this action can be a very serious problem. Therefore, it will be told that you need to do. It is necessary to warn users in advance that the formatting process will destroy all information on media. That is why it is necessary to perform the operation consciously and extremely neatly.

Disk formatting in the Windows operating system

Perhaps it is worth starting with tools that are built into the OS. Some people complain that the system does not allow cleaning one of the sections. How to format a computer if this happens? In fact, these people are trying to erase the system section of the system from under the system itself. Of course, it is impossible to do. How can system can remove ourselves own forces? From here it follows that the OS can help format only additional partitions on hard drives as well external discs and flash cards. There are three ways in total.

The first: from the conductor of the operating system

How to format the computer in this way? To do this, click on the right mouse button and select "Format" in the context menu that opens. The system should output the corresponding window. Here you can select a file system. Most. optimal option is NTFS, since this system is more reliable and has no restrictions on file sizes. You can leave unchanged. If you need to clean the disk quickly, you need to check it out. After pressing the "Start" button, the cleaning process will begin. In some cases it takes quite a long time, since there may contain a lot of data on the disk.

Second: Using the System Console

This console is called "Disk Management". It can also see all media installed in the computer, their division into logical parts. On the desired disk you need to click on the right button and select "Format". A window opens, which differs from the previous one, but all items here are the same. Therefore, there should be no difficulty.

Third: Using the command line

How to format a computer with its help? A command line with administrative rights is launched. Next is written a command that includes formatting. It looks like this: Format X. Instead of "X", a label is written logical disk. To specify the required file system to the command adds an argument of the form / FS: (NTFS). Then, the ENTER key is simply pressed and the action is confirmed using the Y key.

Cleaning the system disk

How to fully format the computer? To do this, you will need an installation disk with the operating system. If it is available, then the BIOS needs to be downloaded from this media. Some ask how to format the computer through the USB flash drive. If not installation disk, the flash card can be bootable and performed exactly the same actions.

  1. Cleaning with built-in installer software. Everything is very simple here. You need to pass the installation steps and reach the system disk. Next, the disk with the system is selected and the icon is pressed with the settings. The panel with affordable actions opens. There are here and formatting. Upon completion of the cleaning, the OS installation will continue.
  2. Cleaning with third-party applications. Many builds contain additional software for work. There are also utilities for working with hard drives. After downloading one of these programs in the main menu you need to select system Disk And format it. Usually such utilities perform the operation much faster than the OS itself. Now you can restart the computer. All information will be deleted.

As can be seen, all of the above operations should not cause special difficulties. How to format a computer? Very simple. First, all the carriers are cleared from under the OS, except for systemic. Then the system section is already cleared during the reinstallation of the OS or with third-party comfortable utilities. Now the computer is completely empty.

You need to closely monitor what downloads on the discs. After all, these files most often are not used, but simply lie dead cargo. Better to competently dispose of a free space on disks than to resort to formatting, which can destroy valuable custom files. And they are not always restored.

Many users believe that formatting is nothing but a pre-deletion from a hard disk of all data to record new ones. This is true, but in fact, the removal from the hard drive of the data is a side effect of formatting. This procedure is two types: low-level and logical.

  1. Low-level hard disk formatting is done at the stage of its production. At the same time, the "screw" creates a marking required for the correct positioning of the heads.
  2. Logical, executed after it is broken down to sections that are called: Disc D: \\ E: \\, etc. If logical formatting creates the boot sector, file structure and partition table with boot record. All disk space formatted "screw" is divided into clusters.

In addition, formatting can be ordinary or accelerated. Under normal, the file structure is deleted and the battered clusters are checked, which are rejected and in the future for information recording are not used.

With quick formatting, only file table is subject to deletion. All new data is written on top of the old.

Working with Winchester Standard Windows tools

Many ask how to format the hard drive with the means of their own operating system. There is nothing easier:

If you decide to format the Winchestera section, where your operating system is located, then this is not possible to make Windows. This operation must be done via DOS and using any LiveCD.

If you are interested in how to format the hard disk through the BIOS, you should read the instructions to the end and perform all the steps described below.

Under the formatting of the "screw" through the BIOS, you should imply the use of the boot disk, the start of which occurs by setting up the device in the BIOS.

  • Restart PC.
  • Before starting the OS start, log in to the BIOS, select the BOOT tab, where you select the desired device as the bootloader (depends on what carrier is the boot disk).
  • Save the changes and restart the PC.
  • After loading the disk, press the SHIFT + F10 key combination.
  • After opening the command line, type Format / FS: NTFS X: / Q - where x is a necessary partition. For the FAT 32 file system, dial Format / FS: Fat32 x: / Q - where x is a necessary partition.
  • After press ENTER and dial Y. as confirmation as a confirmation.

Now it remains only to wait.

Working with Winchester when installing Windows

Work with Winchester third-party programs

There is plenty software solutions To work with disks. The most popular hard disk program is Acronis Disk Director Suite. It is very simple to use it, it is most often present in various builds of LiveCD.

Questions and answers

  • Several hundred people are asked to our specialists daily: how to make low-level hard disk formatting from a flash drive.

In fact, there are cases when the removal of the virus is required to remove all boot sector. And for this there are certain software, such as, for example, Seatools for DOS. For standard launch This program is created boot USB The media from which the download is loaded and the choice of one of the three types of cleaning of the hard drive.

In fact, a completely low level of such a procedure cannot be called, but the possibility complete removal data with the removal of the zero track and hard sectors The disk, as well as the filling of the entire disk space zeros, is closest to the concept of low-level formatting.

  • How to fully format the hard disk so that the data on it is impossible to restore?

Indeed, even after reformatting, the data can be restored by special software. If you need to permanently remove all the information from the hard drive, for example, when resaled a PC, use the Eraser HDD hardware formatting program.

After downloading the program is immediately ready for work and does not require additional settings. By clicking the Start button, you will see the list of sections of your "screw" below the numbers. Choose the number of the partition that requires full formatting, insert into the window and press apply. After that, you last requiring confirmation of the irrevocable deletion of all the information. After confirmation, reboot, and follow the charring initialization procedure.