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the main  /  BY / Real tested earnings on the Internet without investments. Earnings on the Internet without investments for a beginner from scratch - myth or reality? Practical Tips and Recommendations

Real proven earnings on the Internet without investments. Earnings on the Internet without investments for a beginner from scratch - myth or reality? Practical Tips and Recommendations

Hello, dear readers "Site"! In this article, let's talk about earnings on the Internet, namely, how to make money on the Internet, whether it is possible to earn online without investments (invitations) and which sites for earning the Internet with the output of money exist.

By the way, the best conditions for loans are offered by the following companies:

Rank Compare Time of receipt Maximum amount Minimum amount Age
Purrent time
1 3 min. 70 000 rubles.
2 000 rubles. 23-55 10-168 days
3 4 min. 30 000 rubles.
2 000 rubles. 18-75 7-30 days
4 5 minutes. 20 000 rubles.
1 000 rub. 18-65 1-30 days.
And now let's return to the topic of our article and continue.

For such a type of earnings, you don't even need to be able to be able, the experience will come with the process, only a desire and a little time ( 2 -3 hour a day).

Want to know how to make money on the Internet without investment right now? Then rather proceed to reading the article!

How to make money on the Internet money, whereby to start earnings on the network and what ways to make money on the Internet without investments are popular among users - read right now in our review

1. Features of the Internet for the Internet 📌

Today, more and more people are looking for ways to make money online. The possibilities of this option are practically limitless.

Work via the Internet allows you to receive cash, without leaving home. In this case, instead of office uses its own home. For the organization of the workplace, it is enough to buy a good a computer , as well as provide quality access to the Internet .

Even those who have not yet become very comfortable on the network should not be worried. Earnings on the Internet are very diverse, there will be options for all. Least , 300 -500 rubles A day will be able to earn an ordinary student or even a schoolboy, paying productive work about 3 watch.

At least this amount does not seem very big, but the newcomer is important to understand this area, to study all the possible means of earnings and then boldly choose the specialization in which he will gain knowledge.

Benefits Such earnings:

  • The possibility of flexible work schedule. You do not need to wake up early in the morning, so as not to be late for work;
  • You are myself the boss. When to start a task when you take a break or weekend, where you can work overtime to get additional earnings - all these questions you decide on your own. In fact, this is your little business, where you work only on yourself, and no one has power over you.
  • You are not tied to the workplace. You can work houses, in the office, in a cafe, outdoorEven at the resortwhat is now special popularity - people move to warm countries, settle down there and work via the Internet;
  • Change the scope of activity in which case is very simple. Working freelancer, you can at least every day try something newuntil you find what you like;
  • Income is unreasonable. This is a pure truth, it depends only on your diligence and hard work. Your knowledge and skills are equally important. To get more, you should not be lazy to engage in self-education;
  • A huge number of jobs. You can always be busy, because there are a lot of activities on the Internet.

To become a freelancer, you need to be a disciplined person because the main rule for newbies characterized by phrase "As worked, it worked." . In other words, the earnings are directly proportional to the time spent.

Earning the initial capital, most freelancers begin to think about - the way to invest in the project and earn money on it without active participation.

If you are a creative personality, you have something to say and at the same time will be what will be interesting - you can make your own website and make money on advertising.

However, this method has earnings and serious flaw for these advantages (+), you pay what risks. Freelancer, like any other entrepreneur, can only count on himself and must be as responsible as possible. It may turn out that you will not have customers, or you will laugh and do not work.

Laziness - the main enemy of the freelancer . Many newbies simply cannot force themselves to work regularly without having bosses. Here, no one will drive you stick, so if you do not have other income, you need to remember: if you are lazy, then you simply do not live on .

First of time you will be spent only for the purchase of all skills that are necessary, and the earnings may be small. However, all this experience in the future will become an increase in the coefficient of your productivity, and, therefore, and payment.

Newbie should always remember That only scammers will require your investments. The exceptions are the major freeline exchanges on which there are paid subscription.

If you are offered to pay the master class "How to become a freelancer", " 300 Million $ in nanosecond ", you can be sure about the scammers. Therefore, we recommend reading our article " " is free.

Specialists advise novice do not take for large projects requiring investments, risk .

What you need and how to make money online without investments right now

2. How to make money on the Internet and what is needed for this?

It is worth being prepared for what you will be difficult to make money at first. However, gradually you will grow as a specialist, develop, find connections and customers who may agree with you for continuous cooperation.

It is important first to put a goal and nothopefully, without making any effort, it will be possible to get rich. To make a really good money, you will have to work hard.

It is important to understand what to quickly get rich without any effort promise only scammers. Their interest is not to help the user earn, but in order to take all his funds.

The income level may depend on the sphere that you choose:

  • If you want to earn at the opening of links, likes and other things like this , you will have a very small profit.
  • If you become a web designer or website developer, The picture will be completely different.

But the main factor determining your income is the time spent on work. To receive income on the Internet, without investing money, you will have to work on the network to spend a certain amount of time.

Specialists argue that when daily work no less 4 - Hours per day, It is possible to achieve income equal to the average wage at traditional workplaces.

It should be remembered What succeeds will be able to succeed only to those who have a desire to be strengthened and the desire.

It does not matter that a person knows how, and what skills he has. Interest and dedication are capable of leading material security.

To work online, you will need:

  1. Email. To register on services through which the income is being retrieved, you will need the address. email. If this is not yet, it is worth bothering about creating an e-mailbox. To do this, you can use free postal services;
  2. Online wallet. To get wages on the Internet, you will need money to output somewhere. Very convenient when the service allows you to remove the means directly to bank card. It helps to ensure the convenience of paying salary, as well as the reduction of ↓ commissions. However, not all services allow you to output the means directly to the bank card. In such a situation will be required electronic wallets. Most often used Yandex money and WebMoney . In order not to spend on this time subsequently, it is better to immediately start both. It is very fast and absolutely free.

3. How much money you can make money on the Internet 💸

This is the first question that occurs when searching for earnings on the Internet. However, the unequivocal response does not exist on it. Yield largely depends on production methodas well as quantity of timewhich will be spent daily to work.

Experts warn Those who are looking for ways to make money online: do not trust applications that you can quickly get rich.

It is best to start with small and gradually develop, seeking to increase the amount of income. At the same time, it follows this scope of activity that is interested in the user, develop and receive new knowledge.

Huge importance also has the level of knowledge required to perform a specific task:

  • implementation of unqualified tasks (transition to sites, video and advertising), as a rule, brings no more 50 -300 rubles per day;
  • more qualified activities, eg copywriting, Trading, Creation and Promotion of Sites Create order 15 000 -100 000 rubles per month.

Of course, everyone turns out differently: someone when performing unqualified tasks managed to achieve income within 1 000 rubles per day, and someone even with qualifications do not manage to get more 200 rubles.

The most important thing - never stop at reached and show persistence . Experts lead a lot of examples when at first it turned out to earn very little through the Internet. However, putting efforts, people for several months increased income ten times .

Professionals advise not to strive to immediately get a huge income. It is important to be methodically and gradually move from small to more.

First of all it is necessary Select the area in which there are at least minimal knowledge. After that, it will be necessary to develop and learn, try to study the maximum of information that will help increase the level of income.

Those who seek to get rich in a short time, usually fail. As a result, the disappointment and the lack of faith comes to what to get normal money, working on the Internet, is real. Each error allows you to acquire a valuable experience, which in the future will definitely lead to income growth .

It is important to gain patience and understand that you can make money on the Internet. However, this requires a special approach: to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, as well as to have a desire and be most persistent.

Top 10 popular online seals earning

4. How to make money online - 10 proven types of earnings without investments with money output 💰

The most expected reader and useful part of the article in which we will tell real methods Earning on the Internet without investments . They are already tested by hundreds of people, so there is no doubt that they are really honest and effective.

1) Avito

This place of free ads, located at is the most popular in the country.

Every day the number of visits to this site exceeds a million, as a lot of people are looking for that you can buy more profitable from the hands, or on the contrary, they want to sell something. This site sells things both completely new and already used.

To start making money on Avito, you need to go through registration . It is done very simply and takes only a couple of minutes. You only need to have free phone number and e-mail address, as well as get electronic wallets, eg QIWI , WebMoney or Yandex money .

Sale of your items - the most efficient and fast way Earn money. Agree, most likely you have unnecessary things that you just get lazy to throw out, well, or just sorry. It will be much better to sell them, because they will probably need someone.

To faster selling goods to Avito, observe simple rules:

  1. Show your goods from the best side. We need high-quality photos of things in all details, otherwise someone is unlikely to buy it. People first look at the photos;
  2. It is important to write a good selling text, which will literally call on to buy your item;
  3. Put an adequate price. Here it is important to sell not too cheap, but at the same time the price should not bite and be accessible to other people.

You can sell on Avito not only your own, but also other things:

  • performing the role of an intermediary;
  • by resale products from China.

In the latter case, you need to buy goods at low prices, for example, on Aliacpress , and sell them at a higher price. This method With a competent approach to the selection of goods, it will be a good opportunity to get good money.

Method for 3. Earnings on writing texts

This option is to receive income known to many, try to do copywriting Maybe everyone. However, it is important to remember that this is a full job.

To get a good income on writing articles, you will need:

  • knowledge in a certain area;
  • high literacy;
  • computer skills;
  • time costs;
  • protiability and conscientiousness.

To start doing copywriting, it is best to register on exchange . Such a resource drives together customer and performerAnd also insures both sides of the transaction from unscrupulous counterparties.

Exchange are usually divided into 2 categories:

  1. for beginner copywriters, Here you can proceed to work immediately;
  2. for experienced copywriters, Where you first have to pass the exam on the knowledge of the rules of the Russian language, as well as the ability to express your thoughts.

After passing the preparatory stage will remain a suitable order . Before applying, carefully examine the conditions. If any of the items are not fulfilled, the customer can refuse From acceptance of the order. As a result, time will be wasted.

When the work is completed, it is necessary to send it to the customer. After checking and accepting will remain withdrawing money.

As a rule, the output of money is carried out:

  • on a bank card;
  • on the electronic wallet.

The cost of work is measured in rubles for 1 000 Symbols. Newbies are usually unavailable expensive orders. However, trying to file applications on them still worth it. Earn a lot, performing work at the lowest prices, it is unlikely to succeed.

Specialists warn that when independent search Customer on the Internet and work with it directly bypassing the stock exchange many times increases ⇑ The risk to face fraudsters. By sending the customer's finished work, you can not get paid for it.

In order to get a good income on the stock exchange, you need:

  • run rating;
  • get the maximum number of positive feedback;
  • fill the portfolio with high-quality articles.

Method 4. Earnings on social networks

Such work is perfect for those who are registered and regularly visits various social networks. You do not have to spend a lot of time. At the same time, there should be no difficulties with obtaining income in social networks, each can easily cope with such work.

  • husky;
  • repographs;
  • participation in voting;
  • entry into the community.

It should be understood That serious money will not work in such a way. However, for payment of mobile, Internet and other minor costs are quite enough.

Method 5. Earnings on a group (community) in social networks

Social networks today are enormous popular. This led to the fact that passive earnings in them acquired an unprecedented scale. The main direction of obtaining income is creating groups and communities .

To start earning, you must first create any thematic group and fill it with content.

There are several rules for creating a successful group in social networks:

  1. Placed information should not be contrary to the rules of the social network ;
  2. It is necessary to pay great attention to the selection of published articles. If the community is boring, getting income from it is unlikely to succeed;
  3. Choosing the subject, you should focus on your own interests. In this case, it will be possible to achieve the best quality content.

When the community is created and filled with information, it should be done promotion . For this you can hire moderatorwhich gives a guarantee of high-quality promotion. Exist specialized Servicesthat allow you to promote a group both paid and free.

By deciding to earn money on communities in social networks, it should be borne in mind that the amount of income is primarily influenced number of subscribers, group topic, as well as activity. To get the maximum profit, it is important to create a really interesting community.

Method 6. Earnings on YouTube and your video

This option is suitable for those engaged in video shooting. YouTube. Allows you to get a good income to each user. The video posted on this site is able to generate income. However, it is not necessary to think that removing any video, you can earn great money.

You can earn money on the Internet without attachments with a video hosting YouTube (write interesting videos and upload in Youtube)

To channel on YouTube brought you a good income, you need to do the following:

  • remove an interesting video and pour it to the site. Rollers must be in demand in the audience;
  • conduct a competent split channel. If this is not done, even very high-quality rollers can remain unnoticed;
  • regularly download video on the channel. Just maintaining constant interest in the channel, you can provide stable profits.

To get income on YouTube, it is important to achieve a large number of views of videos. For each 1,000 views you can get about $ 1-2.

In addition, the promoted rollers adds advertising . It allows you to significantly increase the level of income received.

Method 7. Earnings per capped

For profit from entering Capcha, no special skills and experience will be required. You can use this option anyone, even a child. However, such earnings are called many the tallest, as well as low-paid. On the day this way will be able to receive an average no more 100 rubles.

To receive remuneration, you need to register on specialized sites. The user enters the image that needs to be decrypted and introduce a combination of letters and numbers presented on it.

For each captcha, about 3 kopecks are accrued. On foreign resources, remuneration is several times higher.

Method 8. Purchase and sale of domains

Earnings on buying and selling domains are different cyberskVotting . If competently approach this process, you can secure good income.

The principle of work here is quite simple And no different from traditional trading. By purchasing domain name, it is later necessary to find a buyer who will buy it at a higher cost. The most expensive are qualitative meaningful names.

It is worth considering! Often users earn that they acquire domains that previous owners have not paid on time. Often they resell their initial owners.

Method 9. Earnings on the creation of sites

Learn how to create sites can practically anyone. It is enough to spend a few days so that you can do the simplest projects.

You can use one of the popular engines.. However, for their high-quality development will have to spend about a month. A much simpler option for creating a site is free constructors of one-satellite . There will be no special skills here.

For the first resources, it is hardly possible to get a serious income to the user. However, gradually, during perseverance and efforts, it is possible to significantly increase the cost of the projects created. Have to not only Learning, but also competently promote your services. It is important to learn how to search and attract customers, create portfolio .

On average at the initial stage, creating sites, you can earn order 20,000 -30 000 rubles . Over time, income is quite realistic to increase. To this end, you can even open own site development company and hire experienced employees.

Method 10. Earnings on your site

The owners of popular sites receive serious profits. This method of earnings not only does not require any investments, but also able to become the main source of income.

Real earnings on the Internet Thanks to the creation and promotion of your web project (site, blog, forum)

First of all you have to create quality project . For this, it is not necessary to have serious knowledge of the manufacture of sites. In principle, you can use and specialized platformsthat allow you to create an acceptable project on ready-made templates.

The next important step is promotion resource . It is from it that it depends on what place in the issuance of search engines will occupy the site.

The higher the site is in extradition, Top more will be visitors and, as a result, above will be income level.

To optimize the resourcehave to create competent semantic kernel, on the basis of which content will be developed. If you do not want to make the creation and promotion of the site, the web project can be bought on specialized stock exchanges. To do this, you will need small attachments (read also - "much better invest money to earn")

With a high level of attendance, you can achieve serious income from contextual and banner advertising.

There are several ways to monetize your own website:

  1. Publication of advertising articles. In this case, it is not necessary to write independently and acquire the content. It is enough to accommodate ready-made texts on your resource.
  2. Sale of links. On your site in this case, you must put a special link. Purchase and sale are carried out through specialized Exchange.
  3. Contextual advertising. This option is the most popular, even the resources that have a low level of attendance can be used. Enjoy enough advertising code On the site page to get a stable income.
  4. Partnership programs. This option is highway and simple. For advertising on the site, the partner lists its reward owner. Also, if provided, paid percentage of sales Using the link by reference from the site.

Method 11. Earnings on selling links

Site owners can receive income selling links At special sites. Administrators of such stock exchanges are independently looking for buyers and engage in accommodation, which significantly reduces your labor costs. Payment of Link Sales Resource Services can be performed automatically or manually.

The following factors affect the size of the income obtained in this way:

  • topics of the site;
  • position in the issuance of search resources;
  • number of pages of the site;
  • the size of the indicators of TIC and PR;
  • the presence in the directories of Yandex and DMOZ (this factor loses its relevance).

If all the above requirements are observed, you can count on a fairly high income.

So, at the first stage, the site can bring everything 500 rubles, after a small promotion - 5 000 rubles, and when switching it to the status of the trust (using the confidence of search engines) and at all up to 100 000 rubles per month .

Method 12. Earnings on blogging

Today to create your own blog for everyone. The subject can be chosen almost any. But experts recommend to give preference to the sphere that is most clear and close to the creator.

You can highlight several groups of blog income:

  1. Advertising income. Blogs are most often used by several types of it: contextual, teaser, as well as links from direct advertisers in the form banners.
  2. Sale of links. This option is best suited for sufficiently promoted resources.
  3. Partners. The blog can place links to various projects, online stores, other services. Often partner links Bring greater income than other types of advertising.

To achieve a blog of serious income, it is important to make a resource as interesting as possible and useful for target audience. Such sites are visited in order to extract new information, therefore, the content must be meaningful and saturated.

Method 13. Earnings on affiliate programs (referrals)

Partnership programs They are a special tool for receiving income on the Internet, providing for sale. To earn, you will have to interest potential customers and convince them to go to link Partner.

In addition to the transition, it is required that the user makes certain actions. It may be purchase, registration, download other. For each perfect action will be paid in the form of a percentage or fixed amount .

  • own website, a group on social network;
  • acquisition of contextual advertising in search engines;
  • dissemination of the affiliate link for free on various sites and forums.

Before you register with the affiliate program, the conditions and rules should be carefully examined. In some cases, the owners of the link prohibit the name of the goods and the brand. In addition, self-respecting companies are not allowed to use to distribute links-spam .

A popular way to extract additional income is also attracting referrals . Temporary, as well as labor costs are minimal. The ability to attract referrals today is on many Internet sites. It can be games, online earnings resourcesEven.

The widespread dissemination of referral programs makes this type of income is practically limitless. This option is suitable for the most sociable people. They can attract referrals on social networks, on forums, chat rooms and other resources.

It is important that users can register for an individual referral link. It can be obtained in the Personal Account on the site that is selected to receive income.

Active referral makes various actions in the system for which it receives a reward. At the same time, the user who attracted it to the site is transferred to the percentage of this referral. The revenue of the owner reference is completely passive. Restrictions on the number of attracted users, which means that there is no potential profit.

Method 14. Trade in goods from China

Recently, the sale of goods from China has gained enormous popularity. The diagram is traditional - important buy something cheaper and sell more expensive . With the right approach to the organization of activity, as well as control over it, you can count on a good profit.

For the purchase of goods from China, you can use popular sites, such as Aliexpress , Jum , Taobao other.

Stages of creating such a business look like this:

  • Decide what will be sold- It must be done first;
  • Choose trading sites . It can be internet auctions. But at first, it is quite suitable and social networks. It turns out that it is not necessary to create your own website.
  • Select supplier. Many make a decision to order Chinese goods in Russia. Delivery in this case faster and more comfortable. But should not be chased in such a situation for the minimum price. It is important to pay attention to the reputation of the seller. Among suppliers are fraudsters. By accepting prepayment, they disappear. It is important to carefully examine the ways of order, payment, delivery and other nuances of cooperation.

At the stage of becoming a business, you should not do too high markup. Low prices help to quickly form a client base. Experienced businessmen claim that the markup in high demand can reach 200 -500 %.

Method 15. Earnings on the platforms of free ads

One of the largest sites of free ads in Russia is Avito .

Z. lower you can earn 2-throat:

  • sell your own unnecessary things;
  • resell other people's things and provide intermediary services.

First option Suitable to get started at once. If there is a desire to receive regular income, you will have to prefer second way .

On the websites of free ads today you can sell almost everything. However, it is possible to get enough high profits only if you choose goods with maximum os demand .

To determine the demand for goods in several ways:

  1. demand assessment with filing free ads;
  2. using statistics service Wordstat.;
  3. after analyzing the number of visitorious views filed by competitors for similar goods.

For practicing mediation it is not necessary to have a specific product or to provide a service. It is enough to find the seller and agree with him that for each customer found he will pay commission . Its size is usually 10 -30 % of the cost of goods or service.

Method 16. Sale of info products

Information products have recently acquired high popularity. They are based on the successful experience of the creator and allow you to acquire certain knowledge.

Selling info products can be made on the Internet more than 1000 rubles per day

Most often they buy and sell the following types of info products:

  • webinars;
  • e-books;
  • courses;
  • trainings;
  • useful information newsletters.

To make a profit, you can sell your own information products and resell at a higher price purchased strangers. At the same time, professionals are able to earn from a few hundred thousand to millions of rubles.

The magnitude of income largely depends on the number of information products sold, as well as their frequency of their implementation.

It is worth considering! In order for demand to be consistently high, the proposed courses must be qualitatively made, Have a good design. This allows you to achieve their demand.

Basic advantage This method is that the author of information products remains completely independent. The fee for his product is in full size.

If the resale is carried out, there are no huge investments. Information products depending on the species stand from several hundred rubles to tens of thousands.

The amount of income depends on the number of subsided on the information product, as well as on its interest and in demand.

Method 17. Earnings on writing course

Writing coursework - work that looks like copywriting. You can also search for orders on specialized stock exchanges. Specialists advise placing ads on their services on different online resources.

By making the decision to earn money on coursework, the following facts should be taken into account:

  1. Sustaining is most often seasonal, Since the customers are students in most cases. Coursework, abstracts, control, thesis work Ordered in maximum quantities during the session.
  2. To work it will require a high level of literacy. In addition, certain knowledge is needed, as well as special thinking.
  3. The cost of work depends on complexity. For the execution of one order you can get from 300 rubles to 20 000 rubles .
  4. Most expensive work in the work containing the practical part (laboratory research, collection of statistical data, various calculations).

When an extensive client base is accumulated, many create their own team to fulfill orders.

Method 18. Work Designer

Designers are in demand all over the world. Those who already have such experience, it is worth trying to sell your services remotely. This will help get a good income, working at a convenient time.

To receive income, you will need:

  • creative skills;
  • computer or laptop with internet access;
  • customer search skill online;
  • specialized programs for creating projects (today they can download them for free).

Designer services are required in many industries, eg When creating sites, business cards, accessories. Income is largely determined by qualifications and averages about 1,000 dollars .

Method 19. Trading through the online store or single-page

To make a profit in this way, first of all have to create your own corresponding site.

Sale of goods and services through the online store (Landing)
  • If you have experience, an elementary site for sales can be made independently literally for half an hour using the constructor.
  • However, newcomers are often much more convenient and faster to do it with the help of professionals. Of course, for such services will have to pay.

When the online store will be ready, it will have to fill it with goods. To search for customers will have to use advertising . At the same time, additional costs arise. The income primarily depends on the skills of the seller, as well as its approach to business.

Method 20. Development of mobile applications

Those who have a developer skills, this option will help to earn good. However, it should be tailed to the fact that until the first profit will have to spend a lot of time and effort.

When the application is ready, it can be monetized. This will make it possible to achieve constant income. However, first of all need to take care of quality promotion . If there is no desire or the ability to do it yourself, you can use the services of specialized sites.

Method 21. Games with money output

This option is simple, does not require high time costs, as well as special knowledge and skills. Moreover, it is quite interesting and exciting. Today on the Internet you can find a lot of sites with games that allow you to earn. It is written in more detail in one of our publications, where popular games with money output are considered.

The essence of earnings is usually reduced to the acquisition of goods, which will subsequently bring profits.

Growing or producing something, you can implement it produced for in-game money. When the minimum amount set by the rules is reached, you can create an application for conclusion.

Some games require attachments real money. However, this is not always mandatory. Receive additional income Allows attracting referrals . In this case, part of the income of active users will be listed by whose link He registered.

It is important to keep in mind That most of the games live until they enter new users. Therefore, even subject to the possibility of not bad earnings the presence of serious risks should be taken into account. Although there are projects that successfully exist for many years.

Options for obtaining income on the Internet without investments and deception is a lot. To make a good to earn, you should correctly choose the option that is suitable for you.

7. Verified sites for money on the Internet with money output - 7 main services (web projects) 💻

Today on the Internet created great amount Resources with which you can make money. Choose a reliable and proven site to make money on your own it is not easy.

Site 1.

Site title Translated from English "I recommend" . To receive income, here will have to write unique

I decided to write an honest article today on the topic: How to really make money on the Internet without investing newcomer? Here will be presented practical advice for newcomers from many years of experience. Only really working and proven methods.

Below I will describe 5 popular and proven ways to make money online. The topic of money on the Internet is gaining increasing popularity in recent years. In our difficult time, many people are looking for additional sources of earnings, including on the Internet. Today I will tell the truth and only the truth and I will try to dispel many myths about easy earnings in the World Wide Web.

I will immediately say that I am not the so-called "maimyker", which everywhere teach how quickly and easily earn on the Internet without any investments. Although, I think, I could also teach a lot, since since 2009 I have been leading very active activities on the Internet and earn your own difficulty and knowledge (in particular, I have contextual advertising). Plus, some income brings my sites. But today is not about my successes and achievements. Who is interested in my humble person, he can always read about me on the appropriate.

Earnings on the Internet without investments and without deception - myth or reality?

By the way, the review gathered dozens of grateful comments, even taking into account the fact that my blog had a very small attendance at that time. All advice from it are relevant today. Therefore, if you want to learn to confidently distinguish standing offers earnings from the "divorce", be sure to read the step-by-step instructions, which is presented in the above article.

But now I would like to say about the friend. What do you think: who are usually written proposals with the promises of light and quick earnings on the network? For example, such:

"How easy to make money online?", "How to earn the first money on the Internet quickly and without investments today?", "How do I earn $ 500 a day?" etc.

All these lung proposals and fast earnings are directed to inexperienced people who know little and know how in this area. You earn in this case not you. Money has at you. After all, as a rule, any "super-effective" and the income system is some kind of initial amount, albeit not very large. How to understand whether it is worth or another offer of your time and I have already written in.

Moreover, a couple of years ago, I even recorded several video tutorials on: how to determine the level of confidence in one or another site (service) or offer on the network. How to find out: Is it possible to trust the "domain" how to make secure online shopping, etc. Below is the first video tutorial from this mini course.

Video Tutorial: "How to determine the level of confidence in the site (domain) - safe online shopping"

But the most important thing is that I want to convey to you and forever to "put" into your head. Ask myself a question: "What do you know and tend to do on the Internet?" Why and for what someone should pay you money? Do you pay for someone in your real life just because of your limitless kindness? Do you distribute money to the right and left in large sums? Are you ready to tell everyone in a row "Monetary Topics"? If so, I would like to enter your friends list.

It is worth understanding the fact that the more people use one or another kind of "cunning" earnings, the more competition is growing. As a rule, after "very secret", the monetary topic appears in the open public access - It very quickly ceases to work or becomes less efficient. Do you still believe that supercrowded "businessmen" want to tell you their secrets for funny money? If yes, then congratulations to you, you are a potential client for "chose" and fraudsters.

I will not argue that there are consulting services when an experienced specialist advises a particular business. I myself provide services for the audit of certain sites and make up a technical task for the client. In it, I describe in detail: what you need to correct and implement to receive additional targeted customers, how to improve site conversion, how to increase sales, raise positions in the search, etc. But experienced professionals rarely sell their practical experience and knowledge (which they have rewined for years) Zadevlyo.

So how to make a newcomer on the Internet without investments? What types of earnings exist?

Let's figure it out now: how can I really make money on the Internet without investments and what are the supply of earnings on the network? First, I immediately note: if someone is looking for a "Bublo" button - forget. I have already been actively using the Internet for 15 years and so far I have not met such.

Immediately understand for yourself that online, as in real life (offline), money pays or for real goods or for specific services. Simply put, if you do not have products that can be sold, then only one type of earnings remains. Provide some services. Although not! There are many types of earnings. Is there some more passive types of earnings - when you sleep, and the money "drip". Someone thought that I was joking or trying to make someone? No, I'm absolutely serious and below, I will tell you what I mean.

1 way: Earnings on the Internet with remote work (freelance)

To begin with, let's figure it out with the most "simple" to understand the beginnings of the search on the Internet. This is a remote work or the so-called freelance. I myself can call myself a freelancer, as in most cases I have been providing services to customers remotely. Moreover, I have a whole group of verified freelancers (remote employees), which I pay money for a certain job.

For those who are interested in this type of earnings, I advise you to study at least the basic principles of this type of activity before starting work. By the way, a couple of years ago, I also recorded a free mini video course on the topic of earnings on the Internet on the popular Freelance Exchange. It addresses sites where thousands of job seekers and customers find each other.

In the video tutorial below, the most popular remote work exchange in the Russian-language Internet will be considered. In particular, not only the basic interface of the service will be shown, but also consider such moments as a "secure transaction with the customer". In particular, you will learn: how to avoid deception when paying your work with a potential customer and much more.

Video Tutorial: "Remote work on the Internet (Freelance Exchange) - How to earn a novice without investments?"

I also give links to the two most popular Exchange Exchange in the CIS and

2 way: "Passive" types of earnings on the Internet (affiliate programs)

Above, I mentioned the passive form of earnings on the Internet. I am convinced that many interested in this option to receive income. It sounds cool: " Do you rest or do other things, and money drip " ! Even some kind of divorce or deception smacks. But there is no scammer here. This is a passive or active type of advertising of other people's goods or services. Or so-called affiliate programs.

What a speech about. For example, the online store sells goods. If you are attracting a client to him, which will buy goods, you will pay commissions. Or, for example, some service has a certain type of service. For example, the hosting company offers rental of its servers to accommodate sites. If you register in an affiliate program of a shop or service, you can permanently receive from 30% to 50% from each payment of the attracted client.

It is worth noting that for the same hosting the owners of sites have to pay monthly and you after each payment will periodically receive your commissions. You can also result in an example of the same popular reference exchanges from which there are also affiliate programs and tens of thousands of webmasters and optimizers every day they buy links on them.

Simply put, partner programs of certain sites are a huge set. And at first glance, such a type of earnings may seem like a new task. And the truth is that it's easier: you go on thematic sites, forums and possess your partner link in the comments and in the posts. People pass on it, and you then receive our part of the income from the owners of affiliate programs.

In the theory, everything sounds very easily and cool. Especially proven and popular sites, indeed, regularly pay large amounts of commissions to their partners. Everything is automated there and there is no deception. If a person switched to your affiliate link, for a whole year, a special "Cook" is fixed. And if he immediately or in the future, make an order of a particular product or service and makes payment - you immediately receive your commissions. Their payment, as a rule, can be ordered through a special partner office every 2 weeks.

Also a very popular view of earnings is to participate in affiliate programs of various information products. Most often it is programs, scripts or training video courses.

I do not want to give examples and recommend some specific affiliate programs, since each of them needs to be checked and testing. It happens to advise someone or another product, he will spend his money on his advertisement, and he will not receive due duel. As a result, you will be guilty. Although it could happen in absolutely objective reasons. For example, the author attracted not the utmost traffic on the selling site (let's say, failed to properly set up the same contextual advertising).

I did not say in vain about contextual advertising. Many novice participants in affiliate programs think that in order to make money on affiliate products - it is enough to just walk on different thematic sites and leave their partner link there.

Immediately I will immediately omit you "From Heaven to Earth" and will dispel your irresistible ideas about easy earnings on the Internet in a similar way. I am sure, many have already presented "flying" in their imagination before the eyes of dollars, etc. If everything was so simple, then many people would only have been making exclusively earnings on various affiliate programs.

Of course, such an earnings are very honest and can bring high income under the right approach. But what is the right approach? As everywhere - without certain knowledge and skills, you can make sales very unstable and most often "for good luck." Why do you ask?

First, any visited Internet resource (forum, portal, blog) is almost always checked by moderators or website owners. And your beautiful epithets in favor of a service or product (along with your affiliate link) will most often be immediately deleted during the day after writing. What to do? Free to advertise will not work?

If you include "brains", then everything will turn out. But for this you need to look for questions on the forums and sites questions from real users on your affiliate product and give them as if "not discharge" answer or recommendation with your affiliate reference to a particular site. Or to start several accounts and from one name to ask, and under another respond. Moreover, it is advisable to "hide" through special services "Tails" of your partner links. When you get your first link, you will understand what it is. As a rule, in a partner line after the address of the main domain of the site (after the site name, for example, immediately behind the inclined feature ("Slash") are different numbers or letters.

In the picture below the red rectangle, the so-called "tail" of the affiliate reference is highlighted:

Many "advanced" and "greedy" users when they see such an affiliate link, specifically cut this "tail", copying the address of the site without it. Thus, they go to the target site, but if they are made by payment, you will not receive any commission. Although I do not quite understand such people. After all, for them the price of the product does not change. Your commission pays the owner of the affiliate program from its earnings.

But many "well-wishers" do not want to express you even a little gratitude for your, most often, useful recommendation This or that service or product. We have such petty people. And there are many such. It's nothing worth it, but he does not want to make you earn money.

Therefore, if possible, try to hide your links through special services or apply other tricks. Although from particularly smart users and it will not help. But still the chances of "cutting" your affiliate links will be significantly reduced.

Also, do not forget that moderators and site owners are also not idiots and see such "ingenious" advertisers. When all these "recommendations" are added from the newly registered user profiles, which before that did not write a single message, and then suddenly began to talk about a particular site or product - it looks at least suspicious.

The same can be said about groups in social networks, etc. Of course, if you have old accounts on popular sites (maybe you buy them or connect friends), then everything may be much easier. But in general, I will say to you honestly and immediately - such a way to promote affiliate programs is very complex, time-consuming and very often ineffective.

"But how do people earn thousand dollars on affiliates?" I have seen the screenshot of one partner, so he has hundreds of thousands of rubles only in one month! " - shouted to me in response one of the readers.

I believe you, I will answer. I will say even more. I know partners who earn more substantial amounts. But who are these people? Are they genius or just lucky?

As a rule, this is the owners of visited sites. They advertise one or another affiliate product on their sites, which can be interesting to visitors to this resource. Also, they can be attributed to the owners of major thematic newsletters. But this is all difficulty. To unlock your website or mailing and achieve high attendance - you need to spend a lot of time or money. Most often it will be necessary for both. And how many of these resources you will spend - depends only on your knowledge, experience and skills.

"Pancake! Why do you roof all my dreams? Give finally a real way of earning in the affiliates, and it's better just a loot button! "- shouted another novice partner.

In fact, most partners earn with the help of the so-called contextual advertising. Which is proper setting A very large number of target potential customers can bring. But it is not free and inexperienced people very often "merge" on her almost all their money, and returns are obtained either zero or minimal.

But it does not mean at all that the contextual advertising does not work! Believe me, with properly customized advertising campaigns, it works simply as a "money machine". I see it on the example of my customers, which I provide services for the "promotion" of their sites ().

Therefore, I would not advise with absolute beginners to earn up on affiliate programs. At least until you learn at least at least at the basic level with the same Yandex direct. By the way, for absolute beginners in contextual advertising, I somehow laid out excellent. But below, I will also say a few important words: both contextual advertising and the promotion of any sites in general.

In general, you can search any affiliate programs, test them and make money on them. Well, the main "pitfalls" I described above.
If someone scared a rather difficult way to earn money on affiliate programs, then below I will tell the option that is suitable even for the very beginning.

3 Method: The most "simple" method for earning money on the Internet for newbies

From what type of earnings start 90% of newcomers on the Internet who have no knowledge, skills and initial capital? The answer is simple - from copywriting. Simply put - writing articles to order. What can almost every at least a little competent person? Of course writing! And sites on the Internet millions and for them are constantly required new content: Articles, news, reviews, etc.

I myself have several proven copywriters who write articles for my and client sites. Moreover, I am engaged in promotion sites, and for this business is constantly needed new unique thematic articles. Another thing is that the writing of beautiful and unique articles is also a whole art. But some customers are enough just to rewrite a certain text in their own words (the so-called rewater). They pay for it not so much, but for an absolute novice this method of earning is perfect. Just be able to work first reviews on the most popular exchanges of remote work and

Check errors in the text using the same Word (Word) can almost everyone, but not everyone can write a beautiful and interesting article without proper skill. Experienced "Word Master" takes for their work from 300 rubles for 1000 characters (this is about a quarter of the A4 sheet). It is worth noting that each character is one letter in the text, commas and other punctuation marks by the way are also considered.

Those who want to earn "bread" in such a way, I advise you to start a couple of useful programs to your computer. For example, the same "meter of signs" in the text (there is a bunch of free options), as well as a program for checking uniqueness. For example Advego Plagiatus. Without her no. No customer will pay you for the text either the ruble, if it is unreasonable (copied from any site). The program should show the uniqueness of the text from 90% and higher.

It is worth noting that 80% of customers require precious rewriting from performers, and not copywriting. What do they differ from each other? Copywriting implies writing a new unique article based on his experience. Ideally, you are writing our knowledge of this or that topic. Of course, an experienced copywriter does not need to be understood in all areas. He is enough to read several articles on the chosen theme and then write a retelling of what he led for himself.

But copywriting (writing copyright) is always more expensive. That is why many customers ask to make reratit, which is much cheaper. You just give the source (for example, a link to an article) and you rewrite it in your own words. Simply put, make it retelling. The point remains the same, and the synonyms and the construction of proposals are already the others.

If you already completely delve into technical subtleties, then you need to "break" the so-called "Shinlas". I will not now "ship" you with this topic in the article. To whom it is interesting - he will look a video tutorial, which is presented below.

Video Tutorial: How to check text on uniqueness for free? What is the uniqueness of the text?

4 way: Earnings and Building your own business (business) on the Internet

And finally, consider the most difficult look of earnings on the Internet. Namely - building your own online business. Of course, you can create a commercial site that will represent your existing business in real life, but already on the Internet.

Most likely, you are interested in another question: what types of business exist on the Internet? As you already understood from what is written above, the types of earnings and monetization of their Internet resources there are many. But here the main problem appears for beginners - the creation of your own website.

5 way: create your own online store and start making money on it?

Of course, creating a simple site for the presentation of your services is now not difficult. You can learn some video courses on this topic. You can order the necessary site in freelancers. There are also many free solutionsFor example, the same ready online store can be created literally for 2 clicks through a popular and reliable service Insales.

It is worth noting that you quickly create your own website or online store is not a big problem in our time. Such created "in 5 minutes" sites on the Internet millions. And they lie "dead cargo" and do not bring any profits to their owners (well, or a member pennies). Another thing is to ensure that your site (for example, the same online store) looked as attractive as possible, enjoyed confidence from customers, had all the necessary functions for sales, etc. For this, additional knowledge will be needed.

You can immediately contact the professional studios for developing a cool site or online store. But most often they are very expensive to rate their services. Sometimes their rates reach 300,000 thousand rubles for the site and even more expensive. Yes, yes this is not a typo, some studios are asking for creating serious projects from 1 million rubles or more. It is clear that such amounts are acceptable only for already applicable and successful businesses. And newcomers who are just looking for opportunities to make money on the Internet, such amounts are very much frightened and seem to be unattainable.

At the same time there are many more budget options for success in the same sales via the Internet. For example, to create an attractive and functional online store do not necessarily pay huge money to freelancers or studios. You can do everything yourself. And it is even a preferred option, since you will go all the way from scratch and you will thoroughly know your site.

And even if in the future you will have to contact the specialists for the implementation of certain tasks (for example, order a beautiful design for the site), then you no longer hang "noodles on the ears" due to the ignorance of the most simple technical terms. When you already know the technical foundations of the Internet business, you can safely compile a competent technical task for the freelancer and due to this save your money.

Any specialist immediately sees an amateur and tries to "charge" to him a high price for its services. When you know the foundations, you will be taken to perceive on equal. You can even tell the freelancer, that they could do everything on their own, but you just don't have enough time and you give your work. Colleagues will not "bend" high prices for each other.

By the way, even if you fail to quickly promote your own Internet resource and start earning it immediately on it, you will be able to provide services for filling, developing and technical support for sites of other people. Believe that these services are very in demand. On the Internet a huge number of large and small information portals, the same online stores, and "workers' hands" is always missing.

Important afterword and conclusions about earnings on the Internet

If you are still an absolute novice and make your first steps on the Internet, then you should not immediately buy some paid courses, seminars, webinars and so on. Even the information that was presented above is enough to start making their first money over the Internet. And when you already decide with the way of earning, which will be able to bring a stable income, then it is worth accessing various (including paid) courses for a particular topic. This will allow you in the shortest possible time to increase your qualifications and, accordingly, increase your income.

The most important thing is to do! At least little, but do. Read, looked, immediately do something from what you learned. If you paid money for one course or another, as a rule, the authors have customer support. So Introduct, without postponing some moments in the "long box" and you will have any questions, and the author will help you to solve them on hot tracks.

And last but the most important thing. Do not attempt to immediately become the best in the chosen niche: become the first freelancer on the stock exchange, make the best and perfect online store, run the most advanced service, immediately overtake in search engines, etc. Make everything gradually.

Do not attempt to immediately create one or another big business or online project. It is better to go to work to your future competitors (or partners), read and understand the entire "kitchen" from the inside. And only after that you will have a presentation: how it all works what is needed for your business, what competitive advantages you will have, etc.

All text you copy the program window. In the program window at the bottom there is a line of "characters and spaces", the number of characters and spaces in your text will be shown there. For example, you have 5 326 characters digit. As a result, you put the comma after thousands of 5,236 and multiply to the tariff agreed with me. For example, if you write 100 rubles. For 1 thousand characters, then for text with so many characters you will receive 5,236 thousand characters x 100 rubles. \u003d 523.6 rubles.

There is I. online services For counting signs.

After you wrote a new article, all written text must be checked for uniqueness. You can do this by downloading the program for checking uniqueness on the page / or using the service (faster check).

Better register on the site and check the uniqueness through it. It works much faster than programs and immediately considers the number of characters in the text.

Text Unique Check Service - Text.RU

If the uniqueness of your text is above 95%, it means that you have done work well. Text can be sent to me to check.

Below my old video on YouTube to work with the program to test the uniqueness of Advego Plagiatus. In it I told how search engines Determine the undelated sections of the text. Briefly, if you make the retelling read in your own words, so that the synonyms and order of words were different, the text will become unique.

But such a technical rude "reratit" search engines can determine. Correctly do as follows. You need to read some text or several articles on the selected topic, and write sense without the source in your own words (do retelling). So that there are no repetitions of several identical phrases in a row. The most experienced copywriters take the topic, read about it other articles and then write compilation.

In other words, they write their personal experience and understanding the topic (if there are such knowledge), retell what they read. Choosing the most valuable and interesting. It is important not to write text for the sake of text. It must be informative, interesting and helpful. About "little oil" is better not to repeat. If you have your own experience or observation on the topic, it is the perfect material for the article.

It is better to write a small but interesting text (story) than writing a lot and long, but not interesting and nothing. Although if you have a creative impulse or personal knowledge, no one limits you in the amount.

Most often, I write texts for 1-5 thousand characters. There are both large (from 15 thousand characters one article), but this is when we coordinate the specific theme that I need. With basic content points.

Boldly ask your questions and share opinions in the comments below!

The road is asset going. Good luck to you in all your endeavors! Sincerely, Ruslan Savchenko.

About the network dreams of any, regardless of whether a person has the experience of such a kind or the first steps. The main advantages: no need to get up every morning and get to the other end of the city in your place; No need to work on "Uncle", but only on yourself, without leaving home. Enough computer and network connection.

But is there a kind of earnings or is the myth, and all advertisements of this nature are laid out by fraudsters?

How to find a job on the Internet without investments

The novice applicant is immediately waiting for many pitfalls.

Proposals are thousands of times more than it can be submitted. And they are all shouting and hung with high income, instant or daily payments.

First of all, you need to learn to distinguish fraudulent sites from. To do this, there are services to check the domain name (address of the site, which is highlighted in the browser), where real users share their impressions about various resources.

Do not choose sites that require to start working or discover some access, attachments. So the scammers come again.

Most often there is a small amount in the area rubles, but it should be remembered that the work is looking for for profit, and not vice versa. All services with making funds must be ignored.

Many may argue that it all depends on the amount or a month, which is also true. But if the applicant is completely new, then, naturally, it will not work much immediately.

On the Internet, as in life, experience and diligence are required, as well as real skills in any areas. It is better that it was knowledge of programming.

And another important rule that should always be remembered - earnings on the Internet is harder than in life, no one will pay for just so much.

Options for earning online without investments

For inexperienced users, it is best to start with the simplest - earnings without attachments on clicks. To do this, there are many services both domestic and foreign.

They are called by letters or posts. The principle of operation at all the same - viewing advertising for money.


Domestic Buks (, which leads among all others.

Main advantages:

  1. Does not require investments.
  2. Simple registration.
  3. An understandable site interface.
  4. Withdrawal of money every 24 hours on popular e-wallets (Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Perfect Money, Payeer, Payza).
  5. Instant payments.
  6. More than 20 thousand tasks.
  7. 4 types of earnings.
  8. 2-level referral system.

A huge plus is that the online project is about 10 thousand users. This explains the huge number of tasks and sites for surfing.

Four work options:

  1. Surfing - section to view advertising sites.
    One view is no more than a minute (more often than 20-30 seconds), for which 5-6 kopecks are accrued. Do not immediately be afraid of such prices, this is normal because it is understood to view in large quantities.
  2. Letters are the same surfing, but for access you need to read a small text and answer the question.
    It is estimated one and a half times more.
  3. Tests include 3-5 questions, answers to which are located on the advertiser website.
    It takes 2-3 minutes each and rewarded with 0.25 rubles.
  4. Tasks - based on the principle of visiting the site of the advertiser with a mandatory report.
    The report is inserted by the links viewed pages. After the report of the report, the advertiser checks and, if everything is executed according to conditions.
    The average cost of 2-3 rubles.

You can not spend time on "kopeck" surfing, and only task only. An hour really makes 15-20 tasks, which will be about 50 rubles.

Thus, for a 10-hour working day, you can safely earn 500 rubles. Efforts and patience will have to make maximum, because the activities are monotonous.

The service is good because the tasks do not alter everything, and many just daily - are designed for execution every 24 hours, which facilitates the process, because it is not necessary to delve into the requirements.

Registered users on the referral link bring passive income to 10% of tasks and up to 40% of surfing, letters and tests. Many users make it several times more.


It is considered the second in popularity of the Box (, though. The principle of operation is similar - surfing, tasks.

But there are a number of differences:

  1. Site currency - dollars.
  2. The maximum output for newcomers is $ 0.25 (further rises with rated rating).
  3. The first three payments are made after consideration by the moderator after three days.
  4. Relatively low rates for rear execution.
  5. The underestimated dollar rate when recalculating ruble wallets.
  6. The referral system of 5-level.

For a long time, the resource received only WebMoney's dollar wallets for output. At the end of May 2016, Payeer and Yandex.Money were added.

You can earn about the same as much as on the previous box. The design of the site and the internal currency is already an amateur.


The leading position occupies "Internet.Pross" ( The project is based on the passage of test for monetary remuneration.

Amounts fluctuate from 20 to 100 rubles, depending on the complexity of the survey and the number of questions.

When registering, an email must be specified (it is the tests for it) and a mobile phone (the withdrawal of funds is possible only on it or a donation for charity directly on the site). After registration, it is proposed to fill the profile and pass mini-tests to determine interests.

It is advisable to fill all the fields, even if there are no knowledge. This affects the number of tests sent and their frequency.

They can come and several pieces per day, and maybe not one for the week. When the test passes, it is possible to stop at the very beginning or in the middle with the inscription: "Sorry, you do not fit us."

About the reasons can only guess.

The minimum amount for the withdrawal of funds 500 rubles. Provided that they come to the phone, this one month is quite enough, so as not to spend in touch with minimal time spending.

About working on the Internet, and deception, with instant output to YandExdoney and Webmoney Find out of the video.

Mobile earnings

Developers mobile applications Also not stand still and offered to make money on a smartphone or tablet. The meaning is to download applications and games, for which the user receives profit.

The variants are a great set, but not all applications derive funds to the account, as promised.

A worthy program will be Advertapp. It can be free to download in Google Play. and App Store.

Simple register with the phone confirmation. If it is planned to withdraw earned money not to mobile, then the conclusion on WebMoney is provided.

Programs for download are presented in both the sections and in the Personal Account in the form of an individual offer. The average price for installing 4-6 rubles.

After transferring funds to the balance, you can delete the application if it is not interested for the user.

The minimum threshold for output does not exist, like the number of times a day. You can withdraw at least by ruble several times in a row.

Tools instantly come to the account. For a month it is quite realistic to earn 200 rubles.

Based on what it is mobile earnings, it is quite good.

Earnings on the blog

A pretty popular and effective method to make money on the Internet without investments decent money. It implies more serious actions than just clicks or polls.

Work will have to work to achieve results.

To create a personal blog just have account Google. If not, registration is simple.

Next, you need to go to the project blogger (, authorized through the google mail, and click the button " new blog" You should come up with a blog name (in the future the address will be viewed "") and the topic of registration.

But where is the profit? When the blog will "promotion" a bit and becomes popular or there will be a certain number of subscribers and views, it can be monetized.

Especially for this in the settings there is a "Profit" button, through which the transition to filling out the application form in Google Adsense. If the blog will be moderated, it will be the opportunity to add to the pages of the blocks of advertisements, clicks on which from other users make profits.

The blog must be quite popular (at least from 300 visits per day, and better than 1000) to bring an income from $ 100 per month and above. Otherwise, there will be no sense in all this.

How to make money on video

Milliona view in YouTube ( We bring good income to your authors. The principle of a similar blog is only instead of text posts - videos.

Monetization occurs in the same way through Google Adsense. The application is sent from the settings of the YouTube channel.

Plus this earnings that he is less painful not need to write and invent the topics for articles (not everyone love to write and read in principle), but it is enough to remove a beautiful and high-quality video on actual topicSo that the views began to gain momentum. Methods of promotion are diverse - social networks, forums, links.

Own website without experience and without investment

Those times when the programmer was required to create a programmer, long ago ended. To date, the site can do any in a couple of hours.

To do this, you need to have only the skills of a regular PC user.

Causes, why maybe you may need a website:

  1. Blogging is an alternative to the Googlovsky blog.
  2. Writing texts of any subject.
  3. Placing personal referral links.
  4. Placing advertising blocks of any affiliate programs, not just Google Adsense.
  5. Placing paid advertising from private advertisers.
  6. Placing personal paid services.

Create a website for free can be in several ways:

  1. Free site designers - RU.WIX.COM,, and many others.
    All of them work on the approximately the same system. To sufficiently register and you can start building a site.
    Templates, themes of decorations, block sizes are offered. All is configured to taste.
    For quite beginners, this method is ideally suitable to understand what the site is from within, how to make it properly arranged and is it difficult? But in the free version will have to suffer the domain name of the third level.
    It will look so for example - "Name". Also hosting is provided by the site.
    On the one hand it is convenient, on the other, it does not always work properly, as if hinting at the paid version of the designer.
  2. Website based on WordPress (
    The newcomer will be a bit hard, but free video tutorials with step-by-step installation (it is the installation, and not in the online version, as in the designers) quite a lot and if you wish, you can figure it out. The right one will take it no one day ...
    As a result, a full-fledged site is born and completely personal, independent of the designers. For the beginning you can use a free domain and hosting, but subsequently you have to purchase.
    Not all advertising companies accept sites on a completely free basis. Additional actions are similar - the site is filled, the application is spinning and applied to Google Adsense.


This service ( is sharply different from all the previous ones of its specific work, but also does not require any investments. The principle is based on sales of other people's goods.

How it works? The site contains numerous products that are more submitted to "unique courses" for something - how to make money on the Internet, how to become a successful person, how to build a house, how to find love, etc.

The authors of these creations for various reasons do not produce sales independently, and expose their product on service with all links for sale and promotional materials for other users. They, in turn, for each started instance receive their percentage.

All honest and legitimate.

It is enough to register, choose "all products" or a certain category, pick up the appropriate object (attention should be paid to the price, interest of deductions and soldiness) and click on "become a partner of the goods". Further is already the case of smelting and fantasy, where to place your links for sale (social networks, forums, mail, bulletin boards).

With the right approach, such a type of earnings can bring sufficient income if selling 1-2 goods per day with contributions 500 rubles (there is a commission and 3000 from the course and such courses people buy!).

In the Personal Account you can observe detailed statistics:

  1. The number of clicks on the link.
  2. The number of transitions to the form of payment.
  3. Number of sales.
  4. Sales amount in general and for every day separately, Commission and account balance.

Content Exchange

This type of earnings can be safely called creative and without any special skills, they do not work better. For this, at a minimum, you need to know the Russian language on "good" (error correction services will not help), craving for writing and well-set speech, both oral and written.

Well, the desire to earn.

ETXT ( is considered popular stock exchanges ( Principle of operation - writing texts to order or add own for sale.

The subject can be found absolutely any, so everyone can find what is best dealing. Basic requirements are literacy and uniqueness.

For checking, several services are offered to be able to correct the errors before reaching the order. Prices begin from 5 rubles per 1000 signs of the devices.

But this is only at the beginning when there is no rating. Next, more expensive orders become available.

The average cost of the article for a couple of sheets A4 is 100-150 rubles, and the total income directly depends on the time spent time. On a day, it is possible to earn 500-1000 rubles without any problems.

The withdrawal of funds is made on the WebMoney e-wallets, Yandex.Money and QIWI. The disadvantage can be called that the output is not instant, but lasts about 5 days, with an urgent conclusion - a day, but there is a supplementary commission.

Fraud free earnings

For fraudsters, the deception is also earnings. The schemes with which the users pull the money, a great set and they are invented every day new.

The surest way is not to get on their fishing rod - never make prepayments and not pay for advanced access to services that "open up even more opportunities for earnings." It should be taken as a rule that honest earnings never require investments.

However, fraudsters took into account this. Recently, in the network, it is quite often possible to stumble upon advertising about high earnings without investments literally in a few days.

And not only without investments, but according to the author, he will give the starting capital, demanding instead of only responsibility and high performance.

Such a proposal will be interested in anyone! It's all too beautiful to be true.

The essence of the divorce

On a single-page site, a person writes that he is looking for responsible people to work without investment with starting capital from the Customer. Next Email and Skype contacts.

No trick. The user writes to one of the addresses and asks for details.

"Employer" is interested in the seriousness of intent, asks the name, age. Normal correspondence as it were.

Then the template information about the essence of earnings is discarded - allegedly has a specific scheme, with the help of which you can beat the roulette (the fraudster necessarily knows, in which casino roulette beat the easiest way). He does not ask for money again, but proposes to create an account to the user, where he will lead $ 500, and the user will play according to the scheme.

At the end, the whole win in half. Why not try, because there is no material risk.

Everything happens in this way. One condition is a day to win no more than a certain amount (160 dollars), play 4-5 days at intervals so that the casino security service does not notice the trick.

The account is created, the user is provided with a login and password, on account 500 dollars, the game went. The scheme works, the user wins, anticipating the speedy enrichment.

Money Loss: Option 1

The user sees $ 500 and guess that the employer will lead the entire amount and will not share. The balance can be displayed only on the wallet from which it was replenished.

And then the user is decided to replenish the balance on its own on the same amount (or the minimum possible) from his wallet, and then bring all the money together. As a result, deprived of his funds and the opportunity to earn.

Money Loss: Option 2

The user does everything strictly according to the instructions, everything turns out, the balance is almost doubled. And at one point he reset.

In the last operations, it is possible to observe that the amount is derived by the customer. Excellent! Soon they will share with me, as the player thinks.

But the customer responds that it was not going to share, and the ideal scheme began for work. And then the user is solved independently win money, especially if a gambling person.

As a result, any enrollled amount disappears, as well as the Employer.

Why is this happening

The casino looks true, money on the balance, too, even in operations, the date of making these 500 dollars to the account. Why are they not displayed?

In fact, there is no casino, there is no money on the balance on the basis, all the fake, based on the scripts and no more. The author of such a site can draw any amount that is listed allegedly on the balance sheet, but when entering into account, the money is instantly introduced to him on a wallet.

Such a deception can be called psychological, because the user until the last moment does not recognize anything. Even when money was made that were not displayed on the account, the excitement can take the top and remedies again.

Or the fraudster can simply draw on the balance sheet, which now be sure to lose.

As a result, you can only say one phrase - free cheese only in a mousetrap.

Real work with the daily output of funds without investing on the Internet is, only for these funds you need to work in the same way as in ordinary life, and sometimes a little more.

The main thing is to put a goal, find what is suitable for the soul and opportunities. And not to get into the paws fraudsters.

In contact with

Greetings, dear blog readers Website. In touch, Vasily Blinov and today we will disassemble such a big and serious topic as earnings on the Internet. In this article, I will tell you what real ways to earn in the network exist. What can you earn good money, and where the deception is hidden and much better not to climb.

I will share a little my story, as I began to study the whole topic, where I burned around, what difficulties arose and earn now. I will also give a recommendation to beginners, how and where to start creating sources of income via the Internet without cash investments.

If you have long been familiar with the blog and regularly read my articles in which I, basically, write about the remote work, about the creation and development of my projects and how to travel on the world yourself, then you know that at the end of 2014 I accepted The decision to get rid of office and production work, requiring binding to a specific place.

He began to look for the opportunity to earn remotely, having only a computer and the Internet. Then I did not have any idea how much these opportunities actually exists, and what I will do in the future.

As they say, everyone has their own way in this life and we gradually go to the one we want to become.

Starting from the simplest one, you can earn money on the Internet, I learned about what I didn't even know about. And you, now reading this article, you can not understand and not see how money is earned in one way or another. But I will try to explain as simple as possible. If anything, you can always ask your questions in the comments and I will help to figure out what is incomprehensible.

To be able to ask the right questions is, by the way, one of the skills that will help you quickly get what you want. In our case, to learn how to make money on the Internet.

Where does money come from on the Internet, and who will you pay?

I think it is the main article in today's article that you need to understand. Let's go in order not to get confused.

What is earnings?

We all spend money in your life every day, acquiring various goods and services, such as food, clothes, pay for entertainment, education, roof over your head, etc.

For this we have to work somewhere and do something, somehow making money. Each of us works somewhere, and if it does not work yet (I can assume that the article will read schoolchildren, teenagers), then your parents or those who provide you are working for you.

Where do you work? Or worked? Maybe you were fired and you decided to wonder the search on the Internet and do not know where to start. What does your organization do in which you work or worked?

Answer options are only two:

  1. Produces or sells some product.
  2. Provides some kind of service.

The bottom line is that if you pay salary, then this organization sells something. This product or service buy other people who need it. It turns out that people pay you whose problems you decide.

The Internet works exactly in the same way, only here you can not make some kind of physical product, but through it you can sell the goods. So, the whole Internet is working at the expense of what kind of goods and services sell. Advertises them in all possible ways.

All earnings on the Internet are built on to help someone to sell something. A simple example, Vkontakte website, which everyone uses, or search engines Yandex and Google. The main earnings of owners and developers are advertising.

Do you think they earn millions of dollars on?

We use them for free in our interests (have fun, to know something, chat with friends, etc.), while looking through thousands of advertising banners, which, as it were, do not notice, and then come to the store and buy some That thing. The one who sells this product pays huge advertising funds.

As a result, all the earnings on the Internet lies in the following:

  1. You create a project with a user's audience in order to earn advertising or selling your goods and services.
  2. You work for those who create such projects and sells something.

Both ways have their pros and cons, we will talk about them next.

Earnings on the Internet - my myth and reality

When I realized how the whole Internet was arranged, and where did the money come from, my look at him completely changed. You can earn here in the same way as in ordinary life. Similarly, you need knowledge and skills.

I also realized that many processes go to the Internet, it develops very quickly. New activities appear. I woke up, breakfast and sat down to work. No need to go to the office and sit there the same from 10 to 17:00, and even spending a couple of hours on the road and fees.

It comes to the fact that some people don't even need a computer, just one phone is enough to earn. I met one girl on a journey that worked from the phone. Engaged in promoting traditional business (restaurants, sports centers, beauty salons, and the like) through instagram. Yes, it turns out and so possible.

According to 2016 studies in Russia, about 1,000,000 people are now operating, which is 0.6% of the total population. At a time, for example, in the US, this percentage reaches almost 10%. This figure we will have only to grow in the near future, I think you yourself understand why.

Therefore, to master the skills of some kind of direction you need to start right now.

Now about investments

Friends who are looking for how to make money on the Internet without investments. I would like to say a few words about the conviction that to create some of the ways of earnings described by me below, money investments are needed. Yes, honestly, I will say that in most cases it is necessary to invest in the acceleration of the development process, but you can do without a penny.

Watched the movie "Social Network" about Facebook? In which the real history of creating this multi-billion dollar project was shielded. Even he was created without a penny of investments by the author, more precisely, there were small investments for renting servers under the site, but Mark Zuckerberg took them from his neighbor on the hostel.

Most successful projects have been launched without a penny in his pocket. On the idea of \u200b\u200bsomething to do something and desire. Opportunities on the path appear themselves.

All, go to the case.

Top 20 ways to make money online

It was difficult to classify them somehow, but I had to decompose on the same principle.

  1. Business. Creating projects. Internet entrepreneurship.
  2. Distant work. Freilance.
  3. Earnings for schoolchildren.
  4. Cheating. Risk. Games.

Not all sieve in detail, I will try to explain only the essence of each way and how to earn it. We will delve into them in separate articles and free instructions.

Business. Creating projects. Internet business

In this section, ways in which there may be the highest earnings and, but so that they appear may have to plow no one year. And it's not a fact that your business will go to the market and will bring income.

Let's start with simple and understandable.

Online store

Creating an online store and selling goods through it - I think the most understandable way for newcomers way to earn money on the Internet. There are more people who have never bought anything online? Not counting the adult generation that does not know how to use the computer.

Online store is a complex multiprocession business. You need to find suppliers, create a site, somewhere to advertise it to attract buyers, handle orders, send goods and more. We will not deepen, I know that 99.9% of people will not do this.

Sale and resale of goods, auctions

This is a simplified way of earning in the online store. You do not need a website shop, you can do other sources of sales of goods:

  • Advertising sites and ads of Avito or Yula (K42WBV - Promotion for Advertising).
  • Social networks.
  • Sending messages.
  • Forums, various Internet portals.
  • Single-page sites.

How does this usually happen? Chinese goods are purchased or purchased products at wholesale prices for producing companies and sold to retail to people at 2nd - 3 or more times more expensive.

Another thing is when you create the goods with your own hands (for example, make souvenirs from a stone or knit colored socks) and sell it through the same sources of advertising on the network. Send buyers by mail, get 100% payment for your work. Reliable and proven option.

Creating services, programs and applications

Another difficult, in my opinion, and not all available earnings. But I could not tell about him.

What is the online service? Well, for example, all the same well-known Avito is a service that helps one people sell unnecessary things, and others - buy.

Useful programs on the computer you use, most of them are not free and someone designed. Various applications are the same.

Here or you yourself programmer, or you can find a programmer who implements your idea for money or percentage of future profits.

Service Agency

If you have organizational abilities, you do not need to understand any matter yourself. You can hire a specialist who will do work for you, and you will find him customers and pay a salary from the profit gained.

Examples than such agencies can engage in:

  • Website development.
  • Design.
  • Transfers and writing texts.
  • Promotion of sites and social networks.
  • Advertising and others.

Yes, the niches are highly competitive, but it is possible to do something unique even in these niches and earn a lot of money, fully driving everything remotely.

Information sites

Often read news, articles on the Internet like this? Looking for an answer how to do how to do this, recipes are all sorts, etc.?

So you find answers on such information sites, I combine it with a personal blog. I am writing except for useful articles, about different events from life and travel.

Create such a website can anyone wishing in a couple of hours with minimal investments a few hundred rubles. But fill it with high-quality material, to promote and start on it - you already need to make efforts, and considerable.

From scratch, in my own experience I can say, you can go out in a year on an income of 20 - 30 thousand rubles per month and more.


Here is a blogging now at the peak of development in Russia and the world. You can conduct your blog on various resources:

  • (There are free, for example, LJ).
  • Video blog on YouTube.
  • Public VKontakte, Facebook.
  • Page in Instagram.
  • E-mail newsletter.

These are the best and popular.

People are interested in watching the life of others, especially when they make something cool, entertaining.

Earnings of popular bloggers are excavated by hundreds, millions of rubles per month. They are followed by, they trust them. Therefore, advertising them is the most expensive and profitable for various companies.

Here are just a few able to share their personal life and collect an audience around themselves. I, too, once could not even post a photo on a social network, about the signature to him already silent. Well, it used to be this, the Internet only appeared.

And now, if I write someone in VKontakte with a picture on the avatar, I don't even answer, most likely a bot or some kind of hayer.

Social networks

Everything is done for the time to attract subscribers and earnings on the sale of promotional posts.

For example, in a publik Vkontakte with a million subscribers one post costs an average of 1000 - 2000 rubles (depends on coverage and activity), such posts can be done according to the rules of 5 pcs. in a day. So consider how much you can earn.

To promotion, however, to such a number of subscribers the community is now not easy and weekly, but if you start now, then it will grow and will bring income to you.

Here are detailed articles on social. Networks:

Purchase and resale projects

If you, let's not want to unwind a group or a site from zero, you can buy a ready-made project. Improve it, maybe hire an employee who will deal with them, pay him a salary and make a profit.

But here it is already certainly needed not only the starting capital, but also the experience that will find a profitable project, and knowledge of its improvement.

Partnership programs and referral systems

This way earns, it seems to me that every second person is already on the Internet. Because he is the easiest and simple. You just recommend someone some kind of product or service on the affairs link and receive commissions. Either attract referrals into the system.

Having just a personal page of VC can be earned. On my blog, I have repeatedly announced and I even try to do a monthly on this or that partner.

Network marketing

Companies extending their product using network marketing (Oriflame, Avon, LR) began to gradually integrate on the Internet and distributors of these companies build their structures without leaving home.

I also had experience in the network business even before I began to go to a remote job. But then we did not work on the Internet, and all meetings and signing customers were granted live.

Then, realizing how this business works, I left it. Someone, he likes and there really can be well earned.

Arbitration Traffic

Complex for understanding the combination of these two words.

But the essence of what. Standard scheme: take the product with the same affiliate program. Make a one-page site under it, which tells about this product in detail, and buy traffic on it.

Typically, traffic is bought through contextual and teaser advertising. These are the same advertisements and banners that we see on each site.

Well, the last type of earnings in the category of Internet business.

Trading and investment

In fact, it is a little different things, but I combined them into one way.

Trading is trade in securities in the stock market. Also trade in currency (forex) and commodity markets. In our you can learn a lot about it and learn to trade.

But we will talk about investment in a separate article (the link will be later). Many consider investing on the Internet - investment in various pyramids and Haip projects. Well, yes, so, under the definition of the word "investment" it is suitable.

Only then most remain without their investments. I am still mentioned in the section of earnings associated with deception.

Now we will analyze the most suitable and the fastest for beginners the path to earnings.

Distant work. Freilance

The difference of freelance from the remote work is that on the remote, you are steadily working with one employer, and on the freelance you are not tied to one employer and are looking for orders every time.

To be clearer, I will explain the photographer in the profession. In the first case, you are kept in a state staff of the organization, and for every day you have a shooting schedule. Salary is stable and fixed, perhaps with award, bonuses. In the second, - you work for yourself. Today you have ordered a photo session, and tomorrow - no. All the advantages and disadvantages, I think here is obvious.

Directions you can do on remote work, I probably can not list, there are really a lot of them. For example, it is possible to work to work remotely at home to the online store: designer, copywriter, sorcerer, manager of some department, advertising manager, sales, programmer, administrator for the promotion of the store in some social. Networks and much more.

The average salary of remote employees is no different from office and constitutes 20 - 40,000 rubles in the country. For Ukraine and Belarus, it is generally great earnings. Professional specialists can receive for their services from 50,000 rubles per month. The more unique to your services, the more you will pay.

If you want to get a salary in dollars, you can get a job in foreign companies.

An interesting movie about freelance and remote work.

You can learn specialties if you wish for a month, and in some - and you do not need to study. On my blog you can find a ton of information about a remote job. And in the knowledge base, our step-by-step course with a mentor, in which you with our support will pass all the steps of the transition to the remote work and earn the first 1,000 rubles.

The following 2 partitions describe the ways that I do not recommend, but you, of course, can try to understand what they do not earn. I want my readers not engaged in nonsense on the Internet, did not waste your life, but did really useful things that benefit, knowledge and money ..

Earn here, of course, some are managed and 200, and 500, and even 1000 rubles per day. But you will do this every day. No development and professional growth. Do you need it? All my life, you will not do this, so why start?

Tip: Look for the case that would like to do all my life, and develop in it.

Cheating. Risk. Games with money output

Even worse if you are engaged in earnings from this section. And many will be! Do you know why? Because a person is a lazy creature, and we are looking for where smaller work.

There are no freebies on the Internet, here you need to plow, especially at the initial stage, not yet experience. Well, think about what a fool will you just pay so?

So, as a result of searching for free, everyone stumbled into projects, where "Give 100 rubles - get a thousand." This is not an honest earnings, it is a divorce.

There are such projects due to the attraction of the same halaners and their money. Yes, you can have time to earn, but on the fact that someone will lose. I was lured twice for such a free. Then, it seems to be an official successful project, dealing with something useful for the money that you invest in it, and you pay percentage, just collapsed.

Such projects are usually associated with trading, investment, forex. Games with the outcome of money - the same. All where require something to invest before you get, 90% is deception.

Other projects that are associated with risk are independent trade without knowledge on the same forex, sports rates, online casino. I also do not advise. Well, or try, only then when you cannot pay the loans, remember this article.

I personally do not have any friends who earn on it, but they were at first a profitable deal, but then the excitement was dragged and separated, only when it was 50 - 80 thousand loans. Well done so on the Internet?

If you still stumbled into some kinds of divorce, Lochotron, Kidalov, write in the comments.

Where to start making money?

Well, now you know what you can earn. Where do you plan to start? What direction did you like?

I'll tell you how I started. Well, first, I came across deceptions and methods for schoolchildren, because they are mainly writing in all articles on this topic. Then I began to follow the guys who traveled around the world, they introduced me to the remote work, which they themselves were engaged.

I began to master the profession, found and led several groups on construction and club topics. In parallel, began to study copywriting and creating sites on the WordPress platform. Everything studied everything from a complete zero.

year 2014. Bali Island. My first independent trip.

I realized that I would definitely want to learn to earn money, I made a decision and resigned from the usual work (I worked as an installer), cutting into all the sources of stable income. It was hard, but the situation was allowed to me who had family and children, I would advise at first to combine.

The first few months my income ranged from 2 to 10 thousand rubles per month. Getting more and more experience and knowledge, earnings began to stabilize and grow. By making sites under the order on Wordpress and minor corrections, I met the ability to make money on the information website.

I first started the first blog (it is no longer). Then this one. In parallel, began to get acquainted with other ways and slowly study them, and try. After a year of working with a blog, he began to bring the first income of 5 - 10 thousand rubles per month. Further more.

I think and you should become an expert in some kind of area, and, combining, trying, to discover how to make money from the first section of the article. Now there are many courses of paid and free in every niche, you can buy or download.


Friends, perhaps I missed something or something I don't know, I admit this, everything is unrealistic. But it is necessary to strive for this.

I hope that this article was useful to you, and you will not be engaged in nonsense, and start making money on the Internet correctly, creating some value and developing yourself.

Waiting for your comments, let's talk on this topic. If the article was useful, then share it with friends on social networks, I can assume that they are also looking for the possibility of remote earnings.

Thank you for your attention, see you in the following articles. We will disassemble every way. Successes, friends.

14 Jul

Hello! In this article we will tell about how to make money on the Internet in 2018.

Today you will learn:

  • Where to make money on the Internet, if you don't know how you know anything;
  • As with medium investments, get a stable income on the network;
  • It is possible to fully work on the network and earn a lot.

What needs to be done before you start earning

Interest in earnings in the network in a narrow circle of people began in the early 2000s, when the first money came to the Internet, the first advertising of various goods and services appeared, and large companies began to be interested in programmers. In those days, there was no such thought that on the Internet you can earn.

To the loss and myths that are now going around earnings on the Internet, we are obliged to the annoying television advertising about forex traders. In them, a man with a laptop was lying on the beach and earned with a light movement of his hand. From the moment most people think that on the Internet earn or extremely easy, or it is just some kind of deception.

In fact, this is the same job, just without leaving home. And as in any other work, it should be properly prepared for it.

The first thing to make a person who wants to make money on the Internet is to open his wallet in several payment systems: Webmoney and Yandex money. The QIWI wallet will be less popular. It is easy enough to control, it does not need to enter a huge number of passwords, as in WebMoney, but not all customers prefer to be calculated in this system.

The next step will be a trip to the bank and the purchase of a bank card. It is advisable to take a bank card with large banks, such as Sberbank, Tinkoff. The opening of your card is necessary in order to be able to spend your electronic money, which will be calculated with you.

This is such a small preparation will allow you to work at most sites with almost all customers, and do not give up work due to the fact that your wallet is inconvenient to the customer.

Working methods Earn money without investment

At this point, we have collected all the ways of making money on the Internet without any investments that do not require training, special knowledge (with rare exceptions).

Method 1: Performing small orders

You do not need even any preparation.

There are two popular sites on which you can search for orders: Work-Zilla. And Youdo.

These services publish tasks People who either lack something to do something, or they are just too lazy, and much more convenient to pay for the routine work.

Examples of similar tasks: Edit text, dial text, leave a few comments, register on the site, make a presentation, find certain information on the Internet, fill the site, call customers, post an ad, etc.

Services are simple in mastering and fairly loyal to beginners, so working there at the beginning of your career online is a pleasure.

There is even a review about real earnings on Varkzille.

Method 2: Writing Articles

If you overcome the initial fear, gain experience and work the year or other, you can get a fairly popular and well-paid profession a copywriter.

You can find a job on copywriting exchanges: Etxt, Advego, Contentmonster, SlogOved, etc. (here).

Each of the stock has its own characteristics, but the general trend is approximately as follows: the more tasks completed behind the author, the more customers and the fee for one article.

The main misconception: To write articles to be either a philologist, or a journalist, or to this should be talent. This is completely wrong. Yes, in order to earn decent amounts (from 1-2 thousand rubles per article) You will need to gain experience and skills, but the initial entry threshold in the profession is rather low: it is enough to talk to the thoughts and use the services for testing spelling and punctuation (on the first Prases will come and a banal Word).

Method 3: audio and video transcription

Transcribed audio and video - Translation of text from sound format in writing. That is, in fact, you will simply rewrite what they speak on audio and video carriers. We allocated it in a separate block, because of all the freelance professions, it is easier to do this (after writing texts of course).

You will need good headphones, a small set of programs for slowing the audio and video. Also not superfluous will be fast and blind print skills.

Idea 15: creating your own blog

Create your own blog - almost the same thing that the site is done is only somewhat easier. The site has more stringent requirements for the supply of material, its quality and overall filling, then the situation is somewhat different with the blog. In order to make your blog popular, often enough to write about what you are interested. The main thing is to write qualitatively.

Now blogs are less popular than 10-12 years ago, but nevertheless, you can still earn on them.

Idea 16: creating your own group of VKontakte

Groups on social networks are not only a place where there are funny pictures and interesting quotes. In fact, they are also created for earnings on advertising. And in connection with the wild popularity of social networks, you can earn up on a well-promoted group as a full-fledged site, while putting much less effort for its output to the top.

Create a group is much easier than a website or blog. And promotion requires much less resources - you can almost not use cash investments and then you will develop very slowly, gradually gaining subscribers, or spend money and in the shortest possible time to gain weight of people in order to work effectively with advertisers.

Idea 17. Earnings on TWITTER accounts, VKontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki

If you have a well-promoted account in one of the social networks, then you can easily monetize it. Each social. The network has its own characteristics, account requirements, but nevertheless, the general conditions are approximately as follows: many active subscribers, many visits, likes and in general activity on your page.

Earn on your account - almost the same as on a well-promoted group. You also attract advertisers and post advertising posts for a specific fee. Now the most popular social network, which is actively using advertising services from popular accounts (from 100 thousand living subscribers) is Instagram.

Idea 18: Earnings on YouTube

Method 39: Mobile Application Development

Mobile application market develops extremely quickly. And the developers of mobile applications are now very high.

You can earn in the development of mobile applications in two ways:

  • Create your own applications;
  • Make them to order.

The first way is good because you do not have to fulfill the requirements and if you can create something truly popular and interesting users, you can get a good passive income.

Development of applications to order - a more stable way to profit. Interacting with large companies, you can create applications for their needs, and subsequently to serve them. This option is suitable for those who want to get a stable, well-paid job.

Method 40: Administration of online projects

Management of various online projects - a task not from the lungs. Anyone who wants to master this profession should know the features of programming languages, be able to fill the sites with content, to move on search queries, set up advertising and know other subtleties, followed by which it should follow.

In essence, now online project administrators can share on those who independently perform all the functions and receives about 30-70% of the project's income, and a person who controls and sets the stability of all processes on the site, and then, he receives a fixed fee .

Become an administrator in any online project is extremely difficult. We need to search for vacancies, take place online interviews with potential employers and generally know many nuances on the work of each specific project.

But despite the fact that it is difficult to become an administrator, its tasks often consist in controlling all processes, which implies the presence of a large amount of free time. And payment of administrators is also often measured in hundreds of thousands.

Method 41: Mounting video

Mounting video is quite useful skill even in everyday life. Most people who like to love to shoot video, engaged in the installation of their creations. But some people do this professionally, getting big money for the installation of ready-made video.

Now one of the most sought-after skills is the installation of video from the Gopro cameras. The popularity of these cameras has increased the demand of the Montager profession - a person who can make a really high-quality picture from video trash.

The video installation orders can be easily found on freelance sites, in the thematic groups of VKontakte and in various forums.

Method 42: Text Translations

Transfers from different languages \u200b\u200bwere valued from the very beginning of the origin of freelance as a profession. But now, in view of the fact that the majority qualitative materials In highly specialized topics, you can only find in English-speaking forums and sites, competent translators began to appreciate even more.

You can work by the translator in two ways: Get a news or information company that leads your website, and translate them current materials, or to engage in freelance. Each of the options is good in its own way, but without any portfolio and experience, they rarely take into a large company, so it is recommended to dial a portfolio on freelance sites.

For those who only want to make translations, but not yet sure about the knowledge of the language, it is recommended to go on copywriting exchanges - there are not so many for transfers, but at the same time the quality and complexity of work is low.

Method 43: Advertising Setup

The popularity of online sales led to the fact that many people who start selling sales do not know how to competently adjust advertising their goods.

Of course, there are also paid tasks, which if you spend 4 hours a day you can earn 100-150 rubles. who do not want to do anything at all.

Website for earnings - sEOSPRINT..

Method 53: View video

The same thing as earnings on clicks, it is only distinguished by the fact that you need not to sit on the site, but watch the commercial. Most often it will be either popular advertising videos, or another advertisement "way to beat a casino."

On watching video you can earn a little more than on clicks - about 150 rubles in 2-3 hours of their time. The only positive is that when viewing the video, you can minimize the tab and do your affairs online or offline.

Method 54: Earnings on Capp Support

This method is more profitable than clicks and video viewing, but meanwhile and labor cost. For those who do not know, Caps are the symbols that are asked to enter as protection against robots. And certain sites that interact with the Bot programs provide them with the Capp Support Services.

The experience of people familiar to me shows that the captcha can earn from 100 rubles per hour, with due effort, but through some time the hands will begin to root, the eyes are closed and tired. Is not best workBut at the same time, if there are no other options, for a small earnings suitable.

Method 55: Earnings on polls

Most sites say that if you register for 5-7 popular questionnaires can be obtained up to 5-7 thousand rubles per month, and this is an hour per day - in fact 20-25 hours per month, quite a decent amount.

But few says that in order to get into the category of respondents, you need to meet certain requirements, and no one says in advance what. And most of the questionnaires prefer to be treated with conclusions and block money for any occasion.

For those who decide to make money on questionnaires - a small lifehak. Most often, services are interested in moms aged 27-45 years old, housewives living in Tsfo or major cities.

Method 56: Earnings on File Share

Once it was quite relevant option, but now I went to the past. The essence of the following - you download the file to the exchanger and for a certain amount of downloads (more often for 1000) you charge the remuneration of 5-7 dollars.

Now even those who create unique programs are rarely filed by file hosting programs, preferring to give the opportunity to download for free and or voluntarily donate, or buy a VIP version of a fee. But somewhere on the backyards of the Internet file shares are still alive, so you can try happiness.

Method 57: Earnings on issues and answers

There are services that pay users for the right answers to questions of other people, but at the same time, the probability of payments is quite small, and the remuneration is often 1-10 rubles for a complete, deployed and current answer.

Nevertheless, for those who like to look for information and share it, such sites may be suitable.

Doubtful types of earnings

Here we have collected for you very risky making, which should not be made by the main income. They can be earned, and in most cases it will be really light money, but they are associated with great financial and moral risk.

Method 58: Forex

Method 60: Online Casino

It is not necessary to talk anything here. Everyone knows the stories about how the lucky people disappeared a big kush in a casino. But real life is far from the movie, which is why it is not necessary to hope that you come and immediately take the bank.

Online casino is in the methods of earnings for one simple reason: at a distance if you make small and medium rates, you will always leave in minus, but if you control anything terrible will not happen. But when you still cut the bank, it will be much more significant than all the losses (although the total, you went out in minus).

Method 61: Financial Pyramids

Everyone remembers the legendary mmm. One of the largest financial pyramids of Russia, which left hundreds of thousands of depositors without money.

Now in Russia the financial pyramids have a much smaller scale, but at the same time, the scheme of work remained the same - the collection of investments, initial payments and prosperous "bankruptcy" after some time interval.

Financial pyramids in the list of earnings because. That they can still raise money if you know how and when they close. It is closed in most cases, such projects only for customers who have entered them, for others that are consistently sponsored by their new attractions of funds, everything is stable.

If you can attract people to financial pyramids for a long time, then your income will be consistently high throughout the official action period of the pyramid.

Method 62: Haip Projects

Highypes - an even more specific way to spend your money than the pyramids. These services that openly suggest that in a few months, the maximum in a year, they will close, that is why they pay those who invest money - fabulous interest - up to 30 per month.

But as well as financial pyramids, these projects are quickly closed. Nevertheless, there are people who are professional on this earn, and sites that help do it. But the method is extremely risky.

Alternative to Financial Pyramids and Haip projects - investments on the Internet.

Method 63: Money Output Games

Once it was a very popular myth. They say there are several games with the output of money, and it is enough just to play them and officially for game resources it will be possible to withdraw a real currency. And many people have led it, without thinking that the games themselves need to exist on something themselves and bring money.

There were only a few real projects that took the game currency for real money. But at the same time, these were so developed worlds that many players preferred to stay in them, and not to withdraw their money. And it was on this that the games lived on those who remained and lived, developing within this world.

Now there are no such projects left, about replacing came to change the projects that force players to buy in-game values, payback period from month to year, and after one or two payment periods are safely closed.

How much can you make money on the Internet

And now we will touch the most interesting question - how much really can earn a person without experience on the Internet.

Depending on the method, you can earn from 5 to 30 thousand rubles. Moreover, the minimum bar can be achieved, not even applying special efforts, but for everything that above 20 will have to work hard every day.

After 3-4 months of work, a set of decent experience and a client base, or the realization of their first projects, you can go on earnings of 30-70 thousand rubles per month. The only condition for such growth is continuous improvement and a lot of work. 3-4 hours a day and 20 hours a week - it will not go. For this level, earnings need a full-fledged working day and a decent load, then you can really get a stable high income.

Already after the year of work, the specialist consisted in many areas from the above can earn from 60 thousand rubles.

There is no restrictions on the Internet on the Internet - you can always establish a multi-billion dollar company on the network (as a real example - Amazon).

On the Internet there are really a lot of opportunities for earnings. It is enough to work, develop in their professions and after a short period of time you can consistently earn large amounts of money.

Infographics with ways to make money online

Here, found still infographics on the Internet:

And how do you earn on the Internet? Share your ideas and reviews in the comments!