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Public access to statistics. Guest Access Yandex.Direct and Metric: How to access a campaign and analytics

N.and actually, everything is elementary and I have already mentioned it in an article on a 2.0 metric. But still repeat and cut in more detail. For example, I or someone else for the analysis asked you to make access to metric statistics. You ask for someone who needs access login from any Yandex mail under which it is convenient for him, go under your login to your statistics. Before you list your counters (or some one)

WITHthe rights from the counter have a button with the name "Access". Click on her can choose access levels for the guest and sign any comment.

  • Only view
  • Full access

How to give guest access to direct

D.output in the Direct is hidden under the name "Registered representatives". The link in the interface is here. This is at the very bottom under the list of your campaigns.

T.uT has several options for providing access.

  1. You ask a person who needs access to give you a login Yandex Never advertised in the director.
  2. You register a separate clean mail yourself, make access and discount login password in need.
  3. You register login directly from the access page.

T.retith option is the easiest, I recommend it to use. Yes, I must say that even a simpler version will give direct login and password, but it may be that the direct direct is on your personal mail and you do not want random people to get into it. This is a natural desire.

TOif the levels of access in the Direct are very different from those in the metric. There is no level only viewing campaigns and statistics. Anyone from the access options implies that a person who has access can do with campaigns anything. There are certainly the so-called "chief representative" and there are all the others. The main one can add new representatives, all the others are not. That's all levels. Such is the reality and to this you need to be prepared. Of course, it is unlikely that the directorologist will throw a copy of your campaigns and sell to competitors, but still it is possible. Okay, parrot a little, now to the instructions itself. order to provide access. We click a link, appoint a new representative. See on the screen below. According to the first two access options, the described above simply fits login and personal data (any, at least taken from the ceiling).

Pdata Introduction Donet You Find Back and fill Step 2 and click "Register"

AND A new representative appears in the list.

ATfrom and everything left the username and password, you registered, throw someone who needs access. See all trite and simple. Good luck!

We have released new book "Content marketing in in social networks: How to sit in the head of subscribers and fall in love with their brand. "

Yandex.Metrica is an attendance counter on a website with advanced features. Using it, you can find out the dynamics of visits, identify the audience, entry points and exit from the web resource, while staying on the site, movement on the page, the number of failures, analyze search queries, seasonality and much more.

The ability to view content in the analytics system has only a web resource administrator. To confirm the right to the site, it places a special file in the root of the web resource, adds a meta tag to the page or entry to the domain. Sometimes there is a situation when it is necessary to access the metric to another person:

  • For a company that wants to advertise on an analyzed web resource.
  • For SEO studio, which is engaged in promoting a web resource - to assess the efficiency of working on the promotion of the Internet project.
  • To include a web resource into one of the promotional systems during its monetization (teasers, banner, article networks, etc.).
  • When selling a web project - to assess attendance.

In these cases, it is possible to simply give your login and password from Yandex, but then the other party can use your mailbox, electronic wallet, make unwanted changes to Yandex.Vebmaster, on cards, advertising campaigns, on Yandex disk, etc. P. For security reasons, to give their logins and passwords to third parties is not recommended.

How to give a guest access to the meter Yandex.Metrica

Click on the website to which the guest access to Yandex.Metric. You will enter the analytics system of this web resource.

Select: "Setting" - "Access" - "Add user". The person you provide a guest view should have an account in Yandex.

If you enable public access, you can show statistics to any person who has a meter number or reference to it. And individual viewing will be possible only under the account you entered.

You need to enter the user login, set the rights (view or editing) and write a comment (for yourself). In the example, the guest permission is given, and the public view is disabled.

Executive access

The representative can manage the counters for administrative rights (add, delete, edit, provide guest, etc.).
Go to the "Representatives" section and make an existing login in Yandex for a third party.

If you add a new resource into an analytics system, it will automatically appear in all your accounts in accounts.

Access to monetization

If your counters are connected to the Yandex advertising network, then with the "Monetization" tool, you can analyze shows and multiply income. If a new person has the ability to edit the "Metrics", then it will also be able to analyze monetization. If a person has the right only to view, then do the following:

  1. Click "Settings" - "Access".
  2. Choose a pencil opposite the guest.
  3. Change his rights to view with monetization.
  4. Save the changes.

How to remove access or change them

To change the rights, click on the pencil opposite the added user. This can be changed. If you want to remove the right to view or edit completely, click on the x icon opposite the selected person. The representative is also removed simply.

You must create a new account in any service of the Russian search engine ("Metric", "Passport", "Mail", "WebMaster", etc.). Consider how to create an account in "Mail".

Call the search engine in the browser and click on the appropriate button at the top on the right (Write the box).

Fill in all the offered fields, confirm the phone number.

WITH unknown number 8-800 -... you will call a robot and voice will call the code that should be introduced. Check the box at the bottom and confirm your choice. You are registered and you can get the opportunity to work with analytics systems. Immediately you get mailbox Type [email protected], which can be used.

Do not show statistics to competitors and unknown persons, be careful with the definition of representatives or when selling the site. You can use your trust, so you can only edit the "Metrics" can only be reliable to persons.

Site statistics counter from Yandex Metrics need to any site. This is one of the easiest analytical tools. You add tracking code to all pages and get detailed information on attendance and sources of traffic, visitors, their socio-demographic characteristics and another important information In the metric reports.

Very often there is a need to issue access to a metric counter for several users. For example, for your business partner, marketer colleagues, Freelancer. If your Yandex Direct advertising campaigns are on another account, then it also needs to open access to the account where the Yandex Metric is located. Only in this case data will be transmitted to the corresponding direct reports.

Now we will show how it is done.

Entrance to the Yandex Metrics Account

Open the Yandex Metric Site. We enter your existing login and password from Yandex mail, that they already exist. If not, register:

Registration Yandex Account

Now we will not stop in detail on adding and creating a meter for a new site. It is enough to say that using the "Add Counter" button you can get a code that is installed on your site and the metric begins to work.

Three types of access to meters

Yandex Metrics have three different access to meters:

  • Individual access to view or editing
  • Public access to the statistics on the link
  • Through the creation of a representative

Individual access to the meter

You can provide individual access for other accounts through the settings button. It is B. total list Counters, to the right of the column "Owner" - the gear icon.

Setting counter

Or go to the meter itself (click on it) and we see on the left of black vertical menu, Last button with a gear "Settings".

After switching to the settings, we see the "Basic" tab, the "counter code" and so on. We are interested in the "Access" button. Go to it and click the "Add user" button.

Add user to a metric

In the window that opens, you can choose the type of individual access:

  • Only viewing - can open reports, sort information, etc.
  • Editing access - can open access to other users, create goals and segments.

If you want to connect Yandex Direct to Yandex Metrics (as they are on different accounts), you need to open access to editing.

New user

We enter the user login is the login of the Yandex Account. That is, you can open the meter only for the user logged in Yandex. If you wish we write a comment and click "Add".

In the general login list, you can always delete access ("Cross") and change the status from viewing on editing.

Editing rights

After granting the rights, do not forget to click on the yellow button "Save" at the bottom of the settings page to secure changes.

Public access by reference

In the "Access" section of the counter settings, there is a button Off / ON to open public access to the statistics on the link. Enable such access and you will receive a link that anyone can access reports on your site.

Public access

We do not recommend this access at all. Information from reports on your site is a real find for competitors. Even information sites attracting advertisers are not shared by the full access to the metric reports, and provide sample reports with screenshots / excel tables and other tools.

Access to the metric through the creation of a representative

You can open access to all counters in your account through the creation of a representative.

Entering a new representative is made through the "Representatives" menu in the "New Representative" input field. If necessary, you can enter a comment of the representative. We do not forget to complete the entry by clicking on the "Save" button.


Such access provides access with full rights to all meters from the account account. It can delete, create goals and segments, issue access and so on.

If you have been registered as a representative, then in the section, a rectangle will appear under your login to select representations.

Choosing an account in the metric

Access to Yandex Metrics login and password

Unfortunately, Yandex does not have the opportunity to open access to Yandex Metrics login and password. Some promotional systems to which you are connected as a webmaster (advertising platform) request full access To statistics, you need to give a link or link with login and password authorization. If you need to open statistics in this way, create a separate Yandex account and open access to the meter of the desired site.

Hello everyone! Today we will learn to customize guest access to Yandex Metrics. This is convenient when, for example, the promotion of your site is engaged in the SEO company, and it needs statistical data.

Or when it is necessary for Yandex.metric data to be visible from another account.

Installing the Counter to the site

For those who are not familiar with Yandex metric.

Yandex.Metrica is statistics, tracking positions of the site, attendance, number of views, duration of sessions, etc. It is similar to both attendance counters (LiveInternet).

You can install it by clicking on the site and clicking on the "Add Counter" button. After that, you will need to specify a number of data on the site (name, URL, etc.), only then you will receive the counter code. You can install this meter to your site to track the resource statistics.

In general, there should be no problems with this.

Tuning guest access to Yandex Metric

To configure guest access to Yandex.Metrica, you will need to go to the administration panel and select the "Edit Counter" icon. After that, from the "General" tab, you will need to go to the "Access" tab, as shown in the screenshot below.

Then click on the Add user button and specify the login of its account on Yandex-mail.

After that, you will need to choose the level of access. There are two of them:

  • only viewing (guest access);
  • full access (administrative access).

In the "Full Access" mode, users will be able to add other accounts to the same way.

The "view only" mode is also interested, it is he who opens a guest access to Yandex Metric. This mode and choose.

That's all, we opened guest access to metric statistics. Now from the specified account you can view all the materials available to the administrator.

Opening the meter for all

By default, the counter turns out to be closed, and it is impossible to view its data. But you can make it open. To do this, go to the counter control panel, click "Edit Counter, go to the" Access "tab and put a tick above the item" Public Access to Statistics ":

Now, if necessary, you can copy the link below and give it a person interested in the statistics of your site. You can also just install informer on your website.

If you want to install an informer on your website, then you will need to still put a check mark opposite the inscription "Show informer data". After that, go to the "Counter Code" tab and check the box next to "Informer":

Below you will see the meter code, which will need to be installed on the site. Now users will be able to see all the statistics of your site.

Follow the instructions below to give guest, full or provide public access to the statistics of your site to another user in Yandex Metric.

Preparation for the opening of access

To open access to Yandex Metrics you will need:

  1. A login and password from the mail to which the Yandex Metric Counter is registered or for which access to editing is open.
  2. Login ( email Address) Yandex user mail for which you open access.
  3. Determine the level and, if necessary, the provision of access.

What are the levels of access in Yandex Metric 2.0

"Only view" (guest access) - The user can only view the settings and statistics according to your meter. At the same time, the user will not be able to save segments when generating a report, save a report, add it to favorites.

Provided for checking the settings of Yandex Metrics (targets, weblist) and to analyze statistics by third-party experts (SEO, marketers), as a rule, is used during the discussion of the details of cooperation.

Guest access does not allow you to make changes to the counter settings:

  • Add and change targets in the metric.
  • Manage access (open and close).
  • Make changes to the meter code.
  • Download visitors' parameters for segmentation in the metric and targeting in the Direct.
  • Change the settings in the webmore (but you can use the weblist).

"Full access" - The user will be able to fully control the meter (except for its removal).

The representative receives full viewing, editing and deleting all account counters (including guest). Suitable for working with all experts (SEO, context, SMM), with which you work on an ongoing basis. When creating a new meter, access to it will automatically be provided to all added representatives.

To conveniently manage and switch between multiple metric accounts, use the menu " Account" It is located in the upper right corner. Click on it with the left mouse button and select the username you are interested in from the drop-down menu.

- allows you to view site reports, except for information on search phrases, weblist data, direct and target call.

Most often used during the sale of sites.

How to open access (guest and full) in a metric 2.0

Go to the Yandex Metric Service If necessary, click on the yellow button "Go".

Enter the login and password from Yandex mail with which the Yandex metric meter was registered.

Click on the image to enlarge it (it will open in a new window)

On the "Counters" page (open by default), to the right of the site name for which you want to provide access is the gear icon. Click not the left mouse button. You will be taken to the "Setup" section.

* If there are several Yandex Metric meters installed on your site - repeat the steps below for each of them.

In the "Setup" section, select the "Access" tab (extreme right).

On the Access tab, in the "Individual Access" section (at the bottom of the screen), click on the "Add user" button. The new user pop-up window appears.

Add user login

In the New User window, in the Login field, enter the email address. User mail for which you provide access. Mail must be registered in the Yandex Mail service. If you open access to our command, specify as a login: [Email Protected]

Select Access Level

To the right of the Login window is the access control level menu. Click on it and select Guest or Full Access in the drop-down menu. Click on the Add button.

Save the changes

After successfully adding access, this window will appear with information about who, when and what level access is open. Click on the Save button.

After all changes are saved the "Save" button will become gray.

Nuances: Sometimes an error message can appear. In this case, you click on the Save button Several times until the button becomes gray.

Video instruction

Summary:Access is open. The Yandex Metric Service will send the user notice of the access you provided access to the counter statistics. If you have not yet opened, go to this link and follow further instructions.

Removing and changed levels of access to the metric.

You can change the level of access or close it at any time. To enter the Access Control menu, do the following:

  • Enter the Yandex metric account
  • In the "Counters" menu to the right of the site you are interested in click on the gear.
  • In the Settings menu, select the "Access" tab (extreme right).

Editing and Removing Access

On the "Access" tab, in the section "Individual Access" there is a list of all logins that have the right to view these metrics. On the right of the login are two icons:

  • Pencil - editing the level of access.
  • Cross - removal of the representative.

How to open public access to the statistics of your site

To provide access to view your statistics to any users, in the "Public Access to Statistical" block, set the switch to the ON position. A field with the URL will appear on which the statistics of this meter will be available.

How to go to the metric via individual or guest access

To go to a metric on individual or guest access, you need to follow the link: and enter login and password from Yandex mail for which access has been opened.