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How to find out the owner's phone number. How to find a person by mobile phone number - all ways to own number 8

There are not very many ways that allow for free and on legal grounds to find out who owns the number mobile phone, and learn the basic information about the subscriber you are interested in - the name, surname, location.

Such information refers to confidential, and cannot be disclosed to outsiders, if the owner does not want this. But many of themselves often indicate personal information on social networks, for this reason, even using the Internet, many can learn it.

It should be noted that in the tenths of the iPhona, this issue has already been resolved by the built-in utility, which automatically recognizes all incoming numbers.

However, until all of humanity has passed on Apple's products, the problem continues to exist for owners of other devices. It is for you our review.

How to find out who is calling

Technologies are made through all areas of our life, so it is absolutely logical that determine unknown number Now you can use convenient applications. Below, we present a review of useful services that will not take a lot of space in your smartphone, but they will significantly facilitate the search for the calls.

Kaspersky Who Calls.

Free app that will suit the owners of both iOS and Android. He easily determines the numbers unfamiliar to you, so now you will not fear calls from not signed subscribers.


  • Detailed information about the calls;
  • Allows you to send annoying persons to spam;
  • No Internet connection is required for work;

- minuses

  • The base of spam does not always work, so some calls may be reused;
  • Begins to work not immediately after installation, but after 10-15 minutes.

The developers assure that the service does not enter into the personal life of users and the lists of incoming are not remembered by the system, the number from your confirmation is left to the spambase.

Who is calling

Another application that allows you to identify incoming calls.

Shares subscribers in the category: fraudsters, collectors, advertising agencies, bank call centers, delivery services, online shopping. If necessary, you can block the whole category and its representatives will not be able to dial.


  • The ability to block all branches;
  • Display on the screen detailed information about incoming;
  • Ability to create your own blacklist;
  • Allows each user to become connected to replenish the base of unwanted contacts.

- minuses


In addition to the standard necessary functions for this kind of applications, this service can also block even SMS from obsessive numbers (advertising mailing, spam, etc.). Also from a pleasant feature - recording calls.

You can also find the contact you are interested in in the extensive catalog of the system, there is also an opportunity to learn how you are recorded in the directory from your friends.


  • Many additional options;
  • Work with two SIM cards;
  • A huge catalog of contacts.

- minuses

  • Access to your phone book, respectively, processing the data of each of the contacts recorded in it. Where this information goes on - the question is still unanswered.
  • Big questions for confidentiality.

How to find out the owner's phone number

If you know the phone number, in this case, with the help of the Internet, you can find out mobile operator (MTS, Yota, Tele2 and so on) and geographic location. These are key information determined by non-geographical telephone codesAccess to the databases of which can be obtained free of charge.

With how to find a person only by a mobile phone number, not knowing the name and name of the owner, the situation is much harder.

Who registered a mobile phone number

Take advantage of the Google search engine and social network capabilities for checking whether the mobile focused in open access. It will help how to find out who can belong to the phone number and more detailed information about subscriber.

At the same time, such search engines are much safer, since there is no need to download something and pay for it. Just enter enough telephone number And wait for the result.

And although in theory it is the most the best way, however, as practice shows, much more efficiently produce independent searchBy using Google's search engine.

In order to search the phone number, while not losing numbers, you should put quotes, for example, "+79011215682". You can also try different writing formats: local, international, using hyphena, highlighting the operator code using brackets.

This is possible in the following situations:

  • You got a call from any company. Usually, contact information can be found on their official website, in ads with a proposal of vacant position applicants and so on;
  • I have a subscriber who called you own page Vkontakte either another social network. In the profile, contact information is usually indicated or he left them in its comments or in the process of discussing any topic;
  • The resulting I Google does not explore the database of such a social network, but this messenger has a special tool for searching - use it for quick search required information;
  • You received a call from the attackers who have already been added to black lists of forums, websites and online services. Information about fraudsters can be provided on such resources by ordinary users or law enforcement officers.

There are bypass ways to find out the name on the telephone number. In some articles on the network, details are described by instructions using which you can try to mislead the employee in the mobile office office (Beeline, Megafon) to learn from him the name, name and patronymic of the required subscriber.

It is also fraud, so in the event of threats or blackmail, because of what you wish to find out the name of the caller, it is better to seek help from law enforcement officers. You do not have the right to find out confidential data, especially if a person does not want to disclose it himself.

How to determine the owner by phone number free online

In addition to popular search engines, Yandex and Rambler, there are other methods that allow you to identify the subscriber at its telephone number. To find out its belonging is possible using special resources and online services, which in the search process are drawn to the databases available.

I recommend using only those sites that are ready to provide you with free information. If you need to pay for it, in this case there is a huge risk that, giving your savings, you will not get anything.

In addition, the software database may contain a virus that will penetrate into the system of your personal computer.

Database of phone numbers

To find out who is the owner of the room, you can use different databases of telephone numbers. Since certain services that provide the name, name and other personal data of the Subscriber are violated a law on the disclosure of personal data, so finding a quickly such a resource will be problematic. Roskomnadzor is searching for such sites and closed them.

And even if you have found a working resource with this service, then there is a high probability that they will have either an outdated database, or it can be simply incomplete. Then you need to use the service possible download of the full database for a fee or, on the contrary, you will be offered the option to remove your phone number from a similar resource for money.

Each of us came across life with the situation when I had to look for a person. For some, it was vital, others were guided by curiosity, the third tried to protect themselves from trouble. There may be a lot of reasons.

  • Call and silent into the tube. The situation scares and simultaneously intrigues.
  • Worried obsessive fan. Fine calls are not only annoyed, but also can seriously harm family relationships.
  • An annoying seller or distributor of any product does not give rest at night.
  • Regular threats and requirements come.
  • Periodic calls with inappropriate and stupid jokes.

You have a desire to find out who bothers you and disassemble the situation.

We all know that in conditions modern Mira Almost everyone uses mobile phones. This is an indisputable fact. However, not everyone knows how to find out who owns the number cell phone, His personal data and locations. Modern technologies allow you to cope with this task. Let's try to figure out how successful and effective. To do this, we will stop more in the main points.

How to determine who owns a cell phone number

A prerequisite for obtaining a room, as a rule, is the provision of personal data. If the bang at least once took advantage of mobile, it is very realistic to know his name. The main thing is to understand and remember that on the Internet you can face fraudsters who guarantee the provision of personal data for remuneration. Many cases of deception when people, believing promises, paid money, and did not receive information.

There are several ways to get information about the owner knowing his phone number:

  • contact the law enforcement;
  • contact operator cellular network;
  • visit the communication salon;
  • use specialized databases;
  • make a search on the Internet.

How to determine the phone number: whose one belongs

  • The simplest I. affordable option - Contact your Internet. As a rule, users often provide information about themselves on various sites. After all, through the Internet, the purchase and sale of goods, exchange and delivery of housing, acquaintance and much more. Before you go to any resource, you need to register, which implies the provision of personal data. Even if you can not find out the name, get information about the city and name will be enough for a start. You need to enter the necessary numbers in the search engine and work out the information received.
  • If the first option did not bring significant results, contact the operator cellular communication. Here you can expect both luck and disappointment. Undoubtedly, the worker sees the surname of the subscriber, but may not submit to you. He has full right. We will have to explain the reason that prompted you to learn information about the owner of the room: the threat of your life, family, welfare, and so on. The result largely depends on your gift of persuasion.
  • Request assistance in police or prosecutor's office. The most effective option is if you feel dangerous for your life or well-being. The procedure is quite simple. It is necessary to write a statement and transfer to consideration. Employees decide whether it makes sense to provide subscriber data that made calls. If the situation is really serious (perhaps a criminal case is open), law enforcement agencies will provide the provision of accurate and true information and will take appropriate measures if necessary.
  • Try using databases. They are both free and providing information for a certain amount. Remember that the data is rapidly losing relevance. A person can change the place of residence and telephone. By purchasing a database, you can get on the chain and not get the expected result.
  • If you are interested in the question of how to find out who owns the MTS phone number , download by personal Computer Data database and join the phone number for free. Using various resources, get acquainted with reviews about them and provided guarantees. Although, even such an approach will not provide a complete guarantee in the authenticity of the information received.
  • How to find out who owns a megaphone phone number? It all depends on what purpose is being pursued. If you are interested in information on who the card was registered before, use the "personal account". If you go to Poisk.Goon, the likelihood of free information is great. Which, unfortunately, is infrequently subjected to updates.
  • You successfully use the Card 2, which was registered at one time on someone else. There was a desire to reorganize the data on . How to find out who belongs to the phone number 2? "Personal Account" will come to the rescue. After entering the phone number and receive the password, the user's surname will be displayed. You can also find out his address.
  • If you are interested in information, how to find out who owns the phone number Beeline, take advantage of a similar scheme in " Personal Cabinet" If someone else's SIM card is detected, realize.
  • Have you have information about the user's home phone phone? Use telephone directory. Download the program to the computer and enter in search string Required numbers. Suitable for this purpose and paper option. The main thing is that it is a more modern sample. You can also make a call to a special service providing reference information.

Very often to decide how to find who owns a cell phone number , Search Vkontakte if the subscriber is in the status of your friends. For this:

  • We find a tab where your friends are provided.
  • Choose the section "Phonebook".
  • We study contact information.
  • In the search engine drive the necessary numbers.

How can you find out who owns the phone number

In addition to the listed methods, there are still some tips to determine the identity of a person if you know the phone number.

  • In some cases, they resort to the help of a private detective. Of course, the service costs certain money, but very often the invested agents justify themselves.
  • Call back to the well-known number and move the conversation in such a way as to get any initial information. A competently built conversation will help clarify the data that will enable the overall picture.
  • There are specially designed sites that require only one paid message And in the future the requested information in the future. Data can be observed on the screen immediately after sending SMS. The main thing is not to be mistaken and not to get to the scam.

As you can see, it is a lot of ways to find out the owner of the phone number. If you have such a need, you need to act calmly and thoughtfully. You can use both paid and free sources. You can search for your own, you can use the services of professionals. Hope for a positive result is always there and you need to be able to use it.

Free and legitimate ways, how to find out who owns the phone number, and calculate the basic information about the owner - the name, surname, address, not so much. Such data refer to the number of confidential and should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons. However, people themselves often expose personal information, so the borders of privacy in the 21st century are blurred.

How to find out the owner's phone number

Knowing a telephone number, using the Internet, you can learn a cellular operatora (MTS, VimpelCom, tele2 or others) and geographical ownership. This is the basic information that is defined by DEF codes, the database of which is available for free. With how to find out who owns the phone number (surname and name of the owner), the situation is much more complicated.

Who registered a mobile phone number

Use Google Search Engine social networksto check if there is a mobile called outdoor. it perhaps in several cases:

  1. You were called from the organization - Contacts are on their official website, in ads with vacant positions, etc.
  2. The victory of the person has a page of VKontakte or another social network, and in the profile information there are contacts, or he left them in the comments / discussions.
  3. The caller uses telegrams. Google does not perform the study of the database of this messenger, but the social network itself has a built-in search tool - try it.
  4. They called scammers who already exist in black lists of forums, sites or other services. Data on attackers can exhibit conventional users or law enforcement agencies.

There are workarounds to find out the surname by the mobile phone number. In some articles on the Internet, an instruction is described how to deceive the consultant in the offices of mobile service companies (Beeline, MegaFon) so that he calls the name. This is also fraud and if you need the name, because the calling you threatens / blackmail, contact law enforcement agencies.You do not have the right to recognize confidential information if a person himself decided not to disclose it.

Who owns a city phone number

The first way, how to break the phone number and find out the owner of the stationary apparatus, does not differ from the above described above. Use Google to get information. However, the search for city phones is complicated by the fact that they are not registered in the messengers, and even more so they are not exhibited in social network profiles. The second method will be more efficient - search for paper and online directories.

The study of data on the Internet is more convenient - you will need to enter the number on the site and allow the service to find information. Paper directories will have to be browsing manually, but, given that the systematization in them comes according to the names, and not by phone, it will still make it difficult to search. In addition, many times have not been updated for a long time. Relying remains for luck.

How to determine the owner by phone number free online

In addition to the search engines of Google, Yandex, Rambler, there are other identification capabilities of the subscriber. To find out who owns the cell phone number, you can with the help of popular resources and services that appeal to your databases. Use those sites that provide services online for free. If you need to pay, the risk of giving money, without having received nothing in return. In addition, the program database can be driven by viruses.

Database of phone numbers

Since the services that provide the name / address of the subscriber by number, disclose private data, Roskomnadzor blocks them regularly. Find from unlocked sites working and honest - the case of good luck. In some databases are incorrect, others are incomplete. Third offer for a specific fee download full version Or remove your phone out of it. The database of two-three years ago is really bought out (for example, they can be bought on the radio rolls), but no one gives any guarantees about the results of issuing.

Search engines by phone number

Such systems work with the same databases, but perform a search for the user. Apply them safer - you do not need to pay and download, just enter the number and wait for the results. Theoretically, this is the perfect way, in practice - an independent search through Google more efficiently. Helpful advice: To look for an exact number without loss of numbers, add quotes, for example "+79011234567" and try different formats writing (international, local, with hyphen or brackets).

How to find subscriber by mobile phone number in case of threats or fraudulent actions

Malefactors are often used short numbers: And the money from the SIM card can be removed not only when SMS is sent to such a phone, but even when taking a handset. If only four digits are displayed on the screen - this is already a reason to beat the alarm. Ordinary digital combinations fraudsters are also used, and, in the case of threats or loss of funds from the account, it will not be enough to find the phone on the Internet, as this is the reason for making a criminal case.

Assistance to law enforcement agencies

Banks and other official institutions never call as a request to provide them with confidential information. These are fraudsters, and if you entered such a call, or you have become a victim of another telephone deception, it's time to go to law enforcement agencies. Apply to the police, in which you must specify the date, time and number, which I would have a calling and conversation content. It will be reviewed in time from 10 days to a month. If the damage was not caused, it would not start, but stored in the database.

Private Agency

If you find an attacker - the case of the principle, and the closed thing in the police does not suit you, please contact private detective agencies. Such organizations provide a wide range of services, including those that violate the legislation of the Russian Federation (for example, a printout of the subscriber calls). Cost - from 5,000 rubles. In addition, advice services are provided, which will help to decide what to do with the information received.
