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What is the program that removes pixels on the screen. Enlarging the image without losing quality

Pixelation occurs when you have a low resolution image and you can recognize every pixel with the naked eye. While we don't have the ability to completely eradicate image pixelation, we can mitigate the problem. If you learn to use various functions software Photoshop, you can reduce the pixelation of all your images.

You can reduce Pixelation in Photoshop using the Ctrl key on your computer.

Step 1

Open your image with Photoshop.

Step 2

Click on "View". Click Actual Pixels to determine the level of pixelation for your image.

Step 3

Go to your "Main Menu". Click on Filter, Noise and finally Despeckle. This allows you to align the pixels that your picture contains.

Step 4

Hold down the "Ctrl" and "f" buttons at the same time. Repeat this process a series of four times.

Step 5

Click "Smart Blur" in the "Filter" menu. Adjust your radius to about one and a half pixels and your threshold to 14 pixels. Click "Login".

There are several reasons why a dead pixel appears on the monitor. This is also the long stay of the LCD monitor outside the premises typical for such devices, for example, in the kitchen, where, in addition to constant temperature fluctuations, there is a lot of humidity.

We are not talking about the content of fatty vapors in the air, which penetrate into the inside of the devices and negatively affect their operation.

Mechanical impact on the monitor is a frequent occurrence when you press your finger on the matrix with excessive force. And there are many other reasons.

But you need to understand that a dead pixel can be present on a new monitor or laptop matrix, and for many models of such devices this is considered normal.

What are dead pixels?

Broken pixels can be seen on the monitor different types, this is:

  1. On a black background, white dots are the first type;
  2. On a white background, black dots are the second type;
  3. Multi-colored pixels, green, red, magenta and blue are the third type.

In simple terms, a broken pixel is a constantly glowing white or color, as well as black dots that do not react in any way to a change in the color rendering of the monitor screen.

All of the above types are legalized by the international standard ISO-13406, which also regulates the permissible number of dead pixels in different classes of monitors.

Much depends on the model of the matrix used, so when buying an LCD monitor or laptop, be sure to turn them on and check for such problems.

This is easy to do by inspecting the matrix visually or by using special utility, taking it with you on a flash drive to the store. We will talk about such programs below.

  1. Monitors of the first class are considered the best and should not have dead pixels a priori.
  2. The second class allows the presence of no more than 5 problematic pixels of the III - type, no more than two faulty pixels of the first and second types.
  3. The third class assumes the presence of no more than 50 defective squeaks of the III - type, up to 15 of the second and up to 5 of the first types.
  4. The fourth class allows the presence of 500 defective pixels of the III - type, 150 of the second and, accordingly, 50 of the third types.

At the heart of the device of each pixel is a thin-film transistor that controls the entire process of color rendering at a specific point on the screen.

If this transistor is out of order, then we can observe a black dot on the screen and we can no longer change something at the software level.

Such a pixel can be noticed only on light screens or where the picture is transmitted in a white tone.

Therefore, as a rule, despite the fact that the black pixel cannot be repaired at home, it is rarely paid attention to, since it is the least noticeable and does not irritate the eyes.

Other types of dead pixels are called "stuck pixels". They glow in different colors and are very annoying for the PC user, as they are clearly visible on the screen.

It is, as a rule, with these dead pixels that users of laptops, LCD monitors and other devices that use a similar technology in the operation of screens are struggling.

How to remove dead pixels?

Remove dead pixels on the monitor, meaning “ stuck pixels", At home, you can use three main methods:

  1. Software;
  2. Mechanical;
  3. Software-mechanical.

There are situations when defective pixels disappear by themselves during long-term use of the monitor, but this is a very rare occurrence and should not be counted on. Moreover, if the problem has arisen in the most conspicuous place and interferes with work.

Programming method

The method that is the most popular in solving our problem, as it helps in 80% of cases.

The principle of its use lies in the fact that during the operation of a special program with a fast frequency, the colors of the pixels located next to the broken one change.

As a result, a greater amount of current flows to the problem area, as a result, the defective pixel is gradually reanimated.

In each case, the recovery time for a dead pixel may be different, it all depends on the complexity of the situation and on the program settings.

In the settings of the utility, you can change the frequency of color changes and the period of its operation. In some cases, it will take from 20 minutes to 5 - 6 hours to solve the problem.

Programs for finding dead pixels.

If you go to test your monitor for dead pixels, then you can use a simple free utility IsMyLcdOK.

There are versions for both 32 and 64 bit systems.

No software installation required.

By running the utility, a window like this will appear.

Acting according to the instructions, you can quickly check any monitor, including the one you want to buy for broken squeaks. The size of the program is about 200 Kb.

Multifunctional utility for checking and testing monitors. Has many features, including check for dead pixels.

It is very easy to work with, so there is no point in describing its work.

Dead pixel recovery software.

The most famous and one of the most effective programs is Bad Crystal. Developed in three versions Ultimate, Mobile and Primary, respectively, it has different functionality. It is considered one of the best software in this category.

On this moment the current version is 6.1.9 BUILD 4061, the official website of the program is Here you can also read how to use the program.

You can also use previously released working versions, which are easy to download from torrents, if you are sorry to pay $ 14.99 for the rarely used Bad Crystal program.

Let's take a look at how the program works using version 3.0 Ultimate as an example.

After installing and launching the program, a window will appear with a choice of operating modes.

If you have a trial version, then in this case only CCM mode will be available. The efficiency of this mode will not exceed 55%.

The more efficient SMF and CFV modes only work in paid version and provide pixel recovery 80% of the time.

The PPM mode is used for preventive maintenance, which should be carried out after recovery procedures, at least once a month.

By choosing desired mode, click "Launch".

A window will appear, which must be placed on a dead pixel.

By default, the program will run for 10 minutes. If within such a period of time the dead pixel has not disappeared, press Speed ​​Up and change the settings. It is necessary to increase the speed and time of the program.

It is essentially a free Java application. To use it, you need to go to the official website and click on the "Launch JScreenFix" button.

You will be taken to such a page with a square with running pixels.

Move this square to the problem area of ​​the screen. By default, the program will run for 10 minutes.

If the problem persists, you can increase the running time of the Java application.

The program is free and fully functional. After installing and launching it, such a window will appear.

For example, 5 dead pixels were detected. We expose the appropriate settings and press start.

In the upper left part of the screen, five blinking dots will appear, each of which must be placed under the broken pixel.

Check the result after 10 minutes. Extend the run time if necessary and repeat again.

UDPixel has other useful features as well.

Mechanical method

The mechanical method for recovering dead pixels can be used both separately and together with the above described programs.

The essence this method lies in the following:

  1. The place of the dead pixel on the screen is marked with any in a safe way, the monitor or laptop turns off;
  2. Take a toothpick and wrap cotton wool around it. Or, you can use an ear stick or other object;
  3. With this device, gently press on the pitched pixel, scrolling it slightly. Don't overdo it.

After a while, turn on the device and check the result, if necessary, repeat these steps several times. Please be patient, this can all take up to 30 minutes.

If everything works out, run one of the programs described above and increase the effect.

Some people use the same method, but with the monitor turned on and in parallel, they still use the program. But this method is not safe, so we do not recommend it.

There is one more way, using the stylus from the PDA.

To do this, you will need to very accurately set the stylus in front of the dead pixel, fix it in this position and turn off the monitor.

Do not press the stylus firmly against the screen and turn the monitor back on without reducing the pressing force. When the screen is fully operational, remove the stylus, removing this effort on the dead pixel.

If the first time did not give an effect, repeat everything from the beginning by manipulating the force per pixel and positioning the stylus.

This is how we try to move the "stuck" pixel out of place and make it work correctly. In 80% of cases, it turns out to be done.

Another way.

This method can help in 20% of cases and this is a good chance to correct the situation in our favor.

Disconnect the monitor from all power sources - mains, video card, etc. Remove the battery from the laptop by completely de-energizing it. Don't forget the internet cable.

Leave the device in this state for several days, for example, on the weekend you went to the country.

During this time, all the capacitors of the monitor will be discharged by 100%, and the residual current will go out of the thin-film transistors.

When you turn on the device, there is a possibility that the stuck pixel will work.

This also applies to objects with a large area of ​​contact.


As we can see, a dead pixel in the monitor in most cases, with the exception of black, can be restored at home.

Actions do not require much knowledge, the main thing is to learn how to use the required software correctly and not to overdo it with effort during the mechanical procedure for correcting the problem.

But do not forget that the presence of dead pixels is possible in new devices, so carefully check them for such a malfunction when purchasing.

Summer has begun, heat and new fun. I have a one-room apartment and, think for yourself, I decided to put a second computer in the kitchen with a 19-inch TFT monitor! And where does summer and broken pixels have to do with it? And here's what to do with it. 36 degrees outside, the stove, oven and high humidity did their dirty work - a couple of dead pixels appeared on the monitor.

Dead pixels are constantly glowing or vice versa - non-working dots or parts of dots (subpixels) on the monitor. If the pixel does not work at all, then it always looks black and is noticeable only in white and light colors. This is the most harmless kind of dead pixels, but it is practically impossible to treat.

The most common broken subpixels are when a bright red, blue, green, yellow, turquoise or magenta dot is constantly lit. They are also called stuck pixels. If such a pixel comes out in a conspicuous place, then it is very annoying, especially the red one 🙂 If all three subpixels are buggy at once, then a white dot will glow on the screen.

By the way, defective pixels can either appear or disappear by themselves. On my main monitor from the purchase itself, there were three multi-colored dots in the middle of the screen. When I bought them, I either did not notice them, or they appeared already at home, I don’t know. But I did not bother on this score, because they were absolutely invisible to the eye, if not peering. For 4 years of working with this monitor, I never noticed them, although they were in the middle of the screen.

I think this is due to the fact that my monitor is on the MVA matrix, and not on the common TN. Probably, the specificity of the matrix is ​​such that small defects are not noticeable. So, I recently decided to check if these pixels can be removed in a new way. Began to check - but they are not! We all went somewhere in formation 🙂

Dead pixel recovery software

There is no need to talk about high-tech methods used only in laboratories. Is it possible, in principle, to get rid of multi-colored dots at home? Yes it is possible! And I was convinced of this myself. There are two ways to eliminate dead pixels - software and mechanical.

Restoration occurs due to the rapid change of colors of adjacent pixels. Thanks to this process, a large amount of energy is supplied to the subpixels and they come to life. This technology promises to recover from 55% to 90% of "stuck pixels". True, each case may take a different amount of time, you will have to experiment if you cannot remove the damaged pixels with a raid. Experiments mean changing the speed of changing colors and the running time of the program.

The recovered pixel may get stuck again after a while, especially in hot weather. Then the treatment process will need to be repeated. In some cases, such a pixel cannot be completely cured.

UndeadPixel will fit most

Go to the official website and download the program installer. I recommend the installation version, not the portable one.

In the main window of the program, it is proposed to start finding dead pixels by filling the screen with solid colors: red, lime, blue, white, black and yellow. Different broken pixels will show up on different backgrounds. If you already know where your pixels are, then immediately proceed to restore.

UDPixel works like this: a square appears in which the colors change quickly, i.e. there the pixel recovery algorithm works, and we need to move this square to the problematic place on the screen. In the "Undead pixel" section, you need to set the parameters:

  • Flash windows - the number of squares, i.e. how many problem areas are you going to treat at the same time
  • Flash size - the size of one square in pixels 1 × 1 or 5 × 5. Since it is very difficult to set a 1 × 1 square exactly 1 pixel, then a 5 × 5 area is suitable for restoring even one pixel.
  • Flash interval - pixel refresh rate by algorithm. The shorter the time, the faster the speed. Maximum speed for 3 ms.

Click Start and move the flickering square (s) to the defective spots, watch the video below. When the pixel starts blinking, then this is already an application for victory, just leave it for a longer time. If everything is unchanged, then we select the maximum speed and wait until the pixel disappears. In the worst cases, it can take 10 hours, there is no point in waiting any longer.

The peculiarity of UDPixel is that during pixel recovery, you can continue to work if the squares are not large and do not interfere.

JScreenFix for browser

This is not a program, but just a website, free service in the Internet. Thanks to this, JScreenFix can be run on any device with the Internet: computer, laptop, tablet, MacBook or LCD panel.

Scroll down the page and click the Launch JScreenFix button. The JScreenFix script restores dead pixels in the same way as UDPixel, only without the ability to change the parameters, and it will not work at this time to work at the computer.

You need to move the iridescent square to the problematic pixels, and if they are outside the browser window, then go to the mode full screen by the green button. Watch the video how Undead Pixel and JScreenFix work:

The manufacturers of these programs recommend doing prophylaxis to your monitor, occasionally starting the "recovery process". I don't know how justified it is to spend your attention on this, but for plasma panels it can be really useful.

Bad Crystal - all-in-one harvester

On the site you can both download the program and buy. The free version works for 30 days in limited functionality mode, which does not work with more advanced technologies. On the Internet, you can find a version without restrictions 😉

The work of the program begins with the choice of a device: a computer screen, a mobile phone, a game console or a plasma panel.

For mobile phones and game consoles a video file is generated for the selected resolution. It will have to be played in a repeating mode on a smartphone. For a TV, you can burn a DVD or a USB flash drive with a finished video, or run it in the "Full Screen" mode.

If you have a regular monitor or laptop, choose "Computer Monitor". To display an additional menu, you need to move the mouse to the top of the window. There are four modes available here: Common Clearing (CCM), System Modified (SMF), Complex Force (CFV), Personal Protection (PPM). V free version only CCM and PPM work. The other two modes should provide a higher percentage of recoverable pixels. CCM is selected by default.

Press "Launch" and move the window to the area of ​​dead pixels. We wait 5-10 minutes and check. If the point remains, then we increase the speed using the "Speed ​​Up" button, which appears if you move the mouse to it, and wait another 10-15 minutes.

The developers claim that their algorithms allow not only treating pixels, but also removing spots on the screen and. But this is in the case when these are simply clusters of pixels that are not working correctly. Watch the video:

Further, so that the pixels do not "get stuck" again, it is recommended to enable auto mode prevention - PPM. In this mode, the colors on the monitor change over time. The process is launched 2-3 times a month when no one is working at the computer.

Mechanical method

I have not tried this method, but I have seen many reviews in its favor. If the programs could not cope, then it's time to massage the monitor 🙂 Exactly. Take an ear stick and start to massage in place of the broken pixel. Just do not press very hard, but so that streaks appear, and massage the causal place. Business requires perseverance, as it may take from 10 to 30 minutes of work.

If you succeed - hurray! I congratulate you, you can “polish” this case with Bad Crystal. And if the pixel stubbornly does not want to recover, then you can try to run the program and simultaneously massage the place for 15 minutes, and then leave the program to run for 10 hours.

I hope this article has been of great use to you. Your friends will be very grateful if you share this information using the buttons social networks under the article.

How often, when looking at photos on a computer, we threw out cool frames because they turned out to be too small in size and of poor quality. But with the help special programs almost any image can be saved!

Improving image quality is a very voluminous topic. To improve the quality of photos in Photoshop, you can apply color correction, sharpening, retouching and many other operations. All of them require certain skills and possession of special techniques.

But there are also less complicated methods when you just need to enlarge the image without losing quality. Below we will look at an example of how to improve the quality of a photo if you need to enlarge a photo without losing quality.

How to enlarge a photo without losing quality

Everyone has come across a small, low quality image. In such images, at magnification, the pixels are strongly visible, the points from which the raster image is built.

Enlarging the image by stretching it free transforming will only worsen the situation.

For this tutorial, the work will be done in Photoshop CC 2017. But first, we will look at the method for other, older, Photoshop versions... And then we'll show you how Photoshop CC 2017 can do the whole procedure automatically.

Open up the image in Photoshop. Now we will gradually increase it in several passes. It should be noted right away that you can enlarge the photo and raise the quality, but with a limitation in size.

Press the keyboard shortcut Alt + Ctrl + I... We will open a window "Image size"... It is necessary that between Width and Height a paperclip was pressed. Then the width and height will change proportionally.

Enlarge the image twice, 20% each time. To do this, in the drop-down list opposite "Widths" change pixels to percentages (Pixel / Percent), and the numerical value from 100% to 120% and click Ok... Then we call the image size window again ( Alt + Ctrl + I) and increase by 20%.

We have increased the image size from 950x632 pixels to 1368x910 pixels.

For a visual comparison, let's approximate the original image (950x632 pixels) and the resulting one (1368x910 pixels).

We enlarged the image by almost one and a half times and even improved the quality. As you can see, pixelation is less noticeable if you zoom in on the image.

It remains to refine the result. Apply a filter "Smart Sharpen" to the resulting image.

We go in: Filters / Sharpen / Smart Sharpen... Moving the sliders, we select the appropriate sharpness. If you click and hold the left mouse button on the image in the small preview window, you can see the picture before applying the effect. The difference is palpable. Especially noticeable smooth transition colors (no cubes) on the lenses of the glasses. We have completely removed the noise by moving the slider all the way to the right. The radius of sharpness was taken at 0.3 pixels, the effect was applied at 79%.

Let's compare the results again.

Left - the original image, in the center - after enlarging the size, on the right - with the "Smart Sharpness".

After application "Smart Sharpness" the noise in the photo is gone, the image is clearer.

Here is our result.

Now let's enlarge the photo and improve its quality using automatic tools in Photoshop 2017.

Open the image in Photoshop, press the keyboard shortcut Alt + Ctrl + I... We will open a window Image Size... Pay attention to the point "Fit To" / Dimensions... Expand this list. In it you will see presets for image enlargement / reduction without loss of quality. Let's use automatic selection (the second item in the list). In the window that opens, select the item "Good" and press Ok... It is not worth choosing the best, because the original image is of too low quality, and there is no point in enlarging it so much.

Please note that if we managed to select to enlarge the image from 950x632 pixels and a resolution of 96 pixels / inch to 1368x910 pixels with the same resolution, then the program increased to 1969x1310 pixels with a resolution of 199 pixels / inch.

Let's apply Smart Sharpness.

Now you yourself are convinced that you can enlarge a picture without losing quality, and even improve the quality of a photo.

It should be noted that this method can be useful not only for enlarging and improving small photos. For example, you need to provide a photo for an Internet resource or for printing in a publishing house. At the same time, your photo is of excellent quality and large size, but the publishing house needs an even larger size. By applying the described method of enlarging the picture and improving its quality, you will get excellent results. After all, a large photo with good quality will go through this procedure much easier.

The procedure is extremely simple. Don't give up on small pictures. Give them a second chance.

Need to resize your pixel art? Find out how to enhance your artwork and keep sharp and crisp shapes with Photoshop!

In this lesson, you will learn how to get excellent results when resizing pixel art in Photoshop! Pixel art differs from standard images and presents unique challenges when resized. Usually, by enlarging the image and adding more pixels, Photoshop tries not to make the result look blocky and pixelated by blending the pixels together and smoothing everything.

But "blocky and pixelated" is the whole point of pixel art! So, in order to resize the pixel art, we need a way for Photoshop to just add more pixels, and that's it. Rather than smoothing things out, we want the shapes and edges of the drawing to look crisp and crisp. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to do this.

Along with resizing the pixel art, I also use this same technique to resize the screenshots used in my tutorials. And you can use it to resize any graphic where you need to keep crisp, sharp edges or readable text. For the best results in this tutorial, you'll want to use Photoshop CC, but any version of Photoshop will work.

I'll be using this little pixel art character that I downloaded from Adobe Stock:

Our hero is pixel art. Credit: Adobe Stock.

This is lesson 7 in my Image Resizing series. Let's start!

Here's a character opened in Photoshop. And as you can see, it looks pretty small:

Pixel art in original size.

Step 1. Open the Image Size dialog box

The best way Enlarge Pixelated Art - Use the Image Size dialog box in Photoshop. To open it, go to the menu " Image "in the menu bar and select " Image size " :

Going to Image> Image Size.

In Photoshop CC, the dialog contains a handy preview window on the left, as well as image size options on the right:

Image Size dialog box in Photoshop CC.

View the current image size

The current image size is at the top. Next to the word " Dimensions " we can see that my image is quite small, with only 500px width and height:

The current dimensions in pixels of the cover.

Step 2: Enable the Resample option

Let's say I need to make my character a lot bigger. Maybe I want to use it as a poster or as a desktop background. To do this, I need to enlarge the image by adding more pixels.

First, make sure Resample the parameter in the dialog in turned on... If Resample is off, pixel dimensions are locked and all we can change is the print size. To add or remove pixels, Resample must be enabled:

Resample must be enabled.

Step 3: Enter a percentage in the Width and Height boxes

Rather than increasing the pixel art to a specific size, the best way to increase it is to use interest... And to avoid distortion and keep every square in your sketch perfectly square, you need to stick to percentages. multiples of 100(e.g. 200%, 300%, 400%, etc.). I enlarge the image by setting like width and the height before 400 percent :

Increase in width and height by 400 percent.

This will increase the pixel dimensions from 500px by 500px to 2000 pixels by 2000 pixels :

The new pixel dimensions after the artwork is resized.

Resize the preview window

Note that by increasing the width and height by 4 times, the image is now too large to fit in the small preview window. To enlarge the preview window, I'll enlarge the Image Size dialog box itself by dragging the lower-right corner outward. Then I'll click and drag in the preview window to center the image inside it:

Resize the Image Size dialog box to enlarge the preview.

Learn more: Image Size Dialog Box in Photoshop CC Features and Tips

Pixel art resizing issue

So far, so good. Or is it? If we look at the illustration in the preview window, we can see that it doesn't look right. Instead of making the edges around the shapes look crisp and sharp, they look a little soft and blurry:

The edges look too soft after enlarging the pattern.

And if we take a closer look, we can see halos around shapes, especially in areas of higher contrast. I will enlarge the image using zoom buttons at the bottom of the preview window. And here, at 400% magnification, we can clearly see the halos, especially around the character's eyes:

Expanding the pixel art blurred the shapes and added halos around them.

However, please note that if you click the mouse by cover in the preview window and hold her, the halos will disappear, and the edges will look very sharp, which is what we want:

Pixel art looks great when you press and hold.

But as soon as you let go mouse button, you will see the ghosting again:

Softness and halos return when the mouse button is released.

Image interpolation method

The reason is that when you click and hold in the preview window, you see the upsampled image before Photoshop applies any image interpolation... Interpolation is how Photoshop averages pixels together and flattens the result. When you release the mouse button, you will see the skin with the interpolation applied. And it is the interpolation method that causes the problems and creates the halo effect.

Option interpolation located to the right of the Resample option. And the default is set to " Automatically" :

Image interpolation option.

Usually automatic setting suitable because it allows Photoshop to choose the best method for the job. But the problem is that Photoshop assumes that we are changing standard image with big amount small details. Thus, he chooses a method that makes the standard image look good. But the same technique makes pixel art and similar types of graphics look bad. Therefore, when upsampling pixel graphics, we need to choose a different interpolation method ourselves.

Step 4: Set the interpolation method to Nearest Neighbor

To do this, click on the Interpolation option to open a list of methods that we can choose from. If you are using Photoshop CC, the interpolation method that Photoshop chooses for upsampled images is “ Save details "... And in Photoshop CS6, he chooses Bicubic smoother... But none of them work well with pixel art:

Photoshop interpolation methods.

To improve the quality of the illustration without averaging the pixels, an interpolation method is needed “ Nearest neighbor " :

Choosing the nearest neighbor.

As soon as you select Nearest Neighbor, the image in the preview window looks crisp and crisp! And if you click and hold in the preview window and then release the mouse button, you will see that nothing happens this time. Illustrations look equally clear before and after application of the interpolation method.

This is because now it is one and that the same interpolation method both times. Photoshop always adds pixels using Nearest Neighbor initially. But now that we've selected Nearest Neighbor ourselves, it doesn't use anything else that would degrade pixel art:

Nearest Neighbor is ideal for upsampling pixel art.

Step 5: Click OK

When you're ready to sample the artwork, click OK to accept your settings and close the Image Size dialog box:

Click OK to enlarge the pixel art and close the Image Size dialog box.

And now my little pixel art hero looks a lot bigger, but still retains the same blocky, pixelated look we'd expect:

Up-sampled pixel art.

How to enlarge pixel art - an overview

  • 1. Open the Image Size dialog box (Image> Image Size).
  • 2. Set Width and Height to Percentage, and then for best results, select a percentage in multiples of 100 (200%, 300%, 400%, etc.).
  • 3. Change the interpolation method to Nearest Neighbor.
  • 4. Click OK.

How to resize pixel art to exact size

So far, we've learned that the best way to enlarge a pixel art is to boost it by a multiple of 100. But what if you need to enlarge it to a certain pixel size and you can't get it using one of those percentages?

For example, after increasing the sample rate by 400%, I increased the width and height from 500 pixels to 2000 pixels:

The dimensions of the enlarged image.

But what if I want the width and height to be slightly smaller, like 1600px? If I increased the sampling rate of my 500 px x 500 px image by 300%, its width and height would only be 1500 pixels, leaving it still too small. And the 400% upsampling made it too big. That I really needed something in between. In this case, you need to resize the image to two stages .

Step 1. Display Pixel Art in Percentage.

First, enlarge the pixel sample using a multiple of 100 percentages, which will make it more, than you need. In my case, I already did this by increasing the sample rate by 400%, so the first step is taken.

Step 2. Reopen the Image Size dialog box

Then resize it a second time, this time to decrease it to its exact dimensions in pixels. To do this, open the "Image Size" dialog box again by going to the " Image" and choosing " Image size " :

Going to Image> Image Size.

Step 3: Leave the Resample option enabled

Make sure that Resample option still on so you can change the number of pixels:

Leaving the Resample option checked.

Step 4: set the width and height in pixels

Enter the size you need in pixels into the fields Width and Height... I'll set them to 1600px:

Entering new dimensions in pixels.

Step 5: Set the interpolation method to Automatic

Finally, while the Nearest Neighbor interpolation method works fine for pixel art with upsampling, you don't want to use it when downsampling. Instead, for the sharpest results, change the interpolation method back to auto... This will return control back to Photoshop, and when the number of images decreases, it will automatically select Bicubic sharper :

Set the interpolation method back to Automatic.

When you're ready to resize the artwork to its exact size, click OK to close the dialog and you're done:

Click OK to zoom out.

And there we have it! Here's how to get the best results when resizing pixel art, screenshots, or similar graphics in Photoshop! In the next and final tutorial in this series, we'll take a look at the best way to enlarge images in Photoshop CC using new function known as Preserve Details 2.0!

Or check out the previous tutorials in this series:

  • 01 - pixels, image size and resolution
  • 02 - Photoshop's Image Size Team - Features and Tips
  • 03 - How to Resize an Image for Print Using Photoshop
  • 04 - How to resize images for Email and photo sharing
  • 05 - How to calculate image size
  • 06 - the truth about image resolution, file size and network
  • 07 - How to resize pixel art
  • 08 - The Best Way to Enlarge Images in Photoshop CC

And don't forget that all of our tutorials are now available for download in PDF format!

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