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Best Skype Analogs for Linux. All Call Centers: Prices, Services, Reviews, Addresses Programs Similar Skype and Compatible with Him

The most popular program for free communication with a smartphone or PC is traditionally considered Skype. Thanks to its functionality, you can send files, images and messages. The most impressive skype features are calls anywhere in the world (both ordinary, sound and video image). You can also create video conferencing with several participants. However, the quality of communication and often emerging failures in Skype led to the fact that many users gradually go to other options for communicating. Moreover, several dozen developments can be called an analogue of Skype for a computer, although it is realistic to replace this application can no more than eight of them.

Viber - Full Skype Analogue for PCs and Smartphones

One of the most popular Skype analogues for video communications, working on computers, and on mobile phones, is Viber. Its main advantage is the ability to make free calls to any telephone number registered in the system. At the same time always high quality Communication. To other benefits include:

The disadvantages of using the application include binding to telephone number - It is not so convenient to use it on the computer. In addition, the safety of Weber's use is lower compared to Skype. Although it is Viber who can become a real alternative to Skype and for PC users, and for those who have this program only on the phone.

Hangouts - Skype Analog for Google Accounts

Another alternative to Skype for Windows - hangouts app, one of the few flaws of which can be called a Google account.

Hangouts service integrated with electronic mailbox Google is tied to search service profiles on PC and on a smartphone.

However, on the registration of this account It will take only a few minutes, and as a result you will receive:

In addition, if the file is not sent in the messenger, access to it can be opened in its file storage on the Google server. This means that the level of ease of use of the application quite consistent with Skype capabilities.

Allo - an analogue of Skype from Rostelecom

Rostelecom also released his Messenger Alla - an analogue of Skype of domestic production. With this program you can:

It is worth noting that this analogue of Skype from Rostelecom is not available in every Russian city, but only in the 16 largest settlements. However, in the future, the coating zone "Alle" should be expanded and, theoretically, can really replace Skype to domestic users.

Tox - Alternative to Skype without advertising

Unlike the Russian analogue of Skype, the tox application allows you to carry out free audio and video calls not only from a mobile phone, but also with PC.

In addition, this free service does not contain advertising and reliably protects the transmitted information. Encryption is performed using NaCl crypto libraries, and it means that there will be no scammers or even civil services to access confidential information of the user. Among other advantages of the program is worth noting free additional featuresFor which other messengers require payment.

Analog Skype OOVOO - stable communication and video calls

Among paid features is to disable advertising. Benefits compared to Skype include a more stable connection and invitation to participate in the communication of users of popular social networks from Twitter to Facebook. In addition, an application server can be stored up to 1 thousand minutes of video recordings.

Kakaotalk - South Korean Skype Replacement

South Korean developers also offer their alternative to Skype for a PC, characterized by cross-platform, a large size of forwarded files (100 MB) and a convenient interface. Using this service, you can:

Some minuses kakaotalk include dubious data security and the presence of only three languages, among which there is no Russian. In addition, the application of the application can be slowed down due to the location of the servers in South Korea. And yet it can be used instead of Skype.

Skype analogs to send messages

Among programs that have been successfully replacing Skype, but do not allow video calls, two popular applications can be noted:

Nazep is a Skype analog program that works on smartphones and allowing you to send various types of messages (from text and graphic to sound). The pros will be attributed to free calls and availability group chats. Among the minuses is the lack of support for video conferencing and not too convenient work on the computer.

Telegram service created by one of the developers and owners of the social network VKontakte allows you to transmit audio and videos, images and texts. There are no video conferencing and even video calls in the list of features of this domestic messenger. but reliable protection Information allows you to count that over time the popularity of the service will grow. Especially if the functionality of the application reaches the skype level.

Today it is difficult to imagine life without Skype. After all, there are all relatives, friends, colleagues for work and just familiar people. To start communicating with any interlocutor, it is enough to make a few clicks. Everything is just easy and accessible. But what if you need to keep the connection with the help of another software? In this case, you need to use the alternative Skype.

Analogs of Skype.

To use analog instead of Skype, you first need to decide on the platform. For each of them there is a perfect set of similar programs. We will look at two large groups. Please note that find the alternative to Skype for Windows Phone You can in the section mobile platforms.


Discord - appeared relatively recently and immediately proven itself, as a stable and high-quality communication program voice messages. The application immediately began to apply cybersport teams, which only confirms its undeniable advantages:

  • The ability to participate in large-scale voice conferences without the significant costs of computer resources;
  • Access can be received not only from the PC version of the application, but also through a convenient Web interface on the program website;
  • Availability of customers for mobile platforms: Android and iOS to always stay in touch;
  • Flexible voice chat settings;
  • Increased safety by adding malicious IP into a black list.


oOVoo is a complete skype analog for a computer, just at the same time much simplified. This does not mean that the program is inferior to Skype - quite the opposite. The most important dignity is a lightning point to start work. In other words, you do not need to go through a long registration process, it is enough to quickly fill up three points about yourself, or integrate an account using social networks Twitter and Facebook. Other advantages:

  • At the same time, you can communicate through video links in a conference with 12 users;
  • There is a possibility to send video communication;
  • The ability to record all incoming and outgoing calls;
  • Ability to transfer files whose size does not exceed 25 megabytes.


Line is an analogue of a skype for a computer without a phone. This means that the program client can be used for a computer. There is also an optional opportunity to use application clients to other platforms - Android and iOS. Line functional is very similar to Skype.

Here you can communicate via video, audio and textual chats, send files, create your contact groups and even view a special ribbon activity of your friends.

  • Easy and pleasant russian-speaking interface;
  • Built-in convenient elements of the social network;
  • Fast registration with minimal information filling;
  • The ability to fill the personal questionnaire After registration.


After familiarizing with our material, you will understand that programs similar to Skype There are a huge set and each of them has its own advantages and advantages. Therefore, the question "What is the alternative to Skype?" already inappropriate. Check out, select and install. And then proceed to work! What an alternative to Skype is the best - decide for yourself, because each app has its own unique functionality.

A couple of years ago it was impossible to talk about the alternative to Skype - the program for video calls. However, today on the Internet you can download other applications that will be easier to go on weak PCs, not updated without permission and do not bother when you go with one tab to another. Consider Skype analogues and their advantages.

OOVOO - video chat program

oOVOO is free appwhich allows you to organize video cards up to 12 people in each. The advantage of such a program before Skype is the absence of lags with a weak Internet. The program also has a text messaging function, files, pictures, stickers. That is, it is not inferior to the popular Skype. At the same time, it should be noted that Oovo takes less space on the PC.

Whatsapp with video calls support

About WhatsApp program, probably, does not know only the child. This is a popular messenger who appeared simultaneously with touch phones. And if earlier the video call feature was available only for devices with operating system ISO, then since the end of 2016, users of other popular platforms can also call through WhatsApp. Including Windows.

Talky - New Skype Analog

Talky still young. It is designed for gadgets that work on the ISO base. To use it on Windows 7 and above, it is worth using a browser. However, the advantage of Talky before Skype lies in the fact that for unlimited communication time you can organize a video chat at the same time for 15 people. At the same time, Talky allows you to capture the image not only from the camera, but also from the screen. This means that to demonstrate to other participants what is happening on your display is quite real and simple.


WECHAT is a popular Chinese service that has an English-speaking interface. Until recently, he only work on Android and ISO. However, in 2016, I received support for Mac and Windows 10. With this application, you can organize video calls, conduct correspondence, transmit files of various formats.

Viber - Lovely service for calls

With the installation of Vaiber, many PC users have a number of difficulties. However, this does not affect the popularity of this application. Using Viber, you can send various files to the interlocutor, call on cell phones And even organize video call. The program is completely free. It differs from Skype with quite rare updates that do not load users without the knowledge.

ICQ - Starked for video link

Initially, ISQ was developed exclusively for text correspondence. However, in the growth of popularity this application Beginning to receive many others useful features. In addition to transferring files and attach stickers, calls to a mobile phone, the program received a video link function. Since the program is familiar and convenient, there is no problems with its use.

Gem4Me - the easiest messenger in the world

About Gem4Me is known not so much. This is a popular messenger in Europe and America, which appeared 2 years ago and already have 1 million downloads on Google Play.. With this application, a person can call, write, organize video conferencing and even send money. The program has high-quality protection against hacking. Developed in Switzerland. It applies free of charge.

Hangouts - a simple program for organizing video conferencing

A program for communication in the network, with which you can send text messages, files, call on mobile phones, organize video conferencing. The program is designed for browsers. Works on Mac and ISO.

In addition to the listed programs in the network there are others who can become an excellent alternative to Skype.

A unique idea born in the head of the developer, with practical implementation Loses its former properties. A person has a cohort of "like-minded people" forms behind the person, which create copies of the original source with interstitations. Today we will talk about what is alternative Skype, Consider the most decent projects, their strengths and weaknesses.

Briefly about the main thing


Minor of Google, which is tied to the account of the same name. The service was the procedure for integration with mail and a profile on PCs and phones, which simplified access to:

  • Content on the windows YouTube ( text chats, streaming, videos).
  • Different platforms under the control of specific OS.

Pleasant additions - a file that is not sent by the messenger can be viewed using cloud storage Google companies.


The developers from South Korea took care of creating the next "clone" Skype, adding several interesting features. Inside the system, the user can:

  • Order food and make purchases in online stores (in foreign countries).
  • View news feed, list of shares and discounts on popular goods.

The main advantages of the project - intuitive understandable interfaceThe ability to transmit large files (up to 100 MB).

Among the disadvantages are allocated: a dubious system for protecting user information, limited language support, unstable operation due to the remoteness of the server implementation.