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Setting the chifato refrigerator. How to set up the temperature in the refrigerator

The refrigeration unit is a system that requires a monthly check, settings and a serious relationship. After all, one-only error can cost more than just call the masters.

Features of the refrigeration unit

Each refrigeration plant has its own characteristics, mode and complete set. But if you do not have another output, and you decided to install the unit yourself, you will need:

  • consultation of a professional;
  • instruction;
  • control block.

Refrigeration showcases have features of their designs, which significantly affect various factors: dirt, garbage and dust. Therefore, the space at the showcase between the edges is clogged with dust, mud, which leads the device to failure.

To this not happen, you need to strictly follow the instructions of this unit. There are instructions for use, as well as to configure refrigeration chambers. Experts recommend them to carefully follow: all the instructions items must be performed in the correct order, according to the document. It is better to spend the first setting with a professional or a clear leadership. Carefully read the instructions, make a note for yourself.

Electronics refrigeration unit

The electronics block is very important at the refrigeration unit, because its clear work depends on it. The block is located under the bottom (left) in the installation. It depends on the maintenance of temperature in the refrigerator showcase, turning off and including the refrigeration unit in a timely manner. Now they can be controlled and configured using the console, it is usually attached to the kit. Without the remote control, the refrigeration chamber of the block is adjustable.

The electronic block of the refrigerator is configured at the factory. There are installed standard modes. An independent setting is necessary when it is important to set the temperature of the refrigeration showcase in accordance with the terms of the goods and the climate. If the refrigeration showcase is designed to save cheeses and sausages, it is necessary to increase the frequency and duration of the defrost time. So the evaporator will not be clogged by a snowy fur coat.

Remember, starting the setting, check the voltage on the network, because its drops can cross all your efforts - then without the master you can not do.

An independent setting of a refrigerator showcase is a very responsible and painstaking work that requires high professionalism, clarity and increased attention in work.

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Cold in refrigeration chambers, be it a showcase or other equipment, is formed by heat seizure. That is, heat from the cooled area is closed and surrounding the environment. In order to pick up heat use a heat-coded substance called a refrigerant. Due to the low ...

Confectionery showcases are designed for storing and selling desserts. To date, the range of showcases is presented in very large quantities. Here you need to pay special attention to manufacturers that produce refrigeration equipment. After all, it is from this that the freshness and appearance depends ...

Sooner or later, we all face the problem of preserving the necessary qualities of the goods using a reduced temperature. Implementation of these goals will help you with a refrigeration unit. Couple would like to know what it is. Refrigeration unit according to technical terminology, refrigeration system ...

You can often hear complaints - they say my refrigerator works, but it gives enough cold, or - what temperature should be on the figure "3" of the handle of the thermostat ...

Unambiguous answer is impossible. The temperature in the refrigeration chamber depends on the set of factors, such as the loading of the refrigerator, the ambient temperature, etc. And on divisions on the temperature regulator, you can only approximately determine the degree of cooling of the refrigeration and freezer.
In general, if such a question arose, this is defined as follows:
To install a capacity of 0.5 liters on the middle shelf. with water. The next day at the same time (it is desirable that no less than a day passed) the thermometer for water, it is possible and the usual household, but the more accurate the device, the same is better, and determine the temperature of the water. It will be the average temperature in the refrigeration chamber. If the temperature mode does not suit for some reason, you can put the knob of the regulator to a higher digit.
In refrigerators with digital control and indication, you can observe the temperature in the chambers on the indicators, but in most cases it does not correspond to the real, because We see the predetermined, and not a real temperature.

What is the temperature in the refrigerator optimal for food storage?

Everyone knows, and to whom it is not known - you can guess that various cooling is needed to store various products. In this direction, the aggregates with ordinary system Cooling is preferable to coercive air circulation NO Frost. In the last, the temperature is the same on all shelves, which does not allow you to choose the optimal temperature of the refrigerator for each type of products placed. But on the shelves of the ordinary refrigerator, different temperature zones are formed - the temperature drops from top to bottom. It allows you to better save different products - upstairs cooling drinks at +7 ... 9 degrees, temperature + 5 ... 7 degrees on medium shelves is most suitable for oil, milk, and on the lowest shelf it is better to place fresh fish or meat, it will be contain at +2 ... 4 degrees.

What is the temperature in the freezer of the refrigerator

The temperature in the freezer of the household refrigerator is almost constant, and after entering the operating mode ranges from minus 18 to minus 24 degrees. FROM

In the compartments of the freezer, the temperature zones are less noticeable, but the laws of physics are not cancel, and below is always colder than in the upper office. Therefore, for the fastest frost, fresh products are better placed in the bottom box.
Warning - to put water thermometer, and then in the freezer, it is impossible in any way!

Select the temperature regime settings depending on the outer air.

Most refrigerators are efficient in the range of ambient temperatures from 16 to 32 degrees. With this is a fairly wide range, and the optimal temperature in the refrigerator is highly dependent on this. Therefore, it is not worth the in the summer in the heat to set too low temperatures. This will only achieve an increase in electricity consumption. In other words, the optimal mode is the higher the ambient temperature, the less the digit of the regulator.

Often a good refrigerator can cool food well. Many users of refrigeration units mark the incorrect temperature regime inside the refrigeration chamber - elevated temperature. This is characteristic of both obsolete models and for new "cheap" products with automatic and electronically controlled. Increased temperature does not speak at all about a serious malfunction. Often this problem can be eliminated yourself.

The reasons

  1. Improper operation of the refrigerator.
  2. Sluts in the doorway.
  3. The wrong temperature is selected.
  4. With a closed door of the refrigerator, a light bulb is on.
  5. Freon leak.
  6. Bad thermal insulation of the refrigerator.
  7. Not correct operation of the thermostat.
  8. The efficiency of the compressor has decreased.
  9. Rare compressor shutdown.

Elimination of the cause

  1. The refrigerator cannot be operated in the raw room, where the relative humidity of the air is above 80%. It is best to install it in a dry, well-ventilated room, in the kitchen - in the coolest place inaccessible to direct sunlight, away from heat sources (plates, batteries) .
    The most favorable ambient temperature for the operation of the refrigerator from +14 to + 32 ° C. Due to the high external air temperature, the refrigerator begins to consume more electricity. If the room temperature is above + 32 ° С, the temperature inside the refrigerator can be not low enough, and if the temperature is below + 14 ° C, then the temperature inside the freezer can become too high due to the decrease in the production of cold refrigerant. There is a danger of defrosting frozen foods.
    By installing a refrigerator next to another fridge or freezer, remember that the minimum distance between them should be 2 centimeters. This will prevent the formation of water condensate.
  2. If you notice that your refrigerator has become badly cooling products, then, first of all, check the temperature settings, tightness (whether the door is tightly buried, does not miss warm air Camera) and operating conditions. Over time, especially if the refrigerator is uneven, the door can turn. Due to this, air from the room can fall into the refrigeration chamber. As a result, the temperature in the refrigerator will be higher above. Check the verticality of the door suspension and adjust it if necessary.
    Perhaps the adjacent of the rubber seal was disturbed due to its cracking and loss of elasticity. If this happens, the replacement of the sealer is required.
  3. If the wrong temperature is selected, and does not take into account the temperature conditions in the room, then a large snow fur coat can be observed on the walls of the evaporator.
  4. With a closed door of the refrigerator, a light bulb is on. Possible reason - Deformation of the inner door panel, so the switch button does not work.
  5. A small leak of refrigerant or clogging of the capillary tube may form. In this case, it is better to call the wizard that will quickly eliminate the problem. Possible gradual leak of freon. Behind the refrigerator there is a metal condenser, which, with normal quantities, should be heated. If it is cold, then this signals the leakage of freon and the need to refuel it. In this situation it is very difficult to find the place in which the leakage occurred.
    You can define a malfunction in this order, turn on the compressor check the discharge tube. If it is heated, then the lack of freon in the cooling system can be excluded. Then check the evaporator at the site of the input of the capillary tube if there is no signs of cooling, it can be assumed that the capillary filter is clogged. When checking the evaporator, you can listen and maybe you will hear the characteristic sound of a mixture of air and oil from the compressor to the evaporator. This indicates the absence of freon in the system. In and lack of characteristic, most likely, a compressor malfunction. This refrigerator must be repaired by specialists.
  6. Moisturization of thermal insulation or its sedimentation. It is also recommended to contact the master.
    In most outdoor refrigerators, the evaporator is introduced into the chamber through the hatches that are available in the rear walls of the cabinet case and the refrigeration chamber. The hatch in the rear wall of the cabinet housing is closed with a cover, sealing with gasket and smelting so that the thermal insulation of the refrigerator does not moisturize the moisture contained in the air.
    When the seal is impaired, the atmospheric air will be intensively penetrated into the thermal insulation and condensed on the cold walls of the evaporator, as a result of which they will quickly reach the snow coat.
    To check the quality of the rear hatch cover, you should unscrew all the screws of its attachment and take away the cover from the back wall of the cabinet. The sealing gasket in the case of its unsuitability should be replaced by a new one, and the pairing of the cover with the back wall thoroughly wipe the mastic. If the thermal insulation in the opening of the hatch is wet, then it must be dried.
  7. First of all, you need to make sure that the thermostat is normal. If you feel the problem lies in the defective operation of the thermostat - make a replacement and check how correctly the refrigerator works. You can also give the thermostat to adjust.
  8. It may have decreased the efficiency of the compressor, and it requires repair or replacement. Diagnose problems inside the motor-compressor is almost impossible, just as to eliminate them. Call the wizard if you have suspicion of compressor fails.
  9. A large duration of the motor operation, usually occasionally occasionally snowshit, improperly fastening the bellows of the bellows to the evaporator and when the refrigeration unit is malfunction. In the absence of snow coat on the evaporator, inspect the capillaries of the bellows. Not frequent inclusion may be due to a large distance between the bellows of the bellows and the evaporator. Or in a slight clogging of the capillary filter. This is explained in the insufficient arrival of Freon in the evaporator. The filter clogging can be defined on the touch when the filter spike is clogged with the capillary, the temperature will be noticeably colder than in the spike point with the capacitor tube.

Effective refrigeration showcase work is necessary. Otherwise, products can be corrupted, which will lead to seller losses at best. An error in the work is able to lead to a professional call in order to set the equipment.

Buy refrigeration showcases today can be even online. They are presented on the market in a wide range. The choice of a potential client is presented as domestic products and models of Chinese production.

It should be noted that any refrigerator showcase has its not only constructive, but also complete features. For self-mount It may be necessary:

Dust and dirt are the main enemies of refrigeration plants. In the case when the space between the ribs is clogged with mechanical pollutants, the refrigerated showcase fails.

The first setup of the device is better to entrust the professional. Watch out for his work and make for yourself some marks for the future.

We will optionally familiarize yourself with the user manual and the instruction on setting up a refrigerator showcase. If something is unclear to you, you can ask about this from a professional.

This node in most cases is at the bottom of the refrigerator. It is he who regulates the temperature inside the hermetic and heat-insulated chamber.

If it fails or malfunctions, the inclusion / off cycles are violated, and the products will eventually be spoiled.

Today, special is used for precise adjustment. remote remote controls or panel on the refrigeration unit. However, with their help, you can make the setting only if the electronic unit is working.

Its programming is still at the factory. If the program has been broken, and you are not able to independently adjust the refrigerator showcase, contact professionals. So you will save not only time, but also money.

The setting begins with checking the supply voltage level. Permanent drops negatively affect any electrical equipment. Simple decision The setting of the stabilizer may be.

A brief video demonstrates the principle of adjusting the electronic control unit of the refrigerator showcase:

Without a refrigerator, a modern person is difficult to do. But quite often it happens that the recently purchased and seemingly high-quality unit, which would have to serve at least several years, fails in a couple of months. One of the most common causes is the wrong temperature mode. How to set the temperature in the refrigerator "Samsung" NOU Frost, as well as in some other popular models? Read about it in our article.

Samsung refrigerators

Samsung produces several models of refrigerators. They differ not only by the design, but also features. Accordingly, for each type, its temperature is needed. Now on sale you can meet the following types of aggregates of the recognized Korean brand:

  • Two-chamber. Two-chamber models of the freezer is located on top. These pretty compact units are produced for a long time, but still enjoy great popularity.
  • Combi COMBI class models have a large freezer at below. Cameras autonomous, have separate cooling.
  • Side-BY-Side. This model consists of several cameras. Outwardly, it resembles a wardrobe, each compartment is its door.

With freezing or without?

Samsung refrigerators can have a different purpose. On this basis, they are divided into several categories:

  • refrigerator equipped with freezer:
  • refrigerator without freezer;
  • freezer without a refrigerator;

They can also have different type Frost. For this parameter, two groups can be distinguished:

  • compressor;
  • absorption.

Important! In the houses it is more common to meet compressor units, because they are safe, reliable and have high performance. Absorption models are weaker, moreover, in the event of problems, they distinguish harmful substances.

How to set the temperature in the refrigerator Samsung?

This largely depends on the type and model. Even inside the unit, the temperature is different:

  • The average for freezer is usually 18 ° C.
  • In the refrigeration chamber should not be warmer + 2 ° C, on average - not higher than + 3 ° C.

Important! In some models there is a so-called "freshness zone", where the temperature is zero.

What are the sensors?

Set the temperature in, as well as in models of some other brands, is made using the control panel. She, in turn, gives the "command" to the sensors that are inside. These elements serve in order to set the optimum temperature in each compartment and maintain it for a long time. From the sensor information enters the control circuit that "answers" for the operation of the compressor.

Sensors are following:

  • common;
  • freezer;
  • environment.

The total sensor is located in the central part of the refrigeration chamber. It gives the average indicator, on the basis of which the mode is determined. Almost all models are universal temperature controllers 502T. If the sensor has failed, it must be replaced immediately, otherwise - the unit will first work unstable, and then stops.

Important! It should not be changed independently to change such devices, it is best to contact the service center of the same company.

Expose Parameters

An instruction is attached to each model of the refrigerator, which should be carefully read and act in the specified order. On the control panel, you will find the display, you can see information about the mode and errors. In models in which the freezer and the refrigerator are in one cabinet, the temperature control is produced as:

  1. Measure the exact cooling temperature - for this you need to put a glass with water in the central compartment.
  2. If the water cools up to + 4 ° C, this is the optimal option, in the central part of the unit, such a temperature must be.
  3. If the temperature is 1-2 ° C above or below optimal, adjustment is needed.
  4. On the control panel, locate the Cooling Power or Fridge button and press it.
  5. If no buttons, locate the thermostat handle and turn it to the desired angle - from + 1 ° C to + 7 ° C.

Important! The temperature does not have to be minimal - the installation of the regulator to a minimum leads to an increase in electricity consumption.

Adjust the temperature of the freezer

Like a refrigerator, the freezer has a thermostat. She has more modes. For example, if there is an accelerated freezing mode, the temperature drops to three days, and then return to the standard one. The mode is adjusted using the button, like the refrigeration chamber.

NO Frost

This feature gives a completely remarkable possibility not to defrost its unit forcibly. Such refrigerators serve longer, and care for them is needed minimal. So that the ice is not frightened, an additional fan is put in the model. Temperature mode is installed in the same way as in two-chamber models.

If the indicator is flashing

With "Samsungi" and with some other models, there are quite often situations when the refrigerator seems to work normally, and the indicator or display behave as if it should be - for example, blink. Incorrect behavior may be caused by a number of reasons, including temperature-related temperatures:

  • For example, the temperature is higher than you installed - possibly due to the fact that the door often opens, and the houses are very warm. In this case, it is necessary to close the door and leave the unit alone on a couple of hours. He must come back.
  • Similarly, the display and the indicator react if the temperature regime is not specified at all. They simply do not know how to behave, so blink, calling the owner to order. The only output is to set the mode.
  • Most models for ice tray corresponds to a separate indicator. He can also flash, signaling the owner that the tray is worth not as it should be. Change the situation, and everything will come to normal.
  • Sometimes indicators react in the same way if you have repeatedly rearranged the door. We will have to check how reliable contacts.

If not one of specified reasons No, but the indicator does not want to calm down - you will have to call the service center.

Refrigerator "Atlant" - temperature adjustment

And how to set the temperature in the "Atlant" refrigerator? There is nothing difficult in this if you know what temperatures are needed for storing certain products. It makes no sense to cool fresh vegetables just like meat or fish. Therefore, sending products for storing in the refrigerator, customize the following data:

  • temperature from + 1 ° C to + 3 ° C is suitable for meat, fish and eggs;
  • from + 2 ° C to + 4 ° C - for sausage and some culinary products;
  • from + 3 ° C to + 5 ° C - for dairy products, as well as ready-made soups and meat dishes.

Single-chamber "Atlant"

This is pretty simple model Popular Belarusian brand. The unit has only one door, followed by everything - a few shelves and freezer. You will easily find a regulator, and the installation is made using a handle that is set to position from 1 to 7.

The handle just turn:

  • The most popular position - 3. At the same time, all refrigerator systems will work extremely correct.
  • There are situations when needed stronger and long cooling. Then you can choose a mark 5 or even 7. But it is impossible to allow "Atlant" to work in this mode constantly - it turns out too much load on the compressor.

Two-chamber "Atlant"

The temperature regime setting is no different from the one that is used in a single-chamber refrigerator:

  1. We find a regulator.
  2. Turn the handle.
  3. For normal well-coordinated work, we install it on the figure 3.
  4. For more intensive operation of the freezer, we set the regulator for division from 4 to 7.

Important! If the regulator is set to division 3, this means that the temperature is mainly compartment from + 1 ° C to + 5 ° C, and in the freezer - -18 ° C.

"Atlant" with two compressors

You can now find Belarusian refrigerators with two compressors. Such models and thermostators are also two - one "answers" for the refrigeration chamber, the other for the freezer. Customize them separately:

  • the main chamber regulator can be put on division 3 or 4;
  • freezer - from 3 to 5.

"Atlanta" with electronic control

Like all the "smart" refrigerators, "Atlants" with electronically controlled are equipped with the most modern devices, including separate temperature adjustment. These models have several indicators.

To set the temperature in the Atlant refrigerator such a model, first:

  1. Turn on the refrigerator to the network.
  2. Look at the control panel - there you will find information about the operation of the refrigerator and freezer.
  3. Open the door.
  4. Wait a minute - after that it is necessary to earn alarm of the electronic unit, it will also inform you about turning off the aggregate or about incompleteness with power supply.

Adjust the temperature in the compartments of such a model is very easy:

  • On the left side of the control panel, you will find the freezing control button. Next to it is a window in which the parameters are visible. On the right is a refrigerating chamber control button.
  • Modes are installed by simply pressing one of the buttons.

If "Atlant" does not freeze

No refrigerator can be included immediately after it was brought. The unit must stand at about 8 hours, or even more. It is necessary that the oil, which is located in the compressor and breaks with the vibrations and slopes, was again in its place.

It is impossible to demand too much from the refrigerator. He will enter the regime not immediately - he needs about a day to "rake", but you have to set the temperature at once. After a day, the device must reach the optimum temperature.

How to extend the life of the refrigerator?

The refrigerator is not the cheapest unit, so I don't want to change it every year. Extend the life of the device can execute a few simple rules:

  • make sure that the door is always tightly closed;
  • change the seal in time if he got damaged;
  • do not put hot and even warm food into the refrigerator;
  • try to distribute products so that they lay at some distance from each other;
  • consider storage areas.

Storage zones

The name "storage zone" someone may seem not completely understandable. But everything is very simple - products must be stored at that temperature that is needed for their safety. The colder than everything is in the freezer, where it is located what needs to be frozen:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • frozen vegetables and fruits;
  • mushrooms for long-term storage.

In the "Fresh Zone", where the temperature is about 0 ° C, are located:

  • milk and dairy products;
  • meat that does not need freezing;
  • some alcoholic beverages;
  • greens.

On the shelf, which is closest to the freezer, are usually located:

  • sausage;
  • semi-finished products;
  • cakes;
  • eggs.

In the middle of the refrigeration chamber, soups and sauces can be stored, as well as bread. Finally, the lowest shelf is designed for vegetables and fruits, as well as some pickles.

Some features of different models

Temperature regulators are all modern models. True, they look different, and this sometimes puts new owners into a dead end.

Regulators can be:

  • electronic;

As a rule, according to the recommendations of the manufacturers, intended for operation in rooms with ambient air temperature ranging from +12 ° C to +25 ° C and relative humidity no more than 60%.
The showcase must be installed in such a way that the effects of air flows (drafts) or their intensity reduced to a minimum.

Do not install a refrigerator showcase In the following places:
1. near the doors and on drafts caused by opening doors or windows;
2. In zones where a strong air movement is possible (for example, weekends of climatic, ventilation and heating systems);
3. In close proximity to heat sources (such as heating batteries, equipment for heating or cooking);
4. Under the right sunlight.

Air flows at a speed of more than 0.2 m / s worsen the temperature indicators of the refrigerator.
If the above installation rules are not strictly observed, the operating characteristics of the showcases may worsen, and can increase the consumption of electricity.

Temperature control

Temperature control in the useful volume of the refrigerated display case is carried out or
The mechanical thermometer, installed on the side of the air intake grid, or using an electronic controller located in the display control unit (since the controller displays the average temperature in the useful volume, the readings of the mechanical thermometer and the controller may differ by several degrees).

Responsibility for compliance with the current storage standards of food products lies on the user of the showcases.
We remind you that the showcase is designed to store pre-frozen products (maintaining the temperature in which the products were laid in a showcase), and not for freezing products.

Development of the evaporator of the refrigerator

The defrosting of the cooled showcase (refrigeration adjustment) can be manual or automatic, for example, a display showcase from Golfstream is equipped with an automatic defrosting (thawing) system of the evaporator using tubular electrical heaters - TANN (4 defrosting per day, each - maximum up to 30 minutes ). The defrost cycle controls the electronic controller (controller) of the display control unit. During the defrost phase, the temperature of the air, read on the thermometer, will be higher than the real temperature of the products exhibited, but will not exceed the limits provided for by the regulatory documentation. After the end of the defrost phase, the temperature in the useful volume will quickly be restored to the specified working value. During the defrosting of the evaporator until the set temperature is reached, the temperature will be displayed on the controller display, fixed at the time of starting defrost.

Installation of refrigeration equipment of any kind is a complex and responsible process. During the installation of a refrigerator showcase, you should pay attention to many factors.

Basically, the showcases differ in the temperature regime, the characteristics of the cooling systems (used refrigerants), dimensions and external design. Low-temperature or medium-temperature refrigeration showcases are used in modern trade and public catering facilities. The choice of equipment of this or that category is carried out in accordance with the peculiarities of the goods being implemented and the specifics of the enterprise.

Refrigerated display cases can be equipped with built-in and remote cooling systems. The need to install equipment with remote and built-in cold is due not only to the size of the room, but also sales volumes. Showcases with built-in cooling systems are most often equipped with small outlets, and remote cold is used in the presence of significant space.

Where can I install a refrigerator showcase?

Before installing a refrigerator showcase, carefully examine possible limitations.

First, the refrigeration showcases cannot be installed near heat sources. In this case, there are not only heating batteries, but also natural light sources and heat - the sun's rays, which is not recommended to allow a direct hit.

Secondly, the refrigerator showcase must be located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe trading point, where the likelihood of drafts is minimal.

Thirdly, it is impossible to put refrigerated display cases close to the walls and on the uneven floor. And during the loading of products, you should pay attention to the fact that the showcase does not swing.

Failure to follow these rules for installing a refrigerated showcase can lead to an increase in energy consumed, reducing the efficiency of the equipment, as well as to a decrease in the life.

Features of the setting of refrigeration windows.

Refrigerated showcases differ not only by design, but also by the features of operation. Check compliance temperature mode And configure refrigeration installations is recommended at least once a month.

The impact of many negative factors can lead not only to a decrease in the efficiency of the refrigeration showcase, but also to its premature breakdown. In order to avoid this, the heat exchanger should be regularly checked. The refrigerated showcase must be clean: dirt, dust, rubbish, fluff need to be removed as the heat exchanger is accumulated on the edges.

The installation of the refrigerator can be placed both independently and using a specialist. In any case, the first setting of refrigeration equipment should be done very carefully, preferably under the supervision of a professional.

Clear compliance with instructions and regulations is a mandatory factor of efficient and durable work of the refrigerator.

Before direct installation of the equipment, check the power supply. The voltage in the network must be uninterrupted. Any voltage failures and differences will have a negative impact on the work of the showcase, and will also lead to its breakdown. Equipment setting is performed using a special console or using the electronic control unit adjustment. Specialists also recommend equipping refrigeration windows with automatic registration and temperature-humidarization system.

Special category of refrigerated showcases - equipment intended for sale and demonstration of products outside of retail premises. Establish such display cases follows with special attention to compliance with all rules of operation.

Compliance of the view of the refrigeration showcase and its place of installation.

Refrigerated showcases depending on the installation method are divided into several categories.

Island refrigeration showcases - equipment that is installed in the center of the commercial premises. Access to the demonstrated goods is carried out from all sides of the showcase.

Wound shop windows are installed directly along the walls of the room, the product overview is carried out only on the one hand.

Special category Showcases - refrigeration equipment for demonstrating products in retail outlets with self-service system. Such showcases can be both open and closed. Main moment Installations of such equipment - ensuring access to them buyers for self-selection of goods.

Additional information about the features of the installation of refrigeration showcases can be obtained from consultants on the "Refrigerated Showcases" website. Experienced specialists will give you valuable recommendations and will answer all your questions. With the help of professionals you can pick up optimal options Refrigeration equipment for your business.
At the factory, the electronic unit of refrigerated showcases is set to standard operation.

We set up the electronic unit of the refrigerator showcase in accordance with the climatic conditions and the product stored in the showcase. Gastronomy - sausage and cheeses. We will increase the duration and frequency of defrost time.

This is necessary so that the evaporator does not clog the snowy fur coat. We press and hold the SET button until the CP appears on it. We press the arrow up until the DEF lights up. We once again press and hold the SET button until DIE lights up. Press the SET button - the digit will appear, the default 6. This is the periodicity of defrosting in hours. Arrogance down change the periodicity of defrost for 4 hours. Press the SET button. DIE indication appears. The down arrow find the DEE value. Press the SET button. A number 30 appears on the display, the defrost time in minutes is the factory default settings. Arrower Up Increase this figure to 40. Press the SET button, and 2 times the FUN button, the settings are saved and changed.