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BlueScreen Problem Event Name - How To Fix? BlueScreenView: what is it and how to use it? Reading the blue screen.

Many users have encountered an annoying error operating system called BSoD or blue screen of death. When it occurs, your monitor displays an incomplete Technical information about failure and to resume the work of the PC you need to restart it. If the error happened once, then perhaps you should not worry, but if the death screen appears regularly, then you should understand what is the reason and will help you with this. free program BlueScreenView.

When BSoD occurs, the system fixes what happened by saving a dump with all the necessary information, and by standard means it is unlikely that you will be able to access the contents of the dump. So BlueScreenViewer is able to open such dumps and, moreover, provides the data stored in it in a convenient tabular form. Thus, the user has the opportunity to analyze the causes of the failure, and then try to eliminate them on his own, or entrust this work to a specialist.

The product will sort everything out for you and display the following information: a list of all dumps (which were created after the blue screen of death) with their names, the date and exact time of the crash, the saved BSoD image, detailed information about drivers and components (name, description, version etc.), highlighting those that could lead to the error. All this will allow you to more carefully study the system message, and understand in which direction you need to follow in order to get rid of failures.

If you are a PC repair specialist and the client provided you with a dmp dump, then using the import tool it is possible to open it. All columns in the application can be configured as you like, moreover, you can search by the contents of the dump, and if you come across an incomprehensible error code, this software will provide access to its search in Google. If necessary, you can save the information in text documents popular formats csv, htm, html, txt, xml and then use it without an application.

The utility supports work with command line and is very undemanding to system resources. To deal with the blue screen of death once and for all, you should download BlueScreenView. The program is small in size, and versions for 32 and 64 bit OS will be the best way compatible with the corresponding systems, the presence of the Russian language will not allow the user to get confused in the functionality. To use the application without installation, you need to use its Portable version, so no changes will be made to your operating system.

BlueScreenView is a program that provides detailed information about all "Blue Screen Of Death" events in the system. The program scans all minidump files created during BSOD and provides the user with detailed information about all system crashes in one table. For each BSOD, the program produces the following data: the name of the minidump file, the date and time of the crash, the basic information displayed on the blue screen during the error (Bug Check Code and 4 parameters), and details regarding the driver or module that could cause a critical error in the system (driver file name, product name, file description and version).

The program is provided in two versions: portable and as a complete installation. The Russian language is installed separately by downloading the archive with the Russification file. Immediately after launch, the program starts scanning the% SystemRoot% \ Minidump folder and displays the results. The scanning process may take a few seconds.

What's new in this release?

1.55 (30.01.2015)

  • added Drag & Drop support, now you can simply drag MiniDump files to the main window;
  • fixed a bug in which the application did not "remember" the time of the last "blue screen" if it was not "highlighted" on the main monitor.

"Blue Screen of Death", or as experts call BSOD, is a protective reaction of a computer that suspends system work in front of potential failures or damage. In certain situations BlueScreen (error) appears due to driver problems. In such cases, a simple restart of the computer helps a lot. But situations often occur when, without additional actions and special programs is no longer possible. One of these popular applications is the BlueScreen Viewer, which will be discussed in detail later.

It should be understood that the "blue screen" is not as scary as they say, but it is very unpleasant when it appears. To remove it, you must have some knowledge of computer technology and, of course, know the reasons for its appearance.

The event (problem) name is BlueScreen. Causes of occurrence

The reasons for the appearance of such a problem on a computer are very different: from a virus and a drop in electricity to the removal of operating system files and improper installation of software. In most cases, you can cope with this problem without leaving your home. But for this it is necessary to at least approximately determine the reasons that led to the "blue screen". These reasons can be summarized as follows:

  • severe overheating of the motherboard or video card;
  • damage to the driver;
  • an attempt to overclock a video card;
  • violation in random access memory;
  • lack of power in the power supply;
  • breakdown of the device itself.

Most of the causes of the "blue screen" lie in the computer graphics card. For example, a common problem such as BlueScreen (code 1049) indicates a malfunctioning video card.

Diagnose the problem that has appeared

The most common cause of a blue screen problem is a recent change or installation of new parts on your computer. This means that either there are no drivers for the new components, or they are "crooked" installed.

Sometimes the BlueScreen event occurs due to the fact that the internal parts of the computer are poorly connected in place with motherboard or with other nodes. In order to check all the details, you should open and inspect the cables, RAM and video card for correct connection. This test is harder to do on a laptop. The only thing you can do is open back cover laptop and check the connections of the hard drive and RAM.

Due to severe overheating of the video card and the central processor, system failures can often occur. To find out if the processor and video card are overheating, you can look at the "BIOS" menu, where the internal one is indicated, or use a special program that measures the temperature of internal components and assemblies.

The next reason why the name of the BlueScreen problem event is displayed on the screen is a breakdown of the RAM bar. The operation of the RAM can be tested with the "Memtest" program, which will scan the memory within a few minutes and show whether the system is really crashing due to the RAM.

Also, the BlueScreen problem may appear due to abnormalities in the hard drive. To check this option, you can use special programs to fix errors and failures in the hard disk or the chkdsk system function, which can be found in Windows, in the Service tab. When you run it, it will start for errors.

And the last common option is to scan your computer for viruses. For this, common anti-virus programs are suitable, such as Avast, Doctor Web, Norton, Kaspersky and others.

If BlueScreen (1049) still appears, error, how to fix it?

In some cases, system crashes that result in a blue screen effect are caused by more serious problems than the reasons described above. Therefore, more radical means of correcting this error should be used.

If all of the above methods did not help, and the "screen of death" constantly appears on the monitor during startup or during the operation of the computer, then the most effective way to restore everything to a working state is to return the PC to its basic configurations and parameters, that is, reinstall the system. Programmers often joke that this is the only effective way from everyone systemic problems computer, including from BlueScreen (1049). Indeed, this method can solve almost all computer problems associated with system failures, violations or viral infections... However, this option has a serious drawback - it is the loss of all saved information on the hard disk during reinstallation of Windows. Therefore, this is the most extreme way to restore your computer.

There is another way to eradicate BSOD, which may allow the user not to resort to radical methods, such as reinstalling the operating system - special recovery programs.

Use of auxiliary programs

First of all, I would like to name such a program as BlueScreen Viewer, which deservedly takes first place among computer users when you need to clean your PC or fix system errors. This program can be downloaded in Russian for free and installed on your device. It has a number of advantages and benefits compared to other similar programs:

  • scans minidump files created during a system crash that resulted in a blue screen;
  • provides detailed information in a summary table;
  • shows the date / time when the problem occurred;
  • shows the error code;
  • displays minidump filenames to the monitor;
  • provides information about modules and drivers that may have caused the system to crash.

BlueScreen Viewer Benefits

In addition, the program has the following advantages:

  • it's free;
  • does not require it to be installed on a PC;
  • there is a crack in the file folder;
  • lightweight and easy to use.

How the program works

When a system failure occurs, the program looks for files and drivers that could cause such a malfunction in the computer. If found, it creates a report in the form of a table with a description of the driver and its location.

Also, the program can find the real reason for the system crash and display Full description this problem with the date of its occurrence.

In addition to the above program, BlueScreen (error) can be diagnosed by applications such as WhoCrashed and WhatIsHang. These are freeware programs that identify faulty drivers causing the operating system to crash.

Computer Blue Screen - Request for Help

Many people refer to this problem as the "death" of the PC, while in fact, the "screen of death" is a cry for help to the user. When a person has a pain, he can complain to his loved ones or a doctor about this pain, talk about the symptoms, and so on. And what about a smart, but so far silent device, when a serious problem occurs in its "body", which we call BlueScreen (error)? All he can do is to show us a "blue screen" on the monitor, on which "complaints" from the computer to the user will be written in white letters and symbols with a brief description of the problem, containing only a few numbers.

These "complaints" are known as BlueScreen codes. The description of these codes can be easily found. Each code is specifically responsible for a particular error and the reason for the occurrence of a malfunction in the system. If you do not understand the language for describing the code, then it is better to turn to some well-known programmers forum, where specialists can explain the system error and advise how to remove it.

If you have already tried everything, and the "blue screen" still appears, then even then you should contact the service center for repair personal computers and laptops.

Features and nuances of self-recovery system

  • If there was a recent video driver update, then you should try to "roll back" it or restore the system to an earlier date. To do this, in the system options of the computer, you must set the function of automatic fixation of the restore point when installing new software.
  • BlueScreen (error) can appear due to an attempt to overclock the processor, video card or RAM - these processes must be stopped.
  • If this problem occurs during games, you need to lower the screen resolution and set the graphics to their minimum values.
  • You need to update the Direct.

There are different methods of solving the problem with the "screen of death". Professionals recommend using them in turn, not rushing to take drastic measures, such as reinstalling the system, returning Windows to basic parameters, or sending the computer for repair at service centers.

Here is another OS recovery option.

If the "blue screen" does not allow the system to boot, then you should go to the safe mode of the PC. To do this, press F8 while the computer is booting. After that, the boot menu will appear, in which you can select the mode we need. The difference between safe mode and the rest of the downloads is that it loads without using network drivers.

In this mode, it is possible, because because of them, the name of the event is also often highlighted - BlueScreen. To do this, you should use antivirus programs with an updated version of the database.

Also, in safe mode, you can try to restore the system without reinstalling it. In this case, insert the disk with "Windows", select the "Restore System" function and click "OK". Thanks to this choice, old system files are erased, and new ones are installed without losing personal information.

In the same mode, you can "rollback" the drivers. Incorrect installed drivers can affect system failure.

Secrets of programmers

There is another secret that reveals the cause of the BSOD appearance - the lack of free space on the hard disk. Many people do not know about this, but if less than 15% of free space is left on the hard disk, then this also often causes this problem. It is necessary to clean the "hard drive" from old and unnecessary files using special programs or a function of the system itself.

On some motherboards there is a special button located near the processor, which, when pressed, resets all late installations and system updates. Therefore, as one of the options, you should open the computer unit and see if there is this button. If there is, then it is worth using it, holding it for 15 seconds, which will return the system to its initial state.


There is no need to grab your head right away because the BlueScreen (1049) inscription appeared, an error. How to fix the problem of "blue screen" at home, while having basic knowledge of computer use, can be seen from the above information. And it's too early to run to the nearest PC repair center, you need to try to restore the "fallen" system on your own, which will save very significant funds and give confidence in your strengths and capabilities. And only if all the methods have not yielded results, can the computer be taken for repair.

Quote: rier

Launched it and nothing happens. How do I enable scanning?

Despite the fact that the question is 2 years old, but for the happy owner of the SES it is relevant, and the BlueScreenView utility will help them.
Briefly about the main:
We say BSOD (not of the name), we mean SES, STOP code, crash dump, memory dump.

It occurs when there is a threat of OS crash, that is, the developer protects the OS from "naughty pens".
Usually, SES pops up if there are problems with hardware, hardware drivers. Programs are often not capable of SES, tk. fail without affecting the operation of the OS, and those that work at the kernel (driver) level may surprise you.
If it came critical day: OS gets STOP code, stops communication, displays for 1 sec Bill Gates' blue square, goes to reboot, and automatically creates a memory dump.
To enjoy this wonderful picture: => RMB A computer or W + break => Additional system parameters=> Tab => Options... field System failure- remove the label Perform automatic reboot, and also, remove the label Overwrite existing dump file(may come in handy for repetitive errors). In the same place Writing debug information there is a choice: Kernel memory dump or Small memory dump with an indication of the appropriate paths to save the dumps.

But, if you did not become the happy owner of the SES, it does not matter, we will create it, because you need to know the enemy by sight.

=> W + R => regedit => Enter =>
For PS / 2 keyboard: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ i8042prt \ Parameters
For USB keyboard: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ kbdhid \ Parameters
Create a new 32bit DWORD value named CrashOnCtrlScroll, with a value of 1.
Restart your PC.

now this happiness in your hands: holding right CTRL key press twice Scroll Lock, you will receive, we are interested in 1 and 2 .
What does it mean in translation:

A problem has been detected and the OS has been shut down to prevent damage to the PC.
User manually created a crash dump.
If you see a stop screen for the first time, restart your PC.
On repeat:
Check if any new hardware or software is installed correctly.
If a new installation, check with your device or software manufacturer and for Windows updates.
If problems persist, disable / remove any newly installed devices or software.
Disable BIOS Memory Options - Caching / Shadowing.
If you need Safe Mode to remove / disable components, restart your PC => F8 => Advanced Startup Options => Safe Mode.
Technical information:
*** STOP: 0x000000E2 (0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
Collecting data for emergency reset ...
Initializing Disk for Emergency Reset ...
Start reset physical memory.
Flushing Physical Memory to Disk: 100
Resetting physical memory.
For additional help, contact the admin / tech support group.

Error 0x000000E2 indicates that the user deliberately initiated the crash dump using the kernel debugger or by using the keyboard.
Launch BlueScreenView, see ... if you don't see it, help through Settings = Advanced options ...

Related Utilities

  • WinCrashReport - Displays a report about crashed Windows application.
  • WhatIsHang - Get information about Windows software that stopped responding (hang)
  • AppCrashView - View application crash information on Windows 7 / Vista.

See Also

  • NK2Edit- Edit, merge and fix the AutoComplete files (.NK2) of Microsoft Outlook.


BlueScreenView scans all your minidump files created during "blue screen of death" crashes, and displays the information about all crashes in one table. For each crash, BlueScreenView displays the minidump filename, the date / time of the crash, the basic crash information displayed in the blue screen (Bug Check Code and 4 parameters), and the details of the driver or module that possibly caused the crash ( filename, product name, file description, and file version).
For each crash displayed in the upper pane, you can view the details of the device drivers loaded during the crash in the lower pane. BlueScreenView also mark the drivers that their addresses found in the crash stack, so you can easily locate the suspected drivers that possibly caused the crash.

Versions History

  • Version 1.55:
    • Added Drag & Drop support: You can now drag a single MiniDump file from Explorer into the main window of BlueScreenView.
    • Fixed bug: BlueScreenView failed to remember the last size / position of the main window if it was not located in the primary monitor.
  • Version 1.52:
    • Added "Google Search - Bug Check" and "Google Search - Bug Check + Parameter 1" options.
  • Version 1.51:
    • Added automatic secondary sorting ("Crash Time" column).
    • Added 64-bit build.
  • Version 1.50:
    • The "Crash Time" now displays more accurate date / time of the crash. In previous versions, the value of "Crash Time" column was taken from the date / time of dump file, which actually represents that time that Windows loaded again, after the crash. The actual crash time is stored inside the dump file, and now the "Crash Time" displays this value.
    • Added "Dump File Time" column, which displays the modified time of the dump file.
  • Version 1.47:
    • Added "Auto Size Columns + Headers" option, which allows you to automatically resize the columns according to the row values ​​and column headers.
  • Version 1.46:
    • Fixed issue: The properties and the "Advanced Options" windows opened in the wrong monitor, on multi-monitors system.
  • Version 1.45:
    • You can now choose to open only a specific dump file - from the user interface or from command-line.
    • You can now also specify the MiniDump folder or MiniDump file as a single parameter, and BlueScreenView will be opened with the right dump file / folder, for example: BlueScreenView.exe C: \ windows \ minidump \ Mini011209-01.dmp
  • Version 1.40:
    • Added "Raw Data" mode on the lower pane, which displays the processor registers and memory hex dump.
  • Version 1.35:
    • Added "Crash Address" column.
    • Added 3 columns that display that last 3 calls found in the stack (Only for 32-bit crashes)
  • Version 1.32:
    • Added "Mark Odd / Even Rows" option, under the View menu. When it "s turned on, the odd and even rows are displayed in different color, to make it easier to read a single line.
  • Version 1.31:
    • Added "Google Search - Bug Check + Driver" for searching in Google the driver name and bug check code of the selected blue screen.
  • Version 1.30:
    • Added "Dump File Size" column.
  • Version 1.29:
    • You can now send the list of blue screen crashes to stdout by specifying an empty filename ("") in the command-line of all save parameters.
      For example: bluescreenview.exe / stab ""> c: \ temp \ blue_screens.txt
  • Version 1.28:
    • Added "Add Header Line To CSV / Tab-Delimited File" option. When this option is turned on, the column names are added as the first line when you export to csv or tab-delimited file.
  • Version 1.27:
    • Fixed issue: removed the wrong encoding from the xml string, which caused problems to some xml viewers.
  • Version 1.26:
    • Fixed "DumpChk" mode to work properly when DumpChk processing takes more than a few seconds.
  • Version 1.25:
    • Added "DumpChk" mode, which displays the output of Microsoft DumpChk utility (DumpChk.exe). You can set the right path and parameters of DumpChk in "Advanced Options" window. By default, BlueScreenView tries to run DumpChk from "% programfiles% \ Debugging Tools for Windows "
    • The default MiniDump folder is now taken from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ CrashControl
  • Version 1.20:
    • Added 3 new columns in the upper pane: Processors Count, Major Version, Minor Version.
    • Added "Explorer Copy" option, which allows you to copy dump files to the clipboard and then paste them into Explorer window.
  • Version 1.15:
    • Added option to view the blue screen list of multiple computers on your network. The computer names are specified in a simple text file. (See below).
    • Added Combo-Box to easily choose the MiniDump folders available in the hard-disks currently attached to your computer.
    • Added "Computer Name" and "Full Path" columns.
  • Version 1.11:
    • Added / sort command-line option.
  • Version 1.10:
    • Added accelerator keys for allowing you to toggle between modes more easily.
    • Added command-line options for saving the crash dumps list to text / csv / html / xml file.
    • Added command-line option for opening BlueScreenView with the desired MiniDump folder.
    • Fixed focus problems when opening the "Advanced Options" window.
    • Added "default" button to the "Advanced Options" window.
    • Added "processor" column - 32-bit or x64.
  • Version 1.05 - Added support for x64 MiniDump files.
  • Version 1.00 - First release.

BlueScreenView Features

  • Automatically scans your current minidump folder and displays the list of all crash dumps, including crash dump date / time and crash details.
  • Allows you to view a blue screen which is very similar to the one that Windows displayed during the crash.
  • BlueScreenView enumerates the memory addresses inside the stack of the crash, and find all drivers / modules that might be involved in the crash.
  • BlueScreenView also allows you to work with another instance of Windows, simply by choosing the right minidump folder (In Advanced Options).
  • BlueScreenView automatically locate the drivers appeared in the crash dump, and extract their version resource information, including product name, file version, company, and file description.

System Requirements

  • BlueScreenView works with Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, as long as Windows is configured to save minidump files during BSOD crashes. If your system doesn "t create MiniDump files on a blue screen crash, try to configure it according to the following article:
  • BlueScreenView can read the MiniDump files of both 32-bit and x64 systems.
  • Be aware that on Windows 10, some of the created MiniDump files might be empty and BlueScreenView will not display them.

Using BlueScreenView

BlueScreenView doesn "t require any installation process or additional dll files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - BlueScreenView.exe
After running BlueScreenView, it automatically scans your MiniDump folder and display all crash details in the upper pane.

Crashes Information Columns (Upper Pane)

  • Dump File: The MiniDump filename that stores the crash data.
  • Crash Time: The created time of the MiniDump filename, which also matches to the date / time that the crash occurred.
  • Bug Check String: The crash error string. This error string is determined according to the Bug Check Code, and it "s also displayed in the blue screen window of Windows.
  • Bug Check Code: The bug check code, as displayed in the blue screen window.
  • Parameter 1/2/3/4: The 4 crash parameters that are also displayed in the blue screen of death.
  • Caused By Driver: The driver that probably caused this crash. BlueScreenView tries to locate the right driver or module that caused the blue screen by looking inside the crash stack. However, be aware that the driver detection mechanism is not 100% accurate, and you should also look in the lower pane, that display all drivers / modules found in the stack. These drivers / modules are marked in pink color.
  • Caused By Address: Similar to "Caused By Driver" column, but also display the relative address of the crash.
  • File Description: The file description of the driver that probably caused this crash. This information is loaded from the version resource of the driver.
  • Product Name: The product name of the driver that probably caused this crash. This information is loaded from the version resource of the driver.
  • Company: The company name of the driver that probably caused this crash. This information is loaded from the version resource of the driver.
  • File Version: The file version of the driver that probably caused this crash. This information is loaded from the version resource of the driver.
  • Crash Address: The memory address that the crash occurred. (The address in the EIP / RIP processor register) In some crashes, this value might be identical to "Caused By Address" value, while in others, the crash address is different from the driver that caused the crash.
  • Stack Address 1 - 3: The last 3 addresses found in the call stack. Be aware that in some crashes, these values ​​will be empty. Also, the stack addresses list is currently not supported for 64-bit crashes.

Drivers Information Columns (Lower Pane)

  • Filename: The driver / module filename
  • Address In Stack: The memory address of this driver that was found in the stack.
  • From Address: First memory address of this driver.
  • To Address: Last memory address of this driver.
  • Size: Driver size in memory.
  • Time Stamp: Time stamp of this driver.
  • Time String: Time stamp of this driver, displayed in date / time format.
  • Product Name: Product name of this driver, loaded from the version resource of the driver.
  • File Description: File description of this driver, loaded from the version resource of the driver.
  • File Version: File version of this driver, loaded from the version resource of the driver.
  • Company: Company name of this driver, loaded from the version resource of the driver.
  • Full Path: Full path of the driver filename.

Lower pane modes

Currently, the lower pane has 4 different display modes. You can change the display mode of the lower pane from Options-> Lower Pane Mode menu.
  1. All Drivers: Displays all the drivers that were loaded during the crash that you selected in the upper pane. The drivers / module that their memory addresses found in the stack, are marked in pink color.
  2. Only Drivers Found In Stack: Displays only the modules / drivers that their memory addresses found in the stack of the crash. There is a very high chance that one of the drivers in this list is the one that caused the crash.
  3. Blue Screen in XP Style: Displays a blue screen that looks very similar to the one that Windows displayed during the crash.
  4. DumpChk Output: Displays the output of Microsoft DumpChk utility. This mode only works when Microsoft DumpChk is installed on your computer and BlueScreenView is configured to run it from the right folder (In the Advanced Options window).
    You can get DumpChk from the installation CD / DVD of Windows or with the installtion of Debugging Tools for Windows.

Crashes of Remote Network Computer

If you have multiple computers on your network and you have full administrator access to them (e.g: you have access to \\ ComputerName \ c $), you can also view the crashes of the other computers on your network remotely. In order to do that, simply go to "Advanced Options" (Ctrl + O) and type the MiniDump folder of the remote computer, for example: \\ MyComp \ c $ \ Windows \ MiniDump.

Notice: If you fail to get full administrator access to the remote computer, you should read the instructions in the following Blog post:.

Watching the crashes of multiple computers on your network

If you have a network with multiple computers, and you have full admin access to these computers, you can view the blue screens list of all these computers in one table, and easily detect computers with recurring BSOD problems.

In order to use this feature, prepare a list of all computer names / IP addresses that you want to inspect, and save it to a simple text file. The computer names in the list can be delimited by comma, semicolon, tab character, or Enter (CRLF).
Example for computer names list:

Comp01 comp02 After you have a text file contains the computers list, you can go to Advanced Options window (Ctrl + O), choose the second option and type the computers list filename.

Command-Line Options

/ LoadFrom Specifies the source to load from.
1 -> Load from a single MiniDump folder (/ MiniDumpFolder parameter)
2 -> Load from all computers specified in the computer list file. (/ ComputersFile parameter)
3 -> Load from a single MiniDump file (/ SingleDumpFile parameter)
/ MiniDumpFolder Start BlueScreenView with the specified MiniDump folder.
/ SingleDumpFile Start BlueScreenView with the specified MiniDump file. (For using with / LoadFrom 3)
/ ComputersFile Specifies the computers list filename. (When LoadFrom = 2)
/ LowerPaneMode<1 - 3> Start BlueScreenView with the specified mode. 1 = All Drivers, 2 = Only Drivers Found In Stack, 3 = Blue Screen in XP Style.
/ stext Save the list of blue screen crashes into a regular text file.
/ stab Save the list of blue screen crashes into a tab-delimited text file.
/ scomma Save the list of blue screen crashes into a comma-delimited text file (csv).
/ stabular Save the list of blue screen crashes into a tabular text file.
/ shtml Save the list of blue screen crashes into HTML file (Horizontal).
/ sverhtml Save the list of blue screen crashes into HTML file (Vertical).
/ sxml Save the list of blue screen crashes into XML file.
/ sort This command-line option can be used with other save options for sorting by the desired column. If you don "t specify this option, the list is sorted according to the last sort that you made from the user interface. The parameter can specify the column index (0 for the first column, 1 for the second column, and so on) or the name of the column, like "Bug Check Code" and "Crash Time". You can specify the "~" prefix character (e.g: "~ Crash Time") if you want to sort in descending order. You can put multiple / sort in the command-line if you want to sort by multiple columns.

BlueScreenView.exe / shtml "f: \ temp \ crashes.html" / sort 2 / sort ~ 1
BlueScreenView.exe / shtml "f: \ temp \ crashes.html" / sort "Bug Check String" / sort "~ Crash Time"

/ nosortWhen you specify this command-line option, the list will be saved without any sorting.

Translating BlueScreenView to other languages

In order to translate BlueScreenView to other language, follow the instructions below:
  1. Run BlueScreenView with / savelangfile parameter:
    BlueScreenView.exe / savelangfile
    A file named BlueScreenView_lng.ini will be created in the folder of BlueScreenView utility.
  2. Open the created language file in Notepad or in any other text editor.
  3. Translate all string entries to the desired language. Optionally, you can also add your name and / or a link to your Web site. (TranslatorName and TranslatorURL values) If you add this information, it "ll be used in the" About "window.
  4. After you finish the translation, Run BlueScreenView, and all translated strings will be loaded from the language file.
    If you want to run BlueScreenView without the translation, simply rename the language file, or move it to another folder.


This utility is released as freeware. You are allowed to freely distribute this utility via floppy disk, CD-ROM, Internet, or in any other way, as long as you don "t charge anything for this. If you distribute this utility, you must include all files in the distribution package, without any modification!