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Your PC has a problem what to do. How to fix dysfunction "Your PC has a problem"

A problem arose to the question on your PC, and it must be rebooted. Posted by the author European The best answer is Yegor You bought a laptop with a pre-installed system. Money paid.
My tip Deliver a laptop back to the store. I do not need to be bathed with installation, with hardhams. It is clear that uncomfortable. They advise the system to another disk as if you have another hard and that for laptops. You can install a new system. Download original image or assembly from torrent. But it must be activated later. The key then you do not. And then deprive the guarantees. Most likely the hardware.
And by the way, when did you start the laptop, you have already installed or the installation went when you first turn on the laptop ????

Answer from 22 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: there was a problem on your PC, and it must be restarted.

Answer from Throw away[guru]
Well, it is unlikely that this equipment is hardly so I think the system will help

Answer from Switch[guru]
Try to put the system to another hard drive. And save and reveal the guarantee, from where the legs grow from a malfunction. By the way, it seems to failure in RAM.

Answer from Vladimir Kochetov[guru]
You can try to download any Live CD / USB Linux, if it is loaded normally, it means everything is fine with the gland, then pick the system.

Answer from philosophy[active]
Windows 8 - Court Lynch!
Take care of your files! You do not know which of them new system From Microsoft, deems "non-license", unwanted, that is, not relevant Microsoft requirements. All folders and files to which a new operating system has access, that is, has the right to access at the level of reading system, are checked as a programmatic manual. What data and programs are allowed to use when working with the Windows 8 operating system, and which no, about that Microsoft is silent, as well as about its "partisan" way to combat compliance with copyright and industrial law. If you fail your data in the form of files and folders, Microsoft requirements, such files and data will be destroyed, despite the fact that with respect to the Microsoft legal entity they are someone else's property. The operating system is displays, especially in the absence of access to removal to undesirable, according to Microsoft censorship, user files. How does this manifest? When the computer is turned off staffingThe screen will appear the blue color window of the following content. "🙁 The problem arose on your PC, and it must be reloaded to reboot. We only collect some error information, and then the reboot will be automatically performed (performed ...%). " I advise you not to wait until it is fulfilled, and immediately turn off the computer or pull the USB connector if your data is on a USB disk. Files and folders on disks and folders in user directories, it is desirable to copy the way another operating system to another disk, otherwise you will lose them. I will explain on the example, connecting your own data using a USB disk. This method of connecting devices with data on different physical media by a connecting cable shares data to yours and those belong to the operating system. USB drive is exactly yours, and the data on it too, for sure your! For representatives and workers legal entity Microsoft This data is someone else's property to which they do not have the right to encroach. So, instead of shutdown, after a system-issued alert (text, see above), your computer, after a while, when "100% completed," will reboot, and at first glance, the system will work normally. BUT! Check your files and data. You are missing them. A number of folders can lose access rights, and the files that the Microsoft program on the censorship of user data on its computer will rate as unwanted, they will simply disappear. I, for example, disappeared, retro music files, which clearly cannot have licenses and owners, and distributed in free access, has been closed access to a row boot files On my disk, as well as, the system, the action of the clock gadget is discontinued - to research in Microsoft. That's not all. The operating system support center, "posts" the flag with the message that the file system on your USB disk is spoiled, and it should be checked by the tools of the operating system. If you agree, then access to your data will stop. If you do not agree and ignore the support center message, then the subsequent shutdown and reboot will result in the same result, and in addition, access to downloaded programs will begin to stop, and later yours new Windows 8, "will order for a long time." User, begins to fight with malicious codes - viruses, contact specialists in the Internet forums about the above described "Death" window, temporarily appeared on your computer, completely forgetting that all the troubles began with this window - Microsoft warnings. So you will learn that you not only bought the right to install and use the Windows 8 operating system by the owner, but also transferred their right to personal property in in electronic format, other owner and right owe

Blue screen (He is blue screen of death, Blue Screen., Bsod.) - This is the screen that displays information about the critical errors of the Windows operating system. In Windows 10, as in previous versions, it appears with serious system problems and fatal failures. At the same time on the screen you see the text:
There was a problem on your PC, and it must be reloaded.
We only collect some error information, and then a reboot will be automatically performed.

The blue screen can appear differently: during the download process (before displaying the desktop or the welcome screen), immediately after logging into the user account, after a certain time interval of the computer (for example, 2 minutes), when starting specific program either spontaneously and chaotic. In this article, we find out the reason for the appearance blue Screen. Also, let's talk about how to remove the blue screen in Windows 10 and eliminate the problem.

Causes of windows 10 blue screen appearance

Possible causes due to which a blue screen appears, quite a lot. Among them:

  1. malicious programs and viruses;
  2. incompatibility or incorrect work devices drivers;
  3. damage system files operating system;
  4. unsuccessful updates of the Windows 10 operating system;
  5. simultaneous use of several antivirus programs;
  6. incorrect bIOS settings (including overclocking);
  7. overheating (processor, video card, bridge / chipset);
  8. incompatibility of components (for example, memory modules between themselves);
  9. hardware malfunction of computer components (for example, bied sectors On the hard disk when the BAD sector appears in the storage area of \u200b\u200bsystem files).

Incidentally, because of such a number of factors, there is no simple and universal solution to remove the blue windows screen 10.

How to disable Windows 10 reboot with a blue death screen

In most cases, after the appearance of BLO, the computer will soon reboot and the user does not really have time to read what was written. You can try to disable the reboot (of course, if you catch BLO Scrong before downloading graphic shell Windows, then this will not work).

So, if your system is loaded and able to work for a while, then:

  • Click Win + Break.
  • Click Extra options Systems.
  • On the tab Additionally In the section, click Parameters.
  • Uncheck the checkbox Perform an automatic reboot:

It will allow you to carefully view detailed information About the error and look for a solution on a specific problem on the Internet by the name of the failed module or stop code. Often the failure causes nvlddmkm.sys modules, ntoskrnl.exe, fltmgr.sys. Stop codes look like this: system_thread_exception_not_handled, page_fault_in_nonpaged_area, etc.

How to remove the blue Windows 10 screen

In order to solve the problem, you need to check your computer on items. We have placed actions in this way not by chance. We took into account two factors: the most frequent reasons The appearance of the blue screen and the ease of execution of the solution. If the item does not help - proceed to the following. Sooner or later you will find the cause of BSOD.

Removing viruses and malicious programs

This item is not accidentally listed first. Nowadays, malware is so widely distributed and is actively moving away with the help of cheating on the Internet, which check the computer to viruses is needed primarily. Many people were surprised when the problem with a blue screen disappeared after removing Malware. In most cases, it is enough to check the computer by the programs: and.

Removing malicious software to get rid of the blue screen

Secure network support mode

Important! In some cases, the blue screen does not allow neither to complete the check, neither download the antivirus. In this case, immediately after download, try to quickly open the properties of the system and select the download type "Safe Mode with Network Support": after which you can restart the PC as quickly as possible until it has fallen into the blue screen. When infected with malicious software with a secure network support, you will download you to download the antivirus, scan and remove malware.

System rollback - Windows 10 recovery

If you have noticed exactly when the blue screen appeared for the first time, try to roll back the system. To do this, you can use either the built-in function "", or the backup image performed acronis program, Aomei Backupper, Ghost or any other, if you have such.

I want to add that often the blue screen appears after installing the update for Windows 10. If you have such a case, then at first try to update the device drivers, and then try to delete the update. And another remark: If you have done the system recovery, then re-check the PC to viruses and check the integrity of system files. This is the case if in a backup, from which you recovered, there were already viruses or Windows errors.

If BSOD occurs during the system loading process or pops up too quickly after loading, so that it is impossible to do anything with a computer, it will be written below in a separate paragraph.

Windows Drivers Update

If, when the blue screen appears, the name of the module that caused the error is specified, look for information on the Internet about what is for the file. For example, if you found out that the failure gives the network card driver component, start from the search for the updated version:

At the same time, do not rely one hundred percent on the drivers that Windows 10 downloads and installs yourself. In most cases, they work normally, but sometimes it happens that the Microsoft database driver is "simplified" or "universal", reducing productivity or causing problems in the system. Visit the official website of the manufacturer of your iron (laptop, motherboard, video card) and check whether there is official driver For Windows 10. If it is available, then download the latest version and install.

Sometimes it helps the reverse action: rollback of drivers (i.e., setting the previous version of the driver, if a newer screen is called).

Reset Windows 10 or net reinstalling system from flash drive

Described how to make reset Windows 10. A - about how to reinstall operating system from a flash drive.

Search for the reason for the appearance of the blue screen in the hardware

If you did not help even reinstalling Windows 10, you need to check the service components. All must be checked: the voltage issued by the power supply; Contacts motherboard; SATA integrity cables; Correction of hard drives and SSD.

  • Test RAM using the program. By the way, it also helps to identify the banal incompatibility of the RAM modules among themselves, when each level of memory works normally, and together they call BSOD, hanging or rebooting the computer.
  • If your Windows 10 is installed on a hard disk, check it with a program for broken sectors. Bad sectors can be tried to "heal" and the system can again become operational. After that, you can save data and think about replacing an unreliable drive to a new one.
  • Remember whether you accelerated the system. If acceleration occurred, return the settings that you changed to the same values. Instead, you can reset the BIOS settings to the default values, but it should be done carefully, because The computer can stop loading.
  • Remember whether you have switched the mode of operation hard disk Between Ahci, RAID, IDE. If you simply switch the mode and do not replace the driver, you will receive a blue screen when loading and the computer will cyclically reboot. If you change this setting, return the same value.
  • check the temperature of the processor, chipset, video cards in the BIOS or using utilities (for example, AIDA64 or).
  • The cause of the blue screen of death can be a burnt network card. It often happens after the thunderstorm. At the same time, the activity indicator on the network adapter may flash, simply no internet connection. We advise special attention to pay for this item if your computer is connected to the Internet to the provider directly - without Router. First, simply disconnect the Ethernet connector from network adapter And restart the computer. If the blue screen stopped popping up, remove network card And replace it with a new one. If such a problem happened with an interjected Ethernet adapter, disconnect it in UEFI (BIOS).

Blue Windows 10 screen appears when running a specific program or in the game

In my practice there were cases when the blue screen popped out only when downloading torrent or only in the game. In the latter case helped to set a small memory dump:

Also, you can try to update the "problem" program to the latest version or delete it at all.

What to do if the blue screen occurs in the system loading process

If in your case the blue screen occurs during Windows 10 boot or after a few seconds after entering the account, it is obvious that you will not have time to download the antivirus, nor set the download in safe mode. In this case, we advise first to check the computer to viruses with, or any other boot media with antivirus. Then create a bootable USB flash drive from Windows 10, boot from it and select item System Restore:

After that, you usually have two options:

  1. Run the recovery of the system and roll back to the recovery point (if any);
  2. Make a reset of Windows 10 to initial state. Read more about it in.

Also, it is worth saying that after several emergency reboots, the system can offer you to start recovery when loading. You can choose Restoration and then in the section Additionally choose System Restore. In some cases, it helps to return Windows into an efficient state and you will not need to create the above-mentioned loading flash drive. By the way, after restoring the system, this way do not forget to check the computer for viruses.

Way to solve a problem for advanced users

Experienced users I can offer another method for finding the causes of the blue screen of death in Windows 10. You need to install the BlueScreenView program to view the dumps and carefully study them. In many cases, it helps to find out in which direction to dig to eliminate the problem. For example, if when analyzing it is clear that the critical error causes the driver - to replace it, and if the failure is clearly connected to the hard disk, then change the cable or try to disable the device. Detailed visual instructions You can find on YouTube to work with BlueScreenView.


So, in order to remove the blue screen of death in Windows 10, follow these steps:

  • Check the PC to viruses using the recommended utility.
  • If the BSOD appeared after installing the update - delete this update. Subsequently, you can create backup Systems and try to set this update again.
  • Make sure the system is installed latest versions Drivers certified to work with Windows 10.
  • If you added components - remove.
  • If you changed the settings - return the previous one. This concerns both the programs and the UEFI / BIOS settings.
  • Test the disk and memory for errors and hardware faults.
  • Disconnect the cable from the network adapter (or remove the card if it is external).

Our article will tell about a critical error when download windows 10 - "There was a problem on your PC and it must be rebooted." You will learn about the main reasons for this problem, as well as about all possible ways to solve this problem.

In operating room windows system 10 Microsoft updated the screen of critical errors (blue screen of death). Now the PC does not go to the reboot, after a second after the error message is demonstrated, but asks the user permission to the appropriate operation and indicates a specific error code. Thanks to this, the PC user can familiarize themselves with the cause of a malfunction and even quickly find a method for eliminating the problem.

Blue Death Screen in Windows 10

What is this mistake?

"Your PC has a problem and it must be reloaded" - This is a message that the user receives due to critical failures in Windows 10. An error occurs for various reasons and can be a single bug or a constant problem.

In contrast to the previous versions of WindowsIn the 10-ke on a blue screen, a QR code is also displayed, which includes a direct link to the Microsoft website page containing a description of the problem and possible ways to solve it. Due to this, if a person who collided with the relevant problem is available modern smartphone, He can quickly learn about the fault that has arisen from his computer and solve it.

How to fix the problem

In most cases, a simple reboot of the computer helps to get rid of the blue screen of death. It can be performed in several ways:

  • click on the "Reset" button on system block (suitable for desktops);
  • hard way - pull the cord (for desktops);
  • hold 3-5 seconds Power button (for desktops and laptops);
  • hard way - remove the battery (for laptops).

If the system has been successfully loaded and after the day of using a critical error no longer appeared, then, most likely, it was a single case and no other measures do not need.

What to do if the blue screen of death occurs reuse

The reasons for the occurrence of a critical error "The problem arose on your PC" maybe a lot. Its appearance can be due to both technical malfunctions of iron and software part of the OS.

If you have type errors « Critical Process. DIED » (failed in work important for system system) or "Kernel_security_check_filure" (Error checking the security / integrity of the OS nucleus) software, then fix them in most cases is easy. These are the two most common bugs.

For this, first of all, check the system antivirus.. You can use the built-in Windows 10 or install the other, but after turning off the first one.

Step two: run system Restoreuntil recent points. To return the OS in an earlier condition:

  • press "Win + S";
  • enter the "System Restore" and launch the application;
  • proceed to the instructions that will offer the program;
  • from the table to select a date, as of which the errors have not been noticed.
  1. Another variant: restore system files with help special utility. To do this, you need to run from the administrator command line and execute the command " sFC / SCANNOW.". If in the process of checking the utility will ask anything, you need to agree.
  2. You can also try update Drivers devices. Check and update is done through the Device Manager. You can also use target utilities, such as DriverPack Solution.
  3. If, after performing these actions, errors still occur, then, most likely, the problem is hardware. To begin with, check the integrity file SystemFor which we introduce " chkdsk / F."On the command line and agree with everything that the utility will offer.
  4. If this, too, has not led to anything, probably the problem with rAM. It must be checked Memtest86.which can be downloaded without any problems from the official resource. The user will need to create a bootable flash drive with this program and check the RAM on read / write errors. Instructions, how to do it, a lot in the network. If RAM is spoiled, you will have to buy new modules.


The problem with the notification "There was a problem on your PC and it must be rebooted" In most cases, it is a single, but check the integrity of the system files does not prevent. In order to avoid errors Critical Process Died.or Kernel_security_check_filure., you should always apply new windows updates 10 and follow relevant versions Antivirus.

During loading windows 10 (or its installation) We can face the blue screen of death, accompanied by the message "There was a problem on your PC, and it must be reloaded." As it often happens, the reboot of the system does not give anything, and the next time you start the system, the error occurs again. Below we analyze the essence of the problem and the options for its solution.

The error in question usually occurs when booting or installing Windows WINTOVS. The user suddenly receives BSOD, on the screen of which the message mentioned above, the technical name of the error, and the QR code of the reference to it on the network. Some time, the system collects technical data on error, and if there is an Internet connection, the specified data in Microsoft is sent for subsequent analysis.

According to Microsoft statistics in Win 10, about 70% of all cases of this and close problems are caused by incorrectly working drivers. Another 10% comes to hardware problems (memory, hDD, overheating), the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bare caused by various alternative factors.

What are the causes of dysfunction that informs us about the occurrence of the problem and offers to restart the PC? There may be several of them:

  • Incorrectly working drivers (especially in the situation of their recent installation);
  • Damaged system files;
  • Damage system registry (registry files randomly or deliberately removed from the System32 folder);
  • Overheating of the system (in particular, due to its intentional acceleration);
  • Different problems with PC memory (failure of memory planks, errors in their work, etc.);
  • Malignant activity of viral malware;
  • Errors (broken sectors) on Winchester (in particular, due to incorrect PC disconnection).

After the error appears, the problem on your PC has a problem, and you must restart it. "We can still boot in the system in the usual way or use" Safe Mode ". In the most sad cases, the system is included in the cyclic mode of rebooting (BSOD - reboot - BSOD). As a result, it is impossible to access the system functionality.

How to fix dysfunction "Your PC has a problem"

The solution to this problem is divided into two main stages, depending on whether you can download the system in safe mode or not.

  1. To go to a secure mode, restart the PC, and hold SHIFT on the input screen.
  2. And then select "Shutdown" - "Restart".
  3. After restarting the PC on the parameter selection screen, select "Diagnostics".
  4. Then "Advanced Parameters".
  5. Next "Startup parameters" and "Restart".

After rebooting the PC in the list of parameters, press 4 to select the download in safe mode or 5 to select the download of the secure mode with support network drivers. By the way, booting in the latter, and then reloading your PC standard method, Sometimes you can eliminate the error "On your PC has a problem."

Select 4 or 5 download option

So, depending on whether you loaded in safe mode or not, and it is necessary to build a further algorithm of our actions.

Update Drivers

First of all, refresh the drivers for the main components of your PC ( graphic Drivers, Display Drivers, Ethernet Drivers and wireless adapter). By downloading the latest items from the component developer site (you need a secure mode with network drives support). In the update of the drivers, such tools like "Solusn Driver", installing the latest drivers in semi-automatic mode. Installing fresh drivers often allows you to correct the error that the problem has appeared on your computer and the Win 10 reboot is required.

Uninstall recently installed programs

The error under consideration can also be caused recently installed applicationscausing conflict devices and the appearance of BSOD. Remove recently software installed and apps standard for WINDOVS manner, Restart the PC and watch whether the blue screen will appear.

If, when you try to delete the program in a safe mode, you will meet with the message about the unavailability of the Windows installation service, then run the command line from the admin, and type there:


And press Enter. Then type:

click input and try de Install the necessary program again.

Modify memory dump settings

  1. In safe mode, press Win + R.
  2. Enter there sysdm.cpl and conclude on Enter.
  3. In the system properties that opens, select the "Advanced" deposit, and on the right of the "Download and Recovery" option, click on "Parameters".
  4. Remove the checkbox from the option "Run an automatic reboot", and in the "Debug Information" entry, select the "Full Dump of Memory" option.
  5. At the bottom, click on "OK", and reboot the system, it can help get rid of the error "The problem arose on your PC."

Check the integrity of system files

Run the command line from the admin, and type in it:

and click on Enter. Wait for checking.

Check PC for malware

This will be helped by such tested utilities as "DoctoCeb Cureit" and other effective alternatives that remove various types of malware with PCs.

Disconnect the acceleration of the PC hardware

If you use various tools for overclocking the processor or the PC video card, we recommend disabled (delete) them.

Install all the necessary Windows Updates 10

Click the PCM to an analogue of the Start button in Windows 10, select "Parameters", then "Update and Security", and "Check availability". Install the updates and restart the PC.

Loading in safe mode is not possible

If it is loaded in safe mode, it is not possible, then ways to get rid of an error "On your PC" WIN 10 There will be the following alternatives:

Use the recovery tool

For implementation this method We will need boot flash drive WINDOVS 10, with which it will be necessary to boot in the system. Select the "System Recovery" option instead of installation.

Then go to "Diagnostics", after that in "Additional Parameters", and then "Restoring System".

Select your account (if necessary, enter the password), decide on a stable recovery point, and roll back the system to the previous stable state.

Copy the registry files to eliminate the message about the problem and the need to reboot

Go to the "Advanced Settings" of the system recovery menu, and select "Command Line". With it, go to the directory:

Copy the files "Default", "SAM", "Security", "Software" and "System" in the previous Directory "C" \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Config. "

Before copying data files, leave the Config folder. After copying, restart the system.

Use the SFC functionality

Also in this mode again select the command line, and type it:

and click on Enter. Wait for the procedure to complete and restart the PC, which will help to eliminate the error "a problem arose on the computer, and it must be restarted."

A few more ways to eliminate the error in Win 10

In addition to those described software ways It is possible to solve the error on the PC as follows:


The appearance on the PC error screen "on your PC has a problem, and it must be restarted" usually signals the presence of a variety of problems with PC hardware components and by drivers serving them. Completely listed above the Soviets Complex, this will solve the error "with your computer arose" on your PC.

In contact with

If Windows install a driver, which for some reason (lack of compatibility with the version of the operating system, conflicts with another software etc.) refuses to function properly, the operation of the system, as a rule, will unexpectedly end the critical stop-error (it is the "blue screen of death" or just BSOD).

Today we will look at one of the ways to eliminate the error. Driver_irql_not_less_or_equalWhen the appearance occurs, this message appears on the display:

There was a problem on your PC, and it must be reloaded.

If you wish, you can find on the Internet information on this error code: driver_irql_not_less_or_equal (Epfwwfp.sys).

The EPFWWFP.SYS value in the message indicates the name of the driver that caused this error. Knowing title faulty Driver, just remove it enough (and if there is such a set more new version), And then the problem will be solved. Here's how to do it:

1. Load in Wednesday windows restoration. To do this, click "Restart" by clicking and holding the SHIFT key. If the error occurs at the operating system loading phase, then get into the recovery environment can via installation disk or with.

2. Once in the recovery environment, click "Diagnostics"\u003e "Advanced Parameters"\u003e "Command Line". By this you run the command line preparation.

3. Select the administrator account and enter the password. account.

The next step will be the definition of the letter of the section on which the system is installed. This is important, since the letter labels of the disc partitions in the boot medium differ from those used in the operating system.

4. So, in the command line window, type the command notepad. And press ENTER. After the "Notepad" opens, go to the "File" menu -\u003e "Save as". As a save directory, specify "this computer". In the "Explorer" you will see discs and the letters assigned to them. Most likely, the letter C will be labeled a reserved area, and the letter D, which is usually assigned to the user partition will be marked with the system. In our case, all that is the way - the operating system is set to the section that the letter D was assigned in the boot medium.

5. Now go back to the command line by closing the "Explorer" and "Notepad". Enter the following command and press ENTER:

Del / F / S / Q / A "D: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Drivers \\ < NAME Drivers> "

Do not forget instead of D: specify the letter of your system partition, and instead<НАЗВАНИЕ ДРАЙВЕРА> Enter the name of the defective driver (for example, EPFWWFP.SYS).

6. Close the command line and boot the operating system.

Now that the problem driver was removed, the "blue screen of death" should not be more. Next, you need to install the updated version of the driver, but for this you have to find out about it more detailed information.

7. Visit the online directory of the drivers created by users and Microsoft specialists. On the directory page, find the name of the defective driver. In our case, the cause of the error was the EPFWWFP.SYS driver required to work ESET Personal Firewall.

You need to do this as follows: Finding out the name of the program / device, whose driver was the cause of the problem, go to the site of the appropriate manufacturer / developer and download and install a newer version of the driver / program, if any.

Excellent day!