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How to turn active subscribers to the VKontakte group. Cheat groups VKontakte

Greetings you, dear friends! I just do not wait to inform you the great news - today we are finally summarize In the subject of promotion of groups in social networks. For a fairly long time, we actively studied and tested the most popular ways to promote communities, analyzed their effectiveness, tried to work with specialized bots and services. Since the cheating of people in the VKontakte group turned out to be rather difficult and laborious taskrequiring certain experience in SMM promotion, today we will try to collect together all the knowledge gained and decide on the sequence of actions to attract new users to their projects. In this article, we summarize the basic ways of promotion and make a list of tools that need to be used to achieve positive results in the process of promoting pages on social networks.

Cheat followers: What is it and with what it is eaten?

So, for a start, find out what is needed for what. I am confident that the permanent readers of my blog response to this question is known, because many of them use a social network to promote their own goods and services or simply to obtain additional income From administering public or promotion of pages of other users through specialized cheating services. Nevertheless, for beginners who first came to the pages of my blog, I still spend repeated little excursion, literally in a nutshell.

So, suppose you have created your own community or public in the VC and now plan to make money on its popularity. But as long as it does not appear a sufficient number of subscribers or some traffic monetization can be speech. And what to do in this case, how to increase the number of participants from a couple-triple person to several thousand? Alternatively, you can do, carry out all the work by hand, sending invitations to the social network users. But just think about how much time and strength takes you this job. It is here that you will come in handy automatic Cheating subscribers.

The fact is that a large number of participants in the community has a positive effect on the issuance of the group in the search. In other words, the larger the people you can attract into your public, the higher the group will be in the ranking when issuing. By and large, number of subscribers is the main factor, directly affecting the ranking of your community.

SEO and SMM.

However, before proceeding directly to the essence of the question, it is worth highlighting some moments of the coming event. At the very beginning of the article, I mentioned such a thing as SMM Promotion. Tell me how can you clearly describe what it is? I am sure that you all know the SEO technology. So, on many sites and specialized forums there is an active discussion that SEO-Promotion as such gradually devies and goes into the past. To change this technology and should be promotion with the help of social networks, namely - SMM-Promotion.

Must admit that this idea is very even eligible for existence, because the future really belongs to social networks. They expand every day, covering more and more new users. "Vkontakte" is considered today the most visited social network Runet. Every day there are attendance here over 80 million users. Impressive number, isn't it?

Any blogger or webmaster who works on the development of projects understands that the social network is just a huge source of traffic and attention of the tremendous number of people. In addition, today every major project necessarily has its own public or group.

The easiest option of the cheat of subscribers VKontakte is their elementary purchase. We will consider this method with you, but I suggest you also search the ways that will allow to unwind pages in social networks for free.

Main ways to promote pages and groups

I decided to gather in today's review all the most popular and effective methods that will allow you to promote VKontakte Group. About each of them we will talk as in detail as much as possible and will try to decide what way to go to make a page in a social network popular.

Paid Services

Start the review, I still offer with the help of paid specialized Services Cheating subscribers, friends, likes and so on. In your previous articles I already wrote detailed reviews from detailed instructions Registration, work and creating tasks in services for promoting VKontakte group. It is for this reason that I see no reason to return to this topic and start reviews from the very beginning.

As part of this article, I just want to highlight the main programs for promoting VC. Services will stand in the ranking in descending order by quality criteria. Again, I repeat and remind you that for each of the services mentioned in this article you can find detailed reviews on the blog pages. Learn them, delve them and try to develop your pages in VC.

I can assure you that the use of specialized software and services allows you to increase the number up to 5,000 subscribers, after which it is worth moving to advertising a page in thematic groups and publics, where a huge number of participants are concentrated target audience Your page.

List of services

To proceed to reading the detailed view for each program, it is enough to click on the "review read here" at the end of the paragraphs or click on the site name and immediately proceed to the case:

  • Laikator - fresh service Automatic promotion of communities and accounts on social networks: VK, Facebook, Instagram, OK. SuitableWho needs activity in the group on the machine.Not required from you nothing. You can configure the task once, and every day subscribers will join the community. Each post will be accompanied by huskies, repost, comments and viewers. You need to register, add links to groups and specify how many subscribers, likes, reposts, the comments per day must come.
  • SOCELIN. - The most functional service where you can purchase truly "living" subscribers. The participants purchased here will be active in your group, and the number of blocked will not exceed 2.5%. I should note that, in contrast to ordering advertising through VK, you will be offered here for the order of smaller prices for services. As for the attraction of targeted visitors, more than 90% of the subscribers purchased will be selected on the subject of your group.
  • QComment. - This is specialized Exchange comments. Prices here will be somewhat higher than on similar resources, but I would recommend it to those who need to buy comments. Strictly selected authors will help you get high-quality and unique reviews About your products and services, attract positive activity on shopping pages and sites.
  • vK surfing - This is a guarantee of quality orders. This service not only strictly checks performers for humanity but also filters violators and bots. On the stock exchange you can order the cheating of the main tools promotion, use the extended tageting of the performers.
  • vktarget. - Not the cheapest service. For one subscriber here you will have to give about 1 ruble. High prices On the cheating of reposts, likes and so on, in this case with the minimum number of remote pages and fake accounts. Convenient interface The programs allows you to filter out subscribers for a number of criteria: age, geolocation, the number of friends and so on.

Look into your business fresh subscribers with SOCELIN

What problems are those who use free and cheap ways to promote?

For the sake of purity of the experiment I decided to search for services that offer all the same services as the above described, but for much smaller money. Immediately can tell you that free programs - This is the most real evil. If you pursue the goal to ruin your community, then feel free to choose, which is free of charge. With its help, offers and bots will be added to your community, which, believe me, will not hide from the site administration, which will certainly lead a group to freezing due to the use of dishonest methods for attracting participants.

The use of cheap or completely free services leads to the fact that such subscribers appear in your communities as:

  • offer - Users who enter groups for a certain remuneration
  • bots - hacked or fictitious profiles
  • mutual participants - People who subscribe to updates to groups in order to receive points

All three categories of subscribers are considered "dangerous" and entail freeze Your page VK. I strongly advise you not to play games with offpers and bots, because their profiles are regularly blocked social network For excessively activity. If only cats and hedgehogs will be listed in your community, the site administration will immediately accept appropriate measures. For poor quality cheating you can get locking a group for a certain period or forever. Constantly use bots and offers I would advise only those who are interested in cheating likes, reposts, comments.

Software for managing pages and cheating target audience for groups and communities

Huge popularity when promoting pages in social networks uses. Nothing bad in such advocacy, but I would advise you Use for this only those accounts that you will not mind will lose. Immediately I want to warn you and that cheating of the audience with the help of such programs entails blocking groups, and therefore it is necessary to enjoy the capabilities of the services. neatly and with mind, At the start, do not wind more than 200 people in the group per day. Upon reaching 5,000 subscribers, the limit grows, and can already be twisted at 1000 or more a day, but it is better to check the fresh official Limits VK.

When I studied this topicI happened to encounter a huge multitude of automated cheating programs. Not to spend your time and not to confuse you, I focused on two most quality and functional Softtins that can be safely operated:

  • Broket Detailed instructions for working with the program
  • Sobot.

Split your public with the best BROBOT software

For each of them, you can read detailed reviews, get acquainted with the functionality and explore all the nuances related to the use of programs. If one of you want to use to attract the target audience in a group of some other bot, then use one simple but very effective advice: create at least five working accounts, screw thematic subscribers on them, and then make pages in the program. Thus, the software will automatically increase the traffic of your group or community, attracting all new and new participants. Next, send invitations to your group to friends from the scored account.

Advertising in thematic groups

This way I would call the most expensive and high quality. To attract subscribers to your group from another public, you can:

  • go to the Birga Vkontakte
  • use the services of specialized services

So that your money is "fighting," you need to remember that advertising gives returns only if it is remembered to people. Create a truly viral poststhat will "chain" readers. About how to do it, you can find out in my separate article. In it, you will find all the necessary information that will help you place an advertising post, find a community that will give you the maximum return on investment.

List of sites

As for the specialized services, it would advise you to use the services in groups to order promotional posts in groups:

Increase VC Group on the Sociate Exchange

In general, paths that will lead your group to popularity and success, a great set. You can independently decide how they go to start receiving income from the page in the social network. Remember that each of the methods described by me brings fruits and has the right to life. The most important thing is to use them with the mind, to know about their features and take into account. Look for the most suitable for you and your wallet promotion methods, experimental with advertising, combine several promotion options and Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Successful to you endangers and fast meetings! In the comments, write about your experience promotion pages in social networks.

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Who of the modern users does not know the most popular social network "VKontakte"? With each day, the number of people registered in it invariably growing. The history of this site began in 2006, when his first version was created, and already in the same year the free access to registration in this social network was opened. Over the course of several years, the popularity of the site grew at an amazing speed, and this trend has been preserved. Millions of people attend this social network every day. Undoubtedly, its success began to cause interest among numerous entrepreneurs, and at the same time promoted the promotion of groups registered on the site.

How to quickly promote a group of VKontakte for free?

With the growth of popularity, the social network "VKontakte" has also become a great place to trade, advertising and various transactions. For advertising your commodity with this social network, you only need to create a group where you will tell about your suggestions and attract customers. Many successful business projects were implemented precisely using the site "VKontakte".

However, to create your group is not all. The main difficulty in this case is to attract users to your page, an increase in its popularity and receipt good reviews about her. The success of all advertising depends on this, because the more popular is your group, the more potential customers will be interested in your activities.

An independent cheating of groups can continue for a very long time, without bringing tangible results. What to do in this case? The answer is simple, and it consists in the fact that the promotion of the group in VC can be carried out with the help of special services. In this case, the promotion of VKontakte groups will result in positive results as soon as possible.

So, you decide that you need a quick cheating of subscribers, which will not require money from you .. Our site for promoting VKontakte groups is free - this is the most effective assistance to all entrepreneurs and simply users who need to promote groups. On our site we guarantee you safety, high-quality service and friendly attitude. In addition, a simple and understandable interface will greatly facilitate your interaction with our site.

When the site service started its activities, we were sure that our services will be in demand. More and more people are resorted to our services, and it is easy to explain: our cheating of VKontakte groups is most convenient for our customers. With our help, you can bypass our competitors who did not guessed to take advantage of our extremely comfortable and simple service.

Who and why do you need a promotion of the VKontakte group?

Fast promotion of VC groups is needed to everyone who is interested in efficient and affordable advertising of their goods or services and wants to get an effective PR Vkontakte. Compared to other methods of advertising, the use of social networks has the following advantages:

  • ability to advertise its activities absolutely free;
  • advertising efficiency thanks to the placement of it where it will notice a huge number of potential customers;
  • speed \u200b\u200band simplicity of promotion of goods and services.

Do not lose sight of the fact that the promotion of VKontakte groups not only allows you to advertise any products, but is effective way Make more popular any name, brand or someone creativity. With the help of his promoted group, you can become a famous person, to declare myself to all over the world. At the same time, the promotion of the VKontakte group is carried out for free and in a short time, which allows you to quickly get excellent resultwithout expecting extra resources.

Effective paid promotion of a group in VK

The service provides the ability to provide paid services if the promotion and results you need immediately. Prices for our promotion services are more than loyal, as we strive to simplify thousands of users and entrepreneurs the process of advertising their goods and suggestions. Service makes it possible to purchase 100 likes at a price of 5 rubles.

If you think it is much easier to promote a group of binking than a Web resource, you are mistaken. Promotion of the community is a tricky, requiring skills, experience, time and knowledge of subtleties.
In contact, many communities of the same or similarity, text, media / multimedia ads are not cheap, accounts are often frozen. This and much more delays the process.

On the notes of the owners of the communities that believe that the subscribers are very simple, we want to notice: it is fraught with consequences, up to life blocking. True, alleviate: only if the cheating is low-quality.

Now there are many special services engaged in the cheating. And the priority task of the user, the owner of the group, choose a service providing only a high-quality and reliable service that will not lead to freezing or full blocking of the community.

We will share with you the results of our experiments and advise the best, in our opinion, service of cheating subscribers to groups.

Cheat followers in the VKontakte group

We concerned the search for such an online service that would provide high-quality services for reasonable payment and its ability to promote the community to the top.

In our experiment, dozens of cheating services participated. For the accuracy of the experiment, we created as many communities, filled them with thematic content and made orders in these services.

The first and most important thing we made from this independent testing are: free Services And applications are evil. If you need to "urge" the community, boldly contact these services or install free cheating programs. They will lead to your group of offers and bots, and the administration does not hide it, and the community will be frozen for dishonest methods of attracting participants.

Here are some subscribers you will receive using free service:

  • Offers are people who subscribe to remuneration.
  • Botov - hacked accounts or non-informative, specially created for this page.
  • Mutual participants are people who subscribe to the community for the sake of points.
Free or unverified services and poor-quality programs will give you potentially "dangerous" subscribers for which it is easy to get the freezing of the page.

With bots and offpers, it is better not to joke: the system of them is constantly blocking for excessive activity. And if some seats and hedgehogs will sign on your community, it will not be ignored by the administration.

You can get such sanctions:

  1. Your subscribers are deleted from the community (wrinkle).
  2. The community will be blocked for a certain period or forever.
Such participants, bots and offers can be used to comment on records, polls, voting, reposts and other purposes, but not to promote the community.

Before you, the results of the experiment with the service Checks:
  • The ordered service was performed 10 days.
  • Five thousand users were added, and only 2.5% were blocked.
  • The community has activity.
  • 92% of community participants are targeted visitors.
  • The cost of the service is about 9 thousand rubles, and this is almost 3.5 times lower than advertising in VK.
Do not believe - check by ordering the minimum number of subscribers. Honestly, we also did not expect such an effect.

  • People are signed to the community, not sewing, and based on their own desire.
  • Groups are moving along a unique technique.
  • The cost is lower than advertising in VK.
  • An individual approach to each community.
  • Services with discounts (can be saved up to 30%).
  • You can pay for the order in different ways.

Subscribers are the main indicator of the group's popularity. Dozens of posts can be published, invite friends and acquaintances to subscribe to updates. There is more simple and fast way Attract users - cheating subscribers to the VK group. The administration of the social network refers to this negatively and in the case of identifying the scinting fact of the cheating, instantly blocks the community. Therefore, if you want to successfully attract live audience to your group and at the same time avoid blocking, get acquainted with the basic principles and methods.

Cheating subscribers to the VK group

Cheating - Attraction huge number participants for the shortest possible time. It should not be limited only by cheating, publish content daily, order advertising from bloggers, hold contests and run advertising. The result is a high-quality and fast-growing group.

Most often, the cheating is used for groups or public groups, of which they want to create an additional source of income at the expense of advertising and for such communities, quantitative indicators are at one of the first places.

Methods of cheating

There are many methods. The difficulty is that only a couple of options work efficiently, the rest is a waste of time and money.

Free services.

You perform tasks, in return to get points to an increase in the number of community participants, likes, reposts. They are mainly becoming bots. There is another principle - you add to someone in the community, in return this person goes to you.

Free services ( bosslike, Ad-Social and Other) Make it only worse. Mutual subscription takes your time. After a couple of hours, sometimes days, people will just leave your page. The social network administration has long learned to find and block groups with cheating on free services.


You offer a valuable prize for action. In return, receive people from which there will be no benefit. Participants can be 100-200 thousand, and likes on 10-20 records. No advertiser wants to cooperate with the "dead" community. In addition, after receiving the prize, people quickly leave.

It is important to correctly indicate a set of criteria for which users will be selected: age, gender, country, city, hobbies. After launching a company, text, media or multimedia ads will be displayed on the social network.

A huge plus is the ability to independently set up the price per click. Just remember that competitors can specify the price much more, so your ad will be shown less frequently. If you correctly configure the company, specify the optimal price per click, it is possible to quickly dial the required number of subscribers.


The easiest I. free way. Located once a day, sent invitations and wait for the next day. It is not necessary to do anything special, especially since it is completely free.

IMPORTANT! This is the most labor cost. On the day you can send only 50 invitations. In theory in the week you can attract up to 350 people. In practice, at best, only a part of people will go to the page, at worst - you ignore you.


Help automate the process of attracting people. Just download and configure software. You do not have to manually send invitations, the program will do everything for you. Just do not use free programs that are open to the VK administration. For their use, the group will quickly block the group, sometimes together with it block the owner's page. Use only high-quality paid software that allows you to turn the participants by keeping the positive image in the eyes of the administration.

The last method is the most efficient. With the right approach, you can quickly turn the group members. At the same time, VK can not even find fault with you, because you attract exceptionally interested people.

Programs for cheating subscribers in VKontakte

One of the most popular programs - It allows you to constantly attract target audience. Cost - 2200 rubles For the month of use. It is necessary to download the extension for the browser Google Chrome. Run the application, click "Register" inside it. You will appear in order to continue work. After payment instantly on your electronic address will come full instruction and PIN.


  • the ability to view the participants who have recently entering the community you have chosen;
  • automatic processing up to 1,200 customers per day;
  • you can work simultaneously with several accounts.

The program can like pictures of participants who have selected groups of up to 1,200 people, add up to 200 users as friends with 5 accounts.

2. BotSapp.

BotsApp - Promotion of the Profile, Communities and Services in VC. The cost is 990 rubles per month. It is possible to automatically send by personal messages, walls and comments offer to join the group from your profile or on behalf of the group. You can clear the community from blocked people. The client can customize the selection by age, sex, interests and other parameters.

3. vkjust.

Cost - 590 rubles per month. Automates the process of mass liking and adding to friends. Allows you to work with 100 accounts. Customizing messages on comments under photo and video. You can use a proxy server. It is possible to buy a subscription at once for 3 months per 1,590 rubles and 6 months for 2,890 rubles.

4. Viking bottle.

Professional program for working with social network. Cost - 3 200 rubles. In addition to the automated shipment of custom personal messages, the sharing of huskies and the imposed "I like" in the addresses you specified, there are special features. For example, "Boltun". It can communicate with users for a long time. The company conducted an experiment, the results impressive: about 550 messages, no one even learned that it was an artificial intelligence. In conversations "Boltun" can refer to the link to your site.

5. Sobot.

it a new version VKBOT programs. The cost is different from the number of accounts. If you work with one profile - only 30 rubles per month, 10 accounts - 300 rubles. You can buy the offer "Without restrictions" for 750 rubles per month. Soft allows you to automate the usual processes, like likes, subscriptions, invitations. Extended settings make it possible to attract only the target audience.

Principle of operation

Programs are different by additional features, functions, cost. At the same time, the principle of operation for everyone is the same. Work is built as follows:

  1. Configure audience collection options. You can select the community themselves, whose participants will automatically send invitations.
  2. Choosing an audience type. Allow to customize age, gender, interests, find similar user groups. If you sell a product or service, adjust the country and the city of a potential audience.
  3. Soft Likes in the photo from the fake account.
  4. After 2-3 days, the program sends an application as a friend.
  5. Welcome message. If the user accepted the application, he is sent an automatic welcome message.
  6. A few days later, an invitation to the group is sent. Viking Botovod can communicate with a person, appropriate inserting links to the site or page.

As a result, 5 accounts may in a short time to attract about 1,000 (most likely more) living subscribers in just 30 days. Yes, in comparison with the result is small, but this is the easiest way to fill the VC community active users and, unlike free extensions, you will not block the administration. It remains only to choose a program and follow the increase in the activity of your page.

Hello everyone!

You can turn the subscribers to Twitter.

Immediately report on the first of my results, and then we will figure it out more than working on this site.

Less than a day I managed to increase the number of participants in the promoted group on 70 people. These are alive, active accounts (minus the so-called "dogs" - temporarily blocked accounts). If you work in such a rhythm, then in a month you can increase the number of group subscribers about 2000 people. Yes, and the phrase " less than a day"Does not mean you will have to sit at the computer for all day. It is enough during the day to pay a total of about 30-60 minutes of your time to this lesson (periodically, to half a minute, distribute evenly). And the result will not wait a long time and, I think it will greatly please you. All details and nuances further.

First of all I recommend you take another account in VKontakte With the help of which you will wind the participants. Why do it? First, you will lead the active activities of VKontakte and there is a chance of blocking your account (but it is not very scary, I will tell more in more detail in the article). Secondly, you will put "insincere" likes, add everyone a contract to friends, join the groups that you are not interested, etc. In short, not to clog your real account - make a separate account for promoting groups (s). To do this, you you will need one more telephone number and for the convenience of working some second browserIf you have only one installed.

So, in the second browser (which is not your main one) you have created a new VKontakte account and let's go to the site in the same browser and we will see how the system works.

On the main page Website We enter vkontakte. You will need to specify the URL address of your VKontakte page.

The principle of operation of the system is next. You earn points using the following actions:

1. Like.

2. Add to friends.

3. Join groups.

4. To tell friends.

5. Comment.

You do not need to fulfill all these actions. For example, you can only put likes. But to earn more points, and that your actions are more like a person's actions, not a robot, then it is better to alternate ways to make money. Add someone as a friend, comment on the photo, video, join the group, perform some likes.

Just do not hurry to act! Make it all in a few, with breaks, as if you are in your real account. Well, you do not put like dozens of voditary, do not enter into groups as a delay, do not add someone to friends?

I'll tell you why my high activity led. I started with the mass simplicity of likes. First, Vkontakte began periodically to give me a pin (a window with letters and numbers to determine robots). But, I did not respond to these first bells - I entered the check phrases and continued to like it. As a result, I earned a "dog". As they are all thin - for excessive barkingk you get a dog with crosses in your eyes and torn ear (apparently, too, with hint \u003d)).

My page was temporarily blocked for suspicious activity. VKontakte believes that the page broke the scammers and freezes it. In this case, the owner must be logged in by entering the code sent to SMS. Also, VKontakte recommends changing the password and you will define a few more questions regarding security. After that, you can continue your points to receive points. Just work more accurately, otherwise it is not known what will happen after re-locking.

So, how to earn points you understood.

To create an application for new participants, go to the menu " Split a group”.

In the form you need to specify the URL address of the VKontakte group, how many new participants want to get price - how many points are you willing to pay for the subscription of one member.

Price range from 3 to 15 points. The higher the cost of the subscription you will specify whether you will type new participants. Because people will first sign ("work") for higher cost.

I specify the minimum cost - 3 points. So I need to earn less points (respectively, spending less than its time) and the growth rate is sufficient. Too much of the influx of participants can also cause some suspicion and sticking the blocking of the community.

I advise you to periodically check the participants of your group. Some of them can become "dogs" for excessive activity in chests. Such people are better removed from the group. Because because of the large number of blocked participants, your group can ban. On the other hand, some of the "dogs" can "resurrect", in fact, as it was with my account.

On this end - we met with one of the ways of free cheating of the participants of the VKontakte group.

I also want to add that this service has affiliate program. You can invite friends to this site and receive additional points and the percentage of those points that your referrals will earn. In principle, you can generally create such a structure that you will not need to work personally for the points. Invite several people who need a free cheating of participants in the group, and which will actively work in this direction. You will receive a percentage of their income and you will only have to post applications for new participants in the group. So it is possible to provide paid servicesAlthough it is prohibited by the use of the site. Nevertheless, I think many do it on such sites.

On this all - forward for new participants in the group! I have in the brought group, in two days there are already 140!

Successes you and be sure to write about your results!

P.S. Here is another similar service for the free cheating of the participants of the VKontakte group, Lykov, Resposts. I will try to describe in more detail in one of the following articles.