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Methods of explosive promotion twitch channel. Decor TV Channel TVich Homepage

How it is right, and also easily and quickly, issue your channel on TV. Volumetric explaining all subtleties, article with pictures.

Today, video construction services are becoming more and more popular, allowing not only to broadcast the gameplay, but also to enjoy communicating with their audience. Most streamers seek to attract a large audience by playing content and online communication. But many users of the service are still interested in the decoration of the canal. What today I wanted to help our striMer.

Channel TV decoration

1. Information about the streamer

First of all, the viewer is wondering not so much by the game as the needer itself. That is why it is better to start with a brief biography. It can be written as in the profile itself, for this you need to click on the key icon in front of your nickname, it translates to the settings of your profile (SCR.1), after scroll down to the field: "About yourself" (SCR.2) and in panels under the broadcast, but about it a little later.

Field: "About yourself"(SCR.2)

Banner of the video player is a picture that will be displayed when your channel will not be connected to the system (SCR.3).


You can get to the configuration of the banner through the tab: Channel and video materials (SCR.4).

Tab: "Channel and video materials"(SCR.4)

It remains only to choose a picture from your computer and download it to the channel (SCr.5). The picture should be format 1280: 720 or 1920: 1080, otherwise it stretches all over the broadcast screen (as in my screenshot above).

Profile banner is a screensaver in the window of your profile (SCr.6).

You can put your picture on the profile screensaver by clicking the button: change the profile banner (SCr.7).

Button: "Change Profile Banner"(SCr.7)

4. Information panels

The most, probably, the main thing in the design of the canal is the information panels under the broadcast window. To create the panel you need to click on the switch next to the inscription editing the panel, it is under the broadcast window (SCR.8).

Panel Editing Switch(SCR.8)

After clicking, the panel editing window will appear (SCR.9)

Panel editing window(SCR.9)

  • Panel Title - panel name.
  • Add image - allows you to add a picture to this panel (it is better to choose a picture with dimension not more than 400 × 100, otherwise the picture will be compressed).
  • Image Links To: - Allows you to set a link to this picture (after clicking on the picture, the user will switch to the link you need).
  • Description: - field for entering information.
  • Submit - Save the panel.
  • Remove - Delete panel.

Such panels can be created by many. In one, you can write information about yourself, to another to make a button, in the third to make the pick music button on Stream and so on.

5. Music selection button

In most cases, the streams pass to the music, but sometimes users are tritely annoying to listen to the striking tracks and then the great creators of Tweich came up with Strimer is enough to register, enter your nickname and channel name, after which the link will be given (SCR.10).

After pressing the viewer button, reinforce the music order window (SCR.12).

6. Formatting text in panels

Let's return to the information panels. It is unlikely that the viewer will like if the text under the broadcast will be monotonous, so now I will tell you how to format text in these panels. There are several characters that help in text format. All characters need to be set before the first word in each row.

# - makes text on this line fat(SCR.13)

## - text becomes less, but remains fat(SCR.13)

Text formatting(SCR.13)

***** - separation line (SCR.14)

Dividing line (SCR.14)

These are the most used text format functions. All other you can look in the panel itself, it is enough to click on the MarkDown button (SCR.15).

Thanks for attention! I hope in this article you will find a lot of new and useful.

Online broadcasts breathed new life into cyberport. TWITCH played the main role in this, but not all are familiar with the project. What is "TVich" and what is it interesting?


Recently, more and more people have become interested in cybersport. Broadcast championships and records of the game on YouTube collect a huge number of viewers. The number of visitors to some broadcasts comes to hundreds of thousands, and this is not the limit.

In 2007, players used the website, which allowed everyone to launch his own broadcast. We noticed the increased popularity of cybersport co-founders decided to create a separate resource. So "TVich" appeared. Stream on the site was with many flaws and problems, but rapidly developed. If in 2011 it was only a couple of million visitors to Twice, then in 2014 the number of viewers exceeded tens of millions.

The project became interested in Google, and even stipulated the terms of sale. However, the deal did not take place. In the summer of 2014, the resource was sold by Amazon, which offered best price.. The cost of "Twitch" amounted to one billion dollars.


Having learned what "TVich" is, the players immediately found him use. The resource has become in some way the catalyst in cyberport and sent its development to a more productive direction. Using video broadcasts, players exchange experience, tactics or just browsing records.

View "Twitch" huge number People speak of an unprecedented popularity. On the day, the site visits about a million spectators. Video broadcast allows not only to watch the games, but also to make money on it.

The affiliate program makes it possible to get the income to any strife. Earnings on broadcasts pushed people to devote even more time to games. Now every gamer can combine pleasure and benefit.

Affiliate program

Before you know how to make "TVich", you should throw out the mind of the thoughts about the lung and fast earnings. Although the affiliate program of the resource looks simple and attractive, in fact, everything is more complicated. The streamer must be ready for a long unpaid period.

The first step will be the registration and creation of your own channel. Small difficulties may arise, but there should be no serious problems here. The most time consuming is further.

Strimer need to score 500 visitors on its broadcast. However, the number of viewers should be permanent. There are more than 600 thousand broadcasts on the site, and this is an incredible competition. Most of the visitors prefer the famous strife.

In addition to knowledge about what "TVich" is, it is necessary to study the conditions of service. You should also know the copyright document. The slightest violation will be the cause of refusal.

Important is the amount of free time. From the row required to launch a broadcast for three times a week. Approximate duration should be 6 hours.

Sharp corners smoothes handling applications manually. Each request for joining the program is considered by people. If the user does not reach some criteria, he can be placed.

Main income

Before you make an earnings plan. There are several ways to get income, but it is important to achieve a balance and not forget primarily about content.

The main earnings will bring them to start depends directly from the row. Include advertising you can at least five minutes, but it will affect the number of views. The ideal solution not to lose viewers will launch the block several times per hour.

The way of earning has its own pitfalls. First of all, it is a decrease in the number of views. Spectators come to watch games, not advertising. If the broadcast time is about six, you can run blocks 4 times an hour. This will not allow not to scare people advertising.

Launched on the "Two" Stream, who collected a large number of spectators, does not necessarily bring big money. Many users have applications that block unnecessary advertising. If the viewer does not see the block, the striMer is not charged money.

Side methods

Having wondered what "TVich" is and how to earn it, you can find several options. The main is advertising, but there are also secondary. How else to increase your profits?

Strimer will bring revenue paid subscription. The way is simple and understandable. The viewer who liked the canal pays a subscription for a month. The cost is 5 dollars, of which the streamer gets half. The income is independent of the launch or operation of the channel, but the profit is small.

Low-visible, but having the right to exist method - built-in advertising. From the streeter is required to find those who wish to hang a banner on his channel. Advertising will be displayed on top of the windows, which is not very nice. Revenue income is small and depends on the number of viewers.

Selection of the program

Before you need to create a channel. It will help in this Open Broadcaster working on the principle of a virtual chamber. The program captures the image, and then sends to the TV Channel. Difficulties will not even have beginner streamers.

The main reason for use is a large number of advantages. The program almost does not ship the system and allows you to achieve high Quality. Free access And constant updates also play a significant role in choosing.

There are also disadvantages. The main problem is that the program came out not so long ago. Nice flaws I. small problems. Functionality also leaves much to be desired.

Broadcast settings

Installing the language should be selected for operation. Image quality and bitrate are configured in the "Coding" tab. From this tab will depend linking the broadcast. Before you configure "TVich", you need to adjust the parameters for the speed of the Internet. You should find the quality balance and bitrate for optimal work.

Turning to the "Broadcasting" section, you need to select "Twil / Justin", and then enter the striming key. This will give the system to choose the optimal server for the user. You can find out the key on the TVich website in the Broadcast section.

To start broadcasting, you need to run Open Broadcaster and start the "Scene" tab. Then indicates the source of the capture. The game for the broadcast must be run in the window mode. The program selects the "Capture of the window" and clicks "Start". Stream successfully launched.


Configure and make out your channel on

Registration and initial Tweiche's Profile Settings (Twitch) were disassembled in. Now let's get started directly to the channel itself: it is setting up and design.

Let's first figure out with " Settings"(Settings) channel.

Channel and video materials (Channel & Videos)

Video Player Banner Banner: Load the image that will be displayed on the channel when you are offline (offline). The image is best to take with the aspect ratio of 16: 9 to fill out the entire video player window. I have a picture with a resolution of 2400 * 1350 pixels.

Materials for adults (Mature Content): A tick is better to put if you will fight the game with the rating M and above. Unfortunately, with this option I am not familiar, I only know that it does not block the broadcast with young spectators, but only warns (Pruf).

Archive Broadcasts (Archive Broadcasts): Put a tick if you want to save your twitch broadcasts (Twitch). All "past broadcasts" (PAST Broadcasts) are stored 14 days and are available for editing on the Profile page (PROFILE).

STREAM DELAY (BETA): Reduces the broadcast delay, i.e. Spectators will quickly see your reaction to chat messages. So far this option is on beta test.

Authorized Broadcasts (Authorized Broadcasters): Enter the e-mail to which the key will be sent to be broadcast. It is necessary, for example, if you are not one cut on the channel.

Prohibited Words (Banned Words): Drive words through the spaces that will be automatically replaced with ***.

Refuse the filter of the most common prohibited words (OPT Out of Globally Banned Words Filter): I have no idea what the most prohibited words are there, but there is no Russian word for sure there :)

Chat participant "In Ban" (Banned Chatters): Logins (profiles) that you sent to Ban will be listed here. From here you can dilute them.

Channel settings figured out and now you can move to its design.

Go to the page " Canal"(Channel) and let's start" Edit panels"(Edit Panels):

Panels, they are blocks, have a fixed width (320 px), field " Header"(Title), the ability to insert an image with reference, as well as an unlimited field" Description"(Description), the text in which is drawn up using the marking language MarkDown ().

After you have finished editing the panel, do not forget to click " Submit", otherwise nothing will persist. Switch the slider" Edit panels"Back to" off"To see the result.

Panels can be changed between themselves and delete (Remove). The height of the panel depends on the height of the picture and the number of paragraphs in the field " Description"(Description). To create an empty panel, just put the space in the field and save.

Can visit my channel Zakrut TV. And see how he is decorated. Inappropriate and support can be subscribed to it :)

The only problems that may occur when designing a channel are mainly related to the text field " Description."that uses.

You can also order me registration of your twitch channel like mine and not only ().

Before registering, read the rules of service.

Naturally, in order to start Stream, we need to register, for this, go to, that is, you need to get to the official website of the service. Registration extremely simple and will not cause special difficulties, even in inexperienced users. Invent your nickname, under which we will be identified on the site, we write our password (do not forget to write it to the notebook) and enter the date of your birth. You also need to specify your box emailAnd finally confirm that we are not a robot input poorly distinguishable caps. If you do not disassemble the picture at all, you can update it until the samented image falls.

Now we have access to a fresh account on and can start having to fight your favorite Minecraft or Dota 2. Do not forget about @ -mail, because we sent a letter with a link to confirm registration. Come on the link and after that, you can consider the registration process completely complete.

Using the Twitch website, we are able to follow the halves of popular games or we can run your channel, and try to become a successful strimmer.

Account setting

As we saw, the registration process is absolutely simple and does not require deep knowledge in the IT sphere. Next, you can make a minimal setting of your account, for this click on the arrow near your Nick and go to the "Settings" item.

Here you can install any avatar (in brackets indicate which types of files are supported), write a little about yourself, and also produce more thin setting His profile. Also in the tab you can meet the following rows: Turbo-available, canal and video, security and confidentiality, notifications, connections and paid subscriptions.

The TURBO tab offers some benefits for a fee, compared with the free account. Also to the TWITCH page, you can connect the most popular services today - Steam, YouTube, Twitter, etc. If you are an active user and you have your own popular channel, then you can view your fans in the Subscribers tab. The message tab allows you to read personal notifications and correspondence with your fans.

Setting up video content

To configure the stream of your favorite toys, it is worth conducting several manipulations with the settings. Again, click on the shooter near our Nick and now we go to the item "Information panel".

We move to the tab "Application Applications" tab, this will allow us to choose an application that will help us start broadcasting the gameplay.

Also on the "Information panel" page you can find the "Broadcast key" tab from Tweich, which is not worth showing third-party users.

This key will be needed to configure a video design program. The settings differ, it all depends on which software you will choose. Broadcast with can be easily attached to its resource on the Internet (if any), which can significantly increase the attendance and popularity of the site. After you configured your account, Navigate to the detailed program settings on our website.


Today, active users of the video construction service have a bunch of fans that constantly monitor their broadcasts. Also, like on YouTube, the owners of the most popular channels can receive money, that is, making money. Twitch is perfectly in a lot of electronic payment systems, both domestic and foreign. Basically, the service is carried out permanent stream on behalf ordinary usersBut thanks to the large number of viewers, there are also broadcasts of cybersport competitions and other important events from the world of the game industry. The right is considered to be the first specialized resource for those who are a tary fan of a huge gaming universe.

Game industry

The gaming industry is relatively young, but thanks to rapid development, it will soon be equal to some indicator with cinema. Some games have already become cult, and some have become independent cybrofortion disciplines, with huge prize funds. Today, a large number of specialized resources have been created that are directly related to the world of games and related events. Here and specialized news resources (which overlook the fresh novelties and recognize some details about future projects), online games stores (Steam) and all known

The project from the very beginning of existence was created for video system, that is, each player could broadcast its gameplay to the network. It was not a separate project, the service was launched on to reduce server load. Officially, the site began its existence in June 2011. The first attempts to create it were undertaken back in 2008, but then there was nothing to do from this, and no one knew whether similar service. After two years of existence, the service was called the catalyst for the gaming world. The project's audience increases very rapidly, today the site is visited by more than 45 million users of them 6 million lead constant streams. is the first specialized resourcewhich allows gamers from around the world to fight their game directly to the site.

Hello everyone, in touch Nikita Mashkov, today I will introduce you detailed instructions How to create a channel on Twitch.

We will figure it out why you need a TVich, which benefit from it can be obtained, and how to create your own channel. Also at the end of the article, you can ask your questions. - Playground designed specifically to broadcast video games. Here, anyone can, or watch other players play, or run their video broadcasting.

Also, due to its popularity, TVich TV is used to broadcast most cyber events, which makes it a kind of "gamer center", which can be compared with the television channel.

The daily class audience, at the time of writing the article, is 20 million visitors.

So what do we have from this?

As I said above: you can also run your broadcast here (Stream).

And this can be done not only so that someone just looked at you and commented, and also in order to earn in this matter.

In the past article, Sergey had already written about. But we decided that this material was too superficial and that the blog readers probably want to learn more.

Therefore, starting with this article, I will try to tell in detail about the process that you need to go through the newcomer who wants to earn in this matter.

Mini course: "From registration to the first donata in 24 hours."

Our free mini course will be called: "From registration to the first donata in 24 hours."

And before proceeding, I want to briefly tell about myself and your experience, so that you know and understood who you are going to teach something here.

I am not a top streamer, I have never received big donates. Therefore, to expect some secrets or chips from me, about how to unwind users on a generous donat, it is not worth it.

At the same time, I already helped customize and arrange dozens of channels and each client was satisfied. My experience and my activity is associated exclusively with technical settings and design. Here I am a master.

As an example, you can look at my work: [Example_1], [Example_2], [Example_3].

Minimum requirements

Unfortunately to engage in such fascinating activities as earnings on TVich, it is necessary to meet the minimum requirements. And speech now is not about your level of knowledge and not about the brilliance of your smile, Fais control allows everyone.

We are talking about minimal system requirements Your computer. Minimum that would recommend personally I am:

  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950
  • 8 GB RAM
  • Headphones - To keep the sound from the speakers, hear you
  • Microphone - if you plan not only to demonstrate your skills, but also comment
  • Webcam - many viewers are interesting to watch not only what is happening in the game, but also to your facial expression

In general, the parameters of the video card and the RAM of a bit exaggerated, as, personally, I prefer to fight new items that are rather demanding to the game gland.

But if you manage to captivate the viewer with a card game, then the weak PC will come.

In general, you must understand: without high-quality iron, the broadcast will be not high-quality or it will be impossible to run at all.

For viewers, this is very bad, they will simply be not interested to watch your stream.

Agree, listen to stuttering and look at the ever-braking picture, not interesting to anyone.

TVich - registration

Let's start with the simplest, namely from registration on twice.

I say, right away: I will paint the most detailed process of recitation, so that there are fewer questions later.

So, to register on TVich you need to go to the official website

Here we will see in the right corner the "Subscribe" button, click on it. Now you have to come up with your username and password:

If you see that after you have entered your name and password, you suddenly shields red exclamation pointSo such a nickname already exists. Come up with another.

It is also important to know: which nicknames you specify when registering, such it will remain, keep in mind, it will be impossible to change it later in the settings. And if you still want to do it very much, then you will have to create a new channel on TV.

Enter the email address to which the letter must come to confirm the account you created.

At the end, do not forget to enter or confirm the captcha to the check mark and click on the "Subscribe" button.