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"Medusa" told who earn on Pikabu, "" and "I cried. All about "Pikabu": what it is, reviews posts, comments

I dismissed, I told my husband.
He nervously pulled the eye, but overcome and nodded.
It all started with the fact that a few months ago the new director took a new deputy for me. The former went to the adjacent departments to the post more hemorrhoids, but also more monetary (I was given there, but it is better for a naked ass in the hive - and someone's dream work), so good luck to him and the world of his dust. The new deputy (let Albert be), a man of a little older than me, turned out to be a pleasant, competent man, but solely on his mind. You paint the task of the project - nods, leaves ... and does not perform to the designated time. We have either ten times remind of deadlines that are still broken, or finish independently, so as not to get a stick and not to sum up the customers.
After one day on the Planker, Sergey was particularly praised by Albert for good workAnd he was silent modestly, I said one by one by the director: "I made a third of this work, because Alik said that he was too busy and did not have time." "It's very good that you help each other," Sergey replied. - It means that you are the team. " With the fig whether we are a team, if one constantly covers the other, and this system does not work in the return, the director did not explain. I referred to the fact that the new employee is still getting used to work. So the employee did not receive another full load. It is clear that he needs to get used to. For three months, the situation did not change, on the contrary, Albert pulled the unfounded at me: they say, he asked me to help, I promised and not helping (and I stopped and promising, and help, because my boost becomes more if the deputy Lenza). The director Sergey began to personally ask me to take part of the work of the work - they say, you are so clever, without you to all of the Khan. You will make you will do.
Understanding that I was still riding to me and just do not hang me the bubbles under the arc, I'm not a rebel until time. But a month ago, I accidentally found out that the deputy of my salary is higher than I have, - at the expense of premiums and other surcharges (for tensions, for complexity, etc. - although it lived, without leaving even the standard indicators, unclear). And here I was bombing. But the conversation with the director did not work again. His argument was beautiful:
"He's a man, he has a wife with a second child in maternity leave, he needs a family to contain.
Put in the social network the status of "looking for a job", received a couple more or less suitable offers and wrote a statement on his own. I had a version that Sergey with Albert just want to get rid of me, the place is released, but it was not confirmed (although FIG knows), because both have begun to persuade. Albert called a cup of coffee and for a long time told that being the head of the department does not want that he worked perfectly with me, and if he can do something to keep me, he will do ... I do not doubt that I don't want to: do Half the case and getting more direct chief - this is a holiday of some kind. And work for the boss with full load for the same money is gray dull weekdays.
Sergey, in turn, asked, under what conditions I am ready to stay. I naturally recalled the unjust salary accrual. Sergey admitted that it was impossible to charge both the maximum prize for tensions and difficulty: they say, centralized accounting does not miss such accrual, and only one is either a head, or a deputy, can be obtained for excellent-hard work. He suggested varying: a month at the Maximum, I as usual, a month, on the contrary. Or share the maximum allowance for two. "I hope Albert agrees," the director added. If it were not for this remark, I would still think so as not to chop out a spur. In the end, the work in which the salary would be combined, interest and free schedule, not so often found. Usually some component lacks. And usually salaries. But once the director needs a blessing of Alik - Thank you, advice to you and love.
I realized that in two weeks I would still leave, the director began to ask for ahead of time to pass at least one of the three projects that I now lead. But this is no interest in this: for the successful delivery of a commercial project a percentage is relying, and earlier than the customer will list funds, I will not get money, that is, I will not get at all, since at the time of delivery I will not work here. And two other projects for the stateship, for them and I, and Alik, we get a salary. And it is not necessary to upset the state with a violation of discipline. Terms - our all.
It was harder to explain with my favorite designers and copywriters with whom we really have a team. But here my argument was accepted with understanding. I remembered how in April I lost consciousness at work, and the emerging ambulance said unequivocally: overwork. That's then all frightened. So there were my wires, Songs of the Sweet, pizza are eaten, pens and molecuins are distributed.
And from today, Dobby is free. Very strange feeling.

Such a beautiful, sonorous and incomprehensible word. "Pikabu" - what is it? Translated into Russian "Peak" means the eyes of the sneak. Probably, that is why at the end of the XIX - early XX century, the female hairstyle was so called - a short haircut with a long bang, covered with one eye. Her owner really looked at the world as if the sneaking.

Today, Pikabu is one of the most popular entertainment sites among young people. And its users are proudly called "Pikabushniki". It differs from many other fact that almost all posts on it have created the "Pikabu" users. What kind of site is this, and where did he come from?

Historical reference

The site with such an unusual name created in April 2009 a mysterious to a certain period of Maxim, before that, no one heard about Pikabu. At first, the resource consisted of other reposts of other social networks. There was just no one to write the original posts - the site did not have the audience. Probably, even Maxim himself then could not assume that after a year the site would have 5 thousand users!

Today everyone is about "Pikabu". What it is, has learned more than 1,600,000 people who are subscribes of this site. It comes to him and Russian-speaking youth. A portal on which at least 200 funny pictures and interesting posts appear every day, more than 800,000 people attend.

"Pikabushniki": who are and from where?

A third of the active "Pikabushnikov" - Muscovites, about 10 percent live in St. Petersburg, up to 5 percent - in Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Chelyabinsk. More than 80 percent of them are men! And mostly young men. More than half of representatives of strong sex visiting this resource - guys from 18 to 24 years. The overwhelming majority of website regulars (more than 74 percent!) Have a higher or unfinished higher education. And the largest part of the "Pikabushnikov", judging by social status, make up students (37.4 percent), they are exactly the pros in the "Pikabu" that they do not know.

What do they do there?

In "Picaba", the posts can be estimated not only by "husky" (here they are called "pluses"), as is done in others social networks, and also "minuses." That is, to evaluate the seen and read is possible not only with positive, but also quite the opposite.

The registered users of this youth portal have the ability to independently place the news, write comments, give votes for posted on the site content. By the way, the ability to comment is the only way that members of the entertainment community can interact with each other, since there is no private communication format in "messages" on its pages.

Interestingly, the posts noted by the "plus" are displayed on a separate page.

Clicking in the settings of your account on the "Strawberry", "Pikabushniki" get the opportunity to see posts for adults. Recall: most of the visitors of the man. It should be noted: put the pornography on the "Picaba" categorically forbidden.

Can users of the portal filter in their preference and posts, and authors who did not fit them. Many people like to write about other users notes that are visible only to their author.

Interestingly, you can watch posts even without access to the Internet. The living community "Pikabushnikov" is actively and in theline.

Why "Pikabushnikov" rating?

Website users do not just place their posts on it, give evaluations to others and write comments, but also get a rating for this. When registering, it is zero. Comment rating affects him positive or negative side On the Polballa, and the estimate of the post is one. And these are not just numbers, much depends on them.

  • -200 - Account is automatically blocked;
  • -25 - Loses the opportunity to leave comments;
  • +10 - the right to add a picture is added;
  • +150 - user can place video;
  • +1000 - You can already add a link and edit post;
  • +10000 - You can combine tags.

Thus, Pikabu is able to identify dull and uninteresting users on their own and eliminate them. And interesting - on the contrary, to encourage.

On the pages of some of the most active "Pikabushniks" there are figurines on golden stands. These prizes they get for the most commented post, for the best text post, the best video weeks, etc.

There are prizes and individual. They are issued for special merits namely and are unique - everyone has only one "Pickabushnik". Examples of such - "artist", "Kinoman", "Clauded", "Strawberry expert" and so paragraph.

Hot. The best. Fresh

At the very top of the page of the Picabab site, under its logo, there are three tabs, each of which sorts the content in its own way:

  • Hot.
  • The best.
  • Fresh.

Going on the tab on the "Pikabu" "Fresh", the user falls on the newest posts, many of which have never been rated. It is those "Pikabushniks" who are sitting in "Fresh", determine which posts will fall into "hot" - after all, the fate of the post can solve all some 10 minuses.

"Pikabu" - "hot" - these are posts posted on the site recently and evaluated mainly pluses. Next is the next step.

"Pikabu" - "Best" - the top of the assessment. Here are only those posts that have gained the highest rating over the past day.

300 thousand profits per month, high rating in the runet and the sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure

So the site "Pikabu" lives his own life, and it is very saturated. And who is still the Mysterious Maxim - the creator of the social network, which became such popular among young people? This is the 27-year-old Maxim Cherishchev. According to his own admission, the guy to support the resource created by him every month spends about a million rubles. But it earns 1 million 300 thousand on it. Under the leadership of Maxim, 12 employees work on the site, their wage It is up to one hundred thousand rubles per month.

From user portal - only positive reviews. "Having hung up" on "Pikabu", they receive useful information, implement their creative abilities and just rejoice in life.

About who belongs to the popular entertainment sites Pikabu, "" and "I Plan" ..

The owner and chief editor of Pikabu, writes "Medusa", is the 27-year-old entrepreneur Maxim Chanichev. The site collects 62.9 million visits per month (according to the analytical company SimilarWeb), and its main audience, according to cartilage, are students.

Now the development of the site created in 2009 by cartilage and his familiar developer, a team of 12 people is engaged, 12 million rubles per year takes support for the resource. Half of these funds, notes "Medusa", heads for the rental of servers, the rest of the money goes to the salary to employees.

At the same time, no writing, nor promotion, the command does not do - these functions are entirely on Pikabu users. On advertising community earns 1.2-1.3 million rubles per month, says the founder of the project.

Chrybishchev assures that all profits are inserted into development, and he himself earns about the same amount as other employees - less than 100 thousand rubles per month. The entrepreneur says that he warms his soul itself the fact that the brand created by him is very expensive. According to Khryashchev, more than 2 million dollars.

Attendance open in 2004 entertainment site "I Plall" is 32.1 million visits per month - almost two times less than that of Pikabu. According to the sources of "Jellyfish", the project is headed by the entrepreneur Konstantin Nozov, the founder of VIBOOM, which is engaged in creating and promoting video on social networks. As the publication writes, three developers participate in the site creation.

The creator of the site "Physki.NET" (attendance - 49.2 million visits per month) Alexander Rybak in 2006 sold the draft structures of RBC for $ 800 thousand, after that he moved to Germany and became the co-owner of Konstantin Shova Viboom, writes "Medusa". Now the site is owned by the entrepreneur Mikhail Gurevich, who led the "chips" since 2006. After the site "Physki.NET" in 2008 was sold to third-party investors, Gurevich bought him back as an independent investor. This happened in 2013.

The head seeks to make from the "Russian buzzfeed without politics". Not users are engaged in the creation of content for the main page of the site, but the editors. Gurevich plans their investments in the project by the end of 2016.

Long ago, namely until 2009, the runet was gray and boring. Well, not quite, perhaps - on the field of air-users's air users actively worked, Fishki.Net, Yaplakal and other projects. But something clearly lacked. Apparently, precisely such reasoning was guided by the mysterious Maxim N, which created in spring 2009 site,

Which, in fact, copied all the features and ideas of predecessor competitors: the site as such is a platform, which is filling the content of which online users registered on it. Those. The same reddit, only in Russian. Well, it makes no sense to reproach the developers of the Picabab site in the plagiarism - many good projects started with this. And Pikabu.Ru is just the same as an example of a good and interesting information and entertainment site. Although, of course, more entertaining than information.

The reader could have a question in connection with such an unusual site title: a what does Picabab mean??

On the pages of the entertainment community, Pikabu is given a rather interesting and cute explanation. Probably, everyone knows such a way to play with a small child: setting visual contact with the child (for example, bending over the "baby"), a person covers his face with his hands. After a moment, the hands are cleaned, and pronounced Ku-ku, to which the child usually reacts joyfully: smiles, laughs. So - "Ku-ku" say not everything, in English-speaking countries this "phrase" is pronounced as PEE-Ka-Boo. Here is the answer to what "Pikabu means": it's just "ku-ku" and positive emotions 🙂.

The "closed" Pikabu at the same time is often presented from the positive side: it is thanks to her on the site Picaba developed. Another positive property is the age of a custom audience: a significant part of the "Pikabushnikov" - student age and older, which means that the dumps and humor of the elementary school level will not have support here.

Entertainment Community Picabag: Detailed Overview

After describing the Picaba project in three words, we turn to more detailed consideration of all its features. Let's start a review from the point of view of the "ordinary visitor", i.e. Without affecting the registration process. On the main page The first thing is found to the user - banner with advertising. This is characteristic of many entertainment resources. Inconsistently in the case of a Picaba site, that this banner with advertising, in fact, and is the lion's share of advertising content, which will have to "consume" to the visitor. And this characterizes on the positive side: it is obvious that the portal seeks to win the sympathies of people, and not "happing more cache."

  • Hot;
  • The best;
  • Fresh.

When entering the main page, the user immediately falls into the section "Hot": Publications are aggregated for the current day that have already managed to get a positive assessment of other users. In "hot" there are 2 types of sorting:

  • Upon relevance (posts with the greatest ranking above the rest) and in time.

Options for sorting "hot"
  • If you use the second part of the filter (activated by pressing on the word "today"), and choose any of the past dates, then the site "Retract" the user to the "Best" section, where it will lead the topmost posts for the selected day.

Choosing "hot" by date

Here there is a choice of "Random Data": by clicking on this item, the user allows the site to decide on their own, what day during the existence of Pikabu it is worth displaying (it will be shown again "the best").

If, being on the main page, the user clicks on the "best", then see the highestting publications for the current day.

What could be better?

In "Fresh", it is generally compiled by everything, and it is sorted in the order of "age on the site": the post added will be displayed the very first. As the site developers themselves write themselves: "This is an infinite tape with more than a million posts."

Slightly right under the main banner is another number of links.

Modestly hiding under advertising

Clicking on the "list of tags", the user will fall on the page, where these most tags are given to the frequency of their appearance on the site:

So much different!

For understanding: Each news on the site Pikabu is assigned tags - keywordsrevealing the content of the publication. Each publication is assigned at least 2 tag.

Thus, by choosing the "Game of Thrones" tag, the site visitor will move to the list of posts associated directly with this topic.

You can use the "tag search" (placed at the top of the page with the list of tags), if there is no desire to analyze all the options presented: you need to enter a word or phrase and click "Enter":

The first thing came to mind

Well, the results of issuing publications will look something like this:

Abyruvg, and that's it

The click on the "discussed" will transfer to the page with posts, under which the hottest discussions broke out, in other words - to the most commented news.

Well, the most is the most

The link [My], placed on the right of the "discussed", will redirect to the publishing page with the filter "My" - obviously, here is meant the authorship of directly publishing, and not the borrowing of the material from other network resources.

Article Picabab site - information and entertainment portal with warm tube atmosphere It was changed: December 4th, 2016 by the author NetobServer.