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How to change the organization to SP in 1c. Standard processing "Group change of details"

In this article, we will look at how you can change the details of several elements of a document or reference book at once. As an example, all actions will be performed on the demo base 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0.

Such situations occur quite often, and there are many reasons for them. Just imagine how inconvenient and laborious it would be to make this operation for each document separately.

In the 1C 8.3 program (on managed forms) there are two main ways of group processing of directories and documents:

  • from the list form;
  • using standard processing.

The first method is quite simple, and any user can easily cope with it. The second one is intended for administrators and has much more functionality, for example, changing details in tabular sections.

Let's start from simple to complex. Let's consider how to use processing in the first option.

Suppose, in our example, we need to change the VAT rate for several nomenclature items of the directory of the same name at once. To do this, we need to open its list form.

Highlight those positions that should be changed. This can be done with the left mouse button and holding down the "Ctrl" or "Shift" key on the keyboard. If all the elements are in a row, then they can be selected not with the mouse, but with the up and down arrows on the keyboard.

Without removing the selection, right-click on one of the elements and select the "Change Selected" item in the appeared context menu.

Next, a window will open in front of you, in the upper left corner of which it will be displayed how many elements are subject to change. In the tabular section below, indicate which details need to be changed and what value to set them. In our case, we will set for all nomenclature items in the "% VAT" field - "Without VAT".

Also, this processing allows you to change not only several elements at the same time, but also several groups with all subordinate elements. To do this, in the form of setting the details, click on the "Additional parameters" button and in the window that opens, set the flag in the "Process child elements" item.

After you have installed everything desired settings, click in the form of specifying details on the button "Change details". With a large amount of data being changed, this operation may take a long time. Upon completion, the program will issue a notification.

Now, in the same form of the list, we see that the VAT percentage has changed in all the items we have highlighted.

Standard processing "Group change of details"

Undoubtedly, the method described above is very easy to use and does not require special skills and access rights from the user, but, unfortunately, it may not always be applicable. Then standard processing comes to the rescue, which is located in the "Administration" - "Support and Service" section. You can also find it in treatments through the "All functions" menu.

The processing form itself will open in front of you. In the upper field "Change" we will select the documents "Implementation (acts, invoices)". The All Items hyperlink appears to the right. By clicking on it, you can configure the selection to select not all documents, but only parts of them according to some criterion.

In the opened selection form, we will indicate that we only need documents from December last year. This can be done in the upper field of the window. There can be as many selections as you like. In the lower part of it, those documents are dynamically selected that correspond to the specified selection. In our case, only 56 documents will be processed.

Now we need to specify what data and what we will replace. Processing allows you to edit not only header attributes, but also tabular sections. They are placed as tabs on the processing form.

Introducing new values

This processing allows you to both rigidly set the values \u200b\u200bof the attributes, and use flexible algorithms. In the first case, everything is much simpler. This mode is set by default when processing is opened and can be switched by the corresponding button.

For the sake of simplicity of the example, we will set the "Main warehouse" as a warehouse everywhere. After making all the changes, click on the "Change details" button.

When you click on the "Additional parameters" button, you can slightly expand the ability to change the settings for details, for example, change service details.

Using an arbitrary algorithm

This mode is more flexible than the previous one, but you can't do without basic programming skills. You can enable it by clicking on the "Execute arbitrary algorithm" button.

On the left side of the processing, you need to describe the algorithm itself, and on the right side, for convenience, the details of our document are located.

At the bottom of the form, you can indicate whether the object you modify is automatically written, or given condition will be listed in your algorithm. You can also disable the use of safe mode when performing a group change of details.

For accounting for several organizations in the "1C: Accounting 8" program (rev. 3.0) must be installed Full functionality or Selective functionality with bookmarked Organization flag Accounting for multiple organizations (fig. 1):

The organization for which the program will keep records is added to the "Organizations" directory:

  • Section: the main thingThe organization (fig. 2).
  • New button.
  • Choose who will conduct the activity (individual entrepreneur or legal entity).
  • Choose a taxation system.

  • Fill in the details of the organization in the appropriate fields in the opened form of the catalog item. To automatically fill in the information according to the data of the state registers of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, enter the TIN code in the field "Automatically fill in the details by TIN" and click the "Fill in" button (Fig. 3).
  • Clicking on the links "Bank accounts", "Subdivisions", etc., fill in the relevant data. This data can be filled in later, i.e. after starting work with the organization.
  • "Write and Close" button.

If the infobase is accounting for several organizations (there are several elements in the "Organizations" directory), then for the convenience of work, you can select one of them as the main one (the "Use as main" button) (Fig. 4). Selected as the main organization is marked with a checkbox in the field on the left, it will be automatically inserted into all documents and reports. At any time, the main organization can be changed in the same way - mark it with the cursor in the list and press the "Use as main" button.

Which serves to printed forms documents displayed the positions and names of the signing officials. It does not register the actual hiring of an employee or transfer to another position, but only affects the signatures in the documents.

Where can I find “Responsible persons” in 1C Accounting? The manager, chief accountant and cashier are displayed in the "Signatures" section in the form of an organization (the "Main" tab):

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If the person in charge has changed, the data about him can be edited by clicking on the link. Initially, the links will look like "Create". The link opens a form where you need to select an individual and a position. The selection is available from the relevant reference books. Please note that the name of the person in charge and the position are not the same.

For example, the manager can be in the position of "director", " cEO”Or“ president, ”the staff chief accountant may also act as cashier, and so on.

The information about the person in charge indicates a specific date, while the history of changes is recorded in the program. Thus, when printing documents, the display of signatures will depend on the date. Those responsible persons who are valid on the date of the document will be displayed.

The 1C program also provides for other responsible persons - the head of the HR department, responsible for accounting and tax registers, an authorized representative, an executor. They are available in the form of an organization on the "Responsible persons" tab.

To enter or change information about the person in charge, you need to select it in the left column and click "Create". The acting responsible persons are displayed in the right column with saving the history of changes.

In the 1C 8.3 database, it is possible to set new details of the header or footer of the document, or set the details of the directory immediately in the forms of lists of these objects using the processing of Group change of details. In this case, the details of the tabular sections of documents can be changed only through processing.

First way. We change the details through the selection and selection of objects in the forms of lists

Problem number 1. It is necessary to set the VAT rate of 10% in the Nomenclature reference book for the Fish group, since the manager mistakenly set 18%.

Consider an example of a solution in the configuration of 1C 8.3 Enterprise Accounting, rev. 3. Taxi interface.

Rule # 1. We make an archive copy of the 1C 8.3 database and proceed.

Step 1

In the References menu, the Products and Services group, select the Nomenclature reference book. In the Products group, open the Fish group:

Step 2

With a keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A select all products in the Fish group (and by pressing Ctrl and left clicking can select separate elements). Selected objects are highlighted in color.

Step 3

Right-click on the selected objects and select the item context menu Change highlighted:

Step 4

In the window for changing the details, set a checkmark opposite the VAT% and a new value of 10%:

Step 5

Click the Change details button. We receive a message about the change in the details of the 4 selected elements. Note that by clicking the Back button, you can return to setting a new value for the variable. In our case, click Finish:

We have the result in the Nomenclature reference book: all elements of the Fish group have a 10% VAT:

The selection of elements for which you need to change the details can be done by clicking the More - Customize list button.

How to select documents for group processing in 1C 8.2, see our video tutorial:

Second way. Change details using processing Group change of details in 1C 8.3

Problem number 2. The manager in the shipping documents did not correctly select the type of cabins supplied to customers. Therefore, in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0, you need to change all posted documents, replacing the change house of type 1 with type 2.

Since we are talking about the tabular part of the document, we use the processing Group change of details. Menu Administration - Support and Service, link group Data correction:

Let's open it:

In the Change field, select the change object. In our case, the implementation documents are of interest:

Note that the composition of the bookmark Requisites depends on selected Items Type for change... For reference books there will be one set, for documents - another. And for the latter, on the Details tab, we see the details of the header and footer of the document. And only for documents additional tabs appear, corresponding to the tabular sections of documents. For example, for Sales documents, we see the tabs Goods, Returnable packaging, Services, Agency services, Offset of advances.

Let's select the implementations in which it was shipped change house type 1... Click the link All elements and set the selection by clicking the Add selection condition button - Product. Nomenclature Equal Change house type №1 (4x2m). As a result, the selected elements were immediately (interactively) displayed in the 1C 8.3 database, while they can be opened and viewed from the selection window:

We will add a selection condition, that is, we will only process documents of this year. As you can see, the number of documents in which we want to change the details has decreased. Click the OK button:

In the main processing window, on the Products tab, put a tick in front of the Nomenclature attribute and select a new value from the corresponding directory:

Now we can safely press the Change details button (see the picture one above). Now the details of the 4 selected documents have been changed.

Opening one of the processed documents in the document journal Implementation (acts, invoices). Using the DtKt button, let's see the transactions of one of the processed documents. We see that with the help of processing in 1C 8.3, they not only replaced the shipped nomenclature, but also formed the correct document movements:

Changing service details of documents using processing Group change of details

Service details, for example, include the Posted details or the deletion mark.

Problem number 3. It is necessary to conduct a group of documents in the 1C 8.3 database.

We select required documentsas discussed above. On the Attributes tab, select the Attribute Posted - New value Yes:

Attention: in 1C 8.3, the Performed attribute is a service one and will be available only when the checkbox is checked in additional parameters -Show service details.

Press the Change details button (see the picture one above). And we get a message about the problem:

That is, the processing of the Group change of details also "diagnoses" errors that do not allow changing the details. In our case, the 1C 8.3 program reports that it cannot post a document marked for deletion.

After fixing the problem, click on the Redo change button. Now the details of the 4 selected documents have been changed.

If in 1C 8.3 you need to change the details for objects of different types

For example, we will select Agreements and Customer Invoice to change. Only 6 details are displayed as possible for changes: comment, organization, deletion flag, manager, link, price type. These are general details for different types of objects Contracts and Invoice to the buyer. When trying to select elements, we see the possibility of selecting from the same fields:

For selected objects, we can, for example, replace one comment with another, or set a deletion mark.

Is it possible to change additional details and information in bulk processing

Yes, and there is such an opportunity in 1C 8.3!

Problem number 4. The employees of the Parquet Master organization should be divided into two retraining groups and their affiliation with the group should be reflected in the employee's card. Moreover, the retraining group No. 1 will include female employees (all) and men born in 1980 and younger, and the retraining group No. 2 will include the rest of the employees, that is, men born before 1980.

In the Administration menu - General settings put checkbox Additional requisites and information. Create an additional attribute of the configuration object Employees - Retraining Group with the values \u200b\u200bGroup 1 and Group 2:

Open the processing of Group change of details in the Administration - Support and Service menu:

  • Select the elements to change - Employees;
  • Variable attribute - retraining group;
  • We put a tick in front of the props, select a new value - Group 1:

By clicking the All elements button, select employees to set a new value for the Retraining Group. We set the selection according to the Parquet Master organization, gender of an individual (equal to female) and date of birth of an individual (greater than or equal to 01.01.1980). Thus, 2 employees were selected. Click OK:

We return to the requisites (picture one above). Click Change details and get the result - in 1C 8.3, the details for the selected elements have been changed. By clicking the Back button, you can see the selected elements, open them and see the changed props:

Thus, Kudryavtseva has a retraining group - Group 1:

By clicking the Back button, you can change the selection conditions for selection by Condition AND - Date of birth of an individual is less than 1980 and gender is male. We see that 3 employees correspond to this selection: