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The computer does not see my lenovo a1000 phone. Connecting Lenovo Smartphone to Computer

First you need to download the update itself. You can do this from our website - link.

Lenovo A1000 Driver

  • Next, download a special driver for your phone from here. After downloading, unpack the archive into a folder that does not contain Cyrillic or spaces - this is important.
  • The archive contains two versions of drivers for 32-bit Windows and 64. Run the one that suits your OS as administrator (right-click on the exe file and "Run as administrator".
  • We wait a few seconds and restart the PC.

Lenovo A1000 manual

  • After installing the drivers, download the flasher from here.
  • Similarly, unpack it into a folder that does not contain Cyrillic or spaces.
  • Run the exe file as administrator and the program window should appear:
  • Next, you need to click on the gear icon and select the previously downloaded firmware from the computer (link at the very top of the article). If this step was successful, you will see the update name in black letters on a green background.
  • Click the "Play" button and click on the "Yes" pop-up window.
  • We take the smartphone and turn it off. Then we hold down the volume key + and at the same time connect the cable to the computer, when you hear the characteristic sound of connecting to the PC, then release the key.
  • Download starts - progress can be seen in the same program.
  • When the files are fully downloaded, you will see a green Passed text. Now we press the button in the “Stop” program and disconnect the smartphone.

Inexpensive smartphones from the Lenovo product line were preferred by many admirers of the brand. One of the budget solutions that have gained great popularity due to the good price / performance ratio is the Lenovo A1000 smartphone. Not a bad device as a whole, but it requires periodic software and / or firmware updates in case of a certain number of problems or “special” wishes of the owner for the software part of the device.

Let's take a closer look at installation and update issues Lenovo firmware A1000. Like many other smartphones, the device in question can be flashed in several ways. We will consider three main methods, but it should be understood that for the correct and successful implementation of the procedure, it will be necessary to prepare both the device itself and the necessary tools.

Each user action with his device is made at his own peril and risk. Responsibility for any problems caused by the use of the tools and methods described below rests only with the user, the site administration and the author of the article are not responsible for the negative consequences of any manipulations.

Installation Lenovo drivers A1000 must be carried out in advance, before any manipulations with software part apparatus. Even if you do not plan to use a PC to install the software into a smartphone, it is better to install the drivers on the owner's computer in advance. This will allow you to have at hand a practically prepared tool for restoring the device if something goes wrong or in the event of a system crash, which will lead to the inability to start the phone.

  1. Disable driver digital signature verification in Windows. This is a mandatory procedure in almost all cases when manipulating Lenovo A1000, and it must be carried out so that Windows does not reject the driver required to interact with a device that is in service mode. To complete the procedure for disabling driver signature verification, follow the links below and follow the instructions in the articles.
  2. Additionally, you can use the information from the article:

  3. Turn on the device and connect it to USB port computer. To connect, you must use a high-quality, preferably "native" for Lenovo USB cable... The device must be connected for firmware to motherboard, i.e. to one of the ports on the back of the PC.
  4. We turn on in the smartphone USB Debugging:

  • Install USB driver... You can download it from the link:

  • The next step is to install a special "firmware" driver - ADB, download it from the link:
  • Lenovo A1000 Firmware Methods

    Lenovo tries in a certain way to "monitor" the life cycle of the released devices and to eliminate, if not all software errors that appeared during use, then critical - for sure. For Android devices, this is done using ota updates of certain component parts device software, which regularly come to each user via the Internet and are installed on the phone by an Android application "System update"... This procedure takes place practically without the intervention of the owner and with the preservation of user data.

    The methods described below (especially the 2nd and 3rd) allow you to not only update the Lenovo A1000 OS, but also completely overwrite the partitions. internal memory device, which implies the deletion of the data previously contained in these sections. Therefore, before you start using the utilities and methods described below, be sure to copy important information from a smartphone to another carrier.

    Method 1: Lenovo Smart Assistant

    If for some reason the update using the Android program "System update" impracticable, the manufacturer suggests using for device maintenance proprietary utility Lenovo Smart Assistant... The use of this method can be called firmware with a big stretch, but the method is quite applicable to eliminate critical errors in the system and keep the software up to date. You can download the program by or from the official Lenovo website.

    Method 2: Recovery

    Installing firmware from Recovery requires no use special utilities and even a PC, except perhaps to copy the necessary files. This method is one of the most common, due to its relative simplicity and high efficiency. Application this method can be recommended for forced installation of updates, as well as in cases where the smartphone cannot boot into the system for some reason, and restore the functionality of incorrectly working phones.

    Method 3: ResearchDownload

    Lenovo A1000 firmware, using the ResearchDownload utility, is considered the most radical method. The considered software Despite its apparent simplicity, it is quite a powerful tool and must be used with some care. Recommend this way it is possible for those users who have already made attempts to flash the phone by other methods, as well as in the case of serious software problems with the device.

    To work, you need a firmware file and the ResearchDownload program itself. Download what you need from the links below and unpack it into separate folders.

    1. During the procedure, it is advisable to disable the anti-virus software. We will not dwell on this point in detail, disabling popular antivirus software described in detail in the articles:
    2. Install USB and ADB drivers, if they have not been installed earlier (how to do this is described above).
    3. Launch the ResearchDownload program. The application does not require installation; to launch it, go to the folder with the program and double-click on the file ResearchDownload.exe.
    4. Before us is the ascetic main window of the program. In the upper left corner, there is a button with a gear image - Load Packet... Using this button, the firmware file is selected, which will subsequently be installed in the smartphone, press it.
    5. In the opened window Conductor go along the path of the location of the firmware files and select the file with the extension * .pac... Push the button "Open".
    6. The process of unpacking the firmware begins, this is evidenced by the filling progress bar located at the bottom of the window. You need to wait a bit.
    7. The successful completion of unpacking is indicated by the inscription - the name of the firmware and the version located at the top of the window, to the right of the buttons. The readiness of the program for the next user commands is indicated by the mark "Ready" in the lower right corner.
    8. Make sure that the smartphone not connected to the computer and press the button.
    9. Turn off A1000, juggle the battery, hold down the button "Volume +" and, holding it, connect the smartphone to the USB port.
    10. The firmware process begins, as indicated by the inscription in the field "Status" as well as a filling progress bar. The flashing procedure takes about 10-15 minutes.
    11. In no case should you interrupt the process of downloading the software to your smartphone! Even if it seems that the program is frozen, do not disconnect A1000 from the USB port and do not press any buttons on it!

    12. The completion of the procedure is indicated by the status "Finished" in the appropriate field, as well as a green inscription: "Passed" in field "Progress".
    13. and close the program.

    14. Disconnect the device from USB, "juggle" the battery and start the smartphone with the power button. First Lenovo launch A1000 after the above manipulations is quite long, you need to be patient and wait Android downloads... If the firmware is successful, we get the smartphone out of the box, at least in software terms.


    Thus, relatively safe and efficient firmware Lenovo smartphone A1000 can be implemented even by the most inexperienced user of the device. It is only important to do everything thoughtfully and clearly follow the steps of the instructions, not to rush and not to take rash actions during the procedure.

    Lenovo is rapidly capturing the global market for high-tech gadgets, offering users inexpensive, but very powerful and productive laptops, tablets and smartphones. The number of equipment from this manufacturer is constantly increasing, which means that questions about its operation also arise. Today we will figure out how to connect Lenovo to a computer.


    We have already learned how to connect HTC to a computer. Considering that all Andoid smartphones will connect with other devices according to the same principle, users should not have any problems connecting Lenovo to a computer. However, there are some features that will be discussed below.

    USB cable

    The simplest, most convenient and logical way to connect a smartphone and a computer is to use a USB cable.

    You have activated the connection. Go to "My Computer" - two removable media should appear here (if there is no memory card installed in the smartphone, there will be one media).

    When connected via USB, some functions mobile device will be unavailable.

    In fact, the smartphone will work like a regular USB flash drive connected to a computer. You can copy and move files, and delete them from your phone or memory card.
    You can use a USB cable or HDMI cable to connect your smartphone to the TV and on big screen play multimedia content. If you don't have a USB cable, you can set up bluetooth on your laptop and connect Lenovo using it. Another way is to connect using a program.

    Modern users are often faced with the need to connect a Lenovo smartphone to a computer. For example, you may need this to upload photos that were taken with your phone's camera, or download a program. How to connect Lenovo to a computer? It should be noted that the firmware sometimes does not provide a phone as external storage... This means that you should not wait for a new disk to appear in the "My Computer" section. In situations like this, you have to act differently.

    Connecting the cordUSB

    How to connect Lenovo phone to computer using USB cable? To do this, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

    1. Connect the USB cable to your computer.
    2. Select the MTP mode on the phone.
    1. Then it’s worth looking at the computer. First you need to go to "Start", and then click on "Devices and Printers".
    2. When a new window opens, it should show the device that is connected. However, this is only if the drivers are installed correctly.

    1. You need to right-click on the displayed device and go to "Browse files". Select the device name.

    1. If you have a memory card, your smartphone will have two different disk drives. If she is not there, then he will be alone.

    When all the actions are completed, all that remains is to select the required disk and carry out the necessary manipulations with it. Their principle is similar to working with ordinary discs. It is possible to copy, delete, move data.

    ProgramWi-Fi File Transfer Pro

    When you need to transfer data from a smartphone to a computer, or vice versa, it is not necessary to use a USB cable. You should use a program called Wi-Fi File Transfer Pro. It provides telephone access using a mongrel network.

    So, you need to perform the steps in the following order:

    1. Download and install the program on your phone. Launch it.
    2. Visit the "Settings" section.
    3. Supply code that is able to secure the connection. To do this, you will need to specify a password, and then confirm your action with the "Ok" button.

    1. Return to the main menu and then press "Start". As a result, a notification will be displayed on the screen, in which the address will be indicated. If you go through it, the files that are stored on the phone will become available.

    After that, the user will need to enter the address that was received in the notification.

    The computer does not seeUSB: what to do?

    Sometimes, when connecting the USB cable, unexpected situations arise that are associated with the fact that the computer simply does not see available connection... What to do in this case?

    All problems that cause such a problem are divided into hardware and software. In the first case, you will need to look for malfunctions in the port, phone, computer, or cable damage. At software glitches the reason is in settings, system or drivers.

    First of all, it is recommended to reboot both devices. If it did not help, you need to look for another cause and ways to fix the problem. It happens that the problems are related to the breakdown of the port. In this case, you just need to rearrange the cord to a different port. It happens that the cause of a malfunction is a damaged cord, it must be eliminated.

    If the drivers have failed, before connecting Lenovo to the computer, they need to be reinstalled. You may have to "conjure up" with the settings, but this is individual. The steps you take depend on the problem itself.