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the main  /  Firmware / Main PC devices and their characteristics. The main components of the computer

Basic PC devices and their characteristics. The main components of the computer

In its destination, a computer is a universal device for working with information. According to the principles of its device, a computer is a model of a person working with information.

Personal Computer (PC) is a computer designed to serve one workplace. In its characteristics, it may differ from large computers, but it is functionally able to perform similar operations. According to the method of operation, DESKTOP is distinguished, portable (laptop and nonotebook) and pocket (palmtop) PC models.

Hardware. Since the computer provides all three classes of information methods for working with data (hardware, software and natural), it is customary to talk about a computer system as consisting of hardware and softwareWorking together. Nodes that make up computer hardware are called hardware. They perform all physical work with data: registration, storage, transportation and transformation both in form and in content, and also represent them in the form, convenient for interacting with natural human information methods.

The combination of computer hardware is called its hardware configuration.

Video YouTube.

Software. Programs can be in two states: active and passive. In passive status, the program does not work and looks like data, the content part of which is information. In this state, the contents of the program can be "read" using other programs, as books read, and change. From it, you can find out the purpose of the program and the principle of its work. In the passive state of the program are created, editable, stored and transported. The process of creating and editing programs is called programming.

When the program is in an active condition, the content of its data is considered as commands according to which the computer hardware is operating. To change the order of their work, it is enough to interrupt the execution of one program and start executing another containing a different set of commands.

The combination of programs stored on the computer forms it software. A combination of programs prepared for work are called installed software. A combination of programs that work in one or another point of time are called software configuration.

Computer device. Any computer (even the largest) consists of four parts:

information entry devices

information processing devices

storage Devices

information output devices.

Structurally, these parts can be combined in one case size with a book or each part may consist of several sufficient bulky devices

PC basic hardware configuration. Base hardware configuration personal computer Call a minimum set of hardware, sufficient to start working with a computer. Over time, the concept of basic configuration is gradually changing.

Most often, the personal computer consists of the following devices:

System unit




Other input and output devices can be connected, such as sound columns, printer, scanner ...

System unit- Main block computer system. It contains devices that are considered internal. Devices connected to the system unit outside are considered external. For external devices, the term peripheral equipment is also used.
Monitor- device for visual playing symbolic and graphic information. Serves as an output device. For desktop PCs, monitors based on electronic radial tubes are currently the most common. They remotely resemble household TVs.
Keyboard- keyboard device designed to manage the work of the computer and enter information into it. Information is entered in the form of alphanumeric characters.
Mouse- The device "graphic" control.

Internal personal computer devices.
Internal is considered devices located in the system unit. Access to some of them is available on the front panel, which is convenient for a quick change of information carriers, such as flexible magnetic disks. Some device connectors are displayed on the back wall - they serve to connect peripheral equipment. Unable to some system unit devices are available - it is not required for normal operation.

CPU. Microprocessor - The main microcircuit of the personal computer. All calculations are performed in it. The main characteristic of the processor is the clock frequency (measured in megahertz, MHz). The higher the clock frequency, the higher the processor performance. So, for example, with a clock frequency of 500 MHz, the processor can change its in one second
Condition 500 million times. For most of the operations of one clock, it is not enough, therefore the number of operations that the processor can perform per second depends not only on the clock frequency, but also from the complexity of operations.

The only device, about the existence of which the processor "knows from birth" - rAM - He works with her together. From there they come and teams. The data is copied to the processor cell (they are called registers), and then converted in accordance with the contents of the commands. A more complete picture of how the processor interacts with the RAM, you will receive in chapters dedicated to the basics of programming.

RAM. RAM can be represented as an extensive array of cells in which numeric data and commands are stored at the time when the computer is turned on. The amount of RAM is measured in millions of bytes - megabytes (MB).

The processor can refer to any range of RAM (byte), since it has a unique numeric address. Contact an individual bit of RAM memory processor cannot, since the bit has no address. At the same time, the processor can change the state of any bit, but this requires several actions.

Motherboard. The motherboard is the biggest board of the personal computer. It contains highways that bind the processor with RAM - the so-called tires. There are data bus on which the processor copies data from the memory cells, the address bus on which it connects to specific memory cells and the command bus on which commands from programs come to the processor. All other are also connected to the motherboard tires. internal devices Computer. Manages the work of the motherboard microprocessor chipset - the so-called chipset.

Video adapter. The video adapter is an internal device installed in one of the Motherboard connectors. There were no video adapters in the first personal computers. Instead, a small area for storing video data was assigned in RAM. A special microcircuit (video controller) read data from the cells of the video memory and managed to control the monitor in accordance with them.

As the graphic features of computers improve, the video memory area separated from the main RAM and, together with the video controller, was allocated to a separate device, which was called the video adapter. Modern video adapters have their own computing processor (video processor), which reduced the load on the main processor when building complex images. The video processor plays a particularly important role when building three-dimensional images on a flat screen. In the course of such operations, it has to perform especially many mathematical calculations.

In some models of motherboards, the functions of the video adapter perform chipset chips - in this case, it is said that the video adapter is integrated with motherboard. If the video adapter is made in the form of a separate device, it is called the video card. The video card connector is removed on the back wall. The monitor is connected to it.

Sound adapter. For IBM PC computers, work with sound was not initially provided. The first ten years of existence of computers of this platform were considered office equipment and did without audio devices. Currently, the means to work with sound are considered standard. For this, on motherboard Install a sound adapter. It can be integrated into the motherboard chipset or made as a separate plug-in, which is called sound card.
Sound card connectors are displayed on the rear wall of the computer. Sound speakers or headphones are connected to them to play sound. A separate jack is designed to connect a microphone. If there is a special program, it allows you to record sound. There is also a connector (linear output) to connect to an external recording or sound reproducing equipment (tape recorders, amplifiers, etc.).

HDD. Since the computer's prompt memory is cleared when the power is turned off, a device for long-term storage of data and programs is necessary. Currently, the so-called is widely used for these purposes. hard drives.
Operating principle hard disk Based on registration of changes in the magnetic field near the recording head.

The main parameter of the hard disk is the container measured in gigabytes (billions of bytes), GB. The average size of a modern hard disk is 80 - 160 GB, and this parameter grows steadily.

Drive flexible disks . To transport data between remote computers Use the so-called flexible discs. Standard flexible disk (diskette) has a relatively small capacity of 1.44 MB. According to modern standards, this is completely insufficient for most data storage and transportation tasks, but the low cost of carriers and a high degree of readiness for work made flexible discs with the most common data carriers.

To record and read data placed on flexible disks, serves a special device - drive. The receiver's receiving hole is displayed on the front panel of the system unit.

CD-ROM drive.To transport large amounts of data, it is convenient to use CD-ROM CDs. These discs allow you to read previously recorded data - it is impossible to record on them. The container of one disk is about 650-700 MB.

CD-ROM drives are used to read CDs. The main parameter of the CD-ROM-ROM-speed reader. It is measured in multiple units. For the unit adopted reading speed, approved in the mid-80s. For music CDs (audio parts). Modern CD-ROM drives provide the read speed of 40x - 52x.
The main disadvantage of CD-ROM drives is the impossibility of recording discs - overcome in modern single-record devices - CD-R. There are also CD-RW devices that allow multiple recording.

The storage principle of data on CDs is not magnetic, like flexible disks, but optical.

Communication ports. To communicate with other devices, such as a printer, scanner, keyboard, mouse, etc., the computer is equipped with so-called ports. The port is not just a connector for connecting external equipment, although the port ends with the connector. The port is a more complex device than just a connector having its chips and managed programmatically.

Network adapter. Network adapters are needed to computers so that they can exchange data among themselves. This device ensures that the processor does not file a new portion of data to the external port until the network adapter has copied the previous portion to itself. After that, the processor is given a signal that the data is taken and can be served new ones. So the transfer is carried out.

When the network adapter "finds out" from the adjacent adapter that there is a portion of the data, it copies them to himself, and then checks whether they are addressed. If yes, it transmits their processor. If not, he puts them on the output port, from where they will take their network adapter of the next adjacent computer. So the data is moved between computers until they fall to the addressee.

Network adapters can be built into the motherboard, but are more often installed separately, in the form of additional circuit boards called network cards.

External personal computer devices. Their appointment and main characteristics

External (peripheral) personal computer devices constitute the most important part of any computing complex. The cost of external devices on average is about 80-85% of the cost of our complex. External devices provide computer interaction with the environment - users, control objects and other computers.

External devices are connected to a computer through special I / O ports. Ports of BB.odi outputs are the following types:

  • parallel (denoted LPT1 - LPT4) - commonly used to connect printers;
  • Serial (denoted som1 - COM4) - Usually, mouse, modem and other mouths are connected to them.road.

TO external devices relate:

  • information entry devices;
  • information output devices;
  • user dialoguers;
  • Means of communication and telecommunications.

TO input devices Information includes:

  • Keyboard - a device for manual input to a computer numerical, text and control information;
  • graphic plates (digitizers) - for manual input of graphic information, images by moving on a special pointer tablet (pen); When moving the pen is automatically read by the coordinates of its location and entering these coordinates to the computer;
  • Scanners (reading machines) - for automatic reading from paper media and input into a computer of typewritten texts, graphs, drawings, drawings;
  • instructions indicating (graphic manipulators) - to enter graphics information on the monitor screen by controlling the movement of the cursor on the screen, followed by coding the cursor coordinates and enter them into a computer (joystick, mouse, trackball, light feather);
  • touch screens - For input individual elements Images, programs or commands with a polyext display into a computer).

TO output devices information includes:

  • Claimers (plotters) - to display graphic information on paper carrier;
  • Printers are printing devices to display information on paper media.

Main types of printers:

  • Matrix - the image is formed from the points, the seal of which is carried out with thin needles that hit the paper through the coloring tape. Signs in the row are printed consistently. The number of needles in the print head determines the print quality. Inexpensive Insperters have 9 needles. More advanced matrix printers have 18 and 24 needles;
  • Inkjet - There are thin tubes in the print head - nozzles through which the smallest droplets of ink are thrown on paper. The print head matrix usually contains from 12 to 64 nozzles. In the current time, inkjet printers provide permissive ability to 50 points per millimeter and print speed up to 500 characters per second with excellent print quality approaching the quality of laser printing. Inkjet printers Color printing are performed, but the resolution is reduced by approximately twice;
  • Laser - an electrographic method of image formation is used. The laser serves to create an ultra-thin light beam, drawing on the surface of the pre-charged photosensitive drum contours of an invisible point electronic image. After the electronic imagination is the dye powder (toner), sticking to the discharged sections, printing - transfer toner from the drum on paper and fixing the image on the toner warming paper before melting it. Laser printers Provide the highest quality printing with high speed. Color laser printers are widely used.

TO user dialogs relate:

  • VideoTerminals (monitors) - devices to display entered and displayed information. The video terminal consists of a video monitor (display) and a video controller (video adapter). Video controllers are included in the computer's system unit (located on the video card installed in the motherboard connector). Video monitors refer to external computer devices. The main characteristic of the monitor is the resolution, which is determined by the maximum number of points placed horizontally and vertically on the monitor screen. Modern monitors have standard values Permissive ability from 640 x 480 to 1600 x 1200, but other values \u200b\u200bcan also be. Can be used both non-colored and monochrome monitors;
  • Speech I / O devices of information. These include various microphone acoustic systems, as well as various sound synthesizers that transform digital codes in the letters and words played through speakers or sound speakers connected to a computer.

Means and telecommunications Used to connect a computer to communication channels, other computers and computer networks. This group primarily includes network adapters. As network adapter Modems are most often used (modulator-demodulator).

Many of the above-mentioned devices belong to the conditionally dedicated group - media media.

Medimedia products - This is a complex of hardware and software that allows a person to communicate with a computer using a variety of natural environments: sound, video, graphics, texts, animation, etc. To the means of multimedia include:

  • Speech input and information display devices;
  • microphones and camcorders, acoustic and video-reproducing systems with amplifiers, sound columns, large video screen;
  • Sound and video bills, video capture boards, shooting images from a video recorder or video camerasand introducing it to the computer;
  • scanners;
  • Western Storage Devices of Large Capacity on Optical Discs Frequently Used forand sound and video information.

In this article, which was prepared for novice users, we will look at computer device. We also learn the main characteristics of devices and what functions they perform.

The usual personal computer, which we use in our daily life consists of such parts:

System unit;


Keyboards and mice;

Additional devices (printer, scanner, webcam, etc.)

Personal computer device. The content of the article:

System unit

The system unit is the central part of the computer in which all the most important components are located. Everything, so that the computer works. A variety of systemic blocks that differ in size, design and assembly method are produced.

Basic elements of the system unit:

  • RAM;
  • Video card;
  • HDD;
  • Optical drive (DVD, Blu-Ray);
  • Power Supply

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

The motherboard is the largest board of the system unit. It features basic computer devices: processor, RAM, video card, slots (connectors), BIOS, using loops and cables to motherboard DVD drive, hard disk, keyboard, mouse, etc. Main task of motherboard - Connect all These devices and make them work as one. In addition, it is controllers. Controllers are e-cards inserted in connectors (slots) on the motherboard, they control devices connected to a computer. Some controllers are included in the motherboard. Such controllers are called integrated or built-in. So controllers of mice and keyboards are always built-in. By adding and replacing the controllers boards, you can expand the capabilities of the computer and adjust it to your requirements. For example, the user can add an additional sound cardwhich can work with new multichannel acoustic systems.

The central processor (CPU, CPU) is the main element of the computer, its "brain". It is responsible for all calculations and processing of information. In addition, it is managed by all computer devices. The speed of the computer and its capabilities depends on its power.

The main characteristics of the central processing:

  • number of Cores
  • clock frequency
  • socket

Let's look at them in more detail.

Number of Cores

The greater the core processor more Operations can be performed simultaneously. In essence, several nuclei are several processors that are located on one crystal or in one case. In the same-core processor, the commands received on his entrance are consistently pass through the blocks necessary for their execution, that is, the processor is performed another team, the rest are waiting for their turn. In a multi-core processor, several separate flows and data flows come to the input and also separated, without affecting each other. Due to the parallel processing processor, the computer's performance of a multiple commands increases. Today, the personal computers are established, as a rule, 2-8 nuclear processors. However, not all programs are designed to use several cores.

Clock frequency

This characteristic indicates the speed of commands to the central processor. Tact - time interval required to perform an elementary operation processor.

In the near past, the clock frequency of the central processor was identified directly with its performance, that is, the higher the clock frequency of the processor, the more productory. In practice, we have a situation where processors with the same frequency have different performance, because in one clock can perform a different number of commands (depending on the design of the kernel, bandwidth Tires, cache). Modern processors operate at frequencies from 1 to 4 GHz (Gig Hertz)


Cache is used to significantly accelerate calculations. This is a high-profile memory built into the processor housing containing the data to which the processor is often referred to. Cache memory may be the first (L1), second (L2) or third (L3) level.


Socket (Socket) is a connector (socket) on the motherboard, where the processor is installed. But when we say the "socket of the processor", we mean by this, both the nest on the motherboard and the support of this society with certain processor models. Socket is needed precisely so that it can be easily replaced by the proceeding processor or upgrade the computer with a more powerful processor.


The next important element of the computer, which is in the system unit - RAM (RAM or RAM-operational storage device). It is in it that information processed by the processor and user running programs are remembered. Operational it is called because it gives the processor fast access to data.



The main characteristics of the RAM:

  • volume - Measured in megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB), significantly affects the performance of the computer. Due to the insufficient volume of RAM, many programs or will not be loaded, or will be performed very slowly. In a modern typical computer, at least 1 GB of memory is used, although it is better to have 2 or 3 GB for convenient operation;
  • tire frequency - Measured in Meghertz (MHz), also has a big impact on the speed of the computer. What it is more, the faster the transfer of data between the processor and the memory itself.
  • memory type - Indicates a generation to which the memory relates. To date, you can meet the operational memory of the following types (posted on the occurrence of the appearance):

DDR SDRAM (100 - 267 MHz)

DDR2 SDRAM (400 - 1066 MHz)

DDR3 SDRAM (800 - 2400 MHz)

DDR4 SDRAM (1600 - 2400 MHz)

Video card

Video card | Computer device

The video card is an electronic board that provides video generation and thereby defines the image shown by the monitor. In existing video cards different features. If the computer is used office programs, Special requirements for the video card are not presented. Another thing is a game computer, in which the basic work takes on the video card, and central processor A secondary role is given.

The main characteristics of the video card:

  • the volume of video memory is measured in megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB), affects the maximum monitor resolution, the number of colors and the image processing speed. At this time, models of video cards with a video memory of 256 MB to 6 GB are produced. Optimal average volume of 512 MB or 1 GB;
  • the video memory bus bit is measured in bits, determines the data volume that can be simultaneously transferred from the video memory (in memory). Standard bits of modern video cards 256 bits;
  • the video memory frequency is measured in megahertz (MHz), the higher the greater the total performance of the video card.

Currently, the video cards are based on NVIDIA GeForce and ATI Radeon chipsets.


Hard disk | Computer device

Hard disk without top lid | Computer device

Hard disk, also called Winchester or HDD, is designed for long-term storage of information. It is on the hard disk of your computer all the information: operating system, required programs, Documents, photos, movies, music and other files. It is he who is the main storage information in the computer.

For the user, hard drives differ in each other primarily by the following characteristics:

  • capacity (volume) - measured in gigabytes (GB) or terabytes (TBA), determines which volume of information can be written on a hard disk. On the this moment The volume of modern hard drive is measured from several hundred gigabytes to several terabytes;
  • speed, which makes up from time to access information and read / write speed. A typical access time for modern discs is 5-10 ms (milliseconds), the average read / write speed is 150 MB / s (megabyte per second);
  • the interface is the type of controller to which the hard disk must be connected (most often EIDE and various SATA options).


DVD-drive | Computer device

DVD-drive is used to read DVD and CDs. If the name is the "RW" prefix, then the drive is capable not only to read, but also record on the disks. The drive is characterized by the read / write speed and is denoted by means of a multiplier (1x, 2x, etc.). Speed \u200b\u200bunit here is 1.385 megabytes per second (MB / s). That is, when the value of the speed 8x is indicated on the drive, then the actual speed will be 8 * 1.385 MB / s \u003d 11.08 MB / s.

Blu-ray (Blue Ray) Drive

Blu-ray (Blue Ray) Drive | Computer device

Blu-ray drives can be three species: read, combo and writing. The reading Blu-ray drive can read CD, DVD and Blu-ray discs. Combo can additionally record CDs and DVDs. Writing Blu-ray Drive can read and write all discs.

Power Supply

The power supply supplies the power of the computer, and is usually sold with the case. IN currently Power blocks with a capacity of 450, 550 and 750 watts produce. More powerful power supplies (up to 1500 watts) may need a computer with a powerful gaming video card.


The monitor is designed to display images coming from the computer. It belongs to computer information output devices.

Main characteristics of monitors:

  • screen size - Measured in inches (1 inch \u003d 2.54 cm) diagonally. At the moment, the most popular are LCD monitors with a diagonal of 19 inches;
  • screen format (The aspect ratio of vertical and horizontal), now almost all monitors are sold in widescreen performance: 16: 9 and 16:10 format;
  • type of matrix - The main part of the LCD monitor, from which its quality depends on 90%. IN modern monitors One of the three main types of matrices is used: TN-FILM (the most simple, cheapest and common), S-IPS (have the best color rendition, is used for professional work) and PVA / MVA (more expensive TN-FILM and cheaper IPS, you can To say that these matrices are a compromise between TN + FILM and IPS.);
  • screen resolution - The number of points (pixels) in width and height, of which the image consists. The most common 17 and 19-inch monitors have a resolution of 1280x1024 and 1600x1200 points. The higher the permission, naturally, the image is obtained in detail;
  • type of connector Used to connect to a computer, analog VGA (D-Sub) or DVI digital connectors, HDMI.

| How the personal computer works. The main characteristics of a personal computer

Lesson 7.
The device of a personal computer and its main characteristics. Acquaintance with a package of PC devices, connect external devices

§7. How does a personal computer
§eight. The main characteristics of a personal computer

How does a personal computer

The main topics of the paragraph:

What is a PC;
- Basic PC devices;
- Main principle of interaction of PC devices.

Questions studied:

What is PC

In § 5 We got acquainted with the main devices of the computer - electronic computing machine (computers). Modern computers are very different: from large, engaged in the whole hall, to small placing on the table, in the portfolio and even in your pocket. Different EMM are used for different purposes. Today, the most massive type of computer is personal computers. Personal computers (PCs) are designed for personal (personal) use. Exist different types PC: stationary (desktop) and mobile (laptops, tablet PCs, pocket PCs).

Despite the variety of PC models, there are many common in their device. About these common properties And now we are speech.

Basic devices PC

The main "detail" of a personal computer is a microprocessor (MP). This is miniature electronic circuitcreated by a very complex technology that performs the function of the computer processor.

Personal computer is a set of interrelated devices. In the stationary PC, the central device is system unit. In the system unit there is a "brain" machine: microprocessor and internal memory. There are also placed: the power supply unit, drives, controllers of external devices. The system unit is equipped with fans for cooling heating when working elements.

From the outdoor side of the system unit there is a network switch, a computer reset button, connectors (which are called ports) to connect external devices, retractable tray to install the optical disk.

Keyboard (keyboard device), monitor (other name - display) and mouse (manipulator) are connected to the system unit. Sometimes other types of manipulators are used: joystick, trackball, etc. In addition to PCs can be connected: printer (print device), modem (for exit computer network) And other devices (Fig. 2.7).

Figure 2.7 shows the stationary PC model, in fig. 2.8 - laptop.

In a laptop, everything necessary components combined in one case, which develops as a book (hence the name of the computer).

All devices external memoryAs well as I / O devices interact with a PC processor through special blocks that are called controllers (from English Controller - controller, managing). There are a drive controller, monitor controller, printer controller, etc.

Relatively recently, a universal controller appeared as part of the PC, which allows you to connect various types of devices through a universal connector (USB): a printer, monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc.

Main principle of interaction of PC devices

The principle in which the information link between the computer devices is organized is called the main principle of interaction. The processor through a multi-wire line, which is called a highway (another name - tire), binds to other devices (Fig. 2.9).

Each connected to the PC device receives a number that performs the address of this device. Information transmitted from the processor to the device is accompanied by its address and is fed to the controller. Next, the device is managed by the controller.

The characteristic system of the highway is: on one group of wires (data bus), processed information is transmitted, on another (address bus) - memory addresses or external devices to which the processor is drawn. There is another third part of the highway - the control bus; It passs control signals (for example, checking the availability of the device to operation, the signal to the beginning of the device, etc.).

Briefly about the main thing

The system unit includes: microprocessor, internal memory, drives, power supply, external devices controllers.

External devices (I / O devices, external memory devices) interact with PC processor through controllers.

All PC devices are connected by a large-wire line, which is called informational Master, or tire.

Each external device has its own address. (number). The information transmitted to it over the data bus is accompanied by the address of the device, which is transmitted along the address bus.

Questions and tasks

1. Name the minimum set of devices that make up a personal computer, and make photos of these devices.

2. What devices are part of the system unit?

3. What is the controller? What function does it perform?

4. How to be physically interconnected various devices PC?

5. How does the information transmitted over the tire hits the desired device?

The main characteristics of a personal computer

The main topics of the paragraph:

Microprocessor characteristics;
- the volume of internal (operational) memory;
- characteristics of external memory devices;
- I / O devices.

Questions studied:

Personal computer - computer for personal use.
- Basic personal devices.
- Minimum set of devices.
- The main principle of interaction of the personal computer devices.
- Microprocessor characteristics: clock frequency, bit.
- Volume - the main characteristic of the RAM.
- Characteristics of external memory devices.

Increasingly, personal computers are used not only in production and in educational institutions, but at home. They can be bought in the store just as they buy household appliances. When buying any product it is desirable to know its main characteristics in order to purchase exactly what you need. These main characteristics are also in PC.

Microprocessor characteristics

Exist various models Microprocessors produced by different firms. The main characteristics of the MP are processor's clock frequency and discharge.

The mode of operation of the microprocessor and other associated devices is set by a microcham called the clock frequency generator. This is a kind of metronome inside the computer. A certain number of clocks are assigned to perform the processor of each operation. It is clear that if the metronome "knocks" faster, then the processor works faster. The clock frequency is measured in megahertz - MHz. The frequency in 1 MHz corresponds to a million clocks in one second. Here are some characteristic clock frequencies of microprocessors: 600, 800, 1000 MHz. The last value is called Gigaghertz - GHz. Modern models Microprocessors work with clock frequencies in several gigahertz.

Next feature - processor discharge. Calculate the maximum length binary codewhich can be processed or transmitted by the entire processor. The time of processors on the first models of PC was equal to 8 bits. Then 16-bit processors appeared. On modern PCs, 32-bit processors are most often used. The greatest bit content of modern microprocessors used in PCs is 64 bits.

The volume of internal (operational) memory

We have already spoke about the memory of the computer. She shares on operational (internal) and long-term (external) memory. The performance of the machine is very dependent on the volume internal memory. If there are not enough internal memory to work, the computer begins to carry part of the data into the outer memory, which dramatically reduces its performance. The speed of read / write data into RAM is several orders of magnitude higher than in external.

The amount of RAM affects the performance of the computer. For efficient work Modern programs require RAM volume of hundreds and thousands of megabytes (gigabytes).

Cash memory assignment

To reduce the time of program execution, the PC includes a special type of internal memory, which is called cash memory. It is small by volume, but having the shortest read / write time. Computer memory. In the cache memory duplicate data and commands from RAM to which the processor is most often referred to when executing the program. Therefore, the initial processor is looking for the required information in the cache, and only if it does not detect it, refers to a slower RAM.

Features of external memory devices

External memory devices are magnetic and laser drives, flash memory. Magnetic discs built into the system unit are called hard drives, or hard drives. This is a very important part of the computer, since it is here that all the program you need to work are stored. Read / write on hDD It is performed faster than all other types of external media, but still slower than in RAM. The greater the volume of the hard disk, the better. At modern PCs install hard drives, the volume of which is measured in gigabytes: dozens and hundreds of gigabytes. Buying a computer, you acquire and the necessary set of programs on the hard disk. Usually the buyer itself orders the composition of the computer software.

All other carriers of external memory are replaceable, i.e. they can be inserted into the drive and get from the drive. These include optical disks type CD (CDs) and DVD. About their properties described in § 6. Disks are convenient for long-term storage of programs and data, as well as to transfer information from one computer to another.

The mandatory set of modern PC includes optical drives To work with CD and DVD. Software is distributed on these media. CD-ROM capacity is calculated by hundred megabytes (standard volume - 700 MB). The DVD information container is calculated by gigabytes (4.7; 8.5; 17 GB). Often video films are written on DVD. On one disk you can fit a two-hour video with several sound tracks in different languages.

Writing optical drives allow you to record and overwrite information on CD-RW and DVD-RW.

Recently, the basic means of transferring information from one computer to another has become flash memory. Flash memory is an electronic device of external memory used to read and write information in the file format. Flash memory, like discs - non-volatile device. The container of the carrier is from hundreds of megabytes to several gigabytes. And the speed of reading and writing data on the flash carrier is approaching the speed of reading and writing to the hard disk.

I / O devices

All other types of devices belong to number of input / output devices. Mandatory of them are the keyboard, monitor and manipulator (mouse; on mobile PCs: trackball, touchpad, joystick, etc.). Additional devices: printer, modem, scanner, sound system and some others. The choice of these devices depends on the needs and financial capabilities of the buyer. You can always find sources of reference information about models of devices such and their operational properties.

Briefly about the main thing

The main characteristics of the microprocessor: clock frequency and discharge. The greater the clock frequency, the higher the speed of the processor. The increase in bit leads to an increase in the amount of data processed by the computer per unit of time.

RAM volume affects computer performance. For the efficient work of modern programs, RAM is required by the volume of hundreds and thousands of megabytes (gigabytes).

Hard magnetic disk - Mandatory external memory device as part of a computer.

Replaceable media are optical disks, flash memory.

Required I / O devices: keyboard, manipulator, monitor.

Additional I / O devices: printer, scanner, modem, acoustic system and etc.

Questions and tasks

1. What characterization of the computer depends on its performance?

2. What order information is the hard drive, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM?

3. What memory devices are built-in, what are replaceable?

4. What I / O devices are mandatory for PC, which are optional?

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At press conferences and press-tours, I often see with journalists from other publications and have the opportunity to observe those who use in which device. Statistics turned out quite fun and I decided to tell you about my observations in this edition of the mobile environment. Why is it interesting to know about journalists' devices? The fact is that most of these people tested almost all top devices and their choice can be called one of the most suspended. Agree that you too would be much easier to choose a smartphone if you were able to use them before buying them and all of his competitors.


Perhaps four out of five browsers smartphones Apple iPhone. 5 or 5s. I honestly, such a selection was quite surprised, and I specifically asked my colleagues, why did they choose the iPhone. Most answered that it is just more convenient for them, they are more pleasant to use, he has an excellent combination of dimensions, external view, Materials I. technical characteristics. Many applications B. App Store. and excellent speed.

Another argument that was often used - Android fatigue for work. After all, smartphones on Android, which we test it is not only top Samsung Galaxy S5 or HTC One. M8. Most of them make up various devices on MTK, budgetary or semi-budget models with varying degrees of stability. And the same iPhone on their background is a sip of fresh air.

Separately, I note that almost all of the iPhone bought for your money, and not received as a gift of Apple, as some readers might think. That is, this is the most conscious choice.

The remaining 20% \u200b\u200bof users use various Android smartphones. Interestingly, this is not necessarily flagship devices of the last generation, and last year's models are often found. To highlight some one smartphone, I can not, because the scatter is very large - go and with Sony, and with Samsung, and from HTC (although with them much less often).

By the way, a couple of years ago was very popular first Galaxy Note. Everyone was delighted with his huge quality screen, long time autonomous work and built-in pen. However, over time, the number of Note owners among journalists gradually began to be able to dismiss (according to my observations).

But smartphones on Windows Phone In Russian journalists, I met very rarely, in my opinion one or twice, and that I was explained that they took it as a second phone for offline cards or a good chamber (in the case of Nokia 1020). By the way, at the MWC 2012 I managed to talk with foreign colleagues, there the attitude towards WP is much better, people liked both OS itself and the fact that Nokia launches on it.

If we talk about our edition, then Sergey Kuzmin has long been using an iPhone, some device from Sony, or a test device of another brand, is added to it. Artem Lutfullyn is an adherent of HTC, in many ways because of the design, good screen And the shell sometimes goes with Meizu MX2 / MX3 or another tested apparatus. White novel has three main phones - iPhone 5, Samsung Galaxy S5 and HTC One M7. Roma says that holds three devices for comparing dimensions in photos of reviews and the ability to compare photos of these smartphones with tested. Oh yeah, almost forgot: the novel also has and Nokia Lumia. 1020, to which he likes to shoot. Eldar Murtazin has long utilized flagship devices from Samsung, with advent note line, Eldar usually two main smartphones are the last Galaxy S and the last Galaxy Note. As for me, a couple of months ago I tried to "transfer" on the iPhone 5S, it seemed to me that after addiction to the IMAC of the difficulties would not arise, but alas and ah, I didn't get on IPhone, by the way, this was a separate article , so I will not repeat.

Honestly, I am now tending to buy a new HTC One, either fresh Nexus if it appears. In One M8, only broken synchronization of photos of contacts is confused me. Its essence is that after "pulling up" contacts from Google, HTC does not download their high-quality photos (with the exception of "favorite" contacts).

In fact, I try to use each tested device as the main thing to better understand its pros and cons, so time to use your smartphone practically. In the same rare free moments, the main phone serves me by Meizu MX3, I can not say that this is the perfect model, but, at least she works quickly and her excellent screen.


To begin with, it is worth noting that in the principle of journalists using tablets, not a lot. It is about 25-30% of all I have seen. And if in the case of smartphones, 80% of the iphone colleagues, then in the tablet sector, the absolute leader is the iPad ( different versions). In fact, if the journalist has a tablet, then it is the iPad. To tell the truth, the only time I saw a person not with the iPad was MWC 2012 (Boris Vedensky had the first Nexus 7).

Unlike smartphones, availability and choice of iPad I can fine understand. It's really one of best tablets At the moment - a lot of games, software, a comfortable browser and a stunning screen, all this is associated with an aluminum case makes it a very attractive option.

We have an iPad in the editorial office of Sergey Kuzmina, Eldar Murtazina and the White Roman. Artem Lutfullyn, using Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8 on trips, holds a mansion.

Laptops and PCs

To dilute this "apple" cocktail, I will probably start with desktop computers. Most of the editors with whom I have talked, if you have a home computer, then a necessarily winding system unit on Windows with a good high-quality monitor (for example, Artem Lutfulline is Samsung Syncmaster S27A850D).

And yet, for many journalists, a laptop is the main tool for work. And, as you probably guessed, the majority uses one or another modification MacBook Pro. or MacBook Air.. By the way, disputes about what is more convenient for the operation of Air 13 or Pro 13 Retina also often pop up in press tours.

I often see how some commentators are indifferent under articles on Apple technique, any praise is perceived either as biased, or as paid, but in fact, their laptops are currently as convenient for our sphere: a set of texts, working with video, installation, Photo processing, with all these MacBooks copble perfectly. And game lovers use a separate device (PC or PlayStation / Xbox) for them.

In our edition, the alignment is this: Eldar Murtazina has a MacBook Air 2011, this is its main tool for work. Sergey Kuzmin uses MacBook Pro Retina 15 to work in the office or at home, also (if I'm not mistaken) Sergey has a MacBook Air to work at exhibitions (MWC, CES, IFA). Roman White uses the MacBook Air 13 of the last generation, besides him, Roma has and normal computer, and it seems, he is still familiar to the PC. Artem Lutfullyn, in addition to a full-fledged PC on trips, takes a laptop from Lenovo (Honestly, I will not remember the model, it is some kind of compact powerful gaming laptop). As for me, in the last year I use IMAC 21.5 2012 LATE (1 TB Fusion Drive + NVIDIA GeForce 640 + 8 GB RAM). This computer can be very convenient, but requires you addiction and failure from habits obtained on Windows.

As an optimal "hiking" gadget, I try various options from a regular ultrabook and ending with a bundle from the tablet and a Bluetooth keyboard, but so far I have not found a perfect option for myself.


Personally, I seemed funny that most observers either already have an iPhone and / or MacBook, or they plan something from this to acquire. I decided to devote this supervision a whole article because such a sample is very significant. This is the choice of people who have money and opportunities to get well with a fairly large number of gadgets before buying, and agree, if most of them choose Apple, then there is probably something in it.

On the other hand, the fact that Apple technique is convenient to reporters at all makes it the best, for a number of users the same MacBook or iPhone will be either expensive or uncomfortable, and they make no sense to overpay them. This, by the way, often write commentators.

Finally, I will say that I like what Apple does in the laptop market, but now the iPhone in the face of Android smartphones has a stronger competitor (than Windows 8 OS X), and although many journalists prefer iPhone, android share on the market continues to grow So the consumer does not always choose, too, as observers.