Is free
check in
the main  /  Firmware / Nonmenid data format client bank. Possible mistakes

Incorrected data format client bank. Possible mistakes

  1. Error file is created automatically when performing each import operation.
  2. The file is created in the same directory in which the imported file is located. The file name is the same as the imported file. Expansion - "ERR".
  3. Each file row - a separate error message
  4. If critical errors will be detected during the import process, then the execution stops with the enhancing entry in the ERR file. As a result - all possible errors in the import file may not be mentioned in the error file, if the execution does not come to them.
  5. Each file row is displayed in such a format:

    <Номер ошибки>, Line<Номер строки>, <Описание ошибки>


    9, line 2, the incorrect version of the "2.00" format of the sharing file.

  6. Possible mistakes:
Error No. Error When arises Example description in the file
1 Unexpected end of the fileThe end of the file is detected, the current section is not completed.An unexpected end of the file. The section "Section Station" is not completed
2 Invalid keyThe section met the identifier of the props, which should not be in this section. (see "Structure of sharing files")Invalid key of "receipt" in the section "Section painting".
3 Not specified valueFor the key that in the "sharing file structure" is mentioned as required, the value is not specified.Not specified for the mandatory "pay-lock" key in the section "Section Document".
4 Invalid date formatDate not in DD.MM.YYYY formatInvalid date format for the "Date" key in the section "Section Document" - "2.12.01". Date should be in the format "DD.MM.YYYY".
5 Too big lengthThe number of characters in the processed key value is more possible for this data type.The length of the value for the "Recipheral" key in the section "Section Document" exceeds 6 characters - "2143213".
6 Too big accuracyThe number of "after commas" characters for numeric values \u200b\u200bexceeds the allowableThe accuracy of the value for the "sum" key in the section "Section Document" exceeds 2 characters - "123.456".
7 Unable to open the fileAn error occurred when opening a fileError when opening a D: \\ Users \\ Foxx \\ Sources \\ Sources 77UAP \\ 1C_TO_KL.TXT
8 Invalid file formatInvalid sharing file format, i.e. In the first line there is no identifier "1CClientBanKExchange"Invalid format of the sharing file D: \\ users \\ foxx \\ source \\ source code 77UAP \\ 1C_TO_KL.TXT.
9 Invalid file versionIN this moment Only files are processed with the version of the format "1.00"The incorrect version of the "2.00" shaping file format.
10 Invalid encodingThe file encoding is different from the user-chosen in the import procedure. For example, in the file - "DOS", in the Import procedure - "Windows"Invalid encoding "DOS" sharing file.
11 Invalid recipientThe recipient of the information must match the internal identifier of the 1C configuration identifier in which the download is made. Those. The "Client-Bank" system should "know" this identifier when generating a file. For the period of development in the details "Recipient" title, it is possible to indicate only one value - "Accounting for Ukraine". This configuration on which all is done now test works. In the future, the set of possible values \u200b\u200bwill be expanded.Invalid recipient "Program 1C". Only files addressed to "Accounting for Ukraine" are processed.
12 P / s are not mentioned in the titleThe "Cleaver" string is lost in the header: in accordance with the "sharing file structure", each current account must be mentioned in the header of the file in the "Clearness" line and for each P / C must be the section "Section" section.The current account "12353212452332" was not mentioned in the title in the "Cleaver" string.
13 Does not coincide " residueStarting residueAccording to the current account "12353212452332", the initial balance does not coincide (123456.78) with the file specified in the file (876543.21).
14 Does not coincide "con. residueThe end residue by P / s, specified in the section "Section Station" of the exchange file does not coincide with the accounting data in 1CAccording to the current account, "12353212452333" does not coincide with the final residue (123456.78) with listed in the file (876543.21).
15 Does not coincide "total came"The total amount of funds received by P / s, specified in the section "SectionReching" of the exchange file does not coincide with the accounting data in 1CAccording to the current account, "12353212452332" does not coincide with the total amount of funds received (123456.78) with the file specified in the file (876543.21).
16 Does not coincide "everything is written off"The total amount of dispersed funds by P / s, specified in the section "SectionRext" section of the exchange file does not coincide with the accounting data in 1CAccording to the current account, "12353212452333" does not coincide with the total amount of the decisions (123456.78) with the file specified in the file (876543.21).
17 Invalid period by p / sThe period for which documents are transmitted on this p / s does not coincide with the period specified in the file headerAccording to the current account, "12353212452332" The period processed (01/01/2002-31.01.2002) does not coincide with the title file (01.01.2002-28.02.2002).
18 Double DocumentThis document is twice mentioned in the fileThe expenditure document is duplicated by the payment order N234 of 01.03.2002.
19 Invalid currencyAt the moment only hryvnia payments are supported, i.e. Currency code must be "980"Loading documents with currency with code 410 is not supported.
20 Unknown accountThe recipient's account or payer is lacking in the 1C information database.Unknown billing account 12455474356543.
21 Mandatory keys are missedIn the current section, one or more mandatory details were missed. (see "Structure of sharing files")In the section, the section Document is missing required details: payersmobile, payer.
22 Invalid document typeThe processing of the document specified in the file is not supported.The type of document "Applying for a letter of credit" is specified. Only downloading documents is possible " Payment order"And the" payment request is arugation. "
23 No section "Section painting"There is no section "Section Station": in accordance with the "sharing file structure", each billing account must be mentioned in the header of the file in the "Clearness" line and for each P / s must be the section "Section" section.For the current account "12455474356543" there is no section "Section".
24 Invalid number of documentsDo not coincide with the real number of documents in the file and the title in the "Martiform" stringThe number of documents specified in the header of the file (34) differs from the actual number of documents (33).

We find: there is no string section Document, Error sharing file formatThe format error is missing a string section Document, the exchange file format error in 1C, there is no document end section. Start of the document in line # 1, the document is not imported. There is no document end section, the exchange file format error in 1C 8 2, incorrect file format 1c: no document , The wrong details of the payment document line 41: code \u003d, file 1C_TO_KL TXT has an invalid format

And click "Further".

And click "Install".

After starting, select the city from the list, in which your accounts are open, set the mark in front of the item "Installing / Reinstalling System" and click "Further".

Check the box opposite item "Installing ActiveX Components" and click "Install".

After completing the wizard, log in with a shortcut that will appear on the desktop.

After starting, select the city from the list, in which your accounts are open, set the mark in front of the item "Installing / Reinstalling System" and click "Further".

Check the box opposite item "Installing ActiveX Components" and click "Install".

After completing the wizard, log in with a shortcut that will appear on the desktop.

If you use Etoken:

After starting, select the city from the list, in which your accounts are open, set the mark in front of the item "Installing / Reinstalling System" and click "Further".

Check the box opposite item "Installing ActiveX Components" and click "Install".

After completing the wizard, log in with a shortcut that will appear on the desktop.

Errors when generating new keys

Error (Code: 128) Cryptovka Initialization Error / Error On Initialization Cryptoengine for MessagePro

    After starting, select the city from the list, in which your accounts are open, set the mark in front of the item "Installing / Reinstalling System" and click "Further".

    Check the box opposite item "Installing ActiveX Components" and click "Install".

    After completing the wizard, log in with a shortcut that will appear on the desktop.

After starting, select the city from the list, in which your accounts are open, set the mark in front of the item "Installing / Reinstalling System" and click "Further".

Check the box opposite item "Installing ActiveX Components" and click "Install".

After completing the wizard, log in with a shortcut that will appear on the desktop.

Errors when working in the client-bank system

The files in the client-bank system are not loaded or files from the system are not unloaded (when you import documents, exporting extracts, connecting files to a random document to the bank, etc.)

    After starting, select the city from the list, in which your accounts are open, set the mark in front of the item "Installing / Reinstalling System" and click "Further".

    Check the box opposite item "Installing ActiveX Components" and click "Install".

    After completing the wizard, log in with a shortcut that will appear on the desktop.

After starting, select the city from the list, in which your accounts are open, set the mark in front of the item "Installing / Reinstalling System" and click "Further".

Check the box opposite item "Installing ActiveX Components" and click "Install".

After completing the wizard, log in with a shortcut that will appear on the desktop.

After starting, select the city from the list, in which your accounts are open, set the mark in front of the item "Installing / Reinstalling System" and click "Further".

Check the box opposite item "Installing ActiveX Components" and click "Install".

After completing the wizard, log in with a shortcut that will appear on the desktop.


Changed the field assignment of the type indicator (Field 110 of the payment order) in accordance with the indication of the CBR of July 5, 2017 N 4449-y.

In the field of the indicator when translating money individuals in order to make payments at the expense of budget system budgets Russian Federation, indicated "1". In other cases, the value of the props is not specified.

Below is a list of possible service lines, lines of sections assigned to them identifiers, their commitment when exchanging data.

Service props file
out of 1s
in cl.
From CL.
in 1s.
View, max.
File title
Internal sign of the exchange file 1CClientBankexchange.
Exchange format number Yes Yes Version Format line 1.02
File encoding Yes Yes Encoding line Possible values:
Program-sender Yes not Sender line
Recipient program not Yes Recipient line
File formation date not not Date of creation DD. MM.GYYY
File formation time not not Time of creation CC: mm: ss
Information about the setting conditions of the transmitted data
Date of start interval Yes Yes The date of the beginning DD. MM.GYYY
Date of the end of the interval Yes Yes Dattonetsa DD. MM.GYYY All existing documents
Settlement account organization
Yes Yes Swimmer 20 The specified account is synchronized at the specified interval.
Document type
(lines can be several)
not - Document line Possible values:
Payment order
Payment request
Collection order
Section of transmitting balances by calculation account
Sign of starting section Section paint
Date of start interval - Yes The date of the beginning DD. MM.GYYY In this interval are transmitted
Date of the end of the interval - not Dattonetsa DD. MM.GYYY All existing documents
Settlement account organization - Yes Swimmer 20
Starting residue - Yes Startyowat rub [.kop] These values \u200b\u200bare used
Turns of incoming payments - not Evegopostyoul rub [.kop] For reconciliation with credentials
Turns outgoing payments - not Onegospisen rub [.kop] and to control the obtained
End residue - not Troublestock rub [.kop] Documents statements
Sign of completion section Post.
Section of the payment document
Cap payment document
Sign of starting section
Contains the type of document
Section Document \u003d. Possible values:
Payment order
Payment request
Collection order
- Other Movement Documents by P / C Customer Bank, for example, a bank order
Document Number Yes Yes room line
Date of document Yes Yes date DD. MM.GYYY
Amount of payment Yes Yes Sum rub [.kop]
Payment document receipt
Date of formation of the receipt - not Kvitanzdata DD. MM.GYYY The receipt is transmitted
The time of formation of the receipt - not Receiptware CC: mm: ss only from the client in 1c
Contents receipt - not Receipt Software line
Details of the payer
Current account payer Yes Yes Pay-seater 20 Payer's current account in its bank, regardless of the direct calculations of this bank or not
Date of writing off funds with p / s - Yes Dribisano DD. MM.GYYY It is indicated when detecting funds with the R / s Customer of the Bank
Payer Yes not Payer line Inn and the name of the payer
Inn Payer Yes Yes Payweer 12 Indicates the value of the taxpayer identification number (INN) of the payer
The name of the payer, p. 1 Yes not Payer1. line Name of payer
Name of the payer, p. 2 not not Payer2. line Current account payer
Name of the payer, p. 3 not not Payer3. line Payer Bank
Name of the payer, p. 4 not not Payer4. line City of Payer Bank
Current account payer Yes not Pay-machine 20 Corsuit bank payer
Payer Bank Yes not PaytelchBank1 line RC Bank Payer
City of Payer Bank Yes not Paytelbank2. line City of RC Bank Payer
Beach Bank Payer Yes not Pay -shigik 9 Beach RC Bank Payer
Corsuit bank payer Yes not Pay -shist 20 Corsuit RC Bank Payer
Details of the recipient
Current account of the recipient Yes Yes Recipient 20 Recipient's current account in his bank, regardless of the direct settlements of this bank or not
Date of receipt of funds on the R / s - Yes Datapoto DD. MM.GYYY It is indicated when funds are received on the Bank's Customer
Recipient Yes not Recipient line Recipient of one line
Inn Recipient Yes Yes Receive 12 Indicates the value of the identification number of the taxpayer (INN) of the recipient
In case of indirect calculations:
Name of the recipient Yes not Recipient1 line Name of the recipient
Name of the recipient, p. 2 not not Recipient2. line Current account of the recipient
Name of the recipient, p. 3 not not Recipient3. line payee's bank
Name of the recipient, p. 4 not not Recipient4. line City of the recipient bank
Current account of the recipient Yes not Recipheratching 20 Corsuit bank recipient
payee's bank Yes not Recipient Bank1 line RC Recipient Bank
City of the recipient bank Yes not Recipient Bank2. line Recipient Bank RC
Beach Bank Recipient Yes not Receiver 9 BIC RC Recipient Bank
Corsuit bank recipient Yes not Receive account 20 Corsuit RC Recipient Bank
Payment details
Payment type not not Payment type line Possible values:
By mail
Another value in the manner prescribed by the bank.
At its disposal B. in electronic format The value is indicated in the code set by the Bank
Type of payment (type of operation) Yes not Victims 2 Indicates the conditional digital designation of the document, according to the established CBR List conventions (ciphers) documents conducted on accounts in credit institutions
Unique payment identifier not not The code Max. 25. Specified unique identificator payment in cases of its assignment to the recipient of funds or 0 (zero)
Purpose of payment not not Purpose of payment line Appointment of payment of one line
Purpose of payment, page 1 not not Assignment 1. line Purpose of payment, broken on
Purpose of payment, p. 2 not not Assignment 2. line Rows Samim
Purpose of payment, p. 3 not not Appointment 3. line User, if
Purpose of payment, p. 4 not not Appointment pay 4. line The sender program allows
Purpose of payment, p. 5 not not Assignment 5. line Enter multi-line
Purpose of payment, p. 6 not not Appointment pay 6. line Text
Additional details for payments in the budget system of the Russian Federation It is indicated by the information established by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for taxes and fees, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation
The status of the compiler of the settlement document Yes Yes FATS-SUPERS 2 Possible values: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 25, 26
PPP payer Yes Yes Payer 9 Code of the reason for registration (CAT) of the payer or 0 (zero)
PPC recipient Yes Yes Recipient 9 Code of the reason for registration (CAT) of the recipient or 0 (zero)
Fiscal Classification Code Yes Yes Indicator 20 The value of the index of the budget classification code (CBC) in accordance with the classification of income of the budgets of the Russian Federation, consisting of 20 characters (numbers), and all the signs of the CBC simultaneously cannot accept zero ("0")
OCTMO code of the territory on which funds are mobiliated from tax, collecting and otherwise payments Yes Yes OKATO 11 The value of the code assigned to the territory of the municipality (inter-aided territory) or settlementincluded in the municipality in accordance with the All-Russian classifier of the territories of municipal formations or 0 (zero).
Foundation Indicator Tax Payment Yes Yes Indication 2 Indicator of the foundation of payment or 0 (zero)
Tax Period / Code of the Customs Authority Yes Yes Indicator 10 Specifies: Tax Period Indicator or 0 (Zero) / Code of the Customs Authority
Document number indicator Yes Yes Indicator line Document number or 0 (zero)
Document date indicator Yes Yes Indicators DD. MM.GYYY Document date rate or 0 (zero)
Payment code (payment order field 110) in accordance with the indication of the CBD of July 5, 2017 N 4449-U
Payment code is indicated when transferring funds to individuals in order to make payments at the expense of the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation not not Indicator When transferring funds to individuals in order to make payments at the expense of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, provided for in parts 5.5 and 5.6 of Article 30.5 of the Federal Law N 161-FZ, indicated "1". In other cases, the value of the props is not specified.
Additional details for certain types of documents
Priority payment not not Priority 2
Acceptance term, number of days not not Cancercerta number The term of acceptance
View of the letter of credit not not Vidk Lathe. line
Payment period (letter of credit) not not Timetable DD. MM.GYYY The validity of the letter of credit
Payment condition, p. 1 not not Conditions1 line
Payment condition, p. 2 not not Conditions2. line
Payment condition, p. 3 not not Conditions3 line
Payment by submission not not COMPARDS line Specify the full and accurate name of the documents against which the payment of credit is made.
Additional conditions not not Doppoonlovia line Additional conditions
Subject No. Supplier not not Tippecker line
Date reference documents not not Datootquarka DD. MM.GYYY
Sign of completion section End of document
Sign of the end of the file. Endfile

To configure the exchange with the Customer-Bank in 1C Accounting 8.3, you can contact our software specialists, or make settings yourself, starting from the opening of the "Bank and Cassa-Bank statements".


Here in the list of documents, we click "still-set up exchange with the bank."


Customization of exchange in 1C with a client-bank for each R / SCH firm provides for filling the fields:

  • Organization;
  • Serviced bank account;
  • Program name. Here it is necessary to choose the identifying program. If in the specified list you are not the name is such, then you need to choose any of the list provided;
  • We prescribe the name of the file where the operations by P / SC, and the file in which are loaded;
  • Encoding. 1C 8.3 can exchange DOS and Windows formats, so we specify the encoding corresponding to the client-jar.

A group of details that can be affixed by default:

  • Group for new counterparties
  • Articles DDS.

At the bottom of the window:

  • In the unloading, specify which documents will enter the file and will be monitored when loading (correctness of the document number and exchange security with the bank).
  • In the boots on the right, you activate the automatic creation of unsupported elements (i.e., when loading an extract, the program will automatically create counterparties, contract, P / s, which it did not find in reference books), as well as a demonstration of the shape "Exchange with the Bank" before loading.
  • Immediately note that after downloading, documents should be carried out automatically.


To download or unload from the client-bank documents, in the journal "Bank statements" by click "Abstract-exchange with the Bank".


The second option is there to click on "download".


Go to the "Exchange with Bank" window.

We choose the tab "Sending to the Bank", we find the organization for which the documents should be unloaded, the bank account and the period for which we unload documents.


After that, the tabular part is filled with documents, while the red font means that either it is incorrectly filled, or the payment is invalid. The black color says that the filling is correct, you can unload to the client's bank file.


Choosing the documents that need to be unloaded into the client-bank, they put the checkbox opposite them. In the "File Upload File" field, specify the path of unloading and click "unload".


The file is unloaded.


The table part will be filled with data from the file, while the rows with red font say that the program has not found data (P / SC, counterparty on the coincidence of the INN and CAT) to which the documents of the receipt or write-off must be distributed. Black colors highlighted correctly distributed documents.


If you noted in setting up the exchange with the bank client Automatic creation Excessive documents ", the program will automatically create unsuitable objects if the" Automatic Creating Excessive Documents "will actuate the" Create Ware "button, which is available for the" Creating Ware Objects "log.


Here by clicking on the "Create" button, you can create all objects or select certain objects you want to create.


By creating unsupported objects, choose the check mark documents from the statement that we want to download. Click "Download."


After downloading, we can view the "Download Report".


It contains information on downloaded and logged in the document.



You can see the downloaded documents in the "Bank and Cassa-Bank statements" block.


Uploaded documents will be displayed in the journal "Bank statements", the exercises will be marked with a green check mark.


It is that to configure direct exchange with the Bank you need to use the DirectBank * service. Since the working conditions are installed by the Bank, the settings must be found in their bank.

* DirectBank is an alternative technology for organizing interaction between the enterprise and the bank. Total 40 banks support this technology and a number of main configurations 1C.