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Administration Tools. Windows administration - basic tools

(2 hours)

PURPOSE OF THE WORK:study of basic instrumental windows Server 2003, designed to manage the system and controlling user actions.

Tasks of work

1. Examine the basics of building peer-to-peer networks and networks with a dedicated server.

2. Examine the server system management tools.

3. Learn the installation principles of the Active Directory domain.

List of providing funds

2. Software: Oracle VirtualBox, OS Windows Server 2003.

3. Educational and methodical literature.

General theoretical information

When building and configuring computer networks, their physical and logical topology is taken into account. Physical topology defines a set of network equipment, including cable systems and communication equipmentwhich is necessary for the physical association of computers to the network. Logical topology is determined by the settings network Protocols and programs allowing to configure information flows between network computers.

Computer network It can be built on one of three logical topologies:

Based on peer-to-peer nodes that combine the client and server functions (peer-to-peer network);

Based on customers and servers (network with a dedicated server);

Based on nodes different types (hybrid network).

When setting up network nodes, you should consider in what role they act: as a network server role, as a network client node or as a peer-to-peer node.

Using special administration tools, you can create a logical group. network computers Peer-to-peer network - Workgroup (working group).

Working group - This is a tool for supporting a network environment. Microsoft Windows..

The working group computers share shared resources, such as files and printers.

When administering each computer, determine:

What resources of this computer will be shared (common);

What network users will have access to these resources, with any rights.

At the same time, on each computer of the Working Group, their own user databases and local security policies are created.

The working group is a convenient network medium for a small number of computers located near each other.

In a peer-to-peer network, all computers have the same priority and independent administration.

Each computer has an installed Microsoft platform operating system. Windows Any. Version or compatible with it. This operating system supports Microsoft client client.

The user of each computer independently solves the issue of providing access to its resources to other network users. This is the easiest option of a network that does not require special professional knowledge. Installing such a network does not take much time.

On the network with a selected server, the server resource management and workstations are centrally and implemented from the server. There is no need to bypass all network computers and customize access to shared resources. The inclusion of new computers and users to the network is also simplified. The safety of the use of information on the network increases. It is convenient for networks in which various user categories and a lot of shared resources work.

To create a network with a dedicated server required:

Install and configure on one of the computers server operating system, such as Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (this server creates a common database of all users accounts, shared resources are assigned, and access to each for categories or individual users is determined);

To install the Windows XP Professional network operating system, which is configured to work with the server. When connected to the network, each user is registered on the server. Only users who have been registered, i.e. Registered on the server can access the network and shared network resources.

For building peer-to-peer local network It is enough to combine computers with network cable (Mount cable system) And install on computers, such as Windows XP Professional OS. Network connection wizard will help to implement everything necessary settings operating system.

Changes in user accounts are made by the network administrator centrally on the server. In addition, users can be combined into groups and create a separate network work policy for each group. This greatly facilitates the administrator's work when appointing access to shared resources.

A selected server often performs only one specific function (role), for example:

¾ File server (file server) serves to store files;

¾ Print Server (Print Server) provides printers in general use;

¾ The application server provides users with network applications;

¾ Web servers provide common data access;

¾ router - to provide access to other networks and remote access to your network;

¾ Servers email stored mailboxes Users and organize mail delivery over the network, etc.

In small local networks, as a rule, set one server that combines multiple server functions (roles). This is quite enough and economically justified.

Table 8.1.

Table of advantages and disadvantages of two types of networks

Dignity disadvantages
Single Network
1. Easy to configure 1. Low security level
2. No server software 2. The complexity of solving administration tasks
3. No qualified required system Administrator 3. Reducing performance levels when sharing network resources
4. Small project cost 4. Lack of centralized network management
Network with a dedicated server
1. High security level 1. The complexity of configuration and administration of server systems
2. Centralized network management 2. High cost of implementation
3. Simplified administration, during operation 3. Lack of access to network resources when the server fails

In networks with dedicated servers, administration is carried out centrally. To simplify administration, any network computers and shared resources can be combined into groups called domains. Domain is a logical grouping of any network computers under one name.

The domain creates a common database. In Windows Server 2003, this database is called a catalog and enters the Active Directory directory service .

The objects stored in the directory include both users and network resources.

The domain can combine any computers located on the local network or are in different cities, countries. The physical connection of the domain computers can be any, including telephone lines, fiber-optic lines, satellite communications other.

The Active Directory directory service unfolds on any server included in the network. Such a server receives additionally status - " domain Controller ». Network administration and security policies are managed on a domain controller.

The domains in the network may be several, and each domain necessarily has one or more domain controllers.

If the domain controllers are several, then the Active Directory database is copied to each. It increases fault tolerance and makes administration more convenient, because All changes carried out on one domain controller are displayed on others. This process is called Replication.

The task

1. To study theoretical material on this topic.

2. Install Active Directory Domain (Make a Domain Controller).

3. Check the correct installation of the domain controller.

Requirements for overall

1. To test, it is necessary to provide the results of the work performed.

2. Report S. detailed description executed works.

3. Prepare answers to questions.

Technology performance of work

Installing a domain Active Directory:

1. Run the virtual machine.

2. Run the program "Management of this Server", if it does not start automatically: "Start" - "Administration" - "Management of this Server" (Fig. 8.1).

Fig. 8.1. Run the program "Management of this server"

3. In the "Management of this Server" window that opens, run the Server Setup Wizard by selecting "Add or Delete a role".

4. In the "Preliminary Steps" window, carefully familiarize yourself with the requirements.

5. In the Select Settings dialog box, mark the "Special Configuration" item and click the Next button.

6. Select the role "Domain Controller (Active Directory)" after which you look and confirm the selected parameters.

7. Starts "Master installing Active Directory. " Press the "Next" button.

9. In the Domain Controller dialog box, select the switch "Domain Controller in a new domain" and click the Next button (Fig. 8.2).

Fig. 8.2. Window "Domain Controller" window

10. In the Create New Domain dialog box, leave the switch in the "New Domain in the New Forest" position.

11. In the "New Domain Name" dialog box in the "Full DNS name of a new domain" field, enter: name.is4.local (instead of the word " name»Substitute a unique name consisting of Latin letters and numbers not longer than 63 bytes).

12. In the domain NetBIOS name dialog box, leave the default name.

13. In the dialog box "Database and Journal Folders", leave the proposed path C: \\ Windows \\ NTDS for the database and C: \\ Windows \\ NTDS for the log.

From the point of view of the optimization of the domain controller, it is more profitable to place the database and log files to different physical disks.

14. In the dialog box " General access To the system, to leave the proposed path C: \\ Windows \\ Sysvol.

It should be noted that the "SYSVOL" folder cannot be moved hereinafter. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the installation should be implemented on the disk to be implemented. This folder contains group policies, because of which it takes up a lot of space, and if there is not enough space on the disk, it will cause problems with the functionality of the domain.

15. Carefully read the contents of the DNS registration dialog box and by setting the switch to the "problem will be solved later. manual setting DNS ", continue the work of the" Active Directory Installation Wizard ".

16. In the "Permissions" dialog box that appears, mark "Permissions compatible only with Windows 2000 or Server Windows Server 2003".

17. In the Administrator Password dialog box for recovery mode, set the "Password of the Recovery Mode" and in the "Confirm" field. [Email Protected]#1 "To be used when restoring a Database Active Directory.

Do not use a regular administrator password as a recovery password. The domain administrator password must change periodically, while the password for recovery mode always remains unchanged. When installing an additional domain controller, select another recovery password for it, for example " [Email Protected]#2 ».

18. In the Summary dialog box, check the service life of all Active Directory domain settings. When identifying errors to return to dialog box and fix the necessary parameters. Press the "Next" button to start the further process of installing the domain controller.

19. Complete the installation by pressing the "Finish" button.

20. Upon completion of the "Active Directory Installation Wizard" work, restart the computer.

The user of the modern operating system from Microsoft to manage its PC may be needed to learn how to implement Windows administration.

To do this, there are many different tools that provide computer management both using the keyboard and mouse and by remote access.

Most ordinary usersIncluding a computer to start the game or log in, there is no need to understand the features of administration.

But, if you use these, already built into the system, functions, you can noticeably easily facilitate my life when performing any task on a PC.

Entry in the Computer Management Menu

To start the main administration tools, open the management tab. This can be done in two ways:

  • Log in to the "Start" menu and by clicking the right button on the "Computer" paragraph, select "Management";
  • By clicking on the "Win" and "R" keys by opening the execution window and entering the COMPMGMTLAUNCHER. After the first launch, the command will continue, and you can no longer dial it every time, and choose from the drop-down list.

After that, the system control window opens, which presents all the main tools that will allow you to fully configure it for your needs.

The same programs and services can be launched separately (for which there are special commands) or through the "Administration" item.

Use registry editing tools often have any problems with malicious codes or programs from autoload.

It will also be useful when removing traces of any applications (including viruses, although it is not necessary).

You can start the editor by opening the execution window (Win + R) and entering the REGEDIT command.

When editing it, it should be remembered that only those items are to change, in whose destination the user is confident.

Otherwise, you can break the work of the computer and even lead to the need to reinstall programs, drivers, or the entire operating system.

Editor of local users and groups

The ability to edit both individual PC users and their groups is not provided for all. versions of Windows - Only for professional.

But with its help you can configure the system, and the possibility of accessing her various people, allowing them to use one programs, and forbidden to run others.


The Services tab opens access to the list. Here are all the services available in the operating system, including running or disconnected.

Some of them work automatically, and without much need to work in the work of these processes.

However, there are services managed manually - this may be, for example, a program or utility of its update.

Manage computer discs

Manage the disks of the computer may be needed not only experienced user.

Sometimes some of the disks (especially when used on a computer multiple hard drives or outdated file Systems Type FAT32) After reinstalling the system become invisible.

And for their search will have to go to this control menu.

Using the disk management utility, you can enable and disable various sections on hardware connected to PCs, change their names and letters.

And you can also solve the problem with a non-disconnected flash drive, without using third-party programs.

Device Manager

To install new equipment and solving the issues with drivers, do not do without using the device manager built into the system.

In addition, working with a list of devices, you can enable them and disable.

And also to learn information about each, which may be required, for example, to verify compliance with the computer configuration requirements (games).

Task Manager

The functions of the task manager are quite a lot.

First of all, it turns out to be useful when searching for malicious programs (viruses), running foreign processes for computer execution.

Here on Windows 8 and 10, applications are configured automatically downloading along with the system ("Auto-loading").


The utility for viewing events in the system is not always useful even for an experienced PC user and a group of such computers.

However, with this tool, you can easily determine the cause of problems.

True, it requires special knowledge to use it, without which no action is better to do.

Windows provides a system planning of the execution of a number of tasks. Thanks to this utility, you can assign, for example, periodic defragmentation or disc check.

Although I also enjoy some malicious programs.

So, getting rid of viruses, it is worth checking the planner.

System monitor

Using the utility " system monitor"You can get data from the load of some components of the PC memory, processor and paging file.

And many other other useful information about the operation of the system.

Resource monitor

Part of the O. data windows work Available directly from the task manager.

However, the "resource monitor" provides a more complete picture on the use of PC resources by all system processes. To do this, click the Start button.

In the Search field, enter the resource monitor, and then in the Results list, select Resource Monitor.


The tasks of the standard firewall is to provide network security. Without it, most antiviruses will not be effective.

If used additional settings Utilities, it can be significantly reduced by the likelihood of hacking your PC and getting viruses.

Important! True, the use of firewall can also interfere with the launch of other, the necessary programs that you have to add to its list of exceptions.

Remote administration

Computer Administration can be performed directly the user itself, but in some cases the need arises to ensure remote control.

The reason is usually the impossibility of independently deal with the problems of the system.

And, in order for the experienced user, it was not physically present at the computer, there is the possibility of remote administration.

Sometimes this feature is required for the user itself working on home computer From home or vice versa.

To provide access to one PC from another requires installation and configuration. special Program. Most often for this use the TeamViewer application.

The possibilities of this popular program enters simple remote accessWith which even an inexperienced user will cope.

In addition, TeamViewer is easily installed and has relatively simple way Access.

It is enough to enter the computer ID and his password, after which you can administer the system, physically still in several thousand kilometers.


Using administration utilities windows systems It may be a good option to control all the processes occurring on the computer.

However, without the relevant knowledge, you should not try to make changes to the operation of the OS, as this may lead to serious consequences.

Administration in Windows 7

Acquaintance with Administration section in Windows 7 Control Panel

Article We have led the process of installing components Active Directory.For further we suggest to consider the main procedures for managing this directory system.

Displayer: In this topic, I am not very strong, therefore, please do not perceive everything below as dogma, it is rather for familiarization. In short, do not kick much :)

For a better understanding of management principles Active Directory., Consider quite a bit of theory.

Active Directory. It has a tree hierarchical structure, the basis of which is the objects. Of the 3 types of objects, we are primarily interested in user accounts and computers.

This type of objects includes several, so-called classes (I do not pass for the terminology): Organizeal Unit.(Ou., container, division), Group. (Group), Computer (a computer), User. (user).

Some of them (for example Ou. or group) may contain other objects.

Each objects have its own unique name and set of rules and permissions (group policies).

Accordingly, administration at this level comes down to managing the objects of objects ( Ou., group, user, computer) and management of their politicians. Basic GUI management tools AD, are situated in Start -\u003e Administrative Tools :

Today we will talk more about the management of objects, and about group politicians I will try to tell the next Thursday.

To manage objects, I personally use the old good snap "".

Here, by default, we will see the standard containers that are created during installation:

In the container " Users."We see the only active user" Administrator.»Both standard groups, each of which has their own policies and permits:

To add a new administrator, we need to create a user and add it to the group " Domain Admins.«.

In order not to overflow from empty to empty, consider several banal examples.

In its freshly baked Active Directory. I created a new container ( Organizeal Unit.) With the title Testou.

For a small infrastructure, it is not necessary to create new Ou., You can add everything to default containers in the root, but when you want to divide the greater infrastructure, it becomes simply necessary.

So, create in our Ou. new domain user (right-click OU -\u003e NEW -\u003e User).

In the appeared window, fill the name / surname, the username for logging into the system:

We specify the initial password and check the necessary policies:

In my case, when you first log in, the system will ask the user in a voluntarily forced order to set a new password.

Check and press the finish:

If you look at the properties of the domain user, you can see there many interesting settings:

Now add the user to the previously created group. Right according to the user -\u003e Add to group.:

we write the name of the group and click " Check Names."Whatever we write all right, then press OK.

Looking into the properties of the group, we, among other things, can see who consists of it:

In general, all this and so intuitively understandable and simply, but for the completeness of the picture will not be superfluous.

Well, with users and groups, in principle, everything is clear, now let's look at the administration of computers' accounts.

In concept Active Directory.The computer account is an entry in a container that contains information about the computer name, its id, information about the operating system, etc., and serves to manage computers connected to the domain and applying various policies to them.

Computer accounts can be created both in advance manually and automatically, when the computer is introduced into the domain.

Well, with an automatic option, everything is clear: we enter the computer in the domain and its (computer) to the domain and its (computer) account is automatically created in the default container - Computers..

With the creation of manually everything is a little different, consider an example when it can be useful.

For example, we need to provide the right to introduce into a computer domain by a user who is not a domain administrator (I often happen to me).

Or, for example, if when performing an automated cloning virtual machinesComputers in the domain are entered using scripts and should be folded into a specific container, you can create ready-made accounts in the desired container and provide the right to introduce them to a domain, a specific user.

Consider the process of creating a computer account on example with pictures. Right-click on the desired container -\u003e NEW -\u003e Computer :

Select a user who will be the owner of the account:

Click OK-OK and get ready account Computer.

If we look into its properties, we will see that it is clean, because Does not contain information about a specific computer:

Accounts, Groups and Containers can be moved between other containers, while you need to remember that subsidiaries Domain policies of parental objects are distributed.

We reviewed the tool " Active Directory Users and Computers", But this is not the only one possible variant Administer objects. IN Windows Server 2008R2. For the same purposes you can use " Active Directory Administrative Center»:

In the picture, we see as it looks. I will not tell a lot of functionality, but at first glance is the same " Users and Computers."In a slightly different shell. Perhaps (most likely), it will be more convenient, for everyday use, the case of habit.

In addition to the standard functional " Active Directory Users and Computers»Type, creating / deleting / changing users / groups / units / computers, advanced functional filters are implemented here for convenient search for objects and control them.

Another, most hardcore and, probably, the most functional administration method Active Directory. — « Active Directory Module. for windows PowerShell". I will say honestly - never used, enough functionality of graphic utilities. Command line It's good, but I'm afraid you will have to spend a lot of time to study her functionality, there's an amateur here :)

Today everything. To be continued;)

The user of the modern operating system from Microsoft to manage its PC may be needed to learn how to implement Windows administration.

To do this, there are many different tools that provide computer management as using the keyboard and mouse.

Most of the usual users, including a computer to run the game or log in, there is no need to understand the features of administration.

But, if you use these, already built into the system, functions, you can noticeably easily facilitate my life when performing any task on a PC.

Entry in the Computer Management Menu

To start the main administration tools, open the management tab. This can be done in two ways:

  • Log in to the "Start" menu and by clicking the right button on the "Computer" paragraph, select "Management";
  • By clicking on the "Win" and "R" keys by opening the execution window and entering the COMPMGMTLAUNCHER. After the first launch, the command will continue, and you can no longer dial it every time, and choose from the drop-down list.

After that, the system control window opens, which presents all the main tools that will allow you to fully configure it for your needs.

The same programs and services can be launched separately (for which there are special commands) or through the "Administration" item.

It will also be useful when removing traces of any applications (including viruses, although it is not necessary).

You can start the editor by opening the execution window (Win + R) and entering the REGEDIT command.

When editing it, it should be remembered that only those items are to change, in whose destination the user is confident.

Otherwise, you can break the work of the computer and even lead to the need to reinstall programs, drivers, or the entire operating system.

Editor of local users and groups

The ability to edit both individual PC users and their groups is not provided for all versions of Windows - only for professional.

But with its help you can configure the system, and the possibility of accessing her various people, allowing them to use one programs, and forbidden to run others.


The Services tab opens access to the list. Here are all the services available in the operating system, including running or disconnected.

Some of them work automatically, and without much need to work in the work of these processes.

However, there are services managed manually - this may be, for example, a program or utility of its update.

Manage computer discs

You may need to manage the computer's discs not only to the experienced user.

Sometimes some of the disks (especially when using multiple hard drives or outdated FAT32 file systems on a computer) after reinstalling the system become invisible.

And for their search will have to go to this control menu.

Using the disk management utility, you can enable and disable various sections on hardware connected to PCs, change their names and letters.

And you can also solve the problem with the unopened flash drive, without using third-party programs.

Device Manager

To install new equipment and solving the issues with drivers, do not do without using the device manager built into the system.

In addition, working with a list of devices, you can enable them and disable.

And also to learn information about each, which may be required, for example, to verify compliance with the computer configuration requirements (games).

Task Manager

The functions of the task manager are quite a lot.

First of all, it turns out to be useful when searching for malicious programs (viruses), running foreign processes for computer execution.

Here on Windows 8 and 10, applications are configured automatically downloading along with the system ("Auto-loading").


The utility for viewing events in the system is not always useful even for an experienced PC user and a group of such computers.

However, with this tool, you can easily determine the cause of problems.

True, it requires special knowledge to use it, without which no action is better to do.

Windows provides a system planning of the execution of a number of tasks. Thanks to this utility, you can assign, for example, periodic defragmentation or disc check.

Although I also enjoy some malicious programs.

So, getting rid of viruses, it is worth checking the planner.

System monitor

Using the utility "System Monitor", you can get data of the load of some components of the PC memory, processor and paging file.

And many more other useful information about the operation of the system.

Resource monitor

Part of the Windows operation data is available directly from the task manager.

However, the "resource monitor" provides a more complete picture on the use of PC resources by all system processes. To do this, click the Start button.

In the Search field, enter the resource monitor, and then in the Results list, select Resource Monitor.


The tasks of the standard firewall is to provide network security. Without it, most antiviruses will not be effective.

If you use additional utility settings, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of hacking your PC and getting viruses.

Important! True, the use of firewall can also interfere with the launch of other, the necessary programs that you have to add to its list of exceptions.

Remote administration

Computer administration can be directly directly the user itself, but in some cases it is necessary to ensure remote control.

The reason is usually the impossibility of independently deal with the problems of the system.

And, in order for the experienced user, it was not physically present at the computer, there is the possibility of remote administration.

Sometimes this possibility is required for the user itself working on a home computer from home or vice versa.

To provide access to one PC, you need to install and configure a special program. Most often for this use the application.

This popular program includes simple remote access with which even an inexperienced user can cope.

In addition, TeamViewer is easily installed and has a relatively simple access method.

It is enough to enter the computer ID and his password, after which you can administer the system, physically still in several thousand kilometers.


Using the Windows administration utilities may be a good option to control all processes occurring on the computer.

However, without the relevant knowledge, you should not try to make changes to the operation of the OS, as this may lead to serious consequences.

Administration in Windows 7

Acquaintance with Administration section in Windows 7 Control Panel

Hello, today we will talk about such a phenomenon as Windows administration. Many users will be very interested to find out how administration is performed. Under Windows control, a lot of tools are involved for this case, which are available to any user.

Now quite a large number of users who do not need to go into details this conceptThey just have to play games and sit on the Internet. But, if someone is still interested in administering Windows, now we will try to disassemble this question with you.

Running computer control panel

There is such useful utilitylike a computer control panel. To open this species Tool, you can use two ways:

  1. Through the Start menu, right-click on "A computer" and choose "Control". If the computer's shortcut on the desktop, then you can do the most from there.
  2. Press keys Win + R. and in the window that opens, enter the command compmgmtlauncher.. By the way, the command in this window will continue and can not be entered several times.

The computer management window that has a multitude of tools that allow you to configure the computer, as you please, also, some services are started separately, for example, through "Administration".

Registry (registry editor)

Use is necessary in the event that the system has been infected by some malicious code, There have been problems with programs, and the system itself. You can still remove unnecessary traces from the programs and the same viruses.

Many know how to start the registry, this is done as follows (for those who do not know): Press the keys Win + R. And enter the command regedit.. Editing the registry is a very serious operation, because if you are not sure what you are doing, it is better to trust a professional. One incorrect action and the system may not even start.

Editor of local users and groups

This tool allows you to edit users who have access to the system, as well as groups. You can configure access to the system or some components only for hotel users. The ability to prohibit the use of some programs and other system features.


The service tool gives us access to all services running in the system, including running and disconnected. It is better not to climb into the work of some services, but with some you can work, for example, third-party utilitywhich takes a lot random access memory You can turn off from there.

Disk management

The standard Windows tool that allows us to work with computer hard drives. For example, the tool will be useful when creating new sections, formatting ,. You can disable partitions or electrical disks, change the letters of sections. Sometimes, the tool helps solve some.

Device Manager

A very useful utility, which many are known about. Here we can manage the settings of the new equipment and solve some. For example, you inserted a new mouse, then it will immediately appear in the device manager in the section "Mouse and Other Indicating Devices".

In addition to the foregoing, we can disable some devices. You can find some information about the device.

Task Manager

All the well-known task dispatcher tool. He has a lot of opportunities, for example, you can find a malicious program, suspicious processes. Under windows control 8 and 10 In Task Manager, you can use the tab and, which are usually loaded along with the system.

View events

There is such a utility as viewing events. The tool may not be understood even an experienced user, however, it helps to identify many problems in the system. To enjoy them, you need to have some knowledge, without which newcomers there have nothing to do there.

Task Scheduler

Useful tool that allows you to use the performance of some tasks in automatic mode. For example, you can schedule or check it.

System monitor

A very useful utility that allows us to find out the degree of loading of computer components in real time, namely, the processor, RAM, paging file. You can see how much useful information there.

Resource monitor

Some data we could already see in the Task Manager, but in this instrument we observe more detailed information On the use of PC resources by all processes. You can find the resource monitor from the control panel, then go to "Administration" and there "Resource Monitor".


Standard destination Firewall - network protection. It is desirable that it is always turned on, and in the coupe with good antivirusThe computer will not be poorly protected. Using settings this tool It may allow to reduce the likelihood of hacking your computer and getting malware into the system. Sometimes, the firewall interferes with the launch of some programs, then they can be added to the exception list and everything will be fine.

Remote administration

As you can see, there are many tools for administering a computer. Sometimes remote computer management can occur. Perhaps you want to help your friend with a computer, but you cannot come to it, then you can use remote computer management.

For remote administration, there are many tools, but the most popular is, of course, TeamViewer.

The program is very easy to use and even a newcomer will cope with it. Get access to another computer will be easy enough, you just need to enter a computer ID and password, the main thing is that the Internet connection is good enough to administer without glitches and lags. So you can help people where they are not.


Today we disassemble several Windows administration tools and understood what they need. Of course, many tools are already familiar to you. The most important thing is not to make changes to the system without the necessary knowledge, otherwise, serious consequences may arise.