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TSP decoding. Resistance thermocouples

1. General about resistance thermocouples.

Resistance thermocouples The number of the most common temperature converters used in measurement and regulation circuits are applied. Resistance thermocouples are produced by many domestic and foreign firms, such as Termico, Elemer (Moscow. Region), "Navigator", "Termautomatics" (Moscow), "Heat and Device" (Vladimir and Chelyabinsk) , Lutsk Instrument Plant (Ukraine), Siemens, Jumo, Honeywell, Foxboro, Rosemount (USA), Yokogawa (Japan), etc.

Thermometer of resistance A set for temperature measurement is called a thermal converter based on the dependence of electrical resistance from temperature, and the secondary instrument indicating the temperature value depending on the measured resistance. To measure the temperature, the resistance thermocouple must be immersed in a controlled medium and to measure its resistance to any instrument. According to a certain dependence between the resistance of the thermal converter and the temperature, the temperature value can be determined. Thus, the simplest set of resistance thermometer (Fig. 1, a) consists of a resistance thermocouple (TC), a secondary instrument (VP) for measuring the resistance and connecting line (LC) between them (it can be two, three or four-wire).

Fig. one. :

a - thermal converter with a secondary device; b - thermal converter with a normalizing transducer; TC - thermal converter of resistance; VP, VP1, VP2 - Secondary devices; LS - communication lines; NP is a normalizing converter; BRT - current reproduction unit

As a secondary device, analog or digital devices are commonly used (for example, KSM-2, RP-160, Tekhnographer, RMT-39/49), less often - logometers (for example, W-69001). Scale of secondary instruments are graded in degrees Celsius.

Schemes with the normalization of the output signal of thermal converters (Fig. 1, b) are widely used. In this case, the communication line the thermocoupleholder of the resistance is connected to the NP normalizing converter (for example, W-9321, IPM-0196, etc.) having a unified output signal (for example, 0 ... 5 or 4 ... 20 mA). To use in several measuring channels, this signal is propagated by the BRT reproduction unit and then enters several secondary instruments (VP-1, VP-2, etc.) or other consumers. Obviously, in this case, secondary devices should be milliammeters. Resistance converters are available, in which the rationing scheme is located, i.e. their output signal is a current of 0 ... 5, 4 ... 20 mA or digital signal (intelligent transducers). In this case, the need to use the NP normalizing converter in the form of a separate block disappears. Resistance thermocouples with output unified signal They have in their designation the letter at (for example, TSPU, TSMU). The characteristics of these converters and with a digital output signal (metran-286) are given in Table. one.

Table 1

Technical data of resistance thermocouples

Type of resistance thermocouple

Admission class

Use interval, ° С

Limits of permissible deviations ± δ t, ° С

0.15+ 0,0015 * | T |

0.25 + 0.0035 * | T |

0.50 + 0.0065 * T |

100 ... 300 and 850 ... 1100

0.15 + 0.002 * | T |

0.30 + 0.005 * | T |

0.60 + 0.008 * | T |


0.25; 0.5% (cited)


0.25; 0.5% (cited)


0 ... 180 Δ T.

0,05 + 0,001Δ T.0.10 + 0.002δ. t.

Metran 286. Output 4 ... 20 mA HART protocol

0 ... 500 (from 100p)

0.25 (digital signal) 0.3 (current signal)

For the manufacture of thermal converters of resistance (TC), either pure metals or semiconductor materials can be used. The electrical resistance of pure metals increases with increasing temperature (their temperature coefficient reaches 0.0065 K-1, i.e. The resistance increases by 0.65% by increasing the temperature per degree). Semiconductor resistance thermocouples have a negative temperature coefficient (i.e., their resistance decreases with increasing temperature), giving up to 0.15 K-1. Semiconductor TCs are not used in technological control systems to measure temperature, as they require periodic individual graduation. Usually they are used as temperature indicators in the schemes for compensating the temperature error of some measurement tools (for example, in the circuits of conductometers).

Thermal converters resistance from pure metalswho were most common, usually manufactured from thin wire in the form of winding on a frame or spiral inside the frame. This product is called a sensitive element of the resistance thermocouple. For damage protection, the sensitive element is placed in protective reinforcement. The advantage of metallic TC is the high accuracy of temperature measurement (with low temperatures higher than that of thermoelectric transducers), as well as interchangeability. Metals for sensitive elements (CE) must meet a number of requirements, the main of which are the requirements of the stability of the graduation characteristics and reproducibility (that is, the possibilities of mass production of the CE with the same in the limits of the permeability of the error with gradual characteristics). If at least one of these requirements is not performed, the material cannot be used to make the thermocouple resistance. It is also desirable to perform additional conditions: a high temperature coefficient of electrical resistance (which provides high sensitivity - the increment of resistance to one degree), the linearity of the calibration characteristic R (t) \u003d f (t), a large resistivity, chemical inertness.

According to GOST R50353-92, resistance thermocouples can be made from platinum (designation TSP), copper (designation TSM.) or nickel (designation TSN). The TC characteristic is their resistance R0 at 0 ° C, the temperature coefficient of resistance (TKS) and class.

The presence of impurities in metals reduces the temperature coefficient of electrical resistance, so metals for the thermal converter of resistance must have normalized purity. Since TKS can change with a temperature change, the value of the purity is the value of W100 - the ratio of the TC resistance at 100 and 0 ° C. For TSP W100 \u003d 1.385 or 1,391, for TSM W100 \u003d 1.426 or 1.428. The class of the resistance thermocouple determines the permissible deviations and from the nominal values, which, in turn, determines the allowable absolute error of the Δt conversion of the vehicle. According to the permissible errors, the TS are divided into three classes - A, B, C, while the platinum TS is usually produced by classes A, B, copper - classes B, C. There are several standard vehicles. The nominal static characteristic (NCX) of the thermal processor of the resistance is the dependence of its resistance R, on temperature T

Symbol their nominal static characteristics (NCX) consists of two elements - the numbers corresponding to the value R0 and the letter that is the first letter of the material name ( P - Platinum, M - Copper, N - Nickel). In international designation, the Latin designations of materials Pt, Cu, Ni are located before the value of R0. NCM resistance thermal converters is recorded in the form:

where Rt is the resistance of the TC at a temperature T, Ohm; WT is the value of the resistance ratio at a temperature T to the resistance at 0 ° C (R0). WT values \u200b\u200bare selected from GOST R50353-92 tables. Ranges of applying resistance thermocouples different types and classes, formulas for calculating marginal errors and NSX are given in Table. 1 and 2.

table 2

Nominal static characteristics of resistance thermocouplers

t ° C.

What is MCC code

MCC code - MERCHANT CATEGORY CODE. - Four-digit code reflecting the belonging of a trade and service enterprise to a specific type of activity.

A specific MCC code is assigned to the seller by the serving payment terminal by the Bank (Bank Equiler) at the time of installation of the terminal. If the trading point is engaged in several types of activity, then mCC code Assigns as code of the main activity (OKVED).

For different payment systems (Visa, MasterCard, peace, etc.), specific codes for one type of activity may differ, but in general they correspond to the following ranges:

  • 0001 - 1499 - Agricultural sector;
  • 1500 - 2999 - contract services;
  • 3000 - 3299 - airline services;
  • 3300 - 3499 - car rental;
  • 3500 - 3999 - housing rental;
  • 4000 - 4799 - Transport services;
  • 4800 - 4999 - utilities, telecommunication services;
  • 5000 - 5599 - Trade;
  • 5600 - 5699 - Clothing stores;
  • 5700 - 7299 - other stores;
  • 7300 - 7999 - Business Services;
  • 8000 - 8999 - Professional services and membership organizations;
  • 9000 - 9999 - Public services

Why do you need a MCC code

Banks use MCC codes For the formation of statistics, analyzing the consumer behavior of customers, as well as for calculating cachek and bonuses According to loyalty programs.

What is this code for us to reasonable buyers? - for definitions of trading point to one category TSP And for the commission shopping with maximum benefitsusing a bank card with maximum cachekkom in the appropriate category.

How to find out the MCC code of a particular store

Before making a large purchase involving a large cache of one of your cards, it would be nice in advance to make sure that this purchase is accurately bonusing (rewarded) by the bank.

For this you need in advance (even before payment of the purchase) learn mcc code TSP. The following options are available:

1. MCC Codes Handbook

The easiest way is to contact mCC Codes Reference (eg,, and by searching by name and the city - find the point of interest and its MCC. It should be noted that there are mainly network and large stores in the directory, and possibly mCC code unpopular or local outlet Find will not work.

2. Map-flag storage and test (small) purchase

You can find out the MCC code by making a minor purchase with flameter maps (Maps in which the Internet Bank displays the MCC codes for operations). To such flag chemistry cards Believe:

  • bank card Avangard
  • yandex Money Card
  • maps Aimanibanka
  • mTS-Bank cards

3. Incomplete (not paid) Purchase with flag-flag

In order to learn mcc code this way, we need any card Bank Avangard. Define MCC-CODE The desired trading point can be as follows:

  1. Make sure in the zero balance of the card (or in the explicit lack of funds on the map on the test, "false purchase")
  2. Choose a "product of interest" in the store
  3. Make an unsuccessful attempt to pay for "purchase"
  4. After that, both in the Internet bank and in mobile application The unsuccessful payment operation will be reflected indicating MCC Code of the Trading Terminal.

After that you can choose the most profitable card for purchasing the MCC.

If a completely-quite simple language, this is a postal service.

Each participant of an IP-compatible network has its own address that looks like this: Total addresses for the IPv4 protocol - 4.22 billion.

Suppose that one computer wants to contact the other and send him the parcel - "Package". He will contact the "postal service" TCP / IP and give her his parcel, specifying the address for which it must be delivered. Unlike addresses in the real world, the same IP addresses are often assigned multiple computers in turn, and therefore "postman" does not know where is physically required computer, so he sends the parcel to the nearest "post office" - on the computer's network card. Perhaps there is information about where the right computer is located, and perhaps there is no such information there. If it is not, the address of the address is taken to all the nearest "post offices" (switches). This step is repeated by all the "post offices" until they detect the desired address, while they remember how many "post offices" this request passed and if it passes a certain (sufficiently big) their quantity, then they will be returned back marked with the mark " Address not found. " The first "post office" will soon receive a bunch of answers from other "departments" with ways of paths to the addressee. If no short path is found (usually 64 shipments, but not more than 255), the parcel returns to the sender. If there is one or more paths, the parcel will be transferred along the shortest of them, while the "post office" will remember this path for some time, allowing you to quickly transmit subsequent parcels without asking anyone anyone. After delivery, the "postman" will necessarily force the recipient to sign the "receipt" that he received the parcel and give this "receipt" to the sender, as a certificate that the parcel was delivered to - checking delivery in TCP is required. If the sender does not receive such a receipt after a certain period of time or in the receipt it will be written that the parcel was damaged or lost when sending, then he would try to send a parcel again.

Strike protocols, or in the TCP / IP spot call the network architecture of modern devices designed to use the network. Stack is a wall in which each component of the brick lies on top of another depends on it. To call the TCP / IP Stack protocols began thanks to two main protocols that were implemented - directly IP and TCP on its basis. However, they are only the main and most suspended. If not hundreds, then dozens of others are used to this day for different purposes.

Our usual web (World Wide Web) is based on the HTTP Protocol (Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol), which is based on TCP based. This is a classic example of using the protocol stack. There are still protocols email IMAP / POP and SMTP, Remote SSH Remote Shell, Remote RDP Desktop, Bases mySQL data, SSL / TLS, and thousands of other applications with their protocols (..)

What do all these protocols differ? Everything is quite simple. In addition to the various tasks set in developing (for example, speed, safety, stability and other criteria), the protocols are designed to distinguish. For example, there are applied level protocols, different different applications: IRC, Skype, ICQ, Telegram and Jabber are incompatible with each other. They are designed to perform specific task, In this case, the ability to call the WhatsApp to ICQ is simply not defined technically, since applications use a different protocol. But their protocols are based on the same IP protocol.

The protocol can be called a scheduled, regular sequence of actions in a process in which there are several subjects, in the network they are called peers (partners), less often - client and server, emphasizing the specific protocol features. The simplest example Protocol for not understanding still - a handshake when meeting. Both know how and when, but the question is why it is already a matter of developers, and not users of the protocol. By the way, the handshake (Handshake) is almost on all protocols, for example, to ensure the distinction of protocols and protection against "flyers not on that aircraft."

That's what TCP / IP is on the example of the most popular protocols. Here is the dependence hierarchy. It must be said that applications only use these protocols that may be and may not be implemented inside the OS.

TCP / IP is a set of protocols.

The protocol is a rule. For example, when you greet you - you greet in response (and not forgive or unwaying happiness). Programmers will say that we use the welcome protocol, for example.

What the TCP / IP (now it will be quite simple, let the colleagues be bombed):

Information to your computer goes on the wires (radio or what else is not important). If the current let the current - it means 1. turned off - it means 0. It turns out 10101010110000 and so on. 8 zolkov and units (bits) is byte. For example 00001111. This can be represented as a number in binary form. In the decimal form byte is a number from 0 to 255. These numbers compare with letters. For example, 0 this A, 1 is B. (this is called encoding).

So. In order for two computers to effectively transfer information on wires - they must submit a current for some kind of rules - protocols. For example, they must be alleged how often the current can be changed so that 0 from the second 0 can be distinguished.

This is the first protocol.

Computers as it understand that one of them ceased to give information (like "I said everything"). To do this, at the beginning of the data sequence 010100101, computers can sly a few bits, the length of the message they want to transmit. For example, the first 8 bits can mean the length of the message. That is, first in the first 8 bits transmit the encoded number 100 and then 100 bytes. After that, the receiving computer will expect the following 8 bits and the following message.

Here we have another protocol, you can send messages (computer) with it.

Computers Many so that they can understand who needs to send a message to use unique addresses of computers and a protocol that allows you to understand who this message is addressed. For example, the first 8 bits will mean the recipient's address, the following 8 - the length of the message. And then the message. We have just stuck one protocol in another. The IP protocol is responsible for addressing.

Communication is not always reliable. For reliable delivery of messages (computer) use TCP. When executing the TCP protocol, computers will ask each other - whether they received the right message. There is still UDP - this is when the computers do not ask or they got. Why should I? Here you are listening to the Internet Radio. If a pair of byte comes with errors - you will hear, for example, "PSH" and then again music. Not mortally, and not much important - for this use UDP. But if a pair of byte is spoiled when the site is loaded - you will get a crap on the monitor and do not understand anything. For the site use TCP.

TCP / IP More (UDP / IP) is the protocols attached to each other on which the Internet is running. In the end, these protocols allow us to transfer a computer message to the whole and accurately at the address.

There is still an HTTP protocol. The first line - the address of the site, the subsequent lines - the text that you will go to the site. All http lines are text. Which is twisted in the TCP a message that is addressed by IP and so on.


Transformers with natural air cooled of the TSP series, TSPP and TSPS are used in the power circuits of the sections of the traction substations of the metro collected according to the three-phase bridge circuit.
Transformers of TSP types, TSPP and TSPSPs are made instead of previously produced transformers of dry TSV and TSZV transformers, and they are their analogues, differences only in the conditional designation of three-phase transformers. The change in the conditional designation of power transformers is caused by the conversion of regulatory documentation, including the conditional designation, in accordance with the requirement of GOST.
Isolation of network windings of TSP transformers, TSPP and TSPSPS Thermoreactive type "Tranters". The active part of the TSP, TSPP and TSPPS is protected by a housing with doors and is installed on the support trolleys with smooth overreight rollers. Doors are equipped with electrical block. Transformers are equipped with temperature control device. The valve windings are protected by punching fuses. The transformer provides cable connection of the network.

Deciphering TSP transformers, TSPP and TSPSPS

TSZPS-X / 10M (MN) U3:
T - three-phase;
SZ - Cooling Natural Air in Security
P - for powering semiconductor transducers;
C - own needs;
X - power consumption, sq · a;
10 - voltage class of the network winding VN, kV;
M or MN - for substations of the metro with normal or
increased load capacity; U3 - climatic performance and placement category.

Technical characteristics of TSP, TSPP, TSPSP *

A type Nominal
Power, kva
Nominal stresses of windings, in Weight,
Length x width x height,
Network winding,
connected to D.
valve winding
connected to W.
TSP-10 / 0,7-UHL4 (04) 7,3 380; 400; 500; 660 205 85 625 x 305 x 325
TSP-16 / 0,7-UHL4 (04) 14,6 380; 400; 500; 660 410 120 625 x 305 x 395
TSP-25 / 0,7-UHL4 (04) 29,1 380; 400; 500; 660 410; 205 160 645 x 355 x 515
32,7 380 230
TSP-63 / 0,7-UHL4 (04) 58,0 380; 400; 500; 660 410 270 745 x 405 x 645
TSP-100 / 0,7-UHL4 (04) 93 380; 400; 660 205 405 865 x 405 x 680
TSP-125 / 0,7-UHL4 (04) 117 380; 400; 660 410 450 865 x 405 x 730
TSZP-10 / 0,7-UHL4 (04) 7,3 380; 400; 500; 660 205 100 665 x 400 x 360
TSZP-16 / 0,7-UHL4 (04) 14,6 380; 400; 500; 660 410 135 665 x 400 x 430
TSZP-25 / 0,7-UHL4 (04) 29,1 380; 400; 500; 660 410 175 685 x 410 x 550
TSZP-25 / 0,7-UHL4 **) 29,1 380 102,5-60 185 685 x 410 x 550
TSZPS-25 / 0,7-UHL4 29,1 380 230 185 685 x 410 x 550
TSZP-63 / 0,7-UHL4 (04) 58,0 380; 400; 500; 660 410; 205 290 790 x 450 x 690
65,3 380 230
TSPS-63 / 0,7-UHL4 48 380 230 290 790 x 450 x 690
TSZP-100 / 0,7-UHL4 (04) 93
380; 400; 660
430 910 x 490 x 730
TSPS-100 / 0,7-UHL4 75 380 230 430 910 x 490 x 730
TSZP-125 / 0,7-UHL4 (04) 117 380; 400; 660 410 480 910 x 490 x 780

*) Transformers winding are connected into a diagram and a group of compound d / y-11. TSPS type transformers have a scheme and a UN / UN-0 compound group.
For transformers of the TSP type and TSPP, according to the coordination of the parties, execution on the voltage of 380/230 V.
Tropical transformers (04) are produced with nominal voltage of the network winding - 380, 400, 415, 440 V.
The heating capacity of the insulation for the moderate climate "F", for tropical - "N" according to GOST 8865-87.