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Gta 5 michael trevor franklin. Trevor Phillips the best GTA V protagonist? Why I switched from UC Browser to Chrome

Trevor Phillips, this scolding, violent, psychopathic, drug-drugged former bank robber and now a smuggler, is one of three playable characters in Grand Theft Auto V. He is also (subjectively) the best protagonist of the latest GTA.

Below we will try to prove this with examples, and, we hope, by the end of the article you will agree with this opinion.

First, Trevor is outrageously devoted. Confident that Brad is alive and sentenced to ten years in prison after robbing a bank in North Yankton, Trevor is willing to do anything to free his friend. He is also endlessly devoted to his mother.

Despite the fact that Trevor is cruel, he is very loyal to his friends and mother.

When she shows up at her son's trailer at the end of the game and asks him to get a van of Deludamol painkillers, Trevor immediately goes in search. Returning with the medicine and not finding his mother, he falls into hysterics from the fact that she again abandoned him. All Trevor wants is for people to be as devoted to him as he is to them.

In contrast, Michael framed Trevor and Brad in North Yankton in order to calmly engage in a life of crime, and the result was the death of Brad. And if Trevor himself had not figured out what happened, Michael would have kept this secret forever. Franklin doesn't behave much better towards Lamar.

The latter, unlike Franklin, does not want to get out of the ghetto: he is happy with what he has. For this, Franklin constantly criticizes and humiliates Lamar, like anyone else who does not share Franklin's views on life, which shows his immaturity as a person.

Secondly, Trevor has great business sense. He knows how to forge the iron while it's hot and he knows how to get a good deal. When he learns that the Aztekas gang is selling weapons in his territory, he aggressively expands his holdings and furnishes the Aztecas (under threat of death). He also manages to improve relations with Asians and expand even more. And when a deal fails, he simply eliminates competitors. Such qualities allow him to be at the top of his own criminal empire.

Trevor has great business sense. He knows how to forge iron while it's hot

Again, Trevor is great in that sense compared to Michael and Franklin. Michael gets turned on with a half-turn, he has an explosive temperament, which is clearly manifested in his decision to demolish the balcony on which his wife's lover is. Trevor is also prone to such overly sharp reactions, but his temperament is combined with more effective, thoughtful actions. In turn, Franklin is not very good at making business decisions. For example, he constantly helps a friend with a tow truck and continues to do so even when he can buy the entire business.

Finally, Trevor is funny. He looks at many situations with humor and does not allow himself to be overloaded. When a corrupt FBI agent is tasked with stealing some documents, Trevor laughs and states that he, Michael and Franklin are in business. On the way to port in the car with Wade and Floyd, he describes the trip as trying to find the perfect porn: he doesn't know what he needs until he finds it.

Trevor is the best protagonist in GTA V

Michael and Franklin are always morose and depressed. Franklin is always hostile, he hates people who do not want to get out of the ghetto, he never sees anything positive in anything. Michael constantly looks back at Trevor and is afraid that his secret will be revealed, and a monster will wake up in Trevor. All in all, both of the other two protagonists aren't particularly fun. Well, Franklin never even plays tennis.

Trevor is the best protagonist in GTA V. Not only is he loyal, business-like and fun, he also embodies the type of chaotic GTA player who blows up everything around him and spreads panic. Michael and Franklin, of course, have their own attractive features, but in comparison with Trevor Phillips, they clearly pale.

Three new trailers for the upcoming game have been released, dedicated to the three main characters - Michael, Franklin and Trevor. The rhythm of life each of them, the atmosphere, friends can be assessed in just a minute. Michael's intrigues, Franklin's street showdowns and Trevor's village squabbles will surely find their fans.

In general, the new trailers seem to plunge into new life in the best traditions of the series, with an admixture of the 4th part and SA. Trevor is a psychopath who lives on the outskirts of Los Santos. Michael- a former fraudster who is forced to go back to his "business". Franklin- lover of rap, gangs, police and criminal neighborhoods. At first glance, their lives are completely different, but they will be united by one world - the world.

GTA 5 should come out this in the fall, September 17, on PS3 and Xbox 360. The moment with the PC version has not been clarified, as well as with the PS4 platforms and the future Xbox.


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GTA 5 is not just a game. The life that you will live in the company of the main characters will remain in your memory for a long time. And especially you will remember the colorful characters of GTA - Michael, Trevor and Franklin.

The history of each of them is a rich biography that any movie hero will envy. Let's try to understand all the vicissitudes of our heroes, and also consider their special abilities, which will become a trump card in any gangster showdown.

Michael De Santa

Michael is the spiritual leader, brain and motivator of our criminal gang. It is he who thinks out risky robberies, distributes finances and manages all the affairs of the troika of heroes.


Michael's past is very hazy. Criminal activity and subsequent detention forced the protagonist to commit a terrible act in the criminal world - to start cooperating with representatives of the law.

To protect Michael De Santo from revenge of accomplices, the police decide to simulate his death and send the former criminal to Los Santos, enjoy the warm climate and peacefully drink cocktails, sitting next to the pool of their mansion.

At first, Michael really retires - crime becomes a distant past for him, and the fear of being found extinguishes any thoughts about criminal matters.

Michael's fate is decided by his wife, who demands more and more funds to ensure her ambitions. Michael understands that family life is over - his wife no longer wants to remain faithful, demanding only money.

A series of events introduces Michael to Franklin and Trevor, who do not mind making money in a not entirely fair way. Michael realizes that there are no former criminals and decides to plunge headlong into the criminal world of Los Santos.

Michael's special abilities

  • Improved small arms proficiency
  • The effect of slowing down time when shooting, which allows you to target vulnerable spots of enemies

Franklin Clinton

Franklin is an ambitious young criminal who aims to become the most powerful crime boss in Los Santos. It was the ambitions of the young hijacker that fell in love with Michael De Sante.


He begins his criminal career in the car dealership of the Armenian car dealer Simon Etaryan. Franklin's task is simple - cars sold at super low prices must be stolen on the same day using duplicate keys and other tricks. It is this risky business that brings Franklin together with Michael De Sant, who saw good criminal potential in the young African American.

What can push a young guy, who is well versed in cars and perfectly drives cars, to plunge headlong into the underworld? Debts, of course. It is the debt that pushes Franklin to the most risky adventures, and his ambition allows him to fearlessly take on any job.

Michael becomes a real mentor and authority for Franklin. Having met him, Franklin decides to leave petty theft and join a serious team to become the most famous criminal in the city.

Franklin's special abilities

  • Improved car driving skill
  • Slowing down time while driving

Trevor Phillips

Trevor is a crazy drug dealer who doesn't know words like fear, danger and caution. In business where it is required brute force and a fearless head-on attack - you can't find anyone better than Trevor.


He began his career as a military pilot, but due to his intolerable disposition he could not hold out in the armed forces.

Left without work, Trevor decides to start selling weapons and drugs, and in order not to annoy himself with the presence of people, he settles in an empty trailer in the very center of the desert.

Very soon, all of Los Santos learns about the character of Trevor, who can easily fall into insanity because of sheer nonsense. Such notoriety destroys the business - they simply do not want to deal with Trevor, knowing his passion for unlimited antics.

Failures further exacerbate the hero's already complex character. He has a manic passion for murder and destruction, and revenge on his offenders is the main goal of his whole life.

It was during this period that Trevor meets Michael, whose strategic brain immediately gives out the whole range of possibilities that the bad character and fearlessness of the former drug dealer opens up for the three bandits. This is how Trevor becomes part of the team.

What special abilities does Trevor have and how do I enable them?

  • Improved flying skills
  • A state of rage in which Trevor deals massive damage to enemies with his bare hands

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