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Irish Windows code page.

Windows-1251 - a set of characters and encoding, which is a standard 8-bit encoding for all Russians microsoft versions Windows. This encoding is quite high in Eastern European countries. Windows-1251 is favorably different from other 8-bit Cyrillic encodings (such as CP866, KOI8-R and ISO 8859-5) the presence of almost all the characters used in the traditional Russian typography for ordinary text (there is no stress sign). Cyrillic symbols are in alphabetical order.
Windows-1251 also contains all the characters for the languages \u200b\u200bclose to Russian: Belorussky, Ukrainian, Serbian, Macedonian and Bulgarian.
In practice, it turned out to be enough to enhance the Windows-1251 encoding on the Internet until the UTF-8 spread.

Windows 1251 Symbols Table

DECHex.Symbol DECHex.Symbol
000 00 Nop. 128 80 Ђ
001 01 Soh. 129 81 Ѓ
002 02 STX. 130 82
003 03 Etx 131 83 ѓ
004 04 EOT. 132 84
005 05 Enq 133 85
006 06 ACK. 134 86
007 07 Bel. 135 87
008 08 BS. 136 88
009 09 Tab. 137 89
010 0a.LF. 138 8A.Љ
011 0b.Vt. 139 8b.
012 0c.FF. 140 8c.Њ
013 0d.CR 141 8d.Ќ
014 0E.SO. 142 8e.Ћ
015 0F.SI 143 8f.Џ
016 10 DLE. 144 90 ђ
017 11 DC1 145 91
018 12 DC2. 146 92
019 13 DC3 147 93
020 14 DC4 148 94
021 15 NAK. 149 95
022 16 Syn. 150 96
023 17 Etb. 151 97
024 18 CAN 152 98
025 19 Em. 153 99
026 1A.Sub. 154 9A.љ
027 1b.ESC 155 9b.
028 1C.FS. 156 9C.њ
029 1d.GS. 157 9d.ќ
030 1e.RS. 158 9e.ћ
031 1f.US. 159 9f.џ
032 20 Sp. 160 A0.
033 21 ! 161 A1. Ў
034 22 " 162 A2.ў
035 23 # 163 A3.Ћ
036 24 $ 164 A4.¤
037 25 % 165 A5.Ґ
038 26 & 166 A6.¦
039 27 " 167 A7.§
040 28 ( 168 A8.E.
041 29 ) 169 A9.©
042 2a.* 170 AA.Є
043 2b.+ 171 AB«
044 2c., 172 AC¬
045 2d.- 173 AD­
046 2e.. 174 AE®
047 2f./ 175 AFЇ
048 30 0 176 B0.°
049 31 1 177 B1.±
050 32 2 178 B2.І
051 33 3 179 B3.і
052 34 4 180 B4.ґ
053 35 5 181 B5.µ
054 36 6 182 B6.
055 37 7 183 B7.·
056 38 8 184 B8.e.
057 39 9 185 B9.
058 3A: 186 BA.є
059 3b.; 187 BB.»
060 3c.< 188 BC.ј
061 3D= 189 BD.Ѕ
062 3E.> 190 BE.ѕ
063 3F.? 191 Bf.ї
064 40 @ 192 C0. BUT
065 41 A. 193 C1. B.
066 42 B. 194 C2. AT
067 43 C. 195 C3. G.
068 44 D. 196 C4. D.
069 45 E. 197 C5. E.
070 46 F. 198 C6. J.
071 47 G. 199 C7 Z.
072 48 H. 200 C8. AND
073 49 I. 201 C9. J.
074 4A.J. 202 CA. TO
075 4b.K. 203 CB. L.
076 4C.L. 204 CC. M.
077 4d.M. 205 CD N.
078 4E.N. 206 CE ABOUT
079 4f.O. 207 CF. P
080 50 P. 208 D0. R
081 51 Q. 209 D1. WITH
082 52 R. 210 D2. T.
083 53 S. 211 D3. W.
084 54 T. 212 D4. F.
085 55 U. 213 D5. H.
086 56 V. 214 D6. C.
087 57 W. 215 D7 C.
088 58 X. 216 D8. Sh
089 59 Y. 217 D9 Sh
090 5aZ. 218 DA Kommersant
091 5b.[ 219 DB S
092 5C.\ 220 DC B
093 5d.] 221 DD E.
094 5e.^ 222 DE. YU
095 5f._ 223 Df. I
096 60 ` 224 E0 but
097 61 a. 225 E1 b.
098 62 b. 226 E2. in
099 63 c. 227 E3. g.
100 64 d. 228 E4. d.
101 65 e. 229 E5 e.
102 66 f. 230 E6. j.
103 67 g. 231 E7. z.
104 68 h. 232 E8. and
105 69 i. 233 E9. j.
106 6Aj. 234 EA. to
107 6b.k. 235 EB. l.
108 6C.l. 236 EC m.
109 6d.m. 237 ED n.
110 6E.n. 238 EE about
111 6f.o. 239 EF. p
112 70 p. 240 F0. r
113 71 q. 241 F1. with
114 72 r. 242 F2. t.
115 73 s. 243 F3. w.
116 74 t. 244 F4. f.
117 75 u. 245 F5 h.
118 76 v. 246 F6 c.
119 77 w. 247 F7. c.
120 78 x. 248 F8. sh
121 79 y. 249 F9. sh
122 7A.z. 250 FA. kommersant
123 7b.{ 251 FB. s
124 7c.| 252 FC. b
125 7d.} 253 FD. e.
126 7E.~ 254 FE. yu
127 7f.Del. 255 FF. i

Description of special (managing) characters

Initially control symbols of the ASCII table (range 00-31, plus 127) were developed to control hardware devices, such as teletype, data entry on punched and dr.
Control Symbols (except horizontal tabulation, row and return carriage) are not used in HTML documents.

Special (Managing) Symbols

The code Description
NUL, 00.NULL, empty
SOH, 01.Start of Heading, header start
STX, 02.Start of Text, the beginning of the text
ETX, 03.End of Text, end text
EOT, 04.End of TRANSMISSION, end of the transfer
ENQ, 05.Enquire. Please confirm
Ack, 06.Acknowledgment. I confirm
Bel, 07.Bell, bell
BS, 08.Backspace, return to one character back
Tab, 09.Tab, horizontal tabulation
LF, 0A.Line Feed, Row Transfer
Now in most programming languages \u200b\u200bis indicated as \\ n
VT, 0B.Vertical Tab, Vertical tabulation
FF, 0C.Form Feed, page run, new page
Now in most programming languages \u200b\u200bis indicated as \\ r
SO, 0E.SHIFT OUT, change the color of the coloring ribbon in the printing device
Si, 0F.SHIFT IN, Return the color of the coloring ribbon in the printing device back
DLE, 10.Data Link Escape, switching channel to data transmission
DC1, 11.
DC2, 12.
DC3, 13.
DC4, 14.
Device Control, Device Management Symbols
NAK, 15.Negative Acknowledgment, do not confirm
SYN, 16.Synchronization. Synchronization symbol
ETB, 17.End of Text Block, End of Text Block
CAN, 18.Cancel, canceled transmitted earlier
EM, 19.End of Medium, end of the data carrier
SUB, 1A.Substitute, substitute. It is placed on the site of the symbol, the value of which was lost or spoiled during transmission
ESC, 1B.Escape control sequence
FS, 1C.File Separator, File Separator
GS, 1D.Group Separator, Group Separator
RS, 1e.Record Separator, Record Separator
US, 1F.Unit Separator, Unit Separator
Del, 7f.Delete, erase the last symbol.

As known, Windows 10. Supports the installation of language packets, with which you can change the localization of the interface of the operating system. The concept of systemic language is very closely connected with this. System language is not the one that has been added using language packageAnd the one that was selected when installing the system itself. If you work on a corporate computer, whose language has changed by means of installation Mui. - Pakes, perhaps you want to know which language was used in the system initially.

There are several ways to determine the system language.

Consider them in order.

Using the DISM console utility

Run on behalf of the administrator the command line and run the DISM / Online / Get-Intl command in it. After a few seconds, get the result.

Pay attention to the parameter "Language user interface default" . Its value will be the system language.

Using the PowerShell console

Run the console on behalf of the administrator and execute the command :: Installeduiculture. .

The value of the parameter DisplayName. will indicate the system language. Pay attention to the parameter LCID, it contains a language code prescribed in windows registry (See below).

Using the registry editor and decoding table

Team regedit. Open the registry editor and expand the branch


In the right column of the editor window, locate the string parameter (he is at the bottom) And look at its value.

It is represented by a four-digit code, to decrypt which to use the decoding table on the site. MSDN.. In our example code 0419 Complies with the Russian language.

One of possible problemswith which you can encounter after windows installations 10 - Crakozyabers instead of Russian letters in the program interface, as well as in the documents. More often, the improper mapping of Cyrillic is found in initially English-speaking and not completely licensed versions of the system, but there are exceptions.

In this instruction, how to fix "Crakozyabry" (or hieroglyphs), or rather - the display of Cyrillic in Windows 10 in several ways. It may also be useful: (for systems in English and other languages).

Code Pages are tables in which certain bytes are associated with certain characters, and the display of Cyrillic in the form of hieroglyphs in Windows 10 is usually associated with the fact that the default is not the code page and this can be corrected in several ways that can be useful when required Do not change the system language in parameters.

Using the registry editor

The first way is to use the registry editor. In my opinion, this is the most gentle method for the system, however, I recommend before starting. The Board about the recovery point applies to all subsequent ways in this manual.

Usually, it corrects the problem with the display of Russian letters. Variation of the method using the registry editor (but less preferred) - to look at the current value of the ACP parameter (usually 1252 for initially English systems), then in the same registry key to find the parameter named 1252 and change its value from c_1252.nls. on the c_1251.NLS..

By substitting a code page file on C_1251.NLS

The second, which is not recommended by me, but sometimes selectable those who believe that the edit of the registry is too difficult or dangerous: the substitution of the code page file in C: \\ Windows \\ System32 (It is assumed that you have installed the Western European Code Page - 1252, it is usually so. You can watch the current code page in the ACP parameter in the registry as described in the previous method).

After windows reboots 10 Cyrillic should be displayed not in the form of hieroglyphs, but as ordinary Russian letters.

Krakoyabry - What kind of word is such interesting? This word is usually Russian users call the wrong / incorrect display (encoding) of characters in the programs or the operating system itself.
Why does this happen? Unambiguous answer you will not find. This may be due to the tricks of our "favorite" viruses, maybe because of the workflow of Windows (for example, electricity disappeared and the computer turned off), maybe the program has created a conflict on the other or OS and everything "flew". In general, the reasons can be a lot, and the most interesting thing is "it itself has taken and broke."
We read an article and learn how to correct the problem with encoding in programs and Windows OS, since it happened.

Who still did not understand what I mean, here are a few:

By the way, I also got one day in this situation and still on the desktop lies a file that helped me cope with her. Therefore, I decided to write this article.

For displaying the encoding (font) in Windows, there are several "things" - this is the language, the registry and the files itself. Now we will check them separately and on points.

How to remove and fix krakoyarbras instead of Russian (Russian letters) in a program or Windows.

1. Check established language For programs that do not support Unicode. Maybe he got lost.

So, go along the way: Control Panel - Language and Regional Standards - Advanced Tab
There are a Russian language there.

In Windows XP, in addition, below there is a list of "code pages of conversion tables" and there is a line with a digit 20880. It is necessary there too Russian

6. The last item in which I give you a file that helped me fix everything once and that is why I left it for memory. Here is the archive:

Inside two files: krakozbroff.cmd and krakozbroff.reg

The principle of them is the same - to fix by all methods of hieroglyphs, squares, questions or exclamation signs in the program and Windows OS (in common krakoyabry). I used the first and helped me.

Well, finally, a couple of tips:
1) if you work with the registry, do not forget to make a backup ( backup) In the case, if something goes wrong.
2) Preferably after each item check the 1st point.

That's all. Now you know how to correctly remove / fix krakozyabry (squares, hieroglyphs, exclamation and question marks) in a program or Windows.

In the early 90s, when the collapse of the USSR and the borders of Russia were opened, they began to receive software products Western production. Naturally, they were all English-speaking. At the same time, the Internet begins to develop. The problem of Russification of resources and programs has acutely faced. Then the Russian coding of Windows 1251 was invented. It allows you to correctly display the letters of Slavic alphabets:

  • russian;
  • ukrainian;
  • belorussky;
  • serbian;
  • bulgarian;
  • macedonian.

The development was carried out by the Russian representative office of Microsoft in conjunction with the companies "Dialog" and "Paragraph". Self-written developments were taken as the basis, which in 1990-91gg were going on among the few ideologues of IT in Russia.

To date, more developed universal way Encode characters - UTF-8 (Unicode). It presents almost 90% of all software and web resources. Windows 1251 is used in 1.6% of cases. (Web Technology Surveys Research Information)

Site encoding UTF 8 or Windows 1251?

To answer this question, it is necessary to understand a little what is the encoding and what they differ. Text informationAs however, any other, the computer is stored in the encoded form. It is easier for us to present it as numbers. Each symbol may occupy one or more bytes. Windows 1251 is a single-byte encoding, and UTF-8 eight-bit. This means that in Windows 1251 you can encode only 256 characters.
Since everything comes down to binary system calculus, and byte is 8 bits (0 and 1), then the maximum number of combinations is 28 \u003d 256. Unicode allows you to represent where more Symbols, and each can be allocated larger size.

From here and follow the benefits of Unicode:

  1. In the header of the site, specify the encoding that is used. Otherwise, instead of characters, "Krakoyablla" will be displayed. A unicode is standard for all browsers - they catch it "on the fly" as the default set.
  2. Symbols of the site will remain alone, no matter what country the resource is loaded in. It depends not on the geographical location of the servers, but from the language software Customer work stations. A resident of Portugal obviously uses the keyboard and all software, including operating system, in native language. In his computer, most likely there is no Windows 1251 at all. And if so, then the sites in Russian will not be able to open correctly. Unicode, in turn, "will be sewn" to any OS in any language.
  3. UTF-8 allows you to encode large quantity Symbols. On the this moment 6 bytes from 8-mi are used, and Russian characters are encoded with two bytes.
    That is why it is preferable to use universal encoding, and not narrowly specialized, which is used only in Slavic countries.

Windows 1251 encoding table

For programmers and site developers, it is necessary to know the characters. This uses special encoding tables. Below is a table for Windows 1251.

What if you flew the command line encoding?

Sometimes you may encounter a situation where incomprehensible characters are displayed instead of Russian on the command line. This means that the problem of command encoding windows strings 7. Why 7? Because, starting from the 8th version, UTF-8 is used, and in the seven more windows 1251.
At the same time to help solve the problem CHCP 866 can be solved. The current session will work correctly. But to correct the error dramatically, the registry will need.

Excellent day!