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How to restore windows 7 from a disk image. Restoring a system from a backup

Who of the Windows users did not come across the situation when "Operation" gives failures and needs to be restored? The overwhelming majority of uninitiated users relies on automated windows toolsHowever, such actions very often only lead to the fact that when critical errors appear and failures, the system simply reports that the computer failed to restore. That is why the restoration of the computer from the image created by the OS tools or with third-party programsIt looks more preferable because it allows you to bring the system to an efficient state in a short period of time and with a 100% warranty (unless the external removable media on which the image has been previously recorded is not damaged). AND removable discs Or USB drives need not always.

In some cases, save the backup can be saved directly in the logical section of another disk included in the RAID array (if its restoration is not provided for), or if there is such an opportunity, in network folder With open shared access on another computer.

Why do you need to create a system image?

Before proceeding to the consideration of the computer recovery from the image of Windows, briefly focus on what you need to create such copies and how it all works. When creating a image file having a VHD extension (like virtual disk files), for example, for a section with an installed operating system, absolutely all system objects and the most operating system, I. installed programs, and user data. When using the standard procedure with the activation of the toolkit Windows file. necessarily copied to removable media or outdoor hard Disk, since the logical partition can be on the same physical disk as archived (then it can be copied to any other place).

When the computer recovery is started from the image, in the section for which such a procedure is performed, it is fully overwriting all the contents with formatting, as a result of which absolutely all files and directories (even damaged) are replaced with those that have been saved in the image. It is not difficult to guess that as a result, the user receives a working system in the form in which it was before the appearance of failures or unrelated errors.

How to make an image of one or several partitions?

Now a few words about how to prepare for the restoration of the computer from the image. It goes without saying that this image must be created in advance by selecting a section for which you may need to perform such operations. In all modifications of Windows for this in the "Control Panel" there is special section archiving ( reserve copy) and recovery in which the image creation is selected.

After initiating the procedure, the location of the image is specified, the partition is archived and the main procedure is launched. Please note that when choosing as a DVD media, they may need extremely many. Therefore, it is best to save an image either on an external HDD or online.

Note: Sometimes you can use the archiving setup item, after which you can specify the system on which disk will be stored created copies.

Restoring a computer from the image of Windows 7: Standard Process Start

So, we assume that the image is created. Now you can go directly to the computer recovery procedure from the image if it is required. In the working system for this in Windows 7 and below, the above section is used, where recovery points alternately are selected. system parameters and advanced recovery methods.

After that, the use of the previously created image is indicated, and the archiving item is skipped. At the last stage, the restart of the computer is confirmed. Finally, after that, the language layout is selected, the user, and the access password is entered if it is installed. When a window appears with recovery parameters, it marks the image recovery item, and then search for the last available image.

After completing all the preliminary action, it remains only to confirm the operation (setting additional parameters In the form of exclusion of discs, repeated breakdowns to sections or installation of drivers can be skipped).

Restoring a computer from the image image when Windows is not possible

Now it is worth considering the situation when some irreversible failures arose in the system, but the image was pre-created and saved on removable media.

In this case, you will first need to log in to the special start menu called in Windows 7 and below the F8 key, select the troubleshooting point and go through the procedure described above.

You can proceed even easier by pre-exhibiting an emergency media in the BIOS / UEFI settings as the first device for the start. Such actions are more needed to restore the computer from the image of Windows 8 and above. In the process, the layout and image file is also selected, after which the recovery is confirmed. If the desired file. Stored in a logical section, but it does not find it independently, it is necessary to specify its location. This is usually a WindowsImageBackup directory.

Windows 10: Recovery Procedure

Restoring a computer from the image of Windows 10 can be done by performing the described actions.

But in the case of independent activation of the process in the working system, it will have to use the item special options Downloads (To get to the start menu, which the F8 key is not called when loading), but only then use the image created earlier.

Running automatic recovery with image selection

Often, you can find situations when the user initially rely on the use of automated system rollback to the previous state, but after executing all actions, a message appears on the screen that the computer is incorrectly, and the system failed to restore the system. Starting the auto-installation is usually carried out by a three-fold computational shutdown of a computer or a laptop repeated and interrupting the download. For the fourth time the rollback starts.

But when the specified notification appears, many do not pay attention to the fact that the window has an additional parameter button. It must be pressed, and then, as in all previous cases, select the appropriate item using the previously created image.

How to use the image file located in the network environment?

Finally, the restoration of the computer from the image in the network environment can be performed in the same way simply. Initially, the file itself is just and can be saved on the hard disk of another terminal, but for the folder itself with the image (images) you will need to set general access, as well as allow the detection of the very computer Terminal On the network (for example, when wireless connection). In this case, the restoration of the computer from the image in the network time folder may take a little more, which is associated with some speed limits of the network connection itself, which affects the data copying. But the actions performed practically do not differ from what was presented above.

Note: If there are several images in the catalog, when choosing source file. Be particularly attentive, because instead of your system, you can get someone else with installed in it. unnecessary programs and user files.

Partial recovery of files

But the use of images of only the actions above is not limited, because the operating system is sometimes restored and not required, and it is necessary to return only lost or some damaged files. In such a situation, the image file can be used as usual virtual hard disk. To do this, it suffices to call the computer through the PCM on the computer icon (in Windows 10 it is directly in the "Explorer", and not on the "Desktop", after which it is easier to use a hard disk tool. diskmgmt.msc.

Next, in the "Action" menu, select the connection of the virtual hard disk and specify the path to the file with the VHD extension (to the most previously created image). After that, you just need to choose the desired file and click the opening button. The disk will appear in the "Explorer", and it will be possible to copy the necessary information from it, as from the usual logical partition.

Disadvantages of standard techniques

Alas, a standard technique to many users, to put it mildly, confidence does not inspire, because it has a number of significant shortcomings. The main thing is that archiving using automatic mode It is not possible to fully configure it is possible (for this you may need additional utilities). And with this approach, depending on the volume of the system or logical partition itself, the backup can take a lot of space. For example, with the size of the system partition with the "dozen" 235 GB and a busy space at 80 GB to create an image, 164 GB are required. It remains only to use an external carrier in the form of a USB-HDD, since it does not fit such a flash drive. And Ob. optical media It's not coming at all. You will imagine how many disks (even if you need even) will need, not to mention the time spent on copying time files?

Third-party software products

As for the specialized programs from third-party developers, the utility is most relevant. True Image. from Acronis. In it and create an image, and much easier than using the Windows toolkit.

As it is believed to be one of the most important "chips" of the program is the possibility of direct conservation of the image in cloud service Acronis, although many notes that this service It is paid and in fact simply imposed by users. In addition, saving an image on a remote server is not the best and safest solution, especially if important confidential information will be present in the image file. Naturally, in the program you can configure and automatically archive and create in advance. boot media recovery. But this is already a clear plus.


It briefly and everything that concerns the computer using the previously created image. The main focus was made exclusively for the means and tools of Windows-systems, because many users special applications third-party developers at hand can simply not be. And in such a situation, the rollback can be performed with a very high share of the probability of successful system recovery.

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Restoration from the imageit implies the replacement of all personal data on your hard disk with files from the image or in other words, if you use the data archiving tool local disk (C :), then turning this image into place, you replace all your existing files on this disk data from the image.
The article is written as a sequel, where we learned how to create an image of the operating windows systems 7 In case of a serious malfunction, here we will restore our data into place, even when our Windows 7 will not be loaded at all.

Restoration from the image

According to my observations, serious users install Windows 7 and divide the hard drive into two volumes and call them for example (C :) and (D :). On the disk (C :) they have the Windows 7 operating system, and on (D :) all personal data. Then they create a disk image (C :) and save it on another section of the hard drive, that is, on (D :). The disk (D :) archiving is not subjected, since in the opinion of users, it is usually rare with it, which happens and this is actually so.

And now I have a problem with Windows 7, the system is loaded for a long time, freezes and works unstable, our users in the language of motorists kick some time on wheels, (apply rollback using recovery points), but the machine does not go anyway, and Windows 7 does not work normal then they restore from the image Disk (C :) and workable Windows 7 from the archive replaces the inoperable, that's all.
The most serious creating the image as a disk (C :) containing the operating system files and the disk (D :) with personal data. You may notice if you have one hDDwhere then to store the image of two sections (C :) and (D :)? For this purpose, an additional SATA hard drive is bought or portable rigid uSB diskwhich should be formatted in file System NTFS. Restore your data from the image In this case, you need carefully, together with faulty Windows 7 located on the disk (C :), you can replace all your files and on the disk (D :), it means you first need to copy everything you need for example on the same portable USB hard drive.
All this is written and shown, in the article Create an image of the system, now let's restore.

  • Note: How to create, as well as to apply the recovery disc, you can learn from our article How to restore the Windows 7 system. Also in this case can help the installation windows disk 7, there is also a recovery environment.

So I will show how to restore Windows 7 from the image using a recovery disk. Insert it into the drive, reboot, the BIOS should be displayed from the drive, then the program is launched the system recovery parameters.

Click quickly Enter, and then the offer will be lost to boot from the disk.

Recovery Wednesday starts, again you need to select the keyboard layout,

Usethe last image of the system And our Windows 7 is restored.
The system of the system is always created with expansion. VHD.and is in the folder WindowsImageBackup..

To use the image image as a simple partition hard disk, for example, we need to extract any file from the image, and not to restore the whole image, you just need to connect our image as virtual hard disk management disk.

Start-\u003e Computer-\u003e Close right-click and in the menu context, select Management-\u003e Drive Management-\u003e Action-\u003e Connect the Virtual Hard Disk,

There is a transformation of our image into a simple hard disk available in the Computer window.

Disadvantages Tools Creating an image of a system: Unable to configure automatic archiving without the help of additional software.
How to transfer the installed Windows 7 system to another computer.

Greetings to you, dear readers.

Often, because of a variety of reasons, computers fail. If this problem is connected directly to the operating system, the best solution will be reinstalled. But what should I do important files on the main disk or desktop? After all, when you, everything will be deleted. The solution is to be a tool as the restoration of the Windows 7 system from the disk. This feature allows you to return the operation of the Ourser when the latter refuses to load.

In addition to incorrectly working computer, we will also need and boot disk Windows. And it can be like a plastic carrier and a flash drive. Moreover, it is desirable that this was the same image from which the current shell was installed. After all, otherwise, due to the discrepancy of versions, the process may not go.

If the element from which the current system was installed is lost - try to find it on the Internet on another computer. Download the disk and save on the hard drive.

After the image image turns out to be on one of the sections, it must be checked for viruses using Comodo Internet Security, then record correctly on portable device. To do this, use one of the numerous programs. For example, I like Rufus.. The application allows you to quickly cope with the task. It has an intuitive understandable interfaceSo you can create a disc.

Procedure( )

There is a lot of reasons, due to which Win 7 may fail so much that it will stop being loaded. To solve the problem, you need to use a tool that allows you to return to your place. It starts through the BIOS:

It is worth noting that some laptop manufacturers even create a special software that allows you to quickly return the device. So, for example, HP offers " Recovery Manager.», Samsung - Solution. In general, anyone big company Provides similar functions.

Have you ever used to use the Backup and Restore in Windows 7 to create an image of the system? Do you update this image on a regular basis? If so, you are fully prepared for troubles like those described in the article ". We are talking about the situation in which the "Recovery Recovery" tool (Startup REPAIR TOOL) It is not able to solve the problem independently and displays the System Recovery Settings menu (System Recovery Options, Fig. A) with a list of available tools for diagnostics. If for any reason nor "startup recovery" (startup repair) nor "system restoration" ( System Restore.) Do not help, you can use the "System Image Recovery" option to revive the unloaded system.

Figure A. In the "System Recovery Settings" menu, tools that can be used to diagnose, troubleshoot problems and to restore the system are presented.

The presence of a good image of the system ensures some confidence in the future (more here), but when it comes to its use, there is a reason to spare. After all, the first acquaintance with the recovery procedure from the image will be in a situation where you cannot do without extreme measures, which means you will already be on the platoon and hardly prepared for the absorption of new knowledge.

Therefore, I decided to describe the process of restoring the system from the image in this article. After reading it, you, in the case of which you will know how to do.


The image image includes all system files and settings, programs and user files. However, note that the entire system is restored from the image, so all current programs, settings and files will be replaced. previous versionsstored at the time of creating the image of the system.

Running a system recovery procedure

To begin with, connect the media system to the computer: if it is saved on the optical disk, select the most fresh and insert into the drive if on an external hard disk - connect it to the PC. For example, I saved the image of the system on an external HDD.

Call the "System Recovery Settings" menu. Let me remind you that this can be done in several ways:

If a download windows Still begins, you can try to call the "System Recovery Settings" menu manually from the hard disk.
. If the Windows load does not even start, you can call "System Recovery Settings" by downloading the computer from the Windows 7 installation DVD.
. If you have a system recovery disk (System Repair Disc), download the computer from it and call the "System Recovery Settings" menu.

Read more in the section "Calling the" System Recovery Settings "menu" ".

Recovery procedure

If you select the "System Image Recovery" option, the utility will automatically detect the latest available image and will display it in the first window of the Restore Computer Recovery Wizard (Re-Image Your Computer, Fig. B). As you can see, my image is located on a F disk (external hard drive), it was created on July 19 at 4:51 am, and this is an image of a Greg-PC computer.

Figure B. The "System Image Restore" means automatically detects the latest available image.

For completeness, I will clarify the picture: if the "System Recovery Recovery" tool will not be able to detect the image image, a message will appear with the proposal to connect external disk Or insert an optical disk into the drive and repeat the attempt (Fig. C). If the image is stored on network diskClick "Cancel" (Cancel) and follow the instructions of the wizard to connect to the network resource and select the image manually.

Figure C. If the "System Recovery Recovery" tool cannot detect the system image, this warning appears.

But back to our example. Click "Next". The second window of the wizard will open (Fig. D) with additional options. If you want to restore the system to the previous hard disk, the option "Format and split discs" (Format and Repartition disks) is not needed. If the system is restored to new hard The disk, most likely, the option will be selected by default and is not available for cancellation. In this case, nothing to worry about anything - if only new Disc in volume was greater than or equal to the old one.

Figure D. Additional options are available on the second page of the recovery wizard.

Since in my case there are no other disks, the "Exclude disks" button (EXCLUDE DISKS) is inactive. If the computer is equipped with multiple hard drives, click the "Exclude Disks" button and select the disk to which you want to restore the system.

If no option is available, you may need to install drivers for recovery drives. To do this, click "Install Drivers". But since Windows 7 provides excellent integrated support for drivers, such a situation is unlikely.

If you press the "Advanced" button (Advanced), the window shown in Fig. E. Option "Restart the computer after completing the recovery" (Automatically Restart) is selected by default, and in addition you can enable it automatic check disks.

Figure E. Pressing the "Advanced" button, you can enable automatic checks.

Figure F. To complete the wizard's "Restore Computer from Image" wizard, click Finish.

Of course, another confirmation will be required (Fig. G). Just click "Yes" (YES) to start the process.

Figure G. Click "Yes" in the last dialog box.

After that, the operation is started to restore the image image. Behind the progress can be observed on the execution indicator (Fig. H). Depending on the volume of the hard disk, the procedure can delay for several hours. In the meantime, you can relax, drink coffee or watch TV. When everything is ready, the computer will reboot and welcome you with the usual login screen.

Figure H. The progress can be observed on the execution indicator, but the process is likely to delay for several hours.

What do you think?

Now that you know what is the process of restoring the system from the image, you will be morally prepared if you have to face such a necessity. Or maybe you have already had to restore the system from the image? Share your experience in the comments!


Restoration from the imageit implies the replacement of all personal data on your hard disk files from the image or in other words, if you use the data archiving tool, you created an image of a local disk (C :), then deploying this image in place, you replace all your existing files on this disk data From the image.
The article is written as a continuation, where we learned how to create the image of the Windows 7 operating system in case of a serious malfunction, here we will restore our data into place, even when our Windows 7 will not be loaded at all.

Restoration from the image

According to my observations, serious users install Windows 7 and divide the hard drive into two volumes and call them for example (C :) and (D :). On the disk (C :) they have the Windows 7 operating system, and on (D :) all personal data. Then they create a disk image (C :) and save it on another section of the hard drive, that is, on (D :). The disk (D :) archiving is not subjected, since in the opinion of users, it is usually rare with it, which happens and this is actually so.

And now I have a problem with Windows 7, the system is loaded for a long time, freezes and works unstable, our users in the language of motorists kick some time on wheels, (apply rollback using recovery points), but the machine does not go anyway, and Windows 7 does not work normal then they restore from the image Disk (C :) and workable Windows 7 from the archive replaces the inoperable, that's all.
The most serious creating the image as a disk (C :) containing the operating system files and the disk (D :) with personal data. You may notice if you have one hard disk, where then keep the image of two sections (C :) and (D :)? For this purpose, an additional SATA hard drive or a portable USB hard disk, which must be formatted in the file nTFS system. Restore your data from the image In this case, it is necessary to carefully, along with the faulty Windows 7 located on the disk (C :), you can replace all your files and on the disk (D :), it means you first need to copy everything you need for the same portable Winchester USB .
All this is written and shown, in the article Create an image of the system, now let's restore.

  • Note: How to create, as well as to apply the recovery disc, you can learn from our article How to restore the Windows 7 system. Also in this case can help installation disk Windows 7, it is also located on the restoration environment.

So I will show how to restore Windows 7 from the image using a recovery disk. Insert it into the drive, reboot, the BIOS should be displayed from the drive, then the program is launched the system recovery parameters.

Click quickly Enter, and then the offer will be lost to boot from the disk.

Recovery Wednesday starts, again you need to select the keyboard layout,

Usethe last image of the system And our Windows 7 is restored.
The system of the system is always created with expansion. VHD.and is in the folder WindowsImageBackup..

To use the system image as a simple partition of a hard disk, for example, we need to extract any file from the image, and not to restore the entire image, you just need to connect our image as a virtual hard disk in the disk management.

Start-\u003e Computer-\u003e Close right-click and in the menu context, select Management-\u003e Drive Management-\u003e Action-\u003e Connect the Virtual Hard Disk,

There is a transformation of our image into a simple hard disk available in the Computer window.

Disadvantages Tools Creating an image of a system: Unable to configure automatic archiving without the help of additional software.
How to transfer the installed Windows 7 system to another computer.