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How to disable extension. Disabling or removing add-ons

On weak computers, a large number of extensions can slow down the work of not only the browser itself, but also the entire system. In addition, some completely unnecessary extensions can independently be installed on a computer, provided that there is no appropriate protection in it. In this case, there is a need to disconnect or delete them. About how to do it in different browsersWe will tell you in our article.

Google Chrome.

To in the browser Google Chrome. Get to extensions, you need to go to the web browser menu. The menu button is displayed in the upper right corner of the browser window and has the form of three horizontal bands. After clicking on the user, a list of items will open, from which you need to click on "Tools" or "Additional Tools", and in the appeared additional list - on "expansion". As soon as a person comes out all these manipulations, a new tab will open in the browser, which will seem all active and inactive extensions installed in its web browser. WITH right side Next to each plugin can be viewed, the application is active or not. If there is a check box next to the word "enabled", then the addon works. To disable it, the checkbox should be removed. A little right of each plug-in are the buttons in the form of trash can. When you click on them, Chrome will offer to remove the expansion from the browser.

Mozilla Firefox.

In this web browser, too, you must first go to the browser menu and there to choose the category of "add-ons". In the new tab that opened in the left column, you need to go to the "Expansion" category. Next to each active plugin will display two buttons: "Disable" and "Delete". Select the desired action and click on the corresponding button. In order to change the changes, it is necessary to restart the browser.


AT browser Opera. Disable extensions can be performed in just a few clicks. Here, too, you will have to go to the web browser menu, in which you want to select "Extensions". In the opened tab, all active extensions will be shown, to deactivate which you need to click on the "Disable" button.

Internet Explorer.

Disable extensions in IE looks about the same way as in other web browsers. We go to the menu, there find the item "Set up the add-in". After that, the window opens the window called "Supply Management". To remove the necessary plugin, you first need to select, clapping it once, and click on the "Disable" button, which is displayed in the lower right corner of the window.


It is about all the same here. First go to the menu, and then choose "Settings" there. In the window that opens, select the "Extensions" tab. All plugins can be disabled in one click. To do this, you will have to use the special slider off / incl. If you need to turn off only one addon, then you need to find the inscription "Enable (expansion name)" and take a check mark near it.

Yandex Browser supports special extensions and additions that add any functionality to the browser and / or optimizing its operation. It is also worth noting that there are support for extensions from both Opera developers and Google Chrome. However, those or other extensions can be unnecessary with time, and so that they consume their browser resources it is recommended to remove.

Why the browser needs to be cleaned regularly

First, it allows you to speed up the work of the browser, since unnecessary additions will no longer consume computer resources. Also, do not forget that the larger the extensions in the browser, the more it will consume RAM when working. The strongest of all this will be reflected on the performance of computers, where there is little RAM.

Secondly, some extensions can conflict with each other, which in better case will lead to their unstable work, and in the worst can affect the work of the entire browser. Such extensions need to be deleted, since even in the disconnected state they can affect the working capacity of the browser.

Option 1: Removal through a special panel

This option is only suitable if the extensions are a bit or then the addition to be deleted by default is placed in this panel. If you did not change the browser settings, then this panel will be located at the top. Also, in addition to the add-on icons, there will be a targeted line and tabs with open / assigned sites.

Right-click on the supplement icon you want to delete. In the drop-down menu, select Delete. Confirm your intention.

Option 2: Delete from settings

If you have many additions installed, and those that you want to delete are not placed on a special panel, you will have to delete them directly from the list. The instruction will look like this:

It is worth considering that you can only delete the supplements that installed themselves. In Yandex browser, there are several extensions installed by default. You can disable them using a special switch, but you cannot delete.

Using these simple ways, you can get rid of unnecessary extensions and additions in the browser.

If you want to delete all extensions, applications and additions right away, you can not delete them one by one manually, but simply. If you need to remove only some of them, read further.

Deleting extensions from Google Chrome

Press the button Menu.
Select Tools.
Select subparagraph Extensions:

Click on the basket icon near the extension you want to delete.
In the window Confirmation of removal click Delete:

Removing extensions from Opera

Press the button Opera.
Select Extensions:

Click on the cross next to the extension you want to delete.
In the window Remove from Opera And confirm the button OK:

Removal of additions from Firefox

Click on the button Menu.
Select Supplements:

Click the tab Extensions.
Press the button Delete Next to the desired extension:

Yandex browser

Yandex Browser uses supplements for Opera.

  • Click on the button Menu.
  • Choose Supplements:

  • Find the desired supplement. Most likely it will be located in the section From other sources.
  • When you hover the cursor appeared link Delete:

  • Click Delete In the pop-up window:

Removing extensions from Internet Explorer

Press the key Alt.If the menu panel is hidden.
Select Service.
Select subparagraph Set up superstructures:

After disabling extensions or additions, make it uninstalling through Programs and components on the Control panels:

Installing additional extensions can significantly increase the browser functionality. But do not overdo it, their large amount will reduce the system performance and will lead to the slow work of the browser. If you encountered a similar problem, it will help shutdown or full removal Unnecessary extensions.

How to disable extension in Yandex browser

Do not rush to delete everything, check the list of installed add-ons, determine the least used and disconnect them. You can do this in a special browser category.

1. Open the Yandex Browser, go to the "Supplements" section.

3. Switch the slider to the "Off" position to deactivate the plugin.

After this operation, the extension will disappear from the taskbar (under address line Browser) and stop using computer resources. Files will remain on the disk, usually not more than 100kb, and you can turn it on, without re-installation.

Standard removal method

You can remove the extension in two ways - from the panel of the add-ons and through the section "Supplements".

1. Open the new browser tab, in the upper right corner, find the corresponding icon.

2. Click on it right-click. In the drop-down menu, click "Delete".

All expansion files will be erased from a PC, and its icon will disappear from the browser.

If a this operation There is no help or there is no icon, open "add-ons" and hover the cursor to the extension from which you want to get rid of. To the right of the on / off button, the inscription will appear - "Delete".

Deleting embedded extensions

As mentioned above, in addition to the plugins installed directly by the user, a list of recommended to installation is displayed in the Yandex browser. It is important to understand - this just a list of recommendationsThe direct download and installation occurs after dragging the slider to the "On" position.

Remove such an extension standard method - It will not work, his you can only disable. But we can all be with you, right?

1. Open windows Explorer and in the View tab, turn on the display of hidden items.

2. All extensions are stored in the user profile, the folder is created automatically with Yandex browser. You can open it by moving along the way - "C: \\ Users \\ user_name \\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ Yandex \\ YandexBrowser \\ User Data \\ Default \\ Extensions». For each plug-in a separate folder is formed.

3. To determine where the necessary expansion is simply. Each directory is the "Images" folder (the name may differ) containing the expansion logo. Alternately compare pictures from folders with the logo, if successful, delete the entire folder.

Having finished all operations, do not forget to get rid of traces of deleted extensions.

Most likely, you have repeatedly heard about various advertising blockers, and may have already added one of them to the browser, for example, "AdBlock". How to turn it off if such a need arises? Often, this question is asked novice users. If you feel about this category of users, then the material of this article will be relevant for you.

Immediately need to say that in fact you will be surprised how simply the deactivation of extensions is performed. In any browser, this operation will take only a few seconds. So, if the "AdBlock" is installed, how to turn off the plugin? This will be discussed further. Moreover, the most popular web browsers will be considered. In addition, you will learn how to deactivate the expansion on a separate site.

How to disable "AdBlock" in Yandex (browser)

Traveling through the spaces of the Internet, you prefer to use Yandex - a web browser from one of the largest search engines? At the same time, you are most likely annoying obsessive advertising on visited sites. ADBLOCK addition to the problem will solve the problem.

So, extensions in Yandex.Browser occurs as follows:

    Run the web browser and clicking on the button with three lines, open its menu.

    Refer to the "Add-on" section.

    You will have a list of all extensions that are integrated into the browser. Find the "AdBlock" plugin and turn it off by moving the graphics toggle switch to the appropriate position.

Disable Adblock in Opera

The great confidence in users is called Opera web browser. Fast, understandable, safe - so you can characterize this browser. Developers carefully relate to the wishes of their users and regularly work on improving the program.

You already know how to deactivate the "AdBlock" in the web browser from Yandex. But how to be in the case of the "Opera" browser? The algorithm of action will not be very different:

    Open the Opera web browser and click the button in the upper left corner to go to the browser menu.

    Refer to "Extension", and then select Extension Manager.

    Find Adblock addition and deactivate it by clicking the "Disable" button. If you press the cross in the right corner, then you remove the plugin from the browser.

By the way, open a list with installed extensions You can use the "SHIFT", "CTRL" and "E" buttons. If you are so more convenient, then use this keyboard key.

That's all! You learned how to disable the "AdBlock" in Opera and delete it if necessary.

"Google Chrome" and deactivation of the Adblock plugin

Undoubtedly, "chrome" is the most popular web browser. It is this browser today that chooses most users. Pleases the download speed of the pages in Google Chrome, understandable interface, great amount Useful plugins designed specifically for this web browser.

So, you installed "AdBlock". How to disable this extension in the "Google Chrome" browser? Everything is very simple - you need to perform only a few steps, namely: