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Start the conductor from the Windows 7 command line. View folder size

Windows program, called "conductor", is the most common file managerTrue, possessing enough interesting opportunities that few people know or guess. In principle, the question of how to start the "conductor", has a response that roughly imagines the overwhelming majority of users. But for some reason, many use the most primitive methods for this that often look very clumsy.

How to start a "conductor" with a standard way in different systems?

As a rule, users first acquainted with Windows, follow standard instructions. In their understanding, the question of how to run the "conductor", comes down to find the appropriate application in the start menu "Start".

But after all, unnecessary actions. You need to click on the start button, find the program section in the menu, select standard applications (or another section depending on the OS modification) and only then click on the name of the application started. Agree, it takes quite a long time.

Alternative launch as a means of simplifying work

Unfortunately, many simply do not realize that when clicking on the "Start" button, you can simply change the button with the left to the right. An additional menu appears in which it will immediately be visible. the necessary program. But this method, according to many, is quite uncomfortable.

In the same long method, the use of the "Run" console can also be called, in which the Explorer call command is prescribed. You can also use and search string The main menu in which you want to enter the name of the program (in our case it is a "conductor" without quotes).

But how to run "conductor" the most fast way? To do this in any windows system A special combination of + E is provided (in the Russian layout - the letter "y"). In this case, the program is called no matter which language or which keyboard layout is used in the system in this moment. This method can be called most convenient, and even for those cases when a failure occurred in the application itself for some reason.

How to run "Explorer" in "Task Manager"?

Another method of starting the program is to use standard tool Tracking all processes and management of them called "Task Manager". You can simply start the "conductor" through the "Dispatcher" simply.

To do this, in systems below the tenth modification, the process menu is used, where you need to create a new task, and in the Start Row, you will register Explorer, as was done in the "Run" console. In Windows 10, run the "Explorer" task directly from file menuwhere the creation of a new task is selected.

Restarting the program if she "flew out"

Unfortunately, the "Explorer" and the associated service Explorer.exe have a property to complete the work when any software failures occur. Do not confuse itself and executable service, although they are called by the same command.

If suddenly the service in emergency stops work, you can use several methods of its restart. In the simplest version, the question of how to run the "conductor", and with it and the overall system of the system is to use the Ctrl + Shift + Esc combination on the keyboard. It calls the standard "task manager", in which it is necessary to repeat the steps described above.

Similarly, you can use rapid challenge Console "Run" through a combination of Win + R, after which enter the English name of the process.

If you first need to call the basic menu "Start", you need to press Ctrl + Esc and the arrow to the right. In the same menu, when the Ctrl + Shift keys, you can use the completion item or right click on the free area of \u200b\u200bthe taskbar, and select the output string from the "Explorer" from the section, after which the service center or console "Perform", as shown above.


As it was possible to notice from the above material, call a standard "conductor" or restart system service Explorer can use a sufficiently large number of methods. But some of them are justified not always. What can be advised by the usual user? It seems the easiest and fastest method - the use of the Win + E keys. The remaining solutions are better to leave for those cases when a program or service for some reason refuse to function normally and is completed in an emergency order.

What kind of way to apply to restart, each decides itself. But optimal options You can call the "Run" or "Task Manager" Console. The second option looks more preferable, since it is generally possible to manage other processes here, as well as to complete those that freeze or cause errors in the system related to the Explorer.exe service.

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When in process windows work Starts to slow down, often users reboot the computer. But much faster will restart Explorer.exe to restore the speed of the system.
Restart Windows Explorer (explorer.exe) in several ways. In this article, I will describe two ways, how to restart Explorer.exe. In Windows.

The first way to restart Windows Explorer.

To restart the Windows Explorer, run the task manager. You can do this in the following ways:
1. Using hot: Alt + Ctrl + Del or Ctrl + SHIFT + ESC;
2. Using a menu that is opening with hot keys Win + R;
Task Manager Run the taskmgr.exe command.
3. Click on the right-click control panel, and select "Task Manager" in the context menu;

First we need complete the Explorer.exe process
To do this, go to the "Processes" tab and find the Explorer.exe process there. Highlight it with the mouse and click "End Process".

The program will issue a warning, but nothing terrible will occur. Just click "complete the process."

After that, the Explorer process will stop working and the "Start" menu will disappear. But do not be scared, it is not scary for the system.

Now you need to re-run the EXPLORER.EXE process. To do this, in the upper left corner, click on the "File - New Task" queue.

We write the name of the task "explorer.exe", without quotes. And click "OK". After these manipulations, Windows will start working as usual.

The second way to restart Explorer.exe in Windows.

The second option to restart Explorer, it seems to me the most convenient, since the fastest. And even a novice with him will cope quickly.
The essence of this method is that first we create a file with extension.bat. And then this file does everything himself.
Files .Bat, these are such files within which the commands are recorded for execution. You run it, and it performs any task. Previously, in the era of 98 Windows, such files were very popular. Now they will meet them so often.

And so, create our executable file. To do this, you can use any text editor. For example, notepad. Create new file. And we write inside its next code:

taskkill / F / Im Explorer.exe
start Explorer.exe.

Pay attention to the spaces between words and symbols, it is important. Another important thing is that the commands should be located in two lines, like me:

Otherwise, he will not work, at least I did not work.

After that, we just save our file. For what in the title we write his name, but with extension.bat. And the type of file must be set "all files". Encoding value has no.

After that, you will have this icon, in Windows XP it is a little different, but the point is the same. It can be placed both on the desktop and in the "Start" menu, or on the panel quickly launch Windows. When Windows starts to slow down, you can quickly reach it.

After rebooting Explorer.exe, Windows, as a rule begins to work faster. But if it does not help, then think about installing the system again.

Still improving system operation can clean system Disc From unnecessary files, how to do it you can read in this.
Good luck!

Most users faced the Windows Explorer only if there were any failures in the operation of the system because of it. Despite the fact that it is quite useful utilitywhich can solve a lot of different tasks, a number of problems that prevent the user to work in the system are associated with it. Sometimes, that everything worked properly again, it is enough just to restart the Explorer.exe process. It is about it that will be discovered. In this article, we consider in detail how to run or restart the conductor in Windows. Let's deal with. Go!

The process of quick start or restarting the conductor in Windows is simple and understandable.

A utility that always comes to help when any program stops working. Use the hot keys Ctrl + Alt + Del, and then select the task manager in the open list. Go to the "Processes" tab, find the "Explorer.exe" string, click on it right-click and select "Remove" or "Restart". Ready. You can start it again through the Start menu or, faster, by entering the process name in the "Run" window, which can be called hot keys Win + R, you can also do it directly through the dispatcher. To do this, you need to open the File menu, and then click on the "Run New Task" item. After that enter the name of the process.

But there is an even easier way that makes it possible to close Explorer (not to be confused with the browser) literally two clicks. Such an approach is applicable to all versions of Windsumstarting with the seventh version. All that you need is to clamp on the Ctrl + Shift keyboard, and then click on the right mouse button on the empty area. Will appear context menuwhere you just need to select the "Explorer Exit" item. Very simple, agree. If you have installed Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 to the same menu, you can get if you click on the taskbar while holding the CTRL + SHIFT.

Keep in mind that last method more acceptable, as it allows the system to save custom settings Together with all session data. Therefore, it is recommended to resort as much as possible to such an option as possible when there is a need to restart explorer.exe windows.

If you need to quickly open the conductor, use the Win + E key combination. So you instantly run this utility.

Now you know how to quickly run or restart Explorer Windows if necessary. As you can see, it is not difficult at all. Write in the comments if this article helped you, share with other users with my own opinion about whether it is necessary, in general, the conductor in Windows WINTOVS, and ask everything that interests on the topic of the article.

Explorer.exe, if you do not know yet, then this is a very important process. I certainly can't call it critical important, since without it the system works quite normally, you just don't see anything but earlier, even when Windows XP was popular, then when disabling explorer.exe, the screensaver remained, and now in Windows 10 - The black screen can also be in other versions. This indicates the cardinal changes in the work of the Windows shell, namely, this process is responsible for it.

In any case, so that it does not happen, you should know how to run the Explorer.exe process. In Windows 10, the truth is already implemented the possibility of restarting it directly from the dispatcher, while it does not need to turn off it before, and then run.

Something did not write what Explorer.exe is simple words. This is a Windows shell, and it is responsible for displaying all - and folders and files in them, in other words, the conductor without which you simply cannot work at the computer.

If you are buggy, the start menu is or left for a long time, you can help restart the conductor, that is, the EXPLORER.EXE process. Open the Task Manager, you can right-click on an empty place on the taskbar (bottom) and select the Manager to select a dispatcher.

It will be displayed running programs, in general, if that - there current state Systems, you can view what and how much your processor loads. So, in the open dispatcher you need to find a conductor - click on it right-click and choose to restart:

After that, the shell will complete its work and immediately starts, that is, this is what earlier (in the old versions of the OS) had to be done manually.

To complete Explorer.exe, go to the Processes tab and find it, right-click and select Renuing the task in the menu:

After that, darkness will come! There will be a black screen - there will be no Start menu, nor folders, nothing will happen. But at the same time, all programs will continue to work, and even you are open programs You can work, for example, Mozilla's browser can be safely used without a shell, that is, without a conductor.

That's what you will see if you turn off Explorer.exe (downstairs are rolled programs):

And last - how to start the Explorer.exe process? Earlier to do this, you need to open windows folder And from there you can run this process, in principle, and now it is possible, but now everything is much easier - in the dispatcher, open the File menu and select Run New Task:

In the Write Explorer field and click OK or Enter (no need to install):

After that, your whole desktop and open windows restore but open folders will be closed. By the way, before in Windows (I do not remember, go it in previous versions or in the first build of Windows 10) with this restart explorer.exe was an interesting trick - after restarting the message about activation of WindowsBut then it quickly corrected.