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Expansion in the browser Google Chrome. How to install extensions to Google Chrome browser

Good day, dear readers, today we will continue to study Browser Google Chrome, and consider some more things from its functional. The topic of today's notes will be how to save the Google Chrome extension to the computer, it is understood by creating a folder on your computer from which, at any time without the internet, you can make an extension installation.

And so earlier I told you what, I use in my practice, we considered how to install them, disable and delete. Imagine the situation. that you would always like to have their distributions in the arsenal, setup files Your Chrome extensions so that you can put anywhere and without the Internet. Let's first understand where the extension folder in Chrome is located.

It is in the profile of your user, the folder itself is hidden, so you need to turn on the display of hidden and Windows folders. I have a dozen, but this is done everywhere in the same way, read the article on the left.

C: \\ Users \\ Username \\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\ Default \\ Extensions

As you can see their names, you are not particularly readable, you can certainly go into each of them and:

  • Watch extension icons for understanding what's here
  • View version
  • Climb into the script code

But there is a way more easier, go by reference

And B. search string Insert any copied name from this abracadabra. As a result, you see, I learned that this is our expansion access to Rutrerge.

And so in what chrome expansion folder we found out, now we need to learn how to drag them.

If you just want to copy the folder with extensions and transfer them to another computer, then you will not come out. We have two options with you, for transfer.

  • This chrome expansion packaging and transfer
  • Download packages. CRX format with subsequent installation.

How to install the extension in Google Chrome manually

And so in order to be able to set the extension in Google Chrome manually, consider the two options described above.

Packaging Extensions in Chrome

We go to the setup and control Google Chrome. \u003e Additional tools\u003e Extensions. We put the developer mode and press the Package Extension button.

Choose a review and specify the full way to the folder with the plugin I got it like this

C: \\ Users \\ Lacky \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\ Default \\ Extensions \\ APDFllCKAABAFNDBHIEAHIGKAFNDBHIEAHIGKJLHALF \\ 14.1_0

You have a format file. CRX I.PEM, the first is the installer, and the second is a private key.

That's it looks like in the folder.

Next you take these files and transfer to new computer. After that open Google Chrome and simply transfer the file with the extension. CRX. As a result, the installation will begin, sometimes confirmation may ask you.

I want to notice that unfortunately so you can transfer 90 percent of Chrome extensions

For example, I so moved WOT plugin

Alternative method Get CRX file

We will help installing the Give Me CRX extension, after which you go to the store to any attached plugin, watch its installation page and click right click

As a result, it will reinforce you on the page with the boot link

If a window appears that it is impossible to add an application, an extension or script from this site, then go to the browser at the address chrome: // Extensions

After that, just transfer the CRX file and see the installation wizard.

That's just just create your offline collection google extensions Chrome

\u003e\u003e How to set extensions for Google Chrome

Expansion option for Google Chrome.

This article will be discussed. You will learn what extensions and why they are needed.

Suppose you went online and you need a lot to open the pages that you work with or find out any information. For example, to find out how many visitors looked at your site or regardless of where you are on the Internet, always see that you have come to email a message.

These extensions allow you to get to the desired information just one click on the Google Chrome browser.

Believe me, it is very convenient, as you do not need to constantly open a lot of sites to view the information you need. The expansion data will always be right with you before your eyes that will be displayed in the browser ICID icons of one or another expansion..

Expansion data You can configure on your advancement: make settings to each extension, temporarily disconnect, while others connect, delete.

If you didn't know how to install extensions for Google Chrome and have never heard and have never seen them, then you have such an opportunity to make your browser more convenient and informative.

After you install the extension you need and familiarize yourself with them, you will understand that it is convenient and quick to be aware of everything you need in one click.

The process of installing extensions for Google Chrome is quite simple and not complicated.. Let's analyze and install an extension for the Google Chrome browser.

For the beginning you need myself google browser Chrome. Therefore, you need to download from the Internet and install the browser itself. After it is installed on a community, launch it.

In the upper right corner, you must have the icon with three horizontal stripes or the key to which you need to press the left mouse button. Next, you will get out the browser menu, where you need to bring the mouse on the field with the name "Tools".

After you have another window, where you need to find and click on the string with the name "Expansion".

After that, you will fall into the extension panel, but in this case, since you just installed Google Chrome browser, then this window will be empty. This window will link with which you can set extensions.

Here, you have downloaded this site and on the left of this site you have a discontinuished window with the name "Expansion", where the subsections of this menu will be.

In order to go to extensions, choose one of the subsections, for example Developer Tools And then choose the extension that you are interested in, accordingly by clicking on this expansion.

After, you have to boot this expansion, where it will be given description, reviews, etc. If you continue to install this extension to your Google Chrome browser, then in the top of this window there is a blue button with the name "Set" and clicking on this button will start downloading and installing this extension.

After, an icon should appear at the right upper corner of the browser.

If the icon does not appear, then in this case you need to go to the already familiar browser settings, go to the "Tools" string and further in the "Extension string", where you should appear this extension and put a check mark with the name "Enable".

All, after that you should appear the icon, which you can already use when you press the left mouse button on this icon.

I hope you understand How to install extensions for Google Chrome.

You may have one of two situations:

  • You found the CRX file and want to set the extension from it.
  • You have already installed an extension, but it was suddenly blocked, and you want to turn it on again.

Option with CRX file

The CRX file is the most common archive. Therefore, it is possible to unpack it. It is recommended to use the archiver to do this, but can come up with any other.

As a result, you should turn out a folder inside which is the expansion files, among which there are, for example, manifest.json.

Now launch chrome and go to the Extensions section (Chrome: Extensions, or Menu - Tools - Extensions). We put a tick "Developer Mode" at the very top. A button "Upload Unpacked Extension" appeared. Here through this button and you need to set the folder with the extension. As a result, it will be established and will work perfectly well.

Option with an already established expansion

This option will especially like to those Chrome users who have disabled and blocked the expansion of Kaspersky Anti-Virus. In essence, it means that the extension is already on your computer and it is necessary to just find and install it in the developer mode.

How to find it? Again, go to the Extensions section (Chrome: Extensions, or Menu - Tools - Extensions), where we do not forget to turn on the Developer Mode. We find there our blocked extension. And we see that it has such a parameter as id.

Copy this ID. Open the computer B. windows Explorer (Start - computer). Insert the copied ID into the search field and we are looking for. As a result, you must find a folder with the same name.

Click on this folder and inside it see, most likely, another folder named in the form of the version number. It is this internal folder that needs us (after all, inside it there is a manifest.json?). Copy it into a secluded corner, from where you do not accidentally delete it. And now I set it through the developer mode on Chrome: Extensions as we described it in the previous version.

The only drawback of this method is that now after each restart of the browser, the chrome will offer you to disable this expansion. Fortunately, you have the opportunity to abandon this generous offer.

Modern browsers have a large number of useful additions that increase the functionality of the browser.
In Mozila Firefox, these additions are called plugins, and in Google Chrome's browser extensions.

With the help of plug-ins and extensions, you can, for example, download video from YouTube.
Installing Mozila Firefox plugins is different from setting extensions for Google Chrome and therefore we will analyze the installation of extensions in Google Chrome More.


2. By opening the browser, press the "Settings and google management Chrome. "

(Picture 1)

3. Then "Tools / Extensions".

(Figure 2)

/ Attention in drawings can be clicked to view in full. /
4. Come on the link "More Extensions" or simply could be in the browser to enter the address\u003dru and skip steps 2 and3.

(Figure 3)
5. We enter the name of the expansion or simply keyword - YouTube, Script, SEO, etc.

(Figure 4)

(Figure 5)
7. And then click on the "Install" button.

(Figure 6)

So, you now know how to set extensions to the Google Chrome browser and hope you will be careful by setting extensions. There are cases when viruses were found in extensions from unknown developers.

Hello everyone. I'm often asked about extensions for Google Chrome, and questions are completely standard - where they are, how to enable them or disable, how to set up, etc. In this article, consider basic setting Extensions. When I just started using this new browser for me, I didn't like him because it was too simple to possibly. But over time, he put everything better and better, and I could not resist not to go to him.

Extensions for Google Chrome are called differently, they are often called plugins or additions, and sometimes applications. Although applications are a separate category in the Google Web Store store, which most often represents links to other web sites, or games and has nothing to do with extensions.

Where are the extensions for Google Chrome?

I already wrote about where to look for extensions and how to install them. To go to the Extensions tab, you need to go to the browser menu, then select item " Instruments", Then click on the item" Extensions»:

You can go to extensions in two ways - go to the history of the browser or go to its settings. In both cases, on the left you can see the trio history / expansion / settings. You can also click on the extension icon with the right mouse button and select the "Settings" item if it is available for this plugin.

How to enable, disable, delete and update plugins for Google Chrome.

Disable or delete extensions is very simple. Look at the picture below. If you right-click on the plugin, then context menu You can choose what to do with it.

If the plugin has settings, you can go to them by clicking on the appropriate item. For complete removal Expansion with Google Chrome, you need to click on the item " Delete", For shutdown -" Disable" Item " Hide button"Allows you to hide the extension from the panel, but it will continue to work.

To delete Hidden extension, you need to go to the extension tab and click on the basket icon. Here you can also change the settings of the plug-ins and can indicate whether they can work in incognito mode or not. By default can not.

Item " Settings"Allows you to change the parameters of the supplement if they are. Being such simple pluginsthat they have even no settings. Most of them are, for example, as in a plug-in to transfer text or expansion to configure a smooth scrolling in Google Chrome - You want the pages smoothly?

Often the question arises how to update plugins For Google Chrome? To which I will answer you that you do not need to update them. They themselves are updated in the background, without your participation. Also, and with the update of Google Chrome itself - it is also unnoticed independently updated in the background, which is a convenient solution.

If you have plugins are not installed From a webstore, you need to do the following: in the "My Documents" folder, create the "Downloads" folder. After that, everything should earn. If desired, then you can move the folder for downloaded files to another convenient place.

I want to add a few words about

Almost all plugins that work in Google Chrome will work in Yandex browser, Chromium, browser from Mail.Ru and other variations of Google Chrome. Therefore, do not seek specifically plugins for Yandex browser or the like, know that in most cases the plugins will work in all these browsers.

Frequently asked Questions

1. chrome Disable FPS Left - This means that you have the FRAPS program installed. You can simply disable the FRAPS program or change the settings so that the FPS indicator is displayed.

Today everything, thanks to all. If the article was useful for you, the Directory info in social networks with friends. If you have any questions, write them in the comments, we will find a solution.

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