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Utility for removing macafi windows 7. What to do with McAfee antivirus if it is not removed

Detailed instructions for disabling and uninstalling McAfee antivirus by standard means Windows and using a third party application.


Very often, when installing any software downloaded from an unverified source, additional intrusive and malicious programs are installed on the user's computer. One of these programs is antivirus McAfee. This program does not harm your computer, but is very intrusive and difficult to remove.

In our article, you will learn how to temporarily disable and completely remove your antivirus. McAfee by standard means operating system Windows and using third-party utilities.

What is McAfee antivirus and is it useful?

  • Antivirus program McAfee is designed to protect your computer in real time from the penetration of viruses and is installed, as a rule, when installing applications and drivers from the developer Adobe.
  • The program itself is not malicious, but its "scrupulousness" in relation to the search and removal of viruses can cause a lot of problems to the user by blocking applications that it does not like. In addition, the program has a very weak anti-virus base and limited capabilities.
  • Typically, the above disadvantages of antivirus McAfee enough for the user to permanently remove the program from his device and install a normal antivirus. But, since the program is constantly running in the background, inexperienced users often have problems with disabling and uninstalling it.

How to temporarily disable McAfee antivirus on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 computer and laptop?

Many antivirus software do not have a special button, by pressing which you can completely pause their work. Antivirus McAfee is no exception. In order to suspend the operation of the program, you must do the following:

Step 1.

  • Click on the antivirus icon McAfee on the taskbar to open a window with program settings.

Step 2.

  • On the home page of the program, switch to the "" tab, then go to the " Real-time check"And in the window that appears, select the time period for which the protection system will be disabled.
  • Confirm the action with the " Switch off».

Figure 3. Disable McAfee Real-Time Scan.

Step 3.

  • Then you need to go to the section " Scheduled check"And disable this function button " Switch off».
  • To apply the changes, click the " Ready».

Figure 4. Disable McAfee's Scheduled Scan feature.

Step 4.

  • Come back on home page programs and make sure that the " Protection against viruses and spyware »Is surrounded by a red border.
  • Then go to the " Web protection and email protection».

Step 5.

  • At the final stage, go to the sections “ Firewall" and " Anti-Spam»And disable these functions by pressing the corresponding buttons.

Thus, the program will temporarily pause its work and you can start those applications that it blocked. However, remember that some malware may intentionally ask you to disable your protection system.

Disable antivirus McAfee happens the same on 7 ,8 , 8.1 and 10 versions Windows.

Why isn't McAfee removed from my computer / laptop? How to completely remove McAfee antivirus on a Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 computer and laptop using standard operating system tools?

Unfortunately, even if you disable the program McAfee using the method described above, it will not work to delete it through the control panel, since its processes will still run in the background.

In order not to worry about shutting down processes, the easiest way to uninstall a program is to use the safe mode of the operating system. To do this, you need to do the following:

Step 1.

  • Restart your computer and press the key on the keyboard several times before the operating system starts to load. F8" or " Del”, Depending on the device model.
  • A list of operating system modes will appear on the screen. Use the keyboard arrows to select " Safe mode" and press " Enter"To enter.

Step 2.

  • After loading the operating system, in the dialog box that appears, click the " Yes"To continue operating the computer in safe mode.
  • Through the menu " Start"Go to the control panel and go to the section" Programs».
  • From the list installed programs find an antivirus McAfee and remove it.

Step 3.

  • Next, go to the root directory of the disk on which the antivirus was installed, and enter its name in the search bar for folders and files “ mcafee».
  • After displaying the results, delete all found files and folders. Empty the trash.

Step 4.

  • At the final stage, open the folder " My computer", Right-click on the disk with the operating system and select the line" Properties».
  • In the window that opens, click on the button " Disk cleanup"And after the system checks the disk in the list that appears, mark the line" Temporary files».
  • Click the " OK", Wait for the cleaning process to complete, restart your computer in normal mode and rejoice in the disappearance of the annoying program McAfee.

IMPORTANT: When cleaning a disc, be sure to uncheck all other lines. Otherwise, you may destroy important system files and thus disrupt the operation of the operating system.

How to completely uninstall McAfee antivirus on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 computer and laptop using third-party programs?

After removing the antivirus McAfee across safe mode the program will disappear from the computer, but it will leave behind a lot of various garbage that can prevent the installation of a new antivirus. In order to get rid of the residual files of the program, it is recommended to use special utility cleaning Perfect Uninstaller, which can be downloaded by this link.

To remove residual files using this utility, follow these steps:

Step 1.

  • Download Perfect Uninstaller with official site developer, install and run it.
  • On home page window of the program, click on the button " Force uninstall"And select our antivirus from the list McAfee.

Step 2.

  • In the window that opens, click the button " Next»To start the process of scanning the disk for residual files. All data found by the program will be deleted automatically.

VIDEO: How to completely remove McAfee antivirus?

You can delete McAfee antivirus by standard means Microsoft Windows or using a special utility.

Choose a removal method:

Removal by standard means

Removal using a special utility

To remove McAfee antivirus with standard by means of Microsoft Windows, select your operating system and follow the instructions:

Specify the operating system. For users of the operating room Windows systems Vista / 7. For users of the operating system Windows XP.


2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section " Programs and Features"(Or section" Programs", and then - " Programs and Features»):

4. In the window " Programs and Features

5. Double click the left mouse button on the program name;

6. Confirm that you really want to uninstall the program;

7. In the antivirus removal program window that opens McAfee Delete»:

8. Wait until the end of the deletion and press the button " Reboot now

Program Files

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the " Start»;

2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section "":

4. In the window " Installation and removal of programms»Select the program to be removed;

5. Click on the " Delete"(Or the button" Change»);

6. In the opened window of the anti-virus removal program McAfee mark the product you want to remove and press the button “ Delete»:

7. Wait until the end of the deletion and press the button " Reboot now"To restart the computer:

When you uninstall a third-party antivirus using standard Microsoft Windows tools, some folders and files may remain in the system, so you need to check the folder “ Program Files"After restarting the computer. If the folder contains folders and files of a third-party antivirus, then they must also be deleted and the computer rebooted.

You need to try uninstalling your antivirus first McAfee by standard Microsoft Windows tools.

In some cases, after removing the antivirus McAfee and restart the computer, in system registry operating system, there may be records left, due to which it is impossible to install an antivirus ESET NOD32.

To resolve this situation, follow the instructions:

1. Save the special utility (MCPR.exe file) on your computer desktop:

2. Run the MCPR.exe file;

3. In the window that opens, click the "NEXT" button:

4. In the next window, check " Agree"If you agree with the terms of the license agreement of the company McAfee, and click the " NEXT»:

5. Next, enter the verification code indicated in the picture in this window into the input line and press the button " NEXT».
Please note that the code can contain both uppercase and lowercase letters:

6. Wait for the end of the uninstallation process:

7. After removing the antivirus McAfee press the button " Restart"(Restart) to restart the computer:

ESET does not take responsibility for the result of this utility, as this software provided by a third-party antivirus developer.
We strongly recommend that you contact specialists for help when using a special utility to remove a third-party antivirus.

If you need help removing a third-party antivirus, then you can contact our free technical support.

Today I will show you how to remove McAfee antivirus completely from your computer if it does not uninstall. A demo version of this program is very often included in the kit on a disk with some software... And it turns out that this program is installed on a computer when it is completely unnecessary there. Or, it is possible that you used McAfee as a full-fledged antivirus, but at some point it ceased to suit you and you found yourself a more suitable option. So how do you get rid of it? There are pitfalls here, which I will explain now.

On the website of the developer of this antivirus, there is instructions on how to remove McAfee antivirus from your computer. To read it, click. The page is completely on English language to translate it you can use my article: "".

The most important contributor to the McAfee antivirus endeavors was John McAfee. Why am I telling you this, you ask? The fact is that he was tortured with letters asking him to tell how to remove McAfee antivirus from his computer. In order not to bother and answer everyone, he recorded a video in which he said that now he has nothing to do with this antivirus. To see this, watch the video:

If you had any thoughts to write to him, then you can forget about it. Most likely, he will simply provide a link to this video.

Something has deviated a little from the topic of today's article. So, first, you need to try to uninstall McAfee using standard Windows tools, namely: go to the "Start" menu, then - "Control Panel", then - "Uninstall a program". Find McAfee in the list and delete it by pressing the appropriate button: "Delete".

It would seem everything, but nothing of the kind! McAfee developers have tried their best and in 80% of cases you simply will not find this antivirus or module in the list. In the remaining 20%, you will find it, delete it, but the system files of the program will still remain on your computer, thus you will not be able to install the antivirus you need.

Video on how to uninstall McAfee in the standard way.

Removing McAfee Utility

How to uninstall McAfee if standard way uninstalling programs did not help you? We need a special utility that can be easily downloaded on the Internet. To make it easier for you to find, you can download.

After launching it, you will see a window with text in English. It doesn't make sense to translate it literally, it just says a greeting and a warning that the program will remove everything that is left of McAfee, and that's all we want. Click "Next".

You will see the terms of the license agreement. Put a tick in front of the word "Agree", which means: "Agree" and click on "Next".

In the next window, enter the characters, this is required in order to check whether you are a robot or a human. After entering the characters, click on the "Next" button.

Note: you need to enter characters taking into account the case of letters. If a large letter is drawn in the picture, then enter a large (upper case), if a small one, enter a lower case.

In principle, that's all. Now we just need to wait until the process bar reaches the end. It will take less than 2 minutes depending on the performance of your computer.

Upon completion of the uninstallation process, the utility will offer you to restart your computer with the "Restart" button. We press it, and when your Windows boots up, you can try to install another antivirus.

Congratulations, McAfee antivirus is now completely removed from your computer and you know how to completely remove McAfee.

If after uninstallation another antivirus is not installed, then it is possible that the keys remain in the registry. To do this, go to the registry and search for "McAfee". To more clearly see how this is done, you can read in the article: "".

Let's take a look at how to remove McAfee from the Windows operating system. Very often this program is installed along with any software downloaded from the Internet. The user does not uncheck the checkbox when installing the main program, and additional software appears on the computer in the form McAfee Security Scan Plus, McAfee Internet Security, SiteAdvisor, Yandex.Bar, Mail.Ru Agent, etc. Sometimes, to prevent an installed program from downloading additional software, you just need to turn off the Internet.

Regardless of whether the antivirus was installed on purpose or not, sometimes it can be difficult to remove it. Let's see how to solve the problem Windows tools.

How to remove McAfee antivirus manually: run the uninstaller

First of all, you need to disable the program. Right-click the McAfee LiveSafe icon in the tray and select Shut Down (Exit or Exit). After that go to the "Start" menu and click on "Control Panel". In the window that appears, find the "Programs and Features" section, select "Remove Programs".

Find McAfee antivirus in the list of installed programs. Right-click on the name of the program and select “uninstall / change” from the menu that appears. This will launch the uninstaller. You need to follow his instructions (see photo).

Unfortunately, uninstalling McAfee Antivirus doesn't end there. Some files and folders do not want to be deleted automatically, and you need to check their presence in the system. To do this, go to the system partition of the drive (as a rule, this is drive C). Go to the Program Files folder (sometimes it is Program Files (x86)) and delete the directories with McAfee in their name. Click on them with the right mouse button and select "delete" (see photo).

Now we clean the registry. Click on the "Start" taskbar and type "regedit" in the search bar. Hit Enter. In Registry Editor, press Ctrl + F, type McAfee in Find and click Find Next. Delete all found entries related to MacAfee (right-click -> "delete").

We check if the MacAfee drivers are still in the system. Open C: Windows - System32 - drivers. You need to remove all files:

  • mfeapfk.sys;
  • mfeavfk.sys;
  • mfebopk.sys;
  • mfeclnk.sys;
  • mfehidk.sys;
  • mferkdet.sys;
  • mfewfpk.sys.

it full list files that may remain. This is the process of uninstalling McAfee antivirus on Windows 10 using standard tools. It's the same in Windows 8.

Removal using uninstaller utilities

It is unlikely that you want to manually clean the system of files. Then how do you completely remove McAfee antivirus from your laptop? To do this, you can use special software. They are convenient in that they search and delete all files belonging to the program to be removed on their own. You can clean the system using Revo Uninstaller, Uninstall Tool, Uninstall Tool, Jv16 PowerTools. Let's take a look at the Jv16 PowerTools uninstall utility.

it great utility to remove any programs. The portable version of this software is convenient in that it does not require installation. You just need to unpack the archive, and you can run the program. In Windows 8, it must be run with administrator rights, otherwise the program may not start. With Windows 10, this shouldn't be a problem. The first time you start it, it will diagnose the system. It will take no more than a couple of minutes. Select "Complete uninstallation of programs" (see photo).

The utility will produce Windows scan to identify already installed programs. Find McAfee LiveSafe in the list, check the box on the left in the checkbox and click "Uninstall" (see photo).

Jv16 PowerTools will remove all antivirus related files. This completes uninstalling MacAfee. It remains to clean the computer. To do this, click "close" and on the main screen of the program select "Cleaning and repairing your computer" (see photo).

Select "Normal system scan method" by placing the slider at the second position from the top. Click "Start" (see photo).

Within a few minutes, the program will scan the system for errors and offer to fix them. When the report appears, select the "Select" - "All" menu item. Checkboxes will appear in the checkboxes. Click "Fix" (see photo).

A window will appear in which the utility will offer to compress the registry after restarting Windows. Agree. When finished, click Close. When exiting Jv16 PowerTools, you will be asked if you want to restart your computer now or do it later. Choose the option that suits you. After restarting the computer, all changes will take effect. This will completely remove the required program.

Revo Uninstaller

Select "Uninstaller" from the top menu and find McAfee Security Scan Plus antivirus. Click on it, and then on "Delete" (see photo).

The uninstaller will start. The uninstallation of McAfee doesn't end there. Upon completion, you need to scan the system by selecting the "safe" mode (see photo).

If Revo Uninstaller does not find any remnants of the program to be uninstalled, a corresponding window will appear, and this will complete the uninstallation. If McAfee could not be removed completely, Revo will prompt you to select and remove them. Be sure to restart your computer for all changes to take effect.

Video instructions for complete removal through the utility