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VK group comments filter. Keyword list filter How the obscene language filter works vk

Often, community managers, smm-specialists or bloggers use the "comment filter" function in their profiles and pages.
If you are tortured by spam, or the number of blog haters has exceeded a lump sum, you should take a closer look at this feature.

How to enable Instagram comment filter

Back in 2016, Instagram started fighting spammers and started filtering comments.
- In order to protect all our users, we must create conditions in which everyone can remain themselves, without risking to see criticism or insult in their address, - explained the creator and general director social network Instagram Kevin Sistor.
Some are still not in the know, while others simply forget that in the vastness of our network you need to be able to "defend" (until a splash arrives in the form of someone's author's disorientation).

How do you configure this feature?

Click on the gear icon in your profile and admire the "Comments" tool.
To hide everything containing insults, click on the "Automatic filter" section.
Or you can create a list with certain unwanted words, phrases, numbers, hashtags and emojis. Just list them separated by commas. Make sure everything is correct: the tool filters words exactly down to each character. Emoji filtering keeps track of all comments that contain emoji from your list.

Comments will also be filtered in your live streams

How to enable Facebook comment filter?

Facebook also has its own “fighter against offenders”.

We include "Filter of obscene expressions".

Here, as in the difficulty levels of the game: "high - medium - low" levels of comment moderation.

Facebook itself determines the list of harmful expressions - based on the statistics of complaints from all users of the Russian-speaking segment (I would like to take a look at these statistics!).

Here you can already add keywords, from the sight of which tears appear in your eyes.

For example, if you enter "http", any comments with external links will be automatically sent to spam.

How to enable the comment filter on Vkontakte?

To enable filtering of community comments, do the following:

Go to community settings by clicking on the link "Community Management" on the community page (under the photo);

Activate the check mark "Enable Obscene Language Filter" to enable automatic hiding of comments containing the most used obscene words and expressions;

Activate the checkbox "Enable keyword filter" to enable automatic hiding of comments. List, separated by commas, all words that, in your opinion, do not have the right to exist in the comments of your page.

Filtered words can contain Latin, Cyrillic and space, and must not be shorter than two characters.

All comments hidden by the filter will be automatically placed in the "Action log" tab in the page settings, where, if necessary, any community administrator can see which word caused the hiding of a comment. The hidden can be restored or, conversely, blocked by a commentator who is too sharp on the tongue.

The "Comment filter" option is available in every VKontakte group, and it can be activated at any minute. First of all, this tool will be useful for large communities in which the ability to comment and discuss posts on the wall is open.

In fact, the VK comment filter is an automatic moderator that will save the group administration from manually reviewing all left messages. Obscene speech, someone else's advertisements and spam are common among large and interesting groups, but cleaning them takes a lot of time.

In this step by step instructions site site, we will learn how to enable the comment filtering function, as well as understand its capabilities.

Automatic filtering will save the group from a mass of unwanted or obscene messages, and we can delete all other comments on our own.

VK group comments filter: how to connect and configure

Step # 1

We pass to the VK community, where the comment filter functions should be connected, we go to the "Community Management" menu:

Step # 2

In the "Settings" menu, select the "Comments" submenu:

Step # 3

Find the item "Comment filter" and set the first top checkbox (check the box). With this simple operation, we have already eliminated most of the unwanted messages, including obscene and profanity.

Note that the built-in VK dictionary was compiled by professional linguists and philologists in 4 languages, and therefore has a high efficiency in filtering out unwanted and obscene phrases.

In the same way, we set up a private filter (by keywords), in which we will add several advertising phrases to get rid of spam and unwanted advertising comments.

The second filter is configured in manual mode, it contains unwanted stop words, which will be used for filtering (separated by commas).

Let's enter into this filter, for example, the following words:

go, come in, subscribe, look, a new group, subscribe, join, join, add, add, buy, sell, ads, announcement, website, vacancies, inexpensive, cheap, price, prices, download, upload, download, install, download, install, more

IMPORTANT: you must understand that any new word or phrase added to the filter will clear the wall of all comments that contain it.

The choice of stop words should be individual each time so that the filter does not interfere with the normal work of the group. It will be impossible to use blocked words and phrases in comments, and you need to be very careful with the filtering settings!

Step # 4

After setting up the filters, be sure to save the result using the "SAVE" button, otherwise all your settings will be lost, and the filters for clearing VK comments will not start their normal work. Do not forget to click it before leaving the page.

For more tips, see the VIDEO:

Work logic

List filtering module keywords as well as the module for generating new keywords, it is a submodule of the interface element "List of keywords" and acts as a processor of all keywords entering or already received in the parent instance of the "List". Before getting into the instance of the "Keyword List" interface element, all keywords pass through the keyword filter (if the filter is enabled in the "Keyword List" control panel with the button). The filter decides (according to user-specified rules) whether the word is actually added to the list or not.

The filter allows you to set the rules according to which the filtering of keywords seeking to get into the "List" will take place. These rules are divided into two groups, which are applied to the filtered words in the following order:

  • Allowed words("Allow") - the keyword being tested for compliance must contain an allowed word. Allows you to effectively narrow your targeting by phrases of interest included in the current "List".
If the list of allowed words empty, all phrases supplied to the filter input are considered to have passed the sieve allowed words, and are immediately transferred for verification with the list forbidden words.
  • Forbidden words("Deny", nor "stop words") - the tested phrase cannot contain a stop word. Stop words allow you to limit the range of phrases included in the current "List" when the user does not have an exhaustive set of allowed words, but knows exactly which words should not be included in the "List".

If the tested key phrase contains any word from the list allowed words(or a list allowed words empty) and does not contain any of the list forbidden words, this phrase goes into the current instance of the Keyword List item (the original List, whose filter was user-configured).

The filter is included in the work in the control panel of the used instance of the "Keyword List" interface element. When enabled, the filter starts processing all words sent by Magadan to the list processed by the filter. Enabling the filter does not process the words already present in the filtered "List". For a one-time filtering of the current set of words in the "List", the button " Apply to the current list of keywords" (cm. ).


As mentioned earlier, the filter is enabled in the control panel of the used instance of the "Keyword List" interface element.

The filter interface consists of two main tabs: " Tolerance" and " Ban". They are used to define lists permitted and forbidden words respectively.

Each tab ("Tolerance" and "Prohibition") allows you to replenish the corresponding list of words manually, load words from external files or connect pre-prepared bases of allowed or forbidden words.

The heading of each tab displays the number of words added to it.

Filtered word list

Filtered Words List Window

The list of filtered words includes all keywords that have not passed filtering, i.e. that do not meet one or another filter condition. The list is available for viewing from the filter control menu located in the control panel of the "Keyword list" interface element.

Filter Usage Examples

Below are examples of comparative results using different filter configurations. In the tables, from left to right, intermediate results of the passage of words located in the first column through all stages of filtration are indicated. The last column shows the result of the filtered keyword hitting the current "List" of keywords.

Example without allowed words


at the filter inlet

Allowed words Stop words Result
- vtb
bank Passes Passes Passes
banks Passes Passes Passes
credit bank Passes Does not pass Does not pass
savings bank Passes Does not pass Does not pass
vtb bank Passes Does not pass Does not pass
bank website Passes Passes Passes
interest-free loan Passes Does not pass Does not pass

Example with allowed words


at the filter inlet

Allowed words Stop words Result
credit bank
bank Does not pass Not tested Does not pass
banks Does not pass Not tested Does not pass
credit bank Passes Does not pass Does not pass
savings bank Does not pass Not tested Does not pass
vtb bank Does not pass Not tested Does not pass
bank website Does not pass Not tested Does not pass
interest-free loan Passes Passes Passes