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Selection of keywords for Google. How to use Google Keyword Planner

Unlike Yandex Direct in Google adwords collecting a huge amount keywords not so important because low-frequency keywords won't work in AdWords.

And as a result, it is only required to collect the main keywords, from which the majority of all conversions and conversions will be.

An excellent tool for solving this problem is Google AdWords Planner or Keyword Planner.

Planner in the old and new AdWords interface

To go to Keyword Planner

In the new Google AdWords interface, you need to:

    Open the toolbar in the upper right corner of the screen.

    In the first column "Planning" select the item "Keyword Planner"

In the old interface:

    V top menu open "Tools"

    Select the item "Key phrases planner"

Let's move on to working in the Scheduler interface.

Working with the Keyword Planner interface

To start selecting keywords, select the "Search for new keywords" item in the planner.

Sources of key phrases

Only 2 options can serve as a source for the Keyword Planner:

1. Url

2. Key phrases

You can add only 3 phrases, while it is better to indicate broader words that reflect the essence of the advertised object, be it a product or a service.

Ground coffee

coffee machine

For a source, you can specify both a link and 3 keywords at the same time.

If your site does not exist or it is just being developed, to collect key phrases, you can and even need to indicate the site of one of the competitors in the URL.

You need to choose from the first positions in the Google search results, since these sites are accurately indexed by the search engine and most likely they will have the largest number of variations of keywords of a suitable topic.

It remains only to press the "Start" button and go to the main menu of the scheduler.

Configuring Keyword Planner

Going to the main menu, you may not notice very important settings.


Perhaps the most important item in the scheduler settings.

Here you must definitely set the region in which you will conduct future advertising campaigns.

The collection of keywords throughout Russia is set by the standard.

At the same time, the number of requests in individual regions is more than exact phrases, can be almost zero. Consequently, the displayed keywords can get the status “Few impressions” and there will be no ad display for them.


By default, the language specified in the AdWords settings is set.

For Russia to reach as much as possible more users, in addition to the Russian language, you also need to look at the options for keywords in English, since the search query can also be written in English.

Below is an example for the Russian and English languages ​​and the difference in the issuance of options for key phrases for them.

Variants of key phrases in Russian.

English options:

The example shows that without working English you can lose more than a thousand targeted queries per month. This is especially important if the advertised object has an English name.

Search Networks

Search networks include both Google search partners and its services, for example, Image Search, Maps, Shopping.

This setting item can provide additional options for keywords, but most likely there will be few of them and they are unlikely to be targeted. But it's worth testing and seeing.

We're done with the settings, let's move on to the keywords themselves.

Adding keywords to the plan.

By marking suitable keywords a menu will appear for further work with key phrases.

In the menu that appears, you can:

1. Immediately add the selected words to the ad group and write ads under them for further advertising launch.

2. Add key phrases to the plan (For beginners, I highly recommend this item)

3. Select a match for key phrases.

Before moving on to budget and bids settings, let's take a look at another feature of the Keyword Planner.

6 keyword filters in AdWords Planner

There are filters in the planner:

    Keyword text

    Exclude keywords specified in my account

    Wed number of requests per month

    Competition level

    Percentage of ad impressions received

    Bid to be shown at the top of the page (min.)

    Bid to be shown at the top of the page (max.)

    Impressions received (organic search)

    Middle position

I especially highlight this point, since it is with the help of it that you can find high-quality and inexpensive keywords.

Let's analyze the main filters

In this filter, I advise you to set a minimum value of 25-30, since everything that is possible below it will no longer be shown.

Thus, we immediately remove great amount meaningless words in your account.

Competition level

Using this filter, you can find words for which there are not very many competitors, respectively, and the display of advertising will be cheaper, and it will also be easier to show an advertisement in the first places of search.

I do not recommend completely excluding words with high competition, for them, with a well-designed ad, you can get applications at reasonable prices.

How to write quality ads in AdWords

The filter is based on the already received statistics of the account, if there has already been advertising in it before.

This filter works perfectly in tandem with the filter “Exclude keywords specified in my account”

With the help of such a link, you can determine by which words advertisements shown but not yet added to your account, these keywords usually appear due to the broad match modifier of the word.

The filter is perfectly explained in the Google AdWords Help:

This metric helps you assess whether you can expand your ad reach by increasing your bids or budget.

As with the Competition Level, you can determine the average CPC when displayed at the top of the page.

Using it, you can exclude overly expensive queries with a limited advertising budget.

Again, I do not advise you to completely remove expensive requests, it is better to place them in a separate ad group and test the impact from them. The results can be pleasantly surprising.

Let's go to the plan overview tab.

Plan overview

In the plan overview, you can see preliminary statistics for the keywords.

In the review you can see approximate:

    Number of clicks

    Number of impressions

    Approximate cost

    Planned CTR

    Average CPC

    Sharing users between devices

This tab gives a general idea of ​​those keys that were collected earlier.

For changes it is better to go to the "Keywords" tab

How can we influence preliminary statistics?

There are several ways:


it the most important indicator in the planner keywords.

You can change it by clicking on the previously set rate.

After clicking on the rate, a chart with the ratio of CPC to Impressions / Clicks / Cost will open.

With the help of this graph, you can understand what the average bid should be set for a specific budget and traffic volume.

Statistics on the date the ad was shown.

Another feature of the word planner is the selection of the scheduled date range for displaying ads.

Removing keywords

It is especially important for Google that for each keyword there is a well-written ad from the headline to the page to which the advertisement leads the user.

And in order to write an ad in a relevant way, you need to work through several versions of it in an ad group and identify the best of them.

Therefore, you need to split the keywords into ad groups, for this we go to the tab of the same name.

8 ad groups in Keyword Planner

In this menu, you can create additional ad groups for the subsequent addition of keywords to them.

To add a group, you need to click on the button with a blue plus.

Adding keywords to the selected group

After collecting semantic core containing many keywords, it must be uploaded to your AdWords account.

Migrate keywords and ad groups from Planner to AdWords.

To transfer from any tab of the planner, you need to click on the item "Save to account"

This will open a window with the creation of a new campaign, where you need to specify its name and daily budget.


In conclusion, I would like to say that for the complexity of collecting keywords in Google AdWords, in comparison with Yandex Direct, tends to zero, since the Keyword Planner from Google is an order of magnitude more convenient and more functional than Yandex Wordstat.
Share your thoughts in the comments, I'm always ready to answer them.

Google Keyword Planner is a powerful keyword tool. Its use will help not only to create effective contextual advertising but also in SEO promotion. Only in it you can find the exact data on the queries that Google users use when searching.

Introducing you complete guide on Using the Google AdWords (Ads) Keyword Planner in 2020.

It's basically a free tool, but you need a Google Ads account to use it - if you don't have one, create it, it's pretty simple. Next, there are 2 ways to log into Google Keyword Planner:

After that, we find ourselves on the tool page, where there are two tools: "Find new keywords" and "See the number of queries and forecasts."

If you need to pick up SEO keywords, the capabilities of these tools will be more than enough.

Moving on to an overview of all the Google Keyword Planner features.

How to work with Google Keyword Planner

Finding new keywords

Step 1... We press "Find new keywords". A window will appear where you need to:

  • Write a keyword or phrase;
  • Disable display of results with brand names;
  • Set the search language;
  • Select a location for analysis (country, region or city).

After we click "Show results".

Step 2... Next we find ourselves on the "Keyword Plan" page. V top line you can change the conditions: place, language, search networks (you can select Google and partners) and the time range for which the data is taken - you can choose for the last month, for 12 or 24 months, or set manually.

You can also change the columns that are shown in the report by keywords. Click on the columns icon on the right side of the screen and then check the box next to the columns you want to show. To understand what data will be added - hover the mouse over the desired item and wait for the tooltip.

Step 3. Keywords. Scroll below and find data for a given key query. Opposite each word or phrase, the selected data will be displayed: the average number of requests per month, the level of competition, the minimum bid for showing in the top block, and so on. Depends on which pillars you have selected in the settings. By clicking on any of the indicators, you can filter the data in ascending or descending order.

Please note that initially the list will show not only phrases with the specified word, but also relevant queries selected by the system itself.

Step 4. Filtration. To refine the list of keywords, click "Add filter".

At the output, we get statistics on the filtered keywords. Yes, these are not exact indicators, but only a range. But this will be quite enough to assess the prospects of promotion for the selected phrase.

If necessary, you can upload the received data in the .csv format - click "Download".

Another useful guide:Collecting keywords in Yandex.Wordstat

Query statistics

This one differs from the previous version of the selection of queries in that you enter manually or load from a file, keywords, the frequency of which you want to check. Accordingly, you first need to prepare a list of these words. How does this happen? let's consider example.

  1. We select synonyms for the main request. Our product is flowers, but most will look for specific flowers: roses, tulips, carnations, lilies and so on.
  2. Additives that can be used in a request, indicating an interest to buy right now: buy, order, delivery, price, price, inexpensive and others.
  3. For what reason, a bouquet will be presented: for a birthday, wedding, anniversary, March 8 ...

You can pick up more options for generating queries, but this will be enough to understand the example. Now we enter this data into different columns in the generator of meaningful key phrases: and click "Generate".

We got 101 phrases, with a more in-depth consideration of the topic, it usually turns out from 10,000 phrases. Now go back to the Google AdWords Keyword Planner and paste the list into the text box.

The rest of the settings (targeting and date range) are filled in by analogy with the previous example, and then click "Find out the number of requests". This way you get more accurate data for your semantic core for the site or an advertising campaign.

What can be done using this way? Here, it is just possible to do the above-described word multiplication, only with some restrictions (only 3 columns, it is not possible to use an empty word).

In each column we enter a list of words - new words with new line or separated by commas. To add or remove a column with a list of words, you need to click on the multiplication sign between them. And now we press "Find out the number of requests".

Planning a budget and getting forecasts in Google Adwords

Now let's look at how the forecast budget for advertising in Google AdWords can be useful for us and how they differ from each other 2 possible options to make a budget forecast.

Keyword based

Everything is exactly the same as in the above examples, we enter a list of keywords, set the targeting and filtering settings, but with one amendment. Here you can use special characters for phrases:

  • flower delivery - broad match;
  • "Flower delivery" - phrase matching;
  • [flower delivery] - exact match.

So, after adding a list of search phrases, in the "Date range" settings item, select, at the top - 7 days, just below - a month, to get a forecast for the month.

Next, click "Get forecasts". Based on the specified words, the system will show us the projected number of clicks, impressions and the approximate monthly consumption ( or another selected period) depending on the selected rate. Accordingly, the higher the bid per click, the more clicks 😄

On the same page, on the left, you can go to the "Volume dynamics search queries», Where the periods with the highest demand are shown in the form of graphs, as well as the distribution of search across various devices.

The graphs show that flowers are most often ordered in February-March and November-December (in these months it is advisable to increase the rate per click), and also that the overwhelming number search queries carried out with mobile devices(if advertising leads to the site, it must be adapted for mobile devices).

Campaign forecasts

The tool works in exactly the same way as the previous one, with the only difference that the forecast is issued not based on the loaded list of keywords, but on the keywords used in the current advertising campaign. To get a forecast, click "Select in account", select a campaign or keywords from your account and save the parameters - "Get forecasts".

After that, you will be shown data on the predicted number of clicks and impressions depending on bids, and in a separate tab you will be able to see how the total number of search queries is distributed by months, types of devices and places from which the search was carried out.

We have considered all the possibilities of the Keyword Planner and in conclusion I would like to add that you shouldn't rely on everything on Google data and recommendations (especially in the case of advertising campaigns), since the data may slightly differ from reality.

Newbie AdWords Keyword Tutorial

Hello everyone! Today's article, as usual, is designed for newbies in the field of Internet marketing who get lost in various lengthy discussions about collecting keywords, not grasping the essence of the process and giving up their endeavors.

So, you are just starting to get acquainted with marketing on the Internet, and do not yet know which side is best to approach it. the means do not allow, and it is high time to enter keywords in the texts on the pages. You may not even know what key phrases are and why they are needed. It doesn't matter: on universal example online store, we will understand the basics of online marketing and learn how to select keywords (create a semantic core).

Preparatory stage

First, you need to decide on the category for which you will select queries. We will proceed from what you have in stock, which might look something like this:

Resource type: online store.

Region: Minsk, Belarus.

Language: Russian.

Task: selection of requests for a specific category, expansion.

Now a little terminology. Requests that can be connected according to one characteristic (color, price, season):

  • buy white sneakers.
  • sneakers are inexpensive.
  • etc.

merge into one semantic group.

Interaction with Google Adwords

The guide is designed for beginners, so we will consider the procedure for collecting key queries using the example of only one tool, which is called.

Register and go to the Adwords service page. The main window awaits you, where you need to open the "Tools" menu and go to the "Keyword Planner" section.

Welcome to AdWords.

On the next page of the service, select " Search for new keywords by phrase,…».

Keyword planner. Where to begin?

A form will open in which you need to specify the main parameters of the filters. Among them:

  • Region - Belarus.
  • Russian language.
  • A series of queries in the line "Your product".
  • The main keyword with its word forms is written in the window "Key words under consideration". If you leave this field blank, the service will offer you requests for different shoes and clothes.
Enter the basic parameters of the filters.

After entering the initial data, click "Get options". As a result, you will see the report generated by the service.

Go to section " Keyword variations" and press " Show / Hide Chart". To add a specific keyword to a group, click the button in the corresponding column. All pressed buttons are marked in red and numbered arrows.

Adding options to the plan

Composing a semantic group

Name this stage sounds solid and even a little scary, but in practice everything is much simpler than it seems to the uninitiated user. The problem is that newbies almost always make the same blunder when they add all the queries they find to one plan. All phrases containing the word "sneakers" are combined, resulting in a vinaigrette of queries different types which are difficult to understand.

It is impossible to optimize the page for such a mismatched group of keywords. And if there is no normal optimization, then there can be no question of promotion. In order not to step on the rake that all newbies go through, select queries as follows:

1. Adding queries for a narrow-target semantic group. As an example, we take inexpensive men's sneakers: not for children, not black, but for men. Accordingly, all queries in which the words "men's sneakers are inexpensive" are added to the semantic group (the declension can be any). Geo-queries (indicating the region - Belarus, Minsk, etc.) are also suitable here.

In this way, you will collect a number of keywords from the target group. without the inclusion of information, brand and other requests... To see the list you have generated, click the button " My options…».

Further it will be easier: after adding all target queries to the group, you must click the "Download plan" button. Then, in the small window, set the required parameters (for example, the display format "CSV (Excel)") and click "Download".

This completes the selection of queries to the first semantic group. You can be happy with yourself, the first one important step already done.

2. Expansion of the semantic core - selection of brand queries. After you create your target semantic group, you need to view the complete list of brands available on your online platform in the category "Men's Sneakers". Then you start adding queries that include brand names to a separate plan. Such requests are of great importance for promotion and can bring significantly more traffic than general keywords.

Each brand is an independent group promoted on a separate page of your site. Example: A query for the brand "Nike sneakers" is much more frequent than the general phrase "Men's sneakers".

Based on this, we draw a logical conclusion:

Promotion without brand queries in this topic is fraught with sudden death on the Internet, since most of the traffic comes from the names of manufacturers.

To promote requests, you need branded pages that are indexed search engines... These pages should be able to accommodate optimized texts, meta tags, etc.

3. Further expansion of the semantic core - selection of words using filters. The main semantic group has been created, brand queries have been added. Now you need to study what filters are in the category in question and choose keywords for them. Size, color, price - collect keywords for all available filters, create semantic groups from them and start promoting them on the corresponding pages.


After the measures taken to analyze queries for a certain category of goods, you will have a number of semantic groups in your hands:

  • By targeted requests.
  • By brands.
  • By filters (size, color, season, etc.).
  • Geo queries. We chose one region, but in practice there may be more.
  • Multilingual. If there is a version of the category in another language, then you need to collect keywords for it. This is done by setting up filters and changing the language for writing keywords.

As a result, you will have hundreds of queries clearly categorized into semantic groups. For each group, you define one landing page, on which the keywords included in its composition will be promoted. Since requests are separated in groups, website promotion, whether it is creating meta tags, ordering texts or purchasing links, will be much easier.

Moreover, thanks to this orderliness, you will immediately notice which promotional activities give the maximum effect.

If you ignore the above recommendations and simply collect all more or less suitable queries, then you will not be able to adequately analyze the dynamics. As a result, it will be difficult to figure out which promotional activities are beneficial and which can be discarded, saving the budget.

For a landing page.

Briefly, the strategy boils down to the following stages:

  • we investigate the structure of the site;
  • looking for new ideas;
  • we research competitors;
  • collecting intersections;
  • collecting tips;
  • filtering with negative keywords;
  • grouping words;
  • we estimate the frequency and take into account the word form.

But as a result, something does not work, or you understand that something is missing.

Usually, you may find that the CTR of existing words is below 10% and is not happy with high conversion rates.

Or 80% of the semantics do not work after a long period of time.

Losses on these keywords can be up to 75% of your budget!

According to statistics, poorly performing queries can be easily caught using filters and paused, but others should be added in their place.

Are you wondering how to expand your keywords and improve your performance in contextual advertising?

A simple and straightforward guide will help you complete the cherished words without missing anything superfluous.

Conversion keys from Yandex.Direct

Yes, the easiest way to search for keywords is to see what worked well for you.

Take search queries from Yandex.Direct and add to your campaign.

Try to keep the keyword matching format: remember that they may differ.

Try to change them in Excel according to a simple rule.

Match type in Yandex Example How to write in Google AdWords
Wide Samsung S7 repair + repair + samsung + S7
Wide with precise word form ! repair! Samsung S7 + repair + samsung + S7 *
Forcing a word into a query Samsung S7 + repair in Moscow Samsung S7 + repair in Moscow **
Exact wordform repair samsung + in! moscow + repair + samsung + in + moscow
Phrase matching "Samsung S7 repair" [Samsung S7 repair]
Phrasal with exact word form "! Repair! Samsung! S7" [+ repair + samsung + S7]
Fixed word order [Samsung S7 repair] "Samsung S7 repair"

In total, the broad match modifier operator is, in fact, an analogue of using only the word that we have added to contextual advertising.

  • The word can be declined, but different numbers cannot be used - singular and plural.
  • If this is a verb, then in one tense - indefinite, present or past.

In fact use + implies that you will be adding any additional phrase frameworks.

For example, if you use the word repair without the broad match modifier operator, your ad might appear on request for repair or decoration.

Therefore, when adding conversion keys, be sure to study Yandex search tips.

You can see them here.

Highlight all conversion requests.

Examine only this column after deleting takes.

Conversion SEO Keys

Examining conversion keys from search.

Yes, you can just go to your report Google analytics and in the “Conversions” section, catch the main keywords.

I use it every day, it helps with most automated tasks.

Initially, cross the main words with each other.

Just write the first word-phrase in column 1, in any other column the second word.

The result will be a structured list.

Its convenience is that all words will alternate.

Immediately import the list into Excel as follows.

For a group, just take the first key and duplicate it to the end.

Then copy the complete first list and add it to the third column.

Enter the names of districts and cities in the first column, not forgetting the operator *.

If you do this, the hierarchy in the utility is not broken, and you can easily "put" ad groups directly in EXCEL.

Remove duplicate keywords

Remove duplicate keywords.

To remove duplicate keywords, we'll use a simple AdWords Editor utility.

To do this, first download the updated version of your campaign.

Then press Tools - Find duplicate keywords.

Then the system will offer to find a filtering method - select the following.

  • Strong word order - Use the default if your campaign has phrasal and exact match words. Otherwise select Any word order.
  • Duplicate words must be of the same match type.
  • Searching for keys is recommended in selected campaigns with the same geo targeting. If you have a campaign for Moscow and St. Petersburg, it is recommended to choose Within one campaign.

Then press OK and remove duplicate keywords.

Use the keyword quality criterion - All but the tallest.

Then just pause or delete (if you are just going to upload a campaign) duplicates.

Once you've made your headlines, create new ads that are relevant to our keywords.

To do this, you can use a simple utility Generating ads.

  • Add ad groups to the first column.
  • Fill in Heading 1 via the operator (KeyWord :)- this will substitute your generated key.
  • List the rest of the ad text.
  • Please enter a name for your campaign. Please note, if you want to insert new groups into an existing campaign, write a similar name.
  • When saving the result in the generator, delete the KeyWord field - then in the AdWords Editor you will import only the ads themselves in the required structure.

Total: You can easily transfer all the generated keywords by group to a new or existing campaign.

Let's move on to queries.

Change match types

Change the match types.

Don't forget about keyword match types.

After all, probably, we have already collected queries in the wrong types of matches that we planned.

Use a simple utility that can make phrases with the required types matches:

Enter prepositions in the Broad Match Modifier field.

Separate them with commas.

Then paste all the keywords from the column and click the button Get keywords.

Then copy the result to the clipboard and paste it into Excel.

Then import your keywords into the AdWords Editor using a simple scheme - name the first line as shown in the screenshot.

Check headers for length

Check the headers for length.

Make sure headings are less than 30 characters in length.

This can be checked with EXCEL.

Use our utility to split words by length.

Just insert the list of groups in the first column.

Then check the keywords that will participate in the auto-substitution.


No matter how you assemble a campaign, you always have to refine your search keywords.

To do this, follow these simple tips.

  • Explore other channels to get traffic. For example, the same Yandex.Direct - statistics on it can be very useful.
  • Estimate the most converting keywords. Please note that they can be caught from Search engine SEO traffic.
  • Use the best practices of competitors' sites. They do not stand still and constantly modify texts and search queries.
  • Add new keywords to your campaigns, experiment with ads.

In the next article, we will look at how to upload campaigns to the Display Network (Display Network), take into account the specifics of the settings for this type of advertising and tell you how not to drain all the money down the drain.

Subscribe to the blog and receive notifications of new publications. Ask questions in the comments, I'll be happy to answer them!

Luckily, Google has a free keyword research tool that you can use to do this:.

Google Keyword Planner doesn't have a very good reputation, especially after Google removed the ability to see the exact monthly frequency.

Frequency of the month for "best protein powder" in Google Keyword Planner

You can recognize her. But for this you have to launch an AdWords campaign. And it costs money.

But don't be upset. Google Keyword Planner is an EXTREMELY powerful tool which has clear advantages. For example, he can suggest such keywords that you are more nowhere you will not find. Trust me, I checked.

The problem is, most SEOs have no idea how to get the most out of this tool.

In this article, I'll show you how to get tons of SEO benefits from Keyword Planner. Who knows, maybe there are several ways to find out the exact frequency ... for free. 😉

Let's start with the basics.

How to access Google Keyword Planner (free)

Google Keyword Planner 100% free... You don't need to spend a penny on advertising to get access. You only need a Google account.

NOTE. No Google account? you can get it for free.

But sometimes, when accessing a tool, this is what happens:

Google is so aggressively offering to launch ads that it seems like there is no other way to access the tool than to throw some money there. But I have good news.

You CAN access the tool NOT by running AdWords ads. There are only a few obstacles to overcome.

Not that far from the truth. 😉

IMPORTANT: This is a very rough way of estimating the frequency. And by no means defining.

Method 2. Install Keywords Everywhere

But there is one more thing that few people know about: the extension shows the frequency in Google Keyword Planner.

Don't believe me? See for yourself:

Cool, isn't it? The only problem is that you can't just export this data.

But with XPath and the Scraper Chrome extension it is possible.

But whatever technique you use, I do not advise you to completely trust the received data.

To see why, see the two articles from [Soulo] in the further reading block below.

2. Check more than ten introductory queries at a time

Here's what happens when you try to add more than ten introductory keywords to Google Keyword Planner:

"No stairway, denied."

But there is a way around this. Check them one at a time. And add to the plan: click the checkbox at the very top of the list and select the option "select all XXX", then click "Add to plan".

Let's do this for the 743 sentences for the introductory SEO query.

And repeat the operation for ten other keywords.

Now let's look at the "Previous indicators" tab in the section Keywords... Here we will see ALL the keywords we just added. All duplicates have been removed automatically, so there are no duplicate requests in the list.

They are displayed in alphabetical order by default. But you yourself can sort them by the number of requests, competition or other metrics.

3. Copy requests from competitors

Google Keyword Planner can generate queries for a URL.

Do you understand where I am leading? You can spy on your competitors and spy on their keywords. Just enter the URL of a competitor's page into the Planner and select “Entire Site” from the drop-down list.

2,274 proposals on request.

If you see too many branded queries, filter them out.

Add Filter> Keyword Text> Enter Brand Name

Repeat the process with as many competitors as you want and get an endless stream of fresh keyword ideas.


Want to find inquiries for individual pages? Select "Only for this page" from the drop-down list.

Let's do this for our competitors' Google Keyword Planner guide.

652 results.

There are some good ideas. I guess I'm using a couple from the list in this post. Let's see if you can find them :)

4. Find the questions people ask

It's much easier to come up with ideas for content when you know what questions your audience is interested in. Probably that's why the likes of Answer The Public are so popular.

But you don't need a separate tool for this. If you get smart, you can do it in Keyword Planner too.

Filter> Keyword Text> contains> enter one of the following:who, what, why, when, where, how.

Repeat the process for the rest of the question words. When done, the output should look something like this:

Result: 211 suggestions for questions.

Great content ideas can be found. For example:

  • what is link building (what is link building);
  • what is search engine optimization (what is search engine optimization);
  • what is the best seo tool (which seo tool is the best);
  • etc.


How about 28,848?

This is how many queries of the question type are found by the tool for the query "SEO".

28,848 interrogative keywords for the query "SEO" c.

As you might have noticed everyone has there are exact figures for the frequency. 😉

Repeat the process for different introductory keywords and get a HUGE list of question queries.

Add filtered results to your plan each time. You can even create an ad group specifically for these requests.

This will make it easier to filter queries in Excel or if you want to export the plan.

5. Find promising keywords by looking at the suggested bids

All keyword suggestions are good, but how do you know which keywords are adding value to your business?

You can iterate over them manually. But it's not fun at all if you have hundreds or thousands of keywords in your list.

I suggest using the column "Bid to be displayed at the top of the page (max.)".

Let's say you are a plumber. Using the first trick with number of impressions instead of frequency, we learned that for the query "plumber", about 286K impressions are predicted over the next 30 days.

But plumbers don't work all over the country. It's impossible.

With Google Keyword Planner, you can narrow your search and see the estimated frequency for regions and even for individual cities.

Start typing the name of the area into the location filter at the very top of the page. Let's try Los Angeles (city).

Now we see that the "plumber" received only about 12 thousand impressions. Not bad, right?

This is convenient not only for local businesses. You can also understand what are the most popular regions in which they are looking for a certain query.

Just add a keyword (or a few words) to your plan. I'll take hendersons relish.

Now let's go to Plan overview and select "All Locations" in the location filter. Scroll down to the block Locations... You will see a list of the top countries searched for for this keyword.

NOTE. Don't forget to turn off the city filter first.

We see that 94.5% of all impressions for “hendersons relish” are in the UK. Not surprisingly, these are British spices.

You can also use this tool to understand WHO you are creating content FOR.

For example, 3.9% of all searches for "luxury car rental" come from Los Angeles.

If your business is a premium car rental business, then creating content aimed at the folks in Los Angeles will likely pay off well. Even if the content isn't 100% car related. This is a great way to grab the attention of potential customers.

Not a bad idea, right? Guys from think so too. (eng.)

7. Find out what devices people are using (and for which devices should be optimized)

To use the Internet these days, people use a lot different devices... In particular, smartphones, laptops and tablets. Each device has different screen sizes, which means that it will be more difficult to optimize the site for all devices.

For example, here's what part of a post about (eng.) Looks like on a desktop ...

... and on mobile:

While the text is completely readable, some of the numbers in the screenshot may be difficult to see on a small screen. Not the best user experience.

But I know for sure that majority people read this manual from their desktops.

Where? I checked in Google Keyword Planner.

To do this, add a keyword to the plan and go to Plan overview... Look at the block Devices, namely on the strip Impressions... Hover over and you will see what percentage of impressions comes from different types devices.

As you can see, for “free keyword research tools”, 92% of impressions come from computers - devices with a big screen.

Therefore, it makes perfect sense to prioritize the experience of computer users above all others.

For some keywords, the opposite will be true. For example, "the best restaurants near me."

91.4% of all impressions come from mobile devices.

It is logical. People who enter this query on Google are most likely looking for a good restaurant while walking around town.


Google Keyword Planner is a very powerful tool. I highly recommend using it in your keyword research process. With it, you can get data that no longer exists in any of the others.

But it has its limitations. One of the biggest is inaccurate data on the frequency of requests.

Fortunately, this can be solved with the help of another. This tool combines data from Google Keyword Planner and clickstream data to more accurately estimate search frequency and more.

Some metrics of requests in

Try this tool yourself with a 7-day trial period. Or check out our complete guide to keyword analysis.